Friday, January 28, 2011


(this was my little princess...smiling this happy my camera was fast enough to catch this!)
You can click here to see her first "meet baby" video!
I thought it was perfect that after I posted about me being nicknamed "Smiley"....then to wake up to this precious little smile...heavenly.

Yesterday...and I knew it was coming...after you have a baby...all the hormones that were swirling around during have no place to go...EXCEPT to make you cry...(imagine PMS crying emotions times 1,000..ha ha ha)...
tears ran down my heart felt sad...and then I looked at this princess...and I can't help but just grinning a huge smile as I look at this picture while I type this...

I love this song from Nat King Cole....Smile
 Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

This picture always makes me smile great grandma in my costume glasses...ha ha ha
if your heart is feeling sad today...if there's an ache inside that won't go away...
lift your heart to the heavens.....
and feel me smiling at you...from my heart to yours....
our smiles can be the greatest invitation to happiness!
Here's smiling at you!
(one of my favorite pictures from the happiest place on Earth, as well as my favorite places, Disneyland!)
love, smiles, and sending a hug through the computer to brighten up your day...


Christine said...

Your little cupcake is adorable Kandee, her smile is so cute <3

I love the last picture of you, it makes me smile. I want to go to Disneyland, looks amazing there.
Thank you for sharing these pictures with us <3

Love Christine

Christine said...

Please follow me Kandee, that would mean so much to me <3
I am so happy that you still have the album i made you, that makes me so happy :)

Shelby Renae said...

That first picture is so precious! She definitely has your smile. :)

My heart and mind has been overflowing with sadness these past few weeks, but seeing all of these smiley and joyful pictures makes me feel better, even if just for a moment. Joy will come in the morning. ♥

Sending you huge hugs from my heart to yours! Love, Shelby

Unknown said...

so beautiful <3 thank you so much for smiles...sending you much love and hugs and smiless :D:D:D:D:D:D we love you so much..keep smilinggggg xxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

I not sure how you know, but you always know the right things to say. I've been helping my boyfriend deal with his dad dying from cancer and the last few days have been really hard. We are getting to the end. I just wanted you to know that your blogs and videos are my little guilty pleasures at the end of the days. I love just coming to your websites and listening and reading your wonderful words. You have such a beautiful spirit and you radiate that. The way you choose to look at life is a wonderful one and it rubs off. Thank you for doing what you do!


Unknown said...

You are always so inspiring Candee!!! What a beautiful post! I love the Disneyland picture of you, so pretty!!! And your baby...adorable! You are one lucky woman!!!

ClaireWhite said...

your little cupcake is so cute !
she brightens up my day and so do you and you inspire me so much!
You should be proud of yourself
ps i sent you mail to your house will you get it ?
Best wishes xx

ClaireWhite said...

your little cupcake is so cute !
she brightens up my day and so do you and you inspire me so much!
You should be proud of yourself
ps i sent you mail to your house will you get it ?
Best wishes xx

Sel said...

Aww how beautiful!

Did you know that smile was composed by Charlie Chaplin? :)

judydatsme said...

Keep smiling. Your such an inspiration. :)

dani@callitbeauty said...

all this baby talk is making me broody :p

what a beautiful smile your princess has!

Unknown said...

Seeing you and the baby makes me smile. It can be done and you are a perfect example of perseverance and fighting for your dreams, love the baby.

blogger said...

kandee, i cried after reading your post.i'm going through a hard time right now and your little cupcake gave me sunshine on my gloomy day.i love her smile and your smile too.thanks for the wonderful message.hugs and kisses to you and your baby :)


Unknown said...

Her fist captured smile!! ^^

Think it is just for you!! Just for mama!! ^^

alexis said...

you could name cupcake Miley because it's the baby rhyming version of Smiley :)

Christina Marie said...

Awwww! Love of all of the pics :D x

Unknown said...

shes so cute! hope all is well!


Celeste said...

Thanks Kandee for putting a smile and a tear of joy in my face!!!!

E. H. said...

Keep smiling and making us smile!
You're the biggest inspiration I ever had aside from my family, but you're also family, so I don't know now ha ha ha


marvelousme said...

Oh, my word. One of my favorite things in the whole world, baby smiles. Second only to baby laughter!!! Am I right?!

beautylogicblog said...

She's beautiful. I love that song. I have a lil guy too. he's seven months, and the love of my life.


!ynnbot said...

You are one of the sweetest people on Earth. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I'll watch your videos and I feel immediately better. Your like the band aid to our sadness. Thank you for being such a beautiful person, mother, and friend.
I hope that I too will be a happy and beautiful mother.
Take care and love your cupcake every waking moment!

My Profile! said...

how adorable!
you both look so happy!
i'm smiling so wide.. i wish you could see!

MsLanie said...

What a GORGEOUS smile little cupcake has! I can already imagine her saying such adorable things as Blakey does, but in her very own girly way hehe. You truly are an inspiration, Kandee. You brighten my days with your videos and inspiring words of encouragement. Thank you for sharing your life, loves, wisdom and talents with us!

Sarah :) said...

that song is one of my dance songs :) we're doing the michael jackson version and we're dressed as mimes :) its super cute

Team Chastain said... should enter the giveaway on my blog! You and Bobby would look great in the his/hers tee shirts I'm giving away!! :)

Unknown said...

LOVE this post!!! It brought tears to my eyes and I am smiling!!! :) That baby is too cute!!!!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Thanks kandee, I really needed that :) I had a bad day yesterday and now Im upset with my stupid glasses that arent right! Here, i gotta go watch some of your videos to help me feel better lol. Thanks kandee!!!

Melissa said...

Only a few days old and already smiling!! Yup that's Kandee's baby alright!! :P I love your blogs, they make me feel like I'm part of your wondeful world! Love that last picture too! So beautiful, both of you! xoxox

Unknown said...

I was having one of those down days and I went to your link which lead me here to your daughter's beautiful smile and then yours :-) and it helped me bring a smile to my face. Thank you Kandee you're so wonderful in every single way possible.

-Megs- said...

That song was actually written by Charlie Chaplin! What a coincidence right? Chapllin being the king of laughter for awhile! It is one of my favorite songs too Kandee!

illinlostworld said...

I love you so much Kandee. You are like a my bigger sister that I have never had.As I am writing , my heart is aching very much but when I read your blog, it gives me so much strength.Thank you and take care a good care.

Donyetta Carlisa said...

OMG I can't stand it. She is sooooooooo beautiful. She probably has that amazing new baby smell too. I want her haha.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous smile that precious little bundle of joy has ! I'm smiling as I type this :) thanks for always being that little sparkle in my days that I look so forward to <3 love kandee !!!

foodislove said...

aww your baby is so adorable... and i love that cute smile ^^

just so you know, your blog is always entertaining and nice to read :)

Julianne and Jake said...

I've always wondered who sang that song and now I know! I'm so happy you and your baby are healthy and just hope the best for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

That is such an early smile ! Your happiness was sure to make her happy as she grew inside you, thus the joy in her little face hahaha :)
So cute !

susieq85 said...

Your lil cupcake is adorable and deff. a reason to smile. I love that song. I was just singin it yesterday. It was written by charlie chaplin.

Unknown said...

You are beyond amazing! When I feel down, I watch your videos and I feel better! Your energy is just so invigorating! Thank you for sharing your life with us! Xoxoxox to u and little cupcake and the other 3 musketeers!

Unknown said...

you are such an inspiration to me.. I look at you everyday and think, GOD< why cant i be that happy and kind hearted and SWEET!!!! If i ever got the chance to meet you in person I would run up to you and give you a BIG HUG:) Your new baby is adorable, and you are amazing. THank you for helping me dream big, and strive to be the makeup artist that I should be.
hugs and kisses,
Rachel Murray

Pingie said...

LOL Oh my goodness. So precious. <3 it. Thank you Kandee, so much for being you & doing what you do.

Rachael said...

Kandee you're baby is so precious and adorable. I've been having such a horrible time with anxiety and depression but everytime I see your smiling face and hear your positive videos it literally brightens my mood. Your truly a remarkable person inside and out and I hope everyday that someone lifts your spirits the way you lift mine. Love ya girl!

Jasmine (YourSweetTreat) said...

Your princess and great grandmother 's photos are priceless!

kaitlynmazie said...

this is so sweet...shes adorable...u always no how to make me smile kandee...thanks for everything u do....oh and btw..i think scarlet is a pretty name...just a suggestion..even tho uve prolly heard every suggestion in the book by now lol

Priscila said...

Kandee, this post spoke to my heart. I'm going through a rough time, but God has sent angels to help me through this. You are one of them! You have a new beautiful blessing!Congrats!!! Place your heart & emotions in God's hands. He'll take care of everything! I admire your positive attitude & beautiful smile! Keep it like that ALWAYS! Hugs&blessings!!!

DIY Bride said...

Thanks for this post Kandee! I really needed this today. Hope you and the little cupcake are doing well!

Dawn said...

What a precious little bundle of joy. I'm thinking about and praying for you all! :)

Taylor said...

Aww Kandee you make me smile. :) Love you!!

Unknown said...

Trust me 30 years later you will still look at this picture and smile! My "babies" are now 29 and 23, 5'9" and 6'4" (I am 5'2") and I love them every bit as much as when they were this tiny. You will too. No matter what they do, what their life choices are you will love them unconditionally and they will love you the same. There is nothing better in this world..........

Jessica-Joy said...

awwwwwwwww!! oh my goodness! that is the cutest, most precious smile ever!! it melted my hear! Gosh Kandee, you're making me wish i was at the right time in my life for a baby even more now!!! ahhh!! lol you're killin me here!
Love love love this picture! she will be just as amazing as you when she's older! (as will all your children)
God Bless! XoXoXo

Jessica-Joy said...

Ooops... I had a typo.. I meant to type "it melted my heart"**** not hear. haha.. i'm sure you knew what i meant. love ya!

tgillock said...

She is precious!!! Congrats again!! And for me all 3 times it was day 6, tears and swollen boobs and sweaty arm pits. What is up with the sweating???? But just looking at that face makes all the pains melt away and all is right in the world! Congrats and she is a precious gift!

EVE-O-LUTION said...

wowww Kandee- ur baby is awesomoferic.... beautiful1!!!
she has the cutest smile ever!!
hope mommy and cupcake are in grt health...

Anonymous said...

what great pictures! your so lucky to have caught such a big smile on camera especially since they are usually rare in the first few days!

ms.michelle said...

Oh dear wonderful amazing beautiful kandee && cuppy cake. Too of course ^_^…u simply know how to make my day wonderful thank u heart was achy today && i was very sad,but i always turn to u && read ur bloggies && watch ur vids && i always feel better..knowing i have u && that u understand huge love kandee to both..xoxo..

Bonnie Riddle said...

Hi Kandee!

Your little princess is so precious!!!
She has such a cute little smile!!

Much love from Bonnie & Johnny in Sac!!


nihar said...

wow.. little cupcake smile is amazing and so is yours :-)

Gigi said...

awww I love this picture of lil cupcake. I love it when babies smile they just light up the darkest of places. I have the photo of you in the tea cup with your big smile on my background in my laptop. This is one of my favorites of you. Thank you Kandee for being such an inspiration to me. Olive Juice ( I Love You) hahah.

MelanieB said...

She couldn't be more perfect!! So very little and already smiling - but she's yours, so it's not too surprising! She is absolutely gorgeous! I am so happy for you!!! All of your blogs and videos always warm my heart! You have such a beautiful soul! I hope you and your princess are doing well and keep smiling, because you've certainly made me smile many, many times!
With love,

Unknown said...

CONGRATS lovely Mama :)

I am expecting my second princess in a few months and as a young mom I must say you are my HERO..

Honestly you are my Mommy-role model.
Thanks for always being amazing, happy, and encouraging.

I also LOVE the fact you cloth diaper and had a natural birth! I am a "natural" Mama as well :D

Lots of love from So Cal <3

@Ellemakeupblog said...

Aww Kandee she is so precious her little smile is to die for! Congrats to you and your family!

When you get a chance can you check out my new blog please....inspired by you :)

Thanks <3 xx

Laura said...

My boyfriend calls me smiley hehe..

Your cupcake is gorgeous just like you and teh rest of your children, best of luck with everything in the future..

laura from ireland x

lia said...

i almost cried when i saw Cupcake`s smile (because of the happiness). she is so adorable and beautiful just like her mom and her brothers and sister.if i am sad, i always think of you, and my heart fills with love. thanks for everything Kandee:)

Hilary said...

She is just perfect Kandee! Congratulations to you and your sweet family. Thank you for sharing her with us all, she made me smile with tears of happiness in my eyes. What a beauty!

Unknown said...

I love that song Kandee, it really cheers me up on a sad day... But no way near as much as watching you videos, reading your blogs, facebook and twitter, and feeling your happiness and love reaching me! Little Cupcake smiling was the most wonderful thing to see when I woke up this morning, and seeing your beautiful smiling pictures at Disney Land! I have so much love in my heart today thanks to you and your precious baby girl :-) love you Kandee! xXx

nasiaboura said...


mary&ash said...

your such a special person to me kandee, you have grown so close to my heart an i just cant get enough of ur little cup cake! she is such a precious beautiful little girl! sending prayers hugs an lots of love your way!!!

~~ marianna!!

P.S. COME TO DISNEY! i live so close :) i can get into disney for free! so comee!!!

Annemarie said...

I too love this song. Boy do I remember the hormones though it has been so very long ago for me. After my youngest daughter was born a couple of days later it hit me. I knew she was going to be my last and even though I was content with that fact, thinking on it just made the tears burst forward. Oh, Kandee she is just so precious. How could you not be filled with love.

unique4u said...

She looks like her father at the moment kandee.Cute smile. I went on youtube last night because i had a horrible night. And found that Nat king Cole song its sad yet a beautiful song. Then on the side I seen that MichaelJackson did a version and Diana Ross but it wasnt the same as the original.

Lee said...

Hi Kandee and Beautiful Baby!

Thank you for sharing your intelligence, beauty and personality with everyone Kandee! The dedicated and positive way you live your life is inspirational and motivating. I have been following you since before the 'pink eye' video and I have loved every single upload and post to your blogs.

A friend of mine just had a baby on 1/23 as well and she was asking about how to get her pre-baby body back. Right away I thought of you! I know you enjoy working out and have done the post-baby workout thing before so I was wondering if you could do some how you get back in shape/how to eat after baby videos in the future. It would really help my friend to follow along with such a bubbly and happy person like yourself!

Either way, I will always love your videos and posts!
Thank you for lighting up everyday with your wisdom and creativity! Have fun naming your lovely baby girl :)

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful Kandee!

Farah might be a cute name for that precious little one. It means cheerful one.

I'm so happy for you!! <3

Krisztixx said...

I looove that song too! :))) it's a really nice song to sing to babies! Cupcake is so cute!!! <3

Jen Jen said...

Your daughter is beautiful Kandee! I'm glad you post uplifting blogs like this about being happy and not letting the negatives get you down, however sometimes I think we have the right to cry about something that is really sad. I don't disagree with you about living a positive and happy life, but sometimes we can't do that when life just plain sucks or when someone I love says something really mean to me. But stay smiley Kandee, and whenever I have one of the bad today :( reading your blogs really gives me something to smile about through the tears. :)

vfiti said...

she is so precious:)

Camilla said...

Wonderful post Kandee!

And as said by some previous followers, you always say the right things.

when I'm sad I go to your blog, (and when I'm happy and bored or other things) and you puts a smile on my face and makes me feel loved.

Tomorrow will be a month since my big brother died, so I kinda need you now.

And luckily you are just a click away on the computer =)

thank you for being you!

/ Camilla <3

Samantha Almaguer said...

Your baby girl is absolutely precious, Kandee. She looks so much like her daddy! Congratulations to you both. What a blessing!

cupcakelover said...

i really believe you have a little bit of michael jackson in you, you're going to one day change the world in the most amazing way, and your going to radiate your smile to everyone on this earth, and your children are going to be in the best care possible, ANNDDD proof for that, mj's fave song was smile too! try hearing his version!

Raluca V said...

I'm smiling with you Kandee!

melissa said...

kandee i just wanted to write and thankyou for being such an amazing person! i really cannot express how much in awe i am of you, you are such an inspiration. you inspire me to try and be happy no matter what is happening.

The fact that you take no notice of some of the comments on youtube proves to me that YOU ARE 1 MILLION PERCENT A BETTER PERSON than they are and your children are sooooo emencely lucky!! to have you as their mum. you so clearly adore them.

the only thing that matters in this world is that we are loved and you are loved by soo many and your children are loved by you.

Thankyou Kandee

Anonymous said...

You and your family make my heart grow bigger everyday! Just watching you keep me smiling all day. I wish you and your family the very best the world has to offer.

Anonymous said...

That song was actually written by Charlie Chaplin.I love it too.

Maia knezevic said...

Your baby is gorgeous!!! And I think it's so cool that even though you have four kids now, you still have time to keep up with this blog and your youtube channel!!! Keep up the amazing work!

K9 Katastrophie said...

What a beauty she is!

Kylie Mc said...

Hello. :)

Ask someone (like your super nice Mom...wink) to watch that cute little princess so that you can take a rest. Even two hours will feel like heaven. Also, ask for help from family and friends. I know all new Mamas get the blues, but I experiensed PPD and it was a tough time. Fortunately, I never had any thoughts of harming my little guy. In fact, he is what pulled me through. I would look at him and feel so much strength from the love I had for him. He kept me going, even during his crazy colic phase...hahaha.

It's so easy for ppl on the outside to look and say, "Wow, she has it all. She must be so happy." But no one really knows what a woman experiences after having a baby(except women who remember). It's tough, even with all the joy, excitement, and love. So surround yourself with loving, supportive family and friends. And don't forget to take care of Kandee too. ;)

Wishing you happiness and joy!!! Your new little girl is precious! :)

Elle Sees said...

i wanna snuggle with her! you're so lucky!!
and is my fave place on earth. i only wish i lived closer.

xleαғclover said...

She's pretty ! Congrats !

rockyrufo said...

ciao, kandee,your baby is beautyful and cute.She's all her father; your children are all wonderfull.
Baci a tutti, lucia

Di Di said...

She is so so so beautiful and cute !!! She melts my heart ! :))

-AV- said...

Hi Kandee!

You have no idea how much I needed to read your post today. You know that saying, "Roll with the punches"? I did not think I had the strength or the tolerance to take one more punch today.

Reading your blog post today has really lifted me up. You've brought back my smile and through that I've found the strength to continue to roll with the punches.

I hope you've gotten some rest. And I hope your heart is happier. As always I am sending you bunches of love vibes and prayers for you and your beautiful family.


Unknown said...


Your baby is absolutely adorable!

I was just wondering (when you have time) if you could you do a tutorial on how to use MAC pigments?

You are wonderful! Your blogs and youtube videos always brighten my day. You are a true inspiration.


beautyparler said...

Congrats! She's adorable...& your smile is contagious:-) xo

Sara said...

First of all!! i'm in loooove your that beautiful baby smile!!!! you're soooo good at making babies!! ahahah!! you should have tons more!! :p your family is beautiful and so are you!!! SMILE's my favorite song!!! it's made me have faith in life and put my head up - and smile - through the hardest times in my life! and now you do the same!! thank you so much!!! much love!!!

~Shan said...

I just love you. You made me smile on this gloomy Monday in Fort Worth. I hope your day is happy and wonderful!

Cindy Yang Lee said...

awe congrats!

Mel814 said...

Right before I read this the day u posted it. About 15 min before I was really upset and someone said to me smile. I looked at your blog from my phone and the first thing I see is smile. I couldn't believe it I laughed and started truly smiling! Then seeing your beautiful baby with her big smile you and your grandma and reading what you said made me so much happier. For days after I think of this post and it makes me smile. You really do teach me to be happier and to not let anything get me down. I've learned a lot from you and so grateful that you share your wonderful personality, beautiful family, and your talents with us. Congratulations to your beautiful little girl. Love you!!

Beauty BFFs said...

Kandee, You are just so amazing! I love getting advice from an actual makeup artist! You inspire so many! Wish you the best!(:

-Beauty BFF Liz

Mamasita said...

What a blessing! Congrats!

Melinda said...

God bless you Kandee, you are such a warm heart. Wanna hear something amazing? That song, Smile, was actually written by Charlie Chaplin. Who would've known the "silent actor" had so much musical talent, huh?

Keep em coming, you'll ALWAYS have a blog reader here. :} xoxox love ya!

MsLanie said...

I must say, I got used to your bedtime videos, and now my nights just aren't the same haha. I only recently discovered your videos, but I already feel like you're a part of my family. Thank you for sharing your life with us, and brightening our days and hearts with your words of wisdom and encouragement. I hope that one of these nights when you have a few minutes to yourself, you'll do another bedtime video...for old time's sake haha. Have a wonderful week with your cupcake and her big brothers and big sister :) God bless you.

farreah51 said...

Hi, Kandee I just have to say your such a beautiful person inside and out.You have the brightest smile and your baby is sooooo precious and beautiful. I aslo love watching all of your videos. Oh, and just in case you didn't pick a name yet i think roxanne is a pretty name.I want you to have a wonderful 18 or so years with your new little angel.

Wicked Babydoll said...

How adorable :)

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