Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to dress up your house!

I've been hunting for the coolest rugs for my's like getting dressed but for your house! ha ha
I found this awesome rug company..called:
Have fun with the way you decorate your house! Make it a fun haven of style and creativity to recharge yourself and your creativity!
I picked out the Leopard Noir rug for my kitchen!
Look at this awesome wood grain rug...they print patterns that are like photographs onto the rugs! I love this!
 Not only am I in love with this color green of the chair....and this rug (I have the's an IKEA rug!)
I also love this turquoise velvet glider from Jennifer DeLonge (she's married to Tom DeLonge, from the band Blink 182)...she designs the cutest kids furniture too!

And this headboard from Room Service (one of my fav "inspiration" furniture stores in LA)...makes me want to drool with all it's luscious, velvety, upholstered stylish-ness!
They make this amazing glossy nightstand too... I love it's glossy white-ness....I'd switch out the knobs for pink "crystal" girly ones!!! This is from ROOM SERVICE too!

Hope this was a fun peek into HOME STYLE!! It's like house fashion! hee hee

Now if only every overhead light in my house could be a girly, crystal chandelier....I'd love it!!!
leopard rugs and chandeliers...kandee



Light4Him said...

Such cute stuff.... but aren't you supposed to be sleeping?! lol =) Make sure you rest Mama! You'll get little sleep when cupcake comes!

Light4Him said...
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Anonymous said...

i love it kandee ! when i move out im going to something like this with a lot of chanderliers im obsessed :))

Reeciedarling said...

ADORABLE!! I love the colors and textures. My hubbers would fly off the roof if I tried showing him lol. He doesnt like anything bright =/

Unknown said...

try lowes for the chandeliers, i think ive seen one there! goodnight!

jort7510 said...

These things are amazing I want a funky house decor to but it is all about talking the hubby into it he is more black n white type person I am like bright lovely colors he would shoot me if he came back from deployment with the house decorated like this!!! Go to sleep girl so the baby can cook a little more and come out!!

Cyndy said...

I went to forever 21 today and found a neckless of a cupcake and thought about you Kandee!!! <3
I love your blogs, videos, and everything you represent and live for. Such an amazing inspiration to me and my life when i need someone the most. I wish more people were like you!!

Love this furniture thanks for sharing!

ps cant wait to see your cupcake!!

AmyLS said...

Love all the bright colors!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I love that you've been blogging about home decor and posting pictures of your dream bedroom! I've been wanting to redo my room and i'm getting inspiration from what you're posting! Yay love it!!
xoxo, Kimee

susieq85 said...

Ahh Kandee we r like 2 peas in a pod!! I love these!!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Very cool kandee! I like the one for your kitchen! And the one above it! I keep checking your blogs everyday over and over lol Bye!!

Anonymous said...

Talk about "the artist in me!" This stuff is amazing! Leave it up to Kandee to design the next house in the history of art! What CAN'T you do girly!?!? I yuv you so much... Thanks for sharing this with me. Now I feel like doing something to my dresser haha. Poor dresser is sitting there all innocent, who knows what will become of him !!!. Anyways have a great day Kandee ! Lalalalala-love you !!!!

Rose said...

Love it! Too cute!

Eliza said...

I love this stuff. It's awesome. I love anything designed by Jennifer DeLonge and any music made by Tom DeLonge hahaha :)

Thanks for posting this Kandee :)

nihar said...

Wow... they look awesome :-)
Please do a house tour soon when u r all settled

Unknown said...

awwww....all that is ubber cute!!! i didn't know Tom DeLonge's wife designed furniture! I loves it lol i found my furniture when my future and i get our place! i also love tom! and his music! love angles and airwaves!

Milly said...

really love your blog - am following.

would love you to enter my giveaway:


Lovely Imperfection said...

omg that wood grain rug is trippy, love it though. This summer I have a mission to find an old makeup vanity and re-ferbish it, i think thats the word. i wanna add some liner to the drawers and make it all neato..ok now im blabbing in your blog ha ha but it made me think of it with all this cool stuff, some of it looked retro to me and i love it !! again, u should rest !!!! but i love how creative you are and i love this post.

Unknown said...

love that furniture!! amazing!


firefly0006 said...

amanda is right! lowes has, or used to have some cute chandeliers. they had a super cute delicate pink one that would be great for a little girl's room or a nursery:). it was reasonably priced too. my little girl has a chandelier in her room she loves it! it is the most expensive one in the whole house but we had the money left in the lighting budget and got it for her, you're only little once and it was a surprise of a little life time. take care, xoxo! thanks for sharing the cool stuff you find. i enjoy looking at all the cool stuff, it's nice to dream about designing my own cool space. i don't get too much input at my house, i have a very particular, designer, only child husband. i'm lucky we have similar tastes or i'd feel like a total guest. i'd love to go a little more fun at times but that gets vetoed a lot. have a great day, dear one!

Christine said...

really cute stuff <3

Chelsea said...

That stuff is so cute! And I love Ikea. I'm definitely gonna look at that stuff when I'm shopping for my own house someday!

Discovering Holy said...

Oh my GOODNESS! I love love love the headboard!! It matches my bedspread too!! Thanks Kandee!

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I LOVE the kids cute, almost elegant looking. Hope you and baby are doing great,same with ya' family :-). Hugs and love, Anita

Dasha said...

Dear Kandeee!:P
if your cupcake is born on jan 25th name her Tanya because this is the international day of tanyas

Creatively, Kimberly said...

You should check out this website for more things like that! I just stumbled across it yesterday..they have the cutest stuff!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Thanks for sharing all of this! I'm trying to get my house in order and could definitely use these ideas!

Unknown said...

Kandeee...PLEASE! IDK WHERE ELSE TO CONTACT YOU..people here in Brazil can't access you KANDEELAND blog and its driving us NUTSSS!! It says page not found.. I'm such a fan and want to see your little baby soo much! please try to fix it somehow! i like you so much that this blog isnt enough..please try to make it available for the whole world! thankssss

Anonymous said...

Your last video on youtube made me cry... Are u for real? Can you be my friend please? I'm so so so far Romania(u maby never heard of this country). I'll go to bed now too. Thank you so much for everything Kandee. I'll dream of meeting you some day...maby my dream will come true :)

Shauna Kavanagh said...

Wow that furniture is gorgeous :) i love the headboard and the leopard rug <3 really cute !

Joy said...

Decorating is like the funniest thing ever. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee Girl~ I'm an interior designer & just have to tell you that I LOVE your style! So funky & fun! Love, love :) I'm also a makeup artist & follow you for inspiration! Thank you for keeping me coming back for more! Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet "princess & the white stick"

Anonymous said...

Your style rocks!

kelleighchris said...

OMG, thank you for sharing this site. I've never seen a store where I want to cram everything I see into my condo. It's like made a store out of everything I love. I almost fainted. Love it! Also, congrats on the new baby. She's precious.

desiree said...

congrats kandee!she is soooo beautiful!!i hope u and your family r doing well.much love from my family to yours love desiree

Anonymous said...
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