Monday, January 17, 2011

They said WHAT!?!

My precious Jordan is a melting pot of nationalities...from me he gets a mixture of:
Danish, Spanish, Mexican, Native American, Swedish, Irish and a dash of English...
from his dad he gets:
Native American (Cherokee & Choctaw), Japanese, African American, English and Jewish...
I think he is so handsome...with all his many different pieces of nationalities...just like a beautiful mosiac...the more differences their are...the more beautiful it becomes!
and so much more interesting with all his combinations...

Once Jordan came home from school during Black History Month...
and told me what some unkind kids had told him at school:
"if this was back then,  you'd have to ride in the back of the bus!"
My reaction was: "what!?!?"
Jordan said: 
"you want to know what I told them?.....
I said, I'm kinda light I'd actually sit in the middle of the bus!"
Me and Jordan both started laughing so hard!!!!
He is so smart and witty...I couldn't have thought up a better response!

It's a little ironic that people would leave all kinds of racist comments about my Jordan on youtube, the day before Martin Luther King Day...

Martin Luther King was an incredible man, with remarkable wisdom, and he showed God's love and wisdom to so many people filled with hate and anger...and so many people who were hurt and crushed...

here's a beautiful part from his famous, "I have a Dream" speech, that I love:

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

One of my Grandma,
Barbara Johnson's, favorite saying was about having boomerang joy...
you throw out a boomerang of joy and love, and it will always come back and fill you up with more love and joy....
some sad people throw out their boomerangs of hate and anger...and the sad thing will always come back and hit them with a huge dose of hate and anger!

Let's start throwing out those boomerangs of love and joy! 
love and boomerangs....kandee


Gabi said...

Great post.
I am a mixture of English, Irish and Indian and always believe the more you are mixed, the better looking you are! Ha!
On a more serious note, it is good to address the hatred and to stand above it and know that you are better than those who hate.

Alice said...

Your Jordan is a beautiful young man. He's lucky to have such a medley of ethnicities - he has the best bits of everything!

Anonymous said...

That is such a good come back! I think he is such a cutie, your jordan!!
p.s i love reading both your blogs and watching both your youtube channels they truly brighten my day and give me so much hope!!
Goodluck with "Princess and the white stick!"
much love xxxx courtney

Unknown said...

I can't believe the ignorace of some people but you're right your son is beautiful and I think biracial children and families are so beautiful for people to have such negative things to say about it just saddens me.

De'Shelle said...

People are so rude these days!
But I strongly believe in Karma.
"Who doesn't hear, Shall Feel"
meaning if you don't listen and respect someone,then you will learn your lesson. Not verbally but physically. Not die or something. But you will have a bad occurrence that happens in your like.
Your son seriously made me laugh.
He is adorable. And he will grow up to be a respectable young man, Like you taught him to be

Unknown said...

AWW His response about sitting in the middle of the bus made me tear up! That just shows what a great mom you are to raise such a kind-hearted young man. And he is very very handsome, it's not just you being mommy that's thinking that =]

Patricia H said...

you are such an inspiration. i think jordan is so cute, adorable, and handsome. i'm an 18 year-old girl and i think he is veerryyy attractive! it sounds like he has a great outlook on life just like you. you are an amazing mother and now one more kid will soon get to be lucky enough to have you as their mother!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Wow these are really great quotes, I gotta remember them! Im sorry they said that about Jorden, I never understand why people have to be racist, like whats the point in it? Wasting your time on something you dont like then spending time with the things you do like and thats going to get you somewhere, the more good things you do and say, the more people will like you spend time with you, and I'm really loosing my track of brain cause im SO tired lol its only 10pm though! haha well, basically if you spend your time hating, your not going to enjoy the things you enjoy better.. I hope this makes sense LOL im so tired, anyway... you and your family are awesome period! :D

Anonymous said...

Haha Jordan sounds like me. I'm a mix of Native American (Cherokee and Huron), Irish, English, Scottish, Greek, Egyptian, French, and Lord only knows what else. xD I'm so glad Jordan's got you as a mother. =) You're an inspiration to all of us, and it seems that this amazing personality of yours runs in the family. ^_^ Thank you, Kandee. <3 Much love.

Trish and Aaron said...

Kandee! My glam sister
I love this soooo much! MLK was such a wonderfully smart man, ahead of his time, paving the way for more love in this life. His autobiograghy was the first book I read all the way through. lol So awesome. I feel like I've been leaving a ton of comments lately but thats because I'm checking in on you and thinking about you lots! Hope that sweet baby girl decides to come soon. :0) Hope your doing well and feeling well! I was looking through my maternity clothes this morning and thinking how I'm already growing out of If you wanna get rid of some and know they are going to a good Maybe I can buy them from ya? Just a thought! Anyway. Love you!!!! Thanks for sharing your love. Sending some right back at ya!

Ps: I love the pic of you and Jordan, so cute and the recent videos! xoxo
<3 and hugs Trishica

rainbow_butterfly said...

You and your son are great people. There are just some who can't take it and they feel the need to put people down. Your son is very handsome and you are a great mom. You taught him well. He knows what is right and what is wrong. It isn't fair for people to put him down like that. You can't judge a book by its cover. You have to read it thoroughly before you can actually understand it. I wish you and your children the best. Good luck with your newest addition :) I'm sure she will be as pretty as her mommy.

much love,

JanetteNashed said...

I wish the world was full of love and kindness but unfortunately we don't, we gotta pray for all those peolebwho have so much anger and bitterness on their hearts and show the lm our love and the love of GOD.. ily kandee and may GOD bless you and ur family=]

Unknown said...

Like so many other people that have influenced you in your life, it has reflected so wonderfully onto Jordan, and I can only hope that I can have the same beautiful effects on my own future family! I honestly cannot fathom some of the things that people say on youtube, or anywhere else for that matter! You rock!!!!!

ashlie said...

People can be cruel. Jordan is probably better looking and a better person then all of those bitter, pathetic people.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is really mean. Nobody should ever judge a book by it's cover. So The people out there who constantly do it... well they should start ducking because theres a big lighting fast boomerang of hate headed straight towards their face! Haha. All I hope is that more love is shined off into the world to make this world a more loving place :)
And jordan is so clever man, he should be the next Martin Luther King making speeches and all haha :)

Jessica-Joy said...

I dont understand why people are so cruel either. Ive never been made fun of for any of my nationalities but its not fair that anyone should be. Im a mix of 7 different things. Mainly, polish and italian. And im also irish dutch english american indian ( cherokee and choctaw) and german. My father was half italian and half polish and i get the rest from my mom. I like having all of that history behind me. I believe it makes us interesting. I hope your son doesnt let these people bother him. They're are way too many haters out there. And they are just people who are unhappy with themselves. God bless kandee, and get some rest for when baby arrives! Oh, and you post on ur other blog is precious. Goodnight

Sweet Soul Cupcakery said...

Hi Kandee

Sadly people will always feel this way against another race. When I first saw him I knew he had a lil sum sumpthin mixed in there!!(Just like me, Portugese, French Canadian, Spanish, African American, and Blackfoot Indian. Whew I hope I got them all!!!) He is very good looking! And as long as he is raised right he will handle A-holes with dignity and wit!!! Just like my brother and I have done.

Rita Cecelia said...

I can't believe people would say anything bad about jordan! He looks like such a sweetheart! And u can tell he gets his kind heart from his mom! I hate to say it but there will always be mean people in the world but with family and friends they will never get the best of u.

Thank you for sharing ur family with us Kandee, I feel like a distant cousin ha-ha

Best of luck with Princess and the white stick! Ha we are all excited to see that little cupcake!

SweeTee said...

What a beautiful post! We are a mixed family too & tell my kids to embrace all the rainbows in their blood bc we are an array of colors & what fun is there in being one drab color, lol! I love your words & will carry your boomerang saying forever, thank u! Blessings ~

Anonymous said...

What a great (and funny) comeback by Jordan. :-) Also THE best way to deal with issues like that; with a good dose of humor. You raised a very smart boy, Kandee. :-) You must be so very proud of him.

I also LOVE your grandma's boomerang quote!! Smarts and good looks run in your family. :-)

Unknown said...

Wow some people really are just cruel! I don't care if someone is black, white, pink or green they are still humans and have feelings! I was raised to be kind to everyone no matter what they looked like and when I have children that's how I will raise them.. I think your Jordan is a handsome young man with a wonderful mom!

Christy0612 said...

I Get A Lot Of Shit About My Race & I'm Just A Little Bit Of Spanish & Mexican Born & Raised In Texas. Everyone Says I Try To Be Something I'm Not Just Because I Don't Have A Mexican Accent Or Southern At That. They Say I Look Like I'm From California & Sound Like I'm From Miami, Which Isn't A Bad Thing But I Love My Texasness & Then They Just Turn Around And Stuff Like I Act To White... That I'm Not Mexican Enough. I Don't Get It. Race Is Just A Race It Doesn't Make You Any Different What Color You Are Or What You Look Like. We Are All The Same We Have A Heart We Have A Brain.... It's Just Sad That Some People Don't Know How To Use Them Sometimes.

Haters Need To Listen To Some 311... Best Band Out There Right Now All About "PLUR" Positivity Love UNITY Respect.

"Stay Positive & Love Your Life" ~ Nick Hexum

Take Care Of Those Babies & That Biggo Belly!

Kathrine.S said...

life is full of choices. No matter how you look at it, either way you choose is gonna be wrong to someone! So just choose the choice that you feel is right!
Words cant describe the the darkness in the world and to take it out on someones baby is low.
Kandee i just want to say"In a dark world you are my little peace of light you make the world a beauty place". Lots of love xoxo

Tara K said...

Didn't she also teach us to "stick a geranium in your hat"? Beautiful words from a beautiful woman and restated by a beautiful woman, inside and out! God bless and never listen to the hate!

Anonymous said...

I'm a mix of Lithuanian, Russian, Belorussian, Polish and Jewish. That's why I like "mixes" a lot , hehe :) Jordan is really good looking guy!!

Unknown said...

Kandee, Your son is just beautiful. Thank you for always being the most positive blogger. You always make me smile and remind me that there are just beautiful people in the world that want to be happy. Why think of the sad and ugly? Thank you for keeping me smiling today.

Amorailuv said...

Dearest Kandee,
I am so incredibly proud of Jordan for coming up with something as clever and true as that. I bet the bullies had nothing to say after hearing that! We live in a cruel world and racism is still rampant. It takes guts to stand up to the haters, and your wonderful son did it with wit and grace. Kudos and best wishes!!


Unknown said...

i never understood what the difference was between someone with dark skin and someone with light skin. They are both people i don't understand why something as stupid as the color of their skin was the deciding factor if they had to sit at the back of the bus or the front. Never made sense to but all the people who say bad things about you must feel alot worse about themselves. its obvious to see that you are a very good person that doesn't deserve to be treated badly. :]


He is veeery handsome!!

Very clever!!!

Very funny =)



I don't think so.. because the cleverer, the prettier the person is the more they hate him....

U can not help it...

If he know that U love him.. he'll be calm and happy...

And if he's happy no one can break him down!

KendelRenae said...

ur n amazing mom kandee and youve raised him well that was a great response i myself in counter mean ppl often at my high school they assume things about me that arnt true they are quick to say im black just becuz of the color of my skin when in actuality if you look at my family tree u would see that i am creole and very well mixed creole is different from "black" i am native american african american and french and i claim them all and refused to just be called "black" because i am not i am mixed and i love every minute of it if u look in my room u would c every part of me represented i m a big fan of the dream ketches to rep my native side and i cook food that goes along with my nationality which is amazing and a art ppl are mean but if they took time to ask questions and not assume the would see that me and jordan and blaker and alani r all beautiful kids with amazing back grounds and history <3

Unknown said...

Jordan is one of the most good looking kids I have ever seen. Everyone leaving hate comments is just jealous that they will never be as beautiful as him or you. love you kandee. :)

Unknown said...

I think he's perfect! What a gorgeous and clever young man. He seems to know his mind and not let things other people say bother him. He'll make some girl very happy someday :).

Unknown said...

People are so RUDE! They can hide their cowardice computer screens and say whatever they want. I hear someone say recently that if people could comment on the Gettysburg Address the Lincoln gave they would say "yeah I think that was the stupidest address ever, and who does Lincoln think he is in that stupid hat" Its so true. I am married to a black man and we have a mixed son. I just wrote on my blog about this
Hearing your stories tho makes me sad, perhaps we are not as far along as I thought. So sorry to hear it:(

Missy G said...

Your son Is the coolest.

Skylar Young said...

awww way to go Jordan. He is going to grow up neither white nor black nor Native American...he's just gonna be JORDAN and nobody is going to stop that. It is seriously hard growing up here and not being white, but it just makes you stronger. TRUST ME.

and don't let the haters bother you so much, it just gives them the power. wake up in the morning and brush those haters off, they are just jealous. :) best of luck kandee with yo bebe. you're still my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Your son is beautiful! Wow, I didn't know he was that many different ethnicities. That is really special, I think.

He is one kind hearted intelligent little man.

I'm Spanish, Portguese, German, French, and a tinsy bit Native American.

Anonymous said...

Your son is very good looking, and whoever says hateful things about him is just jealouse that you have such a beautiful child. It is amazing what people will say about someone else to make themselves feel better. It is just pathetic that anyone would say bad things about a child. I hope they realize how pathetic they look. I am so sorry you have to read those things, and even more sorry its when you have another blessing on the way. It makes you feel worse because of your emotions. But you get to look at your beautiful babies everyday and know that no matter what. They can turn to you and you will protect them from idiots like that. The world is full of hateful people infortunatly, and its scary to send our kids out there. Kandee you are beautiful inside and out. Never let anyone kill your smile. Because yo smile can change the world. <3

Kharina said...

More power to Jordan! Such a wise young man to stand up to ignorance with wit and humour. I'm Chinese/Swedish and get a lot of hassel for not being tall and blonde. Duh, half chinese!!!!

missally717 said...

dear Kandee,
In my opinion Jordan is a very cute kid. I think once he gets older he is going to be a heart breaker...All the girls are going to think hes soo cute...But i think you guys deal with it great and are very i know you wont let it get you down...=)

rOxy said...

ignore them kandee. you're so much better and very inspirational. i hope you'd do glaminar here in the philippines.

Newei, mixed is just great. he's a little bit of everything all rolled into one.

and they're just jealous about that. because they're boring.

Jordan is tough because his mom is tough. it's all your effort kandee.

have a safe and sound labor.

Ellie said...

I cannot believe how rude and hurtful people are these days and even more so on the internet.
I think Jordan is so lucky to have such an amazing variety of ethnicities! He is a cutie and is lucky to have such beautiful skin color!
I hope that you all have a wonderful day and maybe a baby! hehe

Nikki said...

Hey Kandee,
You are probably going to see this a million times of the people that have so much more respect for you and your children. Those people are just acting lower than low when they are behaving that way, The fact that they are picking on a young boys looks is disgusting if you ask me, We are way past the times when people are judged on their skin colour.
You son is going to grow up to be such a hansome young man and is really going to be something special as are all of your children.
I have so much respect for you as a mother, we know you love all your children very much you can see it in your writing and the way you are on YouTube, and can see that they are all very happy with the way their life is!!!

TaTi said...

i just loved that post. I am proud of you and your little one.. you granny is right, like all grannys are..
I am so happy jordan sees everything that way..and that he has you at home to show him and always remind him, how this are, or should be!!!
many kisses!!

Karmen said...

I think Jordan is gorgeous! That smile made my heart melt...

Ann di Micio said...

no person is only one nationality since Genesis chapter 11 (sorry, I don't know the english word for "Turmbau zu Babel") so noone should judge the other! e.g. me, I know the last three generations and they are german, but as my grandfather was born in Silesia (german: Schlesien), which became a part of Poland after the 2nd worldwar (he needed to escape when he was only 5 years old!) you could also say I'm partly polish! By the way, which American could say he is really an American? Only the 100% Natives ;) Who knows what nationalities the haters are??? Maybe there's also african, but they didn't get a darker skin tone! (even Hitler who tried to liquidate the jewish was 1/8 jewish, but no one knew at this time......) It's very good that your son is self confident enough to give a right answer to such comments! kids in school can be so cruel......
Many greetings from Germany!

Margot said...

Love and joy back to ya from The Netherlands!

I've been following you for quite a while now and I never wanted to respond because I thought: there are so many people writing to you, you're not able to read every post! But your blog about your son and Martin Luther King makes me want to let you know who's that anonymous Dutch girl who loves to watch your make up videos and read your blogs. It's me! :-)

I just want to say that you are a beautiful person and I hope you stay the way you are. It's beautiful to read that you pass on your way of life, your positivity and openness, to your children. I hope you all stay that way, the way all people in the world should be...

Much love and LOTS of boomerangs!


Diane said...

we want to see the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!


btw, Jordan is so smart!!!

Unknown said...

i love what your granny said about the boomerang of love! it is soooo true! kids are sometimes mean but i love what jordan said :)))) he really shows wisdom at an early age :)
huuuugs for you and all your little ones :)

Unknown said...

I love watching your videos and reading your blogs! I think you're such a positive person in everything you do and it's so much fun to watch!

I can't believe that people even think like that anymore...I've never understood why people get so caught up on skin color when it's something you can't even control! We are all human beings no matter what we look like! It's sickening that people still have racists attitudes in this day and age. Jordan is a very handsome young man...he's definitely going to have the ladies chasing him ;)

Chelsea said...

Good for Jordan for not letting the jealous haters get to him. He is an extremely handsome young man who will have the ladies lined up at your doorstep in no time!

Unknown said...

You have a very, very intelligent son, Kandee. I can only imagine how much joy and motherly pride that must bring! :)
It is sad that people waste their words saying mean things to others, but what must matter to us is how we decide to conduct our lives and where we set our strength.

There is something else that has touched me maybe even more strongly, and it is "one of those huge coincidences". I am from Spain, so it is not common at all to come from a protestant family background, let alone having heard of dear Barbara Johnson...
The last few years have been pretty challenging and I guess I somehow lost most of my faith. I couldn't possibly imagine that, after months of following your job and blog, where you boost us with your loving words... you say here that you are the grand-daughter of the writer of that bookful of joy and encouragement -Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy- I read in my teens... It makes all sense, you have got her joy, her faith, and her strength :) Kind of makes me a little jealous! lol. (Though I have a wonderful dad with a very strong faith I couldn't possibly equal).

I am sorry for taking too much space, but I've been very touched today and just wanted to share.

BTW, take no notice at all of those people full of bitterness. You're way better than that.

Lots of love, and have a safe (and quick!) delivery :)

Dominique@Delightfully Domesticated said...

I think it's wonderful that you have taught your son to have pride in his nationalities! I am have Lumbee Indian and half white. Growing up, the white kids called me a half breed and the Indians called me "the little white girl". I have never been able to fit in. But that's okay, because I love who God made me-and THAT's what makes me beautiful!

xXseriXx said...

well kandee, you're lucky to have a son like him! yeah people are mean at times but who knows... they're jealous? hahaa. i loved his reply. btw, we hoped to see your cupcake soon! <3

xXseriXx said...

well kandee, you're lucky to have a son like him! yeah people are mean at times but who knows... they're jealous? hahaa. i loved his reply. btw, we hoped to see your cupcake soon! <3

Cosmetics Student said...

He is beautiful. People just need to wake up to the 21 century and realize that America is a melting pot of different nationalities and it makes the most beautiful people.

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee,

Your son Jordan is very handsome, I myself am a mixture of a lot of different nationalities I am Native American(cherokee and iroquoi, African American, Jewish, Irish, German, Mexican, Italian, and some Chinese. I used to go thru bullying and being picked on because of all of that, I used to let it get at me until I realized all these nationalities make me me and I am a beautiful person inside and out because of them. Your Jordan is the same way he is beautiful on the inside and out he will grow up and do big things in life. God bless you and your whole family love you kandee!

Anonymous said...

Your son is Handsome !! can i marry him ?? :DD

you would be a perfect mother-in-law :DD

I am Mix of Finnish,ukraine,russia,polish and a little swedish :) and i've been getting racist comments too as a teenager :( but i was proud to be me !!

Unknown said...

your son is gorgeous, just like you and the rest of your beautiful kids. differences should be celebrated-not discriminated. good for him for being so strong! give him our love!


Janner said...

ahhh hahaha... Jordan is such a smarty! and adorable .. you are so right, he could model im sure. I love that you posted all of the beautiful races that made up what is now the lovely jordan. ...

Unknown said...

i'm a mix between, korean, japanese, white, welsh, irish, scottish, etc. and i grew up being a military brat so i was called all sorts of named, ranging from chink, to pale ass. it was hard, but just like this blog post, you have to embrace it. :)
i'm a mixed, way to tall, over weight highschooler, and highschool has been TERRIBLE for me.
but i keep my chin up high, and when i'm down i just watch videos like yours cause they always cheer me up.
You show who you really are, and i've been working on that.
doing what i want to do, and not letting anyone hold you back. :) your such a nice lady.

Alison said...

For the record, I think Jordan is a gorgeous young man! And he's lucky to have such a beautiful Momma!

Hope you're having a wonderful day Kandee! :-)

morphine said...

I saw the last 2 posts,it's awful what are they saying,i mean he can be proud of who he is,no matter what the others say,i mean if you cannot respect a different culture that shows what kind of person you are.
it's sad..

and don't worry,his answer to those kids,shows what a great job you did with him,you can be proud of him:)
good luck with the babyboom
[sorry for the bad grammar:)]

My Dear Darlings said...

Makes me want to cry he is such a Beautiful Boy! I am made up a lot of Nationalities too but not any quite as lovely as he is!! Lucky Jordie! Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

celenajustine said...

Well Kandee, it speaks VOLUMES of your abilities as a mother that at such a tender age Jordan has the presence of mind to defuse things with wit.

What a treasure to know your son has so many of the tools he needs to conquer every day and change other people's minds. As a mother of a tiny son I am so filled up with pride for yours and hope for mine.

You are an inspiration of positivity and it makes me so happy that you're on the internet affecting people. Most of the famous blogs and such get that way because of snarkiness and I love that yours is all about light, beauty and love.

He is incredibly handsome and you have done an amazing job of preparing him to be a real man sooner than you know it. Kudos to a great mother and a wonderful person who helps me to want to be and do better.

SelinaDivaMUA said...

LOL I would sit in the middle of the bus as well because I am Puerto Rican and German. In High School I was always in with both crowds I had my Hispanic and African Americans who were my friends and then I had my mix of diff races (white kids to sum it up) German, Polish, Irish, French, Sweedish but in their eyes they were just the "WHITE KIDS" and I loved both of these groups equal. The friends from each group would joke around with me the "WHITE KIDS" calling me a Spic (yeah its a harsh word but it was a joke) and the "HISPANIC AND BLACK KIDS: calling me a Nazi (again harsh) but it became a joke around the school and my nickname all over as you lookin in the year book everyone who knew me called me Spic-Nazi it was my nickname and I didnt allow it to define who i was because I know who I was i was created by my lord God as a beautiful women of God and I don't hold any other title but the daughter of the highest king Jesus!! :) So I say to anyone who is picked on because of the color of your skin or your accent or whatever it may be Know that no matter whattttttt they say GOD our FATHER loves you and created you just the way you are wether you are a melting pot like Kandee and Jordan or just one solid race (that may not be favored) you were all created in his image and what a beautiful image he has created in you :) Be Blessed everyone :)

Fatima said...

I'm really sorry that people ridiculed Jordan. They should not target children...that's just plain disgusting. He is a handsome young kid!!!

Jamie said...

I just don't understand people and how cruel they can be. Your son is soooo incredibly handsome!!! He seems so mature and just a good kid. Great job, girl!
I didn't realize your grandma was Barbara Johnson for a very long time. I have so many of her books and her words helped me through so many difficult times. She's such an amazing woman. What incredible people you have in your life, lucky girl!
Keep up the great work, mama! Your children of beautiful, inside and out. As are you. xo

Summergrl24 said...


Thanks so much for sharing this story . As usual, your stories and positive words are inspirational. I love the answer he gave, the innocence of a child always seems to illicit the best answer to a difficult comment/question. In addition, give yourself a pat on the back... clearly the way he was raised was a reason for the way he was so easily and beautifully able to handle such a terrible comment.

Darah said...

Kandee, your son is beautiful. I love the fact that he is a mixture of so many nationalities. I am too and I find that that is what makes us so unique. People are just so ignorant and mean sometimes, but it's only because they're so insecure themselves that they need to spew their unwarranted opinions towards others. Or their jealous that they can't be so many cool races at the same time. I also think that it's so great that your son can turn things around and be witty about it. He seems like such an amazing kid, with an amazing mom.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you and your family are precious! I usually read my devotions each morning as I sit down to eat my breakfast--I usually go to Proverbs 31 website or somewhere like that--but this morning before I did, I thought: "I'll just go see if Kandee had her baby yet. . . " (I only recently learned of you when looking for some ideas on how to cut up my t-shirts--but then seeing you and all your tips, hearing about your life and that you were planning a homebirth (I've had 2) got me interested in checking in on you from time to time.
Anyway, all that to say--after reading your blog, and then ending up on your sister's blog--I feel like I've had my devotional time today. :) When you are walking with Him, God will use you in mighty ways--even when you don't expect it--even if you're just talking about makeup . . . :)
Proverbs 16:3
Deuteronomy 30:8-10
Blessings to you and your family,

Penny Pincher said...

Jordan is SUCH a beautiful blend of so many wonderful nationalities! :)
I wish I had so many so close to mine. ;)
All I have is Irish and English very close, maybe a ways back it gets more interesting? ;)

What I think is funny and also pathetic :P is that EVERYONE is a mix, EVERYONE!!!
I don't get why every single race has their own racists... they think their race is superior or whatever? They need to trace their own roots and I'm sure they'd be in for a big surprise! ;)

Everyone is but ONE race! The HUMAN race!
People listen too much to the media etc who TRY to keep us all divided because "they" all know that united we STAND strong and divided we FALL apart!
It's so true!
If people would stop being so brainwashed by what the tv, radio, etc. tries to program them to think then MAYBE they could try something new and outrageous like THINKING FOR YOURSELF for a change and figuring what life is really about. ;)

I am sorry you had to read such disgusting words from such disgusting people.
I know you know they were just trying to get to you in any way possible and the best way is through your children.

Just keep on shining Kandee! Ignore the beasts and let them amuse themselves. :P

Mic said...

There is just one race: human!

sarah said...

Buzybugs said...

He is a smart young man. I'm so sorry for the lack of respect others have.

Eliza said...

Your son Jordan is a smart young man and was raised by one of the most wonderful people I know of.
I Love you Kandee, and Gob bless you and your wonderful family including little cupcake. :)

Miss Priss Morgan said...

What a sweet boy! And what an amazing way to respond to hatred, no malice, just pure honesty. Aww, I love him!

Ariel2010 said...

Jordan is a very handsome man. It's sad that people can't keep there negativity to themselves. I think people who are mixed nationalities are gorgeous.

Liando los Hilos said...

¡¡Jordan es tan guapo!! y teniendote a ti como madre seguro que es mucho mejor persona, te sigo hace tiempo y me encantan tus videos aunque no entiendo nada de lo que dices porque yo no hablo ingles, me basta ver tu sonrisa tan sincera y el sonido tan alegre de tu voz imagino todo lo bonito que dices aunque no lo entiendo muy bien, tu blog lo traduzco gracias a google, me encanta como eres sin conocerte y pienso que tus hijos y la que esta por llegar son afortunados te tenerte, te deseo todo lo mejor, ignora todo lo malo que digan los demas que no saben nada de ti y tu vales muchisimo, un abrazo muy fuerte desde España.

xoxotou612 said...

i think hes super cute (: coming from a 14 year old (: love your blog kandee!

Liando los Hilos said...

Jordan is so cute! and having you as a mother is certainly much better person, I'm still a long time and I love your videos but I do not understand what you say because I do not speak English, I see your smile just as sincere and sound so happy in your voice, imagine all the beautiful things you say but I do not understand very well, your blog through google translate it, I love you without knowing you and I think that your children and what is coming you are lucky to have you, I wish you all the best Ignores all the bad that others say they know nothing about you and your vouchers lot, a big hug from Spain.

martha said...

Your son is drop-dead gorgeous. Whatever his DNA is, it obviously worked out well.

Barbara Johnson is one of my very favorite authors. Thanks for sharing this connection. I am just tickled.

It must be nice to know that you have her prayers.

Ans said...

Hey Kandee.
I'm very sad to know that some guys were bad to you, it's just so stupid!
I don't know what they said but it doesn't matter you're just adorable.
I love your videos (all of them), your posts, everything you do.
You were the first person that made me click on the youtube page every day...
So, be strong! you have so much great qualities and YOUR BABIES ARE BEAUTIFUL, JUST LIKE YOU :)
some people may be dumb and don't like you, well I LOVE YOU :D
so I hope that counts for you..
And I can't wait to see your little girl *.*
Kisses from portugal

♥ROSIE♥ said...

lol..he got jokes ..tell him he is a beautiful person we all love him ...dont listen 2 those stupid people that just try 2 hurt someone else because they hate them self's ...all of u guys are nice people n we all love u ..

lia said...

oh i can`t wait `Princess and the white stick`
love you Kandee:) good luck for you and your cupcake:)

Puck said...

Hi Kandee

You know, I'm one of those really cynical people who always expect the worst and think that life is just a big b-word.

You are actually one of the very first to make me think that it's not all that bad and that there might actually be something to this 'positive thinking'.

I think it's awful what they said to your son and if I were him I would have just felt ...well awful I guess. But he didn't let them get to him and from now on I'll try to follow his example!

Lots of love and good luck with the baby!

JBirch22 said...

Kids can be so insensitive :( It doesn't really seem like they were trying to be "racist" or tell him he SHOULD be sitting in the back of the bus or anything... but they just don't know what they're implying sometimes, lol.

Jana said...

Jordan is a handsome young man and he has gorgeous smile. Wait, he's actually only one year older than me. haha But that was my first thought when I saw him for the first time. I think he's beautiful, writes amazing essays and that he's funny. I judge by your blogposts, my crazy laugh caused by his "bus seats" joke and your vids. Please, let him know.:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee, Wow, I already love your Grandma...she was advanced before her time to say and live something so wise and true. Hope you and baby are doing well. Please try to not let those invalidate you and your tremendous joy, laughter and love and stir in all of that negative emotion; I promise you will sleep well. Love you! Anita

Fleur-de-Lis said...

I can't even believe someone would say somethin like that these days. Ignorance is a terrible thing. Your Jordan is a wise person and gorgeous inside and out :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I don't know what these people wrote about Jordan. Unfortunately some people find the courage on the internet, that they don't have in real life. They badmouth other people, come with racist remarks and other hurtfull comments that they would never ever have the courage to in real life.

I had no idea you were part Danish. I live in Denmark, and I'm probably your biggest fan in all of the kingdom of Denmark! I love your videoes, your love for other people, your love for your family and for your friends. You are a true inspiration. I look up to two people: Randy Pausch and you.

Love from Denmark

Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful person, Kandee Johnson. All of your beauty and love is being poured into your children- and what is within shows very clearly in actions and behaviors. Your children will shine radiant rays of love, peace, hope and joy to all around just as you do. :) Thats whats up :P

Anonymous said...

He is smart and beautiful, just like you!

Cschwarz said...

Kandee, you are the best mom Jordan could have asked for. He sounds like a wonderful kid... I don't understand how people can be mean or racist; it just doesn't make sense. :) Stay happy!
ps- Being a 17 year old girl, I think Jordan is quite a cutie! Watch out for the ladies, mama :)

KayXiong said...

Your son is extremely handsome! I think he looks exotic! I love it when I see someone who looks exotic and I love wondering what their background is! It really intrigues me! I don't know why people still want to segregate themselves...we are all human beings!

lol, loved his comeback about the buss comment! That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I wish i were a clever and witty as Jordon too :-\ That was a good one! I wish I could have seen those kids faces after he said it hahahaha!

Great post!

Samantha said...

Kandee, your Jordan is such a handsome young man! And with a mom like you, he is going to grow up with one of the most wonderful hearts in the world! I'm so sorry that people hate on things like this! No one should have ever had to experience something being said about them, whether that be based upon skin color, race, ethnicity, or personality!

Haley (: said...

that is rediculous ! what a smart kid he is. and why should it matter if his skin color is a little different ? or so what if you've been married a couple times, and so what if you have almost 4 children. everyone is beautiful, and everyone is made to be different <3 good job Jord, you tell 'em !

Team Chastain said...

He's a beautiful boy. I've been a paraplegic since 1987 from a drunk driver, and people can be truly cruel. People have actually asked my husband why he would marry someone in a wheelchair, and even more ignorant people thought that when I gave birth to my son, something would be wrong with him -- Like, HELLO! I was INJURED, there is not genetic problem. People occasionally talk very loud to me, and I laugh and say, "my ears are just fine, it's my darn legs that don't work." LOL

Mayo76 said...


I knew that part of your charm and beauty was because you have a Spanish side. :-D

Huge kisses :-)

RainbowDrops said...

Your boy and you as well are part of what I call the revolution. I am half black and half puerto rican. My boyfriend of 5 years is Irish and we plan on getting married. Our children will be 3 different nationalities. It's a revolution b/c soon people will be so mixed with everything there will be no single race. I look black and that suits me just fine. The other day I am in class and my teacher says the N word. Being the only person of color in my class everyone looks at me expecting some sort of reaction. Words only have power if you let them have power and they loose that power if you decide to not recognize it as a negative thing. Sure it bothered me a little but not enough to get hot and bothered and make a scene. Your son has the right idea and it's wonderful that you encourage it. Be proud that you guys are part of the new revolution. Changing the world one mixed baby at a time.

Marta said...

He's handsome! That kid that said that was just jealous. Watch when he grows older, he'll be a heart breaker :)

Laynie said...

Beautiful post, Kandee. From one muttly mosaic to another, you did great with this one!

So, is the baby here yet?

Michelle Murray said...

I love what your son said! Brilliant ;)

earth said...

Jordan is very handsome! Anyone who says he isn't is ridiculous! <3

flakiitaa said...

aww, your son is adorable! he should be proud to be mixed with a little bit of everything. my kids are going to be german, irish, danish, scottish, welsch, british, mexican, guatemalan, & chinese and i wouldn't have it any other way ;) i just hope my daughter meets someone like your son lol

Colleen Michelle said...

You are Beautiful, Your son is Beautiful, and you have added an excellent dose of sunshine to my day, I am so grateful. stay awesome, k? :) <3

Unknown said...

omg Jordan is so lucky to be mixed with so many different things... I am half black and white and love it when people can't guess my race... i once had a Bulgarian girl think that i was Bulgarian lol and i thought it was the greatest thing that i could fit in to almost any group i want to, because i am not labeled and boxed in to any one race. I am always jealous of people like Jordan because they are truly unique and they will never have to feel like they only belong to one group or have to act a certain way.

Bri Keefe said...


I was so hurt to hear that people-both in his school and on Facebook-are attacking your son.

I have been loving all of your videos with little Blakey and I think both he and Jordan are SO HANDSOME! I can't believe anyone would attack a young boy (especially if he is as beautiful as Jordan)!

Jessica Alba has very many of the same ethnicities as your son, and she is one of the most beautiful celebrities I know.

Me said...

Your Jordan is verrry similar to my Son with his blend : )
He's heard some rotton things from school or people not believing all the things he is but at the end of the day he finds a laugh & has a witty thing to say as well. I tell my Son he is my walking peace sign, bringing so much toegther in one person is beautiful. I was very young when I had him & look pretty young anyways (which is usually a good thing, lol) so I have my own battle w/the School seeing me int hat light...until I start to speak-I just remind my Son it's sort of the same thing. Sometimes people have a hard time w/acceptance that's why we need more people like our Son's out there in the world!! : )

Christina B said...

Well.....I'm crossing my fingers that no post yet today (8pm PST) means maybe bebe has made her arrival?!?!? SOOOOO SUUUUUPER EXCIIIIIITED for ya!!!!
God Bless you all during this time as you adjust to life with Cupcake!!!
And may He surround you with His peace and comfort as you heal and start life with a newbie:)

Chelsea Clean Eats said...

I just had to comment! This is so ridiculous. I for one appreciate your blog and think that all that you do and stand for is so amazing. I don't know you personally but I think you would be a great person to have as a friend. I always try to step back for a moment before I hit that "send" button, just to make sure there is nothing being said that could be misconstrued. Its so easy to say things in emails etc. But these "haters" are cruel and are just plain bullies. Unfortunately, this "media" opens the door for bullies to bully in the realm of cyber space where they can type out words so cruel and hurtful. And for what? Kicks? A rush? There is no empowerment to bullying. In fact these bullies/haters are just plain weak and are down-right cowards. Its so easy for them to type things and be cruel, but in the real world if they were confronted, face to face, they would cower and shrink back into that dark space where they crawled out of. I know you are getting a lot of feedback from this one, and it just goes to show you how many people love you and appreciate you. Be strong and don't read into the negativeness of these "haters". They are jealous, mean, selfish, disgusting (etc. etc.) bullies. This is such a happy time for you so don't let this take over your happiness. You are stronger than that. Hang in there and be strong. You have a friend/supporter here in Coquitlam, BC Canada that has your back.

Brenda from LA said...

Your grandma, Barbara Johnson, was a tremendous WOMAN OF FAITH, in fact, I saw her speak at so many Women of Faith weekends here in Anaheim and bought her books and was so touched by her speaking and her presence........I have been blessed by her legacy and by YOU!

Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

I knew u have some mexicana in you! You have beautiful kids inside and out. And just like your sister said, if they were normal and just like everyone else, they would be boring. Im 100% mexican and im marrying a man whos german, english, cherokee and brazilian and hes perfect :) i cant wait to have kids of our own soon! :) xoxo

Desiree said...

Kandee, you and your precious family are beautiful. People who say negative things are just ignorant and miserable within themselves, its pathetic really. I love you and your positivity and how strong your love and faith is in Christ! Thank you for always keeping the sparkles and rainbows shining through your words :)

ARosesThorn said...

Kandee, I just want to say...

I thought that Jordan was HOTT. I don't think that's what you really want to hear as his mom, but it's the truth! If only I was a few years younger xDD

Unknown said...

Don't feel bad Kandee, I'm from Hawaii and everyone here is mixed up. Me, I'm over fourteen races, mainly hawaiian though. He's super handsome, an dI see that he can persevere through the hate, which will help him a lot in life.

Unknown said...

Don't feel bad Kandee, I'm from Hawaii and everyone here is mixed up. Me, I'm over fourteen races, mainly hawaiian though. He's super handsome, an dI see that he can persevere through the hate, which will help him a lot in life.

Anonymous said...

this is so irritating. i dont understand why anyone would even think those thoughts. who says racist jokes anymore? its so unnecessary. your son is gorgeous and trust me when hes older he'll be gettin a lot more attention than all the other boys! ;)

mel_lee2007 said...

your so wise Kandee and your blogs so interesting, your son is wise too and so lucky to have grown up with a mum like you, I only wish more people saw life the way you both do :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with michelagoestoseattle only race is the Human Race :D

Ella said...

your son is just awesome!!!! i am irish russian and english

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee, I am so sorry people are jealous and ignorant. I am glad you stay focused on the positive and don't address the haters. I am Italian and my son is half Italian, korean, native American and English. I believe his combination of nationalities makes him GORGEOUS. Your son is just as beautiful!!! Magazine cover worthy. Your children and new baby are LUCKY to have you for a Mama!!!!!! With lots of love....

Anonymous said...

I just don't get racist people. Why think badly of another person because of the color of their skin and their features? That's just plain dumb. The way Jordan spoke back to the people saying those things to him is plain awesome! ..
Hugs from Denmark!

Francesca Danielle{aka}Fancy said...

Bi-racial/multi-racial children(people in general)are absolutely gorgeous and everyone knows it! Your son is a beautiful boy and those ignorant kids who made that comment are most likely jealous little boys who are insecure because they KNOW that Jordan will always 'get the girl'! We all come in a multitude of ethnicities and I love it...the world would be such a better place if others loved the way God intended for us to be as well! <3
You're amazing, Kandee!!!

Jokoterina said...

Gosh, He's cute :D

LeonaLimerick said...

what a credit to you that your beautiful boy can hold his own against pityful people. i myself am irish and my husband to be (friday we are being married yeeah!)who is african have 2 beautiful sons and they are always being showered with compliments by people. other nationalities and races are still very new to ireland it is only really within the last 10 years some colour has been added :) although there is obviously going to be some racisim, in general i think i am blessed to live in a very accepting country and feel sorry for people who feel the need to bully others to make themselves feel good. it reflects very well on you as a mother that ur son can rise above those who are trying to be hurtful and you should be very proud of both yourself and him. keep up the good work kandee xoxoxo

charmant said...

Really Kandee don't pay attention to the haters, your son is really handsome boy. Sometimes I heard really rude comments about my brother, and his hair colour and it hurts my feelings so bad, but I know that those people that saying those mean things will get what they deserve. I'm not making fun of other nationalities people because I know that I'm not perfect.

Liberty Ruffles said...

Is Barbara Johnson your grandmother? Oh my goodness what an amazing woman she was!

Natajay said...

You are an amazing mum Kandee! I only hope I can be as good a mum as you when I have kids!
Jordan is so handsome he will break soooo many hearts when he gets older :P
It's great he knows how to stick up for himself and knows to be the bigger person!
much love x

Jessica said...

It's sad how comments like this are made, especially by children. I never understood racism, especially nowadays when its rare you'll find a pure anything. We're all Americans. I myself come from a background of German, Native American(Cherokee and Apache), Irish, and some Creole. My daughter is half black with a lot of mixtures from my side and Native American from her fathers side as well. I am proud of my heritage no matter what anyone may say to discourage me. Your son is an awesome little man, and I hope I can show my daughter how to proudly embrace her heritage just as you have shown your son to. By the way, hasn't people realized that mixed people are some of the most beautifulest people you have ever seen? And to people commenting negatively towards your kids is just plain wrong.

Unknown said...

I read this and it made me get all emotional!! I think Jordan is super handsome! Iam also mixed iam part italian,spanish,mexican,american, and Honduran.I love being mixed i feel different from everyone else, it makes me feel good, i love to share my different backgrounds with people, it also makes me feel exotic and sexy. The boys also love it. :)

Unknown said...

And I thought I was a lot of things haha! It seems to me that mixed race people are some of the best looking people. :)

Anonymous said...

i love you kandee, and your boy is very cute and very smart (: lol.

im white, and i get called mean names and talked about behind my back. even by my own family! just because im dating a black man. people need to just get over it already. skin color, eye color, hair color, religion, everything in the world is diff. if it wasnt it would just be boring! bi racial is beautiful. <3

Irina said...

Jordan is so handsome, Kandee. His smile lights up the world, it is contagious.
I was cracking up about Blakey and the baby Goo Goo part! Adorable! Seems like he put a lot of thought into it:-) So cute! Your kids are amazing.

Anna Cuevas said...

i just cant believe how stupid people can be
i think it's pretty sad to listen the kids saying those kind of awful things
But dont be worried about that kandee, im sure those unkind kids doesnt have nothing but hate in their hearts
U are such an amazing person, and you have to your beautiful kids by your side, and nobody can take that away from you!
cheers kandee!

Anonymous said...

In the middle of the bus! Hahahaha! He's right! Fortunately these days are way back in the past. The world is changing. I hope that in the future, the people will be mixed at that point that you won't be able to say which race it is. We'll be all of human kind and that's it! Don't listen to the others. Let them talk. Anyway, more people like you than hate, and even those people like you but can not admit it. I posted a comment about your son when you were driving in the car about how handsome he is. Thanks by the way for writing me back. I wish I could have such a rich list of ancestors :D Keep doing your work! I admire you. Your fan from Belgium

Anonymous said...

By the way ... is the baby already born :D?

StephanieMarie3 said...

Kandee, your son is GORGEOUS! It's good that he doesn't pay any attention to racism like that and I think it's so cool that you guys have some Native American blood. I'm Native American and still learning how to not let it bother me because around here everyone stereotypes us and it's hard to deal with sometimes enough to make you wish you didn't come from where you did... But it's whatever haters are gonna hate no matter what.

Love you and your family and keep that little cupcake in your belly 'till my birthday -Jan. 29th! 6:55AM 1992 (: <3

Vicky said...

Jordan is so handsome *giggles* =0)
Can't wait to meet lil miss cupcake

M-A said...

your son is really cute:) im serious:D looove the videos! and your blog is awesome lol.

MSTiPPYx3 said...

Aw poor Jordan, he seems to be such a sweet boy. I'm glad and hope that he doesn't let people's rude and ignorant comments get to him nor does it get to you. Sometimes I feel as though the people that are hated by others so much are the most beautiful and gentle souls in the world. In a weird way I don't know why sometimes they're the ones that are targeted by hateful people.

BRIKI9 said...

Your son is so clever! I would have probably cried! My mother is African American and my father is German, Austrian,...Just about every other nation in Europe! Sometimes people will make racist remarks at my school and I don't know how to deal with it. I wish that I had your son's brains!!!

Dancer3114 said...

I love that response on your Jordan's part! Smart comeback :) He is a beautiful child- I think the more races you are, the more beautiful you are!
I also love the excerpt from Martin Luther King- he is one of my biggest heroes. Thanks for posting.

Johndeere960 said...

I have a half brother well to me he is just my brother we have diffrent dads. He is black i grew up in Conway, Missouri a small farm town it was hard on him to be picked on all the time he ended up getting into so much trouble cause he would fight people that is a postive way to handle what people say good for him may god bless yopu and your family good luck with new baby

flagel said...

Dude! It's so cool! He's like people from down here in Brasil. :D Has a bit of every culture mixed together ;)
when I went to United States as a turist, I found the country pretty cool and all, organized, but...when I passed by car thru the neighborhoods, it was a bit shocking to me to see all these different ethinic groups separeted by communities. That doesn't really happen here in Brasil. But I'm talking about my first impression, when I first visited your country (wich was like back in the late 80's, early 90's). I can tell that this pattern is changing. America is starting to mix more. I see that as a good sign of what the future holds for american kids!

Unknown said...

Kandee I haven't been checking your blog. I can't believe hate like this. I thought everybody loved you. To say something about your child is more than I can take. You have a lot of people that are for you and I sure will be checking back with you.
See you on Facebook. Love to you and your children.

GemaLuBtz said...


Unknown said...

Some people are so narrow-minded. That is awful and scary (I am quite sensitive to this topic because I am german). And at the end we are all a mixture of different nationalities. Just because I am "white" and born in Germany doesn't mean that I don't have multiple backgrounds. And I am sad to not know as much about it as you and Jordan do. You are blessed.

Anonymous said...

lol that's so funny what he said ha ha and he is really handsome too bad he's so little or else i'd ask him out haha i can't stand racism some of my relatives are racist too :*( they make me so sick theyre so ignorant now i try to avoid them now b/c everytime i see them i have to hear soem racist remarks and they think they're so's so sad they dont even have common sense and now i'm in love with a black man i am so proud of it he is the best person i've met in my life but i messed up i'm so sad i miss him so much :*(

PinkyChaChaCha said...

jordans beautiful- inside and out! congrats kanddeeee

PrebsisPige said...

Didn't know you had danish in you, Kandee! Weee, makes me even more proud to be borned and raised in lil' ol' Denmark :D
You should come here one day, it's a fantastic country!

Love you <3

Miss Pinkie said...

I love your postivity and makeup tips, you seem very genuinine! I too have a love for hello kitty! Spent every dime of my allowance at the Hello Kitty Store when I was growing up! Good job on showing the cultural love! I don't understand how people can hate on you! What's to hate? They are crazazayzazy! They are just jealous! Keep up the awesomeness, and congrats on cupcake!

Collette said...

Im just plain old irish!!! How BORING!!! ha ha ha!!
love you kandee and your gorgeous babies!!

Tracy: said...

Just found your blog and I love it!! Great post! AND I LOVE BARBARA JOHNSON!!! What a wonderful grandmother you have :)

Liz said...

He is a beautiful boy! And good for him to not stooping down to their level but still sticking up for himself, he must have a good mother ;D

Unknown said...

Your son is handsome - and so clever! Guess that's also because he's got a great mamma! :-)

msnice said...

Oh beautiful Jordan! Denmark <3

Cyn said...

I really love him for what he said on that bus.
Good for you! You must be a really proud mamma!!!!! your Jordan is Precious!
kisses from Argentina!
I'm expecting my third child (and first baby girl) for July and to find your blog was a life saver! I'm not really girlie, and you are giving me great beauty tips!

momto2munkeys said...

<3 it!!! I like to think multi-culturial kids have a better sense of humor!! My 11 year-old is half Mexican, but he lives with me(a white mutt,LOL),his half Dutch stepdad, and quarter dutch sister. Needless to say he sticks out like a sore thumb!! It cracks me up when we get funny looks and he tells 'em "what? I'm adopted!!" (Not that adoption is funny!! It just kinda puts people in their place when they're kinda judgemental!! The funnier thing is my boyfriend and my daughter's last names are "Brown", so the joke is that I'm the one that's not "brown" in the family!!! LOL

DaneMum said...

He's a clever kid! Nothing get's you thru' mean comments like humor!

I had a feeling you have Danish blood in your veins. Danes are over and over again being declared the happiest people in the world (by some international survey) and you always seem so happy - the Dane in you shining thru'?

Canadianpetite said...

I think that multi-ethnic kids are lucky that they have one foot in diff cultures. They get to see, taste, hear and experience different things. It makes them that much stronger in personality. My daughter is also of mixed ethnicity and I think she's gorgeous. I was worried of the day she would finally realize that Mommy and Daddy are different but she weathered it so well when a kid harshly pointed it out to her. Whew!

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