Thursday, February 10, 2011


I remember when I cut all my hair off...
I heard people say mean things about me...just based on what they thought about me..without even really knowing me...and sometimes it hurt my feelings...

 Feelings are WAY too fragile to let them run our happiness or sadness factor!

Feelings can be hurt if someone looks at us funny, something is said in a "not-nice" tone, someone is rude to us, someone shows us one of their fingers pointing up to the sky in traffic...
or maybe you live with someone who slings hurtful things at you, tears you down, or gives you more attitude than a character from a reality show...
maybe you work with someone mean...go to school and deal with bullies and mean people who not only say hurtful things, but make up things about you that aren't true...
maybe you can't help it that you have family members that are not the nicest! ha ha ha


You are not what you FEEL....
You are what you THINK and KNOW!

You are wonderful....unique, there is no one else like you in the whole world...
and you are loved beyond all that you can imagine!
(if no one else has told you enough to day.....please hear me say, "I LOVE YOU! And I believe in all that you want to be!")

We can NOT be ruled by our feelings! Feelings are too sensitive! ha ha ha
sometimes we wake up and might not feel like going to work or school...
BUT you can't just go with your feeling!

sometimes we feel like just eating ice cream instead of dinner...
but that feeling is not the best decision for our health!
ha ha ha

sometimes we don't feel like cleaning....
but if we don't we'll have a big mess on our hands!

we can't go around letting our feelings rule...
let other people rule our feelings by letting them effect us.

Sometimes I have felt like giving up on something that was seeming to be too hard...
but you know what...???

I said, "Nope! This feeling of hopelessness is not going to rule me...
I may FEEL hopeless...BUT I'm GONNA TAKE hold of my thoughts....and say, "No, we are hope filled!" I don't care how bad things look!

Don't let anyone tell you, you are anything less than AMAZING...nothing SHORT of INCREDIBLE,
and no one has SEEN the awesome things that you ARE GOING TO  DO in this LIFETIME!
I don't care hold old you are, where you live, what you look like, how you dress, or what anyone..a doctor, teacher, friend, enemy, family member, boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife or even a stranger has told you!

Our feelings would tell us:
"well since they did that to me....I'm gonna do this to them!"
that is not working or acting in love....
God would tell us...
"especially because they did that to you, you need to show them even more love"
and that is what not following our feelings can do!
You showed me hate....and I'll show you love!

(and start right now in this second to START thinking GREAT thoughts about yourself and your future!)

Feelings are like the wind..they change before you even figure out which way they are blowing... the sun that you know is constantly shining, even if it's hidden behind the clouds...
it's still there shining brightly!

love and less feelings...more bright, sparkling thinking,
your friend, kandee


Sammiebbz * said...

aww you alwasy say the right things when people are down in the dumps! you've made me feel better by what you have saiid

thankkyou kandee :-)


KelsieAnn said...

You are AMAZING!

Koren Monte said...

This is beautiful and very true. Thanks for posting this blog.

Unknown said...

Great way to put it!!! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

can I say how much this means to me! i had the WORST day and because of your words, I know now that it will be okay if I believe in myself enough! Thank you for always being a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day

Jennifer said...

I've just discovered you and want you to know YOU ARE AMAZING!!! So fun and bubbly!! I totally want to be your friend! : )

Mirella said...

I love you Kandee =)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that you/we all have to deal with all the negative people. I, along with lots of others stand behind you and in our hearts, we know you are a beautiful person. I'm sorry you are hurting. Lots of somebodys out there love you though!


Rizwana said...

I <3 you Kandee!!

Your a true inspiration.

Hugs and Blessings from Amsterdam!! =D

If u ever come to Holland I would relii love to meet u!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You ought to start writing! I love it!....I love the short hair!

Diana said...

aww those are wonderful words, you really know how encourage positiveness in people. :)


Kyndal said...

You speak the truth, Kandee! Love YOU!!!

Susan Zasada said...

Thank you so much for what you wrote, Kandee! I needed to hear that so much. Yesterday someone that I care a lot about said some very hurtful things to me and I was absolutely crushed. I cried for an hour after those words were spoken to me, and they've echoed in my mind ever since. I was really down on myself, but reading this made me see things so much differently. Thank you for having such a kind and loving heart, and for being willing to share it with the world.

Kasey said...

I have many reasons to feel down and sad. But I have CHOSEN to be happy!

Kandee, you are such an inspiration to many people. When I might be feeling a bit down, I know I can always watch your videos and feel an invisible hug from you :)

PS - You looked amazing with the super short hair!

Unknown said...

You are simply amazing, Kandee. Anyone who would say anything bad about you either doesn't know you or just try to bring others down because they have something wrong inside of their own being. You bring so much light and encouragement with you...and your sweet, sunshine personality radiates beautifully all around you, I can't help but feel a little better if I've been a little down after reading your posts or seeing a video. God gave you beauty on the outside, but also very much so on the inside, and it shows. Blessings on your day, Girlfriend!!

Demi Siofra said...

Your words are always so encouraging, Kandee! Thanks so much for all you do & Don't EVER change. Your soul is so beautiful! (: I Love youuuu!!

Unknown said...

Thnx Kandee...we all could use the positive thinking that you put forth. KEEP ON KEEPIN ON GIRL!!!!!

Christina Marie said...

Lovely post! x

Anonymous said...

I always say: What people think of me is none of my business. I could not care less what some stranger thinks about me. I know me, the man I love knows me. And that's all that matters. When people are mean to me. I laugh and walk away because I know how amazing I am. So should you!

You're a grown, beautiful woman. What other people think of you is none of your business Kandee. They only feel the need to be mean to us because they're jealous of the fact that we have the courage to be happy, love people, make something out of ourselves and not wallow in selfpity when the chips are down. It's basically a compliment!

TangoCreations said...

Thank you sooo much, that was super helpful thank you for sharing.

Your Guide to a Better Life said...

Thank you for such an uplifting post. You always seem to say the right thing just at the right time for me and many people. You are such an inspirational person. My love is with you. Thank you


beverly said...

Oh my goodness, this couldn't be any better! Thank you Kandee <3 I love your blogs, always so pure in love and God included. So real, lovely, and life changing. I appreciate that you choose to advocate your feelings an how to respond to the negativity. I'm the type of person that needs a guide, and I was blessed to follow these wise posts. I love you! :)

KelsieAnn said...

Can you make a video no special make up style but using the brushes that everyone purchesed from crown brush. Cause there are so many brushes and I don't know what to so with them all! lol

Anonymous said...

You are an AMAZING person and I hope you never ever ever let anyone make you feel differently about that. you always brighten my day. You inspire me in ways you will never know and im sure that stands true for all of us who have followed you from the beginning. This just almost made me cry!(as many of your blog posts do!) I know what it feels like to get put down and sometimes you let those mean things overshadow how you truly feel about yourself. I hope you know you are helping women of all ages/races/etc overcome lifes little problems that many of us forget that everyone else goes through too! I WE LOVE YOU KANDEE! and the ones who feel otherwise don't matter anyway!

Brynnella said...

I love you Kandee! You inspire me so much!

KatieXXDOA said...

Kandee, you are amazing.

Samantha said...

Kandee you truly are an amazing person. You know what to say make things so much better. You really are an inspirational person!

Corazon de Ella said...

I love you Kandee. You have inspired me so much you dont even know.

Anna said...

You have inspired me to cut all of my hair off! It's something I've been wanting to try but haven't had the courage to do until now. Thanks, Kandee!

Rachael.sabina said...

Kandee, I think you're an amazing person and I adore your super sweet and genuine personality- but please, all of the "hater" talk lately is really starting to get me down. You always talk about it in your videos and in your blog posts.. You are a strong, independent, beautiful woman and you don't owe people who say negative things about you, the time and effort you put into including them into all your recent posts.

Unknown said...

Kandee you are amazing! <3

Unknown said...

aww kandee :)
you are like one of those people you want to have around :)
you are so nice! and i love your attitude!

Melody Champion said...

You are beautiful on the inside and out, Kandee! I love you!!

shlee d. said...

your positivity is infectious. Thank you for being you and not letting the haters get to you. You are a beautiful person inside and out.

annpaige said...

I love that you never let anything get to you, you are always so positive and uplifting. You are truly an inspiration to myself and so many out there. Please don't ever stop what you're doing(which I know you won't) because everyday I always look forward to reading your blogs and watching videos. To all of those people out there who think its fun to make fun of others learn from this and realize how little it makes you look in this world. Be thankful for everything you have and where you have come from and respect others for those same reasons. You are the best Kandee!!!! xoxo. annpaige

Unknown said...

some of those sentences should go to the book of quotes ;), u r an amazing person
keep doing what u r doing
god bless xxx

lovemedo2045 said...

Thank you Kandee, you are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

I love you baby girl, keep smiling away :D

blogger said...

I wanted to share this with you Kandee, when I was 17 I started going to church, it was no ordinary church it was a place where I felt soo loved and I made so many kind hearted and encouraging friends, I had never felt so in touch with god and I was on my way to being a motivational speaker to young girls because it was what I wanted to do! I ended up leaving church after 2 years & I still dont know why, then I went back to my ways before I became a christian.. it was only till a friend of mine told me about u, I had to look you up, only to find that you to are so in touch with god, and I have been following you for months now!. it made me think, was this way of god bringing me back to him by bringing you into my life even though i dont know you! god has done so many incredible things in my life & I wanted to say thank you for your encouraging words, they mean alot!!! xx

Kristy said...

Kandee so true You always help me through bad times.. I have been feeling so down in the dumps and then i read this .. i needed it.. Becasue I can and will suceed! It is just always so nice to hear that i am not worthless.. I am a daughter of a King and so are you and that makes us princesses!!!!!! I love you kandee.. thank you for always being wonderfully Kandee! Have a wonderfully pink cupcake kind of day! And dont let anybody get you down becasue you are a true wonderful blessing! I would somedays be lost with out you and your sis ! you both have become my family and i am so glad to have you as my friend.

Lupine Rabbit said...

I feel awkward posting this as I never feel comfortable going with a trend of people but I want to thank you for being such an amazing person. You have been through so much and yet you still promote happiness and kindness within everyone. I, myself have had a pretty crappy year... nothing terrible but just kinda rubbish. But within this year I discovered you on youtube and you have totally inspired me to feel beautiful and make an effort to look good and I do it simply because I want to and feel better that way. I was such a tramp in secondary school, I could never be bothered to put on makeup or even wash my hair most days because it felt useless. I have now found a love in taking my time in making myself feel the best I can and although I have much to improve you have been there as an inspiration for me to better myself. Thank you.

Julie said...

KANDEE <3 <3 Thank you so much for all of your words. Sometimes I need a tug in God's direction and everyday when I read your blog, you give me that tug. I have a relationship with God, but I have strayed a bit lately by letting myself feel down about my circumstances. When I read your blog, like the one today, I turn to my Bible again for the comfort that I know only he can give me. I want you to know that you are writing these blogs and touching not only myself, but I am sure so many other's. That like you and I are struggling to deal with negative influence in our lives. I choose not to let them control my happiness, I will decide how I will feel about myself. I am Loved by God and he made me therefore I am perfect in his eyes. Amen

mama*tt said...

I love ur hair...i think u look FABULOUS....You are such an amazing person,so positive and such an inspiring person. I look forward to reading your blogs everyday, and seeing your little cupcake.....

Have an awesome day!!!

Jessica said...

Kandee, your heart is so so so big. The world could use a LOT more people like you in it. You make me take a step back and think "how can I be nicer" and really understand that everyone has a story, so don;t always judge on first impressions. you make me smile :)

Christina said...

Wow. You looked gorgeous with short hair, like fo' reals.

Cschwarz said...

Thank you so much Kandee!
I think this is a HUGE encouragment to everyone who needs to hear this right now... and everyone else! Who doesn't need some extra love!! :)

Lara Anna-Louisa said...

I cannot describe how important what you are saying, is.
I look back to the nervous teenager I was and I wish I'd had a blog like yours to read to lift me and help guide me!
You are awesome.
You are everything you hope to be. xx

Gabriela said...

I totally needed this right now! How do you do it? lol you always have the right thing to say at the right time!! I love you too Kandee, you're AMAZING and thanks to you I grow each day into a better happier person. Thank you so much,xoxo

isabelschild said... are so right about not letting what people say make us feel different about who and what we know we are. The saddest thing is when people actually start to believe the mean things people say to them or about them...and they start living out those mean things. Thank you for your kind uplifting words that bring us back to reality. Cheers to letting our love shine even brighter to those who don't love us!!

Eliza said...

This made me cry when u reminded us of how unique we all are. Kandee you absolutely bright up my day and I thank God that I can read your amazing blog everyday. You are truly a remarkable person.
Blessings to u and your family
Eliza :)

funkymacgirl said...

i absolutly love ur short hair picture!!!

Amy Jo said...

wow kandee! you're incredible! its so neat because I just posted a blog to my friends saying the similar things! you're such a beautiful person inside and out. :) you're such a blessing. thank you for your sweet words. it makes my heart warm and inspires me in so many ways. have such a wonderful day!

<3 xox

Carrie said...

Hi sweetie! I know you probably won't even see this...but I loved your short hair on you. You have come such a long way! You have grown into such a powerful women with lots of strength and COURAGE. Courage is definitely what you need today to forge ahead through lifes storms. More importantly though, God has blessed you and empowered you to become a stronger person. A person who can share with others and help others. That is what this is life is about...showing love with helping others in all different ways! We are all human. We all make mistakes but we get up dust ourselves off and keep going. Wipe the tears away. Take a deep breath and go for it again! Only learn and take those tools with you like you have done proud of you! Love you! You one and only...Auntie Carrie

rm10 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
iambilliejean said...

maybe someones trying to tell me something...
my class had to attend a bullying seminar today and now this! :) i shouldnt feel bad cuz people put me down, im secure and proud of myself and all of my quirks and imperfections. okay so my nose is a little small and i enjoy italian food and it gives me love handles or my nails are short and im self consious about my feeding tube scars as a baby- but if god wanted me to be any other way, i would be. and he made me this way :)

Sasha222 said...

I think it's awesome that you don't let those idiot bullies get to you. In reality that's all they want. You are taking that power away from them by not allowing it and then spreading the love to other's instead. Plus anytime someone says hurtful things about you you can at least have the right to hold your head up high because you have made something of yourself by using your talents and have gotten ahead because of your personality. Instead of sitting behind a computer anonymously saying mean things to someone you don't even know. That's more then these people can say for themselves. You keep doing what you are doing. In the end people like that will only end up miserable and alone while you have your family, friends, and a successful life surrounding you.

Leslie said...

Thank you for this post! I recieved my first hateful comment on my blog, and it hit me hard at first. But I know who I am and what I can do and I'm not gonna let hate rule my life. You are so positive and beautiful (inside and out). The world is blessed to have you. I look up to you so much and you have given me inspiration. Thank you, Kandee!

4Zoa said...

Because you chose to be kind to those who insult you, you are a light to those that need to hear kind words. And because you chose to take the high road you will probably have no idea the kind of example you have set for so many. God bless you and yours.

rm10 said...

This was beautiful kandee i promise to read this everytime someone tries to hurt me instead of trying to get back or let them get their way and bring me down. reading this made me feel so much love and if it did this now that im happy I can only imagine the good it will do when I feel like giving up.
thank you soo much kandee

Unknown said...

thank you everyone so much...and thank you Auntie Carrie...I do read every one of my comments! And I can't thank you all enough! I love you all! huge love...your kandee

Lovely Imperfection said...

i love these posts, they always hit home for me and it really helps reading these to know i am definantely not alone. thank you for always being honest and say how you are feeling. <3 yOu too !! lol

gloria said...

You are so naturally beautiful! How many women could wear their hair like that? How many people KNOw who they are. Congrats!!!


Unknown said...

This was one of the most important and beautiful messages I have ever read. And, it made me a good way, to be sure. :) You are so amazing, Kandee.
We love you!!! *hugs*

Sweetest.Nik said...

This really helped me today :) thank you.
I think you should just make a video that says "I LOVE YOU! And I believe in all that you want to be!"

I'd definitely watch it every time I feel "down in the dumps" just because I think hearing someone tell you they love you, doesn't fix the problem, but makes you a little happier especially when it's coming from someone who means it with their whole heart and knows that love isn't just for one person, there's enough to go around :)
so Kandee, if no one else has said it to YOU today,
I love you!

Chaz said...

I love you , too. Kandee. All of God's children are in my heart. I pray for my enemies, as well as my friends. There is always a reason for why people act the way they do,but it is THEIR problem. We cannot fix everyone. You're an inspiration to me and a lot of women and I hope that u keep standing tall and shielding yourself from a negative society.

Maral said...

Kandee, you are amazing :) everyday after work I come and check your blog, I write down things u say to read it over and over again. I only wished I could be as wonderful and positive person as you are :) xoxo
Love Maral (from Montreal, Canada)

beautyparler said...

Your such a good person & keep up your posts because they are inspirational. ON a side note: You looks fantastic with short hair, reminds my of Belinda Carlisle in the early years.

Elktrkbarberela said...

This is so beautifully written Kandee!!! It really is true that it is all about our mindset. What we are going to allow hurt us or not. Since we are all human its natural for our feelings to be effected but we need to put our minds in the right place and know that there are a lot of hurtful, mean people out there for no reason that think that it's ok to try to break us down, and when they see the slightest bit like it's working they feel like they have won. We need to show them that they can never take our wonderful unique hearts & souls away. It's all about positive thinking and not giving their negativity any satisfaction.

As always, thanks so much for the uplifting words!! ~ Liz

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are an absolutely amazing woman, from the inside out you're so inspirational to many women. I wish you and your family the best and keep your head held high. The jealous ones are the people that will try to take you down and I know you are way beyond them. You are great and have many people that look up to you. LOVE YOU!!! -joanna

Jamie said...

I have felt so bad the last couple of days because of what some people have said about me. This made me feel so amazing. You have no idea what you do for people. You're amazinggg. :)

Unknown said...

Let me tell you something, YOU ARE AMAZING!! i just had a hard time in my french class tonight and all bc my teacher, i don't like her at all!! n you came to me with those words and believe me, i was touched, i have to change and show other things about me, don't live my life with my feelings, i need to use more my emotional intelligence to survive in this world. Thanks for reminding me. I LOVE YOU!!!

kristinleigh said...


Kelly Cann said...

Wow this is going to sound like more of the same ..... but I too really needed to hear this today!! You are an amazing woman Kandee! Love you <3

Shannon said...

Hi kandee girl! You are so right - we need to love our enemies even more! I went to a concert this weekend and the artist said, "If you love me, I love YOU. . . If you DON'T love me, i STILL love you!". I thought that was great and was something that needed to stick with me. You are saying the same thing with your own beautiful words. And I know they are the words of our Lord. :) Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. As you know, I have been through my own grief and hardship and endured much abuse at the hands of someone I loved. Your words help me to stay strong in God and in myself NO MATTER WHAT anyone else every says or does to me. love you sister friend - shannon w.

Claresa and Darin said...

Thank you for being such a positive person and sharing your thoughts... It really made my day and I love you for posting this for everyone to know and read... ^_^

Stella Rae said...

Kandee thank you so much for posting this. I've been going through a weird time with a few of my very close friends, and they said some not-nice things about me. When I checked your blog tonight, this post made me feel so much better about everything. Thank you!! You are gorgeous with short hair :)

Beauty, Encouragment and More... said...

wow.. Kandee. U really have the right words at the right time.. I am so Glad you are not afraid to show love to people. And I thank God for using you in such an amazing way. I can see the love of my savior Jesus Christ trough you.
thank you

Lauren said...

You look beautiful with any length hair Kandee! Congrats again on Cupcake too!

Unknown said...

u are truely an inspiration to ALL(",) thank you for the wisdom kandee ^t^ BiG LOvE, SeNd LoVe and blesSinGs! ^t^

Emily said...

You're such a beautiful and wonderful person, Kandee. This is just what I needed to read right now. Thank you so much :)

Shelby Renae said...

Your words encourage me more than you'll ever know, Kandee. They're like a big, warm hug to my heart! I've probably cried over a dozen times today, and I almost never cry in broad daylight. I'm a cry-my-heart-and-soul-out-at-night-before-I-go-to-bed kind of gal, haha. Life can be so overwhelming and painful. I have little motivation for anything these days. I just want to runaway and be the only one for miles and miles. But this post encourages my soul so much! I can't let these temporary feelings control my life.

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Nicole said...

Thanks Kandee for being here for us. Even with your numerous responsibilities and precious babies, you take the time to reach our hearts. You're a constant positive influence and motivator in my life. Your words and aura have helped me through the roller coaster of life.
Your friend,

Unknown said...

Thank you for this. I've been so sad lately and this post made me smile. You are such a positive person and I'm trying daily to be more like you. God Bless you and your wonderful family.

NessaMarsden said...


MaNDiiKinS said...

Kandee, you are an amazing person!!! Your hair looked gorgeous ( very similar to mine ATM hehe) im a disability support worker, and the comments I hear about my clients makes me sick! Read this blog to the guys I had today! You just made their day :-) so much love to you and your family!

Unknown said...

I now know that I can conquer tomorrow without fear. I might FEEL scared, hopeless, alone, and depressed, but I KNOW God is with me every step of the way. I KNOW that someday all of our pain will be taken away if we choose to trust in Him. Thank you for your love and constant reminders of the truth. You are beautiful and have blessed so many people. You inspire me to be a better person and I know you are changing lives everyday!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the LORD Your God will be with you wherever you go."-Joshua 1:8-9

Kiska said...

as always what i needed to hear at the moment i needed it. can't tell you enough of how stinkin' amazing you are. xoxo

Mia said...

I heard a story today from an amazing, inspiring woman in my life. It was shortened for me and I will tell it like I heard it. This is for anyone out there reading this blog... There was a freshman boy walking home one day. He was kinda skinny, kinda nerdy. Well, some boys were horsing around and they knocked him down as they were running past him. His books went flying everywhere and they didn't so much as look back. As he was gathering his stuff, a very popular football player pulled over and helped him gather his things, making small talk. He offers the boy a ride home and find they live close to each other. Throughout the years, they become fast friends and the "nerdy" boy becomes valedictorian their senior year and as he was giving his speech he confesses that he has kept a secret from his best friend, the boy who helped him that day. He saved his life. He had cleaned out his locker so his parents wouldn't have to after he committed suicide. But because one person cared enough to be kind, he changed his mind. And I am going to say this to you as she said to me... you never know where anyone is coming from. One cruel word can push someone off of a cliff. One kind word can pull them back to safety. Be kind to one another. I love you Kandee and you always, always, always have such positive things to say. Don't let anyone steal our sunshine.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

Funny how the haters don't crawl out from under their rocks on these kinds of posts... Losers! xx

daniB said...

Kandee, you are my true inspiration. I am a 26 yr old mother of 2 yr old twins who dropped out of college when I got pregnant by my who is now my husband. I'm now a stay at home mommy, and some days life just looks grim for my future in any career aspect. I've never been good at anything besides music and art and I love the possibility of when I can go back to school, possibly going back and becoming a makeup artist cause you have inspired me so much! I am constantly researching the new techniques, tools, tips, and how-to's when it comes to makeup and skin care. I actually started a blog for my friends that I am filling with all the knowledge I have collected. Anyway, you have not only inspired me for a career, but to believe in myself everyday in everything I do. I suffer from bipolar disorder and life gets rough sometimes and people forget that your brain isn't always functioning right so they are mean to me especially the ones closest to me, luckily my husband treats me amazingly all the time, but a lot of my family puts me down and labels me a failure. But you have made me realize it's not too late. I can still go back to school, I can do anything! Thank you kandee, the world needs many more like you in it! Congratulations on you gorgeous baby girl! And you look fabulous with short hair! Much love, DaniB

Wendy said...

Kandee,with so much unneeded negativity in the world you are such a source of positivity and happiness. Thank you xx
When I feel angry or pissed off with something I just look at my darling daughter. She is 3 and is so beautiful I can't help but smile when I look at her. My son who is 13 also takes positive energy from her which is so good. 13 year old boys can sometimes have a hard time dealing with the world, but his sister makes him smile even when he feels bad.
Love you xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU !
you don't know how much your words mean to me. You are inspirational beyond description. Everyday I come home from school from which I've faced all kinds of criticisms and I look forward to that Kandee quote that's going to put a smile in my face. I can relate to this blog so much and I'm just so blessed to be influenced by your words. I honestly feel like you're my bestfriend at the end of the day :)
I love you KANDEE ! :)

Unknown said...

Kandee, you are amazing!
I'm gonna link this in my positive thinking group of FB :)
When did you have time to write this?!
Anyway, just wanted to say, I don't comment a lot, but I feel like ever since I found your videos and blogs, I do feel like my life is better for it, you are such a positive force.
I enjoy thinking about you as a far away friend :)

Hope you're FEELING and THINKING great :)

Rose said...

You always say the greatest and nicest things. Thank you for being just the way you are!! Thank you!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Instead of telling you how amazing you are I'm going to say that I sure hope you read all these messages of people that love you and who you mean so very much.
Please forgive those sad souls that take so much effort on putting you down. I feel so sad for them,

You are a shinning light and I hope you continue to do what you do.

Much love...always

Reeciedarling said...

From the bottom of my heart,thank you.

ms.michelle said...

Thank u kandee && i love u too!
U always pick me up when i am down..
I hope someday soon or in the future i will get to meet u in person..ur an amazing person kandee...
I love u dearly && truely see u as my closet bff..something more ur like family ..
U filled my heart with joy,millions of thank u's ^_^
U truely are thee best!

Anonymous said...

you are an incredible person. you say the most amazing things and are so nice. I can't imagine ANYONE being mean to you. and if they were they were probably jealous because they couldn't have a great personality like yours!:D<3
Thanks for these amazing words you posted, they really spoke to me. :D

Sarah said...

You are such a beautiful and wonderful woman inside and out. Despite the adversity you have endured and faced throughout your life, you have managed to make yourself a better person and help others, as a result. You are amazing and we all love you for it. Stay as you are, you will go far and so far, this has proved to be true.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kandee,
I think it is such a marvelous thing that you are able to be so positive. I feel I need to share though that not everyone is capable of forcing themselves to be cheerful...
Kandee, I have been clinically depressed since I was 9 years old, and re-diagnosed at 15 as bipolar. I would love nothing more than to be in control of my emotions again, but the reality for me is that without a handful of medication each day, I can't even function. Medicine is doing all it can for me, and I long ago abandoned prayer. I would just love to be happy for a change and not worry that my mood was going too high, that it was spiraling out of control.

I'm not sure what the point of writing this was, but please, if you have something worth saying... I would love to hear it. I am open to talking about this whole thing... really.

Tor Marius Markussen said...

I love you too, My sweet Kandee!!:)
You are so amazing, and I can't understand how you can have so much love in your heart!:)
You are so precious<3

Lots of clouds said...

I think you should stop preaching about God which is so EASY to do and think more about being honest & truthful with your fans before losing them one by one.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I really need this. THANK YOU! I've been feeling really down and sad for the past week. Its really nice to hear some words of encouragement and make me feel great again. I felt like I couldn't do anything because of those words and it made me feel horrible. You helped me understand that its not my feelings that control and make me who I am, but my actions and hard work. It really made me forget about all those bad things I've heard. You really are the best! Seeing you happy and smiling everyday really does make my day much more better. You're a wonderful person and I am glad to have read your blogs and watched your videos! I hope you will continue to make them because they really are inspiring!

DEBORAH M said...


Di Di said...

This is soooo nice,Kandee! Thank you ! I really have been struggling with my feeling,not feeling like doing anything but now I will repeat this as a mantra every time when my feeling wont to take over ... thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee for this post. You absolutely made my day a lot better and made me feel really good about myself. Today I went to spend the day with my Husbands family and as I was talking to my sister-in-law about weight loss and what not, his little brother speaks up and says that I know nothing about health, meaning that I'm fat. It made me feel embarrassed and sad. I told my husband and what hurt more is that my husband didn't say anything to him or to me. He just got mad at me for getting upset. So I went to my car and cried, while my husband stayed with his family. He finally said he was sorry but that really didn't mean anything to me cause he didn't say anything at the time when everything else happened. I'm happy I follow you on here, you tube and facebook. You are sooooo very wonderful. I wish for some day to have the opportunity and meet you.

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful post and I really see your point - but I can't agree fully. How can one be a loving, caring and very nice person without feelings? One can't because the LOVE is the feeling that keeps us going. And it does rule you. You'd do anything for the people you rules you. But in the same time, it is the feeling that will hurt you the most. Pain often shows you how much you love. Because only people who think only the best of other people, will be disappointed by someone being rude to them, someone looking at them funny. It sometimes hurts, but I am not willing to give up the feeling of love. Love and less HURTING feelings :)

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that I wish I could meet you, you are the most amazing person! You're the sort of person that everyone wants to be but nobody thinks it's possible but you prove that it is!

I want to have your attitude to life, you're amazing, and a beautiful person inside and out.

I love you Kandee.


Anonymous said...

Kandee, thank you so much for posting this. I'm a 21 year old Goth girl who has always had a different way of thinking, has always been opinionate, and has always just been the outcast. I live in a small town, and went to a private Catholic school until 7th grade. While going there, I remember people always being mean to me... even the teachers picked on me! In the seventh grade I went to a public school, and things didn't get much better. I always felt like "that kid", and was still relentlessly made fun of for my likes or opinions or the way I looked. I despised those kids! I never wanted to go to school, and had my heart set on dropping out. I got to highschool, and began to develop depression, but also began to discover who I really was. Despite the more mature kids, I was still relentlessly picked on. In my senior year, the bullying got to be so much that I had my head smashed into a bus window because a kid who constantly taunted me wanted to sit with me to pester me and I said no. I never rode the bus after that. I also got some serious threats and even feared for my safety when, that same year, I reported two kids for dealing drugs at a lunch table, and three people were kicked out of my school on a drug bust. I've graduated since, but I still get crap from people. They give me strange looks because I wear pants with rivets and whatnot ("bondage pants", as they're called for some reason). People seem to avoid me because my lips are black, and my face white with cosmetic powder. My depression has also worsened, and lately my emotions have had a dictatorship over my life. But I'm going to try and change - I want to be happy! I love the way I look and dress and think sometimes, and I'm certainly not hurting anyone by doing it, so why should they stop me from being happy? Why should a chemical imbalance in my brain decide whether I'm going to smile or cry that day? Thank you again for writing this. I'm going to take this as advice and try to make life better. You're wonderful, Kandee, never let people's unkind words hurt you. They're jealous because you're such a smart, beautiful, sweet, amazing woman. The world needs more people like you! Much love to you!

Lejla said...

I love you Kandee. You always know the time for cheer up my life..Thank you for being you and please stay that way...peopel sometimes cjange as they get famous you know..and they TRY to be what others would expect from them, not what they THONK and KNOW deep inside their hearts (as you've said)..
I hope nothing will change you. I like to watch your oldest videos, they're the essence of the dear person, positive thinker, helper, that we follow and love!
I wanna hug you. :)

a.k. said...

sweet kandee, you are absolutely INCREDIBLE in every sense of the word! such a beautiful being! thank you from the bottom of my heart for the inspiring words! i'm someone who suffers from intense anxiety disorder, and you're absolutely right, my FEELINGS of anxiety, sickness, worry are NOT what should control my thoughts! it's so true, our feelings and minds play huge tricks on us, but what's awesome is we are 100% able to trick them right back and CHANGE those feelings by changing our thoughts! you're brilliant and gorgeous! love you!!! :)

DaynaDos said...

Usually when people say mean or hurtful things, it is because they have something within themselves that they dislike. Although it's hard not to take what some people say to heart, you have to remember that they are usually saying it to make themselves feel better. It's their demons that they don't want to face and they feel that they must lash out on others. They are unhappy and want everyone else to be unhappy too. Kandee, you are an awesome person, no matter what anyone says. Who cares what they think anyways?! Love you!

erineemarie said...

I cannot thank you enough Kandee for your blogs! You always have the right words to inspire me to be a better person and also importantly, love myself. You are my inspiration! God bless you and your family :)

Unknown said...

i love what you wrote! this inspires me so much and it came at a great time! thank you, kandeelicious!


Caro said...

Thank you Kandee,

You are my sunshine forever. You make me smile. Sometimes I feel like rain, but now I know what to do about it... just thinking of you.

lots of love,

tackyblueeyeshadow said...

Well said lovely....I couldn't agree more! :) x

MaryRead said...

today is my brithday and im here alone, but you made me a wonderful present.
dear kandee, i love you too.

mandasaysso said...

Hey kandee,
You always ALWAYS have the right words to say I love you so much!this is the first time I'm writing something to you..any how do u have a personal email I can email to you?
I know you're busy with the kiddies...but when ever u have a min please please please email email is
My name is Mandy

mandasaysso said...

Hey kandee,
You always ALWAYS have the right words to say I love you so much!this is the first time I'm writing something to you..any how do u have a personal email I can email to you?
I know you're busy with the kiddies...but when ever u have a min please please please email email is
My name is Mandy

Unknown said...

Wow. I really needed to read this! I've been getting really hurt lately by some of my closest friends and family and I've been letting the hurt and anger inside me win. This really encouraged me to keep on going and loving them back instead of trying to hurt them as well.


Unknown said...

Kandee: You are so right on target. I will never understand why people say mean things to people like you who have the guts, courage and ability to say, show and teach others what you know. And for that I do thank you. Because it does take from your time in your "real" life to do this, and it does benefit us who really appreciated and learn from you. I do thank you for all the "motivational" videos you have made because at really low points in my life I discovered one of them and you made me feel better about myself, even without knowing me. So Keep it up, XOXO, Bless u and the family.!!!

bohemian art chick said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. The problem with making blogs and posting videos is you put your self open to both the good and bad comments. My son is a singer and does alot of Youtube,facebeook,myspace and people go on their and slam him. Most the the time its postive though. Just keep what your doing up. You have guts to get up in fronts of millions and people and post your thoughts,who wouldnt be jeslous of such a beatiful woman.

Cherrysparklz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cherrysparklz said...

Thank You Kandee so much for this post I just woke up and had a long talk with god about an issue that I have been dealing with for 13 years of my life it's been a hard road and brought many people down with me emotionally. I woke up saying no more this morning and how I needed god to help me more than ever to change, I seen this post and it coincided so much with what my issue is. I've realized it's been tooooo long and I am toooo old to be acting in such ways because someone hurt me terribly many years ago in a relationship and I started to do similar things in my relationships. I haven't been such a lively person to be around I was that girl who was mean and also have been on the other side of being hurt many many times and I have been hurting people without even realizing it because I was suffering. Well today it stops and I no longer want to be negative so Thanks for your words of encouragment you are a great person THANKS!



Unknown said...

KANDEE i love you so much , please can you advise me which make up brushes set is better for me to buy from is it the set 606 or 620
please help me with this issue

Summerhill said...

THANK YOU FOR THIS POST, Kandee! It is perfect, and really helped. I forwarded it to my fiance, as we are going through a tough legal situation right now, and your post "hits the spot" perfectly.

3Dcoolgirl said...

Your words are so beautiful. You are such a sweet person. Love you Kandee...=)

tinavang91 said...

I truly adore you, Kandee! You're awesome!

olusiax said...

Now I feel much better. Thank you Kandee!!

Unknown said...

That is so nice, Kandee. You are right in what you said here.

Kt said...

I love this Kandee! Thank you so much for posting your thoughts. Feelings really due rule our lives, but if we use our head and think about decisions we need to make we realize that our feelings are not always the best deciding factors. Sometimes it's hard to wrap my mind around doing something I know I should do when I don't feel like it, but hopefully (after reading your post) I will put more effort into what my head knows is right. Have a beautiful day with all your little ones! And thank you so much for all your inspirational words!

IchigoBunnie said...

thank you so much for this post. i really really needed it. i've been having a rough 1.5 yrs and just yesterday I felt beyond horrible about myself and i read this today and you're right. cant let my feelings rule me!

lizzybee said...

To Kandee,

You hear from so many folks all day and all night, I don't know if you actually read these but here goes: there are nasty evil resentful people everywhere- they attack hardest love, beauty, goodness, etc- all that they do not stand for. You embody it all. You are a sitting duck. Please ignore this "poison". You are an angel and bring joy to us all each day, your family, your friends (online and offline), your children. Keep your beauty and love. Walk away from this darkness and remember how loved you are by all of us in your life. A Fan of yours. xoxo:-))

Andrea said...

About 3 months ago, I decided to cut off all my hair. Not totally shave it, but close. It's just something I wanted to do & I felt like it empowered me as a woman. It's something not a lot of women do & people have pre-conceived notions about the women that do do it willingly. I worried that people would say hurtful things to me when they found out. But now it's more grown out. My family especially has been supportive & even say it's cute. You are actually the person that inspired me to do it because I wanted to. And not to worry about other people's judgments. You are a really good person & I feel sorry for people that would ever judge you or say anything hurtful about you. Because it goes to show how blind & ignorant they are. I'm glad you know enough not to listen to people like that.

Lauren-Ashley said...

Amen Kandee!!! You keep preaching it sister <3.

Rafaela said...

Kandee, you shine on the outside and inside! xoxo

Unknown said...

thanks i needed this today much love from Puerto Rico - Alexandra

Viva La Kristin said...

You are so amazing and kind Kandee! Thank you for your encouraging words:)

Viva La Kristin said...

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

Katalina said...

And I love you back, Kandee!!! You are one of the most amazing people that I've come accross online. Your attitude and optimism is what makes you so unique. You always make me smile :)

Kaitlyn said...

Hearing someone say "I love you" had a surprising, uplifting impact on my day... thanks Kandee.. love you and your little ones!

Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring Kandee! We love you too!

Ariel2010 said...

Thanks for the encouraging words.

anglodaisy said...

I'm so thrilled (yes, THRILLED) that you bring this topic to the forefront of your blog. If it challenges one person to stop and ponder their actions before launching an insult, that's a victory. If it challenges one person who's been hurt to look honestly into their soul and see their own beauty rather than an ignorant comment, another victory. Kandee, you're my go-to girl in the quest to Stop The Hate!

Unknown said...

you are so freaking amazing
its so weired every-time u post your bulletins my mom is going threw the same situation its wired that last few times she had a really bad day u just happen to post about exactly what she was going threw so i would just show her your post and u always know just what to say u are truly an amazing woman and mother and I just have to say u have two fans for life!!!

ShayC said...

KJ, this is great! I completely agree! Feelings LIE. Actually, thoughts can lie too sometimes. I guess that's why it's important to be careful what we listen to and watch. We become what we think so choosing our thoughts carefully and surrounding ourselves with positive thought provoking people (like yourself!) would be really wise!

Thanks again for the encouragment and insight! BIG HUG!

Dana Casey said...

I love this Kandee.

My Valentines story: To make it short - I got dumped on Valentines day last year! I was sad, but then I thought, hey! I bet next year is going to be wayy better! My mom even bought me flowers and said I was her Valentine! :) And I was right... This year IS going to be better! I've been with my current boyfriend for nearly a year and he said he is planning something special for me! All we can do is stay positive and hope! And hoping and positivity got me where I am today! You are an inspiration Kandee.

Lots of smiles and Hope, Happy Valentines day!... Dana Xox

Rossella said...

wow beautiful

let me know your thoughts on my new blog entry and follow me at:

My Couture Diaries
My Couture Diaries
My Couture Diaries

Sue said...

I love love the pictures of your short hair! Your so encouraging that sometimes I feel like your talking to just me. :) Have a great weekend with your Little's!!!

My Tiny Bookshelfs said...


I just wanted to say thank you for you most beautiful and sincere words of encouragement ..Ive been watching your channels and recently started reading your blogs..congrats on the new cupcake!!:) but most of all I just wanted to say thank you. I'm 26 a mother of 2 gorgeous children and I'm proudly single...I've was in a physical and mentally abusive relationship and because of this blog I stood up for myself ..I am worthy and you are a great person inside and out..and your words helped me be strong and believe in myself today and for the rest of my life......thank you...Reina

Ada said...

I just want to say thank you:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee you are incredible ;)

Helen said...

This is powerful!! A word in season for me...thank you so much Kandee!!! Love you;)

From Singapore

Esther .x said...

woooww... reading this post made me feel better about myself eventough and school somtimes they say mean things and i feel very negative about myself most of the time but reading this made me feel alot better.
thanks Kandee for posting this you made my sunday :)
I thank you from my heart xxx

Anonymous said...

You Make Me Stronger EveryDay In The Morning... You Go Kandee... Happy Valentine's.. =)

Batty said...

Thanks so much for writing this, Kandee. Since I cut my hair, people have been so cruel with their comments. It's like cutting my hair made me a different person! My hair was down to my hips. I was honestly just sick of keeping it up! lol I guess you just have to realize that those people are filled with hate. Thanks again. You looked beautiful with short hair, btw.

Anonymous said...

I love how you always know what to say. I was having such a downer of a day and I read this and You make everything so clear. I want to say Thank You Kandee.

Taylor Smith said...


I am a few days behind on my daily devotional reading and caught all up today. The following is the reading that was for Feb. 10th (the day you posted the blog post "You HURT my FEELINGS") I just love how the Lord spoke to me and now, I want to share it with you and the rest of the Kandee Fam.

From the book "Streams in the Desert"
Feb. 10th

"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves" (Rom. 12:19).

There are seasons when to be still demands immeasurably higher strength than to act. Composure is often the highest result of power. To the vilest and most deadly charges Jesus responded with deep, unbroken silence, such as excited the wonder of the judge and the spectators. To the grossest insults, the most violent ill-treatment and mockery that might well bring indignation into the feeblest heart, He responded with voiceless complacent calmness. Those who are unjustly accused, and causelessly ill-treated know what tremendous strength is necessary to keep silence to God.

"Men may misjudge thy aim,
Think they have cause to blame,
Say, thou art wrong;
Keep on thy quiet way,
Christ is the Judge, not they,
Fear not, be strong."

St. Paul said, "None of these things move me."

He did not say, none of these things hurt me. It is one thing to be hurt, and quite another to be moved. St. Paul had a very tender heart. We do not read of any apostle who cried as St. Paul did. It takes a strong man to cry. Jesus wept, and He was the manliest Man that ever lived. So it does not say, none of these things hurt me. But the apostle had determined not to move from what he believed was right. He did not count as we are apt to count; he did not care for ease; he did not care for this mortal life. He cared for only one thing, and that was to be loyal to Christ, to have His smile. To St. Paul, more than to any other man, His work was wages, His smile was Heaven. --Margaret Bottome

Rachel said...

i love you kandee....because you make me love myself a little more every-time i read your blogs"happy tear" hahaha! thanks for all you do!

Rain + Shine said...

Hi Kandee. I am not sure if you'll see this post or not, but i know you had some horrible people on your facebook page saying truly mean things. I am by far not in the limelight like you are but I had dealt with my fair share of "haters" so to speak. I have a couple blogs and each are different, but the one I have is where I focus on my life, relationships, friendships, turning 30 and being single. Some funny and some just though inspiring. I had posted something and I was told by an old friend and other people to not post about my personal life because no one cares (I keep everything annoyomous) I was hurt because I felt like I wasn't aloud to talk about what I wanted to or how I felt about certain things. My friend told me a quote by Dr. Suess-"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Because your such an inspiring person with such a heartwarming soul I thought this was a fitting quote for you because no matter the cruelty of people you still keep your head held high and just be you and thats what truly matters. It looks as though the rough seas have moved past but always stay true to who you are (which you do) and just keep being a success in life.

Rose said...

Thanks Kandee. There are haters on my youtube channel sometimes and it makes me angry at first but I try not to reply to them right away when I'm fired up. I try to calm down first and realize how sad it is for them to write such hateful things to me and others on youtube. It makes me think that they must not have received any love from their families and friends. So I try to be as respectful and kind towards them as I can (even though it's so hard to do!!). -_- Thanks for your encouraging words, always!! :)

Anonymous said...
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