Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to grow happiness and saturday morning with Kandeeeeee!

this is the look of happiness even in though my body feels more like "Sleepless in Seattle"...except that I'm no where near Seattle! ha ha ha

My random thoughts on tv right now: since I've watched more tv since I'm awake all night with baby, than I think I have in years...I am now fully caught up on on "reality-ness"...and man, I have to seems to like to enjoy to showing how awful, rude, and mean people can be...
it's almost like the worse people are the more popular the show is! this is so sad...and makes me feel awful seeing people being so mean and rude.
there should be a channel that shows fun, positive, nice people...that can still be cool and hip and stylish, but just nice and kind to other people...something that makes you feel better after you've watched it!

Here's some wise words everyone should have taped on their mirror (ha ha ha):
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

imagine how great our days would be if everyone we talked to said kind, inspiring things....and didn't say anything rude, sarcastic, or mean!?!

this is a dare...or rather this is our mission, if you choose to accept it:
today (go crazy..make it everyday)...stop yourself when you start to say anything that isn't positive, kind, or anything slightly gossip-y....
and only say things that have a positive spin, are kind, happy and encouraging.....
watch how YOU will not only feel happier...but so will everyone that is around you!
they will leave happier for having talked to you!

so let's get out there...especially all of you because I'm not really leaving my house much with the new baby...ha ha ha...and spread some kindess...and extra "thank you so much" or "have an awesome day!"....or real compliment to brighten someone's day up!

you are wonderful and the happiness in your heart is like a flower with seeds that are waiting to be thrown all grow more happiness in other people's hearts!

go our there gorgeous and shine that beauty that's inside....your friend, kandee


Christina 14 said...

I'll do it! Thanks Kandee!!!

Lani :) said...

Mission Accepted :)
loveyoukandee !

Lauren said...

you spelled except wrong (: its accept. hahahah

Kathryn Rachael said...

wow this is awesome! I will be doing this and stay mindful of this all day and days to come. =)

thanks Kandee. xoxo

Noelle Garnier said...

So sweet to hear from you every day Kandee ... It's been lovely to have all these darling updates about you and your cupcake. Thank you and have a beautiful day yourself!

kandee fam lil sis

shari said...

:) great attitude... :)

-AV- said...

I will accept this mission, even though today has turned out to be one of my most discouraging. Maybe spreading some kindness and happiness will stifle these ugly feelings I am feeling. Thank you so much Kandee, you're the best friend a girl could ever ask for.

Much love and many prayers.

-Ash- <3

jacque13 said...

Ill do that thank you... you always give me a different view you change bad to good for me

Light4Him said...

Ahhh Ephesians 4:29! My hubby and I try to live by this in our marriage =D It's one of the many amazing scriptures that God has trained us with!

God Bless Kandee!! Praying your precious little peanut is sleeping lots and growing strong!!!

The Mintuit Mother said...

Thank God for His Word.
Ephesians 4:29

kyveli121 said...

Wish that postive tv show would get up and running. I'd actually turn on the tv again. You keep on sharing those encouraging words.....keep on keepin' on! Huge blessings to you. Sandy

Unknown said...

Kandee, I love you and the way the way you think! You have a pure heart and a pure soul, and it's so rare to find that these days. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model and inspiration to the world!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I started this yesterday! There is this really toxic person I work with. Her attitude is always just nasty which puts that negativity in the air. Well, I decided yesterday I would stop allowing her to drag me down! I just smiled and responded to her happily and with joy. I know it may not make a huge difference, but I FEEL BETTER! It's all about making myself a better person by rising above the negativity and being happy in my world! Thanks, Kandee! I think this is an important mission for us all!

Katherine Bonilla said...

great advice kandee... your such a sweetheart <3

Unknown said...

its awesome babe! u really inspired everyone with your beautiful heart..keep it up! enjoy your time with ur lil cupcake while you can! we always support you kandee...xoxo <3

evija said...

Hey Kandee.. I agree with you.. but at some point not..

because.. we can say all those nice things, but the bad ones will live in us.. what's the point of keeping it to yourself? you're helping others but destroying yourself.

no offence.. you just made me think about it.. have a nice day! x

alexa said...

I have been practicing this for years and its made me a happier person!

Anonymous said...

I accept the challenge! I'm going to share this with my younger sister who is beginning to fall into the worldly snare of negativity. Maybe this will help inspire her to see how unique and beautiful communication can be. Thanks for being such a fantastic example, Kandee! You always make my day brighter with your encouraging words of wisdom. :)

And congrats on the birth of your baby daughter, she is so precious!

Unknown said...

I can feel the positivity from and between your video watchers and bloggees so I think you inspire this in us always Kandee : ).

Anonymous said...

Well said... I will accept the challenge and pass it on to friends and co-workers. You are AMAZING so full of inspiration <3

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you, Kandee!! Not only should there be lots of channels showing the good and the decent out there, but all the negative stuff should be taken off. I don't want or need to see any of it.
You are a bright spot in my day.

mama*tt said...

Hey kandee, this is weird BECAUSE lately i've been thinking how i needed to change my thinking and feelings towards other especially those that are so negative and only try to make things difficult...I need to be more positive. I will definitely take on this challenge....I always feel that you get back what you give out; positive out brings positive in...Have an awesome day every1!!!

Gabriela said...

I have been trying to stick to this mission for while now. Sometimes our anger or bad thoughts rule over our actions but now I realize I can control them! I love this possitive input and hope everyone can share the same goal!! Happy smiles and huge hugs for u and kids!!

Anonymous said...

I choose to ACCEPT this dare ! Because so many times I feel angry and dislike to all those people that have caused negativity in my life, I'm always feeling a feeling of ugliness. But thanks for giving me a challenge which I am positive I'll strive for for my own good !
Thank you flower that has sprinkled her seeds on all of us ! :)

Unknown said...

Wise words Kandee. I truly believe that positive affirmations are hundreds of times more powerful and it's also important to really feel happy and positive (guided meditations are great for instilling that feeling)and, most importantly, no matter what has happened to you in your life, you must be grateful for all the good things you have. Every day write down at least 5 things you are grateful for (even if it's the simplest things like the air you breathe, the clothes you are wearing, the food in your belly, etc) and as you develop an attitude of gratitude, more good things will come into your life you will start to see the world changing around you! :-) xxx

Chaz said...

hi kandee funny that you posted this because I recently started a journey on my own down this path. I am a naturally positive person, but when I am around it a lot I can get in on it. then I hate myself later. I asked my aunt at the beginning of the yr to join this positive diet/ positive mind mission and she agreed. I kind of scared her because I was so upset abt it. I hear my 7 yr old niece talk abt people in a negative light and that day it just really bothered me. (because kids hear it, then repeat it) I want her to grow up seeing the positive in people and truly enjoying her childhood instead of pointing out all the bad things. I am so glad I started reading ur blogs/ videos because I sometimes feel like we are long distance kindred spirits. lol Keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

This is exactly what the world needs! At dinner last night, my BIL's 10 year old nephew was demanding pizza and reaching over to grab stuff that was too far away. Nary a "Please" or a "thank you."

My 4 year old little man scolded him. "You need to say please, or you don't get any chicken fingers!"

Have an awesome day Kandee!

ericka33 said...

my favorite tv show to watch when i want to get happy fast is america's funniest home video's i can't stay sad when i watch that ha ha:)

Anonymous said...

World of Jenks is a great feel good show. You should check it out.

Ericka Saldana said...

thanks kandee you are my inspiration do you think you can help me out on valentines day i really dont know hot to do my makeup for that day please do a video befor the 14th please need your help thanks :)

Lynneth... said...

I love this..I must admit, it convicted me a bit, I just posted a status that reflected my disgust towards young girls obsessing over justin wasn't very nice either...but its something that really bothers me.
BUT! you are so right!!! being kind is always better. =)

momto2tweens said...

I completely agree with you! I challenged my friends and others reading my blog last week to challenge themselves to do one random act of kindness a day for a week! It is amazing how small acts of kindness can make others so happy and just really turn their day around! What a positive message you have with so much negativity in our lives!

virginia said...

i saw this fairly late in the day, so i'm gonna need to start tomorrow ): it's been a pretty lame week, so next week will probably be better! (:

Mony said...

Hi Kandee! I recently have found your blog and it's great to know you :), an amazing person with an admirable life philosophy, full of love and kind thoughts, as you said it's sad to watch TV, 'cause the most part of shows are so mean a lot of anger, fights and jokes wich are offensive :(. Certainly i would like to see a TV more kind.. even more, i'll love to see the kandee show :D!

Angela Dai said...

First of all, I just want to say I love your blog! It's such a positive place. I completely agree with you about reality tv and just how negative people are in general these days. I try not to say anything mean or negative or even entertain those thoughts and I find that it's a much better way to live.

Unknown said...

Ephesians 4:29
I think I need to tape this verse in my car, on my work computer, on my cell phone, to my forehead haha! I'll also say it is much easier when you surround yourself with positive and pleasant people.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kandee for reminding these things to us. You are an Amazing person. Love, Ori <3

emily rose said...

kandee, you are always so positive. i love it. i'm proud to say that you are one of my top role models :)


AJ Prendergast said...

I am right there with you on the reality shows Kandee! Thanks for sharing!

Tasinahri said...

"I have to say, TV seems to enjoy showing how awful, rude, and mean people can be. It's almost like the worse people are, the more popular the show is!"

This is one way to meet supply and demand. The more demand for depravity there is on the airwaves, the more they will supply it. I, too, am disgusted by all that crap. I mean, how many times has Maury Povich done the whole: "Who Is My Child's Father?" I mean, really? You've been on air for how long? and you can't come up with anything new?

"This is so sad and makes me feel awful seeing people being so mean and rude. There should be a channel that shows fun, positive, nice people that can still be cool and hip and stylish, but just nice and kind to other people. Something that makes you feel better after you've watched it!

I believe that show exists. (or did at one time) It's called: The Kandee Johnson Show
It is/was online, how about taking it to the masses? lol

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you're talking about! The media today is so negative. My friend and I a while ago noticed how we would sit around and talk about all the things we hated, until we decided to flip it around and started talking about all the things we liked. It was a lot more fun.
In other words I accept the challenge 1000 time over:)

Terra-Marie said...

I too have noticed all the negativity on TV and I feel like it is affecting how people interact with one another. I truly feel like more people are mean, rude, disrespectful and have foul mouths. I would like to know when it became cool to be a jerk. I don't understand it and I wish there were more positive TV shows. Whatever happened to the shows that honored good family values, helping one another and finding happiness in whatever was thrown your way. I accept the mission and I hope that I am successful because it makes me sad how negative and mean people are and not just on TV. I have noticed it at the grocery store, the doctors office and pretty much everywhere I go. Very few people are kind and courteous anymore and it kind of breaks my heart. I want my children growing up in a positive world surrounded my love and happiness but I guess there is a lot more sadness in the world the trick is to find happiness in the little things.

Trinette75 said...

well said ;)

Kasey said...

Challenge accepted!!! You are awesome Kandee :)

Unknown said...

I'm trying to do that everyday! A smile can make such a HUGE different when meeting someone. You are the best Kandee! You should have a show on TV to inspire people and to spread happiness around the world. Because that's what you do! Love you! Have an amazing day!, Sophie <3

Anonymous said...

Hello there! Your mission is very positive, great and estimable, but it's a rocky path :/ I'm rather a positive person myself, but being nice to other people is difficult. From what I've experienced people tend to mistake kindness with being naive and try to use me as much as possible. As if me being cheerful and kind to them meant I'd always obliged and accepted what they dish out :/ A few days ago a small girl asked me if a dog we both saw was bad. I told her that dogs were always good, only people were bad...

samiecole said...

I have been noticing that I have been complaining a lot about myself, or silly little petty things. My boyfriend had mentioned that I complain a lot.. So the past few days I have been stopping myself from complaining and I really have seen a difference in my attitude, so has my boyfriend :) I have been happier. This just reminded me of it. Thanks, Kandee. Your words are very inspirational :)

Ine said...

I' ll do that! you are so right about this. there are so many people that are rude, mean... if they say something bad i'll stay nice and say something positive. there are many people that feel sad because there is someone that is mean to them.

kandee, you are so great!

xoxoxo with a lot of LOVE!

Kimbocreations said...

Amen,dear lady, Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

So true.... It's such a shame that things like that are what sells in this world... Thanks for this post kandee, I've been becoming a debbie downer of late, but you always have a way of bringing hope to us, even though your miles away. the media can spread negativity but as we can see with ur blog it can also inspire us to love and be positive =)

Thepmala said...

I just had my first thumbs down today on a video I put up for one of Makeupgeek's challenge and it made me kinda sad :o( So I am going to take your dare and be more positive today!!

Unknown said...

Kandee! You should watch HGTV because it is so good for inspiration and everything always ends happily! I think you would love it!

rainydayreader said...

I used to watch music videos when I was nursing my little one at 3 in the morning. Check CMT VH1 and MTV to see when they play music videos. I didn't have to watch the same infomercials over and over, and it calmed me and the baby down enough to be able to go right back to sleep after feeding. I hope that helps. No need to watch the negativity if you can avoid it :) Love you Kandee!

Helen said...

Hi Kandee..Thanks so much for your inspiring post!! Could'nt agree with you more.. by the way, it's a request here..could you do a "age-jo" japanese make up look? Pleassee....

Thanks Kandee, God bless you and your babies!! *Hugs*

From Singapore:))

Zozed said...

Oh yeah Kandee I've been doing this lately and it feels GREAT!! It brings much more happiness back to yourself!!
Thanks for suggesting other people to do it too <3

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I decided to start the new year with this positive outlook. After so many bad things happen to us I realized that all things coming from my mouth where so negative, and I realized I wouldn't want to be around people that acted like me. So I change. We need to do something to make life better.

lizzybee said...

You're a doll. Thanks for the Words to Live By- they're absolutely right on !!

Unknown said...

Kandee, I would love for your help in something! You have an amazing heart, boundless kindness, endless happiness and so much more. My husband is the National Coordinator for Pay it Forward Day. (It's the last Thursday in April every year!) Anyways, I think you would be a perfect person to help spread the word and do a random act of kindness on this day and everyday! Check him out at! I hope you consider it! P.S. I would love to see more baby pix, she's beautiful!!!

erikitty said...

Ugh! I absolutely detest reality tv!!! Its sooo horrible! Everyone is always awful to one another. It makes me sad!

Unknown said...

Happy Mom's day Kandee! You looks like a perfect, happy and cool mom!!

Chris said...

Kandee- you remind me a little bit like janelle monae the singer..:)

Unknown said...

That's so true because when I see your videos, you're always positive and happy and looking at the bright side of things. IT MAKES ME WANT TO DO THE SAME AND I FEEL MUCH BETTER AFTER SEEING U <3 You know, I could just listen to your voice and feel better because it shines with so much positivity...Thanks so much for all your videos, your comments, your blogs...they are really helping SO much more people than you think in MANY MANY WAYS..we all love you..Have an awesome day !! :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ariel2010 said...

I agree with you 100%. It's sad that this negetivity is making people popular! I accept youre challenge.

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