Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fashionista: maternity style

Fashion through the Trimesters! ha ha ha
First Trimester....and not one of these items is a maternity piece of clothing!
(everything was from H &M, Charlotte Russe, Old Navy, or Forever 21!)...
as I searched through my closet today to find a shirt to wear...
my big belly...has grown even bigger....
I had about 4 shirts to choose from...
ha ha ha ha...
that is the true sense of creativity...
when you've got nothing to wear and make some outfit, out of that "nothingness"....
ha ha ha ha
My favorite pregnancy and ANY time items of clothing:
long shirts over the leggings
and any shirts from American Apparel 
and all the stores I mentioned above!  hee hee

I'm thinking of doing a maternity fashion haul video...would that be interesting!?! Let me know what you think?

huge love from kandee and her getting even bigger belly....


Jenna said...

that'd be super great :)

Irina said...

of course it would be interesting!
everything you do is interesting to me, :)
good luck!
good morning from Lithuania

hisRavenQu33n said...

way too cute..have you got any fashion tips for someone that has almost no budget for herself..lol

Unknown said...

Yes! Maternity overhaul is exactly what I need right now:) I'm 18 weeks and my clothes are getting uncomfortably tight and I don't want to waste money on maternity clothes!:/ Love you Kandee!!:D

Ashley Marie said...

Yes, please do it! :))

Unknown said...

please please please!!! I'm gonna be big in a couple months and can't find any cute maternity clothes!!!! I'm wary about just buying bigger shirts because I have a small frame like you!!

mary&ash said...

I think you should kandee, i love everything about you an i just watched your story video an i cried thru the whole thing because im kind of in your poisition right now an your video inspired me so much! i wish i could have went to one of your glaminars i would pay thousands to see you an just give you a hug an tell you how much an amazing person you really are to your face, you bring tears of joy to my face because i know i can connect with you! Always keep your blog an ur youtube videos, idk what i would do without it!

xoxoxo. Baby needs to hurrryyyy i wanna seeee baby goo goo :) !! ~~ sending love from marianna, Orlando Florida.

nihar said...

yeah.. that would be really cool.. :-)
You always look so preety and i love your clothing style :-)
Take care.. Hope baby arrives soon :-*

Crystal said...

I definitely think doing the video would be great! Can't wait to see it! I love hearing how creative you are with the clothes. It would definitely be inspirational for me since I am about to start trying to get pregnant with #3 and will be rocking maternity clothes (that aren't actual maternity clothes)!

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a maternity haul!!! <3
Im soo excited for your baby to come. I lost a baby a year and a half ago. So watching and reading about your pregnancy is very exciting!! I wish you nothing but happiness and a healthy baby!.....some of your other posts have been very uplifting thank you for everything you say!!

cass said...

i'd love to watch a video on maternity clothes. any video idea you come up with i'd love to watch, all your videos are so fun to watch!!!

jort7510 said...

DO IT!!! I am about 21 weeks prego and I am getting bigger and I don't want to buy maternity clothes they are ugly. I also am having my last baby so don't want to waste any money so PLEASE PLEASE do one!!

Alexandra said...

Everything you do is interesting Kandee!!Have a great day!!!!!

Yaret said...

That would be absolutely cute

Kylie Mc said...

u def make pregancy look fabulous. :)

*****can u do a q&a video about pregnancy? for example, did u still use whitening gel on ur teeth during pregnancy? are hair dyes safe? etc, etc, etc.*****

we're anxiously awaiting the birth of ur little one. lots of prayers for you and baby! <3

Keely Lime said...

Yesss :)
You are and were such an adorable pregnant mamma!
I actually just came across on of your youtube vids a few days ago and I think I might have seen 30 more since then (it's 3 am right now! and I've got class at 7:30!) after reading through both your blogs and watching a bunch of your videos I just have to say that you have been such a huge inspiration to me, It's crazy how I've felt like this time in my life has been the strongest and you've found a way to reach out and strengthen it even more. Thank you so much for anything you've contributed to this world, from a silly blog on maternity clothing to the sweetest cupcake in your oven :)

Anabelle said...

Hi Kandee,

Baby is still not there?!!! Your "belly-house" must be very comfortable!!!

Yes, I would love if you could do a maternity fashion video.

Take care.

Krisztixx said...

you have a great style! I'd be really interested in the video :)

Anonymous said...

All I have to do is type in "K" n my google search box and it already has both of your blog sites listed! LOL THAT'S how excited I am to hear your big announcement that your baby is here!!! I have been watching your vid's from the beginning and am so happy for you. You are just an amazing person, and I hope to be like you one day. You know when you have a friend that you hang out with and you start to pick up on their mannerisms? Well, you know how you laugh and then inhale and shriek (idk how to explain it) LOL but I've been doing that too now! good lord...I've been watching too many of your videos! hahaha ok darlin...take care!! :D

kaelynrose said...

All I have to do is type in "K" n my google search box and it already has both of your blog sites listed! LOL THAT'S how excited I am to hear your big announcement that your baby is here!!! I have been watching your vid's from the beginning and am so happy for you. You are just an amazing person, and I hope to be like you one day. You know when you have a friend that you hang out with and you start to pick up on their mannerisms? Well, you know how you laugh and then inhale and shriek (idk how to explain it) LOL but I've been doing that too now! good lord...I've been watching too many of your videos! hahaha ok darlin...take care!! :D

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes, that video would be amazing! i recently found out i'm going to be a mommy for the very first time and would loooooove to see a video like that! it would be very helpful! i hope your little cupcake arrives soon!

mhauger said...

kandee, it would be so cool if you did a maternity fashion haul video. i would really like to know where you got alot of the cool clothes that you wear in your videos/blogs. maternity clothing stores that i have been into don't have very attractive clothes. not something that i would want to wear atleast. pregnancy is something beautiful, why would women want to hide it behind ugly maternity clothes?

Anonymous said...

Yes would love you to do a maternity fashion haul video with some styling tips maybe. Im 20 weeks pregnant on my second and just feel so big this time round (lol) so a video about clothes in pregnancy would help a lot


Caro said...

you look always amazing

lots of love


Unknown said...

Id love to see that! I'm in the beginning of my second trimester so I need ideas to make maternity clothes easier!

Ine said...

that would be very great!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kandee, i don't know if you're taking video requests coz i know you're busy but i was just wondering if you could help with preventing fallout from eyeshadow? I notice you never get it but i always do!

Unknown said...

you are so cute :) i would love to see a mommy haul!

Unknown said...

great post! you def. rock the maternity wear (: love you kandee!



blogger said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

That'd be so awesome ! Even though I'm not pregnant hahaha :)

Stephanie said...

I would LOVE to see your creative ways to still look like a "fashionista" when preggers! THUMBS UP!!! :);)

Photography by Jessyka said...

as a mother i would appriciate a pegnancy fashion blog! also maybe talk about how your skin can change during pregnancy and how that causes a change in skincare routine! it def did for me!


Nadalie said...

YES YES YES you should do a fashion video! I love your creative style and the way you put outfits together! You look adorable in every photo!

Brettany said...

You should SOOOOO do a maternity fashion blog! =) Hopefully cupcake somes soon!

Barbie said...

So cute, Kandee!

lia said...

please promise that you will do it !!!:)
love you

Sonia said...

Go Kandee,go !

My 1st post : I've known your blog and videos for a year now, have followed almost day by day your posts and videos since september.
You are probably one of the most generous person that I "know".
All the best deep from my heart for your baby/-ies, this new year and everything that make you happy !!!

And if I were to have a baby girl now, I would name her JOY.

*irena* said...

deffinately something I wouldnt mind seeing. Hope ur lil one is here soon!

Jewelz said...

Oh I really like that pink bag. I've been looking for something similar, a pink quilted bag, as a carry-on. But none of them are big enough or sturdy enough.


earth said...

That would definitely be awesome. :] You have a wonderful sense of style. <3

elin852 said...

Cute as always! :) I would love to get some maternity fashion insight from you, I hope i'll soon get to wear them too! ;) hope your cupcake decides to come out soon. I'm soo excited for you!! Good luck hugs from Sweden!

Anonymous said...

Kandee...I'm in my 3rd trimester and STILL wearing very few maternity clothes! Before I ever got pregnant (but was hoping it would happen someday soon); I tried to shop for clothing that was adorable with my little normal belly but that would also work for a sweet prego belly! I have found that jjill (www.jjill.com) clothing is PERFECT. I also like to wear the little cardigans with just one button shut over top a maternity tank or fitted shirt...it shows off the belly, looks dressy, and doesn't look frumpy! Pregnancy has made getting dressed fun and challenging...BUT I am starting to miss some of my old "normal" clothes...I'm sure you are too...hope that little cupcake makes her appearance soon! Our little girl should be appearing in approx. 10 weeks! YIKES! (This is my first...starting to get jitters!)

Chelsea said...

That would be great, when I get pregnant someday I want to still look fashionable!

Beth said...

Miss Economy - Nobody really cares WHEN Kandee's due date is or was. All we really care about is that she's having a baby. Something that is joyful. I believe in the freedom of speech but I also think that people shouldn't use their negativity to comment on other people's happiness. There is NO reason whatsoever for you to have even commmented here on her blog.

People really bother me. They try so hard to make everyone feel as crappy as they do. That's not going to happy here in Kandeeland.

On another note...Kandee you are inspiration to so many women. I hope that you have an easy birth whenever cupcake decides to grace us with her presence. Don't let the downers ruin something so great.


Rachel said...

I was just catching up on your last few blogs... and you are so precious in this world. I don't know how else to say it, but it makes me feel all emotional thinking about how many people you are reaching out to in love when there is so much hate in this world. So, you are precious to all of your Kandee fans :) Just want you to knoww! <3

Stacie-Party of 4! said...

Here's a baby name idea for lil cupcake! How about Genesis? Well, it's one I had picked out but the Lord keeps givin me boys..lol

other names I love:
........hope this helps! :)

Andrea said...

Kandee! I keep checking your tweets and facebook and all your blogs like every 10 minutes, waiting for ANY baby news!!!!! As far as name suggestions, how about Dawn, Minuette or Andrea??

Anonymous said...

I found out all about you just a week ago...I had searched on Google for tips on cutting my own bangs. I am SO glad that your tutorial popped up - I then started to view your other videos and now I'm obsessed! Your positive persona, everything about you is addicting! :) It's so refreshing to know that people like you still exist out there! And it seems like all of your fans are as devoted and positive as ever too. The same day I found you, I discovered that you were pregnant and your due date was on that very same day! I was so shocked to come across you on your special day! Well, you haven't given birth yet (or maybe you have, since you haven't posted anything today...hmmM!) but I just want you to know how much you have inspired me! Thank you for being you.
Much love from MAUI, HAWAII

Anonymous said...

Kandee i just love u more and more with every post! U should definetly do a fashion maternty piece! I started following your fashion and joined the kandee johnson fashion trend so id love to join the maternity one once i get pregnant!!!! Everything u do is just amazing and i hope u do it! XOXO

Unknown said...

I would definitely be interested in maturity fashion. You have way more style in your limited maternity wardrobe than I do with my whole closet. Ha ha. Maybe you should do..." what to where; what to buy " fashion post along with maternity fashion:)

Unknown said...

Maturity? Ha ha. Sorry. Maternity. Also...I've always loved the name Anna and the name jade or jaden. Hope the baby comes soon! I keep checking for an " I had the baby" post.

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes!!! I am preggy right now and am always looking for comfy and cool ideas for clothes!!! Love your site girl!

jardelle said...

wooow you are pregnant....Congratulations!

Unknown said...

yes pls maternity fashion! I am 4 mnths preggo and I would looove to get ideas!!! Muah! oxox

Leyla said...

Hi kandee

i am 15 weeks pregnant. A maternity fashion video would be very interesting for me.

Alexandra said...

yeaaah!!That would be super intresting!

Unknown said...

yes do the maternity haul and maybe sometime in the future you could do some more hauls on makeup and clothes or jewelry

Love you Kandee!!!
Still very excited for your beautiful cupcake!!!

NatalieLaura said...

YES that'd be awesome! I'm not pregnant or planning to be any time soon but I'd still like to see how preggo ladies keep it stylin' for the future :D

Margaritah said...

You are so great kandee. I watch your latest video and read both of your blogs every night before bed.<3

Strawberriesandcream31 said...

I would love to see that video!

Unknown said...

I would love to see some more maternity ideas from you! I'm only 6 weeks now but its great to have ideas for when I will get to that point where I will only have a few shirt options to choose from. Thanks so much for all your inspiration and kind words. We truly love you Kandee!!

Renally said...

I just LOVE the way you´re always fashion!!! Besides, who really need maternity clothes??? When i have my baby i´ll follow your tips!

you´re SUPER GREAT!!!!

James said...

My wife like to see the least style of maternity clothes in the market right now cause she want to give here sister a nice maternity clothes.

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