Saturday, February 5, 2011

The best baby names!

Yes, Kandee is my name and I love it....(I even proudly wore my Happy Birthday pin at Disneyland...not only do you get in for free on your birthday...but they give you a pin to wear with your name it on, so everyone says, "Happy Birthday Kandee!", all day's so fun!

When I was about 5, I didn't love my name so much...ha ha a kid, I didn't know how many more times I could hear, "kandee can I have some candy?!?"....followed by, what they thought was their clever and hilarious laughter!

So when it comes to naming perfectionism comes out, and I want to pick the perfect fit them perfectly. Somehow I couldn't imagine myself having any other name than Kandee.
(thanks mom and dad for naming me Kandee, and for spelling it very un-traditional!)
I don't care that I can never find a personalized pen or mug with my name spelled correctly...
oh how I wanted a little license plate with my name on it for my bike when I was little though!

Alani and Blake have come up with some of the BEST baby names, here they are:

Alani's names she came up with today:
SAMERICKA (suh-mare-ih-cuh)
LOTSIE (lot-see)
KITSIE (kit-see)
SAMAREDA (suh-mare-ee-duh)
SALLY (that's one of her all-time favorites)

Blake's best baby names for girls:
Princess & The White Stick
Princess Beauty (i must say I do have an affinity towards this name! ha ha ha

here's to names...and pretty soon I will share with you all what we decided for little Cupcake....she will always be little cupcake, no matter what her "official" name is! ha ha ha

your sugary named friend, Kandee


Christina Marie said...

Can't wait to find out :D x

Quetzabel said...

Can't wait to see what the name for little cupcake will be! Thanks for all the insight Kandee! Wishing you the best! Love, Quetzabel

. said...

I can't wait to know. :)

(Name her Alice! ahahah just kidding! :P)

Sally it's cute! :D

grace said...

I really want to know the name!! Can't wait for the reveal!! :D

I always wanted the license plates though but they NEVER have may name on anything..Grace is such a common name..but not in their book apparently :/ haha

alexis said...

you know i think your little one came up with Princess Whitestick because you were holding the iPod/Apple charger.
i cannot wait to find out what little one's going to be named

Unknown said...

I love the name Leanzah (lee-an-zah) !

Holly Ann said...

You're killing me!!! lol I can't wait to know what you guys have come up with for her.

robin said...

you could name her cupcake... :)

Anonymous said...

when I was younger I could never find anything personalized with my name... My name is Lea and the "traditional" way to spell it is with the H (Leah)... I AM SOO happy there is no H on my name. not many people have my name and if they do they are most certainly bound to have the H. =]

Unknown said...

What about Nathalia????

-AV- said...

I'll always refer to her as Cupcake. We've all known her as Cupcake for so long.

Lots of love to you Kandee!

-- Ash<3

MariaPaula said...

My cousin calls her son "Pumpkin", so when you call him his real name, he gets mad.
"My name isn't ____!! It's "PUMPKIN"!! Mommy said so!"

Kailee said...

I always wanted one of those name plates, too! Until I got into my twenties, I never heard of anyone with my name. I think it's very common now, but most people spell it with a 'Y' still no name plate for me LOL

Anonymous said...

so cute i love your little kids names ideas!

Kiddo said...

You're killing us with anticipation Kandee!! p.s. I've always loved my name, even when I was little. My mom & dad picked my name from the Bible and because it had special meaning to them it's always had special meaning to me. =] Plus Rachel isn't a very common name.

SippY said...

Robin@ Thank could be sooooo cute :D

Kandee@ I'm so exited to hear what you're going to call her <3

Sabrina said...

girl I know how you feel..Sabrina is uncommon and I never find anything for my name..when I do its exciting!! hehe

Lane and Alley | blog said...

I never ever, ever, ever found anything with my name either! Tahnee (pronounced Tawny) I used to hate that it was different and that people would pronounce it wrong, but now that I'm older, I like that it's unique :) Can't wait to see what name you guys decided for little "cupcake" :)

Almost Domestic said...

I used to want to change my name when I was little as well. I was the only Gretchen in my school. It wasn't until I got older and realized how wonderful it was that I was the ONLY ME!! Now I love my name, and it fits me perfectly and imagine being anyone but Gretchen!

Unknown said...

Kendall ! will be perfect for your cupcake.

VENUS 360 said...

my names vanessa...and i can NEVER EVER find anything with my name on it........pick a name as unique as yours

NatalieLaura said...

I have an unusual name and could never find my name on mugs or license plates either! But thats the way I like it, I feel the same way and can't imagine having any other name, and HATE when I hear someone far far away may have the same name as me haha! I say go for the unique and unusual name... I think it gave me character growing up and possibly even allowed me to embrace myself better. Can't wait to hear what her name is!!!

Dianna said...

i love the name delilah, rebecca, becca, Amber, bethany, Nadine, Yara, Anais, Marilyn :D

pinky.tinky said...

Awww my fave names for a girl are:

Boys are:

my bump was called Rasperberry and its still stuck and she is now 7 lol

Paige_aquarius said...

I'm in the same spot as you were when you were in a kid my name is Paige so everyone would tease me saying 'Paige, what page are we on?' But now at the ripe age of 16 I don't care anymore I love to read but i learned the meaning of my name (assistant) which fits me because I have this thing for helping people... all the time.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out her name!
I love that you're called Kandee and when I have kids I seriously hope I can think of names that will fit then so perfectly!

Love Bekah xx

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way, Kandee. My name is Lucy and I was always so upset that I could never find a license plate with my name on it! Your new cupcake is adorable and so precious, by the way.

NineKeys said...

Ahh I can't wait to know! Maybe if you call her Salomé she can be Sally for short! It's a French name, and I just have a particular affinity towards (for?) it. Just a suggestion :)

Nicole Turner said...

haha I love the name plate pic you got! Its got my name in there too! :) LOVE IT! Your lil Cupcake is beautiful no matter what name you call her!...although i must say it would be cool if you actually named her least the sweet names could become sort of a tradition of sorts ? LOL :)

Anonymous said...

name her trinity!!! (:

Stella Rae said...

haha i love Princess & the White Stick! Blake is so cute

PrisNie said...

I love those names! I know exactly how you feel bout not being able to find your name on a keychaing or sourvenir. My name is Priscilla and I can NEVER find anything that has my name on it. Its just tooo unique.
Since you are unique as well as your baby, you should name it Priscilla :).

Unknown said...

i know exactly what you mean, my name is Shandra, and i have never seen a single little license plate or mug or anything with my name.

Syl said...

Kandee - your daughter is stunning - Liliana is a beautiful name - whatever you come up with should be original as you are a true artist.
I have to share this with you as it just came to my attention. Seeing that you love decor of all kinds - and enjoy being inspired - you may want to check out this website: My brother has created the art that people choose to put on various items (shoes, posters, mugs etc) Awesome designs! Very unique :) He is considering furniture as well!!

Kim Pinksa said...

We named our little girl Sloan and it has a special meaning. It is my mother's maiden name and very unique. Perhaps chose something that you can relate to family or a close friend. Good luck! :)

Kari Lynn said...

My name is spelled differently and I always wanted to personalized pens and notepads too.

Siw Malèn said...

Well, whatever you pick I bet it will be cute!

My name is also very unusual. My name is Siw Malèn (I am from Norway), and according to the statistic of Norway I'm the only one who has that name in Norway...
And when people ask for my name I always have to say at least three times before they get it right. When I was in Mexico they couldn't even say it so I was called "Sio". Haha, pick my name! No, I'm just kidding. But I love my name though :D

Best of wishes xoxo

ms.michelle said...

I think SAMERICKA is really unique! ^_^..I LOVe it! =D

Syl said...

With today's creative possibilities - her name can be put on anything!

Anita said...

Bella could be an alternative to Princess Beauty:p

womplo said...

i have always thought the name hannah claire was a pretty one.. and the name celia(seelyah)
cant wait till you choose one!

Colleen said...

I cant wait til you announce the name!! ive been like sitting on the edge of my seat!! she is the most precious thing ever!! I so know what you mean about unique names! i love love love them! one of my friends name is valentina (she goes by val) and i love that name!!! I know when i have kids of my own i really want them to have a fun name. i love the name Kadynn (KAY-den) also!! good luck with your choice! i know it will be beautiful!! prayers that your family stays happy and healthy! God Bless

Racquel said...

I see a license plate with the name Raquel. My name just has to be spelled with a "C" which is one letter off from finding keychains with my name. I hate that "C". Everybody always calls me rackle, even though my name is pronouced like Raquel.

Unknown said...

princess and the white stick is by far my favorite name for cupcake lol I think we can even come out with clever fan-fiction stories for her to read when she's a grown up lol if she's interested of course. She does deserve the perfect name! I see her and she seems like to have a cute short name like Sophie, and it would be, Sophie the little prince and her white stick, and she would grown up to be a valiant young lady that will save the world with her white stick and will not wait for no prince to ever rescue her ;)

Amelia Kitzul said...

Sally is so cute! Alani would love it if you named her that :P but I do love princess and the white stick LOL

Nikki Alonzo said...

I love the name Kambria (kam-bree-ah) plus you'll both have matching 1st name initials ;) Other names I likr that start with a K:
Kaliyah (ka-lee-ah)
Kalista (like the celeb, Calista)
Kahlilah (ka-lee-la)
Kaylianna (kay-lee-ana)
you can just keep her name as Kupcake spelled with a "K" <3
Have fun deciding & I can't wait to hear what her will be!! ;)

GeorgiaBela said...

CANT WAIT to know her name! bet it will be beautiful just like her xxxx

charmed-chick said...

Great post Kandee.

i have just found out i am pregnant i am so happy i have been reading all of your blog posts about your pregnancy and i dont know where you found the energy i am only in the early stages of my pregnancy and i am so tired all the time lol.

Yu said...

My name is "Yu" imagine what kinda comments I get.. it's so annoying!

I really like Lotsie, so cute! :) Hahaha it's cute you ask for your kids' opinions :)

wachawachawant said...

Aww. I like the Sally name.
I go by it as well but mine is spelled Sali, short for Salaam.
Whatever her name will be it will be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

wow, i could never find my name on those things either, but somehow that picture does have my name! (nina) haha. go figure, huh. can't wait to know her name, and your name is perfect for you. sweet, colorful, and everyone likes it - kandee! perfect :D

D uk e said...

I am so in love with the name Lotsie. I think that is so cute <3

Deryck & Bree said...

I love unconventional names, my daughter's name is Evyn, pronounced like the boys name (Evan) and Im pretty sure that we will never be able to find her name on those things either and when I talk about her everyone has to say "wait, your baby girls name is Evyn?" haha!. But I think most everyone goes through a phase where they don't like their name at some point growing up, that is what nic-names are for! haha! I can't wait to hear little miss "cupcake's" "official" name!

Janine said...

I agree with you Kandee. I hated my name Janine growing up. I wanted a license plate on my pink huffy bike so bad. But now, I appreciate being different. So when I had my daughter, I wanted something different, but not a name she would get made fun of. So I named her Tatum. So you have a cupcake and I have a tater tot. Because what really goes with Tatum? HAHA

Malince said...

Hi Kandee! You and your cupcake are so beautiful! I'm so happy for you all:) Since you're part swedish, I have a swedish name suggestion for your baby girl. Linnéa (Linn-ee-ah)it's one of my favourite names and also the name of a beautiful delicate pink flower. Hope you like it:)

Unknown said...

I think peculiar names are a great idea, I have a non traditional name too and I think this is great but I would advise you to be careful to not choose a name that will sound rude in any other language like for example the name SAMERICKA (suh-mare-ih-cuh) because in Spanish it sound exactly like "su marica" which it means "you queer" and also SAMAREDA (suh-mare-ee-duh) which it sounds like "su marido" which means "your husband"...I don't think those will be such a good idea.

Anonymous said...

I think Delilah is a beautiful name (suited to a beautiful little girl!) My name is Caitlin and ive been watching your vids for a couple of years but this is my first comment. Congrats on the little cupcake ^^ baked to perfection. xox

Anonymous said...

I vote SALLY !
And Kandee I think your name is so so so so beautiful and sweet no matter what people say... I wanna name my baby Kandee !! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Sally was one of my favorite names when I was her age :-)

These are some of my favorites now:

Kiera (what I want to name my daughter)
Elise (if I have a second daughter)

You could also name her Belle or Bella as an alternative to Princess Beauty. Or even Sarah, which means 'princess.'

Oh, My Women said...

You should name her Kaede. Pronounced (kayd. :)

E. H. said...

My name is Elba and I'm also part of the can't-find-my-name-on-anything- club. Growing up I always like my name and now that I'm older I really love it.

Can't wait to know little cupcake's official name :D

Unknown said...

Kitsi means "tickle" in Tibetan.

All of those sound like amazing names. I can't wait to hear what you decide on!

Lynneth... said...

Your babies are too adorable!!! I like Princess and the white stick! lol!!
Names ARE so very important to me and just the name but the meaning. In this 4th pregnancy, I thought I was having a girl, so I had a girls name all picked out: Lillah Angeline. Lillah means: daughter of God and worshiper of God.Angeline means: messenger of God and angelic. BUT I'm having a boy (my 3rd boy!) and I am naming him Shiloh (my 3 year old son said he likes that name) which means: peaceful;tranquil and his middle name: Jeramiah meaning God will raise up;God will set free. =)

Dancer3114 said...

Princess and The White Stick cracked me up! Blake is too cute. Can't wait to hear what you decide to name her!

Lick said...

Is it weird that I had a dream that you named the baby Ramona? Yeah, probably!

bermyWHAT said...

Both my parents had uncommon (yet super old fashioned/traditional) names
Petronella aka Nelleke (Nell-uh-kuh)
So they gave me and my brother the some of the most common names of the 1980s ... Stephanie and Cameron
So I always sorta hated having a common name and knowing so many people with the same name but I don't think it was as bad as being named Rachel or Ashley or something
oh well
So it's funny that now I'm leaning towards more uncommon names (at least compared to where I'm from) while my bf who has a really common name in my country but a really uncommon name in the country he grew up in is totally all for super common names.
Eg, I love: Saskia, Petra, Elke (El-kuh), Lennea, and Amalia
and my bf loves: Victoria, Elisabeth, and Kathryn

You Glam said...

Hi Kandee , my baby´s name is MAINDRAH ,I think its a beautiful and different name , just a idea ,if you like to ;-)

Jen said...

I can't wait until you tell us her name!! I've been dying to know! I am sure it perfect for your little cupcake!

Jennifer Hoech said...

My favorite names for girls:
Freya (my third child)
Ayla (If I had a forth little girl)
good luck finding the perfect ame, on matter what you choose it will be perfect!

Unknown said...

I actually like Samericka! You've got a pretty creative little girl on your hands :0)

Arabella said...

I used to HATE my name when i was little, but i love it now - it's Arabella, but i get called Bella or Belle for short (and then i can pretend i am Belle from Beauty and The Beast haha).
Your baby is utterly beautiful by the way! I have two daughters called Annalise and Madison
Lots of love

Anonymous said...

Lilian is good name. What about about Faith or Anna Dupree? Or Anna Faith? Madeline is pretty. I love the name Madeline!! Abby Claire is pretty too. Just some options. Love ya kandee! God Bless!

Unknown said...

Don´t know why I always loved the name Lola.... has such personality and strength.

Hope this message find you well.



Anonymous said...

aw how cute, Princess and The White Stick is defo a keeper! haha. Aren't kids imaginations just incredible?!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to hear what you name her! i know what you mean when you said how you couldn't buy stuff with your name on it, i never could, my name is Keira (Ke-ra), so everyone spells it differently. i hope you and your whole family are doing great!
With Love,

Gigi said...

I don't like my name very much although it was very unique while I was growing up. I know see it more...Griselda..I get lots of story on it. That is the name of the wicked witch of the west and that's a greek goddess (I like this one). People have a hard time pronouncing it and remembering it. So people mostly call me by my nick name Gigi. Good luck on the search for the perfect name but your right she will alwasy be the lil cupcake.

Tia said...

So cute, my name is Tiana but no one ever said it right so i went with Tia. I have 3 girls and their names are Xela (shayla), Karma, and Veraty. I love the names and the fit our girls and our family perfectly. God Bless!

Renee said...

What about JACINDA

She was the girl from the real world London!
Jacinda Barette

Keat ' Cameo said...

That's so cute, 'cause when I was younger I didn't like my name either^^. I was always telling my mom that I wanted my name to be Mónica ^^ and that they've made a mistake hahaha

but now I like my name =)
whatever name you'll pick I know it will be wonderful!!

K. (AKA Iolanda - what kind of friend would I be if I didn't tell you my name? shame on me! hihi ^^)

Unknown said...

My name is Neysa (nay-sa) and although everyone pronounces it wrong and basically butchers it, I absolutely love it and thank my parents for naming that. I have never found anything with my name on it (except a purse at Wal-mart called Neysa & Co.)but I wouldn't change it for the world. It is as unique as I am!

sayahchan said...

if you are partial to princess, you could name her Sara, that's my name and its the nontraditional way to spell Sarah which is Hebrew for Princess, there is also Hime ( said Hee May ), which is Japanese for princess. I have been looking into Traditional and non traditional names since My baby name was dun stole.. lol I loved the name Arianna for years ad now half the people I know have daughters named Arianna.. lol

I have actually been drawn to the japanese spelling of Mari, I just love it.. I also love Erina, and Ayumi.

Fallan said...

Hi Kandee!

Well, my name is Fallan. Its an irish/celtic name. It is suppose to be spelled Fallon, but my mom changed that. I used to hear "Help, I've fallen and can't get up!" ALL THE TIME! I have also had every pronunciation of my name possible. Its Allan with an F in front of it....simple. (my dads name is Allan, hence the change in spelling)

Good luck with the name search!

PS: I love reading your blog!!

H.hawj said...

Ohh those are such cute names..haha's!
I really wonder what her real name is gonna be? :)

Fallan said...

Oh ya, I forgot to say, that I also love my name, even if I could never find it on anything or got teased for it a little bit, and the mispronunciation too. =D

My Simple Life said...

Maybe Isabella aka Bella(btw Disney doesn't let you in free on your birthday anymore)

Hopi said...

Ha ha ha!! 'Princess & the White Stick' are so funny! xo from Atlanta

Sloane said...

I used to stand in front of the bicycle license plates, too. Hahaha! My name is Sloane and I could never find my name. I didn't realize it was unusual at the time. I've always loved my name. I named my daughter Aislinn which I decided to pronounce "Az-lyn", I just liked the spelling better and I named my son Rowan. Our third baby(girl)will be Bronwyn. Happy baby name picking!!

Jenna said...

Sally would actually be really cute!!

I have also always loved the name Belle and Gabrielle :)

Can't wait to find out the name you choose!


Cherrysparklz said...

I agree with Alani name her Sally!!! ha ha my name is Sally and I can tell ya I did get teased but I did not care. I always felt unique and felt pretty good to not have a common name.
Whatever you choose I am sure it will suit lil cupcake!


Susie Perazza said...

very cute. it's so hard to pick a name when you know it will be with them for ever. my husband and i didn't have a name for our daughter for a while either. we finally came up with Samira (sa-meera) your welcome to use it :D good luck!

Keirasluckycharm said...

Name her Kandee after you! its a pretty name.

nihar said...

I love your name.. You are sweeter than candy my dear kandee :-* :-)

Anonymous said...

Lottie!!! I love that name well it sounds like lolli- which is like lollipop- sweet and colourful-brilliant. and its close enough to Lotsie xD She would be so cute!! ...well she would be adorable with any name. I can't wait to find out! xDDD!

Unknown said...

Pretty sure in one of your older videos, when you would put on plays or something.. You'd always name yourself Danielle because it was your favorite name! That'd be a nice to name your baby. :] It's personal to your childhood!

Penny Pincher said...

Oh so you've already named her?! :) Great! :)

I hope you went with Kimber or Jerrica! ;)

I can't wait to see what you went with! :):):)

Cherish said...

I also love my name and could not imagine being named anything else! Nothing rhymes with it and the only "clever" thing people have ever done is sing the song "Cherish" and say they Cherish me. Most people just comment on how unique and pretty it is. I also thank my mom for naming me, Cherish, often. =)

Good luck coming up with the perfect name for miss Cupcake. <3

Unknown said...

yep... i too could never find any personalized stuff with just eve on it. when i was little i said i was going to change my name to evelyn 'cause i could always find that. now i love and adore my name! no matter how many times i'm asked where adam is...sheesh...

Anonymous said...

im so excited!! i like the name sally also sallyanne that way it an be shortend..... cant wait to find out

Sheila P.... said...

My babies names are differnet and I did that for a purpose...I wanted them unique in there own little dtr name is Jazmyn and my son is jo.joe...Wut ever u name her is will be perfect just like her...So is soo pricless...

Sheila P.... said...

My babies names are differnet and I did that for a purpose...I wanted them unique in there own little dtr name is Jazmyn and my son is jo.joe...Wut ever u name her is will be perfect just like her...So is soo pricless...

JuLiAnnE @ Bathroom Dancer said...

Name her Julianne! I used to hate my name for the very same reasons... because I can never find it on any personalized items. But they'll be really grateful when they grow up. I can't imagine myself having any other name.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about unique names. Mine is Xanthe, and as a kid I HATED it because it was so different. Now I love it because it made me who I am today. Although yes a lot of times its not so great for getting anything personalized, or even initials are hard to find for the letter X.

Anyway good luck naming your beautiful new baby. (Not that I suspect you WOULD be timid with naming her something a bit unusual.) But as you said you love your name, whatever you choose eventually she will love it, even if she doesn't right away! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi. Lotsie (by Alani) is acctually a very possible choice. Maybe even better would be Lotte and Lotsie vould be the nickname. In Phantom of the Opera there is also a song called "Little Lotte". It would be really interesting to have a song after your name. And I think I also like Lotte because my name is Lotta. :D Plus in Estonia there is a children animation character named Lotte (it's a cute little dog). Kisses to all your babies ;)

Nati said...

I just cant forget princess and the white stick hahaha
your kiddies are sooo cute and lovely

cant wait for the name you choose

from germany

Terri said...

I can never find a pen or mug with my name either :(

Can't wait to find out what you're naming little Cupcake!


Thedreamsofanizzyinabigwildworld:) said...

Sally's a cute name :)
izzy xx

Caro said...

Hi Kandee,

What about the name: "Sophie" that means Wisdom.
It sounds so sweet...

lots of love

Unknown said...

I think Mabel is cute :)

Chloe said...

you could incorporate all of your other kids' names into her name! that would be cute x

Sommer said...

When i read your post, i thought i had written it.
My name is Sommer.
I always wanted the license plate and the personalized pencils, but never found them in my name either! Which made me upset as a child, especially because my brother and sisters had license plate names.
It was annoying in school, since you don't go to school during the summer, they would tell ask me what i was doing at school since it wasn't summer. kids are mean, but i thought it was funny.

Can't wait to learn what you named your beautiful cupcake.

Dye-A-Graham said...

Cupcake looks like a Madison or Madeline to me! But I would just call her Gorgeous..because honestly I have never seen a more gorgeous newborn!

Rochelle B.x said...

I feel exactly the same way. My name is Rochelle and the only way you'd ever hear that name is in France and even then probably not because it's the name of a rock. Lol. Anyways I still love my name.

Am soooo excited to hear what you're gonna call 'cupcake'.x
I reckon maybe Ellie , Mirabelle Macy/Maisy/Lacey or Eliza would suit her.
Waddaya reckon.

Whatever name you choose will be real special though.
God Bless : ]

Liv said...

Good Heavens, so many comments, I don't know if mine will even matter. But it's worth a shot. I love the nickname Cupcake. And in a perfect world, I would name her that in a heartbeat. But, I am wondering if the cupcake bakeries near you give their creations pretty or unique names. Maybe one of those can be adapted to a baby name.

Anonymous said...

i think lacey and sally are great names for a little cupcake!!! can't wait to see what you chose, congradulations btw :)

Anonymous said...

My name is Meadowlark, I can never find any of those personalized things either Kandee but we're unique!

Pamela said...

lol.. i know its similar but different, but i could never find my name on anything either.. (and funny thing, i just fount it on your photo with license plates.. hahaha)
My name is Pamela.. you would think- whats nontraditional with that?! Well, i am from Croatia.. a country that had maybe 1 or 2 Pamelas in the whole country back when i was born.. So yea, not a really traditional name here..
I hated my name growing up too, mostly coz everybody started calling me Pamela Anderson, probably thinking they are all that funny.. (Ok, I admit, i am blonde.. but a straight 2 in bust.. i mean, really??) Plus, they never thought about how many times in my life i actually heard that "joke".. Well, people that meet me these days still use the "joke", but i dont hate my name any more.. I actually find it fun and unique.. At least, when someone shouts out Pamela in the mid of street, not many Pamelas will turn their heads, but everybody turns their head to see who is that Pamela.. :D

Gosh, so sorry, i feel like i spammed your comment section now.. So sorry.. :D :D

Michelle said...

Magdalena is Spanish for Cupcake! I think it's a beautiful name and would be so special for you to know that she really will always be your cupcake :) And aren't you part Spanish as well? I hope you like it, because I sure do :)

Lejla said...

Hi Kandee,
would you please suggest some ways to prepare a man for the stage, making videos etc..
I wanna know how to put a make up on men, wuthout making it obvious and ''too pretty''..
love you and stay as you are :*

xBelkisx said...

I know exactly what you mean about wanting the license plate so bad!! or a mug, or t-shirt... my name is "Belkis" which is a wierd name even in my country (argentina) and I was never able to find ANYTHING with my name on it... my grandma made a t-shirt for me with my name on it.. it was awesome... hot pink with a cute girl on it... anyways... you should definitely get her an original name, gives you an amazing personality and makes you feel special :D

ShayC said...

Samerica is awesome! What a great name your daughter came up with!

She's so pretty!

Live Life To The Fullest said...

Kandee, I'm so happy for you! Since you're name is unique I think you should name your baby cupcake something unique too.
I'm going to post some of my favourite names of all time :)
Daria (my own name, just like you like your own name)

I can't wait till you name your child something unique and creative :)

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to find out the name! :)
I wish I had a more original name, its just plain old Sarah. Growing up, I wanted to be named Cecilia - after my grandmother and her mother before her.
I hope you continue to call her Cupcake (at least as a nickname), its original and as sweet as her mommy!
Take care!

Saara said...

Can't wait to see what will become Cupcake's name! And I'm totally loving the "Princess and the White Stick" :P

Emily Braun said...

I LOVE your name! Kandee is so beautiful, fun and unique! When I was little I always wanted to be named Samantha (meaning flower; listener; listener of God), Analiese (meaning grace; graced with God's bounty. Pronounced: Anna-lees) or Celeste (meaning heavenly). I love my name (Emily) though, my big brother named me! Can't wait to see what you name little Cupcake! I'm sure it will be beautiful <3

Sabrina ♥ Chérie said...

I love the name Katelin. ^_^

noemy said...

Wow we both have the same birthday! I turned 20. I still can't believe how time goes by so fast haha.

Happy Birthday!!!

Unknown said...

I know how you feel Kandee! My name is Deja and no one can pronounce it right ever (it's like Deja Vu). When I was a kid I was always bummed I could never find anything with my name on it but as I grew up I appreciated the fact my name is unique. I can't wait to hear the name you guys come up with for cupcake! I'm sure it will be beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The word Magdalena is a Spanish cupcake or muffin. Magdalene would probably be the english way of saying that.

Michelle said...

Oh, thanks for clearing that up. I think I might like Magdalene even more! :)

Jessica said...

Ha ha! I know what you mean about names. My sister and I get a kick out of her name sometimes. Especially when she is introduced to someone. It always goes something like this.....

Erika: Hi! I'm Erika.

Other person: America? Oh that's a pretty name!

Erika: No... I. am. Erika. That's my name. Erika.

Other Person: Oh. *awkward silence*

dOva said...

My mother wanted a short name for me, because her is Dolores and everybody call her Dolly, so someone give suggestion "Dorotea or Teodora" (we dont spell letter H) And she sad, "ok, Dora it is" :)
I adore my name because it rare (in my generation), and it sounds nice for young girl and old granny, ha ha ha...

I love Lotsie! Give Alani kiss for that suggestion :)

This is my first comment on your blog(s) but I read them every day and just love the way you write and the way you see the world!

Kisses from Croatia! Dora ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey even i like catelin...

MsCandie said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean. My name is Candie too .. it used to make me sad that I never had a personalized anything, but now I'm loving my name. I just wished ppl didn't use it for pornographic reasons. lol Sucks for ppl that actually have that as a real name!

Racquel said...

when I was younger my best friend's name was Samericka but we just called her Sammi

Unknown said...

can't wait to find out her name!!!!

Anonymous said...

My daughters name is "Kallie" said "Cal-Lee". She gets called Kaylee, Kylie, Kelly, etc. She'll never find her name on a license plate, but I hope that she's excited to have a unique name when she's older. Hey- at least it's short so when she's learning how to spell it in pre-school next year, she doesn't hate me..haha.

Anonymous said...

I can never find pens or whatever with my name. I do love my name cause noone has my spelling. But it does irritate me when they spell it wrong and I have to tell them it's Rachael and not Rachel. LOL
Can't wait to find out cupcake's name!!

Haley said...

I think the name Cienna(See-en-uh) would be perfect for your cupcake;) It's pretty and unique, especially since it is spelled with a C. Hope you find a name soon, the suspense is killing me!


Killer Gurus said...

These names make me lul.

Twelly said...

My name is Etoile (it's french for star) so I know what you mean about never finding that personalized ANYTHING in stores, but that brought forth my Mom's creativity! She'd make me all sorts of neat stuff with my name on it, that NOBODY else would have.

I really like Zooey, Naomi, Nadia, and Antoinette!

TeeNah said...

Dina is my fav. name :D

amandakate said...

magdalena its cupcake in spanish! :] You could shorten it but calling her maggie or lena :]

Unknown said...

I love unique names, my sons are twins named Niko and Nori, for girls I always loved SaLeah, EsabellA (bella for short) and Elianna pronounced e-lee-anna, and Sofia. I love your kids names and am sure you'll pick somethin beautiful for miss cupcake

Unknown said...

Btw, my name isn't Saleah, I just use it for my google acct because I love the name so much. Mines Kaycee...very common but unique spelling

Anonymous said...

I like the name kitsee really cute and fits in with your two other children's unique names =]

Anonymous said...

very cute. it's so hard to pick a name when you know it will be with them for ever.

monkeys23 said...

i think you should name her cupcake. you love calling her that little nickname. so why not make it her official name. that would be so cute. she would have such a creative name, just like yours. you should definetely name her cupcake. im sure shes'd love it !(:

Anonymous said...

From one Candi to another ;) I can totally relate!

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