Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm SO EXCITED!!!! (and a little sad!)

I had my first GLAMINAR in LA, June 19th, 2009...(this was me my first time on stage and with a microphone) we're at my last Glaminar stop.....right where we started..
And I'm bigger than ever....literally....I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant..bigger!
(click here to see my pregnancy-blog,
OUR LAST GLAMINAR will be this SUNDAY, December 5th, 2010
(if you want to know more or sign up to come! hurry, if it still let's you buy a ticket, that means you've gotten one of the last seats...we will be sold out any minute now! click here:

This Glaminar will be filled with surprises to celebrate that this is the LAST GLAMINAR!

I am so excited and honored that we will have a special performance from an artist, who's made it to #3 on BILLBOARDS TOP 40 DANCE SONGS,
 (click here to go to her website:

watch her video here....I am soooooo excited!!!!!

Our awesome gift bag & prize sponsors are giving special prizes and goodies to celebrate our LAST GLAMINAR!!!!

We have guest coming from all over the world! This will be sooooo exciting, I can't wait!

I will be such an amazing, life changing day, I can't wait!!!
huge love and sooooo much excitement....your kandee

check the website if you want to be there too!


Margara said...

this IS exciting and very sad.... I am glad I had the honor of attending your Pasadena Glaminar and now your last one this weekend!!! There aren't enough thank you's in the world for giving such inspiration, courage and love to all of us... we love u so much, and simply, THANK YOU <3

Anonymous said...

Kandee! I wish I could have come to one of your glaminars! You are amazing and I will continue to follow you! And I have heard this song before!! That will be such an awesome performance! XOXO Kylee

sauvageblue said...

I was at your first Glaminar so wish I could be at the last one.... sigh!!!!

citizenjenna said...

Woohoo! See you Sunday!!!

Liz said...

I wish I could attend your last glaminar but I had prior engagements so I won't get to experience/learn your tips and tricks or meet you. But I'm hoping that I get to meet you at next years IMATS, I was at IMATS this year on the same day you had your meet and greet but I didn't know you were going to be there, I left about an hour before you came...

Jen. J said...

i had the honour of attending your Toronto glaminar, you are my mentor and an inspirational role model Kandee thank you so much <3 love you !!
Ps. I offically cut off all that negative energy out of my life !

C.C said...

I want to go so bad! :(

clutz said...

Kandee I would love to attend to Glaminar this sunday, it just happens to fall on my birthday and i keep telling everyone that it would be the best birthday present been following u for a while now and u have been a great inspiration to me ive always wanted to do hair but i never relizied how much fun u could have doing makeup...thank u...and good luck on ur last glaminar

Stephanie Bayat said...

im very sad i will never get to meet you. the glaminar is a bit outta my budget =( but it would have been a dream come true. hopefully there will be another chance to meet you. you inspire me, not only in makeup but as a positive, lively person that you are! you put a smile on peoples faces just by being!!!!

Anonymous said...

OH WOW! when you came to miami it wasnt a good time for me to go to your glaminar and i said its ok im going to go to the next one for sure! But then i see an old video that says that this is your last one, im so sad! is it true??

Unknown said...

I am sad too Kandee, I would have loved to come to one of your Glaminars!

Viva La Kristin said...

I wish I could attend your Glaminar! I live in Iceland so it would be hard to make it he he.
I hope you will make another Glaminar later, I plan on attending it!

Unknown said...

oh man, i wish i could come but i live in Greece.. heh

Nati said...

you look so pretty on that picture. black is your colour :-)

i wish i could visit your glaminar!! i would do everything!!

wish you all the best

xClassicFab316x said...

aww kandee, and why are you stopping your glaminars?

dos said...

KANDEE HEAR ME PLEASE!!!! STRETCH MARKS - Kandee I love your make up videos and I learn lots of things from these videos thanks;))
And I want you to help me about 'STRETCH MARKS '; I saw your baby belly pic and it's not your first and you haven't got any stretch marks which is amazing. PLEASE NEXT VIDEO I JUsT WANT 1 SENTENCE ABOUT IT (not all video if u dont want)*I know everybody says genetic factors but I just wanna know what are u doing about it right know?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go... but low on funds... I am actually in cosmetology school and I am in love with everything that I do there... I feel so blessed to be able to find something i really enjoy doing... Congrats on the pregnancy... it's a blessing!
Anyway, just thought I'd stop by and leave some words for ya since I just love your work! I would love to be where you are now!

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