Monday, February 7, 2011

THE FAST Make-Up for New Moms, busy teens, or anyone really!

(earrings from Raven & Lily)
Hi! I get requests all the time for SUPER fast make-up for new moms...teens, students...and people that just don't want to spend more than 5 minutes putting make-up on!

So here's my well as my new make-up routine! ha ha ha
Since I'm busy taking care of my precious 2 week old....I don't have much time for make-up, or hair, or really too much else! ha ha ha

HERE's what you need to get beautiful in a FLASH!

#1. a cream or liquid foundation

#2. a cream concealer (I use COVER FX Total Coverage cream foundation as a concealer, because it's so "full-coverage")

#3. powder is optional, depending on how oily your skin is...if it's normal to dry you might be able to skip face powder, if your skin is oily...definitely powder up your oily zones!

#4. EYESHADOW - a shade that matches your skin tone...and if you have an extra second, a warmer, peachy or more golden brown shade
(this eye shadow palette is from Z Palette...I put all my MAC, Stila, Make-Up Forever shadows in here!)

#5. EYELINER - I just used a black eyeliner (any kind will work), to line the rims of the eyes to give the lashline some definition. (You can use brown or grey too!)

#6. DARK Grey (or brown) eyeshadow to darken up the edges of the eyes..applied where you'd normally put eyeliner.

#7. LIPSTICK / LIPGLOSS - I put a light pink (Pretty Please from MAC) lipstick..and then if you want some shimmer, any gloss on top.

#8. LASHES - I curled my lashes then applied a few coats of L'Oreal Double Extend Tubes Mascara! (this is one of my favs...because it doesn't smudge off and it cheap!)

Now come along as I show you HOW FAST WE CAN PUT MAKE-UP ON!!!
Beauty for any "time-budget"! ha ha ha

huge love and fast make-up, your friend, KANDEE!!!!

PS. Don't forget your always invited to take a peek into KANDEELAND at:


Anonymous said...

Love you Kandee <3

LCmakeup said...

thanks for this!!!

Sarah said...

You are gorgeousssss Kandeee, LOOOOVE YOUUU.

CJ Reyn said...

Love this! My own cupcake is on her way so I could really use a speedy routine (especially after delivery when the hubby is going to turn into Speilberg himself). I'm going to try Cover FX for sure, since my dark circles make me look like a plague victim. Thanks Kandee and may you have many power naps!

dupdup said...

Miss Kandee...I want you to stop putting yourself down when you are not wearing ARE beautiful inside and out.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this.

XxX Rachael.

Libby Atwood said...

Thanks Kandee for the tips! You are STUNNING!

Anonymous said...

yay.. a makeup video... I´s been a loong time... I´m so thankfull for this and you look so georgeous... Love the z pallets, I want one in zebra ha ha... And I SO want the cover fx... but I can´t find any in europe, whom will deliver to denmark... :o( So sad...

How about a hair tutorial, about SUPER FAST hair do´s, or ways to blowdry it so it holds and look good SUPER FAST??? ha ha

btw love your new earrings.. is it lether leave????

Hug and kisses, and a lot of misses for your toturials!!!!

From Diana in Denmark.

Christine said...

you look gorgeous sweetie <3

Jen said...

Haha!! This post made me laugh because you basically described my EVERYDAY makeup routine!! Ha!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!

Viva La Kristin said...

This is so great! Thank you for making this awsome video, really helpful. I recently bought Quarry from Mac wich is amazing (saw it in one of your videos) and the next one in my Mac collection will be scene :)

Wich one do you like better, the red or the blue Double Extend mascara ?
I'm not sure wich one I should buy.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this, brilliant!

loapio said...


Thank you for being you.... You know what I love most about this video is you have a plain shirt on and you have it inside out.... Too cute....

My little two year old was watching this video with me... He is now singing jingle bells and hey you there together...

Ha ha ha....

Love you for me Adriana all the way from HAWAII....

Oh P.S

My sister just got an email from urban decay for their NAKED pallette she was on the waiting list for a long time... Now she will being getting naked. My goodness I didn't know there was a waiting list....oh well

Dave said...

All the makeup in the world won't help you, Honey. You funky looking. You have weird eyebrows, and bad lips. Truly odd shaped eyes and a awful smile. Add in your pug nose and it's just a bad package.

And I don't make this judgment off a single pic. I have poured over your videos and images. You are the living model for some of the nastier creatures from the Lord of the Rings movies.

I'm sure your advice is great, and your tips well thought out. But a pig in lipstick is still a pig.

And you oink girl.

Jennifer of JennySue Makeup said...

I'm a mama of 3 precious kiddos and this is basically my normal get out the door fast routine as well!! But I have to add blush to mine bc I look so washed out if not- of course Nars Orgasm is my favorite color that seems to match everyone's coloring! Hope you are enjoying that sweet baby..

cristina said...

Well that was pretty cruel, Dave. Not sure why you took the time out of your day to tell her that. She's far from ugly.

GemaLuBtz said...

AWESOME thanks kandee ^_^

Amelia Kitzul said...

Wow dave.... yeah you just wasted a bunch of time typing something so stupid. Shes so beautiful and if you think shes not beautiful then you have big problems man. You obviously are not a fan so get off her blog and channel and quit trolling and wasting space in her comments for good comments that are worth while. Kandee is fricken gorgeous I'll be a fan till your last video kandee! :) Dave please don't ever say something like that about her again because when you offend Kandee you offend all her fans :(

Amanda said...

Love it....I have a 3 month old and this is a great, fast routine that I'm going to try! Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

You are looking GREAT Kandee! Love you and your makeup tips!! And, hug cupcake for me!! <3

Anonymous said...

Dave, if you have the balls to write something like that, then you should have the balls to have your profile open to all to see, and include a picture or two. I'm sure if your that judgmental, then you yourself are pretty ugly. Remember, your inner beauty is what shines through, and obviously, your as ugly as a toad.

Kandee, great advice like always! Was hoping it would be something about a name for cupcake, but I guess you'll just have to keep us in suspense! And ignore what Dave has to say. You shine the Lords light outward for all to see, and its beautiful!

Dave said...


I added a pic just for you sweetie.


Nefertary said...

What foundation have you used?
was it the perfect match by l'oreal?

Unknown said...

you are flawless with or without makeup!


Caro said...

Hi Kandee,

You're makeup look as always beautiful, thank you for this video.

lots of love,

ps. you rock!!!

Jess said...

Dave, I normally don't bother commenting back to comments like yours, but what really annoyed me is that you used the "Freedom of Speech" line to justify being cruel.

The right to free speech does not trump other people's right to be free from harrassment. People seem to forget that "Free Speech" doesn't mean just going around saying whatever you feel like no matter who it hurts.

Your comment was not exercising free speech, it was just being mean for no good reason so you've discredited any other opinion you might have.

Kandee, you're beautiful inside and out and thank you for being so brave to share so much of your life with us.

Kandee Johnson said...

Thanks everyone...! And @ DAVE...ha ha ha...your comments are hilarious! You win for "craziest comment"... ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

And once again, Super Kandee comes to save the day !
I love you dude :)
Cupcake is so awesome !
Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :)

hana said...

You. Are. The. CUTEST!

Linsey said...

Kandee where did you get your earrings?? Loved your tutorial. I miss them! But absolutely love you r baby and mama stuff!!

Michiko Malandro said...

Don't even say someone's gonna say mean things about you. You look beautiful with no make up on, we all do! And we all look like this after waking up and this is what we can call pure beauty. Not a foundation or eyeshadows, but a real, amazing and sweet person :)

Much love from Poland! xx

Lisa Rodrigue Napper said...

Kandee, thank you for the video, and for someone who just had a baby, you look GREAT! Your baby is just a beautiful as you. WOW, what a pretty family. NOW as for Dave:::::: Dave, really????????? First of all, grow some balls and show a real picture of your face, then - you should check yourself in somewhere and get some help. Most men dont look for cosmetic vidoes unless they are makeup artist or use makeup- (so do you use makeup?) if you do I'm suprised becouse these groups of men normaly have really good taste, and real men can't take their eyes off of Kandee becouse she is sooo beautiful. Men and Women think shes BEAUTIFUL...So you really have very bad taste and I would hate to see what you think is pretty. Again, check yourself in somewhere and get some help you sad person. Lisa

Unknown said...

Hi kandee just wanted to thank u for all ur tips and tricks there awsome ur such a great person and without u I prop would of continued with my own boring make up but u definetly added that pop in all my make up from the foundation to eyelashes, eyeshadow, and lips ..... I know u heard this alot but I just had to thank u as well keep up the good work and don't let no one change u or make u feel bad ur a great person inside and out!!!!! *sol*

Kristen said...

Thanks so much for this, Kandee! I feel icky without makeup but feel silly spending an hour doing it for work or a dance class...will definitely be using this!

Keat ' Cameo said...

Thank you Kandee for another awsome video =) but you need some rest sweetie. Well just to honor you and your strengh tomorrow I will use this make up!^^( I hope I can do it right xD )

Always praying for you*

Shanell said...

What eyeliner did you use? I̓m looking for an eyeliner I can use on my waterline without it smudging or traveling into my lash line with 5 minutes!

Jenna said...

Beautiful! You look great even w/ out make-up!!

If you have time could you please give me some tips on engagement photo make-up? I wear pretty dramatic make-up on a daily basis but I am afraid of looking too overdone in the photos since they will be taken outdoors during the day.

I went a little overboard, but I bought all of the MAC products you used in your bridal video and even bought a Dinair airbrush kit!! I have always loved doing my make-up so I figured I would splurge on these products and practice a ton before my wedding day instead of paying someone else to do it for me :)

I love you, Kandee! Congratulations again on your precious cupcake! --I can’t wait to find out the name you chose for her! <3

Jenna said...

and please, please, please ignore any negative comments you get. I will be praying for those people because they obviously need to make peace with the Lord.

christine said...

Kandee, I hope you have a chance to answer, what foundation did u use in that video?? Thanks babe, you look beautiful!!

christine said...

Ah, one more question, at the very end when u come back to say to click on your page to see what I use your lip colour is a little different what is on them, love love that nude glossy look, please! Thanks honey!! These tips work as I have 2 little ones and sometimes that's all the time u have is 5 min! Thank :)

Samantha said...

hey kandee, i just started my own blog, and i was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to make it look better hahaha.. the website is .. i hope to see your advice/comments :)
Sam :)

darkhorse said...

Kandee what was the name and brand of the eyeshadow you used? I have similar colouring to you and would dealer love to use the same colours.

You are lovely! Thanks for the tips as a new mum it feels good just to take those few minutes for myself to feel pretty.

love love love.
ignore the trolls. They are on every blog in existence. It says more about them than you.

Dawn said...

I like the way the beauty tubes mascara looks, but I don't like how it cleans up. Those little beauty tubes get all over the place and stick to your face. Icky. I'm loving urban decay skyscraper lash right now, but no, it's not cheap... :(

vs said...

KANDEE - please read this. Can you add a SEARCH widget on your blog... perhaps at the end or at the side... because sometimes I come here looking for a post and I only remember bits of a it and have to plough through your entire blog for it!!!! THANKS SO MUCH! LOVE YOU

Kandee Johnson said...

yes, I'll try to put a search feature on here! and I used La Mer liquid is amazing....I got it sent to me...I bet it's kinda expensive...but it makes your skin look and feel incredible! xoxo

Unknown said...

I luv ur makeup tipz luv u kandeee i seee ur videoz alll tthe time

AussieMum said...

I love this vid kandee. I blogged about you on my blog today. Thought u might like to see it :D


~Amber~ said...

Awesome post once again girly!!! @ Hello Gorgeous!!!

Cady Mae said...

Kandee, you look absolutely amazimgly gorgeous with or without makeup! God gave all of us natural beauty so don't waste a second doubting yourself! <3 <3 <3

Shannon P said...

I love your videos! What liquid foundation were you using? Right now the only liquid foundation I have if from Make Up For Ever and I think its breaking me out. Do you have any suggestions of liquid foundation that will not make me break out and I can get at Sephora? THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

don't give him what he wants, kiddos =]

Thanks, Kandee! haha this is my "unemployed and pregnant" make up routine haha not because there's no time, simply because I'm lazy =D

Keep up the good work, and remember, no one (that matters) will think less of you for taking some time to yourself. We understand you're raising a family and have an itty-bitty one =] You're special enough to your fans that we want you to take care of yourself before us

Veronika said... KNOW I think the world of you. We ALL do. Amazing that a soul we've never even met...can shine so brightly in each of our lives. Keep being you, Doll. Let the Haters be your Motivators! Ha Ha.

For all you Kandee Fans...I just started my own Blog & I'd love for you to check it out & "follow" & if you have one as well...I'd LOVE to return the favor! KIND HEARTS UNITE! Thank you so much!

Kim said...


Where did you get them? :)

Light4Him said...

I just get the feeling that Dave is really a down and out gal. So, "Dave", whoever you are, I feel really sad for you that you would write this on ANYONE'S blog. Especially if you think someone is not "pretty", who cares what your thoughts are on what is physically attractive? I'm more sad for you that you have so much ugliness on the inside.

Keep on shining Kandee =) Hopefully the people who comment mean things would just look in their heart at the ugliness that is spewing from them. Because that's the ugliness that is evil.

nihar said...

Please do rihanna's what's my name make up look. please
thanks for this tutorial :-)

Unknown said...

I usually really love your tips but I absolutely hate this one. All that concealer and no blush makes anybody look like they're wearing a mask. Yuck. Then the black eyeliner (both the fact that it's black and the fact that it's just the rims you've lined) combined with the completely ungroomed eyebrows makes it look like you just rolled out of bed after wearing your makeup all night. I spend all of 10 minutes doing my makeup in the morning but I don't look like I've been partying too late. Quick foundation, powder if I need it, quick powder on my eyebrows and along lash line, tiny bit of gel blush on cheeks and lips, couple coats of mascara and out the door. I like your videos but I really wish you'd do some more natural looking stuff.

JeSsIcA aNd LuLu's AdVenTurEs said...

Kandee your such an amazing person!! My sister, mom and I adore you.. because of you.. I am more confident with how i look and I now actually understand make up. Thanks so much!! I look forward to all of your videos they make my day!! :) hugs and kisses!!

oh p.s DAVE HAS TO BE GAY!!!!! Only a gay guy would even bother to talk like that.. example.. "honey".. never in my boyfriends life time would he use that word in that context.. So dont take it personal.. "Shes" just having an upset day.. and is upset that his piggy looking boyfriend is not as beautiful as you.. consider it.. his PMS day.. lol


Catharina said...

Love the post! You are truly beautiful Kandee. Congratulations to you baby.

Anonymous said...

I always throw on the basics:
and a neutral lip
Love the basic makeup video!
As always you come through for us!
much love!

Kharina said...

Awesome as always Kandee.

Also to people that comment here - there is nothing wrong with being gay, and being rude and unkind for kicks just proves you need a healthier hobby. The very fact that "Dave" has gone through every video just to prove his point is displaying severe stalker tendencies. I'd go cold turkey if I were you Dave, before you hurt yourself.

christine said...

Kandee, what else was on your lips, the last part of the video, just curious to see what u added, if u could let me know that would be awesome!!!! Thanks Kandee!!:)

Linda14 said...
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Linda14 said...
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Linda14 said...
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Linda14 said...


Anonymous said...

This was so helpful! You are beautiful! Can you do a video on Miley Cyrus' make up in her video Who Owns My Heart????

K9 Katastrophie said...

Kandee! This was great! I am a college girl and this really will help! Thanks so much for not letting mean people put you down!


P.s. you're so beautiful even without makeup!

TiLa_MiLa said...

Kandee! I tried this look today, and I got so many compliments! My boyfriend even loved it. I LOVE it! Thanks!!

Dave said...

Hm. Sorry I wasn't able to respond to all your slavish devotion to your mutual love fest. And I won't bother to answer what everyone said.

Except one general statement.

Cruel? Hiding behind free speech?

I didn't curse, use vulgarities or any uncouth language. I stated my opinion.

Bah, never mind. You all don't want to hear anything that fits outside your narrow world view.

Kandee, thanks for the "comment of the day" award. I'll put it in a place of honor, like the mantle.

Unknown said...

Love the Patricia Field cuff and I love that double extend mascara, I swear my lashes are thicker and longer from using it for month.

DanniArmani said...

Kandee I've been watching your videos and reading your blogs for some time now and I have taken soooooo much inspiration from you! From make up tips and tutorials, accessories and I hope that someday I will be as good of a mother as you are! I love your opinions on everything...what make up to use, clothes to wear, jewellery even what diapers (where I am we call them nappies haha!) baby should wear! You are an amazing person inside and out. Always anticipating your next update!


Joan said...

I think Dave is a girl. Why else would he care? hehehe

jenny mette said...

Kandee, I wish I was more tech savvy, cause my 2 1/1 yr old son was just watching your video with me an said" Oh, Oh she is bootiful!!" How cute!( in that little toddler voice!!) I am a make-up artist (or was before my babies) in chicago so he likes looking at MAC PRO, and your videos with me!! He even came out one day with a smudge on his nose and when I went to wipe it off I noticed he put mascara on his lashes!! and only got a small smudge on his nose!! Unfortunatly my kit and bathroon did not do so well!! He has two older sisters as well so he thinks make-up and paint are the same!! I thought this would put a smile on your face!! Have a happy and blessed day!!

Unknown said...

How do you ever find're such and inspiration! You look GREAT with that new mami glow. XOXO ~Ivelisse
PS...noticed you did your eyebrows and diff lipstick for the last few seconds of the video..GOTCHA! cheater, pumpkin eater :)

Unknown said...

If more of the people in this world were anything like you, the world would be a better place. you make me feel better just hearing your positive, happy voice!Keep up the great work!

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