Sunday, January 16, 2011

No power to the Haters!

"is this hater worth giving away my happiness to them?"....
On Youtube, yesterday one of my "due date" videos got featured on the homepage....which means that thousands of people that normally wouldn't ever see my videos, will.
It means I will read some of the most discusting, evil, cruel and horrible things below my video....
Some people wrote things calling me all kinds of awful names...saying horrible things like they hope I die in labor and I can't even say the disgusting and cruel things they said about this precious baby that is still growing in love in my belly.
It went on to my other videos where people were saying disgusting and racist things about my Jordan...who is part African American, Japanese, Native American and English and that's not inlcuding all the nationalities that I donated to him.

Sometimes you need to take a break from something that is just spewing out badness....
as I read all these awful comments....
the ones about me are not nice...but when you insult one of my precious babies, or anyone that I bothers me because I don't EVER want any of my loved ones to read that!

I will not give my joy and happiness away to someone who is writing cruel things from behind the safety of their silly username and computer, or someone that cuts me off in traffic, or like all the grumpy people we come in contact with everyday!
The  DO NOT GET the power to take my joy away!
I will not give it to them.
My HAPPINESS is here to stay.
Instead of praying for people to be nicer to me....
I'm going to pray that no matter how mean people are to me...that I won't allow them the power to take an ounce of my happiness or peace!

No one knows us truly...people can hurl all kinds of assumptions, opinions, and cruel things at us...
but I will not give them the honor of having the power to let it effect me!

Since I am ready to have baby any day know, and wisdom speaks to our hearts that we need to surround ourselves with positivity, love and happiness...
not cruel and evil things (like the comments were...which I finally went on youtube and disabled)...
it was time to recharge and take a break from reading that!

I want to thank all my precious Kandee Family for leaving each one of your kind words and comments...
you have no idea how much I treasure the love in everything you take time to type!

I feel like my heart is this big treasure chest filled with sparkly jewels of love that each one of you have placed there....
thank you so much!!!!

I love you all so dearly...and I thank you so much for letting me into your hearts!
Let's stand strong....and say, "sure you are entitled to you opinion, however wrong, ridiculous, or mean it might be.....but I am entitled to not let anything you say be powerful enough for me to hand you over my happiness!"

huge love...and hugs...your kandee


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Beloved Bee said...

Really sorry that those things were said about your son. I hope you don't have to hear anything like that again. How hurtful!! I'm glad to hear you're staying positive because there are so many people who respect you.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. I wish you joyous blessings for you and your's.

Denisa said...

People are mean, they have always been, but don't get discouraged Kandee. You know your children and know that they are and deserve the best, so all the haters can shut they mouths. There are more people who love you and enjoy your videos, who cherish viewing your little family, listening to every little words your saying, so chin up. Many sparkles in your day and week and life! greetings from far away, Romania.

Priscilla said...

I agree! Congrats!

Kaylovee said...

You go girl!
If they knew how wonderful you really are, and how wonderful you think they could be and probably are, they would love you just as much as we do!!

Freddyeyes said...

You're amazing! As is your baby (and your other Children)! Proud to follow you! Proud to brag about your talent and positive attitude and I even suggest to my teen that she watch your videos! Thank you for sharing! It's not always easy but it's appreciated by us! a LOT!

Unknown said...

My Dear Kandee! ;) I know we have 3 hours difference but please go to sleep ;) get some rest, and yes, you do well by not minding these ugly people, and I mean ugly in their hearts, you're a beautiful person and your new baby will bring you lots of blessings and happiness! take care and sending you lots of love!

Sweetmurry said...

Kandee... let those nasty comments be posted... your youtube family will take care of them! Don't stress... you know these "people" are just dumb kids and uneducated adults... I feel sorry for people who choose to be negative... who choose to put others down.. Keep on shine-in pretty MAMA!

Alyssa Castelltort said...

Kandee.. this post inspired me. Every word you say is true. Lately I've been feeling like hurting myself/ ending my life because of everybody that has hurt me and put me down in my life and I just came across your post through facebook and nothing that i've ever read before has ever made sense to me than this right now.

I hope that you're baby is born healthy and happy. May GOd bless you.

Unknown said...

"Instead of praying for people to be nicer to me....
I'm going to pray that no matter how mean people are to me...that I won't allow them the power to take an ounce of my happiness or peace!" ~ Kandee

Thank you for saying this. I pray for the same thing!♥

Veronica said...

I feel what made most people upset was that jordan asked you not to film him and you continued to bug him. Other than that, any mean comments are completely out of line.
I don't care what other people say, i find your words lovely and inspirational.

De'Shelle said...

I'm so sorry about the cruel words kandee. You are a funny,beautiful,intelligent woman.
and i'm glad nobody can take that away from you. I know you will be a great mother to your newborn as you've been to your other children.
Thanks for all the inspiration you have given me.
please if you can give me a shoutout on your channel. I've been trying really hard to get my name out a future guru.

Avery & Voodoo said...

this was such the perfect way to handle all of those people who were mean to you! "stay strong and carry on!"-The Queen.

Anonymous said...

I hate when people troll hard and for no reason. Those things are just uncalled for. I dont understand why people get kicks out of being malicious.

Anonymous said...

People can be so cruel! Not just to an adult, but to a child and a brand new little life. It's ridiculous! Just know that those people are so far trapped in their ways that they can't even see the evilness they've become. You are an absolutely amazing person and deserve the best for all the lives you have touched and will touch in your life. Keep being your beautiful wonderful self and know that you are incredibly loved by so many people! People you haven't even met and that you're kids are so lucky to have you for a mama! <3

cass said...

i'm sorry that people have such black hearts and want everyone else to be as heartless as they are and think they are ruining someones day with their harsh words. but just know that your Kandee family love you and love watching your due date videos because we get to see a side of you that we dont see as much. you're so beautiful and smart. with such cute kids that rude words I hope you wont even read them because it's not even worth your time

Amorailuv said...

Dearest Kandee,
Believe me, every single one of us is the target of hatred every once in a while. Accidents happen, we make bad choices.........and other people always seem to see fit to make fun of us and try to put us down for it. But I believe and hope that any mistakes you've ever made, you've forgiven yourself for. Tomorrow is another day and no matter what the weather is, the sun always rises! I am personally so happy for you and your family....your fans cannot wait to see your adorable baby!!

Best wishes and lots of love,

Heather said...

That is so horrible Kandee!
Especially attacking your children. Jeez. With all that has changed in the world, I can't believe how many racists are still out there. It makes me sad! Jordan has an awesome heritage, I wish I could have a more interesting heritage like he does! People just want to spread their misery. Thats all.
Sending love to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

<3 sleep well Kandee

H having
A anger
T towards
E everyone
R reaching
S success

Griiicelda said...

I am SO proud of you Kandee! You and your family is amazingly beautiful inside and out.

I am so happy that you're not letting any of those nasty haters affect you. Many people need to look up to you for this. I hope nothing but the best for you and your family :)

My blessings go to you tonight and good luck with the baby!

Gricelda <3

Pamela said...

Excellent post! I hope more people read this and stop letting others take away their happiness.. Let Happiness be your shield from the poison they are spewing.. Much love and prayers..

SippY said...

OMG! I can't believe how people, can post anything cruel about you and your loveonce.

I YUV you, Kandee. And your lovely family.
- People who's writing bad things to others, are not worth any thoughts.

Anonymous said...

BUT, Kandee, u dont reply to nice comments. I wrote you such a nice message which meant so much, but you did not reply :(

Anonymous said...

I'd like to tell those meanies that, "sure you are entitled to you opinion, however wrong, ridiculous, or mean it might be.....but I am entitled to not let anything you say be powerful enough for me to hand you over my happiness!"
Yayyy I feel powerful now! Thanks Kandee-lishious :)

Rosario Mata said...

Like someone said, go to rest! enjoy your belly till baby gets here :-)
I would never think I'd be seeing preg videos, but you are so cheerful and happy and awesome that after following your make up videos I knew I had to watch you and learn from your positivity.

I don't know if I want to be a mom one day but if I'm someday I hope I'll be like you... so great!

Cameron and Kate said...

You're so brave Kandee, and such an inspiration to everyone.

I know it's been said a million times, but these "haters" are obviously so jealous of how happy you are, and want to bring you down so they feel better.

I feel sorry for anyone that is nasty enough to leave such comments, because surely they don't have much of a life.

You are beautiful inside and out, and unfortunately that makes you a target to those who are less beautiful inside.

Keep your chin up, and remember how amazing you (and your gorgeous family) are.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that people have the guts to say horrible stuff like that !

Your kids are adorable and I am convinced that Jordan will be the most handsome guy in town !

We shouldn't care about the haters, because there's always more lovers !

Unknown said...

aww May God Bless you and your family always!
..hope you have a very safe delivery, waiting to see your cute little cupcake :))
we love you <3

Peachy said...

You're such an amazing person Kandee, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise!

Your kids are so lucky to have you as their Mom, and your new baby is already lucky being born into a family with such love and joy :]

I hope your day is bright, and filled with all the love you deserve! <3

P.S- I can't wait for Baby!!

Wishing you a safe and happy delivery. Love yous Kandee :D

Kandee Johnson said...

@ absurd nd pathetic... I am so happy this spoke to your precious strong,, stand in firm defense and guard of your heart...let noe one have the power to hurt you or ssteal your joy for life! I pray that you feel more love in your heart in this moment and it just keeps growing! May God bless the socks off of your future! Thank you everyone for your kind and awesome words! I yuv you all!!1

marivel said...

Agreed. Let those comments slide right off your precious cupcake. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Anonymous said...

You have a huge spot in my heart kandee & if I could I would make all the mean ppl go away but I can't so let them be miserable and dark I bet they don't have love in their hearts and no one to love them & that's why they feel the need to be mean to such nice and wonderful ppl such as you ! Remember you have way more LOVERS than haters :)

Louise Skovhus said...

Ooh I'm so sorry for the idiots out there. I think it sounds great to let it slide. :-D
You're wonderful and have thousands of us in your Kandee family to prove it :)
Best of luck with the labor - I hope it'll be beautiful and moving. But I'm sure :)
Lots of love all the way from Denmark,

Ka-tet Dobermans said...

For what it's worth I think you're a doll and anyone who says nasty things about anyones child will have karma bite them in the butt sooner or later.
It is people like you that give me faith in the human race.
Sending you Lots of love and a great big virtual hug!

Unknown said...

Saying my prayers for you and your baby on your delivery day, all will go smoothly.
We all love you... haters beware, love is the greatest gift and power of them all.

FunkyLilMama said...

To attack your children just shows how silly thesepeopleare. I did not go and read anymore of the hate out there... I did the other day and I was astonished at what was said. Truly, I think that your "haters" are silly young girls. I CAN'T imagine an adult being so ridiculous as to talk like that and be so crazy! Although, I WAS attacked by a older German lady from inside of a fitting room at Marshalls while with my infant (lady walked in on me while I was changing... Yikes!), so I guess there are just sick, sinful, angry people out there. Just give it all to God! Jesus was called ALL kinds of horrific things... And look at how perfect He is! These people don't know you at all :)

God Bless Kandee! Praying for you and your upcoming labor!!
Love, hugs and labor-dusty prayers!!!

Rebecca said...

I really cannot stand people who talk about other's children. I had that happen to me before and I get sooooo angry. It's just an unwritten rule, you should never do it! Especially since your boy is bi-racial. My daughter is bi-racial as well (native american, hispanic, white) and to be honest they are just probably some disrespectful little brat kids who thought it was funny to be mean. I hope they didn't hurt you too bad cause I can gaurantee those ppl are not thinking about it anymore. I got called a stupid wh*re earlier after I posted a positive comment on your youtube page, LOL. They spelled wh*re wrong too.

chiaretta said...

You are one of the most positive and amazing woman I've ever known. just don't listen to people that have nothing to' do all day long, but insultino a person they don't even know. I believe in karma, and I think your is simply radiant!

Hugs from Italy and God bless your babies!

Glam Angel said...

Very saddened and disappointed to hear that people have directed such undeserved filth in your diretion and to think they would sa such vile things aout a child is sickening. Good you for choosing your right t be happy and free against falling into a trap of feeling upset over meaningless words however cre they are. The message you are sendng in this post is so important and we applaud you for it =)

Unknown said...

Just Remember . . .We love you for who you are, and nothing anyone says will ever change that!You and your children are all blessings that have a purpose here on earth, those haters just can't accept it.
Lots of love for the birth of your baby!! <3

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry kandee! I absolutely love you and your children, I have watched almost all your videos and I love them, your so happy and a great mom!
Cant wait till baby come! :) hope labor goes very smoothly.

Pritam Jaykar said...

Are you going to classify each and everyone of the people who disagrees with you as haters? lol I hope not.

Some could be saying mean things about us & still be non-haters, you know. He could be just honest. :)

- PritamJaykar on YT

*Stevie* said...

Oh sweet Kandee, you have a heart of gold. It's so encouraging to see that you are remaining stedfast in your peace and allowing God to fight your battles. God spoke to my heart this week concerning some things and through His word He says: Vengence is mine and I will repay saith the Lord. He will avenge us! Greater is He me, than he that is in the old grumpy world. :) Heaven will be worth it all!

okruch said...

Such haters must have really miserable lives... they are just bored or jealous... they sit in front of their computers and have nothing better to do than write something mean, anonymously of course. What a bravery, right? People are dumb, and you don't need to be bothered by that fact. It's just life. And sometimes it is sad. Especially when they say bad things about your children.

There is the most beautiful song by Lauryn Hill "So Much Things To Say". Listen to that!

Jordan is the cutiest boy alive! He is sooo handsome and really interesting! And he has the most amazing smile!

I think I feel sorry for the racists. Their lives are filled with nothing but hate. It is really sad.

Get some rest and peace, Kandee, and remember we all YUV YOU here! Many kisses from Poland.

sugarbumpkin said...

you and all your babies are beautiful inside and out. never forget <3

Jay said...

I don't get why people would wanna do things like that... Anyway, you are my inspiration when it comes to keeping a positive attitude and I wish you and all those you love nothing but the best!! Can't wait to "meet" your latest cupcake addition and I hope you have safe and pleasant arrival :) Best of wishes from Norway

Sweet Baby B said...

Wow, I am so glad your post helped someone Kandee!! I'm sure that made it all worth it!! I have no idea why people are so mean and cruel! And I don't understand why people take the time to write a hateful inappropriate comment when they know nothing about you. They should go spend their time encouraging people they DO like instead of trying to discourage the ones they don't! Even though there are so many haters there are SO many more people that love you and love watching your videos and reading your blogs (including me!) and hearing about your babies!! I really hope all of your fans help you realize how inspirational you are to everyone, there are ALWAYS going to be haters and they usually are that way because you are doing something good that they aren't! Keep your head up and we can't wait to see and hear all about baby cupcake :D

araszler said...

Kandee!! I don't know you personally but I love watching all of your videos. It makes me upset all the hate that some of the gurus are receiving on youtube. You are by far one of my favorites and seem like the sweetest, funniest, most loving person. I hate to hear of the negativity directed toward you and your loved ones. But you choosing to not let them effect you is empowering...and even though I'm not a guru it's a mindset I'm going to try in my own life. :]
I love you Kandee and all the positive messages you send. I also applaud you and all your courage to put yourself out there.
Hugs and happy thoughts! God bless you, your family, and baby on the way!!! <3

Luly said...

Kandee i honestly truly love all you family , even though i dont know you for real but i feel the type of sweet person you are and you always bright my days with your blog and your new videos everyday, dont let anyone to affect your happiness *big hugs

Jay said...

And yes, Jordan is too cute to be true!! Just recently I was thinking that that boys is gonna break some hearts one day ;)

Trish and Aaron said...

Don't even for a minute let the nasty negative words enter your heart! It still surprises me that anyone could be so hateful. Luckily I've never seen any of these comments because that would make me so upset! I wish you never had to read them either!! All you pour out of your heart is love and inspiration and thats all you should recieve in return! Just remember your Kandee family loves you! With as much love as you give us we should all give it right back in return! :0) I appreciate you, and your loving heart! Thinking about you, sending prayers, happy smiles, hugs and an open loving heart. Can't wait for baby to come...also saying a little prayer that she will be so healthy, happy and that labor and delivery goes smoothly! Always here to give an extra amount of love to you!!! Say hi to your mama and sister! Miss you guys! soooooo many happy preggie hugs! I'm 24 weeks now! yay
Love, Trishica

passion_speaksx said...

Kandee dont let those "people" get to you, you are a wonderful person and your beautiful family does not deserve to be insulted with disgustingness. dont let it ruin the joy your new baby will bring yous! keep your head up and ignore the haters, keep doing your awesome blogging and videos, you inspire me everyday in so many ways and I thank you for that!
much love and much blessings to the baby and the family

Alice said...

I can't believe people would write such horrible things. I think those people are bored and mad at the world. It probably doesn't mean much in this big wide world but, I like your makeup videos, your general videos and of course 'Kandee Johnson the makeup artist'!
I wish you a big smile, Alice.

DiamondDisaster said...

I just wanted to let you know Kandee that I commeted on your video &told people to leave you alone<3 I know they wouldn't listen but I had to say it . You're a BEAUTIFUL person inside &out . And I'm glad your not letting those rude people get to you<3 Your amazing , you inspire people . You inspired me personally<3 &I just wanted to say thank you . Even though I don't know you personally I look up to you because your truley a great person . <3

Julianne and Jake said...

Dear Kandee,
I just wanted to say that I love all your videos and that you are the sweetest person. I'm currently 23 weeks into my pregnancy and the baby update videos really give me the power I need to make it through this. You give good advice and I learned a lot of things watching your videos. I hope you have a safe delivery!

Tatiana said...

Blessings to you and your beautiful children<3 they are true blessings.. And no one should be saying anything about children, they are just bored with them selfs, my boys dance and I had horrible comments about what they look like, and I just pray that they repent and realize how wrong people are to say things without knowing the people... We are behind you and your family 100% we love you <3 many blessings to your cupcake hope she arrives soon... Love and hugs Tatiana :)

Erin said...

Wow, that is a horrible thing that happend. I am sorry Kandee. Its evident that they need JESUS! Cause' they dont have him, in their heart to give them that JOY,PEACE or LOVE that you get when you accept him into your life! I hope this doesnt affect your son or any of your children in any way GOD BLESS YOU KANDEE For alllllllll that you do for everyone!!

zing said...

congrats you are adding a new beautiful being to the world. next... you've also gained the experience and knowledge of dealing with rude people and not letting them effect you in a bad way, (which always gives me courage). people may comment negatively on your videos but i can say as a someone youve influenced, along with lots of people who love you without even knowing you, you have helped so many people in amazing ways. congrats on being successful and having a full happy family that you have given a wonderful life to

Stephanie Bayat said...

hey Kandee...

Please don't even bother reading those awful mean messages! they are not even worth your time... it'll give you anxiety and its bad for you and the baby! if you start reading a mean comment just stop and move on. Unfortunately all human race are not kind and nice and there are some bad apples among us. Which i beieve G-D should have just put them all on one island.
You are a great hearted person.

bittersweet001 said...

You are an amazing person who inspire many many people and fill their hearts with a lil bit of joy everyday by simply being you. I honestly admire you so much and love everything you do. You give people a dose of happiness every day and you should never let any low life haters stop you from doing what you love.

God bless you and your family

Maria said...

Hi Kandee. I've only watched your vid's for a few days now, but I've watched a lot of them, and each one of them makes me smile or even cry (The vid with your dreams and story)
I'm so sorry to hear that there are some people out there that is trying to put your joy and love down, and even say mean things about your precious children.
I'll pray with you, not to let them leave you alone, cause you are so strong, but to let them watch your vid's and let them really listen to what you say, 'cause it's so touching. To see you smile and dance is so life giving, 'cause it comes from your heart. Keep up your good work, and remember that you don't have to even read those mean comments :)

Hugs, love and happiness from Denmark (Oh I was sooo proud to hear that you have some danish blood in your vains ;) That's cool! :)

Georgia Elise said...

Hey Kandee, I am very sorry to hear that you have to read horrible things like that at a time when you should be so happy and full of love! All of your blog-following family are the people who know the real you and who would take any of these people on face to face (if they were brave enough to leave their computers!! he he) and let them know how wrong they are.
We all love you so much, inside out, for the make-up tips and tricks that you are so good at, as well as your insightful pep-talks to get us through the rough times =] we all appreciate you so much and how much time and effort you put into your videos!!
Good luck, much love and hugs and cyberspace tummy-rubs!
Love Georgia xx

JackieA said...

Hi Kandee, I have been a silent reader for a long time but I feel that I needed to put in my two cents worth on THIS. You are a wonderful soul and even after reading all that about you, you found it in your heart to gently chastise the haters. What is the world coming to I wonder - where people feel they have a god given right to say all those things. I would rather shut up and have people think I am stupid rather than open my mouth and remove all doubt! You carry on what you do Kandee because even all the way over here in sunny Kuala Lumpur, you are able to touch someone with your inner beauty! More power to you!

Jadegrrrl said...

*hugs* you're a gorgeous person inside and out x

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, you truly are a beautiful soul. Keep up lovin you and your beautiful life. YOUR life, not anyone else's.
Love and hugs to you from sunny Australia, xoxo

Ann di Micio said...

I think that your Jordan is one of most beautiful young guys I've ever seen! Don't spent too much attention to those hater comments, they are only jealous, maybe they only sit at home alone, in front of their computer and have no one to talk or love and that's why they hate you to have all these things! Stay happy, as baby will know when you're sad!

Unknown said...


Even though there are a lot of haters, don't forget you have more people that support you!

For every hater out there, there are 10 people backing you up!

Much love from Bulgaria! Good luck with your precious cupcake!!!

Trinette75 said...

thanks kandee...i'm posting this with your name on the end of it on my fb's really awesome words and it's just what i needed right now
"My HAPPINESS is here to stay.
Instead of praying for people to be nicer to me....
I'm going to pray that no matter how mean people are to me...that I won't allow them the power to take an ounce of my happiness or peace!"

Unknown said...

Actually i agree with u and i think people that hate us ,envy they dont worth anything.u have lots of lovers,so dont get sad never the most depressing days of my life i just come to ur blog and i get happy with your writings and posts and videos so thanks so much:x

vanjabilalovic said...

You are so inspiring kandee! I love u and you just focus on your healthy babies and block out all that negativity! Keep ur head up!

Jayde Lewis said...

Sorry to hear this sweetpea, unfortunately these people do exist - you and your family don't deserve it!!! Precious people you are and you deserve all the blessing life can give. Stay positive hun x

Elle Mehr said...

Wish you a safe and happy delivery :-)
PS. You're such a cool mum... I love how you talk to your kids, can only imagine the love in that family.

Anonymous said...

Kandee, it absolutely breaks my heart to read about anything like this happening to you.
it's sad to see anyone getting insulted when they don't deserve it, but it really hurts me to see it happen to you. you are one of the sweetest people i have ever seen. you never speak negatively about anyone and you're always so happy and positive. your children are so lucky to have such a loving and selfless mother.
you are way to sweet and kind to have to go through things like this.
it's truly sad that some people honestly think that there isn't anything wrong with saying such hurtful things just because it's through the internet.
i wish you the best with the new baby and sincerely hope things calm down with the haters.
remember that you have hundreds of fans that adore you and would do anything to make you happy and see you smile.
god bless, tasha.

Shirlene said...

seriously, i couldn't find a reason why those haters of yours would say mean things about you and your family when you did nothing to piss them off in the first place.

all i can think of is they're crazy, super-jealous and most probably sadist cuz maybe they enjoy putting people down just so they could feel better / superior.

ppl will definitely be judging them back for how they've judged you.

anw, enough of those scumbags, i just wanna say you're doing great and awesome. KEEP IT UP!

continue to be a happy and optimistic mama to your beautiful kids! *hugs*

PrettyHateMachine said...

I love you Kandee!!! I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy! Mean people are just grumpy and mean because they feel crummy about themselves...don't let them affect you and NEVER tolerate your children being talked to that way! You are a great mom and you sing like an angel!


Whitney Magee said...

I loved this because my hubby is going through this too.. He is a singer who damaged his vocal chords about a year ago, he is very passionate about music so he recently started a youtube acct to express his music even though he is still rehabilitating his voice. He has gotten so many rotten msgs here and there on fb.. from this other local singer and his friends.. it was really nice to read this! It was perfect timing.. You are so inspirational Kandee We love you and we know the labor is going to go smoothly, and what a beautiful baby she will be! =) If you ever want to check out my hubby's page it's Brandon Lee Magee. I think he only has like two or three videos right now though.. Thank you Kandee.

Mimi said...

I can not belive that people can say things like that to a pregnant woman and still unborn child (or to anyone).That is so low and cruel and just wrong on so many levels!Yes,everyone has the right to teir own oppinion but why choose to be evil and mean?
You are strong and beautiful woman with beautiful family,God bless you and them,wishing you all the best:***
Love and kisses:***

Amanda Janina said...

I cant believe people actually think its ok to say hurtfull things like that, not only to you but your child as well!
But you are right.. why let it get to you.
This post is very inspiring and congradulations on your baby and good luck in labor! =)

Millie said...

i think it has to be because they are so unhappy in themselves they cannot stand to see others so happy. they would never have the courage to say it to your face because they feel they have more power behind their computer. I feel sorry for them really, their lives must be really sad to say bad things about you, when it is clear to see what a good mother you are and how much love is in your home.

orchid said...

I feel so sad for the people who wrote those horrible things to you. Don't ever let those comments ruin your day, you deserve so much better Kandee :) And how dumb is it to say racist things about Jordan?! Your Jordan is the sweetest and nicest guy you can imagine, what I've seen and read through your blogs and videos!
Good luck with the new cupcake and all your precious children <3

Deaner_1102 said...

Boooooo! Eff the haterrss!!! So I just watched your shopping on Melrose Ave video, that was exciting lol!

Leyla said...

Ignoring such idiots is always best. So they feel like nothing and they are nothing.
I whish you all the best:)))

Anonymous said...

Wow! I cannot believe people would write horrible things about you or your precious family. Pay no attention to them, they are just miserable because they cannot be happy, you are happy and many people envy that. I started watching your youtube videos and you are amazing! I love ALL of your videos!!! Keep 'em coming! =^}

"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul."

Mandy said...

I am so sorry Kandee about what those horrible people said. They're just bullies who feel more powerful by hurting others. I would say something like "just ignore them" but I know from experience how hard it is to turn away from the negativity. You are such a beautiful person both inside and out, and you don't deserve that. What's even worse is that they would attack your children. That is just beyond wrong. You and your family have done nothing to them. They have no right. I can only hope that one day the losers who said those things will look back on it with regret.
All the best :)

Michelle Ortiz said...

We can take the power away from the haters if we pay no attention to them. They must live a terrible life and we can only pity their miserable existance.

I think you are a loving, caring and inspirational person and wish for you all that is good an pure.

Thank you so much for sharing your life, love and family.


The.True.Teagan said...

You are a wonderful persona and have the most beautiful soul!... I think you are wise beyond your years (that may come with having a million babies- I laughed SO hard when you said that..) but I believe that you have a gift of love that should be shared by all!..

Anonymous said...

This is why I hate reading mean people comments. It's why I watch you and then click to another video... I'm not here to read nasty people's, no life having rants from misery... I am here to enjoy some Kandee.

Anabelle said...

Hi Kandee,

I completely agree with you! It is so easy to come and critisize and bring the others down... those people usually don't do anything but sit and comment on what other people should do or not do... They are bitter because they hold the negativity inside and they always look at the bad side of things...
On my last day of work before going on maternity leave, my boss insulted me. After working there for three years and spending my time trying to solve everybody's problems, and to be fair and profesional in everything I did, I left without anybody really caring. I felt awful and it took me several days to understand that I shouldn't let that effect me because in the end they are probably much less happy than I am and if that's their way to be, then too bad for them. I know who I am and I know that I always make sure I treat people nicely. If they don't give it back in return, so what? I don't want to become mean or to be down because of what is said to me or about me, because I know I'm worth much more than that.

Let them talk... Too bad for them if they can't see the beauty in you and your children. I too have a mixed child (my daughter is part Gypsy) and I am expecting another one that will be part African-American from his father. I know some people will have nasty things to say, but I don't care!!!

(If you want to read more about having a "patchwork family", go to my blog, I'll write about that today or tomorrow ^^)

Have fun with your life and enjoy your new baby coming!!!

Take care.

Anželika said...

Don't go deep into those mean posts, only you know that it's not true what they are saying! what goes around gomes around keep spreadin love! Most hurtin for them is to respond with opposite or ignore :)

YazmiinAktar said...

oh my. i never knew that had happened, i mean i watched the video, but from your blog here so i never read the comments.
i honestly cannot believe that some people are that cruel to write horrible messages, and furthermore to insult your children! that is just way out!

anywhoo.. i would like to wish you a safe pregnancy :)

much love

babsychick said...

please dont stop doing your vids they are fab all about baby and makeup and seeing ur adorable blakey and jordon and ur mum , we ur kandee family LOVE them so much how sad is it that people have to be so horrible hiding behind the computer u are fab stay the same kandee and we LOVE ALL ur videos cant wait for your baby to get here lots of love xxxxx

ribbonreds said...

You`re awesome, your videos are awesome, and your children are awesome!
Never stop being the lovely, happy, positive Kandee!!

Dyna said...

That's why I'm hating youtube atm, there are so many haters on it, it's just not cool to comment saying something so evil like that. It's a very very insulting thing to call your little one like that, he's so adorable. And to wish you bad things on your labour day, that's just pure .. I can't even find the word. I hope you can manage to put all negativity aside, and have the happiest day ever. xxxxxxxxx

ReadingDemon said...

God, I love you Kandee. You are so strong and you give such great advice. You are a great role model(and a wonderful mother!) and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. Unlike some people who were hating on you, I can't wait to see the baby and I hope that both of you are healthy and happy in the end! I send all my love to you and your kids!

Laura said...

1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Laura said...

1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

D6_Smile said...

Kandee you are truly a BEAUTIFUL human being, inside and out. Anyone can see you are a devoted, wonderful mother and an inspiration to me to be a better, more positive person. Looking forward to your exciting arrival! Love from Dublin, Ireland X

Corliss said...

Kandee, you are such a loving, thoughtful, kind and considerate person. Do your very best to ignore all those negative responses. You uplift and inspire so many people and are greatly loved and blessed. Much love to you and all your babies.

jB said...

It pains me to see such a upbeat, wonderful person be torn down by such immature people. Everything you said was right on the money.. I love that you can turn any situation right side up.For that, you are probably one of my hero's. xoxo Keep your head up !

nihar said...

Kandee you r so inspiring and strong..
even i feel low sometimes due to few people around me who try to get me down.. but watching u be so strong lifts my spirits up..
we love u so much and know that the number of people who hate on u are very very small compared to the number of ppl who truely adore u..
take care of yourself..
we all know that u r an amazing mom.. :-) :-*

Eliza said...

Kandee, Can you get anymore amazing??!! You are such an amazing mom and person. You're kids are amazing as well. The haters just hate because they got nothing else to do.
Your whole Kandee blog family loves you Kandee :)
God bless, and hope you have a painless labor. Can't wait for cupcake!

cricketjdw said...

This is just what I needed. I tend to give my happiness away to the highest bidder constantly. Just yesterday I was having a great day and someone said something really hateful to me and I let it ruin my whole day. Now this morning my eyes are so puffy from crying all day yesterday it's ridiculous. I need to learn to let it go and move on. Thanks so much!

So Blues said...

Loved Kandee, I always get so late to read your posts that you always have around a thousand comments, so mine won't be helping much. Anyway, I "so" like every wisdom word you say so after reading things like this it kind of hurts one minute, then we realize that it is not worth even those 60 seconds. Obviosly you can't be admired by everyone, that doesn't mean you need to be hurt, insulted or any or your lovely kids mentioned. They are punished in a way already since they've got the sin of envy inside. So you pretty mamá, enjoy your pretty belly and the little thing inside.
(sorry if my English is a bit of a mess)

Julie said...

You are the most wonderful person, Kandee. You are such an inspiration to all of us and we all love you!
I wish you the best and can't wait for Princess and the White Stick much longer! haha :)

Lots of love from Denmark!

Taraguipame said...

Si, a veces uno se decepciona de la raza humana por la gente cruel que existe en el mundo, pero tambien hay mucha gente amable y gente que te ama y te devuelva la esperanza de que este mundo sí es hermoso....un abrazo

breylee {} said...

Kandee, your positivity is inspiring and amazing! I absolutely love reading your posts about your life because your joy flows out of your words. Thank you for sharing with us that people have been so cruel but you are choosing to not let it get to you at all. I would say that in addition to praying the ways you mentioned, we should also pray for those who try to steal our joy. They must have suffered a tremendous hurt that caused them to lose their joy, so now they are trying to replace their stolen joy by stealing it from others. While it often makes me upset when others attack me or people/things I care about, ultimately it breaks my heart that they are so full of hurt and anger themselves that those things are all they have to give back to the world. I pray that you keep the joy you have so abundantly. I pray that your babies, born and unborn, get that same joy from you. And I pray for your haters, that they would someday come to know that joy that you have been given by the Lord. Much love to you and your precious babies! ♥Aubrey

JeLo said...

You poor thing! Just remember, my dear Kandee, that we are not of this world and are "strangers in a strange land." You share so much love, happiness, and joy in the Lord that the enemy is bound to attack you and those you love. Just know that those that truly know you, love you, support you and know what an amazing person and mother you really are.

Gods blessings,

Jillian said...


I am so proud of you and I strive to be as good a person as you are every day! You truly amaze me and I know the only reason you go through the hardships that you do is because God knows that you are someone who can handle it. You have such an amazing and strong soul, and I am so happy that you are bringing children into this world. If they are at least half a good a person as you this world will be an even better place. Thank you for your positivity and kind words you always have for us.

I will be keeping you and your little ones in my prayers! Love~ Jillian!

Erika. said...

Kandee - I'm a new follower, I just discovered you on Friday of last week and I have to be honest with you, I already love you! I think you're wonderful and I love the uplifting and positive outlook you have on life. As far as the haters go - you're absolutely right, they aren't worth giving over your happiness to them. I always wonder how miserable a person's life has to be, to be so disgusting towards another human being, even one they don't even know. But you have the right attitude... somebody can only hurt you if you let them.

I wanted to tell you something that my husband's grandmother used to say (she was an incredible woman)... when my husband's cousin came home at 16 and announced (between tears) that she was pregnant, his grandmother said, "Honey, in this family we cry over death and rejoice over new life." So just remember that, whenever somebody is trying to judge you or bring you down and make you feel like you made the wrong choices. New life, no matter when or how it comes to you, is something to rejoice over, bottom line. I wish you all the best Kandee, I will be watching!

The chic and cheap said...

let it drop! people like that are just DUMBS!
there are a lot of people that loves you and focus on them!

my blog:

TiffyBums13 said...

Jeez, it's so irritating when people choose to be so ignorant and display it so openly. I'm so glad you don't let these things get to you. Stay strong and keep inspiring people to do the same. Love you Kandee.(:


Aliza B said...

May God Bless you Kandee abundantly and bless your family.

Sarah said...

What Laura said at 4:04. I visit your blogs every day for an instant boost of positivity and inspiration. Way to be awesome!

My Dear Darlings said...

I love U Kandee and your beautiful family!! Don't listen to the haters. You know who your viewing family is. XOXOXOX

Viс said...

I wish u good luuckk!!!!

Unknown said...

kandee, your positivity is so inspiring & you are so a beautiful person both inside and out. you kids are gorgeous and will go very far in life!! those who try to bring you down are only envious of the joy and success you have in your life! remember-we all love you and support you!


lia said...

I hate when people hurt the most percious ones :( dont care about them Kandee! Thousands of people love you, and only a few who is jealous!
Love you, and good luck if the baby is coming :)

mmh said...

much love from FINLAND kandee! I've learned so much from you. Ignore the hate, you're such a loving, positive, talented woman. Your videos always make my day!

Unknown said...

Kandee-I am so sorry to hear about all those terrible comments! I truely dont understand people sometimes. Good for you for responding with such positivity and grace! Your words were inspriational and you are a great role model. Don't let those comments get you down! I wish you all the best with all the exciting upcoming events in your life! Hugs!!!

BayleeLou said...

Wow. I'm astonished at what people said about you and your family. I personally think Jordan is a superbabe haha :) but you AND your children, and sweet mother, father, and sister, are all big ol' rays of sunshine! And your dear old Gran is happy too! Seriously, it blows my mind at how so much happiness can be equally distibuted throughout one family, and everyone be so happy! There's usually a couple of grumps, but your family is so amaazing. Kandee I just wanted to tell you that God will take care of all of the bad people in the world, and good people like your blog family, when our time comes, we won't have to deal with them anymore.
Much much lovins to you and all your babies! Happy Pregnancy :)

Jen Comas Keck said...

Putting yourself out there on the internet really opens you up to all of the low lifes to spew their misery onto you. I LOVE your blog and videos, and look forward to them! You are so beautiful and fun! God bless you, your kids, and your new precious baby!

Nicki Lundeen said...

There are a lot of crazy people in this world who find pleasure in hurting others. I believe in karma and what goes around comes around. Whatever you put out in the universe is what comes back to you...needless to say, those people will be getting back only negativity. You, however, will be getting back love, joy, peace and happiness.

I watch your videos and I am so envious of your beauty and vitality. I'm sure there are people out there so jealous they can't stand it.

Those whack jobs aren't worth a minute of your time. They don't know how can they judge you!?

You seem to be a fabulous, glass half full type person, which I think is wonderful.

Look forward to hearing that "Princess White Stick" is here.

Much love and good thoughts coming your way.....

Unknown said...

It just goes to show how sad some peoples lives are that they have nothing better to do instead of living their own lives to the fullest. Unfortunately there's no shortage of these douche bags. I couldn't be so public like you and deal with it so frequently. I've lost some family and the online news article featured some disgusting comments on the accident that made me sick. People don't think or care and it's easy to be a bully hidden behind a computer screen.

Unknown said...

It's really sick to hear how people can be so cruel. They are just jealous of your happiness because obviously they have none. I look up to how strong you are because I would not take it so well. Thank you for writing this it needs to go on my wall. Thanks for helping me be a better person and hope to see videos of little baby soon!

Anonymous said...

You inspire me Kandee! In makeup, style, and parenting! I think you and your family rocks! So much so I wish I wasn't just a fb, YouTube, blog follower but your friend. You keep on being happy, creative, fun loving, you! You have little eyes watching you and what they learn from you is way more important than any hateful comment. Those little eyes will one day be big eyes that see the world through what their mommy taught them and showed them....and that's not to let anyone have enough power to steal their happiness. God bless and happy cupcake delivery!

Unknown said...

Hatred is the boomerang which is sure to hit the one spewing it harder than the one at whom it is thrown.

tec said...

"<3 sleep well Kandee

H having
A anger
T towards
E everyone
R reaching
S success"

Wordddd that is soooo true. Forget em Kandee! Your love is bigger than that!

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee....
I don't get how people can hate an angel... The words can't describe ya because ya are beyond them... Ur sweetness and kindness ....
I am glad those pieces of nothingness didn't effect ya ...and please remember this :

" Do not take their bad opinion of you as the truth. Nothing they think or says about you is about you, but rather a reflection of their own reality"

Love to ya and ur small angel's whos on the way out" soon:)

Big Kiss from Norway ...and remb.
We all love ya and respect ya... and wish ya all best...
Good Luck with bringing this lil angel to the world....
Stay strong as always...

Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee... Please don't ever let the haters get to you! There are so many people that love you and would do anything for you! You have touched the lives of so so so so many!!!! Never stop being wonderful! Your children are all beautiful and they love you so much, they are all so precious!!! I hope your labor with your new lil cupcake goes smoothly and I know she will be so beautiful :) All of those haters are just jealous of your success and fame, don't pay any attention to them! Love you!!!

Rue said...

Ignore what haters say; they either have self-confidence issues, they're jealous, or they need to make others feel bad to boost themselves up which is beyond sad! Don't let them get to you; I know sometimes we feel we need to cry, but you know what who cares because what they don't know is that even though they may be boosting themselves up for a short amount of time they're making you stronger for a lifetime :D... Kandee, there are so many ppl that love you so, ignore the mean ppl and remember you're truly more loved than you know!!!

Patt♥ said...

Haters will always hate! Nevermind what they say! :)

Kristi said...

So many more people love you than don't Kandee!! You know that, but it still must be so hard to read all those horrible comments.

I totally respect you for putting yourself out there for strangers to view. I couldn't do it. I'd be too worried about what peopel think. I'm working on that....

We all love you and all your precious little cupcakes (even though Jordan is so grown up now! haha!)

Jordan - You are so handsome, so smart (the paper your Mom posted was super impressive) You are your brother's hero and I know with such an amazing Mom by your side, you will do great things!!

Stella Rae said...

Kandee; you're such an inspiration to us all! I can't believe people would say such mean things about your growing baby and to Jordan. I love how you don't let any of it bother you and make sure that everybody knows it doesn't bother you!! thank you so much. I hope your baby gets born safely and grows up to be as beautiful and inspiring as her mom!!

The Wirt Family said...

Hey kandee, I've been a follower from the beginning, and I really feel like your other sister in that I feel so protective of you. I get angry when I read post about all the hateful digusting things ppl say. It starts to make me doubt humanity. Then I read the rest and you give me hope. You are so resilient and courageous. you should def ditch youtube til after baby. You don't need any of that garbage in you thoughts right now. Huggs to you and family.

RighteousRadio said...

Grace and peace to you and your baby!

'A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman--who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls'

Serena said...

Don't care about what they say. They are ignorant fools.

You are really precious to us.
Thank you for everything.
I love you Kandee.

Kelly @ Kell's Kitchen said...

Just can't believe why people would say that... I really commend you for always being so positive! I think you're amazing and love how bubbly you are!

Lots of love for you, Jordan, Alani, Blake & Cupcake!

Sarah said...

OMG Kandee i loooooooooooooooove you endlessly...
You are such a great person
and your kids are just cuteeeee
Kandee dont forget that we love you and always be in back of you...
Kisssss n Looove

Shelby Renae said...

I'm so sorry you had to read such awful things during such a beautiful time in your life, Kandee! I'm glad you took a well-deserved break from the internet, even if it did have all of your internet family waiting in anticipation about little cupcake. :) I'm always praying for you and your family!

P.S. The people that said nasty things about your Jordan- they must've seen how every single girl that commented was complete jello after seeing him. I saw so many comments from girls older than him wishing they were younger. Hahaha. Might want to hide him, Kandee. ;)

Anonymous said...

you are such a nice kind person and your children are lucky to have you and I think you should take a break from youtube and blogging for a while :) xoxo

Babycakes said...

I'm so glad to see that these horrible people aren't getting you down - that's exactly what they want to happen - because they are so miserable in their lives they can't handle your happiness. I think you are such a wonderful person, mother and an inspiration to all who follow you and read your blogs. I wish you nothing but happiness and love and health. God bless and I hope for a swift and safe delivery! Congrats. Much love! Amy

Emilie said...

I don't understand how people can say cruel things about you or your family, Kandee - because you are all so beautiful, inside and out. In the video on your "Day After Due Date" when Blake said "I yuv you" I automatically said "I yuv you too" :) And I really do. Kandee, you are such an inspiration to me and the rest of your "KandeeBlog Family" <3 Thank you for not letting the haters bring you down. Don't forget that "I yuv you"! :-)

Unknown said...

We love you, Kandee! Good for you for not taking it to heart. You know those awful things aren't true. You have so many supporters. I saw you at the last LA Glaminar and you are so beautiful inside and out. You have inspired me so much, I can't even explain. You have taught me how to do makeup and now I feel SO beautiful each and every day, just by using some of your tips. It sounds so silly that makeup can do that, but it does for me! SO THANK YOU!! And as for your children, they are ALL BEAUTIFUL! I wish I could see Alani and Blake, but I can tell they are super cute! Jordan is turning into such a handsome young man. I love mixed race babies, they are so exotic looking! As for your new cupcake...I wish you the best of luck with the birth, and I can't wait to see her!!

XoXo Jamie

P.S. Thank you for the UD palette at the Glaminar, I love it!!! <3

Anonymous said...

This is so inspiring! I have made that realization too. Now, I don't get bothered by what people say or think about me-I really don't care because I'm happy!
xo Emily

Shelbi Alesia said...

Kandee, even though lots of people have already said nice things to you, I felt obligated to put my two cents in. You are a beautiful person and I appreciate your talent and the fact that you keep going. You recognize the miserable people that are trying to get you down & you move on. I appreciate your kind heart and your courage. Thank you for continuig to do what you do. I look forward to your videos! :)
Best wishes to you & your family. Your children are BEAUTIFUL and I know that your new little cupcake will fit right in. :)
Much love,

airbud said...

kandee your so beautiful on the outside, but way more importantly your beautiful on the inside and thats why we all love you so much. you stand strong in your faith and you have inspired me in more than makeup.

stay strong!

ps your children are beautiful, just like thier mamma. and this baby coming is soo lucky to have you kandee. may peace be with all of you
xoxo ericaspring

aprock83 said...

I'm glad you said all that cuz it was even upsetting me seeing people say such mean things. They just have issues with themselves I think. They have nothing else better to do than to make other people feel bad for no reason. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and alot of people. No matter how upset I get about alot of things your videos always makes me feel better. Thank you for being you and good luck on the baby. :)

Crystalynx said...

My poor Kandee, I dont understand whats wrong with haters, if you dont like the blog/video, dont watch it and leave it be! You have to be real cruel and evil person to say so awful things to you and to a baby who is not even born yet!! But as much as they say all of that, remember, no matter how far we are from you, no matter if we have even ever met and you have never even talked with me, I LOVE you so very much and your wonderful family! You are amazing, and you are loved, stay positive and let the haters hate, they obviously have nothing elsse to do in their lives, you can choose to let it in your life or not. I LOVE you Kandee and your family, cant wait for your baby girl!

Thania said...


Its mi firts time that y post something,cause i was waiting to say something with sence jeje well.

the best advice I can give you is that everything that comes in a bad way, all the disapointments, all those people that come to hurt you, can only cause a reaction in you, which is .... make you stronger in character and heart,it helps you to learn that no matter what happens in life everything is going to form the person that you are now.
Stronger, better and beautiful.

Greetings from Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and love Kandee! :)

Tonje said...

Kandee, you are such a amazing person! Thank you so much for your words, encouragement and inspiration!

We love you! ♥

BeautyByA said...

wow kandee i cant believe someone would be so hurtful and mean to you. you are one of the sweetest youtube girls and you have the biggest heart. i feel so sorry for them.
good luck to you and baby!

barbied0ll_ said...

im so sorry kandee that ppl are so cruel ur a wonderful person and none can take that from you all ur babies are beautiful no matter what!!

Janice Evelyn said...

You preciuos girl you, I admire how strong you are in the face of such adversity! It takes alot of determination to keep your chin up when terrible people try to taar you down. Be encouraged by the fact that your children are always watching and listening to you, and they are learning how to be strong from their strong mama! I have a book that I read to my children (my kids are 7 and 9 - and I am also a single mama!) it's called "You Are Special" by Max Lucado. The best thing about it is that it makes ME cry everytime I read it to them! Please, if you haven't read it yet, please do! If you are familiar with the story, please go back and read it again! And just rememeber that these "haters" are just humans like everyone else, their opinion of you DOESN'T MATTER, the only opinion the matters is the opinion of your MAKER - AND HE THINKS YOU"RE SPECIAL BECUASE HE MADE YOU THAT WAY!
All the best to you and your family =)

Honey said...

OMG honey screw them i love you and you are waaaaay batter than them and I love Jordan he's very sweet and handsome and i don't know charming ..If he was 18 like me maybe .. :D
love you kandee and can't wait to see your new princess <3

BK said...

preach on sista!! and to you and the baby i send my good vibes! hope you two are always blessed and soon you will have him in your arms

Krisztixx said...

I cannot even imagine how people can be so mean and cruel to you.
But Kandee, you're a very strong person, you taught me so much about being a postive thinker and try to concentrate on the good side of things. I want you to know that we ALL love you and you are way to precious and kind to be hurt by some stupid strangers! You're an amazing mom, your kids are gorgeous and lovable and no one has the right to hurt your feelings! Please do not read those mean comments, I don't want you to be upset especially now with the baby. The Kandee family&friends love you and our number hugely outweighs the number of haters! I heart you! <3

Ine said...

it is so mean from those people to leave bad comments about your children! just think about all the people that love you and your children!

hugs and LOVE from belgium

Maia knezevic said...

wahooooo! you go girl!

Unknown said...

People are so mean, it makes me want to throw up sometimes...I just wish that there was a way that hurtful comments would not show or something. Kandee just don't read...I don't know..sometime's you just have to avoid such c**p...but remember that there are thousands of people that are your huge fans and love you, wish you and your family the best! Haters are the minority! :D

theioanashow said...

Don't let them hurt you Kandee! Your son just (as well as all your little ones) is adorable. This world is filled with hate and listening to negative opinions is not good for you in the current situation. I know I am just one person, but I do believe that I speak on behalf of many people from the Kandee family when I say that our days would not be the same if we wouldn't open your blog to see how you are doing and to see so much hope and happiness in you! You do manage to put a smile on my face everytime no matter how gloomy the days has been. We do love you and support you and wish you all the very best!

Warmest wishes from the UK

pinkelefuntz said...

Hi! I wanted to some you some love, to say I love it that your babies are blessed to be unique. God created them that way. Your Jordan has one of the sweetest faces ive seen and im sure he has a precious blessed heart just like you do and he also reminds me of my nephew...they do look alike in some ways, youre one of the best-est people ive come to know. and i luved your special blog videos maybe more than the youtube ones.
luv, luv and more luv for you xoxox

babydurl29 said...

Kandee Rise up and take the high road. Be the victor not the victim. You are very special to so many people. And let me say this Im sure those people just needs lots of love and prayers. anyone can say something mean it takes someone special to say something nice. Just pray for those people. You never know you may be touching there life and changing them. Just be you if they didnt like you they would not read your blog or watch your videos. So don't worry about them. I also have to say that I know they are the reason you dont show more then what you do. And at the end of the day words do hurt and its hard not to let someone else still your joy. So for people like that in my life I just pray God will bless them with some happyness of there own. And That always makes me feel better. lOve you and the babies

Lynneth... said...



Marissa said...

THOSE HATERS MAKE ME SICK! I worry for your safety though Kandee!

Dancer3114 said...

Kandee we love you! Don't listen to one word from those awful people! You are a wonderful, beautiful, kind person. You have beautiful children and another one is on the way! Here's hoping your baby is healthy and happy!

Jen said...

Kandee, I'm so sorry that people have such horrible lives that they have to tear down and ridicule strangers to feel better about themselves. YOU are a treasure, and your precious little family is just as beautiful as you are. I love you tons, and am praying for a very safe, healthy delivery for you and baby cupcake!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxox

Mrs.Shea3 said...

Kandee, I am so sorry that people are so cruel! I will never understand people who leave hateful comments on any youtube video, if you don't like the video, quit watching it! I am so glad that you won't allow these people to steel your joy. You are an inspiration to so many people, including myself. I love watching your videos and reading your blogs, it helps to brighten my day. God bless you and your family and new baby girl!

Liz W. said...

I am SO super sorry people would attack your babies!! That is unbelievable and disgusting!! It never ceases to amaze me how cruel people can be. It is also amazing to me that we can be so advanced as a society to have email, internet, and blogs but yet people have forgotten basic manners!! Why would you EVER say hurtful things about a child?? I think it is definitely someone who has too much anger in their hearts. Someone who would never say those things in person but because they are safely behind a computer (an fake name) they will be disgusting!!

Kandee, I have SOOO much respect for you! I am going through a divorce right now and I have been very depressed. I found your videos one day and have been hooked to your blog since then! You are inspiring, beautiful, funny, caring and awesome at make-up!! Reading your posts really did lift my soul and they have helped me feel like it will be ok. I am touched by you as a mother and person! I truly hope things will work out for you and be great because you bring so much happiness to a lot of many people. :)
Sorry to be so long but I was heart broken to read your post today. PLEASE do not give those haters an ounce of your energy...they DO NOT deserve it!!
God Bless you and your gorgeous babies! Thank you for inspiring me and all of us who follow you.
Can't wait to see your newest addition and hope everything goes as easy as possible!!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Ugh, there are tons of trolls out there that have bad lives take it all out on someone else, I never read the comments but wow how mean can they get? I feel the same way, if they say something about me then thats one thing and I can deal with that but if someone I love is insulted then THATS WHEN IT STARTS MAN! BRING IT ON BUDDY BOY!! You are an awesome person and I love watching your videos and one of the big reasons of that is that you are so positive! And I love positive people because its just like another day of happiness :) Sometimes if someone said something about me I just have to think about something else, like do some crocheting or sewing and just get it out of my mind! As my aunt would say, they are just a bunch of dumb asses! (well maybe not but she would say something along the lines of that!)lol but you are really cool! And your very pretty!! Your family and blog family are all here for you! And your kids are awesome, so the haters dont know what their talkin about!! :)

Jackie said...

It's sad for people who have celebrity status, that they have to endure so much more hate and slander than other people who aren't in the lime light. Especially when they attack your family, your precious children. God knows your heart Kandee and He knows your life and that's all that matters. For those of us who love you, we appreciate all you do and all that you share!! <3

Stacey Jane said...

hey kandee.
I know its hard to ignore nasty things people say but people like that need to get a life and stop hating on yours. I personally think you are great and your make up tips and other videos have really helped me.
As we say here in England you are Lush and these silly little people dont know what they are talking about. Big Princessy hugs xxx

Rose said...

I'm so sorry you had to read such bad things. People who themselves have been hurt tend to hurt others to make themselves feel better. It doesn't make it right it just makes them feel big knowing that they can hurt someone. Some people need to evaluate their lives. That they can say such mean things to people that have done nothing wrong is cruel.

I'm glad to know that you will brush it off and not let them get to you, because you are an amazing person. Your children are you little treasures and no one has a RIGHT to say anything wrong or mean about them.

Good luck on your due date. Hopefully your princess baby goo goo will come soon.

Lauren-Ashley said...

I'm glad that you're taking this so well Kandee, kudos to you for always being positive... even through rough situations. The devil loves to try to steal away our joy away, but we can't let him have the victory. We have to hide God's word in our hearts (something I'm trying to do, read my bible every day!). I hope your delivery goes well:]!

Dani said...

Its hard to believe that in this day and age people can spew such racism and hate, especially directed at a child. I can't imagine having read such horrible things. Here in Ireland such hatred is illegal.

nasiaboura said...


cherichoux said...

don't listen to all this bad comments! it's so easy to say things like that behind his computer. You're so nice and sweet! don't change. You are the sunshine of my day when I watch your youtube video or read your blog.
Lots of kisses from France <3

İngilizce Gramer Kılavuzu said...

Kandee, there is a Turkish proverb (or maybe some other nation's):

"IF dogs' prays were accepted, bones must have been falling from the sky"

so don't care anything, and be happy :)

ShayC said...

Somebody wrote a negative comment about Jordan. Hm, I guess folks in prison have access to computers now. What a nut that guy is.

When I look at Halle Berry or Vanessa Williams it seems obvious to me that God likes the idea of integrated races. Aren't they the most beautiful people? Jordan included. He has the most beautiful skin tone and million dollar smile.

I feel sorry for the person who wrote the comments because they still have to be unhappy with themselves every day. People who live a life of love and are happy don't make those comments.

Big hugs,

Penny Pincher said...

OMG Kandee, every day I'm more and more sickened by how disgustingly evil this world and it's inhabitants have become...
Sometimes it's just too overwhelming and very depressing... you wonder about the future of mankind.
Then someone like YOU comes along who gives a big beautiful ray of sparkling light and hope to people like me and others in need of it.
BUT there are those who are ruining this world who despise that lovely light because it's so opposite of them and the darkness that lies within their hearts!
They seek only to destroy destroy destroy! They see someone happy and they want only to make them as dark and ugly inside as they are. THAT alone is what they live for, that alone is all they have!
It would be sad if they weren't such despicable, disgusting, and miserable beings by CHOICE!
It just makes the rest of us more and more grateful for people like YOU Kandee! :)
You are our much needed rays of sunshine in this dark dying world.
God has truly given you a great gift dear Kandee and you use it wisely! :)
You make so many people have hope and happiness, so THANK YOU FOR THAT! :):):)
Also thank you for not allowing the evil "demons" of this world destroy that beautiful heart of yours!
Just let all that negativity feed your heart of gold, make you try even harder to shine shine shine! :D
((♥LOVE & HUGS to you and all your beautiful children! ♥))

stephanielynn said...

kandee! you are such a great mother, i hope that one day when im ready that i can be as good of a mother as you are. I never really thought that someone online or on youtube would influence me as much as you have, your always in the back of my head reminding me to not let things get to me when something goes wrong.
You give such great advice and you instill hope in every girl who needs it! Keep strong Kandee you are loved more than you know by so many of us.

Stacie-Party of 4! said...

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

This scripture popped in to my head as I was reading your post...I really feel that if you're doing what you know the Lord wants you to do and you are living for Him, then Satan will do whatever he can to destroy your faith. Stay strong Kandee, every time I feel down I hop on one of your blogs and I feel instantly refreshed. You have made me feel like just because I am a young single mother with 3 kids, that my dreams are NOT dead. I can still accomplish and do amazing things in my life just like you have. God bless your beautiful children and your little "cupcake", they are truly God's blessings to you. And by the way, Jordan is such a good looking kid! Whoever said such negative things about your children obviously don't have Jesus in their hearts like you do, I hope one day they do before it's too late. much love kandee! God Bless!

Joyleaf said...

Dont listen to them. They just want attention!
I havent seen all your kids, but the ones I have seen are really beautiful.
I would love to be tan all year long!
(I`m anreally white norwegian ;>)

Unknown said...

It disgusts me that people would say things about your child!!! Especially racist things...that's just so sad, horrible, and disappointing. You're beautiful, your kids are beautiful and I hope Baby comes soon!! Good luck Kandee!

Anonymous said...

You are sooooo amazing! I just hope you all good to you and your family, :)

KayXiong said...

Kandee, you are such an inspiration to me!!! I think the world seriously needs more people like you in it. ANYONE who says horrible things about someone they don't even know, has some serious personal issues. People like that say whatever they want to on the net and shoot ppl down to make them feel better about themselves b/c they're low-lives. They're scared little cowards who think they can say crap b/c they're hiding behind their crappy computer screen.

I know it's sometimes hard to not let it get to you, but just remember all the ppl who absolutely adore you for all that you do and all that you are. Keep doing what you're doing! :D

1smileygirl said...

I can say I'm not surprised to hear that people could say such mean things. Every since I've started watching YouTube videos, it sort of shocked me at how blunt and rude people can be. Plus how they like to hide behind screen names. I could never understand how they could say such hurtful things to someone. Such a sad sad person I think. I'm sorry you had to read those types of comments. You don't deserve it. You're such a sweet person. To even say such mean things about your kids is even worse. Kids are so innocent. I can't wait til you have your baby! Take care. Keep smiling :)

Louise said...

Hi Kandee :D

Those people who hide behind their computer screens and say horrible things probably have nothing better to do,and I'm guessing are jealous of you.

I work part time in a clothes shop, which means I have encountered some of the meanest, rudest and downwright nastiest people I'll ever meet in my life. Whilst what some people say will hurt your feelings to a certain extent, the thing is to rise above it. I mean really, at the end of the day, all we know about you is what you choose to present to us in your videos/blog. These haters don't have a clue of what kind of person you are, so you shouldn't let them have "control" over you, i.e. making you feel sad.

Keep doing what you're doing Kandee you are a true inspiration! Oh, and for what it's worth, your Jordan is very handsome, he's going to break a million hearts I'd say :D

Love, Louise xxx

Worn Cotton said...

Hi Kandee-

I'm pretty new to your blog and LOVE IT!! I just wanted to say, I think it is very fitting that you posted this on MLK day. Hatred seems like it is rearing it's ugly head everywhere these days...but when I read/watch your posts I can truly feel how happy you are. Keep doing what you do!!

"Hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to stick with love. ” MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.

Cait said...

I'm so sorry that people would say such terrible things... I truly don't understand how people can say such disgusting things to others. You and your children are beautiful and you are SO strong to be able to push their cruelty away from you and your family. I hope all of your group are healthy and happy and best of luck with the new one coming soon!

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee, that's horrible. It must be so awful to read those things, especially in your current precious condition. Just keep on doing what you're doing, sending positivity and love and ignore all the evil, negative bastards. Your videos and sunny disposition make my day. Good luck with baby. I had home birth in August, went beautifully and my little bubba is gorgeous. Lots of love C XXXX

Unknown said...

It really is just sad that people have to be so mean and hateful to those they don't even know over the web ... I don't get it.

You seem like such a beautiful, positive person so that is especially sad for you!

Stay strong! Know that there are WAY more people who think you are pretty fantastic! Good luck with the little baby ... hope the delivery is SOON and all goes well! xoxo

heather said...

I can't really comprehend why people "hate" and hate other people that they don't even know. I am sorry that people wrote those terrible things Kandee. We all appreciate you so much and how you still continue to shine after people attack you. That is a very hard thing to do. It's easy to let unkind words get to us. Thank You! xoxo

YouGlamourPuss said...

You GIVE POWR to these people every single time you acknowledge them. Its simply ridiculous what they say and you shouldn't even pay attention to them.

None of your real fans/viewers even want to hear about the nonsense they say to you to be honest. We login to see whats going on with YOU and how YOU'RE doing and to hear YOUR cheerful voice. You should really focus on the positive comments and put blinders on no matter how hard it is with these people who have such sad lives that they try to tear another person down for no reason.

missally717 said...

awe kandee that sucks ppl do you said just haters. You and your family seem like such beautiful ppl=) but im excited about baby=) have a good day and hang in there kandee=D

Unknown said...

I truely felt sick to my stomach when I read this how could anyone be so insensitive toward someone so kind and beautiful I do not or want to understand your a wonderful person and have helped me more then you can ever know my best wishes and love I give to you never change because your like a star that's so beautiful and sparkly that will forever be there shining above us dancing merrily thank you kandee for everything

Amelia Kitzul said...

I have a short poem that doesn't rhyme for you!! :)

You rock, haters suck
You are pretty, they are disgusting
You make more friends cause your SO much nicer, they have non because their rude
...You make regular jokes, they make "lets gulp down gasoline and inhale fire and see what happens! HARHARHAR" jokes

I think it's safe to say who is the better and smarter one in this :) YOU ARE AWESOME KANDEE DONT FORGET THAT!!

Anonymous said...

What could anyone POSSIBLY say about Jordon?! He is SO adorable--such a handsome young man! Anything negative someone says about him has to be out of jealously--that either they're not as cute, or their own child isn't as cute! He's gonna be a little heart-breaker when he grows up! :p

Anyway, Kandee, you, your babies (including the one that still cooking), and your family (from what you've shared with us) are all gorgeous, amazing, sweet people. It's horrible that anyone says something negative, but know it's done out of jealously, that all they say is SUPER false!

Gail said...

My dear Kandee. I can't believe people were so cruel and mean to you in the comments on that video. I makes me sick. You're like the sweetest girl on YouTube. You name matches your personality very well.

I so glad that those comments didn't effect you in any way. Please know that we love you and stand beside you 100%. Best of luck to you when you little cupcake does decide to show her face. <3

Unknown said...

You go girl Kandee! And your son is GORGEOUS by the way!

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