Thursday, February 3, 2011


(awesome hand painted bed in super-cool hot pink and tangerine houndstooth!)
I think I love home decor "almost" as much as I love fashion...
I've loved painting furniture, "re-doing" old furniture and decorations into "new" lovelies...for years. I even wanted to start a company that just "re-fabulized" (for fabulous-ness)...old furniture...since Jordan was a baby!

I love these furniture pieces and colors so much, I just had to show you guys!
 i love this fluffy, white comforter, with the faux headboard in a frosty blue with "faux woodgrain" effect! And the turquoise polka dot pillowwith lucky painted on it in HOT PINK!!!

I love fun colors....why live in a beige world when you can give your eyes some candy with colors like HOT PINK, splashes of TURQUOISE...and bright happy yellows! Think of color as could have a totally white room and just some fun pink vases and VOILA! INSTANT MOOD LIFTING DECOR!!!

 I am not so happy right just said I ran out of room to upload photos! Ok, google, I just paid my $5.00 to upload photos...and I still can't ....ahhhh I have so many cute pictures to show you guys!

It must have been my huge Patricia Field post that used up all my photos! ha ha ha Just kidding, but it did take me forever to get all those photos uploaded! ha ha

I will post the rest as soon as I can! ha ha ha

colorfulness.....your friend, Kandee!

"color is more than just something you see...color can make you feel..."

*have fun with color today...
wear a new shade of eyeshadow...
a fun color accessory to give your outfit some pop
buy a fun colored accessory for your room..!


beautylogicblog said...

Color can change your whole mood. When I'm in a bad mood, I always wear orange. i feel amazing after.




Unknown said...

That bed is so cute!

HayleyBabes said...

Love it!! what a happy colour :) Hope you're ok and getting enough rest Kandee! can't believe how much you are still blogging! haha hope we get to hear cupcakes name real soon! I'm sooooo blumming excited to hear! :)

Moxie said...

Orange is my favorite color! That bed makes me want to squeeee! Did you know orange is the color of creativity?

earth said...

Love it! I can't wait to decorate my first house. :)

Also, maybe try tinypic or photobucket? <3

hanspana said...

can u not use photobucket to upload your pics? im sure its free :) xxx

Jacqueline said...


bee said...

i love the butterfly plates<3

Anonymous said...

Totally dude :)
When I get my own place I'm so going to decorate everything with fun popping colors ! I just love this brightness and cheeriness everywhere... even on the bathroom ! :)

Unknown said...

that houndstooth bed is gorgeous!!


Kristy said...

I love color in my life as well cant wait to have my home that we are working on purchasing and making it a colorful palace!

Unknown said...

OMG! Love it! I totally love unique furnature!!!!

-AV- said...

Last night I was shopping, I believe I told you about my nail polish find from Hard Candy called Splendid. (The one I call Sunshine-y Kandee Yellow.)

Last night I found another awesome color from Hard Candy called Frenzy! It's a rich turquoise color.

Since you were talking about colors today I thought I'd share. I used a glittery topcoat from NYC to make it more fun.

Much love and many prayers.

-- Ash <3

The Flying V said...

Just a quick question. Do you check your hotmail often or should I ask my questions through the comments on your blogs?

jennyhooroo said...

Oh-Em-Geeeee that houndstooth bed is AMAZING! I wish I had something to do that to!....(I'll find something... haha) My room when I was a teenager was orange with purple polka dots,a lime green ceiling and this vintage tufted headboard =) LOVED my Dr.Seuss room! Color is so inspiring and that bed definitely has inspired me <3

Jenna said...

You totally should start your own business! I would totally buy your home decor!! <3 I can't wait until you have your owne makeup line as well.. (I'm hoping that is in your future plans)

Congrats again! Your little cupcake is sooo beauitful --just like her mommy! ;-)

Amelia Kitzul said...

I just love the second bed! So cute! I just made a quilt that looks like bubblegum!

Jen Jen said...

You should really start up a business redoing old furniture. You have a real eye for that stuff! I would buy. :)

Jeanine Legarda said...

I hope you bought the magazine that the "Lucky" pillow was featured in! I looked through it at Barnes & Noble a few days ago!

I just "re-fabulized" my room last month!

Hope you have time to check it out!

-your avid Kandee Team member =p

cori said...

Can you Pleeease post a vid on you-tube showing your room/rooms. I would love to see how you decorate!

cori said...

Oh...can you please tell me where you purchased or how you made the Hot pink plates with the Butterflies!! My daughter is obsessed with them and I would Love to have those in her room. Thanks Love!

Lynneth... said...

I couldn't agree with your more!!! all of my friends decorate their houses in browns,grays,really subtle colors...which is boring to me lol!! I think its your house, do with it what you want! I have orange couches and a turquoise rug in my living room, my daughter's bed is hot pink with iridescent jewels glued on it, I also love to re-paint stuff and make it happy!! I wish I could do everything I want to my house, but I rent so I can't, I'll have to wait till we can buy a house one day. I love all these post you do about home decor! they are so inspiring!!! Yay to bright happy colors!!! =)

Jamie Marie said...

Color in your home is just like color in your clothes/makeup/accessories - all it takes is a little orange punch or a pouf of pink to just make your day a little happier!! It's hard to be "down" when you have so much brightness and beauty around you!!


Mary said...

You love pink there is an inspiration for you

Rachel Michelle said...

i tagged u for the Stylish Blog Award! Check out my blog for details

Pink Glitter Rock'n Roll said...

Love this! Would REALLY LOVE to see a photo tour of your home-- I'm sure you have millions of great design ideas we can all be inspired by! Have a great day KANDEE! XOXO

Viva La Kristin said...

Hi Kandee,
this blog is really inspiring. Gives me great ideas that I didn't even know I had. Thank you for inspiring me, I have been needing it:)

I know that you read the comments to your blogs so I hope you will read this one. I wanted to ask you if you would be up for making a tutorial about the newest make up you love to wear, and maybe something for cool hairstyles.
I love watching your videos and I can't stop watching them and I'm very excited to see more from you.
I have learned sooo much from you! You are really great Kandee, hope you are having a great time with your new little cupcake :)
Huge love, Kristín.

Caro said...

Hi Kandee,

I love these colors, I want a pink bed too. Only my husband don't like the color pink. He wants a power room, with strong items in it. So my "barbie-room" is not going to happen. Sad huh?!
I'm going to buy pink pillows...
next year..hahaha just for me!!

lots of love,

Jessica said...

That bed looks so cozy I want to just jump right in! So cute :)

xSantyx said...

I LOVE! :)

I love decorating and planning room designs, always have done since i was little. Moved around soooo many times!

I love planning outfits and i'm addicted to accessories.

And i love cosmetics, hence me being a make up artist. :)

Creativity for the win! <3


sauvageblue said...

Love the bed... so outrageously cute!!!!
Thanks for sharing....

Yaya said...

Hey Kandee. I actually have that comforter, if not one exactly like it. You'd be surprised but it was a Target purchase. Not only is it wonderful to look at, but also super comfy! :)

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