Sometimes I go to type a blog and I wonder if people will like it..or if they'll ever come back to read my blog..."was it interesting enough"...."maybe I should've blogged about a lipgloss instead"...."maybe that will make no one want to come back and read my blog tomorrow".....ha ha ha
I hope this post goes out to someone who's heart needs to hear this today.
"no one knows the sadness in our hearts except for God..."
I think it's so funny whenever someone tells me that they think I have this "perfect" life...ha ha ha
My life is so far from's funny.
My heart breaks for the imperfections in my life...
that I'm divorced...that my kids won't grow up like I did...always knowing the stability of "home"...
my heart aches so much...when the kids have to go visit their feels like their little world feels so "unpredictable" world feels like a huge hole is missing from my heart when they're not with me...
and it's so hard...
hot tears are filling up my eyes as I try to type this..oh the tears make it so blurry I can't really see the keyboard.....
My life is so far from is full of hurts, wounds, and scars...
I know what it feels like to have an aching feel all feel like your life is so far from perfect or anywhere near it...that you just want to cry until you have nothing left to cry...that you are in the deep, deep depths of a valley...far from the happy mountain tops!
Please know...that you are not alone. Whatever hurts or scars you have...that is the beauty. The strength that says...I WILL NOT let this defeat me. I won't let anyone ruin my heart. I will make this life matter what gets thrown at matter what things may seem like mountains in my path... I will find away through it.
No one's life is one is just happy on the mountain tops all the time. We all have valleys, with low moments of hurt and pain (that's just life)...but it's in those moments of low-ness, when are true character comes out...when God hopes that we will come running to him, for him to hold us and be what are hearts are longing for.
Most often...what seems just something that's never been done before. My life has been filled with things that I thought seemed "impossible" to me...
they probably were impossible...but with God ALL things are possible...
joy in times of sadness...peace when everything should feel like chaos...
I may have tears at night...but I know that joy can always show up in the morning.
Every sunrise is a bright and shining new day...waiting with a little more hope...a little more bits of glimmering sparkles to encourage you on your way.
My heart feels sad...and no one will ever know my hurts...or your hurts...except for God...but he's there to lift those burdens from your heart and fill the holes of hurt...with his perfect love. He know the plans he has for you...plans to give you hope and a prosperous future...
hold have no idea what's around the corner in your future....
KEEP HOPE ALIVE....HOPE is what pulls us need the seed of hope to grow that dream to become real!
BELIEVE it...that's the first step.
HOPE for it...and don't stop...second step.
this was typed with so much love that I hope you can feel it...
sending you so much hope and love right now....your kandee
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 213 of 213Kandee, your blog posts and your videos always pick me up when I need it. You're an amazing person and you have NO clue how many people you're helping.
I am finally doing the right thing for myself to be happy. I've spent too many years in a horrible marriage and even though I feel lost and scared you always have the right words to let me know that GOD will help pull me through. I am starting to believe in myself and doing what makes me happy and I never would have done that without your inspiration.
You have no idea how much you are helping so many people. I just want to say thank you and please don't even change who you are <3
Also, I really appreciate how open and honest you are with us about your past and your life now today.
this really does help me in a HUGE way kandee.thankyou for posting this when i saw the beautiful photos of you and lil cupcake i felt a sadness and longing i thought i had let go when i had my lil cupcake stella who was born asleep 11-01-10.but then felt so happy because iam blessed with two muffins.ha ha.then reading to glue your little heart back together reminds me that no matter what has happend in the past or what may happen in the future there will always be Glue (God,Family,Friends,our children,Strangers) to help us put our hearts back together.thankyou again for that!!!xoxox
Kandee, you should definitely write a book. Your writing is a gift... and after I read this post, I wiped the tears away and took in the biggest breath I could and SMILED. It's good to realize everyone has his/her ups and downs and that I can only look forward to my life getting better and through this low point - just gotta believe! Thank you so much for your encouraging words!
Kandee you are a really powerful and strong woman!!! You have to be pround of yourself!!! You have children, who maybe sometimes drive you crazyy (i know it from my mum, we are 6 children), but at least you know you are not alone!!! Maybe you do not have a husband and that hurts a lot.. But you have a lovely sister and i ca imagine you have many friends! Sometimes you maybe feel lonely sometimes and people that are around you do not full up the whole in your heart, but look around you... in our days there are a lot of people feeling the same as you... So can we be alone in a world full of lonely people???
WE ARE NOT ALONE!! we just need to find a person that can feel us and understant us at all!! These persons maybe called family, friends.. The think is look at your life and what you have.. you give happiness to your funs and you try to help other people improve their outfit and there souls as well.. You are an amazing person honey.. People like you are hard to find!!!
Do not feel sad! just smile and remember that from one bad situation you always gain something!!! :)
Have a nice day!!! xxx
I have a blog as well, it's kind new, and it's written in greek , i hope you could understand it and read it because i had posted something about loneliness that you may be interest in!!
I agree, a book would be wonderful and a great way for all of us to have your wonderful ideas and words with us everywhere we go!
Thanks so Much kandee I needed this today!
I have been waiting and looking to see if I can find out more about what keeps you going and all i was thinking is... I really hope she KNOWS and LOVES My JESUS!! and you doo and im so happy! I am about to go into cosmo school and wanted some advice about school. so message me back if u can! thanks beautiful girl:)
Thank you for this. You are such a lovely, lovely person.
I am also a freelance makeup artist so I love watching you and learning new things, we get inspiration from many places. Thank you for revealing the love of God in you message. God is love and hope and I always say "my joy is new in the morning" because His grace is always present! Thank you for your faithfulness and your transparency. I wish I could speak with you more. God Bless!
Hey Kandee i absoultly love all of your videos! I love your style, and ripped jeans :) Congrats on the baby! I was wondering if you would please do a hair tutorial on the Naked Smokey Eye makeup tutorial...I love your hair in that tutorial! Thanks :)
I love all the work you do Kandee! And that post really touched my heart. God loves you a lot!
Eva :)
Wow. So true... Sometimes (when your own life takes its nosedives) you wonder if anyone else is hurting the same way... and they are. Regardless of where I'm at I try and smile or laugh just to let myself know that I'm still in there. There is something uplifting about making yourself feel good.
Thanks for that post.
Kandee, you have no idea what this post meant to me. I sat here reading, with tears rolling down my face because of certain things i've been going through recently and I can't even begin to tell you how badly i needed to read that, and i'm so glad that i did. Thank you so sooo so much.
Like they say, god never gives you more than you can handle. Sometimes, it's so very hard to believe that, some days I feel so overwhelmed with my pain that i think i'll never bounce back, but each day is a new beginning, and as much as me, you or anyone hurt right now, god will never lead you astray.
Thanks again for giving me a little more hope.
You're a gift to everyone!!
-With love <33333
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