Saturday, February 19, 2011

Baby holding now....(actually yesterday! ha ha ha)
baby holding then...(14 years ago with my Jordan!)

I always have a baby in my arms! ha ha ha...Babies love to be's the best place in the be in your mama's loving arms!

I hope this blog feels like being in loving arms...a wonderful place to get loved...learn cool things...and be inspired, whether it's by fashion, life, style, make-up...or just how to have a happier, sparklier day....!

I want you guys to tell me WHAT YOU WANT to see more of on here! After all I blog for all of you!

Do you want to see more fashion & style posts?
Posts with cool websites, products, and kandee-esque discoveries!?
More inspirational posts?
More how to or Do-it-yourself posts?
Do you like when there's more pictures in the posts?
More make-up stuff?

Let me know, comment below, tweet me about it ( it from the mountain tops..ha ha ha....I want to make this blog more wonderfully for you!

huge love...and off to back my birthday boy his cake....your kandee


vanessa said...

make up!

Anne-Sophie said...

I wanna see more makeup stuff <3

Unknown said...

More quick makeup looks! :)

Amelia Kitzul said...

I would love to see do it yourself stuff, and inspiration posts. OH and if you have any more recipes that would be cool to see to! ♥ Elyse looks soooo cute! I miss holding my baby cousins when they were that age, they are like toddlers and in school now, one of them is jordans age in this picture :P you are a wonderful person and I know i always say that in my comments but i do it because im a big fan and its TRUE!! ♥

Emilia-Grace said...

more makeup and little snippets of your life!
I love your inspirational posts though :) xx x x

Amelia Kitzul said...

Actually no shes not that young lol like my cousin isnt as young as jordan in this picture... just so you know :P

Pa+anda said...

make-up and inspirational stuff :D

KaylaG xoxo said...

hey kandee well first of all of your stuff is wonderfull. ALWAYS lol... and i think we all will love whatever you put anytime but i was wondering if you could do a makeup video on eyeshadows ect. for blue eyes. bc i have heard alot that blue eyes should wear blue eye shadow. so if you could just to a tutorial on make up for blue eyes! thankyou and still much love to you <3

Unknown said...

fashoin and style, cool products and websites,do it yourself things!!! i really love to see the pictures too. hope this comment helped!! <3

EvilYvette said...

Keep doing the same posts you have been doing. They're amazing just the way they are<3

Unknown said...

I love all of your videos, but I have to admit, I wouldn't mind seeing some more of the clothing ones like you did a long time ago (cutting up jeans and shirts)...that was soooo fun (I was pretty proud of my cut off like a skirt jeans and leggings this past year). Either way, I won't be disappointed with anything you decide to show us :D

mary&ash said...

I think ur blog is just perfect :) Just keep doing what ur doing! i think a little of everything sounds good :) ur amazing kandee! Sending love an prayers ur way!

xoxo marianna!

MakeupByAundi said...

More makeup and do it yourself stuff!

But I do like your personal posts, so we can keep up with what's going on in your life. :)

Unknown said...

Make up please! Did ur quick pin up look last night and wore red lipstick for first time ever. It looked amazing! Thx soooo much for all u do!

Unknown said...

Do-It-Yourselfs, Lots of Pictures, and Kandee finds! :D

Also, just wanted to say I really look forward to your blog posts, and truly appreciate all the time & thought that goes behind each entry. Thanks so much Kandee!! <3

:) Merideth

xBelkisx said...

I'd love to see more do it yourself posts and maybe some fashion and style stuff! but please keep on posting about you and whatever you're inspired to do!! It's always nice to know about your life and how you and your babies are doing!
Posts are always better when they have pics on them.. at least I like them that way :)

Kristina said...

I'd like more makeup & cool sites. No inspirational posts for me. I like everything that's related to makeup & style. You may post your inspirational thoughts on kandeeland for example. :)))

keyola pey said...


Tara said...

I would love to see more makeup and what you are carrying(makeup,everyday things for you and baby). What phone do you have? If you could post this...looks so cute! Baby Elysse is so adorable and Happy Birthday to Jordan!!! My baby is going to be 4 on March 5th and miss when he was Elysse age and miss holding him all the time!!!! So much LOVE to you Kandee and your precious babies!!!! Love you so much!!! xoxo,Tara

Laura said...

More makeup tutorials!! I miss your costume ones ... <3

Lady Fiesta said...

It would be cool if u could post what u recommend when it comes to makeup products and makeup tutorials in photos

zeldahopper said...

I love your blogs! Love to see more fashion stuff... and quick make up tutorials. Ellie is just a precious little muffin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love to see DIY stuff :))!

Stephanie said...

More "How to/DIY" projects!!! :) You are so creative I just LOVE seeing what you come up with!!

Kristen said...

I'd lovee to see more how-to/do-it-yourself...I love your older videos where you show how to do things like cut up tshirts and jeans and cut your own bangs.
And more makeup is always good! Would love to see a few more looks with the Naked Palette (would probably be pretty popular since they are buyable again)and some use of cool colors like green or pink. :)
Your fashion and style posts are also really fun to read, and I like the "kandee-esque discoveries" too haha. More pictures are always a good thing!
Heck, I have yet to read a blog post of yours that I don't like :) Keep up the awesome work Kandee!

Kristen said...

Oh I totally forgot to mention...more cooking videos would be super awesome! Your cupcakes are sooo good. :)

Unknown said...

do-it-yourself posts amd make up posts! pleasee!

kika said...

Just be yourself, I like to discover your mood, your thoughts and sometimes you give us Love, sometimes your advises about make up, about life, about cooking
I like it, because you're so real, so true
Your baby is soo cute ;)

Reeciedarling said...

More pictures! I started watching you because of make up but I continue watching because of how amazing you are. I love to see pictures of your babies and family.

Unknown said...

everything =)...but you should do some DIYs and cooking videos =)

~*~darlene~*~ said...

i love ur blogs (both of them) ..hmm id like to see more do it yourself/how to... and inspirational. little mommy stuff every now and then wouldnt hurt

Unknown said...

i love to see more pictures and do it yourself stuff :)

Joss D´Aismont said...

I would like to see more love! but not from you cuz you already give me so much. More love that i will post to you. muuakkkkk to you and that pretty princess in your arms. =)

jewels said...

hi can we have some more make up 37 but only look 25 so could with some a huge fan by the way.

Unknown said...

I've been wondering how to make your old wardrobe new again! And more hair tutorials! :]

Aimee said...

I would love to see more make-up, fashion and do it yourself posts.

I also would love more inspirational posts they have gave me so much more confidence =]

Check my blog out please =]

AlenaAllex said...

Kandee, I love everything you do! When I read about your family, your children I feel myself to be your neighbour or a guest in your big house! It makes me feel close to you despite of thousands km between us. So, I want to answer your question. More Do-it-yourself posts with a lot of your pictures! Your smile makes my day! Thank you! with huge love and great wishes =)

jnp2010 said...

do it yourself projects..I love those

Eryn said...

Pictures are great! I'd love to see more diy and make up posts. I'm not sure if you have one yet (you probably do!) but I'd love to see a smokey eye video and maybe you could say which eyeshadow colors are best for what color eyes? Again, I haven't searched through you videos so if you already have one, disregard this. ;) Thanks Kandee! <3

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee: I'm a huge fan of your videos and blogs and almost everything you have for us to take care of our appearance, but i'm certainly most touched by your amazing personality and your kind words. I started following you because one of my favourite female metal singers follows you hahaha. I just watch one of your videos of skin products and i think this would be one of my favourites. i vote for skin care videos. Thank you so much for being you, so sweet and nice to all the people out there.
Best wishes from Colombia

MaNDiiKinS said...


Anonymous said...

You know it is just so sweet that you are asking this of us, when we as your readers should be asking what do you want more of from your readers. I know, I have two little girls and I used to hold them all the time, everywhere, seriously, and loved every minute. Now Alayna is too big sometimes to be picked up but Samantha still gets her holding. So I really appreciate all the time you take for your readers. Keep those arms around your little cupcake, your doing an awesome job. From all of us here big hugs around, from Angela (that's me!), Samantha (2) and Alayna (6).

Liana said...

i would like to see more of...
-more fashion & style posts=
-Posts with cool websites, products, and kandee-esque discoveries!
-More inspirational posts
-More how to or Do-it-yourself posts
-when there's more pictures in the posts
-More make-up stuff

Mayo76 said...

I miss more make-up videos !
I truly enjoy everyone of them.

But I understand that you don't have time for doing it now, so I review some of my favorites ones ;)

Huge kiss. Mayo.

Jen Jen said...

Style and Kandee finds, please. They make me very happy. You should do another Cribs video. Like a tour of your house! Those are really fun. I looove anything, though.
<3 to you and you're little ones, even the fourteen year old little one. Ha ha.

GirlieBeku said...

I'd like to see only beauty/fashion etc realted posts on this blog, and keep the personal stuff on the other. Don't get me wrong, I love all posts, but the way it is now I can never tell which blog I'm looking at! It's all mixed up!

Tayler Worrell said...

I'd like to see fun do it yourself ideas!
:) :) :) :)

Viva La Kristin said...

I would love to see more fashion and make up videos and maybe some hairstyle videos and about products. Like favorite mac eyeshadows :)

Kristy said...

I would love more makeup of course ,but i love te fashion stuff and all the do it yourself things you have done as well!! We have very similar style so i do greatly enjoy your links to stuff. its always fun.

Unknown said...

actually i love learning about your life, your so interesting. make up is great too, but ur kids and life is much more fun.

QuietDawn6 said...

As this is the Make-Up Blog: more make-up please like in the beginning.
Looks, Tutorials, Reviews, also your clothing videos and self made shirts and jewellery was lot of fun and inspiration in the past

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see more makeup videos and how-to's. I also appreciate your product reviews/recommendations. My teen daughters and I love your blogs. You span the age gap. :)

Unknown said...

I love everything you do Kandee but of course I would like to see more make-up videos.You have no idea how much I've learned from you!:)I would really like to know what kind of music do you like?

tammisim said...

I would love to c makeup and fashion and discoveries!! I love watching it all!!

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee! I have recently discovered you and I love your make-up videos. So, definitely more make-up. I have send you a couple of e-mails, hope to receive an answer from you. Love, Anita

Anonymous said...

I love random posts. Thats what my blog is about. I also love photos. A picture is worth a millon words. So a little bit of both , keep up the great work and being the best mom you can be. Your very inspirational.

Pažitka said...

I love all your posts but DIY si so funny!

Michelle said...

DIY and Fashion!!! Together, if possible :) Love your blog. I check it everyday. Keep up the wonderful work! :)

thisbeautifullife_ said...

Do it yourself and cool sites I would like to see some of those. But I love your blogs the way they are.

Cschwarz said...

Haha reading all these comments, it seems like all of the above! :) personally, I love the inspirationals, DIYs, snippets from your life, and of course makeup! Haha wait, was that all of the above? :) honestly, it doesn't matter, I love your blogs and will always read them no matter what!

Anna Maria said...

Actually i want to see all of what you suguested!! =D

tashatkins said...

i would love some fashion posts! and the cool website products etc. too. Also can you do more drugstore make-up dupes for expensive make-up brands?? I love your blog and i love everything you do on it already :D

Janine S said...

more makeup looks please! and possibly reviews on stuff you currently buy or love :] thaaaank you :]

Jacqui said...

You have such a great style in general. i would like some posts on home decor. what you have done for your kids birthday parties etc...

Alexandra said...

Everything you post is interesting and matter the subject.However...we have missed your make up videos and how do it your self suggestions!!!!After all we have your other blog for pictures,family,beautiful tiny persons etc!!!

Let me say that I love the name Elyse...its my sister's name!!
Have a great Sunday!!!!!!

Maya said...

You know, you're such a great person and have overcame a lot of things. One thing I was wondering was, how do you financially budget it all? I know it's not cheap to be a professional makeup artist ($11 per eyeshadow and around $20 per makeup brush from MAC can add up) at all, but I am wondering how you are able to financially take care of all this. I'm not asking for details, but just curious about how you do it, four young kids (well, one teenager, LOL) a single mom, and a house to maintain. I only have a husband and a full time 8-5 job and still have trouble balancing everything. I admire women like you for going through what you've been and still stay so positive and have such a great outlook on life. Thanks for your inspiration!

PinkDiamondGirl said...

A little bit of everything! :)

Karolina said...

new kandee-esque discoveries!!!

mhauger said...

i would like to see more:
posts with more pics

i love your makeup videos. they have really helped me alot. i love your fashion videos about going to mel-rose and all that. and the funny but cute out-fits you try one. i use try to wear whatever was the "in-style" clothes. and now i don't want to wear what is "in-style" i wear what is "uniquely-me".

S said...

makeup please and do it yourself videos

BeautifulNitemare09 said...

you should do more do it yourself posts lol or whatever you want its your blog i just enjoy reading it :)

Unknown said...

i love it when i see lots of pictures.
i would love to see cool websites, products and fun stuff that you discover
love ya!

Unknown said...

i love your blog and everything you write about! i especially appreciate it when you share all your make up expertise. i have light blonde hair with a pale complexion and blue/green eyes.. i would love to see a tutorial for make up for my colouring. maybe you could do a series of looks that go with different hair colours or eye colours?

congratulations on your beautiful baby girl and happy birthday to jordan! xox

Unknown said...

make up and style stuff!!! i love your style and get really inspired to try new things when you do fashion stuff:)

MimiMystique said...

I love the character makeup videos as well as the DIY vids. I also really enjoyed the video of you shopping at the flee market.

PoisonGurl said...

keep posting what you been posting i love all your stuff home decor ideas would be great if you just wanted an ideal topic i love your creativity!!

Anonymous said...

Make up please! :)

Unknown said...

MAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD

Jennifer said...

I would like to see more makeup ideas. I was raised not wearing it, but now that I am 30, I am trying to find business looks, hot soccer mom looks.. just whatever you put up. I watch. I love your super fast pin up look!
Thanks for being so open with us!

Dana Casey said...

Dear Kandee,

I personally love everything that you post and I love what you are all about. But I love your inspirational posts the most because they create a much greater outlook for my day everytime I read them! I have been reading your all your older ones that I missed out on (because I wasn't a blogger back then ha ha) and they make me feel so much more positive when I'm feeling down! Or when I need some inspiration or friendly advice. I also love when you post things about the products you use!

I hope you are having a great time with your new addition Kandee, and I hope this helps!

Lots of love... Dana

Grace said...

I love your makeup and fashion stuff.

Breezie said...


Karen Dawson said...

Kandee, I just cannot imagine anyone thinking or saying anything negative in anyway about you! I just don't understand it! Crazy! What a dear person and a precious heart you have! I watched you inspirational video on youtube and it really did inspire me! I do have a lot of dreams...and I really do want to make them happen...even though I am 44 and a mom of 3...i still belive and you helped inspire to get back on it. I love your site...I love girly makeup (even though I havent known how to put it on very well) I have had comments since I have been trying to follow your makeup advice! thank you, for every thing you do! Hug and kiss you precious baby girl and your son too! they are blessed with a sweet and beautiful (inside and out!) momma! Love and hugs! Karen Dawson

Anonymous said...


I would say more pictures, make-up stuff, and of course, your inspirational posts!!

Melissa said...

I would like to see more makeup and inspirationnal posts!! These are my favorites! :) You look beautiful with a baby in your arms!

Melissa xox

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I appreciate everything you have to post!! You've helped me out soo much with not only the makeup videos, but knowing there's good people like you still out there through your inspirational quotes(: you're truly a good person Kandee, and I love you for that!!........As for what I'd like to see a little more of, it would have to be the cool websites, products and links that you discover!!
HUGE LOVE, Lorin<3

Yevgeniya said...

Yes, Kandee, please post more on makeup :)

Kristy8420 said...

I love when you review products. Like the infallible lipstick, I have yet to buy, but as soon as I saw that you said Loreal Double Extend mascara is good, I ran out to buy some. :) So more of the makeup you love.

hannr said...

Some more looks! Like Kate Moss XD. No, but those cool ones you did!
However we all understand that you don't have time for some of these requests, our main wish is for you to look after that beautiful baby :). I don't know how you're posting so much! Calm down hahaha, we don't need so many, rest!!

Anonymous said...

This may sound funny, but I like seeing your life, you're so interesting! Everytime you're driving in the car going shopping or something, when you're out to eat, it's like we're there with you, were your friends! I'm sure everyone on here would love to be friends with you!

I like the make-up, maybe more make-up for "couture" skin and problem skin. I have mild acne along my chin and it's really hard to cover! Advice about that would be great.

Also, hearing more about your experience working in the industry would also be interesting!

Babycakes said...

I love everything you post...but since you asked here are a couple of things that I would love to see: Wedding day makeup for 40's/50's style wedding. Fashion crafts w/clothing and accessories we might already have. Hair tips as well as nail tips and anti-aging tips for acne prone skin. Would love for you to post more pics too!~ Thanks for everything you do! Love you!

Unknown said...

I realize that you do not have this problem personally, but I would love for you to share your style tips for bigger women. We are the forgotten majority and many of the trendy styles do not apply to us as they are presented in stores and magazines. I have told myself for years that I am not a size 0 but that does not mean that I have to dress in sweats and baggy lifeless clothes. I have finally accepted my size and LOVE my curves. Although I think I do a good job in the style department, I would love tips from someone that truly understands and respects a woman's need to feel beautiful and the fact that her size has little to do with how beautiful she is. I have a feeling that I am not the only big girl who would love to hear your ideas on this subject. LOVE YOU!!

Beloved Bee said...

I know you've gotten a bunch of responses.. but I would love to see..

*You and family with oictures :)
*More makeup (there's NO ONE else like you on YOUTUBE) and I really enjoy how you do things. Also,things like the Lemon Scrub ideas were a huge help, too!
*DIY!!! (My husband and I are huge diy people) We seem to have similar tastes and you do a great job!
*Cooking was fun to watch, too

Maybe even a combo thru the week. Like, Monday Makeup, Tuesday Diy, Friday family.. lol. Just an idea.. but you do such a great job whatever you do. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kandee, I'm so glad you asked! I have been looking at pictures of 1940s movie star Gene Tierney, and I would love to watch a make up tutorial on her look. She wore blush just under her cheeks, and it perfectly shapes her face. So lovely!

Keep up the wonderful work!

L.O.V.E said...

Do it yourself!!! (I loved the t-shirt cuting videos)

also makeup tips and tricks

and ways for making a new blog successful... by the way everyone my new blog is

please visit!!

Jayme Lee said...

I would like to see more stuff about makeup!!!!!
Also what products work and what products aren't worth the money

Bina said...

I think more about your own personal life and story with a mixture of new and exciting things. Like how to make kandee-licious picture frames or how the cloth diapers are working out for ya. && add some little twists about new make up coming out and if it works or not :) like a keep or kick it kinda thing! I love your blog and love watching for new posts! :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee, thank you for keeping up your blog:) your so inspiring and encouraging :) xoxoxo love the fashion and make up blogs :)

Anonymous said...

i love the makeup posts(of course) and the do-it-yourself projects, whether it is fashion, cooking, decorating, etc. as far as the make-up, it would be cool to see you do more celebrity inspired looks. i'm subscribed to your other blog and i like reading about your family life on there too.

Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy said...

We want more make up and DÄ°T jewellery. Also tips on how to tie scarves!!! Of course we want anything by you because we love you xx

nihar said...

please do more make up and inspirational posts..
reading ur blogs makes me so relaxed really :-)
i love u kandee.. i wish i could have u by my side everyday.. :-*

Kristi said...

On this blog - Make-up and hair tutorials for sure!
Can you do some "Mom" hairstyles, simple, cute and stylish updo's that us Mom's can do quick while running out the door with our little ones??

& Personal blogs on your Kandeeland blog.

Christy Hermogenes said...

I love all of your posts but my fav videos/blogs are in no particular order: your fun Q&A videos (especially the cute one with the dancing at the end), your favorites video, your nutrition/workouts, and the ones where we get to follow u on your activities, like your haircut at Barracuda Salon, or shopping on Melrose. Love those videos. I just enjoy everything you do so keep on making them, and I will keep on watching them.

Bridget said...

More makeup and DIY.
Leave your personal life for your kandeeland blog.
No need to hear the same stuff on both.

Amanda said...

I really enjoy what you already do...but while you are asking :)....... I love DIY tips....really get a kick out of the decorating blogs you've done. I'm an antique junkie and love to referbish old stuff. Either way I love anything you do!!!!!!

~*geena*~ said...

I love the posts you do now!! But I would love to see a little more make up stuff! and I do love pictures in your posts about your day! Thank you for both of your blogs and videos! I love love love them all!! I know you must put so much work into all of them! Thank you! I love you Kandee!!!

Michiko Malandro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie said...

Hey Kan, I just thought of something that I would love to make a channel about but because I wouldn't be able to get a good size following I think you would be the right person for it if you want to do it as a project with your viewers.... I think you'll like it =)I will e-mail the idea to you... look for the e-mail name, subject "Hey here's the idea!" at your Gmail, I'll try n keep it short n sweet =)

Michiko Malandro said...

I would LOVE to see more inspirational posts and DIY videos, or even your fun videos anwsering questions, laughing or showing us cool stuff. And a big YES to more pictures in the posts!

Most of the people in here say they want more make-up things, but please don't resign from your deep thoughts on life and dreams, I print and collect them like precious treasures, they keep me going! And not only me, I suppose :-)

Besides, what kind of magical powers do you use to stop the time?
You look the same in both photos of you with Cupcake and with Jordan years ago! WOW! :-) Make a video on it! Ha ha!

Love from PL x

Esther Christina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther Christina said...

Hi Kandee!
I just have to tell you how much I love your videos and your blog!
I'm a makeupartist myself, but you are showing SO MUCH in your videos that I never learned at school! So thanks!

And you are such a beautiful woman! And I love the fack that you look so good even though you are a mother!(So many of the mothers I know dondt care about their looks, and I think that I can wear makeup even though I'm a mother of 2..)

(and I'm sorry if my english sucks... I'm from Norway, you see..)

Unknown said...

Well, no matter what you post, I'm in awe that you have time to post thank you ! But I do love posts about your FAVORITE PRODUCTS of the moment ! And I'd love a tutorial about Pagent makeup & Hair if possible ! You your spare time...LOL ! Love you Girl !!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Make up posts & video's, stuff going on in your life, I love your fashion style... so maybe that'd be nice to do something with it... x

Ava said...

Make up stuff! And DIY stuff as well, as you seem to do pretty cool stuff, and I would like to see how :P
And stuff you like atm, like your favourite producks, webpages, books and stuff like that.

noalik said...

Can you please show how your leather cuff look like!!? I want to do one myself. :)
you're the best! <3

Anonymous said...

Well, I never get tired of watching your make-up vids - i love them, and after all, who better to learn from than the make-up guru herself, right? haha BUT I love a few ideas that you through out there in past blogs when you said that you would maybe teach us how to reupholster furniture, make old, bargain savvy furniture look like new w/ a little paint here and there (like your yellow chairs!! i (h)eart them!), stuff like that. Regardless of what you choose to do on here, we love you, Kandee, and will appreciate anything you choose to share w/us! mmmmwah!

Krisztixx said...

How adorable! <3
I'd like to see more make up looks and fashion&style tips and how to do it yourself goodies! But whatever you post Kandee, that cheers up my day! lots of love to you and all your little ones!

Unknown said...

I love hearing about your lie :)
And I especially love how I never know what you've posted last. I like how you sometimes talk about this,then you talk about that and another day you feel like sharing your heart and then again another day you tell us how to bake muffins hahaha
I love it, I think its so much more fun to not have 'a theme'

tell Jordan Happy Birthday :)

Caro said...

Hi Kandee,

I want your favourite website's..
on the internet about clothing and makeup and home-stuff.

lots of love,

Dolly said...

I love your blog posts about your arts and crafts projects and also your fashion posts.

monique said...

I'd like to see more about make up:-) I'm curoius what do You think, are there some rules in beauty types like winter or summer, I mean what foundation colour or hair colour for each beauty type is suitable in Your opinion.There are a lot interpretations about this, so it would be interesting i think.Did You work on models at some big fashion shows?

monique said...

and as well Your ideas for "how to make..." is great too and posts about fashion always welcome!

Msdiamondtaylor said...

Hi Kandee, can you do a makeup tutorial on Cheryl Cole's makeup please? And also would love to see a video of you dancing again and having fun like in the 20 questions video! Thanks xxxxx

Kliselle said...

inspirational posts <3

Sepinroth said...

Kandee, I love to read and watch makeup tutorials and I would love to watch/look at more do-it-yourself in and around the house videos/advices.
How about specific/dedicated tutorials for things girls do not like that much in their faces: big noses/small noses, big/small eyes, wide forehead, uneven eyelids etc? I have already learned so much and I actually like what I see in the mirror - thanks to you!

Helen said...

Anything that INSPIRES you!!!

Caro said...

oh and Kandee,

Happy Birthday to Jordan!!

lots of love

xoxolaura0michelle said...

I would love to see make up! but i also love seeing all of the other things too!!
Happy Birthday Jordan!!!

Megan said...

Yay :) Love your precious babies! I'd like more do-it-yourself Kandee style posts. Cooking, make-up, fashion, style, kid fun, ect :)

Unknown said...

Can you do a Tamara Taylor make-up look? She plays Dr. Camille Saroyan on Bones. Her make-up is very subtle, but is absolutely beautiful.

erika said...

Kandee, I would love to see more posts directed toward fashion and.. your home decorating style!!

Happy Birthday, Jordan!!

Tashena said...

My opinion - I need everyday fashion for a stay-at-home momma with 2 little boys. I have to be comfortable, yet look cute when I go out. Since I only wear skirts, this can be a struggle since most fashion is based on skinny jeans and a lot of flowy tops. I need shoe suggestions... I love all of your posts, especially where you are being funny. You are sincere, and I believe that is what the world needs... not a fake happy. Thank You so much for all your time and effort into making us happy! You truly do light up my days and give me "umph" to get going.
Praying you are full as you try to fill us,

Unknown said...

Bollywood make up tutorial would be cool! :D

Necole E. Bluhm_WaMLady said...

On your personal blog, I like to read about your life (be that, what is going on at home, things you are doing, things you want to try...), maybe some DIY (but that can also be on your Make Up Artist page, inspirational stuff, also cooking...
Essentially when I go to your personal blog, I imagine that we are hanging out, and you are giving me the report on life, the new and the interesting...
As for you Make Up blog, I like to read that for the fashion, the make up tips and tricks, products, the business, etc.,
Bottom line, I love anything you write!

Zozed said...

This place is even more warm than a loving mom's arms!

And YES the more pictures the better and cooler!!

I really like your tutorials, and tours you take us with you!!

And more FASHION and STYLE inspiration posts, please!!


ModernWife said...

I love hearing about kandee the mama!! :)

VEPA said...

I love it wehen your new blogs arrive, everyday! Weather you tell what breakfast you had, what the snow looks like or how you do a carneval outfit/makeup, i just like the way you brighten up ones moment and spread your positivity and love!!! Thank you so much, just keep doing and please don't stop!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,
I would like to see makeup 'remedy/tips', e.g. as a professional makeup artist, what will you do when your model has very very dry skin which the foundation can't stick on well? Or some client has really dark circles/discoloration around eyes? Or when they have very bad acnes? It would be easy to fix when the problems are not big, but in some extremely serious case, I would like to learn some methods to deal with them! Have a good day! Thanks! Hilda

Unknown said...

makeup, fashion, fitness/diet, DIY :) :) :)

I don't tend to read all of your inspirational posts, because I don't believe in God the same way that you do. Others may understand and get more use of it, but I don't unfortunately :(

Unknown said...

I'd love to see more of the things you buy for your skincare/hair care :)and what you would do to loose (your non-existent) baby weight! And, kind of contradictory to weight loss, baking/cooking! As well as lots of baby pictures, I love Ellie so much! So basically , everything you're doing already! You're awesome Kandee. You're like my big sister :) Love you so much xXxXx

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,
I would like to see more fun hairstyles, and any fashion tips you have for short people like me. I'm 5ft. 1in. I love all your videos and your a great mom.
Sincerely Lisa

Ariel2010 said...

I like anything you blog about.

are said...

Definitely more makeup. Leave the "inspirational" stuff (which sometimes gets so saccharine I can't even read it, to be honest) for your other blog. This is the makeup blog and people joined it for .. .well... makeup. Photos, tutorials, especially (since I am over forty) for over-forty people! And really liked your home improvement ideas as well. You're very talented!

Anonymous said...

More make up, inspirational, discoveries, do It yourselfs, etc. stuff !!!
I just love love your posts. Its the best in the web :)

Keat ' Cameo said...

I'd like to see more "kandee-esque discoveries" ^^ you always show amazing things. And more make up tips =D


Unknown said...

I would love to see more make up and hair!! I love your videos!!!

Kaitlyn said...

I love everything you blog about.. from normal "mom" days, to Glaminars, to makeover tutorials.. I get most excited over photos of you and your little ones, and love hearing your opinions on products... really anything, though. You add your personality to it and I'm instantly sold! Hahaha

Blonde Mafia said...

Fashion and inspirational stuff
I'd love to see something inspirational everyday because I'm going through a hard time but I know your busy

Stephanie said...

More Makeup Stuff
More how to or Do-It-Yourself Stuff (I'd LOVE to see the finished yellow chairs!!)
I'd also love to see more "Kandee Favorites" videos

Erin said...

Really, I love it all! You have inspired me so much! I am thinking about starting a blog. Thank you so much!

JuneGrace said...

happy birthday jordan !

Liana said...

More make-up and DIY stuff please =)!!!!!

Rissy said...

I just started following you about 5 minutes ago, and totally love your blog.

I watched a few of the how to videos, and think your are so sweet! and unique!


Ana Laura said...

all of the above!

M3@9@N said...

oooh... more do it yourself would be cool! and I would like to know what you do for makeup on redheads... that would be a good one. :)

Unknown said...

I'd like to see more fashion related posts from you Kandee, because I like your style.

Unknown said...

can you please doa make up tutorial on miley cyrus "who owns mhy heart" its the look where she is in the bathroom with the rollers. love this look

Haley said...

I love your whole blog, but what I really NEED is the inspirational stuff. My mom doesn't even care about beauty and she reads this blog because you are uplifting! I do love all your tutorials and everything though. You are great, very inspiring! God Bless and Love!

DaneyJoy said...

Kandee! I have the strangest color eyes and I NEVER know how to do my eyeshadow?!?!!? My eyes are like a grayish-dark blue with light green in the middle. They also really small ): Anyway, I have been looking up how to do my eyes online FOREVER and I can never find anything. Please help!! I think you're the only one who can ha ha.

blushcakez said...

I LOVE fashion and style videos, also when you cook mmm cupcakes, and inspirational stuff is amazing also :D For reals, when I feel bummed, like I want to just give up, I read your blog or watch a video...I like the one where you told your story Idk what it was called it was like 20 mins??....would love if you did more :)

Unknown said...

Makeup! Could you do one on illamasqua? Latest makeup trends?

m said...

all of thee above!

E said...

I think it would be really cool if you had people submit their pictures of their faces, then comment on what you would do. It's the next best thing to having you actually do our makeup! If you could start with me, I would be very grateful. My wedding is in June and since I can't find a makeup artist to do what I feel could be done, I will be doing it myself. I just need some new tips! Thanks Kandee! Keep up the great inspirational work.

MelanieB said...

You are absolutely wonderful. I love reading all your posts and watching your videos. Like someone else said, I would love to see a video for blue eyes - either quick daytime looks (like for an office) or darker nighttime looks. I love your Kandee looks, but you have such a beautiful complexion and your dark hair and eyes mean you can wear much darker makeup than some of the rest of us can! Also in my own experimentation I have decided that gold/brown looks look great on blue eyes. If you could do one of those that would be great too!

Have a wonderful day.

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