Saturday, January 15, 2011

Peek in My Closet & today's make-up!

 I am in the process of "unpacking" my closet....(and yes I think I will be having an "ebay-garage-sale" after going though a bunch of my stuff...I'll post it here or on facebook...but it won't be for a few weeks or so!)
I have fallen in love with a hanger! These "skinny hangers", that are velvety, and feel like they are flocked, like a christmas tree- are amazing! Not only can you fit like 50% more clothes in your closet because of their "skinny-ness"....but your clothes do not slip off the hangers! I love these...I got mine for super cheap at Marshall's and in hot pink!...they were way more expensive at Bed Bath & Beyond...and they only had cream and black.

And here's a special treat for my "blog family"'s just a fun "non-tutorial-ish", peek into my daily make-up routine...and some hair teasing...and Blaker running around in the background! ha ha
Let me know if you like this little bonus video...this will not be on youtube either....I want to do some special stuff for all my "kandee blog family"....I heart you guys and all your comments that make my heart so happy!!!
dancing while putting make-up on.....your kandee


BeautyMarked921 said...

Aw that song was my uncle's favorite before he passed away! Wish you luck to you, your family, and the baby:)

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love your closet! that's how my dream closet looks like :)

Monster! said...

hahaha! i see this is like your favourite song! XD. greting from COLOMBIA!!!! :D

MamaWifeandEverythingNice said...

Kandee it is so wonderful to hear how happy your blog family makes you! You have inspired me and Many many...MANY others so much! Your videos & blog-posts are something i look forward to every week! Thank you for being who you are & i wish you so much love/happiness & blessings to your ever growing family(:

mschneck said...

You're amazing! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the routine & how simple it was! I'm sooo anxious for Princess and the White Stick to arrive!

2 Kiss and Makeup said...

I love watching your daily posts! Good luck with your upcoming special delivery! I can't wait to see/meet new baby Johnson!

STARCA909 said...

Super cute video i wish my closet looked like yours... many blessings to you and your boyfriend as well as all of your lil cupcakes<3

Qutie said...

Super Funny and sweet for sharing. Can't wait for the ebay garage sale too!!! You're closet is soooooo AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

I Love You Kandee!!!!! Your The Best!! Thank You For Sharing Miss Beautiful =) Love Tatiana

Unknown said...

you're great!!! thank you for sharing little pieces of your life! and also, i just found a new make-up trick from this video :d
i'm going to bed cause here it's 3 am :)
have a great daay

Unknown said...

I Forgot I Dreamed You Had The Baby At 5Pm Or Am I Hope Its Soon And She Was Super Beautiful :)Love Your Friend Tatiana =)

Diane Jones said...

Fun and cute video Kandee! I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait till your little one is here, and her car seat cover is super cute!!!! Xoxoxo

Sarah said...

I loooove this vid its sooo cute... and i loveee you kandee sooo much.
and good luck with upcoming special delivery can't wait till your little baby is here.
You are such an inspiration..
I've learned a lot from you
Lovee Sarah

Lilium Cruentus said...

Good luck to you and baby Indugu!!! :D We are all anxious and keeping our fingers crossed for you both!

Mayo76 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mayo76 said...

It's amazing how easy you do makeup. What you do in less than 5 minutes it took me half an hour :D.

Tomorrow is a very important day for me, occupationally speaking but involves many personal dreams, much effort and sacrifice of life, I am very nervous and I knew that if I saw your videos make me feel better.

My real sister is pregnant too, her due date is in April, so feel a special affection towards you. I think about the two all the time, so that everything goes well for you both. My nephew is a boy.

Well, I do not want to bore anyone with my stories.

A BIG KIS and always on my mind my my two future moms.


-AV- said...

Loved you're make-up routine video! Thank you! <3 Hope you had a wonderfully blessed day Kandee! Much much much love!


Dress4Less said...

Congrats and Good Luck to my Fave You Tuber! Have a blessed day ;)

Karen said...

Wow! It looks like you have a nice big closet. I just wanted to let you know I love those hangers also. I have them in all my closets. You can buy them from HSN and they are so much more cost effective then buying at local stores. The brand is Joy Mangano and they have lots of colors to choose from, and kid size also. Waiting for little cupcake....can't wait to see her!

A Shine Bunny said...

Cool closet!!

a s h l e y (: said...

Love the bonus video! I adore your videos, I read both your blogs and subscribe to all your channels... I feel like we're best friends even though you don't know me haha! Good luck with baby! Btw my vote is definitely for Princess GooGoo Head! HaHa!

Jess said...

Oh My God , It's Pebbles!!!! Takes me waaaaay Back.
You look so upbeat and excited! Wishing you the best in these next few days and hoping cupcake comes soon for you.

Courtney said...

I can't open the video :( I'm sure you have an awesome closet! Hope you are great and your muffin is baking up great!!! xoxo!

Maya said...

nice video.. thanks .. you're so full of get up and go I'm amazed... by the end of my pregnancies, i just wanted to find a nice comfy chair and sit down! And eat, of course! He he he

Nicki Lundeen said...

You are so friggin cute!!!!! Not only are you beautiful and a talented makeup also have a good voice!!!! Is there anything you can't do well? LOL

Can't wait to hear that the baby is on the way.

Lisa Rodrigue Napper said...

Love you closet and the makeup part. Your home looks so pretty and Blaker cracks me up. Sallyprincessgoogooandthewhitestickhead is so blessed to be part of this family. Tell Jorden we loveee to here him talk and he is sooooo good looking. please keep the videos coming. thank you-lisa:)

Lisa Rodrigue Napper said...

Love your closet and the makeup part. Your home looks so pretty and Blaker cracks me up:) Sallyprincessgoogooandthewhitestickhead is so belssed to be part of this family. Tell Jorden we loveee to hear him talk and he is soooo good looking. Please keep the videos coming. thank you - Lisa:):)

maddy_grace110 said...

Don't worry Kandee, I dance when I put my makeup on too... But sometimes I end up with mascara in my eye(: ha ha ha! can't wait for Princess and the White Stick!!

Dani said...

Hey there Kandee! Glad you are feeling so great! I'm still trying to get past my nauseousness!! 17 weeks tomorrow! Can't wait to hear when she gets here!

Elizabeth said...

You are so funny!

Joy said...

I adore your closet. I love how organized and awesome it is. Love, love, love it!!!

LorriClark said...

Kandee you are my favorite guru! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait for more videos....they always put a smile on my face!

perfectly flawed said...

Kandee you inspier me so much! i was so happy when i ran into your videos on youtube. when ever i hav.e a bad day your words of wisdom make me smile. its like you always know what to say

Ariel2010 said...

This is one of my favorite videos you have done. You are the coolest mom ever and have a great voice. That would be so neat if you did an ebay sale! Hope all is well and everyone is feeling better today.

Ewa said...


Dawn said...

Wow, you have lots of hats :)

Shannon said...

Yes! Loved the bonus video! Wondering why you let the primer coat of mascara dry before adding the black coat? Also, would love to see how you do your skin stuff for everyday makeup - foundation, blush, etc. :) This was an awesome video! I also wonder how you look so great ALL the time!! :) XOXOX, shannon w.

Sylwia said...

Kandee you are absolutely gorgeous! Loving the 80's beats!! Congrats on your upcoming babe. I have only recently discovered you but would love to see you do a tutorial for very pale green eyes (when you have a moment in the near future) - there is so little out there and the advice is always plum colors but I have come straight to the guru!!! All the best with the birth!!

JenMR said...

Love the hangers!!! Do they leave indents on the shoulder of your shirts? Cause I hate hanging my shirts for that reason... It always looks like they're something poking out of my shoulders cause the my hangers... I really need to get new ones...

Anonymous said...

Yayy I love the new only Kandee-family videos! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this video so much Kandee! :)

Rosemary Q said...

I stumbled upon your site and love it! The youtube videos are so helpful and you are so adorable! Thanks for sharing all your make-up tips with us and I wish you nothing but happiness with your new sweet pea. Off to buy some light and dark foundation to try the contouring trick! You are so inspiring! Thank you!

Discovering Holy said...

Kandee you are AWESOME! Just thought I would let you know thanks for all of your videos and blogs they are so helpful and you always make me smile because you are so happy with life!
God bless!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what you used on a daily basis... thanks for sharing! I don't look good in black eyeliner and was wondering if you could do a make-up tutorial using another color for those of us that look to harsh in black eyeliner? Thanks!

Heraa said...

I luv this song cause of you lol. I love that lil beat.

Eliza said...

I love this song! haha I know I already said that.
Kandee you are so amazing, well I knew that ever since I watched one of your first vids in early '09.

I read both of your blogs everyday so I don't miss anything haha.

Love you Kandee :)

Anonymous said...

Magnifico :-) And so quick too..guess that's why you're the expert, haaa, haaa.

*sophiesglamoroususa* said...

we love you kandee!!!
Check out MY pregnancy and makeupblog!!

Mandy said...

You are adorable, Kandee.
I love any video you make.
I sent you a Christmas card last month. I hope you got it. :)

Shelby Renae said...

Ahhhhhh, your closet! I want to steal all of your fedoras! :D I would love to have my own walk-in closet some day. But at the moment, my room IS the size of a closet, haha. One day!

And I loved the simple makeup video. Definitely do more in the future! Maybe cuppy cake will arrive tomorrow. So exciting! I'm sending all my love to you and your beautiful little family!

Marissa said...


Unknown said...

I loved the video Kandee! Hee hee... awesome music! Videos like that are so fun!!! Ahhh so excited to meet 'PRINCESS AND THE WHITE STICK'!!!! Yay! I hope everything is going well- and I'm praying for you to have a healthy happy little one and labor!
Love you!

Unknown said...

This is prob one of my fav videos that you have done! HOW FUN! <3 ya,and your cupcakes!

earth said...

You are so cute!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee, you are so sweet for making this video just for us :)



Unknown said...

Okay one quick question: In this video you waited a long time between putting on the mascara primer and the mascara...I thought you were supposed to put the mascara on when the primer was still wet? Does it make a difference?

You are so funny & cute as always...I'm so excited for your baby to arrive!!


kandee, thank you so much for letting us all into your life! we all know it's straight from your heart, and it means so much to us! i personally love this video, your preggy videos, and all the little peaks you give us into your life. you are such a beautiful, talented woman and we are all so thankful for you! thank you for brightening up our days! it is beyond generous and kind of you to put all the effort and work you do into posting these sweet videos just for us! we appreciate them more than you can ever imagine! you have such a beautiful heart. i see the Lord shine so brightly in you! thank you thank you THANK YOU for everything you do!

Unknown said...

That made me want to go put make up on! lol :)

Unknown said...

your closet is amazing! just like you kandee!


nihar said...

hey kandee
i check both your blogs everyday and i am a subscriber to both your youtube channels too.. so i think i am a part of Kandee family too
but i have only my ipod to view your videos and blogs and this video doesnt play on ipod
can u please please do something so that ppl can view these videos from thier ipod or iphone too.. please
even i wanna be a part of your family :|
i hope things go well and baby comes soon
i can understand why you cant post these videos on youtube :-*
I love u and adore u soooooooooooooo much..
loads of love to u and baby indugu :-*
Take care

Chelsea said...

Is that song by Nu Shooz your favorite song? You should do a video telling us what your favorite songs are! I can't wait for baby!
It's amazing that even the simplest makeup look can be super pretty.

Anonymous said...

This was so much fun to watch! I liked it! And I cannot wait until your ebay yard sale (or should it be called cyber sale, hahaha), bring it on sista!! hahahahaa!

TiffyBums13 said...

I love your closet!!! And I might just have to go pick up some of those hangers too lol. I also love that you do separate videos for your "blog family". (:

Anonymous said...

I love the video! It was so much fun to watch! :)

Unknown said...

You are just too adorable!! You remind me so much of my soon to be sister in law! I can't wait for your little one to get here! Oh and I LOVE the idea of you making a video of your favorite songs to get ready too! Those fun songs that just put everyone in a good mood!

Unknown said...

was feeling really down tonight until I saw this vid.. haha.. thanks girl!! ;) can't wait to see pics of that baby!! <3

Unknown said...

Lolololol <3 You're just too fabulous.

Hollie said...

just fabulous!... that made my day...hahaha.

Christy0612 said...

I unlike others can NEVER see your non-youtube videos on here... I feel so left out when you post them :\

Anyway I can't wait for you to have your baby... good luck in everything && know that we are all here for you.


Cherrysparklz said...

Good Luck with everything God Bless you and your family! Can't wait to see "Sally"... ha ha that's my name!!!


GemaLuBtz said...

awwww i remember when i was in high school, i used to listen to music to get ready !!!!! so many fun memories!!!!! it will put me in an awesome mood !!!!! i must do it again... im being a boring girl!!! btw i love your music selection!!!! ^_^

Stephanie said...

You just wake me up with smile... its 9 o'clock am here so i havent left the bed yet...
you're just super cute and i really like you everyday look :)) good luck with the new baby and kisses from Bulgaria :))))))

Unknown said...

Your so cute. I don't blame you from keeping stuff off of Youtube. People are so mean. I was watching one of your videos and reading some of the comments and I think my jaw dropped to the floor. I was so sad at the mean and fake things people came up with. You must be a strong woman because comments like that are hard to bear.

Know that your blog family loves you a ton! Sending you warm love and wishes.

Jesus loves you Kandee :)

carolyn said...

Kandee your the best ever! I love your little blog surprise videos. ENJOY your new baby (whenever it comes ahahah) and I know God will bless you for all the happiness you give to people! Love you!


I love these kinds of vids. So much fun. I love music from the 80's! Reminds me of my childhood. Best music everrr.

Good luck with having little cupcake. Everyday I check your blogs a few times hoping to see your new precious cupcake.

xxx Loyoya

Anonymous said...

Ooh I'm re-decorating my room and organizing my closet so thanks for the tip of the hangers!! I've gotta get some of those!!

Loved watching your video!!! It's so sweet that you're making special videos just for your blog family. Thanks for making my day brighter!!! <3

I hope you're feeling well and I hope the little cupcake is done baking soon!!

Much love and x's and o's,

Anonymous said...

the hangers are gorgeous

clintongrl53 said...

That's my ringtone like right now!!! I love that song!

clintongrl53 said...

Sorry I meant to specify "I Can't Wait" is my ringtone right!

Unknown said...

i love your mkup, i make it all the time so i'm so glad to see that kandee make it too! where did you buy your brush? take care yourself and your family

AniaMackay said...

you always make me smile!

Karly said...

thanks for that, made me happy!
hope your baby is beautiful
you should name is something awesome like Karly haha or scarlett or Jade....just some ideas

Lenette Carus said...

Hi Kandee,

I love your blogs and videos, I noticed you eat more organic and natural produce and so do I, have you ever thought of also using natural or organic make-up as well? Some of the brands I use are Josie Maran, Lavera, Jane Iredale and Korress. I don't know if they have organic movie make-up but for your own personal use have you ever thought about using the natural products instead? Just curious;-)

love your positive attitude, you rock!

Anonymous said...

i love you kandee this is beautiful!!

Jody said...

Love your spirit and the video! xoxo

Krisztixx said...

great video! I've never tried to put on make up while dancing but now I totally will! haha and I just love this song! <3 I heart u Kandee!

Ms. Rachel said...

Love those hangers! I also bought several packs at Marshall's and TJ Maxx. They are seriously the best! Much love!

Iliana said...

you have a good mood I guess 9 months with a big belly and unable to get not even a little sore jajajajaaj: D Un beso

H. said...


I just like your this Kandee the make-up artist blog so muuuuch! I just find this but im in love! Haha

T from Finland....

Liza UN said...

AAAH! That song! I first heard it in one of your questions and answers videos when you took dancing-breaks. And I completely fell in love with it! And it immediately became one of my favourite songs and my go-to song to make me happy if I feel down^^ thank you Kandee <3 I adore you! And always always beautiful! I can't wait to see your cupcake whenever she decides to join you^_~ Love from Norway

Ellie said...

This was so fun Kandee, I love as many videos from you as possible! :) xoxo

Emily said...

Kandee! You have such a great personality and I loved this video! Would love to know what eyeshadows your wearing too.

Beata said...

Love those hangers- they are great! Roomy looking closet- you deserve it!

Ine said...

the hangers look so great! the video s really fun to watch. it ws so cute when your kid was dancing hahaha!

hugs, kisses
from belgium

NicoleAdele said...

I love the video but the camera doesnt need to be so up close to your face when your doing your makeup. Besides that, i love it!

sarita said...

hi there mommy
i love your gold bag on wheels, where did you find it. i love everything gold. and where did you find the pink peonies. i only find pink roses. i have never seen the fabric peonies. you look fabulous. peonies is a love flower according to feng shui philosophy.

Julie said...

aww! you're so cute! I love your closet!!

Anonymous said...

Old School Jam!!! I love it! & the vid...i love the vid too☺

Silk Mandel said...

You are cracking me up lol! Those songs are bringing back so many memories. I'm going to have to go through my old cd's or download them from iTunes. You look fabulous. I'm wishing you a healthy delivery. Can't wait for baby to come!!! Have you picked a name yet?

stephyrae76 said...

I loved hearing has been years & years since I have heard that song, what good memories! I am so excited for you to have the baby! I check my email first thing in the morning to see if the princess is here!! Good luck & God bless you and your adorable family!!

Rebecca said...

Aww Kandee I do love your funness, is that even a word?! ha ha. This was my revision break video and it made me smile and dance a little bit ha ha.
I can't wait to see babyyyy!

Rebecca said...

Aww Kandee I do love your funness, is that even a word?! ha ha. This was my revision break video and it made me smile and dance a little bit ha ha.
I can't wait to see babyyyy!

Sunshine said...

Need some encouragement? Head over to a blog for christian teens. Great to see other christian bloggers :D keep it up!

hana said...

Loving it!

Whimsey said...

You are soooooo beautiful; I love watching you do your makeup!

What mascara did you use - looked like it was a prep of a white?? And then the other end was the mascara?

I wanna win a makeover. LOL


Christina said...

Those hangers are so cute lol! I never knew there was a such thing as cute hangers.. Love the video, your too funny!

Pink Glitter Rock'n Roll said...


Anonymous said...

I dance while getting ready tooooo....haha....makes the day go much better!

Danielle said...

Love the little blog video treat! Congratulations on your soon-to-be-here baby girl!

Marissa said...

haha I liked this video, you're so pretty! you should make more like these

Jamie Lee said...

Kandee!! You are so fun and happy, it makes me smile and happy to see you do the same. :) Your children must have such great positive energy everyday with a Mommy like you. You're so fun and sweet. God Bless you and your's. P.S. I like the video, definitely make more!

Deaner_1102 said...

You are so fricken gorgeous!!! The only reason why you have any haters is because you're so cool. You have awesome style and you're just a very down to earth person. Don't let those silly people get you down ever!

babsychick said...

LOVE THIS soo much made me smile

FrenchGirl said...

You are sooooo BEAUTIFULE and really AWESOMEEEE !!!! I just love your videos and you are my INSPIRATION !!!!!! :)
And now I love your song !!! :)
I'm french so there are many American musics which we don't know here in France !! :)

bigg hugeeeee

Kyleigh said...

Kandee, your videos always put me in an awesome mood! I like being able to see what your daily makeup routine is like. And I also love both the songs in your video! What are some of your favorite 80s songs?

Lynneth... said...

AAAaaaaah!! I love those hangers!!!

Mrs. Holman said...

Love the special video! You always put a smile on my face!

Kate said...

Love your closet! love the blogs you share with your Kandee family!

pmejia10 said...

I love your video kandee!!!! And hope u and cupcake are doing well!!! She is soooo comfortable inside your belly that she doesn't want to come out jajajaj.... hope you had a great day!!! loving you all the way from Honduras!

Unknown said...

This was awesome, I'd love to see more!!

kellywellee said...

I love this! Reminds me of when I used to watch my big sister get ready when we were growing up. She was always playing music, and singing and dancing while getting ready. Think I'm going to have to get a radio for my bathroom now :)

melopez28 said...

omg i loooveee "i can't wait" by nu shooz.

Unknown said...

Very nice video...and song.
keep on doing them (these kind of video) please.

Waiting to see your precious cupcake

Browneyed2 said...

YAY! special videooooo =)

i love listening to music while gettin ready too hehe

god bless ur beautiful kids.

PS; i think ur jordan is gna grow up to be MOST HANDSOME MAN EVR!

Yaret said...

Or maybe donate it to goodwill. Or a homeless shelter it will help those in need.
Visit me at

Alice said...

Jordon is very handsome 13 year old!

bellamanda said...

i actually lovedddd this! all the best can't wait for your little cupcakes first youtube vid!

Mega said...

Love this video! please post more like this one.

Jenna said...

ooooh I can't wait for the ebay sale! I also <3'd the video!

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