Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas!

what's say's Valentine's Day and love more than hearts and homemade craft!
Anyone can buy a card or flowers or chocolates....
but if you make a card of Valentine's'll be as one-of-a-kind as you are!

How to Make an AWESOME Valentine's Day Card:
Buy some cardboard heart shapes (I got the glittery hearts above at Wal-Mart)...
write on the back in in a fun hot pink Sharpie pen...and -voila!
You just created an awesome card and Valentine's decoration in one!
BONUS: you can even buy a heart shaped lollipop (like the ones in the picture that I got from Wally World, too) and tape your "giant heart card" onto the lollipop!

The BEST VALENTINE's day gift! (cheap and you can make it yourself!)
The World's Best Chocolate Cupcakes!

I cannot tell you the deliciousness of these cupcakes! They are simply amazing! I have been known to eat an entire tray of a dozen! ha ha ha

Watch below (as we make cupcakes with tons of love!)
(i hope this picture makes you smile..ha ha ha)

Hope you have a day filled with love and cupcakes! Who needs a Valentine when you have cupcakes as good as these! ha ha ha ha

huge cupcakes and super huge love from my heart to yours....
love your friend, kandee


Unknown said...

:D I made choco cupcakes today!!!!!

Ellie said...

i might just have to make these tomorrow after work! I love all your tips and tricks and life lessons! I'm just glad you put it all out there for us to read and watch! Part time reader, and a full time friend!
Love being sent from Ohio!
Eileen B. =)

Chelsea said...

I have yet to try those cupcakes! They look so good!

bleigh91 said...

Happy Valentines day to you & yours kandee! God bless.. sending love from my heart to yours.. thank you for sharing your love to all of us (and your inspiring thoughts)... AND your cupcake recipe =P


Tayler Worrell said...

aw so cute! i wish i had a kitchen!!

Style Interplay--

Anonymous said...

Do you see this ? Well most likely you don't, but it's a huge smile from all the love and joy you bring to my life ! I'm so glad that I am part of the Kandee family this Valentine's day ! And I wish you, your babies, and you sweetheart the best of days!
Much love to you, Sista' !!!

Unknown said...

I would like to share with you my super special way to eat cupcakes:

1. Break off the bottom half of the cupcake.

2. Flip it over and stick it on top of the frosting.

3. Enjoy your cupcake sandwich.

It's perfect because you get even frosting distribution in every bite! I have been eating cupcakes this way since kindergarten... and I'm 21 and married now hahahahha.

Estell said...

Youre too adorable! and You make me want to dance and bake too haha

Anonymous said...

I remember watching this awhile ago!

Anonymous said...

How funny!!
I made some cupcakes for my friend today and watch this video this afternoon!!!

YAY for cupcakes!

lenabug said...

Lol.." time for a dance break" made my day. I can't wait to finish moving so I can unpack and make some cupcakes. Hope you have a wonderful valentine's day!

PrisNie said...

hahahaa I love your videos. i love how you're all stylish to cook. I usually wear sweatpants and a plain shirt.

I love your "dance break". It was great :)

I'll have to do those cupcakes tomorrow. :)

Gina Marie said...

My friend and I made peanut butter and jam cookies today, pushed little hearts in them for the jelly. super cute and fun--plus its cheap!
Have a beautiful valentines with all your loved ones :)

Unknown said...

I'll have to try them :)
i love baking!
thanks Kandee!
you're the best!

Trinette75 said...

I'm making these now and vlogging haha...i'm not sure i've done it right...I'm usually a great cook, but i only had one egg...and baby was asleep so i couldnt go to the shop lol. so i made half a batch. I've made them for my boys...for valentines day..hope they like em :D
thanks kandee. I remember watching this ages ago, but forgot you made cupcakes :D

Tasinahri said...

Instead of canola oil can you substitute extra virgin olive oil instead? And if so, what is the measure ratio?

Thanks :)

Tasinahri said...

PS: Your little dance break was funny funny as heck! Definitely put a smile on my face and made me giggle :)

Lynneth... said...

Reading your blog and watching your videos,
make me feel so happy and dandy because you are sweet, like Kandee!!
hee-hee...Happy Valentine's day!!♥

Unknown said...

happy valentines day Kandee!!!

Lovely Imperfection said...

lol u crack me up ! xox

Jess said...

I made cupcakes for all the other staff where I work. I have to admit I bought a packet mix, but because the packet came with cute little tiny candy hearts to go on top and I couldn't find those separately. But I did do all the decoration myself, like making heart shapes out of chocolate for the top.

It's fun to do things for other people on Valentines Day - making other people happy always makes you feel better than anything you could get for yourself.

Go here to see the cupcake decoration fun

Rossella said...

thanks for the tips love it
let me know your thoughts on my new blog entry and follow me at:

My Couture Diaries
My Couture Diaries
My Couture Diaries

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

You are killing me here! I'm on Weight Watchers woman :) maybe I can make it for a special dinner in the future.

cherichoux said...

these cupcakes looks soooooooo delicious! now I'm hungry =)
Today it's my birthday and valentine's day! I think I will do these cupcakes for my fiance!
Thank you Kandee! I love you soooo much <3

Funda said...

Thank you very much Kandee, I really loved this video ! It should be fun if you post another cooking videos ^^
i'd love to teach cooking with you ! ^^

Big kisses <3

Brooke said...

I made cupcakes too, although mine were out of a box!! maybe I will try your recipe!! XOXO

Cheyenne said...

For Valentine's Day my mom, sister and I decided to surprise my dad by making home-made chocolate covered pretzels & Oreos. All we did was microwave the chocolate, dip the goodies, and lay them out to dry on wax paper. It was so much fun to make, and to clean up the chocolate, too! :)

Unknown said...

I will let everyone known that i went to the video to write her receipe and made them the next day. I was scared to death since they didnt look like cake batter at all! but they came out so amazing! not too sweet and perfectly fluffy. The frosting we had some leftover and used it on waffles..yum!!! thanks Kandee

Mary said...

That was first video with you I saw at YT! Thanks Kandee :) I love you so much and your family, can't wait for new video from you

MimiMystique said...

Hi Kandee!

I love love looooove cupcakes but I have an addiction to sugar, can you suggest any recipes for people like me? I have started a blog recently about my adventures (heehee) battling my sugar cravings and trying to eat healthy. Any tips and/or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

my blog is

Thanks Kandee

lots of love to you and yours


Catharina said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!! I just have to share what my husband did. When I opened the door after getting home from work today he was laying on the floor just inside the door. He had a box of chocolate and jelly hearts candy on his chest and he yelled: I LOVE YOU!! And he had also bought me flowers and a beauty magazine which I got after I had given him a LOT of kisses. Isn't that cute!?

Ashley Marie said...

Those are the most amazing cupcakes....ever! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe :) Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweet little family!


neicebug said...

That cupcake video is CLASSIC KANDEE!!! I love watching it!!!

xoxo, Denise :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your cupcake recipe! I love watching this video who knows how many times I've watched it ha ha. I'm in the middle of making kandee's world famous cupcakes yay! Happy Valentines's Day Kandee!! <3

Unknown said...

I have used your recipe to make these cupcakes and they turned out delicious!!! My friends loved them! They scarfed them down the second I handed them out and were in love with the cream cheese frosting.

Unknown said...

Thanx Kandee! :-) There´s one thing you said that makes me think a lot - "Without salt sweet doesn´t seem as sweet".
Well I told to myself - Isn´t this true also for life? Cause maybe without the "salt" (the bad things that happend to us) we might not apreciatte the "sweet" and the nice moments as much.
Anyways thanx for the great recipe & sorry for my poor English! :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee! <3
I remember watching this cupcake video the first time you posted it on youtube, and I watched it all over again this year! I wrote down the recipe and made some tonight, SO GOOD!! YUMMY IN MY TUMMY :) Thanks for sharing - it is now in my recipe book and I called it "Kandee Johnson's Cupcakes"!

Unknown said...

Hola Kandee,
I just made the cupcakes and they are soo delicious :)when everyone gets home tonight, their going to have cupcakes coming out their ears and be so excited too :) hahah
you are such an inspiration and so beautiful. Thanks for making me a happier and nicer person. Keep sending out your love to the world.

Ariel2010 said...

Those look delicious! Great receipe:)

Christine said...

You crack me up Kandee. I always read your blog or watch your videos when I need to cheer up!! Love how you're not afraid to be you!


Unknown said...

How can you be so thin after giving birth?! LOvely recipe, going to try it out soon.

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