Saturday, February 23, 2013

WARNING: This Might Be Too Awesome For Some People

 When you see this beginning of this video you can't tell what this guy is doing...making some crazy drug or what....but what I can tell you, is after you've finished watching this video...
you will be:
and you will know everyone....feels like we all have at some point: like we aren't good at anything...

And that very reason, that feeling like everyone is doing what you're doing, or doing better, or that you're no the very reason that will make you do something different and in the process will catapult you in a new level of amazement..and that is where my friend, Ian Ruhter, who is taking the photography world to new levels with what he is doing, inventing and creating, but that's not even why this video is so stinkin' awesome.
 Whether you love photography, singing, writing, makeup, or whatever it is...
you will be so inspired after this roller coaster of a video...that I am so honored and proud to say, was made by one of my best friends, Ian Ruhter... He's being interviewed everyday, is being filmed for interviews all over the and see why:
now prepare to be watch this video that seems to end in seconds because it's so interesting, may I present, Ian Ruhter's Silver and Light:

He just released the next video in the series... and it's amazing, but be prepared it is pretty emotionally charged, Ian Ruhter's Death Do Us Part:

Ian is the one who took this picture, it's one of my favorites:
And I'm super excited and honored that we are going to work on a project together...I'll keep you guys posted when and what and everything soon...

And Ian did not ask me to do this, but I am, (hee hee) because I am his friend...if you want to buy a prints like these:

 and support him by buying a print, or liking and sharing his video...I just want to support someone making beautiful and inspiring art, in a world that normally just shows awful or disturbing, or things that aren't very inspiring...
if you want to buy one of his prints CLICK HERE:

And I hope his videos inspired you to day, to go after your dreams, or lit a spark of ideas in your mind, that may just change the entire course of your future...
don't let anyone, even yourself limit you, your future or your dreams...

Each set of eyes reading this, each heartbeat, each precious amazing and hear me saying that every day: "YOU ARE AMAZING! AND DON'T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU DIFFERENT! NORMAL IS BORING! REJOICE WHEN PEOPLE SAY YOU'RE WEIRD!"...your kandee

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