Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Make-Up Make-Over

I LOOOOOVE make-overs, and I love when I get to do make-overs!
To the, how beautiful a woman feels, not just looks, after she's been "made-over" is so amazing!
So, I was going through my computer and came across some of the make-overs I've done and wanted to show you some, not all, because that post would be tooo long! ha ha ha

ABOVE: my mama, Shannon, and her before and after

BELOW: our family friend, Francis

The make-over I did on the Style show, How Do I Look:

 Make over I did on my "auntie" Nora...

All of these women are so beautiful to me without any make-up, but it's just amazing to let them get to feel so different for the moment and feel beautiful...
I love make-overs, do you too?!?

The Circle of Moms Contest I'm in!
I'm in 2nd place, thanks to you all!
If you wanna add some last minute votes before today at 4pm (pst) CLICK HERE!

And I just made it to round 2 of the Ryan Seacrest Favorite Make-Up Artist Contest: CLICK HERE TO VOTE AWAY

Huge hugs and know that your "before" of you is just as beautiful as anything that makes up your "after", your kandee

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