Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a few of my favorite things....

flowers....any kind really
the color turquoise
the scent of vanilla
sunsets and sunrises
the smell of fresh clean sheets (and coffee)
and the list could go on and on....ha ha ha
Bobby brought me these roses last night...
and this lil' rose for the little cupcake!

Sometimes it's the smallest things in life that make is seem grand! Like flowers...and smiles, and a kind word....
you have no idea how one sweet smile could change someones day...
one word of encouragement can inspire a dream to come true....
one "i love you"....can warm a heart and change a life...

As I've watched more tv in the last 3 days since I've been up all night with little baby...than I've watched in just shows people being awful, rude, and disgusting...and they call it a "show"'s so sad.

The world needs less selfish people with mean attitudes...and more people who are willing to shine some love around this world....!
You never know the one smile you start it will get "passed" around from another smiling person to another!

I had a teacher who had knicknamed me "Smiley" (I know, not that terribly creative! ha ha ha)...because I was......
always smiling......It's amazing how much a smile can lift someone's spirit...sometimes the one it lifts the even your own!

I am smiling as I type this...and I hope you can feel it in your heart too!

huge love and even bigger smiles....your kandee


Tamuna said...

You just made me smile :)


earth said...

Kandee! You always make me smile. :)

FearlessLauryn said...

SMILE hugs and love to you too!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! YOU ALWASY KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO PUT A SMILE ON MY FACE! Thank you so much for the encouragement. Hope all is well at home with the family!! Also thank you for the video on your other blog! Loved it! Take care...


Allie said...

i've been reading your blogs and watching your YT videos for a while now. you are a fantastic reminder that joy is easier than anger.

you do make a positive difference in the world, thanks for that.

Kerry Curl said...

awww,I do believe that positivity is infectious x

katiecuppycakemakeup said...

You are so right Kandee!!!!!!! I always look at heartless mean people and feel sad for them. They'll never know what true love is. I always try to remain positive no matter what... even people on my youtube channel notice and always tell me how cheerful I am!!! It's nice to be able to make someones day just a bit better.
Anyway, CONGRATS on the little lady to you and Bobby!!!! <3

na said...

And thats why i love reading your blog...its always so smiley and uplifting :D

I hope you share more about little cupcake and let us know when you get a name for her :D

Anonymous said...

The world needs more Kandee!! You're such an amazing person! I've just started to watch your videos and read your blogs a few days ago and you inspire me to be a better person, mother, wife and a better person to myself! Thank you Kandee for being you! You are my idol!

Lavonne @ the OCD infertile said...

My grandpa used to call me this...such a wonderful memory I had totally forgotten about. It's been a rough day and this is just what I needed. Thanks Kandee!

Sarah said...

Kandee you are just great and you have such a big heart...
You are an awesome mom ..

Loveeee youuuu
Kisss Sarah

Kristy C said...

You brighten my day everday with your smile!

Unknown said...

Kandee Congrats on the cupcake!! I have to say it's been soo wonderful looking forward to your videos and really feeling like I was there on your journey with you! I admire all you do.. you're a fabulous artist (I've learned SO many tricks from your videos! being a singer and actor it helps knowing how to do your makeup really well!), and I love how you are always smiling.. and spread you're inner joy every chance you get. I am very like minded and even though we never met, it's nice to know there are more people out there who are aware that sometimes the simplest things in life are the most beautiful. God Bless!<3


mhauger said...

kandee, i love your kickname for when you were younger. and you are so right. you never know how much ONE smile can do for EVERYONE around you. there is this saying that i really like. it's "the best things in life aren't things." and i feel that is so true. the best things in life are the people in your life. the smiles that you see everyday. i'm sending a lot of smiles your way. have a good smiley day.

Anonymous said...

as always a beautiful post from a beautiful spirit. xoxo i love those roses. wow :-)

Anonymous said...

I was smiling as I read this :) thanks for being the bright side of my days kandee <3

Pamela said...

I'm not sure why but I Googled you and read some posts about you that weren't so nice. From judging you as a mother, your children, you talking about lil' cupcake to being a selfish person etc. Just really awful things. They have no business talking about you as a mom and as a person just from your blogs. It made me so upset to the point I was brought to tears for the sake of YOU and I don't even know you! It was disgusting the hate they have for you. I find it ironic you did a post about how awful people really are. They have no idea what kind of person you are.. and I know I really don't either.
But I believe you do things for others because you want to. Not to boost your "fame". So I guess in all of this I wanted to tell you that I do think you are one of the few beautiful people in the world. Inside and out. From the way your laughter fills the speakers from my computer or your smile and videos of the day.. Your kindness shows.In all of it. So thank you Kandee. For simply being you. And you make some very pretty babies. I wish YOU all the happiness one can get in a lifetime and may God bless you and your family.
Xoxo Pamela

Chelsea said...

you're an amazing and strong women! I jst started watching your videos in Oct/2010 and I've learned so much from you. I admire you. You have a beautiful family! <3 You're little Cupcake is adorable! Congrats! I hope if you read this comment it makes you smile.

Im Chelsea. (: I hope one day to be as amazing and strong as youu.

NineKeys said...

Aww yes I can totally imagine you smiling while writing that :D And Bobby's sweet for bringing those! I think he'll be a great Daddy :)

B said...

Smiling and "pretending" your happy really makes you happy. When times are tough I always pretend my life is awesome and I feel so much better.

cOoKiElUvR said...

That was my nickname too! Glad to know we have something in common!!! :-) thank you for your talks to us via net. I would've never known the sunshine you are. Thanks for so much info on health and real beauty! I needed it badly! And Happy to say I wear makeup now and am on an exercise /dietary regiment, I found cuz of u. ;) love to you and all your cupcakes! <3

Unknown said...

I got called smiley in high school in my creative writing class! haha, that's so funny we both got tagged with such an "uncreative" nickname!

CatharinaHansen said...

So true! Its amazing what one smile can do. Wish there were more people with a positive attitude, cus the world needs that! We need more kandee-ness he he he.

tine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amelia Kitzul said...

Oh kandee! Your such a good person! I know, I love to smile! Someone even told me I smile to much! :( it kind of hurt my feelings cause they made fun of me... it kind of sucked lol. But I dont care because just a little smile can lift someone up! Just like you said! I always smile when I see your videos cause you are just so happy even though I dont know you at all and I have never personally talked to you what so ever. Even watching a video of you smiling is just so nice! And I dont know what that kid was talking about, he wasnt very nice anyway, very hard on other people. I feel so much more confident when I see your blog posts! Thank you, thank you sooo much!!!

Egg. said...

I also had a teacher name me "Smiley" as I am always smiley!!
I received a "Smiles Award" in 2008 in high school for it! Hahahaha!

You're so inspiring Kandee, keep it up! I love you attitude and the way you present yourself! And how much you care!

tine said...

thumps up for PAMELA, my thoughts from the last days in words i couldn´t choose better ones!
kandee you just send to my face more than ten smiles in the last minutes. thank you for being a real person in this fake world! i think everyone of us can feel it.

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!!

Of course I can feel your smile on me!! ^^ You're so amazing..!! :)

My family, friends and teachers always say the same about me: I'm always smiling!! :D I think it is the most beautiful cheap gift you can give to someone and that's what you think too!!

I see both of us (you and me) have so many things in common... ^^

Some weeks ago I sent you an e-mail to your email adresses with an idea I've had. If you accepted it,your precious smiles could arrive to even more precious hearts :) So, I hope you read this email because I think you'll love that idea hee hee hee.

You don't know how big is the affection and love I feel for you :)

Sweet kisses for you, all your precious babies and Bobby from Spain! :)

Your Alexandra.

Katie said...

Can't wait to find out her name!!!
Check out my new BLOG:

aleskarade said...

Aww, the little rose is the cutest idea! Little cupcake has such a thoughtful dad! I can't wait to hear what your beautiful girl's name will be! Warm wishes xoxo

<3 Merideth

Tatiana said...

Thank you kandee you always make me smile, and make my heart give so much more to everyone. That's a true gift to help others and bring that many more smiles to those in and kisses.. Your the" BEST" xoxo

♥ROSIE♥ said...



Mariah said...

Smiles are one of the best presents some one can recieve i love walking down the street and you get all those serious looking people, you look at them and give them one smile and they smile back. A smile means a thousand words you never know you may just of made that persons day!
Kandee i want to send you something by mail(post) how do i get it to you?
Take care and get plenty of rest!
Love Mariah xx

Abigail Maxine said...

Kandeeee :)
You alaways got me smiling and laughing..
and a laugh is a smile that burts <3
your just one big bubble of happiness and i love it ! You are always so positive about everything !!
keep it up girly.

Amal said...

Let me just tell you that I LOVE YOU Kandee and I feel like I want to give you a big hug right now!
You totally made me smile here and every time i read your blog or watch your videos.. i feel so much love coming from you really, you always make my day and it's been not so long that i've known you but you can make anyone feel happy, i bet you are one of the precious friend/daughter/mom/wife one can have, like EVER :)
I LOVE you and I wish you all the best in your life w/ ur children, Allah bless you guys and may that smile NEVER fade away.
xoxoxo all the way from Morocco.

Sara said...

I'm so happy for you, Kandee!!! I and LOVE reading your blogs and watching your videos. Seeing how happy and smiling and patient you are with Blakey makes me want to be more like that with my own children. I'd gotten so overwhelmed and bogged down by the business of raising them that I had forgotten to ENJOY them!! So sad. BUT I've made a choice to smile no matter what lately and take the time to let the enormous love I feel for them shine through more than it has been. I can feel the change and so can they! It's been WONDERFUL!!!! Thank you SO SO much for being so positive and sharing your light with all of us. It helped me rediscover mine!!!

Juli Anne said...

Congratulations for your brand new addition to the family again! May I suggest to you the name "Julianne" for the name of your baby? Hahaha ^_^

Congratulations and keep up the good work with blogging :)

ladyshoes said...

Pretty flowers! I agree with you about how negative TV has become. I barely watch it anymore, especially that ridiculous "reality" stuff. It all seems to be about who can be the biggest jerk. Much rather watch you on youtube and get a good smile out of the day, so thanks for all the great videos and smiles!! Hope you and your little ones are doing well!!

cupcakelover said...

Kandee= :)
Cupcake= ^.^
Me= 8D

mary&ash said...

your such an amazing mom an a wonderful person, i love you so much kandee, i wish i was closer to you an could actually talk to you but your just too popular, i love you dearly, an ur daughter is BEAUTIFUL! your always making me smile an i love that!

Babycakes said...

Smiling, you always make me smile. At church tonight we were studying Job and how you are either in Adversity, coming out of Adversity or going into it. No matter what, something challenging is going on - BUT as Christians we become better, not bitter! I like that and just wanted to share it with you! Much love and cupcakeyness!

Anonymous said...

Those flowers are so pretty!! I love the vase too!! What a great guy you've got! :)
Thank you for teaching me how much a compliment or a smile can touch someones life. I'm always hoping that I can touch someones life with smiles, encouragement and kindness, just like you do!! <3

Much love, Kimee<3

Rae said...

Hi! I posted on your other blog, but not sure which one you read the most! If you're still thinking of a name, maybe SAIOA ROSE? (sigh-o-uh). The name to me sounds unique and sweet.. like when u look at ur cupcake and sigh because she's soo sweet? lol. Rose for the fact that the first flower her daddy got her was a rose? IDK, but good luck to you and yours!

judydatsme said...

You always have something nice to say. Your blogs and videos make me smile. Your such an inspiration. The love of God shows through you. :)

Jamie Marie said...

Your blogs are always so inspiring, and so beautiful! Love makes everything so much more beautiful!!


Arianne said...

Kandee- this is why you are beautiful...not because of the work you do to your gorgeous face, but because of what flows from your gorgeous heart!

Anonymous said...

I love upside down frowns :) <------ see there's one haha :D

Unknown said...

Those last few sentences made me cry-and smile at the same time :)

Unknown said...

Kandee I'ms so excited that you have found happiness in your life. You're little cupcake is gorgeous and she is so lucky to have an inspirational mom like you raising her to be a great person. Btw I was thinking of some names for her and I really like Shay Carl's daughter's name, Avia, from YouTube. But of course anything you pick will be wonderful!!

Unknown said...

I love how you appreciate all of the little things most people seem to overlook. It's a fantastic quality to have and I hope you pass it on to your kids and everyone you meet. You're using your internet fame to inspire people instead of "vlogging" about nonsense. Thanks so much, Kandee. Keep smiling. :D

Summerhill said...

You are right about the nature of television. Unfortunately, that is by design.

Rightbackatchya with the LOVE tonight!

Was on ebay, saw these ( ) and thought of you. :)

Unknown said...


You have the biggest, warmest heart of anyone I know, and I haven't even met you in person! Every time I read your posts or watch your videos they make me smile.


Twix and Poptart said...

Kandee you are an amazing person. Everyday you inspire me to continue working towards my dreams despite being sick with a severe anxiety disorder. I do as you say and never give up. You've been blessed with an amazing gift in return for what you do for us. And after you showing the pictures of Bobby on your blog I believe she looks like him :)
Love Mia.

DemonicPanda said...

Kandee, you have made me an optimist :) I never realized how beautiful the world looks when you look at it from an optimistic point of view, I have been so down these last few years and i just wanted to thank you for re-inspiring the lightness in my heart :)
<3 always, Ryann :)

nihar said...

i love you kandee.. everything u do for ur kandee family makes me smile.. lately i have been feeling very depressed and sad and lonely due to some reasons. reading this article has lit up my day :-*
muahhhhhh.. tight hug.. :-)

Love And Lashes said...

You should name her Miles because you have come so far in life kandee!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I think they already say what we all feel about you. I was rather disappointed when one of my fav. blogs posted a very mean post making fun of celebrities (it was cruel and saying awful things of even pregnant ladies) I shook my this really what the world has come to?
Like I said before, for every hateful comment there are HUNDREDS of us sending you love dear Kandee.
Much love

Unknown said...

That's what my nickname is 2, smiley because I smile all the time.and I love to smile and it is amazing how one little smile can make someones day.

Anonymous said...

Well, you just made me smile :) Thanks for brightening my day, now I feel ready to go to school and have a great day ;) Hope you're well, and say hi to cupcake! (though she probably won't be very impressed...)

MsLanie said...

Hehe, people used to call me Smiley too! I agree, we need more kind-hearted people in the world. It's such an 'every man for himself' kinda world these days. A simple kind act or kind word really goes a long way. Pay it forward :)

Zozed said...

Kandee, You're just soooo beautiful, INSIDE and OUTSIDE...
I love you so much, hope you're feeling the love and smiles we're giving to you, too <3<3<3

Unknown said...

I love how you blog about Bobby now :) The roses are beautiful, he is so sweet! And a little one for little cupcake! Too cute!

Unknown said...

Hey kandee, I totally agree with how a smile can make someone's day so I try to smile at everyone I see even if I'm the one having a bad day lol. But I've been meaning to leave a comment or something (I just figured you hear this all the time and get a million comments a day) but you have truly changed my life. You have inspired me sooo much to follow my dreams and just be me even when people try to drag me down. And when I'm having a "bad day" I think of the amazing things you've said in videos or blogs and it helps me get through it. When you send out your love to your viewers/readers it truly warms my heart even if we don't know each other so I hope that when you have time's that you get down you feel our love back and know how inspiring you are to sooo many people. Congratulations on your new beautiful baby girl and I hope you have an amazing, wonderful day =]

Unknown said...

i know this is very, very off topic, but I just watched your "inspiration" video on YouTube and I have tears in my eyes!
I'm a writer, and I sometimes feel like my dream is never going to come true.
You're awesome! YOu video has touched me!!
Congrats on the baby!
Thanks Kandee!

Trish and Aaron said...

Hi my sweet friend!! I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and that sweet baby girl! Hope you are all doing well! :0) Just wanted to send some love your way!! If your ever up and bored, I would love it if you read my blog. I just started typing in it more seriously and hope to be an inspiration to people who read it! Love you!! Big hugs!

Trish and Aaron said...

Oh its

Ohhh or I guess you can click the picture that comes up Which I bet you already Sometimes I think all the blood is going to baby and not enough to my brain hahaha :0)

Mihaela said...

i love those roses. Hope your doing well. kisses :):):)

SippY said...

I wanna make all I know, read this. Cause this is how the world will be a happy place.
- Kandee, you have a gift. Everything you write, always make me (Us) smile. You're such an amazing woman. God Bless! <3

Sending lots of love and hugs to your family <3

Anonymous said...

Ohhh kandee I really love your blog...all the things that you say..everything ...
I love those roses too...I really hope that everything is Ok with you and your little cupcake lol... You have a beautifull baby...
Lots of hugs and the best wishes for you

By Tercy (portugal)

ale said...

i love flowers so much, too bad i receive them 3-4 times per year
kisses and take care of you and your sweet kids

Unknown said...

ah was your sense of smell hightened by being pregnant, my smelling senses become HUGELY higher when pregnant, I kept some lemon Verbena lotion by my desk that I always smelled and this organic shampoo that I LOVED as well. I also loved Apricot freesia, Rosehip, nectarines and so much more, so I LOVE this blog you have done, thanks for reminding me of it all hehehe. Mel :) ♥♥

neicebug said...

I just watched the video!!! Love that you are so honest to share soooo much with us!!!

So happy for you and your family!!!

xoxo, Denise :D
PS Cupcake is totally a clone of you!!!

aimeearmey said...

The world could deffinitley use a lot more people like you in it Kandee. I truly love watching your videos, you always make me smile!
Thank you Kandee for being the wounderful person that you are and for sharing it with all of us.

Unknown said...

Great wisdom. A smile can truly change the environment. Keep on keeping on......dear mother and friend. Sandy

Unknown said...

Your smile ALWAYS reaches my heart Kandee. I am thankful that there are people like you in this world. Love you! *HUG*

lv2shopurlie said...

You make me want a new little one ;)

Anna said...

And did Alani get her flowers too?
Shame if this little young lady was left without her rose!

Unknown said...

I actually don't watch much TV because of how much mean and rude things are on it. I have my 2-3 shows that I do watch. My 70 year old neighbor knows more about whats on TV than I do, and I am in my 20's.

lizzybee said...

You're the sweetest!! I studied your gorgeous New Years Eve makeup look (it's so pretty) for the umpteenth time and had another go at it this morning, and found myself thinking of you and your new wonderful cupcake. So happy for all of you, darling Kandee ... PS: I pretty much can do the "look", it's so nice. Stay well and keep us posted on Life!! ;-)) xoxo

Unknown said...

You are an amazing and beautiful person Kandee, inside and out. This world needs more people like you! You are a true inspiration and reading your blogs and watching your videos makes me happy. Just to be reminded there are more people like you out there.. Please never stop being that wonderful mother, sister, daughter, friend, girlfriend, strong person and inspiration that you are today! You make the world a better place!

Lots of love, Sophie from sweden

Unknown said...


One of my favorite quotes is by Javan: "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours"


Diane said...

beautiful flowers! I'm so glad you and Bobby are together as I thought you guys broke up because you didn't write about him!


Lutin said...

It makes me think about a french song (I'm french!) from Emmanuel moire which completely tells what you juste said:

"I give a smile without knowing where it ends - If it can make the heart comforted/better for it to come back to me" (Sorry for my translation I hope it is good!)

Here's the link: I love this singer! >>
- The video clip:

- The lyrics with the song:

Congratulations for your little cupcake, she is so cute!! <3

CuppiCake90 said...

Cute flowers!! Its so true what you said about tv i dont watch it so much anymore =)

We share the same nickname! =D I was first called "smiley2 when i was in 13 by my graphics teacher and its been that ever since or cupcake (huge love for anything to do with cupcakes) hahaha xD

xXx much love

Anonymous said...

you made me smile:) sending smiles right back from Maine!! I thought you would put your lil Cupcake as one of your favs! Congratulations Kandee and Bobby! She is absolutley drop dead GAW-GEOUS, just like her momaa! Wishin you and your 'lil beauty all the best . . .

Krisztixx said...

I was also nicknamed Smiley!!! :) people always tell me that what they like about me the most is that I ALWAYS smile. It makes me feel good :) but I totally agree that a smile can really make a difference and you can make someone's day by just smiling at them. Once I actually overheard a friend talking to his friend about me and he said that the best part of his day is when he sees me smiling! That time I really understood that what my 'smiley' personality can mean to somebody.
lots of smiles from me to you Kandee! :):):)

Sarah said...

My nickname in highschool was Smiley too!! :)) I think I got it from my mom. She passed away a few years a go, but I hope her smile lives on through me. And I'm sure your cupcake will have your smile too! :)

I love smiling. My friends think there's something wrong with me when I'm not smiling. And you're posts and videos make me smile even more. Wow...I just used the word smile too many times haha. Have a good night :)

PinkPocketMonster said...

Thank you so much for posting this blog it means more then you know!! I too was "knicknamed" Lil Miss SmilesALot since childhood and I have noticed that with lifes hickups i have lost that smile both in and outward. This blog helped me realize there is no reason that should be the case. I still have millions of reasons why I should smile and be happy life is way to short and I am too blessed. Thank you I may not be little anymore but Ms. SmilesAlot is back!! :-D

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