Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to do "Super Bowl" Make-Up!

Maybe you're watching the Superbowl...maybe you have no idea who's even playing in the Superbowl!
ha ha ha
Maybe you are being forced by a male in your life to watch the Superbowl! 
ha ha ha
I have always like the Superbowl commericals the best! And since the Superbowl in America's most televised tv event...
I thought what "funnier" way to celebrate than by doing a "Superbowl Make-Up How To"....

simply take your make-up...however you've done it....
and add some black grease (AKA Black Eyeliner!)...and draw  rectangle under each on... on top of the cheekbone!

Who was the first recorded person to wear the black grease paint under his eyes?
BABE RUTH, in the 1930's, applied burned cork ashes, to help eliminate glare from the player, Andy Farkas caught onto the idea and took it to the football world.

Studies have shown that the black grease paint actually does have an anti-glare effect, helping improve contrast sensitivity in the players sight! 
Who knew Babe Ruth was so "IN-sightful"...ha ha ha ha

And that's as "sporty" as I get! ha ha

So the next time someone starts to say anything about putting make-up on...
tell them how make-up helps a bunch of guys play the most watched event on American TV....
it's pretty much eyeliner...they just moved it down and inch and lay it on heavily!
ha ha ha ha

superbowl and greasepaint....your friend, Kandee


Lovely Imperfection said...

gunna do green and yellow for the packers !! i dunno if i can pull off the grease though !! ha ha :) hope the family is well and you had an amazing weekend !! <3 xoxo

Renata Castilho said...

You look so pretty in that picture :)

Unknown said...

That's so IN-sight-FUll :)
your blog is always so in my opinion :) and ever amusing :) thanx sweet kandee
ENJOY ur Weekend :)

Discovering Holy said...

haha LVOE it!! :)

Jesi said...

It even helps animals! Cheetahs have black around their eyes (as do many wild cats)so the glare from the sun doesn't interfere with hunting for their pack. Of course they were created with it their by an intelligent maker :)
Maybe Babe Ruth got it from the cheetahs :D

Anonymous said...

ha ha! awesome. love it Kandee. love you xoxo have a great weekend.

Fab said...

haha i'm definitely going to break out that fact while watching the game with my man and dad today! they'll be like wow how'd you know that? ;)

Unknown said...

hhahhahha kandee youre so funny, and smart. enjoy this sunday with your family <3

Anonymous said...

haha maybe ill do that! but im gonna wear a gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner go steelers!

Riya~ said...

you are pretty as always!

Sue said...

I'm not being forced to watch but I do have to cook food. Lol! Your beautiful in your superbowl makeup! You are always but this is pretty.

Anonymous said...

Cute picture Kandee!! xo

Sanni said...

You are such a beautiful person, Kandee. Absolutely gorgeous. Seeing you always makes me smile and feel good. I just wanted to say thank you so much for that! :)

Anonymous said...

Cool! I knew that the Egyptian kings wore it to remove glare from the sun, but I didn't know that Babe Ruth wore it! Thanks Kandee!

Anonymous said...

Wow that's TRUE ! Eyeliner can really be useful in that way too hahaha. Kandee you're the insightful one here actually ! Haha :)

angelprincess said...

Ha! That's cute! Check out my superbowl makeup @

Bethany Beauty Marque Townes said...

Awww man, Super cute idea, I wish I had thought of that earlier!! I will definitely save that for next season!

TiLa_MiLa said...
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