AND COLOR is what makes our make-up fun....our outfits stand out from everyone can't help your eyes from being captivated by a bright red pair of pin-up lips....same with color anywhere!
Why live in a boring "black and white" world...when your eyes can swim in delight with colors everywhere! Let's take a walk on the "colorful" side of life!
(plain ol' black planter and green, decorative leaf things... I got both at TARGET)

#1. so a quick spray of white primer.....
#2. and 2 coats of Rustoleum Red Gloss Spray paint
and TA-DA!!!! Way more fun and eye-catching! It just puts me in a happier mood!!! It looks like red lip gloss! LOVE IT!
my entry way looks so much more fun and colorful!! IT SAYS: "hey, someone fun lives here! Wait til you see the inside!" ha ha ha ha
I really want a RED front door...but I only rent, so no front door for now! ha ha ha
huge love from "HANDY KANDEE"!
Very nice! I love red as a house accent!
Love this!!! you are a creative colorful cat!
It makes it look alot HAPPIER! Please do more DIY's.
LOVE IT everything you do is great!! when are you going to give us a tour of your new house? lol xoxo kayla
Hi Kandee!! Can't wait for that baby to get here. I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and that precious baby girl. You are an amazing person and so blessed! :) I'm loving the red!!! I love all colors! I don't really have a favorite!! ha ha
i loooooove it!! love to add some flashy colors everywhere too ! :D and how is princess and the white stick? Always hidding herself? :) take care little miss sunshine :)kisses from France :)
gorgeous! i love bright coloured accents on myself and at home :p.
hope the baby comes soon :)
I love a red door. I had painted my last two houses' front door with a beautiful blue red. It is such a welcoming color. But alas, I too am not in my own house..... the RED urns are a great idea!
hie Kandee looks nice..i do have a red door :)
I can't wait for you to do a new house tour! I love your style and your creativity! I love finding awesome things that are unreasonable for me to buy because it forces me to find a way to make it very affordably! :-) Best of wishes for the babies arrival!
Please please please please please do not quit doing makeup tutorials!!! I saw your post of Facebook and I nearly had a heart attack. Your ideas are amazing and every week I look forward to them. It would be awesome if you did both! or at least cut down on the makeup and do mostly home stuff but PLEASE keep on doing makeup please please please???
also a RED door means a welcoming (FLOW OF ENERGY) door and protection...THE VASES LOOK GREAT!! maybe ur baby will come tonight...IF I AM RIGHT FEEL FREE TO SAY IT..LOL...
Red doors are nice but I think I like this better!!!! great idea!!!
What a great idea! I have a feeling that you will someday have the house of your dreams....
You deserve a twinkley palace!
I think I should get of my duff and do something crafty this weekend!
will you please do a tour of your new house, pleeeeaaasee! :)))
AWESOMENESS Kandee! Tho, I would miss the makeup tuts! BUT, I would SO watch the DIY stuffs!! :0)
Super cute! I have a white book shelf that I plan on fixing up! Fun times :)
LOVE it! What a nice pop of color for any room. love this idea :)
PLEASE don't quit doing make up videos! I love them!! PLEASE don't!!! :) Hope cupcake gets here soon! God Bless! :) Love ya! please do a delivery video!!! Bye!
so cool!! love the pop of color it adds!! your awesome, kandee!
haha my husband and I are looking to buy our first house in a few months and I told him he can have whatever he wants as long as I can have a red door lol =D
Dear Handy Kandee ,
You are officially hired to make over my house. Please come whenever it's convenient. Hahaha you should totally be a interior (and exterior pots haha) designer. I challenge someone to come up with something Kandee can't do ! Haha
You rock handy pants :)
Love & tons of hugs for you Missy ! :)
Also Handy Kandee, You're too handy to quit doing make up tutorials! Haha. Please don't leave us looking like boring ol' black pots without Kandee-style make up ! I don't wanna be a black pot! :O
Oooo, I love it! Such a nice pop of color! I've always wanted a red door, too. I can't wait to add pizazz and color to my future house! I've been dreaming up my future room and house ever since your post with the funky rugs. I hope we both end up with our dream homes one day. :)
Praying for you and cuppy cake! ♥
Haha you would have LOVED the house I grew up in. We moved when I was in the 6th grade but it was bright red and the trees in front were almost zebra patterned haha. I loved that house :(
what a great idea! I would LOVE to see more of these types of blog posts, thats actually where i started blogging/reading and then it turned into makeup/hair blogs lol
if you want to do both -you can tag your posts into categories with links at the top. so if people only want hair or only makeup or only diy home decor they dont have to read the others.
looks awesome Kandee! i love it!!! i would hate not to reap the benefits of your make up tutorials, but Handy Kandee sounds great too!!! you go!
" IT SAYS: hey, someone fun lives here!" You are so cute kandee!!! I love the pop of color it brings. I agree that it is so much fun creating something new with something old and to just have fun coming up with different unique ideas whether its for fashion or home decor. Love your style and your amazing creativity!!! Thanks for being such an amazing genuine person because it seems to be getting harder and harder to find people like that in the world today.
I have recently started a new job and I am incredibly dedicated in whatever task I take on. I'm also very shy but I have already noticed people being catty about others within the company. It seems like all they know how to do is talk about other people..their flaws,habbits etc. At one point they were saying to one another while i was eating lunch in the same room "remember that one person who was always quite and how weird they were" and im sitting feeling incredibly uncomfortable then right after that the one woman was like "like liz, shes very quiet" so I finally had the guts to pipe up and say "well Im here at the moment so I know you won't be talking about me like I know some of you do" and everyone got quiet for alittle bit, then went right back talking about this other person. Eventually I just go fed up and said " do you guys ever talk about anything other then other people, we are all human and everyone has flaws but why must it always be pointed out, it's just so exhausting listening to this all the time" I ended up having a 30 min conversation with this one girl who was saying that she values my work and that some people can be that way but all in all they are a family, but I just think it's rediculous that they call themselves a family when one minute they will be saying hi to you and making conversation then the next they badmouth eachother. I just don't get it, I feel like im in highschool still but i'm the only grown up one. I even mentioned my faith in God, because he is there for me and I always ask him for the strengh to not allow the negativity and disrespectful behavior of others bring me down. Just like what you had wrote the other day about how mean people can be for no reason.
Im sorry I wrote such a long message I needed to vent. I thank you for all you do!!
Have a great night!!
~Liz :)
I dressed up our planters in front of our house with gold spray paint a few months ago... cute!
Love this!!! Such a small change can really make a difference. I love finding thrift store treasure that completely transform a space. You're the best, Kandee :)
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &&&&&&&& I LOVE YOU KANDEE
wow kandee.. :-) your ideas are amazing.. i used to be very afraid of trying to experiment with colours and i always that 'what if i mess up? what if ppl find it too loud?'
but reading this has made me bold to try new colours.. i love u kandee :-) :-*
is there any thing you can't do kandee ! xxx
I love it Kandee :D
Looks awesome! I love your makeup stuff, but I also love all the other stuff you give us (handy things, jewelry, skin care, etc) You are so multi-talented! :D
You really know how to bright up a dull space :)
House tour,pleeeeease! ;))
LOVE how you find ways to spice up your home! <33
its amazing what a can of spray paint can do! If you want it to stay longer put a coat of polyacrylic on the top of it ;-)
Wish you could come and redecorate my house for me!!! :o) And you have the most beautiful view of the mountains. Thanks for all you do!! You are such an amazing person.
I Love that!! I too love re-vamping things by painting them, there's nothing like adding your own personal touch to things!!!
I love how we have so many things in common and we don't even know each other...and yet I feel like I do know you!! it is like you said, though kindred spirits =)
love you Kandee, keep being your amazing self!!!
I LOVE red front doors. It's funny because it seems like most males think that's crazy.
I love what you did though. It looks so fun. Just like you.
This is a great DIY idea, vey cute! I linked your blog to my restoration webpage for my clients to see as well.
Your awesome!
This is a great DIY idea, vey cute! I linked your blog to my restoration webpage for my clients to see as well.
Your awesome!
I love this idea!
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