Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 so, since I am watching more tv than I have in the last year...and I'm up all night nursing baby, watching tv...yes, I have ended up watching Kourtney & Kim Take NYC (yes, I would rather watch the Kardashians, than another infomercial about a skin care product! ha ha ha)...
it made me want to be in NYC so bad it makes my heart a little sad...I can't even put into words what IT FEELS like to be in the big apple! UH-MAY-ZZZZZZZING!
there is something about New York City that so incredible...it truly is the most amazing city in the world!

How I forgot to post these photos...I don't know! (AND...AND!!! I have an even more awesome video to edit in Patricia Field's store ~yes, PATRICIA FIELD...the incredibly stylish, stylist behind SEX & THE CITY, UGLY BETTY & THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA!!!~
and talking to her!!! I know! so excited!) but here's the pics for now!
Patricia and me in her FABU-TASTIC STORE, with her super stylie store manager!
"please pinch me...am I really in New York City...talking to Patricia Field..in her store!?!"
"foxy" tails!
my "go-go-gadget" arm wasn't working....ha ha ha
2 of my FAV colors PINK & GREEN!!!
Look at the leopard print luggage, zebra print, and damask luggage!!!
(FYI: the feather on my arm is a fake tattoo I had just been playing around with the fake tattoos from Urban Decay) I LOVED these silver glove-lettes!!! I didn't get them, but Patricia gave me a pair on little knuckle glovies that I love too!
 I loved this square bangle I'd call it a  SQUANGLE! ha ha ha
look at the STYLISCIOUSNESS of this acrylic necklace!
I love this GOLD CADILLAC purse/clutch/bracelet!!!
lots of cool studded denim!
me shopping...hunting for treasures...
i loved these COWBOY BOOT RAINBOOTS!!! (I'm kickin' myself for not buying them now! they were on SALE for super cheap!)
maybe diamonds aren't just a girls best friend..but her boob best friend too! ha ha ha
bedazzled bras anyone?!?
I did BUY this poncho.....I love it!
AND I got this blingy horseshoe necklace too!
oh I loved this ring too!!!
(my silver cuff by the way is a Forever 21 treasure!)
and I love me some hats!
(oh, leather cuff I'm wearing: I made it my lil' ol' self...black bow ring: Forever 21 baby!)
even, mama Shannon, got a hat to try on! 
even her window displays were amazing and artsy!
talking to Patricia Field (yes the famed stylist behind Sex and the City!!!!), in front of her store
hugging good bye...then me and mom went across the street to a yummy place that Pat told us about for dinner!
This was  such an awesome day! What a memory!
If you want a piece of Patricia Field-ness...and you can't get to her store...visit her on the interwebski at:

what a fun day....hope you had fun "coming along with me"...you're like a beautiful butterfly on my shoulder!

hats..love....and huge accessories....your friend, KANDEE



maccosmeticsfanatic said...

OMG so cool kandee!! i love you!!

hottSAUCE said...

omg! every pic. every everything is just to die!! im dyinggggg lol i want everything in that store hahhahaa thanx for sharing kandee cakes xoxo

Anonymous said...

I could go WILD in there!!! ^w^ So artsy. =D

-AV- said...

I totally wanna go inside that store! Thank you so much for sharing Kandee! -- <3 Ash

taylor marie:) said...

i've wanted to go to new york since i was three and i'm only fifteen so i'll have plenty of times to go. :) patricia field's store is pretttyyy impressive. love you kandee!! named your cupcake yet?? i'm dying to know her name!

Anonymous said...

I can see why you love NYC, it would be cool to go there on day! :)
That was a beautiful store, Patricia is so cool. you probably can get a lot of inspiriation from that store!
Thank you for sharing Kandee, have a beautiful day and take care of yourself and you're babies! Huge hugs :D

Amelia Kitzul said...

Cool! I liked the spikey ring! Awesome kandee! And I love your hello kitty bag :P

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

So many cool unique accessories, got to love her.

guida. said...

That must have been so amazing kandee! The pictures look delightful.

Oh and one more thing... In that horseshoe picture you look SO MUCH like your mama Shannon, it's crazy! It's a family of beautiful ladies, that's all i have to say ;)


loulou905 said...

Do a tutorial on how to make the leather cuff!!!! :)

rosiecheeks214 said...

hello Kandee!! i just wanna say that you are such an amazing person and i adore you so much, i also have to ask how did you possibly make you blog header so cool and amazing like it is?

Unknown said...

kandee, you are truly fabulous! love your style!!



Unknown said...

This must have been an amazing day, New York City WOW!!


pinkelefuntz said...

hey kandee, I just had to say in that picture with the horseshoe necklace...you actually looked like a *very stylish*, plastic manakin...hahha....I dont mean that as a bad thing...I just thought it was cool and funny.

Lucia said...

wow, That place is great!!!
One more reason to fight for a visa and go to NY

Cindyrelly said...

Hey Kandee I love your makeup in your pics, could you please do a makeup video on how to get the look?

Cindy <3

NineKeys said...

Ahh this stuff is so cool! I love these trips, and I love your style. <3 Kenza

~Amber~ said...

You are tooooo cute!!!! That store is sooooo you!!!! I hope you and the babes are doing well!!


beautylogicblog said...

As someone who is born and raised in NYC, I still love it. It is the city that never sleeps, there is always something new. I'm truly blessed to be a part of it.


socialitedreams said...

lol, you and patricia need to be bffs so she could dress you everyday because you SO fit her clothes!!! love the first pic :)


Trinette75 said...

AAAAAMAAAAZING!! Oh to have a big day shopping in THAT store...*dreamy eyes*
I am such an 80's rock chick it's ridiculous :P
All that glamour was soooo me.
Great pics! Thanks for sharing them.
Oh, when i win the lotto and can fly over from Australia...will you come...haha

Trinette75 said...

Me again....I'm gonna win lotto tonight :D

Jewelz said...

Aaaahh bedazzled bras!! I can look at thos ethings forever.


Anonymous said...

ha ha! way cool! :-)

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome that you got to meet her !! :D

Lovely Imperfection said...

iiii totally saw the feather on your arm and was gunna ask !!! haha so now i wonder do you even have any tattoos ? what is your take on ink or piercings in our culture and in others ? would be interesting blog or vid to see.

Emily Jones said...

Love your Make up in those Pics!! Nursing all through out the night is rough!! You're a good Mamma!! I somehow miss it when they are all done with it tho!

Smiles said...

I agree NYC is one of the best cities, but I must say I love Hong Kong! I have been going there since I was little and it's my favorite place to shop. :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee hello I have a question for you, you think you will be able to go to show IMATS NYC 2011? XOXO!

Elktrkbarberela said...

Great pictures!! I definitely have to visit her store the next time I'm in NYC. I've been to NY about 7 times, there are so many great things to experience there. I would say half those times I have gone to experience Late Night with Conan O'Brien.. I've been a huge fan of his for like 15yrs and I was able to meet and get a picture with him in 05 which was awweesome!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful week :)

Erin said...

ommmgggggoshhh!!!! How coooool! my husband and I are going to NYC for our 10 yr. anniversary!! I will stop by there for surreee!! thanks Kandee!!

Erin Michiels

nihar said...

wow.. these pictures look so fun.. :-)
you should come to india sometime kandee.. mumbai is lie the NYC of india :-)

Margara said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Pat Fields!!! That must have been the most awesome day!! BTW, I am LOVING ur hair in these pics!! u look so gorgeous with bangs!!!
Hope u r having a good day!!

William Turner said...

yes very cool photos for ncredibly stylish, stylist behind SEX & THE CITY, UGLY BETTY & THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, This all photos show your love in NYC. I like your black dress, I love to black dress, black leather jacket, black shoes .....

GyPsYQuEeN said...

looks like you had a ball i love PF!!!!

Wynter said...

are you going to IMATS in april?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corliss said...

Kandee, you and I could not be more different; but, your websites are the first I go to every morning. I love looking at the world through your eyes and I love your beautiful creative side and your lovely, sweet, generous spirit. Please ignore all the haters and keep on sharing your world with us.

Unknown said...

You are tooooo cute!!!!

Thank you for sharing Kandee, have a beautiful day and take care of yourself and you're babies! Huge hugs <3

Could you please do a DIY video on how to make the leather cuff?? :)

That would be amazing!!!!!

EllieeBee said...

I live close to New York and I haven't come across this store during my visits! I really want to visit! :)

ashley said...

Kandee, could you do a new video on makeup for photos? I am thinking more like fun/ photoshoot type pictures, not really like school photos or formal like that. I just wanted some looks that would be fun to use on a photoshoot, that I know will look good with flash and everything. PLEASE. by the way, I loved this post! I want to go to NYC SO MUCH!

noalik said...

PLEASE can you show how your leather bracelet look? I've only seen it on your waving arm in videos ;) and it's not very easy to see how it look. I want to do one myself :)
I love you! :D

RhiannonMurphy said...

Hey kandee, I dont know if you'll remember but I'm the girl who's going to New York in march ha ha. I've been dying to ask you if you have anywhere specific you think I HAVE TO GO TO while I'm there. I'm from Liverpool England so I have no idea what I'm doing. I've found TARGET though I love that place ha ha (I've been to target in florida :D). If you have any must buys or must go to places I would be soooo grateful for your advice because its unlikely I'll be back in New York for a while ha ha. So much love to you and your beautiful babies Love Rhiannon (a HUGE Kandee fan and friend) xxx

Totsie said...

hiya kandee, i am so happy for you ive only just signed up im not really good with webpages and stuff but ive been watchin your videos for about 2 years now and you inspire me so much, i recently just found out im pregnant my due date is august 19th i go for my 12 week scan tomorrow im so excited i cant wait. Theres so much i want to talk to you about its bizarre anyway i'll write soon xxxx tori xxxx

@Ellemakeupblog said...

Hi Hunni

I love your channel and blog.

You have the cutest family. I love Blakers voice hes sooo adorable!

Check out my blog I have an ultimate pink give away you have been a big inspiration so id just like to say thank you xxx


tinavang91 said...

"SQUANGLE!" i love it! haha.

Hanna From Norway said...

Hi! I am a 13years old girl from Norway(so I'm not so good in english..)
I love your blogg and your films! You are so beautiful and funny!!
Your makeup is just amazing and you have a so beautiful face!!
I dont hope that you delete your blogg, the only norwegan blogg I was reading( a blogg named "voe" )made of a 15years old girl got so many evil and bad comments so she deleted her blogg.. When she did it she was the most readed norwegan blogg and she had so many fans! I just hope to have your blog for a while;-) but it is youe choise:-)
the people that says that you are bad looking and not beautiful are wrong!! You are so beautifun, yoyr face is incedable and your makeup-skills are awezome!! You are perfect!!

I think in one of the films you said that you was a christian, if I heard rigth;-) if you are that is so cool!! I am that my self, and that is the best choose I ever done:-)

can you make a valentine makeuptortual?


Wendygital said...

Totally love these cool pics for an awesome day!
Those accessories are amazing!
Your blog is so full of positive vibes! I just can't help to love it!!! :-)

Em-Jae said...

This is crazy amazing!! "Squangle"?!?! HAHAHA, I love it. Thanks for sharing this amazing experience :]

Dani*LaLa said...

I hope to make it to New York one day one day I'll make it there =)

Unknown said...

Ooo where (and what is the name)of this store in NYC...I gotta check it out (I love cowgirl boots---the rainboots were too cute)

Erica said...

What the french?? You met Pat Field. Um jealous

Health Monitor said...

You look so fabulous in the store! I love the finds for sure. I just bought some studded glovelets for the lead guitarist of a band I know. I get a lot of ideas from my DISH Network employee subscription of the Platinum HD package. They have a FASHION TV HD channel that rocks! You can get it at dish.com.

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