nothing say fun like like a hot pink tutu and some hi-top Vans!
(I got my tutu at a vintage store in LA called, Polkadots & Moonbeams)
I LOVE VANS....I've LOVED working on VANS photo shoots....they are VAN-TASTIC!
I found all my awesome pics with my cool VANS! and wanted to share em with you...

I LOVED getting to do make-up on a VANS shoot, with my friend, Ian Ruhter, who's been a photographer for Vans...
I loved going to the VANS headquarters with Ian...and them, letting me dig through their sample shoe closet...and saying I can take them home!IT was like winning the stylie-shoe lottery!
checkered bags of shoes....zebra pattern laptop bag...paint splattered's print-tastic!
Forget the giant boom box...please, for the love of ZEBRA print...look at these shoes....they are no longer in my closet...and man do I wish they were!
and another pair of my fav' all red VANS...just waiting at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy for cold medicine...a while ago....
I wish I had a picture of my very first pair of vans! I think they were the white canvas ones with a blue stripe on the rubber!
Do you remember your first pair of Vans? What kind were they?
Have a VERY VAN-tastic day.....checkered Vans...they never go out of style....
your frien....Van-dee (ha ha ha)
You look so tall Kandee! =) I also love vans, they are my favorite!
My first pair looked like the skater shoes.. hot pink and black!! Loved those things!!!
Love the pink tutu!!
I loved this post! Cna't believe you were able to go home with all those shoes! Ugh..amazing :)
I'm a new follower!
Ive never had a pair of vans, im a converse kinda girl haha! :P
My first pair were black w/ white rubber. I replace the shoe laces with hot pink shoe laces that had white stars on them. (I heart stars!) I still have the shoe laces. Have you ever seen the Kim Saigh inspired vans? She's a tattoo artist that designed a line of vans.
I love vans!!!!! my first pair was white and beige checkered ones!!! I still have them, even though they have holes all over :) They were my favorite pair, and I had to beg my mom to get them for me because she said they were too expensive for soooooo long!!!!!
Oh gosh, I LOVE the all red ones. My first pair were pink & black checkered slip ons! :) I wore them until they had holes. I loved those shoes. Now I'm rocking a pair of black prison issues! (the ones with the velcro, so clever how they thought of the name. ;)) I love Vans! I'm due for some new ones!
vans used to be my hubby shoe sponsor for 3 years. Every shoe in every color sent to our front door constantly. It was like christmas!
My very first pair of vans was in fifth grade, they were the black 3 hole lace up. That was when yaga, stussy and mossimo were popular. (Shows how old I am I'm now 28)haha Now I have some pink slip on one's with black bandana print with skulls. I want some high top ones! Super cute!
I had a pair of orange and royal purple slip ons i loved those shoes... Had to get rid of them i have terrible foot odor... Any remedies for that? I would wear them sockless which is probably bad. :\
i love your style!
My first pair of Vans were olive green with the white V going across the side...they were amazing:) lol
My first pair of vans were these super sweet holographic ones back in like 1998. I still have them around here somewhere.
Kandee, can you put together a portfolio of commercial shoots you've done? I'd love to see some of your professional work!
I've never owned a pair, I was never into them :)
I love vans!!! Im so glad to hear u do too :) My first pair was the black and gray chekered ones.
I don't remember my first, but I remember my favorite: Blue velvet with all black rubber and black laces. So early 90's, so junior high. I miss those shoes!
Girl you are just too cool for words ;) <3
Your Vans rock. I love your choices and the black and grey zebra printed leggings.
Haha, love it!!! My first pair of Vans were the classic black and white checkered slip ons. In fact, I still have them and wear them all the time. Probably time for a shopping trip to the Vans store, haha. Much love Kandee!! <3
My first pair.. I guess that were black ones, with those 'vans dogs'. It's kind of funny to say that I've bought new vans today! Two colored authentic ones. Black on the front, grey in the back. Love 'em already!
My first vans were the coloring changing vans in the dark or indoors they were white and outdoors or in black light they turned blue pink or yellow. U knew what color shoes u had by what color laces u had. Blue, pink, or yellow! I had pink and blue. What was really fun was being out in the sun and putting half ur shoe in a shadow and half in the sun and having half white half blue pink or yellow shoe. Lol
the only pair of Vans I owned was back when I was in 8th grade I think. They were all black with like green shiny detailing hehe. thanks for sharing Kandee! :)
I love Vans! I have like 20 pairs(:
My first pair i got in the 8th grade and they were the all black ones(:
mine were old school low tops in white and pink skulls... i loved those shoes til they fell off my feet
Oh my goodness, I would've passed out with happiness if I got free Vans! You lucky thing! I'm obsessed with Vans. It's seriously all I wear. Those or my awesomely worn in Converse. My first pair was checkered brown and pink. I still have 'em and love 'em to death, even though the color is so faded that it doesn't even look pink anymore, haha. But my checkered black and white are probably my favorite since they go with everything. Okay, maybe not, but I MAKE them go with everything. Hahah.
Thanks for the photos galore! Now I wanna go buy more. Ahhhh, need my paycheck right now!
Love your TuTu.. and your zebra shoes r hot!! also i would love if you would subcribe to my blog :) my first time blogging ..
Awe loooove the zebra shoes!!!! i want a pair! i love vans, i had to get my baby a pair of vans crib shoes!
My first pair of vans was from when I was in 2nd grade I think . . . They were pink and purple checkered canvas with red hearts in the purple chechers.
My now pair is white/black/grey plaid canvas.
Love how you can pull off any look and make it Kendee-style!
A Journey to Style
I'm sure you already knew this but...they make baby vans.
I think cupcake needs a pair!
I haven't bought Vans yet but I am going to buy a pair to replace my FAV shoes which were a pair of AMAZING yellow and sky blue slip on Adidas which I adored but have sadly fallen beyond repair.. :(
JEALOUSY! haha Van shoes are so comfortable and their slip ons are like a pregnant womans best friend because no laces! I wish I could buy Vans right now but I'm in Japan so that sucks....
Heyyy!! Please do a blog about what you do to eat healthy!! i liked the video about how to have a healthy pregnancy but i also wanna kno how you stay healthy :)
ur bloggys and videos are awesome!!
My first pair of Vans were an all-black, suede high top. They were my skating (as in skateboarding) shoes my junior year of high school. Skate or die...
Now, I just have my classic, black and white checkered slip on Vans that are perfectly broken-in and SUPER comfortable.
Vans will never go out of style.
you are even cooler than Vans, Kandee !!
OMG! I would have died and gone to shoe heaven! I love vans I have been wearing them since I was a toddler. I have two pair of black slip on and one brown and white pair I love them so much. I love your all red slip on pair where did you get them?
I miss my Vans! I had a pair of the classic, black and white checkered ones. They got dirty and worn-out way too quickly.
I also miss my black, low-top Converse :-(
Do you still dress like that?
wanna break my van cherry? lol
i've never owned a pair. hummm, one day :)
im seriously TOTALLY jealous.
ive been wearing vans for years too
im picky the last time i actually waited months for a trip to florida to buy VANS there haha and i found a pair i looooved..
they are the best.. much love!
So that's why Janice Dickinson's face is melting off... Unsanitary cosmetic practices.
My first pair were in 96 they were white and hologram. My. Favorite shoes in that era were my red candies though.
my first pair and favorite where some really plain vans they only came in white and it had the v on the side of them, which the V you could get in any color. They stopped making those i was so bummed. I own 2 pair of vans now, all purple ones and black and white checkered ones:)
I love your red Van's! You should try some Red TOM'S I LOVE THEM! So fun and for such a good cause!!
my first vans were blue and yellow argyle print! goodness, I'm dying to get my toes in a black and white checked pair!
I'm grateful you blog everyday Kandee.
Kandee....I am soooo jealous. You have no idea! I have been a fan of fans since the early 80's! 1982 and I was rockin' black and white checkered slip-ons, a Stray Cats tee and hot pink shades and riding around the neighborhood on my bike.
And now my kids all wear Vans. They don't have a choice! LOL
My first pair of Vans were the pink flamingo and black background slip-ons :D
I never had a pair of vans. We are only a 1 car family. But a few years ago, we had 2 cars. Though not vans though. One was a Stratus and the other a Durango. Were yours Fords? Or Nissan's?
my first pair are white. with pink and res lip prints all over :-D
We lurve u Kandee ;o)
My first pair have a blue and white plaid pattern, they are so used up but I still 'em sometimes! Thank you Kandee! Love you!!! :DDDD
My first pair of vans were the white ones with a multicolored/changing V on the side lol I was in 6th grade and thought I was the coolest kid EVER!
my first pair was a slip-on gray and black polka dot pair i got to match with my boyfriend at the time. last summer i bought BRIGHT YELLOW authentics and i call them my sunshine shoes! they always make a statement and they're yellow, my favorite color. :)
I haven't had vans in soo long but this post really made me want some again! They are great to just throw on!
Your pictures are all so cute! <3
Vans were/are awesome! My first pair were custom made at the Vans store....white with black and pink skulls, pink inside the shoe, black stripe on the bottom....I loved them!
mine were the simple black lace up ones.... love VANS!
vans are awesome!!
LOVE the all red ones!! OMG!!!
my first pair were the classic white all white with the padded sides... no blue stripe just all white.
my all-time favorite pair though were my black suede chukka boots.
I'll never outgrow them... my husband makes fun of me because I still where checkered ones all the time.
I LOVE VANS!!! they are my favorite =]
You're so lucky you got to get those! I have the same purple and white vans they are so cute! I love all your face art and makeup you do! you are naturally gorgeous.
Skylar Ng, One of your biggest fans!
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