Monday, February 14, 2011

I love you...and believe in all your dreams!

Love....not just today but everyday
everyone needs to hear that they are loved...

I may not be able to send you chocolates through the computer...but I can do better than than..
I can send you love..from my little heart to yours!

no matter how your life or Valentine's day feels...
no matter how lonely, sad, or hurting you may feel...

It doesn't matter if you have a Valentine...or have been hurt by a Valentine (ha ha ha)....
I want you to know that sometimes the greatest love you can find...
sure isn't from the "special someone" that will bring you flowers or chocolates...
I have gotten more love filled presents from my sister or one of my friends...ha ha ha

I am sending you huge amounts of love...
and treat yourself to a chocolate, a cupcake, or even buy yourself some beautiful flowers...

love is coming at you through this computer....

i made this video to pour some love into your heart and encourage you to go after each and every one of your dreams....
huger than huge love.....your friend sending you hugs through the computer, kandee


Unknown said...

you always have the best things to say and write.. happy valentines day to you and your family<3

Anja said...

Happy valentine's day for you and all your little cupcakes

jeanine romo said...

You're super sweet. Happy Valentine's Day!!


gretysimply said...

you're the best and always an inspiration ...

Liset said...

You have so such a beautiful heart. Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for the love...!!!!Have a great dayyyyy

Samantha said...

you are my most favourite person in the world kandee!

Kristi said...

Happy Valentines Day Kandee! Thanks for the inspiration! <3

Andrea V. said...

aww Happy Valentine's Day Kandee, to you and you family! :)

Mojo said...

awww this video was so cute and inspiring. love it :)) Hope you're ALL having a wonder LOVE DAY xx

107 533 5732 said...

I hope you had a wonderful day, full of love and happiness. I can safely say I had a great day without a valentine to worry about ;) Lots of love coming to you and your family xxx

Unknown said...

You are just too sweet! Your mother named you well :)

Liz said...

I Love your blog you always know just the right thing to say <3

Follow me please!!

HollieDT said...

I dropped out of school a few years back. BUT...this May I'm graduating with my BA in political science from Columbia University! I'm pursuing my dream, too, Kandee. When I'm a TV news anchor, I want you to do my makeup. I'll keep you posted :)

Anonymous said...

I so needed this today!!! Happy Valentine's Day Kandee!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day Kandee.

Lovely Imperfection said...

everyone needs a friend like you Kandee ! xoxo

missriarose717 said...

Happy Valentines day to the first person to tell me they love me today!! Thank you. You're amazing. The world needs more people like you.

Unknown said...

I think you have answered my prayers with this video, just the other day i was thinking to myself, why is everything going wrong, why is this happeneing to me, there is no one that will understand..i dont know what to do. and when i was growing up i was never really a religious person, but i took the bible out and started reading some of it..just praying that someone will help me..i am the one person that will actually take it to heart..i listened to every single word you said and will make full advantage of couldnt of had better timing with this really dont know how much this has touched many ways..i know its hard for you to keep up with the comments and messages on youtube so that is why i am writing it on your blog..i hope you see how much your words of inspiration have touched are one of the best people i know..and i dont even know you are the only person who i can truely say that i have a connection with over the internet..thank you so much kandee johnson!

Cschwarz said...

Kandee, you are such an inspiration! Thank you so much!!!

-AV- said...

I wish you knew what you meant to me.

<3 Ash

missriarose717 said...

Oh and that video made me tear up. And I don't cry...

You are the kinda person that makes people want to love Jesus, and if more Christians were like you the world be completely different.

You are one of my biggest role models! Thank you so much for encouraging me to follow my dreams, because of you I started my own beauty channel on youtube, I had been to scared to do it before because I thought people would think I was a vain and shallow person.

Thank you so much!
If you want to check it out its hehe :)

be blessed

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this. It's been a hard couple of years for me (I'll spare you the details)and sometimes it just helps to hear a simple "I love you." Thank you again and I hope you have a happy valentine's day!

M said...

You're so lovelly, Kandee.
Thank you very much for your words

Lot of kisses from Spain!!!

rinlollipop said...

Thank you soo much for this!
It really inspired me! I've been in a dark place the last couple of months just thanks.
I love you back! Even though I don't know you. THANKYOU. You rock.

Shelby Renae said...

I hope you can feel just a fraction of all the love I'm sending your way, Kandee! You've encouraged so many different aspects of my life. I've let go of all the "poisonous" people in my life, which was a big majority of my friends, so sometimes the loneliness of having no one to talk to hits me like a brick wall. But I know it's a blessing in disguise, because Jesus is the only one who can fill the emptiness that I feel. It's just taken me a few years to deny myself completely so I can be completely His. :)

I'm so thankful to have a friend like you in my life! This video has encouraged my little heart so much. :)

Huge hugs and love to you and cupcake, Shelbs

Anna said...

Your post reminded me of this song. Enjoy. :)

FLPeach said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful. I think we are blessed to have you!
I love you!

Lavonne @ the OCD infertile said...

So amazing as always Kandee! I think I need this track on my iPod! Happy V-day to you and yours! XO

FLPeach said...

I'm so glad God led me to this page!! You have no idea how much I've needed your inspiration. And I am so glad that we share similar dreams :)))
I love your heart and I pray for you every night :)

Found this quote today and it spoke to me. "Why are you trying to hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?"

Happy V-day sista!

Envitooo said...

you are amazing kandee! you truly inspire me!!!!

ms.gio said...

Thank you Kandee for this video. You really do inspire me to follow my dreams... may it be to do something crazy with my makeup or hair or, the more serious topic, what to do with my future. I have dreams that I want to follow but I am scared to pursue them due to judgement but with this little video it sparked that drive to say "You know what... do it. Who's holding you back? You are. Go have fun. Do what you have been wanting to do for so long." Thank you again, Kandee. I can't say that enough. Your videos always brighten my day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

With a lot of love xoxo,

Trista said...

Happy Valentine's Day Kandee!!
Thank you for the encouraging message and sharing your life and love with us all.

Di Di said...

Thank you Kandee for being such a wonderful person. I really do feel your love through computer. Wish you the best Valentine day ! Huge love,kisses and hugs !!! :))

Unknown said...

Happy Vday to you and your lovely fan Kandee. you are so inspirational. Once day I will leave the corporate grind and to what I love thx to u.

Unknown said...

Your so cheerfull and so sweet and so beautyfull inside and out I send you my love for what I've learned from you so far, your such a insperation to me thank you

Unknown said...

I would like to have a privet chat with you if possible, Could you let me know how thanks kandee

Live LBV said...

Hey Kandee, just wanted to say you are the most lovely and bequtiful-inside-and-out person I can think of. Reading your blogs and watching your vids for more than a year now I can honestly say you changed the way I think and look at life. I wish you all the best, send much love and good vibes to you and your precious family, stay awesome :)

Luly said...

You are a sweet sweet angel fallen from the sky , did you know that Kandee? my words cant describe how big of a person you are and how noble and pure , <3 you

Unknown said...

Thanks Kandee... I know these things come right from the bottom of your heart! thanks for making our day bright.. by reminding us how loved we are! and how great we can be..
your life-story is so inspiring.. it makes me believe i can make it thru as well... no matter what!
you are awesome! i hope you had a wonderful day!
with love!
Eunice :)

Shel said...

Kandee, Thank you sooooo much! I am in tears now, but they're happy tears :) watching people at school receive flowers and candy and presents really brought my day down. But this video really helped me out. THANK YOU!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your encouraging words. All of your videos mean so much to me.

Happy valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

I love you so much!
I hope today is more love filled for you than all of our love combined! You're the most amazing and inspiring friend, I'm not even joking you. Haha
I love you so much Kandee ! I don't know where I'd be without your love filled words of wisdom :)

Sara Kalima said...

thank you kandee for making this video, it made me smile after feeling down for some time, thank you so much xx we love you and believe in you too!

Ewa said...

Kandee.. I just watched your video.. The love that coming from You .. Just made me cry..that many lovely and motivating things that I heard from you since I am subscribed to you since your very first YouTube video , I have never heard from my parents.. I feel like you are my mama my big sister my friend an Guard Angel..Thank you for the most beautiful messages to us.. You are changing peoples life Kandee I don't know If you are aware .. You have such a POWER OF WORD.. that you should be a President of peoples heart:-))) LOVE YOU MY ANGELIC KANDEE.. And I will ALWAYS.. xoxo Ewa-London

Anonymous said...

Hey kandee. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your video. I would say it's one of the best things people have said in a long time and though I don't know you personally, I think that you have definitely touched many people's hearts. Today was a not-so-hot day and I was definitely discouraged, just in time to click on my subscription box to see your video. It's been a while since I teared up over something happy, something I was really thankful for.
So thank you so much.
<3, Nancy

Nik said...

lots of love to you too Kandee <3

Araceli said...

Wow Kandee!! I feel like video is responding to the question/advice post i left you a while back on your blog. I am the girl who wants to be a photographer. You might not remember me but i want to say Thank you for being that person that believes in my dreams!!! Hopefully one day our lives and i can meet you.
Thank you so much DEAR KANDEE!!

Fat Queen's Food Porn said...

Happy V-Day Miss Kandee! You are such an inspiration! Ever since I found your videos (the first one i saw was the Rosie the Riveter pin up look video because i wanted do the look for a poster)and I've been hooked ever since! I watch you whenever I need a smile or a fantastic new look. I'm a bio-drag queen (bio female who does the full on drag look and performance.) I'm excited about makeup and my look again. You have helped re-energized me in and out of face. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. and I love you too! All my love to you and yours and all positive energy to you.
(ps, my new favorite tools is my teasing brush hehe)

Love and cotton candy scented hot pink cupcakes!
Mia AKA Lady Onalicious Wilde Valentine of Vancouver, WA

bohogirl said...

CHANGING THE HATERS OUT THERE!I felt as though this was the most inspirational message I have ever heard. I posted this on my facebook page because I thought it is very important for others to get this message of love & hope.I am sure this will change some of the haters out there into more caring loving people.

Kiska said...

Love you Kandee. Thanks for always being there for us. Much sparkly love to you and yours.

Unknown said...

love from this little heart right back to yours.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Kandee J !!!

Elktrkbarberela said...

Thanks so much Kandee for this wonderful message. I have had a passion for art and design since 9yrs old and that has never left me. I really do believe that this passion and gift has been given to me by God and I am always so thankful for it. It is true at times that I feel broken down by those around me but when I am creating something whether it is a painting or a new piece of jewelry it gives me such an inner peace.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Valentines Day!!!


Jen said...

Thank you for the encouragement -- and back-atcha, girl! I remember the fatigue, the long nights, and the cabin fever. I'm seeing a lot of stress in your eyes. I'm praying you get a break, that you cry a lot and let all that stress and fatigue go, and that God will keep overwhelming you with that joy you just exude. You have a lot going on -- and He has you right in the palm of His hand. You are such an incredible example of keeping it together when so much has happened. Thanks for letting God use you right now to bless others -- that blessing will come right back to you. Praying for sleep, rest, and (physical) healing for you -- xoxoxox

Unknown said...

I love you Kandee! Your message is so powerful - tomorrow will be a better day!

Meghan said...

Kandee-- you must be the sweetest and nicest person I've ever "met" :) We all love you too! Happy Valentine's day to you and your cute little family :) I appreciate your words of encouragement and send some love right back at you! :)


Anonymous said...

so much even though i don't really know you! your are my role model and inspiration. hugs and kisses

Unknown said...

You's hard for me to think that someone that has so many fans can love each and every one of them...but i actually think you do=] Thanks for brightening up my day!!
i love you kandee

Nejjeh said...

Kandee, you're one fantastic person &you deserve so much! You've brighten up my day since I could remember. I've been a fan for SO long &now I know why, you have the biggest heart &i don't understand how you can have people that don't like you! That's just INSANE &they're jealous that they cannot love as much as you do. I hope you &all of your cupcakes had a lovely valentines day!!

DEBORAH M said...


GemaLuBtz said...

I think I was born with no dreams...... im superly obsess with my weight & even then I still gain weight ...... I just don't have any willing to do anything ..... my life sucks like a vampire sucks blood out of his victim ... =(

candie lee said...

From one Kandee to another (except mine is spelt Candie) Everything I am going through right now, this video couldn't have come at a more perfect time....My dream has always been to become a professional photographer.
At the moment everyone seems to be draining me of happiness thank you for pouring sunshine back into my life..your words are so powerful kandee...what an amazing, giving, kind, selfless person you are.

I sat and cried watching that video because what you said was what I needed to hear, thank you for making today that bit brighter and you really do inspire me to be the creative person I am suppose to be.

I love you for that...Don't ever change. Hugs Candie xx

Angelina said...

Thank you sweetheart. I follow your blog since end of last year when I got to know you on Youtube. I am from Germany, and I will also get a little daugher, soon. Today is my due date. I admire you and I'm reading all the things you are writing down here and you bring light into my life. I wish you also all the best for your and your lovely kids. Thank you for your nice words that you always find at the right time.
Happy Valentine to you, too.
Best regards
Your friend from Germany

Deanna said...

You are the most amazing person I've ever had the pleasure to (kind of) know! I've been watching your videos for over 3 years (and I'm only 15, so thats saying something) now, and you never cease to amaze me. You're so sweet and genuinely caring. Thanks so much for this Kandee<3


Alba said...

I just wanted you to know that I'm...oh dear I just don't know how to say that, I can not find the words to express it the way I want you to feel's been a long time since I watched your first video and everything you post, every new video touches my heart, even if it is a tutorial, your personality brings me peace and always makes me smile. This video was exactly what I needed now because I'm living a difficult situation to try to get my dream.
Hope you read this and can feel the love I put on it,
peace and love from Spain

Lisa said...

I love you, Kandee! You have such a genuinely sweet and loving soul. Your positivity is contagious, and I am so appreciative of all that you give to all of us Kandeeland-ers each day!

"You are loved more than you know!"

I hope you and your wonderful family had a lovely Valentine's Day together!

God bless you, Beautiful! Xoxo

Anonymous said...

hey Kandee, i just love u, your such a beautiful soul..thankyou...xoxoxoxooxo

BAMBI said...

There is nothing in the world that could describe haow wonderful woman you are...I just adore you:*

Leslie said...

Hi Kandee,
Thanks for the inpirational words been going though a rough 5 days in and out of hospital. One more person saying something positive always helps. Thank you for posting the wonderful video.
Leslie xox
ps- when is the baby name announcement??

Nathalie said...

You have a heart made of the purest gold, I wish I could be more lika you and I try every day to be encouraging and spread joy to others! If only there were more loving people like you out there. God bless you Kandee, Love from Sweden!

Shannon said...

Kandee! THANK YOU FOR BLESSING ME TODAY AND TELLING ME THAT YOU BELIEVE IN ME AND LOVE ME! As you spoke to me in this video I felt some dreams come up - dreams to be a mommy, dreams to have my own buisness, dreams to be the best girlfriend and someday wife, dreams to simply re-do my house and make it beautiful!!! hahah! And I needed you encouragement and love today. I want to tell you KANDEE GIRL, THAT I BELIEVE IN YOU TOO AND I LOVE YOU SO INCREDIBLY MUCH! Thank you for being my sister-friend, I hope you have the best day! Let's make it beautiful! Love your smile!!! :) Oh, and I love your makeup - can you share how you did it?? ;) - shannon w.

Danilovesyou said...

Kandee you are such an amazing person. YOU are SO loved and I hope you know that :) You change people's lives and inspire hope. I hope you had a wonderful valentines day

Caro said...

lots of love from your friend

o said...

I just have to say Kandee, I love you too. Many blessings to you and your family xo <3
-Odelle Marie

Earl Pickens said...

Making jewels and creation in general is my passion. I will make it and when I am where I want to be, I won't forget to turn to you and thank you for all the positive energy you've been giving me...

Unknown said...

i love you! and i adore your family, it's great when you most new pictures of them :)
you are a great person and i hope at one moment in my life i'll meet you and give you a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug :)

Anabelle said...

Not earl (my man) said that, but ME!!!

Unknown said...

THANK YOU Kandee for being you! I've said it so many times and i'll say it over and over again.. You are an amazing person and a true inspiration! Please always be You! Tons of love, Sophie <3

Krisztixx said...

I once heard this great line that 'Impossible is nothing and nothing is impossible'! I heart you so much Kandee! I wish I could give you a GIANT HUG too!!! You are so encouraging, I love your suitcase metaphor and I feel like I could move mountain even if noone believes in me nor supports me because Kandee Johnson does!You're an amazing person and I wish from the bottom of my heart that ALL your dreams will come true! I love you so much and if noone told you that today, I did! haha <3

Unknown said...

Kandee, thank you! ^^

Unknown said...

i love you too kandee!!! i love your heart!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee. I was having the worst valentines day yesterday, and I was being hurt by one of my best friends. I felt betrayed and angry and I wanted to say so many negative things to her. But then I thought of your "having a bad day?" video and I thought. Hmm no I'm not gonna let this control me. and after I watched this I feel so much better. Thank you so much Kandee! I heart you! :)

D uk e said...

Kandee. You make me :D (smile)

Christine said...

You truly are the most amazing person inside and out.
And I know you don't know me but I love you too.
I am having one of those days where I just feel depressed and lost. I went on to your blog (because it always cheers me up) and was so happy I found this video! It was just what I needed. I myself also want to become a professional make up artist and my family is constantly crushing my dreams telling me it's a mistake and whatnot. I just want to say thank you so much for being so loving. You really made my day. Thank you. xoxo

♥ROSIE♥ said...

thanks kandee i needed that so bad i just feel stuck in my life life is so boring i never go out ive never been 2 a club stuff people my age love doing but i dont i just feel like crying so hard at times i go 2 school but i want 2 work i never have money n it sucks but thanks kandee 4 everything u tell us 2 make us feel better lots of love

Sarah said...


I have been watching your videos for years and I just think you are the greatest person. I've kinda looked at you like an older sister. Is that wierd? haha. Anyway, you always seem to know the riht thing to say at the right time. I've been having a hard time following my dream lately of being behind and in front of film/tv cameras. Last year I thought it was all working out. I got an awesome production internship at the soap opera "General Hospital" When that finished, I realized I couldn't afford living in LA without my dad's help. And unfortunately my dad doesn't understand my dream of being in the tv/film industry. At one point he even said he wouldn't be proud even if I won an Academy Award. Anyway, he said if I don't move back home (and stay there until I'm married) he would cut me off. And unfortunately I can't afford life without him yet. So I had no choice but to move back to Sacramento. But I still have hopes to make it back to Los Angeles soon. Then, seeing your video made me realize that I WILL move back and I can never give up! You've kinda become my female voice and supporter of my dreams. As I an olser sister. That voice for me used to be my mom. She was my biggest supporter and best friend. Your momma seems a lot like her :). But sady, she passed away a few years ago during my freshman year of college. Of course, I have a few family members and friends that support me, but for some reason, no one words their support quite like you. So thank you. I don't know what else to say...just thank you. I don't know about you, but I totally just started crying. And I don't mean to have a pity party for myself. I know so many people have it a lot harder than I do! I just wanted you to know my story. Do you think you would ever do a meet up with your fans? I would love a Kandee hug! haha...I swear I don't mean that in a creepy way. I just love hugs. My mom gave the best ones. I miss mom hugs. Anyway, I'm sorry this is so long, but I just had to tell you how I felt! Thanks for listening :)

ps. If you wanna see what I look like you can go to my youtube page. I haven't uploaded in a while, but it's

Love you! And believe ARE living your dream of wanting to make over people's hearts <3 You should be an inspirational speaker! :) Oh and please tell your mom I love her too! hehe Hope you're getting a good night's sleep with your little cupcake!

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee, I know you always give us such inspiring words, but i'm so down right now its not even funny :(! my boyfriends ex keeps comming into the picture and i love him so much, but he still talks to her even after they broke up and she cheated on him! its not fair, i don't understand why such mean people roam this world. i asked him why he still talks to her and he says they're just friends but i know thats wrong. Its so hard to just let go especially if you love someone so much. I think i'm going to go watch one of your video's to make me feel a little better cuz i can't stop the tears from comming down :(!

Kaitlyn said...

That was the sweetest video you could possibly post. It made me cry! Youre such a great and inspirational person. I really wish there were more people like you in this world. Thank you for taking your time to make a video like this. It definitely inspired and touched me!

erikitty said...

I love you Kandee! You are amazing! Thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement! The world needs more Kandee in it! You are such an amazing inspiration! Thanks for all the love! Never stop being the amazing person you are! <3

Anonymous said...

i love you too kandee!!! <3
i don't understand how anyone could ever say anything mean about you. you are the most heart warming person who radiates love, joy and happiness.
thank you. you are truly inspiring to me && to many other people.

lots of hugs to you && alani, blaker, jordan && that precious little cupcake of your.

Yana said...

There aren't words to describe how incredible, sweet, loveley, amazing person you are. I love your personality and wish people to have just a little bit of you in themself.

anna said...

thank you kandee i have been very down lately , i'm a single mom 2 and find it hard at times x

Unknown said...

Thank you so much <3 i would like to say that whatever YOU want to do in life, whatever is in your heart, do it and we will all support you...sending you a hug right now <3 lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fenny said...

whoa! i felt like you spoke to me when you mentioned about photography. i've been wanting to apply in a magazine to be a photographer, but i'm still not sure if i'm qualified enough.

my friends would tell me to go for it, but i am the only one who keeps discouraging myself!
thank you for your encouragement, kandee!!

Anna said...

This video is like a breath of fresh air to me, after a couple of bad days! Thanks for your encouraging words Kandee.

Ariel2010 said...

Sending you love,cupcakes, and beautiful flowers via computer. :)

erineemarie said...

Kandee, you have undoubtedly made-over my heart! You have helped me and inspired me to be a better person and to love and accept others and myself. I am confident that I can turn my talents into so much more! Thank you a million times! God bless <3

Jackie said...

That looks like a freaking triangle.

Rissy said...

that was by far the most encouraging blog post I have ever seen... I needed that today. truly.


Marissa said...

I really needed that, thank you, I am thinking of becoming a makeup artist, but am scared, thanks for your inspiration

Anonymous said...
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