Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feathers and a dream come true!

You all have helped make a a dream come true!
once upon an awesome Sunday in Los the flea market on Melrose & Fairfax...
I met Cardi...(a super cool, creative, stylish, earring designer, and mama, from LA!)
She is an artisan of the most amazing feather earrings I've ever seen! These are not just FEATHER EARRINGS...these are color chosen, amazing works of art to hang from your ear.

And the most awesome you guys have helped make her dream come true...! 

I hope Cardi doesn't mind, but I had to share the awesome message she left me on facebook yesterday! (I had goosebumps reading it! I'm so happy for her to get to be at home her precious lil boy and make the the art that she loves!...
from Cardi:
Kandee my dear...
congrats on your new little one!! I hope you get your present soon from my momma bear! You have no idea how much you have helped me my baby. My dream is slowly coming true. Your fans are amazing and through you, I have been able to be with my son full time, make jewelry, and be the mother that I need to be. I can ne...ver thank you enough for your love and support. You are AMAZING.
YAY!!!!! Please check out her amazing earrings! They are all one of a kind, hand crafted, and simply works of Cardi's incredible gift...they are like art! I want to collect as many different creations...they are all so AWESOME!
Some of my "Cardi Collection"...
I am still so sad I lost this earring...
 (MAKE SURE TO PUT AN EARRING BACK ON THEM SO you don't lose your favorite one like I did!)
I have several pair of Cardi's Feather Earrings....and I love each one so much!

With everyone ordering her beautiful earrings...she is now able to stay at home full-time, make her awesome earrings, and be with her lil' guy! YAY! CARDI.....I am so excited for you!!!

FUNNY EARRING FACT: I have gotten compliments on my earrings from everyone from airport security guards to little old ladies saying how they love my earring!

WARNING: you MUST buy any of her earrings that you like as SOON AS YOU SEE THEM...they sell out FASTER THAN SHE CAN MAKE THEM! Then you have to wait for the next batch..! So soon as I saw the orange and striped feather one...I was racing to buy it before someone else did! ha ha

CHECK OUT HER BLOG FOR NEW EARRINGS and HOW TO BUY THEM! You're going to love them, and probably start collecting all different ones like me! ha ha ha
 and keep a eye out...I'm going to be doing a tutorial on how to do feather hair extension!
(not as changeable as the earrings...but still fun!)
feathers and yay for everyone that has helped support Cardi's business and love.....your friend Kandee


Unknown said...

Congrats to her!!! her blog is awesome!

Unknown said...

love those earrings!! great idea!


Anonymous said...

Truly awesome!!! I hope to be at home with my little ones too here very soon, I know how it feels to want to actually raise your kids and help support the family as well. Rock on Cardi and Kandee!

Unknown said...

I would love to have one! but I would need to know exactly how she gets the feathers and she needs to make them with other materials that is not leather as I do not support animal cruelty.

Pamela said...

How excellent! I hope one day that my business takes off the way hers did! Congrats to Cardi!

Sunnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer (Nova) said...

Love her craftiness and Kandee that last picture of you is STUNNING! You're such a beautiful woman (body and spirit!)

Sunnie said...

I see her online shop is sold out, her earrings are pretty! I'd love to send her some orange tipped feathers, I bought them years ago and haven't used them in my designs.

If any of you need feather earrings you can always buy from my shop too,

My style is totally different and I really respect Cardi's business... Cardi, contact me and I'll send you some asap :)
Sharing Is Caring!
Love, hugs and feathers,

& cuddles to baby Cupcake ;)

beautylogicblog said...

Kandi, that's why you're so loved. Not only are you beautiful inside, but outside as well. Hugs,


Lynneth... said...

wow!! the best gift is when you can help someone like Cardi achieve a dream!!! What a blessing you are Kandee!!!

kaitlynmazie said...

OOhhh i cant wait till she restocks i will totally buy one..the long ones in long hair look awesome..cant wait!...ur such an awesome person kandee :)...and i hope ur little cupcake is doing well!..cant wait to hear what name u decide for her :D

Amelia Kitzul said...

Cool! I need to get me ears pierced again :P I am curling my hair right now not that anyone cares LOL Congratulations Cardi that you get to spend full time with your little one!!

JJgirl8888 said...

Where did you get that HI shirt you are wearing? If you don't know, can you tell me the brand name on the label?

xSantyx said...

I LOVE feathers, i'm so glad they've been on trend these past months, so many gorgeous feather accessories and clothes around!

I'll be purchasing one of her items as soon as i have some spare ££



Anonymous said...

Praise The Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever!

The Darling Project said...

kandee! check out for feathered earrings too. i bought two pairs and they are to die for!

Lovely Imperfection said...

id def like to order some !! may need to grow my hair out before i can wear them but def will do.

Anonymous said...

This Item is totally next on my wish list/ shopping cart :)
Yayyy !

Discovering Holy said...

Check out my contest on my blog! Love the earrings too!! Can't wait for the tutorial on the extensions!

Anonymous said...

she's so talented! i love THEM! i sent kandee some guitar pick earrings that i make. anyone can check out my humble Etsy shop :

The Dream Guide said...


-Dream Dream Dream

nihar said...

I will surely buy one :-)
love u kandee :-*

Unknown said...

that is great! i am happy for her, i guess that's all a mommy wants :D

Anželika said...

Kandee u're the greates!
Today morning i thought i film how i do my makeup haha so funi to watch it :D

Brianna Bell said...

That is awesome! Very creative! Thanks for sharing Kandee :)


xxoo91 said...

Hi kandee I was wondering what is your Facebook I have been trying to find it for soo long. I love your videos your so sweet and always cheer me up. I also love reading your blogs i always check to see if you have updated it

lia said...

she hav witten about you on her blog :) read it, im sure it will make you happier:)
anyway,congrats on her job:)
love, lia

Anonymous said...

Kandee, since her earrings are sold out right now on her etsy shop, I was wondering if you could mention about how much they cost?? Thanks!

RAAM 2010 said...

Hello Kandee,
This is the first time I write. I have to tell you that you are amazing, I am totally "hooked" on your blog.
I love the photo above with your black t-shirt. Is is possible to know what you used to get that make up. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Kandee I need foundation help! Ok so I want to by make up forevers HD invisible foundation, I want one for my all over color and a darker one for contouring. My skin is light with red/pink undertones. Can you help me figure out what all over color and contouring color to get?? Thanks so much girlie!

Beata said...


Are you able to add facebook friends?


Kristy said...

This is such and amazing thing.. Im going to have to save up and buy and earring from her.. It makes my heart happy that you have such amazing fans and everyone is so kind and supporting of each other! Thank you Kanee for the sunhine!! and thank you kandee family!!

Cheri xo said...

Love the earrings! I cannot wait to order some! My boyfriend and I recently just had feather tattoos done, birds of a feather flock together! :) And I cannot wait for the feather extension video! I am dying to have them put in and my hair is super long..I have been calling around and no one has heard of them so I may just order some and put them in myself any suggestions? Im going to bring this beautiful trend to the south! :)

earth said...

Those are so stinking cute! I want a cruelty free peacock one. :) <3

Also, I love your hair in the 2nd pic! It's so long and gorgeous!

MonicaMagalhaes said...

I love the feather earrings!!! My name is Monica Magalhaes and I love your style...I have a jewelry line/collection that I would love to share with you! I have a page on fb for it.. Its called The Motique.I have a blogger as well and that's called creative corner I also would like to know your facebook!! hope to hear from ou soon and hope to chat about artsy fartsy stuff lol

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