Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thank you POPCREATOR!!!

Dear Popcreator,
I may have never met you in real life...but you have given me a gift that I will treasure always. You have captured my essence in probably countless hours of make this beautiful glimpse of the joy I love sharing with the world!
I can't thank you enough...this is like a virtual photo album...of video and pictures...
tears fell down my face as  I watched this..and I could feel the love put into it...and as I read the comments below the heart definitely grew in size, feeling everyone's love...
my heart is so happy...and I want you all to know how much I love, cherish, and appreciate every love-filled word you write....
I am humbled and honored to be a part of your hearts and lives...
"souls don't need to meet each other...they can feel the love of someone they've never even seen up close with their own eyes".....
and if no one has told you yet today....
"I believe in you and I LOVE YOU!"
.....your kandee


Nada Makeup said...

such a beautiful video keep them coming!!

tec said...

wow that is absolutely amazing

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This doesnt begin to cover how much of an amazing person you are. I havent met you but I know that from the short time I have followed your blog you have touched my life. I love everything you do and I can only hope to one day be a tenth of an awesome person you are! Love me some Kandee!!

Kat: said...

Kandee you are absolutely amazing. You inspire me in so many ways. God bless<3

macfanatic56 said...

WOW!!! What an awesome video! Thanks for your words of wisdom and inspiration!!


Rocelia said...

oh my gosh what a great vid, that made me smile from ear to ear! this is the Kandee I just LOVE! I am blessed to have met you a couple of times, you are definatly one of the most genuine hearted people I have ever met. Thank you Kandee Johnson, for simply being YOU!!

Dyna said...

I loved the video kandee :):) It's one of them things that can brighten up your mood. There is no one quite like you in the world xxx

Unknown said...

Loved this video so much...touched my heart and made my day so much brighter...the sadness I was feeling disappeared with each smile that passed on screen...Keep sharing the love and joy!!!

Kasey said...

What an amazing video! It captures so many aspects of your personality. Every time I watch one of your videos, I am inspired to follow my dreams.

lasirenaazul said...

Kandee, THIS IS why we love you, happy shiny people are cool!

Popcreator, I thank you for making it so easy to visually explain why I love witnessing Kandee's life and how inspirational she is in her posts. I would love to make one of these videos of my elder relatives to explain to future generations that might not meet them who they came from and why the don't walk alone.

If you ever go into the business of making these video albums I am in!

Ai said...

I loved it soooo much♥ It put a big smile on my face! Kandee, you're such an amazing person! I love youuu!!!!


Anonymous said...

You always make me smile Kandee :-)
Keep the videos coming!

pinkelefuntz said...

That was AWESOME!!!! That reminded me of when i first started watching your videos and how excitied i was!! I LOVE KANDEE!!! I hope these things make up for all the bad things people have dont deserve not an ounce of it...not even a drop in the bucket!! popcreator....very talented and i like the song. xoxoxoxox

alexis said...

oh god photomontage! always make you (as in anyone) cry like a baby.
at least it wasn't a graduation one with Time of your Life playing! you
would've never made it out alive!

Unknown said...

that was a beautiful video!!!! my favorite part was kandee walking on the beach...I feel so peaceful...that video made me cry!!! awesome!

Discokitty77 said...

Such amazing work! I really didn't want it to end!!

glongley said...

You are beautiful in side and out

Ariel2010 said...

This was a very touching video. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I always smile when I watch youre videos. Thanks for being a role model, opening youre heart and life to us and inspiring me. I may never met you but want to say we all love you to. Hugs and blessing to you and all over youre precious cupcakes.

Genesis said...

Beautiful in every way!

Anonymous said...

WOW THAT's something !!! :)) Latvian girl is proud of lithuanian guy!! :)) BALTIC STATES LOVES KANDEE too, YEEEYY

Jessica-Joy said...

This was a beautiful video. Beautifully done, but it was all about the most amazing person, and that is what made it most beautiful. You inspire so many people Kandee. I mean, just look at the effort and time they put in this vid! Amazing job Popcreator! Beautiful montage.
Kandee, May your delivery of your cupcake go safely and wonderfully! Congratulations! We all can't wait for the new arrival to Kandee Land.
(We'll be expecting my first nephew in June and none of us can wait!! The joy is overwhelming.)

didyey said...

keep on inspiring others Kandee,just like how you inspire me to be stronger and value myself a little more. :)

Lisa Rodrigue Napper said...

Thank you for making this video. How you captured the beauty of Kandee and all her greatness is wonderful. I can only hope that if parts of my life had been put in a montage it would make other people smile like this made me smile. Thank you so much for sharing. lisa:)God bless you Kandee and the talents you inspire others to bring out.

stephyrae76 said...

Simply amazing! You are so very loved!! What a beautiful video!! I felt like crying, remembering how happy all your videos made me :) Love you!!

Unknown said...

that was absolutely gorgeous! so much love!

Julie said...

That was the most beautiful tribute I have ever seen. And if anyone deserves the best, its Kandee Johnson!!!! I believe in YOU and I LOVE YOU!!!! <3 <3 <3

Crystals Fixins said...

i love the footage of you on the beach :D you are so beautiful and more of an inspiration than you know. I used to be like you very positive and happy, i think im goin back to muh roots :D omg this vid. is making me tear up!!

much love from vegas!!


Irina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Irina said...

I enjoyed watching the video so much. Thanks so much to Popcreator!You are such a beautiful person, Kandee! Both inside and outside!!! Just amazing! Huge LOVE,

Unknown said...

Where can I wach theze video everybody is talking about....I luv kandee and I bet the video should be good :)

Anonymous said...

This is the most amazing video, about the most amazing person whom I could've never thought to touch my heart and soul so greatly. Kandee you're a blessing in my life and WE all love YOU more than you can imagine !!!
Thank you so much. xoxo

Brisayda said...

Kandee i need ur opinion/help. What is ur take on circumcising? Please do a video or blog about it please please please

Sara said...

This video captures all of the wonderful bits of your personality, Kandee. My favorite parts are your goofy dance moves! I can so relate to that (I'm not coordinated AT ALL!). Thanks for being who you are!

Unknown said...

This is Aaaamazing video for an AAaaamazing, fabulous, inspirational person!
Kandee it was by CURIOSITY I viewed your videos (my staff insisted I looked & have a spunky personality like you; not sure about looking like you but yes I am spunky, what they didn't know is that it was a facade to hide so much hurt), it was a Christmas GIFT which gave me the honor to attend LA GLAMINAR (here I learned to be positive and how wonderful life truly is. I became a stronger,happier person; my spunky personality is now genuine! ) it is by CHOICE that am now a grateful admirer, fan, KJ Groupie :D etc! (You are truly a God sent blessing to my life! May he keep you and your family in his loving arms always!) You are truly and inspirational person!
xoxo Frances

Rebecca Robeson said...

Kandee you are absolutely dazzling. This video tribute must have meant so much to you. Very sweet of the person who created it. In photos and film, she(?) captured your essence. Your natural beauty and effervesce leaps off the page frame by frame. I pray you recognize the gift you have been given. I have an unusually beautiful 20 year old daughter. I am amazed at her struggles... why?? she exemplifies the American dream, yet she doubts herself. Apparently, its not as easy as it looks, to be drop-dead gorgeous... Who Knew?? All this to say, I hope you see yourself as we see you... Its beautiful really!

leslieeva said...

That video is incredible! They did an outstanding job putting it together! It sums up exactly how your readers and followers feel about you and how they view you each and every day! You are a huge inspiration to women everywhere! Every chance I get I tell people about you and how every girl should read and follow your blog! You are such a positive light in peoples' lives around the world! Thnx Kandee!

craftyclaudes said...

This video made me all goosebumpy and teary and happy!! Kandee, you are so generous with all of us. Always having a kind word or inspiring thought to pass on as well as fun and very useful make up tips! Now someone has been generous with you. this is an awesome video.
Thank you Kandee and Thank you Popcreator for being so inspiring.

Unknown said...

I love your video! it really inspired me soo much. especially my two years old daughter kept saying hi and bye when she sees your video! keep your strength much stronger and you are very sweet person even thou we never met but I feel like we did and thanks for your lovely advices you've been giving out to all the kick-ass strong ladies!!!

leslieeva said...

So, I've decided that you need, deserve, and MUST have your own television show. You have touched so many girls' lives around the world, you could and should reach an even larger audience! I think you would be perfect for a show on Oprah's OWN network. You, like Oprah, are all about helping others, accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you truly are and spreading positivity whereever you go! I'm serious you should do it! =D

Alma Erica said...

I dont even know u personally and wow just watching that vid was gonna make me cry ! I loved it! There should be WAY MORE ppl like u in the world Kandee!

P.S. Loved the fact that u were @ Santa Monica and the beach part was soooo epic and lovely! Ur a Cali Girl for sure!


Miss Priss Morgan said...

What cute video! I smiled the whole time! You get to have this FOREVER, just to look back on and remember how amazing you are!

katja said...

just WOW (WOnderfull Woman) :-)

take care

makeupmaven0 said...

Kandee, such an inspiration! Your videos always bring a smile to my face and heart!!

Can't put into words how much I love you as a person and how much you inspire me---Thanks!!

MissBehavin said...

I LOVE this video! Five + stars to the creator. A perfect & beautiful tribute to our AMAZING Kandee!

ashleysayduh said...

your amazing, i love this video! you inspire me in so many ways!! your so beautiful and do great in everything you do! i hope to become someone just like you!
thanks kandee johnson! :)

Shannon said...

When I look at you Kandee, I feel so inspired. I love you. -shannon w.

Meg said...

Love this Kandee!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with you Kandee <3 !!!!!!!!!

hahahah :)

Anonymous said...

So many tears..happy tears. What a beautiful treasure. ♥

tamara said...

A gorgeous tribute to a gorgeous woman--inside and out! You deserve every minute and every word of this praise, so bask! :)

pinkelefuntz said...

Does anybody know where i can find this song?? i love it, but dont know who its by.

Anonymous said...

That was so amazingly beautiful!

noalik said...

Amazing video <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

María said...

Thank you for your words and the amazing video.Really beautiful!



Spookypalooza said...

Well done! That was a lot of fun, and reminded me of all the good laughs about silly things... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

omg kandee, you are the most beautiful girl inside and out, i love you and watching this video made me laugh and smile. i wish i could be you <3

Wynne said...

this made me cry!!!! i love it!!! kandee i wanna be like you when i grow up!

Jenna said...

AMAZING video!!

Oh how I wish we lived closer and could really meet. We are kindred spirits :)

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