Sunday, January 23, 2011

She's Here! She's here! The Cupcake is here!

i'll blog more tomorrow..but i am super exhausted...and it's not so easy for me to type right now...just so excited to show her to the world!!!

(SORRY, I know I posted the same post on both blogs....but labor was tiring and I don't think I have the energy to type 2 blogs...ha ha ha... i had a bit of a rough patch after baby was born....I'll talk about it later...but I'm ok now! hooray!)

i posted about...
thinking i should call my midwife on facebook and twitter at about 3:40 in the morning
and little Cupcake (who we still haven't picked out a name for...we have up to 30 days! ha ha ha) at 7:04am!
I'll give you all more details later...just sooo tired....

she weighed 8 lbs and 2 oz, was 21.5 inches long...and is perfect...
 after she got "dressed"...thanks to "Nana Shannon"...she is still laying on the little sling that they weigh her with....
she is snuzzled up next to me right now...and my heart grew even bigger today with love for her!

all the kids woke up a couple hours after she was born and were so excited to see her...even big brother Jordan....

I promise I will type more filling you  in on all the fun details about everything from labor and everything else....I'm just a wee bit's alot of work getting a cupcake out of the oven! ha ha ha..but worth every single moment!

Our Cupcake is here!!!! Just had to show her to you all......"our cupcake is here!"
huge love and a semi-deflated belly....your kandee and her cupcake


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Michelle Murray said...

Your cupcake is beautiful! I ♥ her jammies too ^_^ Get some rest!

Mancina said...

Congrats!!! its nice to hear u 2 are both healthy and fine! you all look so happy and she is lovely!

eatyourvegies said...

Congratulations! :) Best of wishes to you and your new baby!

B said...

Your baby girl is perfectly beautiful! Just like her mamma.;) Congrats to the whole family. Have fun with the new edition. xoxo

B said...
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Insanely Sweet said...

You and your family are beautiful- congrats! xoxo

Em said...

Aww she's so adorable! Congrats! xx

Unknown said...

Congratualtions, so happy for you both xx

Porcelain Doll said...

Sooooooo cute! Congratulations!
Beautiful...doesn't even look like a newborn.

Catherine said...

She is beautiful : ) Congratulations!!!! I've been waiting patiently for your little bundle to arrive...checking everyday to see how you were doing...secretly hoping she would be born on my birthday which is the 26th...but so happy she came sooner because you were looking very tired and winded(out of breath)and so ready for her to be here... I remember being like that with my two little girls...Happy January Baby : ) Wish you lots of Luck and Love: )

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Bobby! She is gorgeous! We're all so happy to know you're both happy and healthy! Can't wait to see her more! Love all the way from Brazil,
Juliana M. Antoniassi.

Beata said...

She's beautiful! Congrats!

Jess said...

Congratulations Kandee she is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sooo happy for you! Yaaaaay! :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I am SO HAPPY for you and your family! You guys look so glowing! And cupcake is too should just name her cupcake! heeheee....recover well and get your rest on chica! xoxo

Brandi said...

YEA!!! Congrats to you both...she is beautiful! <3

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Sarah said...

Yippeee! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kandee,

first when I read that you were pregnant I was kind of disappointed, because you are my hero. But maybe this isn't right because you go your way and I was maybe expecting that you would act and behave the way I would see my life.
When you wrote in your letter that girls should not do the same mistakes you made, it made me feel that you also think that it is not running perfectly. I hope that you are happy and you keep the things in your life under control so they run the way you want them too. Even though I know that there are some things that we as humans can not control at all. I adore you especially because you are a human being with imperfections and the way you deal with them make you perfect! I love you and wish you all the best!

Lots of kisses to you and your cupcake
Hannah Haru

NoxCreare said...


Ton Teezy said...

She's adorable. Congrats!!!

Jess said...

omg she is beautiful!!!!!!!!! thanks you so much for sharing your journey with us!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh ... congrats kandee!! she is sooo cute and precious!! All the best for you and your whole family :) Welcome to the new child on earth!!! :) God bless you all!

LaMiezée said...

Congrats sweety.
Your "cupcake" is so lovely like u.


lucky_myrrr said...

CONGRATS Kandee!!!

Betsy Lopez said...

OMG she is adorable...just name her cupcake! Congradulations to you and Bobby. Next you need to show us how to loose the baby weight...I still have 10 unwanted pounds and 3 waist sizes to loose and I had my son in 09!

Ingrid said...

Dear Kandee

How many times I've been checking your site, also in the middle of the night. Now cupcaky alias the princess with the white stick is here! She is soooo lovely. Congratulations to her parents Kandee and Bobby. I wish you all the best.

Lots of love and hugs to you.

Ingrid from Switzerland (extremely cold here at the moment)

Unknown said...

WAHOOO she's beautiful!!! Congrats Kandee and Bobby! I'm sure you were strong through the whole process. I'm so excited for you and hope you get some rest!! :)

~Cassidy Z.

Ingrid said...

... how about the name Carla Sophie?

Gya said...

Your baby is so beautifull and i love that you call her cupcake.Congrats :*

morphine said...

she is soo fat:)):))soo cute:Di want to hold heeer:D
cant wait my sister to have a baby:))

Anonymous said...

Many blessings to you and your new addition!

Hannah- Ramblings of a Cosmetic Junkie said...

Aww she's lovely, congratulations! xx

Unknown said...

my dear kandee
you are a great mother ,a precious friend , someone with big ,pure heart
that shines everyday ,a smile that gives hope ,...i send my love to you to your lovely cupcake and your family ..i hope someday i can meet you in person. you changed my life
love . your friend from orange conty mani

Caro said...

She is so lovely... congratulations!!

Liz said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Congratulations Kandee!!!! This is so exciting!! I am having such a busy day but I just had to check in on you...
What a beautiful family, I am so glad everything went well and that everything is still good now. Pick out a name now! Get rest! Love you!

Petra said...

Yeeeaaahh CUPCAKE is here and so SWEET !! Wat a "snoetie" that is dutch for someting like sweet cheeks ;-)) You take care because giving birth is no cupcake. Lots of love, hugs and kisses to the whole family !


mimzy said...

She is perfect: those full lips, that delicate nose, those rosey big biteable cheeks :) and Bobby looks like a happy pappa :) You are amazing Kandee love :*

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee :) What a lucky little cupcake to be coming into such a loving family xx

TnT Dynamite Deals said...

Take the De off the end of your name and the BBY off the end of Bobby and name her Debby :o)

Unknown said...

Give your body time to rest Kandee. Everyone knows you are both safe and well we don’t expect super frequent updates just Basque in the moment and take care of yourself and your precious little baby. xo Katie

Nati said...

OMG she is soooooo cute and perfect!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

loooots of kisses and hugs from germany


Kristin said...

I just want to express my happiness for you and Bobby! Congratulations to giving birth to such a beautiful, precious baby! She's so adorable. She will bring you so much happiness and joy in this life.

pangie said...

CONGRATS! she is beautiful. hope your recovery will go well. :)

Brettany said...

Congrats Mommy! =) She is soo beautiful!

black cat said...

congratulations Kandee. she is so beautiful...I want a cupcake too ..haha...lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee! Omg she is absolutely precious :o) I hope all went well and you and your cupcake and family are all well!! Can't wait to hear more about it and see more videos from you! You inspire me so much everyday. Thank you for sharing and opening your warm, big, happy heart to us everyday.

The chic and cheap said...

congrats! long life to this sweet cupcake! :) happy b-day to him! and the best whishes to you!

Anonymous said...

I wrote about you

Anonymous said...

OMG, she is absolutely adorable. I am so happy for you and Bobby. You have a beautiful family :)

Unknown said...

This is ADORABLE! Congrats! :) Great blog...just stumbled across it.


Alison :) said...

awwww congratulations Kandee!! :) i'm so so so happy for you! i had a feeling after watching your last video that she would be here before the next one!! :D ahh i'm extatic! :P but err bobby looks like my religion teacher!! ahaha much love to you, bobby, "princess and the white stick" , blaker, alani, and jordan! Alison :) <3333 xxxx

Alison :) said...

awwww congratulations Kandee!! :) i'm so so so happy for you! i had a feeling after watching your last video that she would be here before the next one!! :D ahh i'm extatic! :P but err bobby looks like my religion teacher!! ahaha much love to you, bobby, "princess and the white stick" , blaker, alani, and jordan! Alison :) <3333 xxxx

Natalie said...

aww she's so cute! congrats kandee!! so happy for you and bobby! xoxo <3

Trixi said...

Omg congrats! She is soooo damn cute <3 totally fell in love with her hope my baby in any time will be the same stunning :)

And congrats to proud daddy as well of course :)

Ariel2010 said...

She is adorable. Thanks for including pictures of the daddy. Who looks so proud to be holding his baby girl.

lezbpinkhappy said...

crongrats mama!!!! she is so cute ...

TATIANA said...

Congratulations Kandee!

Hayley said...

Kandee she is absolutly BEAUTIFUL congratulations!! Your going to be such an amazing mother to your little cupcake :) All of your kids are so blessed to have such an inspirational and amazing mother like you :)
XOXO Hayley

nasiaboura said...


kainos86 said...

what a perfect family kandee! you are all gorgeous inside and out! if she was 7 lbs and 10 ounces, then we would have been exactly the same because i was also 21.5 inches and a week late! haha maybe she'll turn out to be 5'8 when she's older too ;] congrats and God bless!

Emily said...

She's absolutely beautiful! Congratulations, Kandee :)

kettlekitty said...

Baby is beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family.

Louise said...


Anonymous said...

Last minute cupcake names!

Addison Grace Johnson (Addie)

Jacqueline Mozelle Johnson (Jacq)

Can't wait to see more pics!

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee she is perfect! My heart is filled with so much love right now after reading this post. I am sooo happy for you and Bobby, you two look soo happy in the picture what a priceless moment. Congratulations and thank you so much for keeping all of us posted even though you just gave birth and must be super exhausted! I really appreciate you keeping us posted, you and cupcake have been in my thoughts and prayers. What a perfect lil gift from God, Im so happy for you. God bless you and your family.

Bibiana said...

Hi Kandee! I'm from Brazil, I'm a big fan!

Congratulations, she's so cute!
Wish you the best!

Kathryn said...

Yay cupcake is here! She is adorable!!! I am so happy for you and Bobby. Get ready mommy kandee for a lot of memories(but first get some sleep,it's alot of work getting a cupcake out of the oven)
Happy Birthday bobby! I love the picture of you with your little cupcake, you are tired but still beaming!(thats a keeper)

your kathryn

(wouldn't it be adorable to name your little cupcake kathryn haha)

xleαғclover said...

Congratulations ! She's beautiful :)

Amelia Kitzul said...

She is sooooooo cute kandee!!!! :D

Noelle Reese said...

She is beautiful! That is the first time I have seen Bobby! What a beautiful couple you two make! I am so happy he will let you show us! CONGRATS!! You have a darling family!

dreamangel said...

Congratulations Kandee, Bobby, Jordan, Alani, and Blaker. What an adorable addition to your family! She is such a cute little cupcake =)

Courtney Low said...

Kandee I'm a huge fan of your's and I had my little girls yesterday too!!!! How fun!

Unknown said...

So so happy for you and your family!!! Congrats, cupcake is gorgeous :)

JackieA said...

She is the cutest thing! Hooray for January babies! I was born on the 18th and my little cupcake came on the 15th 8 years ago!! Much love to you Kandee!

Anonymous said...

YAY She's here!!! Ive been waiting on pins & needles for her arrival! Congradulations Kandee! I <3 you ! She is perfect- I can't wait to see that lil' leopard number on her :) Take it easy, I wish nothing but the best for your family :) xoxoxox

B said...

She is so beautiful just like her mommy :) Congrats :) :)

So Blues said...

Ahhhhh the baby cupcake! naww so little precious thing! the miracle of life :)

I wish you all the best moments together. xxxxxx
love always from Spain

Sileny said...

Congrats! She is adorable!

Stella Rae said...

OMG KANDEE!!!! hahaha your "cupcake" is so gorgeous and cute!! I'm so excited for you! hahaha :D

XxClarisse13 said...

Yay!! im so happy she finally showed up for you Kandee lol it seemed like forever!lol :) congratulations on your lil cupcake :)

had00ken said...

I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations to you and Bobby for your beautiful little cupcake! You such an amazing mother, can't wait to see her in her leopard print tiny clothes!! <3

Caitlin said...

SHES GORGEOUS! im so happy for you shes beautiful just like you. You could name her Shannon...that's my best friend's name and your mom's name, I think its a nice name. Or riley or noelle. Those are my favorite names for a girl cupcake. Im so happy we finally get to meet cupcake! Get some rest now mom!

Lyn said...

Congrats on the newest addition to your family...She is just too precious! xoxo

Noturavgmom said...

She's beautiful babe!!! Congrats!!

background pictures for free said...

Awww, congrats! Dad is as good looking as your beautiful baby girl. Enjoy:)

Sarah said...

KANDEE!!! I never thought she was going to come! Congratulations and BLESSINGS to you and your whole family.. this is so exciting! Praying for a safe and quick recovery for you, and praying against any complications.. take care of yourself and your beautiful baby girl. Hopefully you will pick out a name soon!!! WOOOOHOOO!!!
All my thoughts and well wishes are with you, hot mama!
Hope you get lots of rest, - Sarah

ufcgirl87 said...

Aw! Yay! Congrats Kandee and Bobby! She's too adorable! You were right, it only took some arts and crafts to get her to come out lol Sending some love y'all's way!

brittany said...


Chelsea said...

Yay finally! I am so excited! She is a beautiful baby! And Bobby is so handsome! It's really cute to hear that he cried when she was born. That's so exciting! I can't wait till you pick out a name for her!

MissGabrielle said...

Congrats, she is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kandee!!! Cupcake is beautiful. (And may I say that Bobby is very, very cute!) Best wishes always :)

Some name suggestions:

naija_edition said...

Congratulations on your beautiful Cupcake Kandee <3

ampdandrews said...

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you!!!!

Jamie Marie said...

she's gorgeous!! congratulations!!


~*geena*~ said...

Congratulations Kandee!!! Im so happy she is here!!! She is so precious and beautiful!!!!

Kim said...

Congrats on your precious baby girl, What a beautiful blessing =) Happy Birthday Bobby! Can't wait to hear more about your cute 'lil cupcake!!

MrsBaboosh said...

Congrats to you all, your cupcake is so beautiful and is another gem sparkling in your family already so full of gems. loadsa hugs Catherine xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She is the cutest little newborn I've ever seen! Congrats Kandee on your new little bundle of joy!

Diane said...

wow Kandee she is so beautiful!!! I mean all little babies are beautiful but some are a little "scrunched" by the labor process. But your little girl is so pretty! And her daddy two!!

I hope you guys are doing great!


Blondie said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! She's perfect!!!!!
So beautiful!!!!! Have tried one of those baby nae websites? I'm sure you'll pick the perfect name for you and Bobby's perfect little girl!!!!!!!! I LOVE U KANDEE!!!!

Caitlin said...

she;s precious!

Heidi said...

Kandee, congratulations!!! She is so soft and snuggly and beautiful and Bobby is really cute too! ;)

Jeena Bobeena said...

i have been ANTICIPATING SOOO MUCHH AS WELLL KANNDEE! :) now that shes here, i am SO SUPER HAPPPYY! :D
she will grow up to be SUCH an inspiration JUST LIKE YOU :) her mommyy <3 GOD BLESS IN EVERYTHING YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and your little cupcake will doo! :)


Jeena Bobeena said...

i have been ANTICIPATING SOOO MUCHH AS WELLL KANNDEE! :) now that shes here, i am SO SUPER HAPPPYY! :D
she will grow up to be SUCH an inspiration JUST LIKE YOU :) her mommyy <3 GOD BLESS IN EVERYTHING YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and your little cupcake will doo! :)


Ken Garson said...

Why dont u name her Cupcake? It would sound super super sweet! BUT make shure the happy father Bobby doesnt get a sweet tooth surounded by Kandies and Cupcakes, :P:P

She is so adorable and u all look super happy, i wish u stay that way for ever! Congratulations!

The Beautifier said...

aweee she's a princess!!!!!! Congratulations to both of you! Enjoy your motherhood <3

BoyaMi said...

Congratulations!!! She is adorable, and lucky to be born to a mother so wonderful as you! Wish her and your whole family tons of health, love, sunshine and happiness :)

Morgane said...

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2 of you!! I wish you a life of happiness with your little girl!! You are a beautiful person inside and outside!!

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