Saturday, January 22, 2011

What' s in my PREGNANT PURSE!! (hello kitty!)

Get ready to have your mind blown! ha ha ha
Since I haven't done a "what's in my purse" video in a long's a special "purse treat!"....
there's bow rings, make-up..endless amounts of a certain item that I have REE-DONKEY-KONG-U-LOUS amounts of! ha ha ha

(oh yes, and saving everyone from typing an email asking where I got my purse, click here:

(and I'm editing some funny purse outtakes...that will only be shown on this blog or my other: bloggity)
this is my favorite STILL shot that youtube picked for my video...MAMA BOW RING and BABY BOW's like me and my lil' cupcake right now! hee hee

have fun....I made this for you!!! (and you can watch my sister's video below...she did a purse video then left this comment on was on....I had to do one after this:

here's my sister's video to compare us! ha ha ha
(she is way sillier than I am, but has a much more conservative purse! ha ha ha And I love how we both have "sparkly" things in our purses!)

love and sanitizers....ha ha ha...your KANDEE

PS check my preggy blog ( for more updates (I've been having contractions while I edited this video and typed this! ha ha we're in labor together!)


ashleysayduh said...

Did you put a streak of blonde in the front section of your hair!!!?

I want to know what you plan to do!!

Anca said...

omg you, your mom and sister are identical! you could pass off as triplets anyday. the good genes passed on it seems :)

ClaireWhite said...

we all love you kandee
you are such an amazing person ! xxx

Unknown said...

You're in labor!!! EEEEECK!! So exciting....practices deep breathing with you ;)

I love your purse videos, hehe...I feel like I have a gazillion receipts and hair bands in mine, lol.

Much love and lotsa hugs and comfy thoughts!! ~Carla

dani@callitbeauty said...

LOVE the bow ring! i've been eyeing your blue one for a while. and the baby bow ring is just too precious!

Lejla said...

:D you're both sweet!
Much love and happy contractions ha ha! Hope you deliver your baby girl soon..
love and hugs and some lipsticks,
Lejla :***

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Kandee - you always crack me up! SO much hand sanitizer hahahahaha!!!! I have a Hello Kitty notebook that I carry in MY purse (sadly, NOT Hello Kitty lol)

Shutterchic said...

Omg Kandee, you have THE perfect tub to have a water birth!! Getting in that warm water when you're in labor totally reduces the pain by a LOT. Natural pain reducer! Can't say killer because you can still feel it. With my first baby, I had not slept in like 30 hours, but getting into the tub and floating on my back, I fell asleep for half an hour!! How cool is that!?

Unknown said...

I love love loveeeeeeeeeee your bag, and you. I got my bag back in november on black friday from that site! :) It's my FAVORITE bag ever! :)

Lacey said...

can you please check your email :)

Unknown said...

OH and PS - Gold Bond makes an AWESOME Hand Sanitizer lotion - just one more tube to add to your collection ;) LOVE you Kandee!

Anonymous said...

I love how we have the same purse ! Hahaha and it's true everytime I leave my house someone always stopse to ask where I got it from :) makes me feel special hahaah love you kandee <3

Shelby Renae said...

Ohhhh how I just love you and your sister! You're both so adorable and such a riot. Hahaha.

Whoa whoa whoa- you're in labor?! Not fake braxton hicks contractions? Ahhhhh! This is so exciting! Cupcake is ready to enter the world! I'm sending heaps of prayers your way. ♥

Anonymous said...

Oh my ! Is it real contractions now ?? Ahhh so exciting! I love being in this together ! :)

Unknown said...

WOW....Contractions?!?!?!!!!I am so excited. yet so nervous...I wish you the best and a very safe delivery of your little princess...If she happens to finally make her appearance today she will share her birthday with my wonderful stepson...I will be praying for you!!!

Much love sent your way!!!

isabelschild said...

hahaha...u don't get paid to advertise for this purse...but they sure enough have your picture with the hello kitty purse on the link you posted. NICE :D

jhernandez said...

OMG I was wondering where you get your bow rings!!??

fashion doctor said...

lovely bag!love hello kitty brand.

Beba said...

You have to do a house tour! I have feeling you arrange your home beautifully!

Beba said...

You have to do a house tour! I have feeling you arrange your home beautifully!

rainydayreader said...

Praying your labor goes smoothly!!! Love you kandee!

Lady Flower said...

So sweet!
I like hello kitty.

Unknown said...

(DING) hehe wahoo finally can't wait till your little cup cake gets here she's kept us all waiting long enough lol. By the way I LOVE what you done with the plant pot especially as red is my fav colour.
Well hopefully next time we hear from you your little princess and the white stick will be here :)
take care kandee love from your kandee family xXx

J said...

Omg Kandee I am in love with that purse and cannot wait to order my own. I'm in love with Hello Kitty, so it's perfect for me.

I just stumbled across one of your videos on youtube the other day and decided to check out your blog. I liked it so much I decided to follow!

Wishing you (and that already stubborn little one ;D) a happy, safe delivery!!!

Anonymous said...

may the wind always be at your back, and the sun upon your face, and may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars... ♥ love u kandee! you're such an amazing person. i wish you and your baby health and lots of love! take care and good luck!!

PeslaJean said...

i have probably about the same amount of hand sanitizers in my purse...i can't be without it lol that and gum. loved this video = ]
hope labor is easy on ya...can't wait to read the next blog and maybe meet baby = ]

butterfly24 said...

LOL same thing happened to my 3yo with the Yogi Bear movie

Unknown said...

Yay! so excited cupcake is ready to enter the world... on my birthday! Best of luck with everyhting and keep us posted!!!

kortnee said...

i love that purse i love all crazy funky big purses!
if anyones interested in ya books my blog is

Amelia Kitzul said...


Heather said...

I have that purse!! I just got it a couple weeks ago and i love it so much!!!

Glee said...

I had a horrible day today.
Id wish I was as happy as you.
The thought of it makes me want to cry.

Mia said...

Bahahaha you crack me up Kandee!!!! I have the same Hello Kitty purse and I saw a girl at my college campus with it too! I carry tons of hand sanitizer stuff too. The great thing about that bag is it's so deep! Love it Love you!!! xoxo Your sister is super silly too and yall together is great entertainment!!

Anonymous said...

KANDEE !I saw that you were going to use HUGGIES Diapers for baby for the tar poop phase.Just wanted to to share this. My boyfriend worked for a trucking company that transports Kimberly Clark products ( diapers,tampons,feminine pads, etc.). They are Saturated with chlorine and reek of formaldehyde and bleach! VERY DANGEROUS FOR BABY. It's so strong that when the drivers are closing the truck trailer doors, it makes them cough and hack from the chemicals. He would come home from work with a sore throat and sick from it. Here's a link to the seventh generation site>> .Not the cheapest thing ever but maybe good to get baby through tar poop phase? They are quite natural and safe for lil' baby. They are hypoallergenic and latex free, as well as chlorine- containing chemical free. The padding in regular diapers is bleached pulp. It is whitened with chlorine bleach. Urine is full of ammonia. When ammonia and chlorine mix, they produce nitrogen and hydrogen chloride. So that's what's going on in your baby's diaper when she pees!!! Sick that they allow that in infants diapers.
The little silicate balls that are put into diapers to absorb liquids work wonderfully at soaking up liquids. They also keep the diaper warm and moist for a long time if it's not changed immediately. Warmth+moisture = breeding ground for yeast. K, I love u lots n just wanted to share a little bit of that. Not meaning to add more chaos to your life. If you can't go natural, at least it will be a limited amount of time that baby will have contact with those regular diapers. ALL MY LOVE XO (=^_^=)Corinne

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥ROSIE♥ said...

this purse is my favorite 2 i carry it everywhere its big n cute i love hello kitty n i carry a lot of those wet ones wipes 2 u always need them lol..i love uuuu sooooooooo much big hug here from L.A ♥


Anonymous said...

Oh BTW, the Seventh generation diapers are about the same price as what you just bought. The Huggies box you have is 84 diapers at 24.99, and the seventh gen. are 40 for 12.99. So 2 Seventh Generation packs will be 80 diapers at $26 . (=^_^=)

Rad Doc Styles said...

Hey kandee, I love watching your videos and have been learning a lot :)
I know you got a great response and turn out with the CROWN BRUSHES, do you mind doing a tutorial of how to use each brush? Its purpose/techniques?

I purchased a set, and there are quite a lot of brushes, so I would love your help!

Anonymous said...

i have a fork in my purse. i dunno why

DemonicPanda said...

Omg, I love your purse! If it was less expensive I would so buy one! I carry a purse so i have a place to put my hand sanitizer :p GERMAPHOBES UNITE!

Tonje said...

Do you have a piece of white hair in your bang ? haha ?

Anonymous said...

Aww Kandee, awesome(:
good luck with the pregnancy

Christina Hock said...

i LOVE hello kitty!

Anonymous said...

i dont have parents, and you honestly have inspired me SO much i wanna cry! i dont have a mom to show me how to apply makeup, and now i know everything about makeup! i want to be a makeup artist like you when i grow up! any suggestions? i am so good at makeup and knew more than the girls at sephora last night! (probably because of you!:) so i just wanted to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart<3

Rachael said...

I so wish I could win a contest to spend the day with you and your sister. You guys look like you would be so much fun to hang out with. I guess I will just have to settle for your videos. Really puts a smile on my face whenever I watch them. You are such a beautiful person. I hope all goes well with your delivery and I can't wait to see your lil cupcake. She is going to be adorable I'm sure. Love ya lots!

Kt said...

Oh my gosh, Kandee. We have the same amount of germaphobia!!! I have hand sanitizers out the wazzo too! You are too cute and you and your sister have a very similar laugh. I hope all is well with the little cupcake!

Merari said...

Hi kandee! I just wanted to thank you for being a ray of sunshine! I have been really down and was crying for the majority of this evening...I couldn't find a way to cheer myself up. And just when I felt this day was not going to get better...I read your blog and saw your "whats in my purse video" and it made me laugh and smile! Thank you for always projecting God's love through everything you do! Thank you for putting a smile on my face and much love to you, your cupcake that's still baking and your family!

Anonymous said...

lol Goodie Bag o' Wonders! awesome :-)

Joy said...


michelleee said...

Hello Kandee,

I started watching your videos in September 2009. I stumbled across one while looking for a tutorial on how to do the Audrey Hepburn hair from Breakfast at Tiffanys... for Halloween. In the side panel I saw a makeup tutorial and thought it couldn’t hurt to take a look. I watched it at least four times and started taking notes. Then I found myself captivated and clicking on video after video. Before I knew it I had spent a good deal of the day watching your videos. You have been such a role model and inspiration to me ever since. I watch and read your blog everyday. I feel like I have gained so many skills and knowledge about makeup… and confidence in myself. I babbled so much about you many of my friends out of frustration started watching and agreed with me, and now often ask me makeup questions! I feel like my entire life and the way I look at myself has changed. The only problem I have now is trying to stop myself from buying makeup! Thank you so much for everything you have given me and continue to give.
Congratulations on your baby, I’m so happy for you !

Michelle =)

nihar said...

its so funny how u described that ppl identify u from your purse :-P
that purse is really cute :-*
i think baby will get here soon :-)
Take care.. love u

Kristen said...

banana peel...LOL!

Happy labor time!...Be Well ❤

NunaFeedTheDucks said...

Praying for the fairies to ease the pain, yahooo i'm so excited for you cupcake is on her way awww can't wait to see her x x xx

Gabi said...

You're so beautiful and inspiring!
Thank you so much for all the make-up tips and DIY you've uploaded.
I just tried cutting up one of my old shirts! It didn't quite work but I'll keep trying, hehe.

ronjakorsvik said...

Hi, Kandee!
I just wanted to say to you that I really love your blog and your videos!
You've actually inspired me to be a makeupartist.
I'm a Norwegian girl and I've watched your videos for a year now, and since I've seen evry single one of them. I also saw your video when you're talking about your story and how you became an artist. And it touched my heart so much, and I just got so inspired.
You are so beautiful, Kandee and I hope that everything will go perfect with the labour and the baby and all!

Summerhill said...

Cute! Good luck with labor and the new baby! She's lucky to have a water birth and a loving mommy! Sending you good wishes. :)

Camilla said...

omg congratulations on the new-born.

I don't have facebook but I saw on your "fanbox" that you had given birth to your cupcake. YAY.
I love you and wish you the best day ever.
kisses all the way from sweden to your baby! <3


I just read your tweet about Cupcake! Congratulations :). What's her name? Oooh I can't wait for your new post! So exciting!

GemaLuBtz said...

OMG they even have a picture of you in that website LOL its out of stock =(

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee!! I've been frantically checking your webpage for the past week not wanting to miss cupcake's arrival :)

Love and hugs xoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

So i see no posting for sunday..... does this mean your in labor??? cupcake is commminnnnng!!

Taylor said...

Gah, I love that purse.

Stephypoo said...

Congrats on your beauuuutttiful cupcake!!!!!!<3<3

Anonymous said...

kandee you and your sister are sooo beautiful!!! it would be amazing if you checked out my blog
pleaase! it would bee sooo amazing!!!! please follow meee

mitziemac said...

Hey Kandee I was wondering where you got the wheatgrass powder and what the brand was. Congrats on the beautiful baby, shes perfect!

Elizabeth said...

So I was all intently watching what you were showing inside your bag when you made the comment "oh my grossness!!" and out came the old banana peel LOL!
I haven't laughed that hard in WEEKS, really. ha ha! :)

Thanks for sharing all your goodies (and sanitizer!) with us!!

Unknown said...

I have the same Peppermint hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works!!!! :) YAY! it smells soo good, like Christmas!

Unknown said...

Kandee!!!! Where did you get your bow ring? I saw a girl at Forever 21 with one last week, she said she got it there, but a few months before. I'd love to have one, but can't find them anywhere! :( HELP ME!!

Rachel said...

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another choice. i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious sore throat.

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