Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to get this Look!

ha ha ha ha....this look was achieved by not sleeping but a few hours during the last 72 hours...not showering as often as normal...and going through labor! ha ha ha ha

what I used: (ha ha ha ha)
you can wash your face with one of my favs:

reasons I love this: it feels great, and removes all make-up and dirt from your pores...it's gentle enough to use everyday!

I just started using:


and I sleep with this chapstick next to me..ha ha ha (my mom kept putting it on me when I was in labor..ha ha a...she knows how much I can't stand having dry chapped lips...ha ha ha)

TREAT SOFT CANDY Vanilla Buttercream Chapstick

and the hair is just compliments of my pillow and dirt! ha ha ha ha

talk about a fast beauty routine! ha ha ha ha....
love and a shower (which I can't wait to take!!!)...your kandee

PS. Don't forget all the daily "cupcake-ness" on my personal bloggy: www.kandeeland.com)


Andrea said...

Kandee! Congratulations! God bless you and your family and new bundle of joy! This "au natural" mommy look is the best of all!

DaisyJo said...

You make me giggle. <3

Asheley said...

you look amazing for just having a baby 3 days ago!!!!

Unknown said...

And yet, you still look better than a lot of us!! :)

Sophia ♥ said...

congrats kandee! shes adorable! love u, ur so inpirational! lots of love from London! x

Anonymous said...

u r so sweet kandee just like a candy....love u so much and ur cupcake..plz name her angel coz dats da best name eva....loadz of love from INDIA

Idaira said...

You look beautiful mami!!!!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Awesome kandee! I just started using burts bees honey chapstick, its really good! I should try that facial stuff! <3 you are the beeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssst with enfinity s's!!! I dont know how you spell it lol. Your just awesome and I always say that!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations again on the baby!!!! <3

Egg. said...

And you still look amazing! How do you do it!!!

samwells87 said...

And you still look absolutely fantasic - I would look like I hadn't slept in months lol!! xoxo

hana said...

I agree! You look so beautiful!
And your mom is a sweetheart!

kaelynrose said...

I wish I looked like that with no makeup on or my hair not done!! You're absolutely GORGEOUS inside AND out!!!!!

Miss Dress Up said...

I'll agree that you look very tired and like you've been through a lot but you also look beautiful and like a woman who just had a beautiful baby girl whom she's in love with. Congrats again!

Reeciedarling said...

I hope you can get some rest soon!! So happy you still have your silly sense of humor though! "Compliments of my pillow and dirt" LOL!! Hope you and cupcake are doing well!!

321saige said...

HI who cares what you look like you JUST HAD A BABY 3 DAYS AGO. but how do you feel about eos lip balm. i heard about it alot on youtube and whonted your answer about it......
ALOHA from hawaii...

Sunshine Child said...

I think you look beautiful, well done on cupcake she's amazing :)

BeautyByKrystal said...

Haha, I had no routines at all during my 'just had a baby' days! I wish this was posted a few months ago :)

Unknown said...

your gorgeous with or without makeup!!



Lorna said...

I hope I look as gorgeous as you do in that pic if I ever have a baby.
I WISH i looked like that after lack of sleep and with no make up on.
You rock Kandee xXx

Sparkleseester said...

Oh I've rocked that look many times before and still do (and my baby is 7 months old!) You look absolutely beautiful...the love in your heart just glows on your face :D Thank you so much for sharing with us!



Anonymous said...

you look amazing no matter what. always delightful! :-)

Fatima said...

Oh Kandee...it doesn't matter if you didn't get to shower yet...I bet the joy of seeing all your kids must be overwhelming! I can see satisfaction on your face although you are very tired and exhausted!!! Do try to catch a few Zzzz's! Take lots of care. Your very own friend and well wisher, Fatima E.

My Journey to becoming Happy said...

Kandee, not only are you a natural beauty outsite; your inner raidance just shines through and touches people. I love reading your blogs, they truly inspire me to become a better being and an even better mommy! Congrats on your newest cupcake! While I was baking my cupcake, she was a peanut called "skippy" haha Enjoy your babies, and keep shining! You are amazing!

butterfly24 said...

I have paper like dry skin and Im still trying to find a good moisturizer, the Murad looks good and has a lot of good reviews but man It's so expensive! If you find a good moisturizing product way below $60 please let me know ASAP.

Trish and Aaron said...

Yes and through and through you are still one of the most beautifull people I have ever seen! With the most beautiful heart, which makes you equally beautiful on both the in and outside! love you! Super yay, to the beautiful new addition to your family! She was born on my sissys bday! :0) Hey maybe theres a word that means cupcake that you can name her...doesn't Magdelena mean cupcake...i don't know so please don't trust that without research!lol.... God is good! I'll be there soon.. In mommiehood that is! Love you! muah! xoxo

Qualleen said...

Kandee you look fantastic, I agree you not only are beautiful on the outside, all that inner beauty just shines through!

Discovering Holy said...

Congratulations Kandee! "Cupcake" is so beautiful! I have a name suggestion. What about Arden? I just love than name and it is so unique!

Mara said...

Congratulations! I wish you all the best :)))

Laurika said...

Congratulations!!!!!! kandee your cupcake is very beautiful and gorgeous..and you kandee you look wonderful and thanks for your tips:* and a suggestion name for the little cupcake i like Melek...Have a great day with your precious cupcake:X

Jayde Lewis said...

You're so funny, and so real - me loves :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Dork ! You don't even look that bad, in fact you don't look bad at all ! Love ya !!!

Penny Pincher said...

You forgot to mention for your beauty routine that you also have to have NATURAL BEAUTY which you sure have Kandee! :)
You look beautiful, as always! :)

Unknown said...

This is awesome! Congratulations on the little one. She has an inspiring mother :)

Krisztixx said...

Kandee, you still look gorgeous! I'm beyond happy to hear that you and cupcake are doing well! I'm sending lots of love to you and all your adorable little ones <3
btw have you come up with a name for little cupcake? I wish you could just name her Cupcake LOL! but if you're still looking for a name, my name suggestions would be Emma and Summer (that's how I'd name my babies haha)

Sarah said...

congrats on the bub! you look AMAZING... you look better than i do on any normal given day haha. I looked so awful after I just gave birth, dont know how you do it kandee. try to get some sleep (and shower)! xx

Natalie said...

I am so happy she is here...and you are well..and she is well!! I must admit, I am a little sad that I don't have the daily "_ days past due date videos"...haha, I'll miss those! Thanks so much for continuing to keep us in the loop!! You have a lot of love all around the world for you and your family!

RPRP said...

Ahhh your gorgeous and your baby well she is definitly a little princess , hold on tight they grow oh so fast.

Unknown said...

kandee you make me laugh all the time..ur amazing and u look pretty no matter what =]

TheWolfMummy said...

You still look beautiful. X

Jessica said...

Kandee you look beautiul! Congratulations!

Anabelle said...


You are soo funny!!! I like your hair, I think I'll have the same in a few weeks after my baby comes!!!

Congratulations!!! You've got a beautiful baby daugther and you are right, there's nothing better than the love of the family!

I wish you the very best!

heatherette said...

you're gorgeous without makeup! blessings to you and the new baby! xxx

Unknown said...

Congrats on your bundle of joy. May god continue to bless you and your family. You are a natural beauty! x

Ruth said...

you forget about your new perfume........au du milk puke lol.......best ever perfume though, bless you and your new arrival xxxx

cupcakelover said...

it intrests me how you write "ha ha ha" cuz i write hahaha. that would be funny if people wrote laughs the way they laughed like if you wrote hahaheeeeee hahaheee LOL!

Wicked Babydoll said...

Oh kandee :) congrats

Sarah said...

Your pillow and dirt certainly treat you well! You're gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

and yet you still look absolutely stunning! You are incredibly beautiful inside and out. I adore you. You are my best friend in spirit c: Thank you for everything and I wish the best for you, your family, and your new cupcake! You have to be one of the best mommies out there! I strive everyday to be as kind, bubbly, and loving as you! Love you Kandee! <3

Cschwarz said...

aww! And you still look beautiful! :) what a sweet mama!

eminaculesker said...

you are so pretty! your gorgeous without any makeup! i love watching your youtube videos! not only for the beauty tips but your such an inspiration! you make me laugh and cry, but in a good way!

congratulations on the baby by the way! :)

i wish you all the best in the world!

nihar said...

hey kandee.. its like 5 30 AM in india right now.. i just woke up and the first thing m doing is checking ur blog.. m still in my bed. so u kinda get an idea how crazy i am for u hehe :P
you look preety all the time honey.. 24 hours a day :-* muahhhhh.. love you

MiasBackpack said...

you still look beautiful kandee! youre gorgeous inside AND out :)

Jackie said...

Hahaha, I am the same way with chap stick! I'm applying it all day long. I can not stand having dry lips!

judydatsme said...

i still think you look beautiful. cupcake adorable.

LJ said...

Wow Kandee! I agree with everyone that you are beautiful, inside and out, with or without makeup. Your Cupcake is sooooo adorable! Congratulations. I love your fun and inspirational blog and YouTube videos. Actually you were the inspiration for starting my own blog! Thanks for being the person you are :P

xoxo, Latoya J


Elktrkbarberela said...

Kandee, Cupcake is so precious,I'm so happy for you and Bobby. Wishing you and your family a wonderful rest of a week and hope you are able to get some rest.

@---}-- Liz

Kate said...

You are GORGEOUS!! I love both your blogs! As a stay home mommy of two little ones I relate to your mommy moments and just love reading all your makeup tips! Thanks for being a strong Christian and sharing your faith! I really commend you for that!
Your little "cupcake" is adorable! I Think you should call her kate/cate, so she can be your little cupkate..hehe :) Congrats!

Amy Jo said...

Congrats love!! :) any names yet?? you make such a beautiful mommy!! you have the cutest cuppycake ever! ha ha! get some rest! <3 xox

Amy Jo said...

Congrats love!! :) any names yet?? you make such a beautiful mommy!! you have the cutest cuppycake ever! ha ha! get some rest! <3 xox

Jessica said...

Its kinda funny (but not at all surprising) you're still beautiful!!! The make up u wear just enhances your natural beauty ;). Lol, lots of love & give cupcake a big kiss from all of us! You have such a beautiful family! :) oh & btw - I wanna have a home birth now cuz of you! Can't wait to see the video, but of course get some rest & spend lots of time with ur little family! We will wait patiently ( & eagerly) for u! <3

Anonymous said...

Many blessings to ya!!

Lindsey said...

you look incredible...with makeup, without makeup and even after labor! seriously ah-maz-ing!!!

ChillenChillen said...

I'm super excited I finally got to leave you a comment! =) I want to thank you, you inspire me to do great things!! Can't wait to go to school and get my degree on Skin Care and Make-up!!! I start in March! <3

Boho Whimsy said...

Dear Kandee, you look so, so, so Divinely beautiful!! You are radiantly glowing beauty and love from every cell!(and I'm not just saying this to make you feel better, it's true!!) Congratulations too!!! May you and your lovely family be ever-more blessed, in better ways, beyond what even you can imagine!
Shower-gel hugs XOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, as always!

DaCheller said...

Hi Kandee,
This is Dacheller from youtube...I just posted a video response to your edward scissorhands look:) I hope you liked it. But the reason I am posting here is because I watched some of your videos about inspiration and you encouraged me to persevere and never give up. By doing so and feeling your support I have been elected Wet n Wild's Beauty Ambassador:) Thanks for the encouragement. I gave up twice before I pushed a little harder and got it.


Ariel2010 said...

When a baby is first born beauty takes a back seat. Take care.

Barbie said...

You look great! And happy! :)


Jay said...

You just have to be pretty either way don't you? In other words, you look stunning :) Best of wishes and many smiles from Norway

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