Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's on Kim Kardashian's Lips...

what's Kim Kardashian's favorite lipstick and lipgloss?!?


a light pale pink....

(neither one of these colors look as fabulous by themselves...but together you get the perfectly pale pink pout of Kim Kardashian!)

The only downside of the NARS TUrkish it's on the pricey side, and everyone always complains of how bad it tastes! ha ha ha
I've heard all kinds of remedies for the bad can put a  couple drops of peppermint oil (from the health food store), in the gloss and it can help with the yucky "turkish delight flavor"...I think Turkish Delight is a tasty dessert...but not in this case! ha ha ha

Kim also lines her lips with STRIPDOWN from MAC...a bare nude color, to give definition to her lips too!

here's to getting the perfect nude-pink-kim-kardashian-mouth!

nude lipsticks...your kandee


t.cluney said...

Are there any dupes to the MAC lipstick in Angel? AKA Drugstore products?

Chelsea Love said...

now i want lips like kims hehe. thanks for sharing kandee.

chelsea love

check out my blog

~Amber~ said...

Love those!! I have everything, but Angel!! Next purchase!! :)

Sammiebbz * said...

oh my goshh! must...get..these..!!

:D perfecto nude colour!

x x x

Di Di said...

Could you show how to do eyebrows like Kim`s ?

Unknown said...

Just today I got me a lip liner and a new gloss from Loreal, I haven't wore lipstick since who knows when... for a long time I didn't know they still make those! lol I used to wear lipstick in the 90's I seriously haven't bought one in about 10 years, I only wear lipgloss! lol

Lerina Melissa said...

@t.cluney I no longer have Angel to make a comparison, but I think Maybelline's Color Sensational lipstick in Born With It was a good dupe. I've heard Revlon Matte lipstick in Pink Pout is one, also. Dupes for Turkish Delight are BonneBell Lip Lites in Strawberry Parfait and Victoria's Secret Gloss in Innocent (it's called Pink on their site). You'll get a really pretty pink lip with either combination.

Aida @makeupandcares said...

Hola Kandee es la primera vez que comento en tu blog, que pintalabios tan bonitos, besitos desde Madrid para la mejor guru de todos los tiempos.

loapio said...

Omgosh now its gonna be hard to find those lipsticks every1 is gonna buy it now!!!!!!! Ur just like OPRAH!!!! ha ha ha.... Love yah KANDEE

Unknown said...

Thanks I looove all ur great advice to look glamorus! Do you have more kim tutorials? Like hair and eyes?

Katherine Bonilla said...

i love this combo.. i use it all the time.! Love Her Look!!

YazmiinAktar said...

i love kim, she's my woman crush <3 Haha! (no homo) =D and I love her style x

glittersadie said...

i love her!

beautylogicblog said...

For those interested in Kim's looks, I've interviewed her makeup artist many times about Kim's Various looks on my site. Kim also uses Classic Cream Lipstick in Cashmere by Dolce & GABBANA to fill in her lips, and FUSION BEAUTY’s Lip Fusion in Glow. You can check out the interview here:

Marissa said...


Bethany said...

The PERFECT dupe for Turkish Delight is Neutrogena MoistureShine Gloss in "groove"....looks JUST like minus the bad taste!!! :)

Trinity said...

i would love to see more make up tips about Kim Kardashian luv luv her make up always !

Tamuna said...

I think I'd be happy with just the Turkish Delight on - beautiful color!

A Journey to Style

Liz said...

Awww, I thought you were going to say what a cheaper substitute to the Turkish Delight is =(

I guess there isn't a color close enough to it?

Keep the posts comin'!

Anonymous said...

I love MAC Angel l/s!

Anonymous said...

I use MAC Angel too but I think I found a good alternative to the lip liner and lipgloss. NYX Natural lip liner and MAC Purrr lipglass compliment each other very well for a kim k nude/pinky lip♥ watch my latest video and see for yourself

♥ you Kandee!!!!!!

_Julie_ said...

I bought it this weekend and it is more pink then it looks in some pics; I wish it came in matte and not just frost. Thanks for the lip liner/gloss tip!


Sencillamente Kyra said...

Love Angel Mac Angel !

Unknown said...

Buxom lip gloss in Bunny is slightly cheaper and a good dup for the gloss and nyx has some good shades and try CG new lip sticks I just bought a fuschia shade and its so creamy.

Unknown said...

So funny you posted this. I just bought angel and stripdown yesterday!

Aunrea said...

Incanto Shine is one of my favorite perfumes!!! <3 Love all the beauty goodies.

Cari said...

wow very interesting and makes me wanna buy them

Bella View Photography said...

Love this post! thanks so much! im going to purchase this formysel and my kit ♥

Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee, you just know everything :)
Thanks for sharing your versatile information with us ! Ha ha !
Love ya lots !

.blushfully. said...

I know this is a post on Kim K's lippies, but what's on her cheeks! Loving that glowing pop of color that accentuates the cheekbones! ^^ Thanks for sharing this info with all of us, Kandee!

Superciliousss said...

Gosh ..
The Kardashians have stunning and reallyy beautiful make up looks..
Im gonna go n grab MAC's Angel Lippie !!!! Yayy

Thanks for sharing

Boundlesstech said...

Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for
sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up

Web Designing

viiNii said...

i love this post :)
kim kardashian is really beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Have to get these!!! Brilliant post x

Sharah said...

Love it!! Kandee, as per one of your older posts asking us what we want to see more, I'll give my two cents:

- more makeup blogs
- more fashion/style
- more posts about cool products and where to find them

Love you Kandee - I look forward to reading your blogs everyday!!

Angelic Soap said...

Kandee...I want you to know what an inspiration you are to me. you also bring so much happiness to my mornings. You & cupcake make me smile and warm my heart. I have learned so much about make-up and my face looks so much better. You also have inspired me to find my talents. I have taught myself to sew and to make soap, candles, essectial oils. You are a blessing to me. As far as what I would like to see..I enjoy tutorials of any kind, your inspirational thoughts & pics of your beautiful family. I would love to send you some of my products; if I can please let me know where to mail. Warm Heart & blessings...your friend Angie.

gossip girls said...

Im Turkish and im a big fan of u but I really got offended when you said yucky Turkish delight flavour :(
Turkish delight is really tasty.I think he reason why they put its name as Turkish delight is because of its colour not the taste :S

Bre said...

I always thought Kim's lipstick was MAC Creme de Nude with Turkish Delight over top...either lipstick is beautiful and the perfect complement to a smoky eye.

Khriztah said...

Kandee, I just bought the new Cover Girl Lip Perfection Lipstick in Fairytale yesterday and I absoluetly LOVE it! It's a beautiful highly pigmented pink/coral shade and it lasts forever. I actually had to use makeup remover to get this stuff off. I'm not a big lipstick person but this stuff is great it feels like balm, you gotta do a review or tutorial with it. I know you'll love it too!

kika said...

thxxx you're the best! ;)

Ariel2010 said...

Thanks for telling us.

Anonymous said...

OOO. I love these posts! Angel by MAC looks uber nice. My mouth is watering, hahaha :D <3 you Kandee! :)

Makeup Artistry by Kim Neely Scheppegrell said...

Great post! Still loving my Kandee!
To the gossip girls comment...please re-read Kandee's last sentence she posted. She likes Turkish Delight but not in this case. Hope this makes you feel better.
Kim from Indiana/Glaminar Chicago

Amy Rebecca said...

I've always wondered what makeup she uses as she looks fabulous every time I see her! Great post Kandee!

lizzybee said...

Dearest Kandee,
Thanks for this one today!! I am a big fan of the Kardashian girls' and their gorgeousness ... I had a question for you about your New Year's Eve smoky eye look (that I fell in love with): you suggested a MAC eyeshadow called "Faith", which is either no longer available or else a Pro color. I was wondering about a good dupe for this shade ? I know you're so busy with everything, but if you read this, could you clue me in ? I would be forever in your debt ...

Unknown said...

I love both Stripdown liner by MAC and Turkish Delight gloss by NARS. I'll admit it. After reading an article one day about how Kim Kardashian uses Turkish Delight to get her traditional nude lip look, I ran out to Sephora that day to get the lip gloss.

Another pretty nude lip combo that I love is MAC's Subculture lip pencil with MAC's Oyster Girl lip gloss. Subculture even goes well with the NARS Turkish Delight gloss.

I can't get enough of a pretty, pink, nude lip.

Unknown said...

WOW - I was completely off! I thought K.K wore MAC 'Ample Pink" lip gloss; Viva Glam II lipstick; and "Whirl" lip liner. I bought these selections thinking of "what does K.K wear?" hahaa. Thanks Kandee!

MissExpensivePink said...

simpky gorgeous!!! i actually have the nars turkish delight and it doesn't taste thaaaat bad :))))) defo want that mac lip liner!!!!!!

AnjAli7 said...

Ugh, I cant even imagine what else has been on those lips of hers! A pretty slut is still a slut. Stop looking up to these kinds of girls with no morals!

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Anonymous said...

I always learn something new from your post!Great article. I wish I could write so well.

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