Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Behind the scenes of MY NEW SHORT HAIRCUT:

 Here is my the other day, about to get my "gone-bre on" (as in no more Ombre and no more long scraggily hair)....
ABOVE: my new HAIR-AMAZER (AKA Hairstylist extraordinaire) Joseph Marzioli-
he's not just a hair stylist, but also Creative Director for Toni & Guy Salons, and he travels all over the world to speak and educate on hairstyling.

BTW: I also had no idea so many people would go bananas over Joseph in the video saying he was "so hot" and that his voice was "so sexy"! ha ha ha
He is taken my by sweet friend, Rachel...we had dinner with them last night and she was sitting in front of me while we did this whole haircut! ha ha
SO HERE'S THE BIG NEWS....here's the video for the haircut and if you like it, Joseph tells you at the end what to tell your hairstylist if you want the same, short asymmetrical bob haircut.

Watch it here and just reading the comments last night was so fun:

And the BEST PART......after a few days of my NEW SHORT HAIR, I wanted to go even shorter.....so tomorrow I'll show off my new EVEN SHORTER HAIR...and I LOVE IT a THOUSAND TIMES MORE THAN I LOVED THIS ONE!

I have no pictures and I just woke up so I'm not takin' a picture of me yet! ha ha ha  but I'll show ya tomorrow!

YAY! See you tomorrow for my new and "i love it even more" shorter hair!!!

huge and piles of hair...ha ha ha your kandee

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