Monday, January 24, 2011

my new no make-up and hair look!

today i had more "beautiful" things to do than put on my make-up or even brush my hair! ha ha ha
A truly beautiful person can be seen in the dark...
if you close your can feel someone's don't need eyes too see if someone's truly beautiful...beautiful in the way they make your feel...that's what's really beautiful...
Today I felt beauty and love swirling around my heart...not one ounce of make-up, hairstyling, or even fun clothes or accessories...
just so much and my new little princess (you can read more on my personal bloggy: danced to Jack Johnson...cuddled, snuzzled...and even though I felt exhausted beyond belief....I just wanted to stay away and look at her.

Of all the jobs I've ever had...being a mom is my most wonderful, rewarding, and heart swelling job....I'll work 25 hour days happily...i'll gladly wake up in the middle of the night to hold any of my babies, comfort them, and fill up their hearts with mama's love...
off to pour some love on my little people...
huge love and no kandee


Miss Tapia said...

Congratulations. I had my first child (Zoe)in September and I'm still filled with Awe.

Anonymous said...

congrats!! your beauty definatly shines out through you, no need for electricity! :)

Flowers that Bloom said...

Congradulations Kandee!

AussieMum said...

Major Congrats :D I have Two bubbas and they light up my life :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kandee your newest cupcake is beautiful!!!

Strawberriesandcream31 said...

congratulations once again kandee! your cupcake is finally here!
Love you
Yours truly

arizai07 said...

congrats kandee.. ur always beautifull inside and out ♥ take care of baby cup cake :)

Unknown said...

And yet you are GORGEOUS!! Love you and cupcake! <3

InsanityZw said...

Beautiful! Congrats on your baby :D
You both emanate beauty, a indescribable one *-*

maccosmeticsfanatic said...

Congrats! I love you kandee!!

dani@callitbeauty said...

congratulations, kandee! glad that cupcake is finally here. she's beautiful :)

Alea said...

Congratulations, Kandee! My son's birthday is also the 23rd (he just turned 3!). :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new baby girl! you look beautiful in this picture without any make up on. Somehow you always seem to inspire me when i read your posts, even if some of them are sad, you always say the positive side to it. Today I was in class and i meet this girl and her name is Nazila, maybe you like this name. Much love and God bless you and your family <3

LadyLaLa said...

I'm so happy for your family that Cupcake has arrived!! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience with the home birth!

Unknown said...

congratulations kandee, youre a real role model for me, youve been through a lot in your life but you are such a strong person, i really admire you

greetings from chile :)

Anonymous said...

omgg so beautiful(: hope all is well im so happy for you!!

Unknown said...

you should name her paige lol theres not many of us

Lynneth... said...

I completely agree with you Kandee. and you look just as beautiful without make-up!! you have an amazing heart and it shows through and through!!

AmyLS said...

Being a mother is a wonderful gift!! You are so beautiful inside and out!! Who cares about the makeup and the hair, right?!! As long as we are there for our babies!!

Congrats and Much Love!!

GeorgiaBela said...

SOOOO happy for you Kandee! Enjoy your princess! Can't wait to hear what name you give her! You dont need any make up or hair to be beautiful your inner beauty shines through! Huge Love Georgia xoxoxooxox

Unknown said...

What A Beautiful Picture, I Feel The Love, My Babies Bring Me So Much Happiness I Couldn't live without looking at them, They Are All Such Blessings! Enjoy Little Princess She Is Truly A Yummy Cupcake <3 And You Look Beautiful And So Happy And Glowing<3 Big Love And Hugs :)

CJ Reyn said...

Your just as pretty without makeup anyway. I can't wait until my Linguine is born so I can have those same feelings of absolute joy! Here's wishing you lots of love and long naps!!

LoveConquersAll said...

She is so beautiful and amazing. You have inspired me so much Kandee i actually started my very first blog today!!! And truly it is because of you and your inspiration, i know you will probably never have time with all your kiddos but if you ever want to! Congrats to you and Bobby and your beautiful baby girl. I cant wait to someday be so lucky!

Anonymous said...

A huge congrats Kandee and Bobby! She is just darling,already so beautiful and bright:) Being a mother is the most rewarding job,my kids never fail to amaze me and i still stare at them with awe <3 I wish you the very best and lots of strength and rest!May baby be happy ,healthy and snuggled with endless love. xoxox ~Gwen

CassieP said...

Love you Kandee. You baby is beyond gorgeous (just like her mother). I'm glad you are in a good place with Bobby. :-)

You are beautiful inside and out. Thank you so much for your work. We all love you so much and thank you for being our beauty inspiration!

Can't wait to hear more about the little cuppycake!! :-D

Anonymous said...

You can say the most beautiful thingies :) I feel like I'm repeating myself because I said this alot but ..... it just makes it a more beautiful picture seeing you so happy, you truly deserve it !! I yuv you hun !! :)
I'll leave you two to cuddle and keep on lovin' hahaha!

Margara said...

you and KupKake are gorgeous!! Bobby is one lucky guy! <3 May God continue showering all of you with blessings, you, your amazing family, and the glam sister family we have here with you.
love you so much!!

earth said...

Kandee, I'm so happy for you & your beautiful family! You are gorgeous, with or without makeup. :]

Ai said...

Congratulations♥ Can't wait to see you doll her up with cute girly clothes :)


Rophia said...

Kandee you're so amazing. You make me wanna have a kid xD But I won't lol. Cause I'm 16 :P hahah. But yeah. You seem like an amazing mother and I wish you all the best. I get soo excited seeing all the lovely pictures :)

Unknown said...

I don't know where you find the time to blog Kandee. God bless you and your family! Congratulations she is beautiful just like her mama!

«SmokeyEyesLover» said...

What i can see in your face is.. HAPPINESS and LOVE!!
You two are so beautiful!!
Kisses and hugs!


Anonymous said...

Cupcake kisses to your beautiful babies!

Eternally Fixated said...

Congrats girl! You have natural beauty!

<3 Ladies of Eternally Fixated:
Celeb news, fashion, & beauty.
Your Daily Fix :)

nihar said...

You look more beautiful than ever kandee :-*
Take care of yourself and cupcake :-)
love you always.. Muahhhhhhhhhhh

Unknown said...

You look fantastic, Kandee. Congratulations!!! You are simply beautiful and definetely an inspiration on your total. Your words are inspiring. I wish all women could have a wonderful homebirth as you did. Love you and your baby girl.

JustCallMeSunshine said...

That's a beautiful picture. You're momma-glowy. :D I love that you look even more beautiful with no makeup on and a baby in your arms. Your kids are truly blessed with both your love and your genes. (:

gillybeancandyjar said...

aww Kandee.. you're a natural beauty! And your beauty shines through with the way you speak and the words you use in your videos and blog. Congrats again mama :)

Unknown said...

Tell us about the it was?
You are beautiful and without make -up....kiss you.....

lizzie said...

So many many congratulations for your new baby (and yay! that you had her at home) What a beautiful jewel of a pearl of a peachflower. much love to you all.

Juli Anne said...

You look beautiful!

Flychic3312000 said...

Ten fingers, Ten toes
She's laughter and teardrops
So small and brand new
And amazingly angelic
She's sent to bless you
She's one special Baby
The best of life's treasure
And will grant and bless you
Many hours of great pleasure.

lindawlai said...

yay!! congrats on cupcake ;) she's gorgeous, so happy for you. we know you'll be busy the next couple weeks but really take all the time u need and enjoy every sec with her <3

Brenna said...

Sometimes I really miss the days when my two were that little. I'm sure you will enjoy every single moment with your new little angel. Congrats Kandee and all the best for you, your son and your new addition.

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee! I am a new fan of yours!!, well BIG fan I discovered your "Chola" video off of someones facebok wall and just kept on watchin more of tutorials and i LOVE them! absoultely love them. You have an outstanding personality and your great to watch! deffently entertaining!! Ive picked up soo many good tips from you! keep up the great work! and Congrats on your new blessing!

Araceli said...

I send you all my love dear Kandee! You are the best <3 may god bless you and your sweet family. Hope you have a wonderful night and beautiful dreams.

Zozed said...

Oh Kandee, you always make me cry... of happiness of course, 'cause honestly, my parents never said any of those words of love that you say all the time, and I think it's incredible, and your children should be very very grateful to have you as their mama... I'm so happy for both you, and your children...
Huge Love, and take special care of your "little people"!
:Xxxxxx <3<3<3<3

susieq85 said...

Kandee you are so lucky and you are such an amazing mom. You and your babies ate so blessed to have each other. I hope to be as happy as you are someday.

Silverstargirl said...

Congrats Kandee !!!
Ur cupcake is soooooo adorable

Sarah said...

you look gorgeous without makeup..
Congratulation again.
Lots of Loooove
x Sarah

Amelia Kitzul said...

I love this picture of you two!!! You are so awesome! Baby is so cute and cant wait what her name is gonna be!!! :) something that fits her personality! <3 bye kandee!

Anonymous said...

This picture is so precious! :) You look gorgeous! You're an awesome mama!! All your babies are so lucky to have you as a mama!

Miss you!!

Much love, Kimee <3

leslieeva said...

This might just be the sweetest post I've read from you! So beautiful!!! Congrats on your new baby girl!

Unknown said...

I HAVE A NAME!! :) Abrailee or Arabella. I know they are a little weird in some peoples eyes, but I think it's unique. :) xoox - Railyn

SippY said...

Congratulation Again, Kandee..
- Orh, you're so full of love. You make me cry.. It's so beautiful.
- If I could, I would jump through my com, and hug you.. <3

Abbie♥ said...

Congratulations once again, Kandee! You truly are amazing. Keep being an inspiration to all of us.♥

Fleur said...

Congratulations! (You both look so beautiful!)

Marisuca said...

congratulations mami!

background pictures for free said...

You are really pretty even without makeup. You look like such a doting new mom. I'm happy for you.

judydatsme said...

you look beautiful with out any makeup. God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful!
You both are beautiful!
Wish all the best for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! i wish you and your little family a life time filled with love, wealth, money, protection, peace & health!

marie32 said...

Congratulations Kandee!!!!
A mini kandee!!! yeah!!!!!!
Take a good rest and we want to hear more about you.
a lot of hugs from London


Krisztixx said...

I just can't get enough of your beautiful cupcake! She's beyond adorable <3 Kandee, you're the best mom! When I'll have kids, I definitely want to be a mom like you (and also like my owm mom who's just as amazing of a mom like you)
thanks so much for showing us your little one! I wish both of you the best! <3

Stefanie R said...

Aw congratulations Kandee and welcome to the world Cupcake/princess and the white stick haha ^__^
Kandee you look so beautiful with and most definitely without make up!

''It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye''- Antoine de Saint Exupery- The little prince. :)

Christine said...

congrats Kandee, she is gorgeous <3

Di Di said...

You look fantastic even without any make-up .... I am so happy for you! And Bobby is one good looking dad,wish you two all the best ! Hugs and kisses

Sarah said...

You look amazing, even without any make up. You're a beautiful person and nothing you could do to your outer appearance would taint that.

WhatJeanLikes said...

Wow I can't believe you're blogging so soon after having baby! She's adorable, absolutely precious and I'm happy you both are happy and healthy.
Congratulations on your newest addition! You're so blessed to have so many beautiful and healthy children. God bless.

Jay said...

You look fabulous either way!! Enjoy this time with your little one and other precious cupcakes :) Bst of wishes from Norway

Unknown said...

i felt shivers when i read what you wrote!!!
congratulations, dear kandee!!! you deserve all the happiness in the world and cupcake is the definition of happiness :)

Stephanie said...

Congratulations Kandee and Bobby she is absolutely adorable. You are such and inspiration to us all. I wish you all the happiness in the world.


krista carlson said...

What a beautiful soul you are!!! Such an inspiration to us all. We need more people like you in the world!!!

Unknown said...

Congrantz Awwwwww godblesss her shes so cute i wish you both and the new born the best and many more to come luv ur videos again godblesss.

batman's missus said...

I stumbled across your Jem tutorial on Saturday and the next vid was your "6 days past due date". I have watched quite a few now and read quite a few of your blogs, and in such a short space I've gained so much information about a whole family, that I never knew existed.

As somebody who gave birth to a little boy shortly after their 19th birthday, you are a TRUE inspiration.

I can only hope that by reading your story, I will gain some drive to be a great business woman, friend, sister, lover and mother like you.

God bless you and your family and Congratulations on your new addition.

Holly said...

You look gorgeous without makeup! You are a beautiful woman and your new baby is amazing. What will be her name??!!!! I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Girl, you look beautiful with or without make up......Congrats again on your cupcake princess :)


Jacqueline. said...

Kandee, I just made some butterfly cupcakes and wish I could send you some.
But I made a blogpost about them (with recipe) so if you maybe want to bake them yourself someday here's the link:

lots of love and cupcakes!

cupcakelover said...

-tear- (of joy)

Summergrl24 said...


as usual your words are nothing but inspirational.
Congratulations on such a beautiful blessing! :)

Erin said...

YaYYYY TEAM CUPCAKE!!!!!! She's just perfect with frosting and sprinkles! Love you kandee, have fun with baby's names! I have always liked the name, Sailey. (Say-lee) I just think it sounds girly, and original! May God bless you and your home!


Unknown said...

You look so georgeous without makeup Kandee!!! I am so happy you and baby are safe, i was really worried about you. I have worked with a lot of babies in the N.I.C.U. and have seen a lot of bad things, I am so happy you and baby are healthy!
Rheanna B

Unknown said...

You look so georgeous without makeup Kandee!!! I am so happy you and baby are safe, i was really worried about you. I have worked with a lot of babies in the N.I.C.U. and have seen a lot of bad things, I am so happy you and baby are healthy!
Rheanna B

Lannie said...

kandee-- you make my heart swells too everytime I read a blog entry from you...My eyes are welling up with tears...I cannot wait until my littl one arrive in July and look forward to mommy-hood! You are such a wonderful person and mommy...I look forward for to your next entry...all my best :)

Lannie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sfaucette said...

Yaayy! So happy for you and Bobby! Glad that your little "cupcake" is here, and healthy. Congrats to all of you as your family grows. We are so thrilled to have you in our lives everyday. Your precious bundle is beautiful! Much love from NC ..

Anonymous said...

Congrats again to you and Bobby!

Unknown said...

Congrats, She's beautiful.

Fashion.Make-Up.LifeStyle said...

Congratulations Kandee. Best of wishes to you and your now extended family! xoxo

Ariel2010 said...

Being a mom is awesome.

kenzydav said...

Congrats Kandee..and u look gorgeous..

Joy said...

So sweet!! I bet there is nothing like being a mommy. Your children are blessed with a good one.

sugarledge said...

congrats kandee!!! i pray your cute little cupcake receives lots of blessings and wonderful things through out her life especially because you have been a wonderful blessing with the positivity, warmth and kindness you always radiate towards us x

BAMBI said...

You look georgous....just like with full make up...hugs:*

My Profile! said...

your beautiful inside and out, Kandee!
cupcake is so lucky to have a mama like you!

D said...

She is beautiful, congratulations Kandee:-)

Ultra_Raquel87 said...

Congrats she is adorable!! My son is four and I can't even believe time has flew by this fast...good luck on your new adventure being a mommy!!

sweetlipscath said...

I am so happy for you all,well done Kandee.
I have been waiting for that little cupcake to come out and can I say you baked her to perfection :)
I too found out I am expected another girl today (1boy and 1 girl already) so am so excited.
I will miss your pregnancy blogs and videos,but hope you keep us all up too date.
love to you all xx

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