Friday, February 11, 2011

What are YOU doing on Valentine's Day?!?

(here's my lil' heart melter, Blake, with his Valentine's Day card from Auntie AKA my sister, Tiffany!)

Yep, it's that time again...Valentine's day....

some of us may be feeling a little lonely if we don't have a "special" someone....
but some of the "loveliest" things I have heard have been from friends and even my mom or if you don't have a "valentine" don't worry, your valentine can be anyone that loves you! Not just a potential spouse..ha ha ha

I am pouring love onto each one of you reading this right now...

AND i thought it would be fun to share fun, funny, or amazing Valentine stories- so post we can all share in the Valentine funny-ness!

I'll start with one of my funniest Valentine's...years ago, my boyfriend at the time, took me to Little Ethiopia in LA...we at a really good Ethiopian place, sat on funny little saddles....where he gave me an old pocket watch as a present....then went to a Reggae music store...I don't know if that's funny or just interesting! ha ha ha

Let's brighten up our upcoming Love & Hearts sharing your funny or interesting Valentine's Day stories below in the comments....I can't wait to read your stories!

huge boxes of chocolate and here's a flower for you too!
 (one of my favorite flowers, Stargazer Lilies!)
love your friend, Kandee


ClaireWhite said...

Haha love this little blog enjoyed reading it .
your amazing kandee

Skrepy1990 said...

To my fiance Valentines Day is bs. Which really upsets me. He has like zero romance in his body. I have no idea if he planned anything. Last year I planned our Valentines Day so this year its his turn. And if we do celebrate it will be tomorrow because Feb 14 he goes to school and I work. By the time we would be able to celebrate everything would be closed.

Katie Laura said...

I don't have a valentine this year, I don't think I ever have, but that's ok. I always spend time with great girl friends on valentines, and this year is no exception. Just because I don't have someone special, I have the love of my friends and family, and that's what counts. Thank you Kandee for always being positive! Much love to you and your sweet family :)

Anonymous said...

I still haven't had that many valentines which I actually celeebrated. But I loved when we shared candies and cards in school :)
And my most ahorita valentine yet is this one, because I get to read your blog and be happy reading the stories of our Kandee family :)

Megan W. said...

When I was in Jr. High my parents won a radio contest for the worst Valentine's gift. Usually they didn't celebrate the day beyond maybe some pink cupcakes for dessert at the end of the day. Anyways, my dad came home from work and told my mom he had a "special surprise" for her. She was thrilled, thinking it was some flowers or a card or something . . . but it was a bag of cold leftovers from Red Lobster (where he had gone that day for a business lunch)! She was less than amused that her "gift" was some half-eaten shrimp! haha Red Lobster heard the story on the radio and gave our family a bunch of gift certificates. It was pretty funny :)

Unknown said...

I love stargazers too! They smell amazing. A florist taught me to cut off those little orange things that grow from the middle (they just make a mess anyway!) and the flowers will live longer. It works!

Anonymous said...

I never had a boyfriend :(

Anonymous said...

On my fiance's and I's first Valentine's together he got me a card that sang and it was the song stand by me, so this year i got him a card and it has the same song i thought it would be romantic. Hope you and your family have a fabulous valentine's Kandee. I always love reading your blogs, they're so inspirational and positive. :)

Ruth said...

me and my hubby have been together for 24 years, only married for almost 3, on our first wedding anaversary with 3 kids, childminders are few and far between, so we went for a meal, but, by the time we arranged minders, buffet was the way to go to make sure time for movie, I got to pick....not a movie person picked 3D final destination, bad move, we sat for a long time with our eyes shut....but hoding hands lol, wont be doing that this year lol xx

Miss Jones said...

Imagine the setting. Resteraunt, candles, music, good fine....and a roaring drink woman sat at the table next to you who is sick in her food!!!!!


Congratulations lady on your baby bundle!

Unknown said...

have an amazing valentines day!


MaNDiiKinS said...

I remember my first gift
. . . My daddy came home with two bunches of roses, I got 6 little hot pink ones :-D . . . This year my partner and I are going to get GPK ( gormet pizza kitchen) after work and take a picnic blanket and tea light candles to " our spot" at a waterfront :-)

-AV- said...

My Valentine's Day story was from last year.

I have been unemployed for over 2 years now and I felt terrible because I could not get something for my boyfriend, even though he'll always say all he wants is me, to show him how much I love him and how much I appreciate all he does for me.

So I came up with a really neat idea, years prior my boyfriend went out and bought a bunch of those cartoon kid Valentine's that children usually give to each other. He wrote, "I love you" on each one, and sprinkled them on our bed like rose petals.

Since I know you can get those Valentine's for pretty cheap I went out and bought a few boxes of them, bought a white board, and pretty red and pink markers. (Of course a glue stick too.)

I glued a bunch of Valentines and pictures of us onto the white board and in any spaces left over I wrote the words "I love you" in red and pink marker. I finished my giant Valentine with pretty heart stickers and a neat "Love" emblem I took off one of my old teddy bears.

He loved it, it is hanging up over his side of the bed and has been there since I surprised him with it.

It isn't a very funny story, it's more creative. :) I hope you enjoyed it.

Rachel Salazar said...

when i was in first grade, our teacher wrapped our desks in white paper and let us color all over it with crayons to decorate for valentines day party. The boy sitting next to me kept trying to color on my desk, so i drew a line down the middle and told him to stay on his side. He said "I'm sorry, can i tell you a secret?" then he leaned in with his hand on the side of his mouth like he was going to whisper in my ear and he kissed me on the cheek! I stood up and screamed "gross!" still mad that he colored on my picture on the desk and i got in trouble for shouting....

DCI said...

i was about 17 with my first serious 'serious' boyfriend, he walk me outside and said i have "i have a beautiful surprise for you" i was so excited as it was my first that i celebrated with someone, well outside waiting for me was a container filled with tadpols and frogs.... i was not impressed haha and as soon as i opened the container they all hopped away. this year i have no partner but will be having dinner with my bestfriend :)

Gee said...

I have a valentine, he just deployed (4th time) 2 days ago...:( it's just me and my kiddos this year.

Laura said...

Okay so a couple of years ago my boyfriend at the time was in the military and was TDY in California (i was in NJ) so we didn't get to see each other, he sent me a little teddy bear (which i thought was really sweet) then that night we were video chatting and he decided that as a V-day gift he was going to do a "sexy" dance for me...LMAO well it was beyond hilarious...but i held back my laughter until we said goodnight....welllllll to sum up the end of our relationship he left me for someone else (he was cheating on me) a couple of months after valentines day, BUUTTT i had a still of him and his hilarious "sexy" after he broke my heart my girlfriends and i ad a good laugh at his goofy face doing his dumb sexy dance.. that wasn't the tinyest bit After we broke up i met the love of my life, got married and had a baby :) so everything happens just the way it's supposed to :) Hope that made you giggle a little- just the thought of it made me giggle, Have a great Valentines day :)

Unknown said...

Okay so it starts off a little sad, I'm not a baker first of all, but my boyfriend at the time mentioned he'd really love some turtle brownies. SO I went through about 4 batches until I made them perfect! The baking was done on the 13th, btw. Then the next day he calls to tell me he's not showing up for our hour before it's meant to happen. Add insult to injury, he has no real excuse other than I live too, far (30 min) and he down't feel like it. AS if that wasn't bad enough, he throws out that he may not show up for my birthday either (the 15th) and he'll text me if he plans on making it. Grrr! Long story short, I told him not to bother, this was the last straw, and I gave my wonderful Mommy, the go-ahead to devour those bad boys! SO I took myself on a little date to the book store, splurged on a new book, and a one of those huge calorie loaded coffee drinks!
Then on the way out of the parking lot, my tire blew out. Haha, at this point I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes, it's just one of those days. So I called my mom to let her know what's up and that I can't really make it to the house in time to help her dress for her date. In less than 10 minutes both her and her fiancée were there, apparently they went out to lunch instead of diner, and were heading home when I called. Got my tire changed, and then they took me out to an early birthday diner with the rest of the family...
It was a crazy kind of bad day funny, but honestly it was the best valentines day yet. I started a new year of my life having gotten rid of useless weight, I learned to bake something, and I got to spend the day with people I love.
Here's to hoping your valentine's day is a little less stressful! <3

Amelia Kitzul said...

I don't have any funny or interesting stories lol at least I don't think...... But every year my mom decorates the table with a basket of valentines stuff for my brothers and I! I love it! Chocolate and cards and its just so awesome! Thanks Kandee! <3

Lejla said...

Well, once my boyfriend bought me one rose. When I saw it in the back of the car, I knew it was for me and I prayed to God that I was hallucinating, as I am not fond of roses, nor Valentines Day. I do like days, especially the morning part of it, but One Day of Courtesy...Idon't think that anyone REALLY enjoys nd appreciates it as much. So, I didn't know what to do with The Rose, it was just hanging in my hand as we walked downtown, I felt embarrassed, I was dressed too cool and now that red rose, it ruined me and my outfit...hahaha so I dangled it in my hand when the poor thing's '' rosey head'' just fell of! literaly. From that moment on, we ignore the Valentines.I don't like red colour nor the courtesy of someone's giving me someting like little bear or silly things they make for Valentines..
I guess I'm a bit weird but this is my story.
The point is, I love to love LOVE every day! If I like it,I'll buy myself a nice bouqet of some interesting, pastel colour of roses or other flowers and that will make me so happy!!
I love the man who decided it is great fun to do silly things and have a spontaneous fun!
I love that we decided it is important to never let the inner child of your personality grow up!
Love to love LOVE, every day!


p.s. Kandee, I hope you0ll have a great weekend and more fun with your little ones! I'm sendin' you a handful of sparkles to sparkle your day as you do mine! LOve yOu!

Daphne Does Nails said...

3 years ago, a friend and I decided to go out to dinner in our small town.
A group of single men, (I knew one of them) decided to go to the same restaurant.
We all got talking, eating, enjoying our time... As we were talking, an ex boyfriend of mine showed up. He gave me "the look". I didn't return it! Thankfully, because now I am married to one of the men I met that night!!!

Unknown said...

I'm doing my student teaching this year, and we have decided that instead of giving each other Valentines for a class party, we are making Valentines for people in the local hospital. The kiddos are such sweethearts to come up with such a heartfelt idea. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have a funny story but i do have some thoughts about this day.

I believe that Valentine's Day is a day that is a day to express your love for the you care about. Not just a significant other.

It is sad that some people don't celebrate this holiday just because it is a holiday like Christmas or Thanks Giving where it has this feeling of obligation to purchase things for one another.

My husband and I will be spending our 1st Valentine's day as a married couple this year and although it is nice to get gifts and chocolates, I'd rather spend quality time with him doing what we both enjoy doing. Whether it be going to the movies, having a pick nick in the park or having dinner at a super nice restaurant, which we rarely do.

I don't buy into all the "hype" of having to spend all this money on things that won't last and are mass produced or may feel like you're being forced to get something just because it's Valentine's Day.

I enjoy making things for my hubby and giving him something unique that doesn't necessarily have to be bought. I know he likes it too.

V-day is about showing people how much you love them. We should do that every day anyway but V-day especially.

Not having a Valentine shouldn't be a reason for sadness because our family and friends can be our valentine's.

I really like you post and I love reading your blog. keep the positivity coming Kandee.

have a Happy Valentine's Day!


Rosemary Q said...

When my boyfriend and I were dating in college I sent a Singing Telegram to his work as a Valentine's Day surprise. He worked near the airport at a very busy car rental store and was mighty surprised when Cupid came in and asked for him. Cupid was a large man dressed in a tutu wearing wings and tights and holding a bow and lots of arrows. The arrows were soft darts that he shot at my boyfriend while singing a love song. My boyfriend still talks about that day because that boyfriend is now my husband of many years.

Unknown said...

My husband and I never really celebrated Valentines Day until 2 years ago, because he's not usually here for it.(NAVY) 2 years ago he was in Chicago, IL for A-School and I got off work that weekend and flew from Hampton, VA to spend the weekend with him in a nice hotel in the freezing cold. AND... I was 5 months pregnant. That was a fun flight. Lol.

This year he wont be home, AGAIN, but he comes home on the 23rd so its not that bad. That weekend we're goin to stay in a nice hotel, in VA Beach, with a jacuzzi tub and a view of the Ocean. While my cousin will be watching our 19 month old. I cant wait. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!

Melynda Pio said...

Well, when I was in 6th grade I had my first boyfriend. well on V-day I felt as if the WHOLE two boxes of v-day cards and SEVEN stuffed bares was a bit toooooo much and I dumped him =[ I feel bad about it because I got what I called a V-day curse, well a few years later I started to date again and the 3 times I had a V-day they broke up with me on and or around V-day.... I guess I got what was coming to me? well when I was 17 I started to date a amazing person.. I tried so hard not to fall for him because it was just my luck to get hurt in the end.. almost a year later our first V-day together I was so scared he was just going to leave me like the rest, and to my surprising my curs was over because 4 years and 11 months later we are still going strong, and married <3 this year I am making him a HUGE card with why I love him, what my heart feels, and some photos and duhhh gotta do the red lips kiss ha ha.

I hope you have a vary good one! love ya <3

Michelle said...

Stargazer Lilies are my favorite as well. I have one tattooed on my foot.

Brandi Wentworth said...

God gave me the best gift for valentines day. We will be celebrating my son, Wyatt's 3rd birthday this Valentines day :)

Miss. Nik said...

Hey Kandee! Okay last V-day my kiddos were my dates. I received a bundle of flowers, sparkling grape juice, and whitman chocolates. I let them pick where we were going to eat, I got all glammed up, and we went to have Hibachi!! Awesome kids and day. We are gonna do a repeat this year as well. Happy Valentines to you and yours!! xoxoxoxo

Kristi said...

I don't have a funny or interesting story, but my best Valentines day was when my husband (then boyfriend) sent me these beautiful BLUE roses to my office for me! So sweet!

Now that I have kids, it's mostly about them! Tradition has started that we make homeade heart shaped pizza's and homeade cupcakes with heart sprinkles. We decorate the house with all kids of stuff. store bought and homeade and both my daugthers get a valentines outfit. (usually an Old Navy Valentine shirt) and they get little baskets.

I love it! I love seeing their excitement over the smallest little bag of heart candies! :)

Happy Valentines day!

Keat ' Cameo said...

Actually I have a pretty story^^ . I was in middle school, and I didn't have a boyfriend. So, every year at school, teachers would let the students send Valentine's Day cards to their lovers. Of course I knew I wouldn't get anything... but I did. And I was so surprised, so I opened it and it was a letter from my best friend that said:" We may not have boyfriends but we can celebrate our friendship!" and it was such a funny letter that I still have it with me =)

Now that I have a boyfriend we always go out to dinner in our favorite japanese resturant ^^...well, this year we're out of money so we'll probably stay at home and watch a crappy movie xD

For those who don't have a boyfriend, just go celebrate your friendship with someone =) Or go buy something expensive for yourself xD

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day Kandee^^ with you Valentine and your little ones***


Jessica-Joy said...

My best Valentines day was 4 years ago. I was dating someone else at the time but also seeing my now fiance. I had been really sick and was home, not working. I got a knock at my door and it was a flower delivery!!! From none other than My fiance! He really proved to me that he wanted to be with me, where as the other guy i was seeing wouldnt even pay for my hot chocolate at the Wicked musical that I BOUGHT tickets for. Of course there were many other things that showed me how much jonathan truly loved me and would never give up, but that Valentines day was the best. Ill never forget it.

raqmarmama said...

Nine years ago on Valentines Day I was out with my boyfriend,who i had just stared to date for a month,and he was about to leave for bootcamp, asked me to marry him. I was the girl in school who always said i would never get married, and now was sitting accross for a guy i bearlly knew and the hardest choice to make. I felt somthing in my heart saying to say yes, so i did. Fast forward nine years two kids and now I would never change a thing. It wasent always easy or even everthing I though it would be, but God has given me the all the tools i needed to get us though anything!

carrie1 said...

New follower... I LOVE your blog!!! I pretty much stalked it all day and caught up on previous post... as well as tried the smokey eye trick with the eyeliner.. and I LOVE it as well. =)

thank you thank you thank you


Unknown said...

Well this year will be the third year that I'm celebrating Valentines Day with my boyfriend.
The first year, he requested to have off of work and got it, but a co-worker asked him to cover his shift. The co-worker said they would be at work by 4PM so he could leave and we could go out to dinner.
Well, my boyfriend didn't leave until 7PM and his co-worker STILL hadn't shown up for his shift yet.
By the time he got to my dad's house to pick me up it was almost 8 and we knew places would be packed. So, we went to my favorite place to get cheesesteaks haha. I grew up 20 minutes outside of Philly. Naturally, I love cheesesteaks.
It was his first time going and of course he thought they were amazing, so every year on Valentines Day, we go to that place (which is never crowed so we don't have to wait long) and get our cheesesteaks and fries to eat.
I think its so much better then going out to some fancy restaurant to get an expensive dinner. Its our cute little tradition we do, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh, and the co-worker? He was terrified of me because he ruined my first Valentines Day with my boyfriend, gave us a gift card to get dinner from somewhere, and apologized for about six months.

Elktrkbarberela said...

Hey Kandee, My boyfriend and I have known each other for 10 years and have been dating for going on 4 and he has always believed that Valentines Day was a wasted holiday and that nice things should be done for that special person through out the year and not one day should be dedicated to it, how it's an obligation in a way. I do agree that being thoughtful or romantic shouldn't just be on the holiday. Because of our work schedules we may not even be able to celebrate anyway.

Also, the Stargazer Lilies are one of my favorites too. I actually want to have them added to my current tattoo design I still need to have finished on my upper back.

Hope your day went nicely and you have a fantastic weekend!!! TGIF :)


Jess said...

My birthday is on valentines day. I dont really have a funny memory, but i have a kind of sad one and an amazing one. since im sure no one wants to hear the sad story, Ill talk about the amazing birthday/valentines day i had last year. I have always wanted it to snow on my birthday, but since i live at the BEACH it rarely ever snows anyday. But luckily last year, for my 18th birthday, we had a fairly big cold front come through and it ended up snowing an inch or so. And luckily, my dad was nice enough, since it was my birthday, and went to get my boyfriend and brought him over. we spent the entire day drinking hot cocoa and watching movies wrapped up together in a comfy blanket =) Since we are still together, I'm curious to see if this birthday will be even more special than the last. If we celebrate, it will have to be tomorrow because he has school monday =)

Rossella said...

wow he is so cute

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MissAmber said...

Welllllll.....Valentines Day is my Birthday soooo I love that day!! :) And The Stargazor is my favorite flower as well!! I actually have a big tattoo of one on my shoulder with a butterfly on it in 3D to symbolize a new beginning :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hanna said...

I usually end up working (I sing..) on Valentine's Day, so one year I was spending my night at a wine bar I was singing at. A guy kept trying to see me after work, but I got off work near 11pm, and didn't want to venture out. I texted him I can't meet up, but that led us to more text, more conversations... Now, he is my beloved husband. The best in the world :)

Tyana said...

Last year, the valentines day was just 9 days after our son was born, so i was less than prepared, tired, no makeup, dress up or decorations... All i could give my man is a letter from my heart. And he gave me a pretty necklace,and i never removed it since then.
Kandee, you are one of the sweetest person i ever saw, so i wish you the best valentines day!!!

Sue said...

I was trying to think of all my Valentine Days i've had, But the only funny one was when I was in the 9th grade, I met this pretty guy and just loved him. He was very corney and embarased me by it but I kept seeing him. On our Valentine' Day together he brought me a bush of mini roses...the kind you plant...And a HUGE Valentine Card! Poster size! I lived in a very strict home and wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend so my dad made me give it back to him...Lol! I was only 14 but pretty funny to remember it now. :D

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!!!

Ruhi said...

hey guys i really need some support for my fashion jounrnalism course please follow me me its actually not so bad ...

Anonymous said...

Valentine is to me what the 31st of December is for you and for me :-) So much pressure from the medias. I know my husband for 11 years and we are 6 years married and we do nothing this day. Everything is more expensive, the menus at the restaurant are not necessarily tastier. It s a day like another. If we wish to spend come nice time together, we just do it whenever we want.NO PRESSURE :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee,

Like skreppy, my OH has no romantic bone in his body. We've been engaged three years, together 8, and he's never romanced me.

I have no friends and never hear from my family, so Valentine's Day is like every other day for me lol.

At least I have one friend in the! (pathetic I know heh

Blonde Mafia said...

The best Valentines Day I ever experienced was when i was 16. My boyfriend planned the whole thing by himself. He drove me to this nice restaurant where we had this really amazingly nice dinner then he took me back to his parents place and pulled out a bag of my clothes with a swim suit and towel in it, he then lead me to the back of his house off his pourch where we got in the jacuzzi that had candles lit all around and rose petals and sat and looked at the star covered sky. He later sang me a song he had written for me and then pulled out a "promise ring" and totally took me by surprise. He was by far the most sincere and romantic guy I ever dated. We are no longer dating and I dont have a fun filled Vday planned like that one and I will more than likely spend my valentines day alone but i have HOPE that we all can find someone like my old bf that will treat us all like the princesses we truly are.


Love ya Kandee

AddiesMommy said...

My Husband and I are going on a marriage retreat, through the ARMY. With all the stress of things, thats the least they can do for us! Hes been to Iraq once, and headed to South Korea Within The Next Two Months. Kandee, I love you, no matte...r what you choose to do. No matter what people dig up on you, it makes no difference to me. I know your a hard working mama, and you do what you do. NOBODY has the right to judge another mama... Im a new Mommy to my little Pookie, and I now understand things a lot better. I was SO happy you did your pregnancy posts, because I was pregnant at the time, and you gave A LOT of helpful hints. Im hoping you continue to do so.. heck, I would LOVE for you to have a youtube channel dedicated to Mommies, and helping us out! I think I speak for a lot of the other ladies, we would deff subscribe! Cupcake is ADORABLE, and shes such a perfect blend of both you and Bobby! Its SO cute! I want to use your makeup tutorial for my Valentines day! But, I think I did that last year too, could you possibly make another? Ill be making heart shaped pancakes with strawberry glaze.. and the night before Ill be making a Valentines day themed dinner. Thats a tradition here, EVERY holiday I make themed food, its SO much fun! I could see you doing that! BTW, your cupcakes are AWESOME! (Yes, Ive been subscribed to you for a LONG time, and no gurugossip is gonna stop me from MY daily Kandee) Like this if your with me girls!!! WE LOVE OUR KANDEE FAMILY!!!

Unknown said...

My Funny Valentine~
One year my mom showed us the beautiful birthday card my dad got her... it was sweet and romantic and we all loved it, they were together for 50 years :) Her birthday is your original due date Jan 14th...
about a week later she showed it to me again laughing that my dad had actually gotten her a Valentine's Day card! He didn't notice, she didn't and I didn't either!!! Lolololol it was Awesome! Btw we're seriously sharp peeps which made it hysterical ;)
FunniER is that I accidentally did something similar with a card for my dad the next year... it was years ago, in about '97, he said, "No wonder there were so many cards to choose from!!!" Duh, 'to my wife' (V-day cards at that time are everywhere ;)
Hope it makes you smile, I'm sure it did :) You so often make my heart and soul smile and I'm happy to share SWEETNESS with you.
xOOO and huge happy hugs,
ps I thought of you earlier tonight when I saw the leather pants I got from Cosmo/NewYorkSpeed yearsss ago :)

Unknown said...

ps You've inspired me lately too, can't wait to fiiiinally show you! Expect presents!!! :)
Sunnie Lopez

I like the name Sunniela... pronounced SunnyElla or Sunyella
I'm super picky too and I have to share just in case it's meant to be Cupcake's other name ;)

Katie Nickels said...

My boyfriend now is in Ukraine as a missionary, and I am about to leave to go to Peru as a missionary. So we will be half way around the world from each other, but we are going to skype to see each other! I guess it's not funny but sweet! He's going to be there for a total of 2 years and I'm going to be in Peru for 6 months. When he gets back we are going to get married and move to Ukraine to be missionaries! I think it's a cute little love story created be God himself!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day, per se, BUT I just love love love getting all the cute pink and heart type stuff to decorate with! My home looks pretty much like Hello Kitty and Pepto Bismol blew up in it! Oh, and my boyfriend and I agree that the coolest part of Valentine's Day is February 15th when we can go get those mother boxes of chocolates at HALF PRICE! LOL Much love and smiles to your family, Kandee!

K3NN!4 said...

Last year's valentines my husband(boyfriend then) made a reservation at this fancy Chinese restaurant but he had to cover a co-worker who had to leave because his wife was having a baby so we lost the reservation! And when he got home it was 9:30 p.m. so we just ordered a pizza! It was an amazing day I learned that the most important thing was to be with him and not the fancy dinner we were planning to have.

Every year for valentines day I send my husband a letter and a card on the mail. I could just give it to him at home but I like to send it to him so he can get something "nice" on the mail since the only thing he always gets is bills and bills!! :)

Have an awesome valentines everyone! And especially you Kandee!!! *Feliz dia de san Valentin!*

Caro said...

hi kandee,

have a great valentine's day with lots of love in it.


Emily said...

Unfortunate, not all of us have romantic spouses...don't let it get you down ladies! He still loves you, even if he doesn't walk through the door with a bouquet of flowers and a reservation at your fav 5 star restaurant! Instead, do something awesome for him to him feel extra special...if he's a daddy, try making a homemade Valentine from the kids, trust me, he'll melt! Love you girls!

Necole E. Bluhm_WaMLady said...

My boyfriend and I (of the 6 years we have known each other) don't really celebrate the holiday, except to excuse ourselves in the gorging of sweets. However, last year was the first time we did something remotely romantic with the holiday.
We had taken a break as a couple and then the weekend of V-Day, I had invited him to come up; long story short we got back together on Valentines Day morning and we were both really happy. I got my very first valentines day card from him last year actually. That's kinda crazy!

Unknown said...

Okay so I have never celebrated valentines day with a special someone, mostly because I have never had a boy friend. I still have a little story though. So in elementary school on valentine day we would have a party at school and we brought in cards and candy and then passed them out in everyones decorated shoeboxes. Ha so I had a huge crush in this kid so when I was filling out my cards I wrote his name on his card and then signed my initials. I then took a bunch of candy and taped it to his card. His card was the only card with candy all over and his was the only one who had his name on it. I think I thought putting more candy on his card would make him like me. Ha ha ha. (he moved four months later and I was the last person to know. My mom told me it was probably cause he liked me and didn't want to hurt my feelings ) ha ha ha young love. Gotta love it. :)

DEBORAH M said...


Jess said...

I like to do things for others on Valentine's Day. When you're feeling a bit vulnerable on the day, it helps to do something selfless. And when you are happy with someone on the day, it's fun to help cheer up people who may not be feeling so happy.

gorditaangel said...

Hey Sweet Kandee!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!! I want you to know that I think you are an amazing talented lady, and that you have a special gift of LOVE from God!!!! This is why I want to say that the best gift we can give to someone on Valentine's Day is to tell them that Jesus loves them just the way they are, and that He wants to give them a beautiful life here earth and in eternity!!! I am praying for you, and keep doing what you are doing to bless everyone that watches or reads your blogs!! I love you!!!

Whitney Marie said...

I think I have just had the greatest Valentine's day. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and with this awful holiday nearing i was getting more and more depressed. I didnt even want to get out of the bed for the day. Thank the Lord I did. I am so blessed! It is amazing. I'm am completely surrounded with the greatest people. I got 6 red roses from a co-worker because he knew that today was going to be rough for me. Another one of my co-workers brought me in chocolate and a card and I just melted with smiles. I am surrounded by love. Then my two very very very best friends walked in with a dozen long stem red roses. They are beautiful. Simply beautiful I have felt more love in one day than I have in my entire life. And not love by some man that will break my heart in return. True love, True freinds. It is amazing. I am so blessed!!

kerryo said...

I've always had lonely Valentine's days, but this year I met my favourite band on V-day :D Even if it was at 1.30am and for about five minutes, it made my day :D

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