Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 Days Til Due Date!

The Countdown has begun!
Here's my PREGNANCY UPDATE VIDEO....check out all my other pregnancy videos on my "newer" and "incredibly un-popular" (ha ha ha) other channel on youtube, for all things non-make-up-y:
You can read my personal bloggeroonie, KANDEELAND, where I talk about my daily life, my babies, being preggy, and all kinds of other random things...
and on with show...
bring on the Love Belly!!!


S.A. said...

Hi Kandee, I read and love all your blogs. I wish everything goes well with your delivery. God bless you and your new baby. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You're almost due! Must be so exciting. I've been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now and it really gets me down sometimes. Watching your preg-vlogs makes me smile and remind me to stay hopeful and believe that I too will be sporting a big belly one day...



Tayler said...

YESSS do a preggy vlog!! ur such an adorable pregnant girl! hopefully she comes really soon, cant wait to see how freakin cute she is! good luck KANDEE!! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, u are a beautiful soul and i look up to u... i am a believer in God and his son, our savior Jesus Christ and i actually was wondering if u could say a little prayer for a little boy who is only 2 yrs old... i dont know how to email u or else i would to give u more info. my email is rpm2_10@yahoo.com

Kandee Johnson said...

yes Jill! God knows the moment he's going to release that precious baby from heaven...and not a moment too soon! Don't worry...that just means your going to love and cherish that lil one so much more when they start growing in that garden of your belly! huge hugs and love...kandee

Anonymous said...

Yep preggie VLOG! Can't wait! Braxton Hicks contractions? Anything?

Kandee Johnson said...

rose! I will pray...I may not know the details...but God does...and that's all that matters! hugs and prayers...kandee

Shannon said...

Kandee! I love seeing you every day, because you're like a best friend and a sister! If you do a vlog/day until baby comes I would be so happy to hear how you and baby are doing! Have you thought of a name yet? I know you aren't allowed to show Alani and Blake on the internet, but will you be allowed to show us baby's face so we can see how cute she is? I understand if not. :) We will still love you and her so much! Thanks for keeping everyone updated - we are all praying for you and wondering how you are doing! Love always - shannon w.

Shannon said...

Ps. What about naming baby "Shannon" after your momma? ;)

JMartinez said...

Yes! Do a daily update =)
I love hearing about your pregnancy!! Goodluck Kandee, I know your going 2 do great! God Bless you & your little cup cake.

Anonymous said...

I bet you'll be a week late and cupcake will be an aquarius like meeee :) :)

I think you are a super-sexy mama!! (I'm MakeUp_by_Mandy on Twitter)

Blessings for a safe, wonderful delivery and a happy healthy baby!!

Dominique@Delightfully Domesticated said...

I love watching your more personal vlogs! I just had my second baby in Dec. and I am having a hard time finding balance in everything. Watching your videos and reading your blogs gives me motivation. You have more going on in your life (not to mention more children :) than I, so it gives me hope that it is possible to balance all these things and still be joyful. Praise God for you!


Anonymous said...

Wow Kandee your little cupcake is almost here! eeh how time flies! I wish you and your precious baby the best of luck for not only a smooth delivery, but for a fantastically-amazing future together!


Jessica-Joy said...

Sooo exciting!!!!! Can't wait to see the new addition! A daily vlog would be so fun! Love hearing about the pregnancy and baby stuff. Can't wait until my fiance and I are blessed with a child of our own.
Do you have a name ready for her yet?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words gorgeous. They gave me that little extra boost I so desperately need right now.

lots of love from The Netherlands,

Unknown said...

i loving hearing about your pregnancy... glad everything is going ok

MissKristyNichole said...

I would love to see Vlogs Of Your Baby Progress and hows things are going- its soo Exciting!! Love To YOu and Your Kandee Family <3

Nahee said...

Oh good luck Kandee!! I'm praying you have a safe and easy as possible birth and that you and your little one are happy and healthy!! Good luck!

Unknown said...

i would love to see daily videos!!!
your tummy is really big ;)
can't wait till baby comes, i can't imagine how excited you are!!!
huuuuuuuuuugs for you and tummy

Natalie said...

Sooo cute!! ..and may I just say that I LOVE your KANDEEJOHNSONSHOW channel! I recommend your channels all the time! I can't wait to see more baby videos on it, I remember you asking us if we wanted more when we first learned of your baby, and being like "YES! MORE!" Thanks for sharing!

Olivia said...

yayyy! Baby's coming :) Vlog everyday!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Kandee! We love you!

Dani said...

I don't think I've left this in a comment before, but I'm preggo too. Way behind you though. I'm due June 27! Yay! Oh and by the way...if we have a girl, we are naming her Liza. You can use it...we don't live anywhere near each other ;)

Nessa said...

I vote for YES to making a daily vlog! I love just hearing your voice and seeing how sweet and happy you are. :) I can't wait to hear how everything goes!

Anonymous said...

kandee!! hope everything goes well with your new baby girl! i vote YES! on the daily vlog!!
also just wanted to know if you have decided on a name!!!

karina :)

Glamtastic said...

Hey Kandee! Thanks for letting us know about your life and your beautiful kids! Just wanted to know you are my hero and who i look up to. I think its amazing how you do your own business and your a single mom doing everything yourself. Your the modern super women and your soul is just so beautiful and your so talented! Im a single mom of 2 and I want to do the same thing you are. Through out the past year and a half I have been watching you and doing your makup looks and learning so much! You have tought me so much and I just love makeup and doing makeup for people and making them feel beautiful. I also love your attitude about everything and whenever I have a bad day I think of you and your cheering us all on and whenever i think I can't do something i remind myself of everything you do and remind myself that i can! Now im going to be going to makeup classes and reaching for the stars and become a makeup artist like you! Thank you for everything and I wish you and the baby as well as your family all the best in life! I know your super busy with comments and everything but know you are so loved!

AnNeTtEe said...

hi Kandee!! just wanna say Goodluck on your delivery... hope everything goes well... God bless you!

Jay said...

god luck sweetie!! may all go well and you precious arrive safe and sound!! best of wishes for you and your family :)

kstarr72 said...

I love all your videos, keep them coming. Cannot wait to see the new baby.. You are always so happy and so positive.. I love it... keep up the good work!!!Here is to a great year ... xoxoxoxox k

Jess said...

Yes I'd Love to see you do videos about your baby..vlogs..all that. Makeup videos, baby videos, your life..all that..it's perfect for me to wind down to after putting my babies to bed. :)

Andee Layne said...

lalalalove all your pregnancy babies posts! hope to expanding out family soon so its very helpful!!!! oxxoxo

Anonymous said...

Kandee ... I am so happy and excited for you. I pray for you every day! She's going to be the darlingest little cupcake -- beautiful just like her mum!
kandee fam lil sis

beautylogicblog said...

Since I just had a baby myself six months ago, I love reading about you and dulcecandy87 journey. Congrats and Good luck.


Jennifer (Nova) said...

Thanks for sharing your baby bellyness! You are so beautiful! I can't wait to see your new little princess!! I'm so excited for you!
Good luck and crossin my fingers for an easy delivery.

Persida87 said...

Yes Kandee do the baby vlogs on your other blog! That would be awesome!

Also, if you see this comment...I wanted to know if you have heard of INGLOT makeup and your opinion of it! If you haven't heard of it or used it, I think it's amazing and you should check it out! I'm sure you there's a store in LA or somewhere in California!


Snarky P said...

Good luck and can't wait till your little cupcake safely arrives to join us all! Keep up the wonderful work, and get some rest soon!

I also wanted to let you know I've given you The Stylish Blogger Award over on my blog :)

Ali said...

Kandee you were the first videos I started watching on youtube, I love your style and looks, you completely inspired me! I'm only 16 and live in Virginia and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and right now makeup is my passion.I just started a blog and even though i'm scared i'll eventually get around to videos. It would make my life if you subscribed to my blog,Thank you so much for inspiring me, good luck with your baby!

Lisa Rodrigue Napper said...

YES Kandee, please keep us updated. I go to all of your pages but i dont hit a like(love) or leave a message. I'm older and new to youtube, but if it helps to show that i visit your site ( daily-haha-) let me know and i will hit the like or leave a comment every time. I can't wait to see your new baby. Thank you for everything you do for all of us, you have know idea how you've helped me throughout the last year, and you've made me alot prettier with all of your makeup help. God bless you and your family, love lisa:)

hannr said...

Omg i can't wait for the patricia field video! That'll be awesome yayayayay!

Casey-Leigh said...

I would love to see a daily vlog! I am the proud mama of a little boy who turned one today, but I had him at 29 weeks so I have no idea what the end of pregnancy is like! Haha. Good luck with your little cupcake and I'll ask my angels the delivery goes perfect for you!

Amelia Kitzul said...

Yes please do a pregnancy vlog! its so cool to see how its going! :D

KendelRenae said...


Ennbad said...

I'm so excited for you! I wish you the best, I she's going to be beautiful, just like you :)

Unknown said...

please a video every day!!!
Hope you have a safe delivery!!!


Pink Arrogance said...

Hi! I was wondering after watching your videos..are you gonna raise your baby alone? I read a comment someone saying about you having a boyfriend,is he the baby's father? Since you never mention him, I was kinda thinking aww she's gonna have a baby alone :( Anyway wish you no pain and a speedy baby delivery! :P

tiffany said...

Hi Kandee, how exciting, only a few more days. I would love any blogs or vlogs that you do. I would love to learn about some of your fav baby things or tips and tricks when expecting or just anything you are willing to share. Always love any and all advice you give. You are an inspiration.

-gatherina- said...

I always read your blogs, nomatter what ya do, bake a cake, or celebrate or talk about babies, you cheer up my day! I Wish you all the best for the childbirth.

Anonymous said...

Kandee, i just started following u after typing in "makeup artist kits" on youtube and im HOOKED! u have definetly become an inspiration to me! congrats on the new baby and i wish u the best of luck, peace and lipgloss! XOXO

yad said...

PLEASE READ ME :) KANDEE !! congrats 3 more days!!
woo! im so excited for you, its truly a blessing, LIFE! I was watching the video of when you announced that you were pregnant.....
i have some URGENT info to share with you. Idk what your views of this are but I feel in my heart that they are the right thing, since I've been following (FB) you for a year or so now.
You are such a big influence and I KNOW you could make a HUGE diffference, I JUST SAW THESE DOCUMENTARYs of the reality of Planned Parenthood that ever woman needs to see. and please get to see it yourself too!! Please dont stop reading... I thought it was silly too... but now I'm involved..after hearing WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON IN THIS BUSINESS. In this documentaries, you see Jane Roe better known as Norma Mccorvey(Roe vs. Wade 1973) pantliff, Former Abortion clinic owner Carol Everret , Abby Johnson Director of PP (WHO ALL HAVE RESIGNED AND REVEALS THE TRUTH OF PP) and Alveda King - Martin Luther King niece, and many important ppl. PLEASE PLEASE LET ALL YOUR FANS KNOW ON FB! THE U.S IS on ALERT ON THIS RIGHT NOW bc the reality has come out and its dirty and shocking!
Go to bloodmoneyfilm.com and WATCH trailer for BLOODMONEY. You can also purchase it.
and also DONT FORGET TO WATCH MAAFA 21- for the very specific details and where it ALL really started.
I believe people dont know this information bc its been hidin from everyone for a long time! but the "head" people are resigning and telling the truth. That should tell ppl something? Media is payed to not advertise this information bc its all about $$$$$ (watch documentaries) It's only a choice bc the law is allowing it and that plays a HUGE influence on Americans but the documentary has proven evedence that its not anywhere in the constitution that it should be allowed (they explain it better in documentaries) and WHAT REALLY GOES ON THERE IS SICKKK.+ A LOT OF OTHER INFO. I'm terribly concerned kandee :(
I'm a believer of God,and I know its the biggest work on earth to do IN THIS TIME PERIOD that needs to be addressed. I'm not trying to offend anyone by this msg either. I just care for every human being, and like you said everyone is special sso its not fair that PP is trying to HIDE this INFO from EVERYONE!!! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SEE THESE 2 DOCUMENTARIES SOON, Idk if you'll be on a break lol right now that your having your baby but if so it would be the perfect time! For the sake of the babies and womens health, join us!

yad said...

PLEASE READ ME KANDEE:) (2 msgs long) KANDEE !! congrats 3 more days!!
woo! im so excited for you, truly a blessing! I was watching the video of when you announced that you were pregnant.....
i have some URGENT info to share with you. Idk what your views of this are but I feel in my heart that they are the right thing, since I've been following (FB) you for a year or so now.
You are such a big influence and I KNOW you could make a HUGE diffference, I JUST SAW THESE DOCUMENTARYs of the reality of Planned Parenthood that ever woman needs to see. and please get to see it yourself too!! Please dont stop reading... I thought it was silly too... but now I'm involved..after hearing WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON IN THIS BUSINESS. In this documentaries, you see Jane Roe better known as Norma Mccorvey(Roe vs. Wade 1973) pantliff, Former Abortion clinic owner Carol Everret , Abby Johnson Director of PP (WHO ALL HAVE RESIGNED AND REVEALS THE TRUTH OF PP) and Alveda King - Martin Luther King niece, and many important ppl. PLEASE PLEASE LET ALL YOUR FANS KNOW ON FB! THE U.S IS on ALERT ON THIS RIGHT NOW bc the reality has come out and its dirty and shocking!
Go to bloodmoneyfilm.com and WATCH trailer for BLOODMONEY. You can also purchase it.
and also DONT FORGET TO WATCH MAAFA 21- for the very specific details and where it ALL really started.....

yad said...

I believe people dont know this information bc its been hidin from everyone for a long time! but the "head" people are resigning and telling the truth. That should tell ppl something? Media is payed to not advertise this information bc its all about $$$$$ (watch documentaries) It's only a choice bc the law is allowing it and that plays a HUGE influence on Americans but the documentary has proven evedence that its not anywhere in the constitution that it should be allowed (they explain it better in documentaries)
and WHAT REALLY GOES ON THERE IS SICKKK.+ A LOT OF OTHER INFO. I'm terribly concerned kandee :(
I'm a believer of God,and I know its the biggest work on earth to do IN THIS TIME PERIOD that needs to be addressed. I'm not trying to offend anyone by this msg either. I just care for every human being, and like you said everyone is special sso its not fair that PP is trying to HIDE this INFO from EVERYONE!!! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SEE THESE 2 DOCUMENTARIES SOON, Idk if you'll be on a break lol right now that your having your baby but if so it would be the perfect time! For the sake of the babies and womens health, join us!



yad said...



help the babies <3

yad said...



Deb Houghton said...

Kandee..where can I get a realy great makeup roll for all of my brushes??

Amber said...

Congratulations! The baby is going to be soo beautiful, just like the mommy! (:

jesssssss said...

kandee please name your baby cupcake!!!!!!!!!
do it!!!!!!!!

HTSS said...

Hi Kandee sweetheart! I just LOVE you! Im sending you positive energi your way, and i just know in my heart that the birth will go GREAT! I just know it. I might even post a response to this video on youtube (if I do it would be my first video) I have always wanted to post a video there, but im ALL OUT OF IDEAS, and this would be a goood one, not just because i want to post a video on youtube, but i want YOU to see me, and hear me talk.. About YOU. And sending you my gratulations and the "everything will be fine" routine! I absolutely LOVE you, honey. You are always there to make me go from hell to heaven! Thank you so much, you are a true angel! Much love from Norway. Sincerely yours, Heidi

Tara said...

yes i would love to see your vlog! it's a great idea! best of luc with your baby!

Janice Evelyn said...

Love your blogs Kandee. Was wondering, could you do a video on "bombshell" makeup for blondes? I recently highlighted my hair blonde and im not sure what to do with my makeup anymore! Thanks.

Mari said...

Can't wait to see you little cup cake!!!


Karrie said...

I thougt of a baby name for you...Danielle. I was watching one of your older youtube videos and you mentioned you liked the name so i thought i should remind you that you liked it.

liz.hairstylist said...

HI, Kandee just wanted to stop by and wish you the bestest, easiest, painless, delivery.. I hope everything goes well when you have ur little princess..

Don't forget about us, your fans that will be praying for you and your little present from God.

I hope all goes well when the time comes. YOU ROCK!!! and wish the best...


liz.hairstylist said...

by the way, my bday is January 25th, so who knows maybe her bday will be around that time..

take care...


liz chavez

lia said...

kandee, your big day is my moms birthday too:) good luck!
Hugs and kisses for you and your cupcake :)

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