Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My HELLO KITTY DEBIT CARD and other cute things of the day!

Puh-leeeeeeze look at this Debit is the cutest thing in my wallet! ha ha ha
Yes, I just got a HELLO KITTY DEBIT CARD...some banks offer free custom designs for your debit cards....I was flipping through their little book...and after like 5 pages of sports team card options..... I saw HELLO KITTY!!! It was free too!
Now my hello kitty card will rest safely in my Hello Kitty Pursey!!!

 Now for the cutest laptop bag I've ever seen! I got this super cute laptop bag from FLUFF, at Whole Foods, of all places to find a laptop bag! ha ha ha
I love this's padded inside and has 2 interior pockets, and velcro straps to hold your computee in place!
I absolutely love this bag...and the little doll face on it!!!
FLUFF makes other cute, funky, and super fun laptop bags too!

There was a little style snack for the day from your bestie, Kandee!

laptops and hello kitty....kandee


evon7686 said...

I love the hello kitty debit card!!! I think my bank offers it but i would have to pay. I dont know but i need to look into it haha. Have a great night and get some rest already!!!

Unknown said...

Adorable! Night Kandee!

Karrie said...

Honestly I think this is the most personal video of you I've ever seen. Meaning that I think its sweet how you feel so comfy talking to us that you can lay in bed doing it lol. I know I speak for all your fans when I say you feel like a best friend to us as well! I always eagerly await your blogs, facebook and Youtube up dates. You are such an amazing and wonderful person I hope you know how much your fans love you, and that, that trumps any mean thing anyone has to say to you. Because just think for every one person who says something bad about you there is like a hundred of us who are defending and adoring you :) Thank you for being you, because you are a blessing to many, many people :) -Karrie

shaunaasusann said...

I also have a hello kitty debit card and I LOVE it, so adorable and I always get compliments when I use it!

Sallandrea said...

I have the same card! Loving it as well haha :D

Unknown said...

that's cute. My bank lets you upload your own pic to put on your card for free. So I put one of my engagement pics on it of my husband and I sippin on milkshakes together =] I get compliments on it a lot =D

Sparkleseester said...

Could that laptop bag be any more PERFECT for you!? The cartoon even resembles you a little :) I am jealous of your Hello Kitty card too, maybe I should switch banks so I can get one too! lol. I hope Princess GooGoo shows up soon, my little one came 3 days "late" so I have an idea of what you are feeling right now!

Anonymous said...

I want that debit card! Mine is red and boring.. unfortunately my bank didn't give me options ):

glamatronic said...

That's so flippin' cute. I love hello kitty. They only offer plain, tan cards at my bank. Not very cute in least.

Lovely Imperfection said...

ooo ive been looking forever for the perfect laptop bag and im loving this. id be tickled pink if i could find a fafi inspired bag too but this FLUFF one takes the cake. i <3

Anonymous said...

im totally jealouzz..!! i want it!! kandee you inspire me to be a better person..! hope the baby comes soon..!!!

Lovely Imperfection said...

oooo i was looking at the website, look at this tote !!! ish cupcakes !

Amelia Kitzul said...

Omg I didn't know some banks do that!!!! I should have asked for that :( Im so jealous!!! :D So cool kandee and by the way I liked your last blog video!!! I keep checking and checking if you had your baby lol. I love your style! I have been in love with this one purse that i want from my friend so bad lol I should give you the link! Its so cute! and scroll down to Gold Sequin Purse, thats the one I want SOOOO bad! Okay BYE and goodnight!!! <3 hope you have baby soon!!

she walks iin beauty said...

I have the SAME card! I actually just got it in the mail today because I misplaced my old one so they had to send me a new one. I found my old on while I was at the bank but it was too late. :o( The old design is so much cuter but at least I still have a Hello Kitty debit card lol.

(My boyfriend and I are on the same account so he had to get one too and people always look at him weird when he's going to pay for something and has to hand his card over haha...)


Anonymous said...

Kandee! :) You video was so cute! It's so sweet of you to share your videos! It made me smile!! I hope little miss cupcake continues to do well and comes soon!

I have a Hello Kitty debit card too and you're actually the reason I got it. ha ha I got mine during the summer and I love it!! Mine looks a little different than yours but it's still super cute.

Hope you have happy dreams! Much love,
Kimee <3

Unknown said...

Sooooo cute!! Although I can just hear my little girl's thoughts if she came across it while looking for something in my purse, 'this must be a gift card....can I have it mommy?!?!'. Hehe. I wonder if my bank has special debit cards...I have only ever seen the books of checks. >.> The laptop bag is adorable, but I have grown so used to my backpack type bag that I would be a mess to use a different kind to carry it in. On the other hand, if they come out with an adorable laptop backpack, sign me up!!! :D Hope you get some nice rest tonight Miss Kandeeeeee <3 Much Love, C

Realwedding said...

I have my own face on my debit card :)

Ellie said...

Oo so cute, i want one@

Luly said...

awwwwww me wants one too :P soooo cuuuuuute

Anonymous said...

Oooooh- la-la. That is one total Kandee style looking card and computer bag! That's why I love em' too !!! Haha :)

nihar said...

wow.. these things are so cute.. :-)
M a sucker for hello kitty but u dont really get many hello kitty things in india..

Tulìp said...

Hey kandee! I'm a follower from actually pretty far! I'm from Italy and i'm 19! I'm so proud of being your fan and watch your video! both make up videos and "baby on the way" videos! I'm getting excited about this little princess and the white stickes too, you know! I'm checking your blogs every day, first thing in the morning 'cause i'm this involved =) ehehe! i'd really love to knoe you in persone because you could realle give me a wonderful makeover (just kidding :D)! Seriously i'd love to know beacause i feel like i'm your friend and i love your kindness and the fact that you're so positive and cheerful about everything! i wish you luck for the baby princess and just one more thing! don?t MIND the haters! remember what TAYLOR Swift says: Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that SHINE =) And you definitely do! kisses and hugs from Claudia! =)

Anna Bell said...

my mum used to have that when we were still living in japan. but different design!

Crystalynx said...

Oh wow Kandee, thats like themost adorible debit card ive ever seen in my entire life! Its really cute, wish my bank would have an option to have custom designs on it. But im just glad you got it :D you have a Hello Kitty wallet, I have this real nice Betty Boop wallet, she is in Paris and I got it when I was visiting Spain, I have a feeling ud absolutely adore it!! I also love the laptop bag, i have not seen anything even close to the cuteness that is. Wish I could find some aswell. WEll you deserve all the best of everything anyways! Love you tons my Kandee!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i don't love hello kitty THAT much... but after seeing that debit card, i think i'm going to get it too (apparently we use the same bank... lol).... since the one i have is so blah.... lol... going to the bank tomorrow to check it out ;) thanks for sharing & hope ur cupcake arrives soon! *HUGS*

EvieSedgwick said...

hey kandee! just saw your awesome new video! loved the pillowtalk part! i dont know why but im excited for when your princess comes too! haha. can't wait!

amazing how pregnant you are, and you still look incredible!

Christine said...

awwwww so cute :)

P90X recovery lane said...

ohh Kandee!! You and your family make me SMILE!!! BIG HUGZ (:

beautyspies said...

I love the intimate look into your personal life. And there will be cruel evil people that try to tear down everything beautiful in this world, we just have to pity them and pray they somehow find peace within themselves and stop the hate. You have to wonder what they must have gone through in order to attack random people they know nothing about and think its ok. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome and amazing experience with us.

faith120604 said...

What a cute debit card! I really need to check with my bank for something like that. :) Hope baby girl is deciding to hurry up to meet all of us :)

Chiara Reinoso said...

OMGG Kandee....I am very very upset, because I just went into your glaminar link and saw that you had done a glaminar in New York just when I was there AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT :( I'm very sad that I could make it.

PS: I know this comment has nothing to do with todays blog, but I saw it today and had to tell you!....
Please keep this message privete :)

Love,kisses and arepas!

-Chiara from venezuelaa-

Erin said...

Kandeeeee! That laptop case/bag is adorable! Looooovvvve it! Have a bleaaed day! Erin

Erin said...

Ooops! Lol I meant BLESSED DAY! LOL ;O)

Unknown said...

This stuff is so cute Kandee! I hope you and your baby-in-the-belly are doing awesome. Love Meghan

Casey Nicole said...

when my hubby and i opened our joint account we had the choice of what card we wanted and i really wanted the hello kitty one but we could only choose one design and i knew my hubby would be embarassed by it so i told him to choose whatever he wanted while i went to the restroom. a week later we got out cards in the mail and they are in fact HELLO KITTY!!! everyone just makes funny comments when he pays with his lol

Nicki Lundeen said...

Kandee - I so enjoy your blogs and videos. I look forward to them each and every day. I think you are totally adorable, and you seem to be very true to who you are. I love that you share personal are so open with your life. I think that is awesome. I wish I lived near you...I would hang out with you all the time!!!!!!

As for the haters....what goes around comes around. So don't give them the time of day! They aren't worth it.

Looking forward to the announcement that "cupcake" or "Princess with the white stick" is here. Can't wait to hear what name you pick out for her.

Previously I posted a comment about "Hauls". I know you hate that name and want a new name for about "goody grab"? Just a thought.

Take care....

thestylestash said...

Loved your blog!!!!! come to mine ! and follow me ! :D

Sincerely from the Typing fingers of Hanna McAdams said...

Hi kandee! i love your debit card. I just did a hello kitty post too ! You should check it out its a slideshow of a hello kitty house. xo

kristine said...

I just love your atste in things :) <3

Jewelz said...

Awww I love it! I'm checking right now to see if TD Bank has different debit card options. I hate the yucky green ones they gave us :/

Check out my blog :)

Jenny said...

very cute ... u probably don't bank with bank of america cuz i havent seen them offer anything cute. Luv the bag...I can never find a computer bag for my 17" laptop...HARUMPH!

Kimi said...

OMG I got the same one two months ago!
I absolutely love the hello kitty on it!

Marie Bisp said...

OMG! That is just SOOOO un-fair, I wanna have a Hello Kitty Card too!!! :O I'm sooooo jealous at that card i;

Mega said...

i love this card & have the same one! i had the pink one they offered before this one but when my card was stolen they sent me this card as my new one. i like it alot better bcuz pink and black are my favorite colors. luv ya kandee!

The MedRecruiter4U said...

I'm a new subscriber to you on Youtube. I love your personality and your beauty is breathtaking. I wish you all the best with your new lil bundle of joy! Just wanted to come by and introduce myself.

Sincerely ~


Unknown said...

LOVE it!!!! I have always loved Hello Kitty and am (for some reason) getting super obsessed lately!!! Lucky!

Anonymous said...

Kandee I have your same HelloKitty purse . I absolutely love it ! My boyfriend got if for me at the hello kitty store in time square when he went to visit his mom in new York ! Now we can be like sisters ! Heheehe anyway love you kandee, have a fabulous day :)

SuzieCakes said...

I LOVE IT!! :) Can you do a whats in my purse?? Im thinking about getting the hello kitty purse im scared its cheap material and it would get dirty fast

Love Lacey Beauty said...

This is why I love reading your blog Kandee, we have the same love for vintage girly things! I love seeing your outfits and even the picture of those adorable black and white bowls you have in your kitchen! You inspire me to dress the way I want and to not care about what others think. :)

Ariel2010 said...

@SuzieCakes You could always use baby wipes to clean it. I'm thinking of getting a white Hello Kitty purse for spring.

Great card and laptop bag. It's awesome that you are a mom who adores Hello Kitty as well.

Fatima said...

Man..these things are so girly!!!! I love your debit CUTE!!!!!

NinaS ChaOtiC cOnfesSiOns said...

i have one from b.o.a and i always get comments on it, super cute!

Gabriela said...

OMG that is so awesome! I love it!! Super duper cute! And btw, I think the little doll face looks like you but a bit cartoonish lol, really! Super cute style update! Thanks for the fun!! XOXOX

euro.sweety said...

OMG! that is possibly the cutest hello kitty item I have ever seen! What bank is that with?? I don't think I have seen anything like that in Canada.. :(

Unknown said...

not fair i want a hello kitty debit card!!!! i dont think pnc offers that :( its soo cute though!!!

Nashley said...

I got that debit card and I love it ;)

Anemone said...

Kandee Hi...that is the last thing i ever expected to be in hello kitty...woow...totally surprised me..omg...thats soo cool..hava nice night...

Annette said...

OMG i have to get that debit card!!! thaks soo much kandee i am crazy for hello kitty!!

Betsy Lopez said...

I went to Ross the other day and found this really cute baby girl elfit with a cupcake on the butt to the niece is also due any day...maybe they will be born the same day :)

mehaffeyjessie said...

Hey kandee! I was just looking up how to say "cupcake" (as u refer to your newest one) in different languages. Most languages do not have a cute name for it, but in Italian cupcake translates to, Tortina. I thought that could make a cute and unique name. And it's so much fun to say in an Italian accent! hee hee!! <3 u! If you get a chance, check out my new makeup/beauty blog at:

Melanie said...

Hi Kandee! I want to say you are such an inspiration to me and everyone out there. I'm not necessarily in your field of work, I'm going to school for photography, but I'd just like to say that you've kept my passion going with your inspiring words, sometimes we have those days that we want to quit and I've read or seen your video blogs and they just make me want to keep going :) I was wondering if you could do a blog for someone who wants to revamp their makeup or for someone who is wanting to know what are some basics to get you started? From concealer to mascara? I'm a fairly new follower of yours, maybe you've done a blog like this before? xoxoxo

Gee said...

omgosh! that hello kitty is so cute, it would be even cooler if you could put your trade mark "kandeejohnson" on there!!!! with like pink and yellow. ahh now i want a kandee debit card instead heheh

Samantha Almaguer said...

Kandee - I love watching your pregnancy update videos! It's so fun to go with you on all of your errands. I just gave birth to my third baby (second daughter) three months ago, and your videos remind me of that special time just days before the baby arrived. I loved those calm, relaxing days when my kids were at school / daycare, and I could just drive around, go shopping, have lunch with friends, or just relax at home with my sweet baby growing safe in my belly! It's such a beautiful yet bittersweet time! Part of you is so ready to be done with the whole pregnancy thing and have your body back to yourself, while the other part of you is cherishing every moment of being able to feel those wonderful kicks and wiggles of a precious baby growing inside of you! It's an amazing feeling that only a mother knows. I wish you all the best with your upcoming labor and home birth! It sounds like you have a great support team to help you through the whole experience. You are a strong woman, and I know you will do great! Sleep tight and get lots of rest... she'll be here soon! <3

thediaryofme said...

My fluff laptop case broke so fast!! I was so upset, it had shoes all over it and had shoe charms on the zipper. The charms completely snapped off a week after I bought it and the handles ripped off a couple months later.

Unknown said...

We have the same card :D

Tina said...

I want that card !
If anyone knows if Chase offers that card design then email me and let me know supaxkawaii @ aol. com

Check out my blog :

Chelsea said...

I love Hello Kitty! For college I had my mom get me these Hello Kitty dishes that are for like 5 year olds, but I love them! I have to check out those laptop bags, I have a netbook so hopefully they make them for netbooks!

fashionXoutcast said...

these are very cute and unique items, i absolutely love the debit card!

Discovering Holy said...

Loving the debit card!! ;)

Unknown said...

Kandeee...PLEASE! IDK WHERE ELSE TO CONTACT YOU..people here in Brazil can't access you KANDEELAND blog and its driving us NUTSSS!! It says page not found.. I'm such a fan and want to see your little baby soo much! please try to fix it somehow! i like you so much that this blog isnt enough..please try to make it available for the whole world! thankssss

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