Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Survive the Holiday!

Oh sure the holidays...may seem fun and wonderful, and we feel all this pressure that everyone is having the best Christmas except for us...maybe are dealing with:
  • the loss of a loved one
  • we are all alone
  • we don't want to deal with our family
  • you just broke up with someone
  • we are feeling more sad because our Christmas isn't going to feel so great!
 Or maybe some mean lady wrote obscenities on your car window (that she didn't even spell correctly!)...after staring at me with her "evil-eye"...yes she parked right next to me...and even after we tried to say sorry, I didn't see her car...even though she was far back from mine..she must have thought I shouldn't have gotten into her lane...I feel bad for her really! For her to get that upset over someone trying to turn into the same parking lot as pretty sad...then for her to take the time to write things on my window..and she waited for me to come out..then drive really sad! and kinda' funny..ha ha ha ha now that I think about it!
No matter what is getting you down or breaking your heart...
Christmas isn't about going to Christmas parties (to which I never get invited anyway! ha ha) isn't about having the best decorated house or getting the best isn't even about being with our loved ones really...
 (I didn't even have money for a Charlie Brown tree like this one year! ha ha ha)
And believe year we were so poor...when Jordan was a baby and I was a super young wife...I wanted to I cut a tree shape out of a cardboard box and taped it to the wall and drew decorations on family, not really much food...just me and my little baby...but we had a wonderful time!

Christmas is really about celebrating Jesus' birth...
Not about dealing with relatives that have hurt you....feeling alone, or broke....
There's always next Christmas..and it can be 10 times more wonderful....
Whenever I've felt sad, or been alone on a holiday....I always tell myself...."Next (Christmas, new year's, birthday, valentine's day....) is going to be awesome! It's ok if this one isn't great....I'll make next year's super wonderful to make up for this one!"

Rest in the peace that, that little baby, who's birthday we celebrate can provide...and if this year is feeling not so wonderful...he'll give you double for all your you'll have a double great Christmas next year!

And my granmda used to say: "Christmas is the only time you sit around a dead tree and eat candy out of sock!" ha ha ha ha

Don't let anyone steal your joy..whether it's a difficult family member, (a mean lady who wrote not nice things on your car window!), not having a lot of money, feeling alone...
Keep that happiness alive in your could be sitting all alone singing Christmas songs to yourself, dancing around your room, or just driving around looking at all the pretty twinkly lights...
as long as you keep watering the love and happiness garden in your heart...and trusting that God will give you an amazing Christmas to make up for any bad'll be alright...
until then make some hot because I'm sending you the biggest hug...and I wish I could throw a huge Christmas party for everyone...and we would sing and eat...and really be MERRY!!!

candy canes....kandee


Makeup Overdose said...

i love you kandee!

Unknown said...

Dont Worry It Will Get Better!!!Your The Best!!!

HelloMary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
girlylau said...

Thank you Kandee you lifted up my spirits, I felt very sad... Thank you for being a bright light! <3

Unknown said...

You are an inspiration to many :)

Tera said...


HelloMary said...

aww Kandee you always have a positive outlook on everything. After reading this I also feel bad for the mean lady she needs some Christmas fairy dust blown her way hahaha =D

Unknown said...

I know your holidays will get better..But its very difficult i know what you going through i have no family in Canada no one ever invited me either i just move also and have no money absolute none at all...Moved in May and cant even find a job also..But i pray the new year will be better for me...Stay strong you!

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how intuitive you seem to be! I was just talking about how I'm upset that this Christmas isn't going to work out the way I thought it would because of a break-up, and you are absolutely right..I should never allow anyone or any circumstance to ruin my time with my family who loves me and who I love so much..xoxo thanks!

Unknown said...

offf u just make me cry ......cause i was just thinking that is gonna be the worst christmas ever because i.m without money and without my love ..........but u r right next year it.s gonna be better!

satirida said...

You are an angel =3

ClaireWhite said...

Hey kandee dont worry , you will be better in no time ,
i was alone for a while and felt realy upset as if i wanted to just go to sleep and not wakeup any more but with your joy and happiness i stopped feeling like that i was back to my oldself in no time , thanks kandee you are an inspiration to lots of people around the world !! said...

God bless u forever sweet Kandee!!! Have a wonderful christmas!!! XOXO

Jody said...

You are so positive and I strive to be that way. I think one's attitude has a lot to do with happiness. You inspire people to be positive and help us look beautiful! I enjoy reading your blogs and watching your videos and just wanted to say thank you. Merry Christmas!

ashleysayduh said...

uhh!! How rude!! i had that almost exact same thing happen to me yesterday, which was my birthday...
i accidentally cut off an older woman with two other older handicapped people in the back, and i could tell she kept trying to get next to once at the light she looked over at me and gave me the rudest gesture, so i pulled up to be at eye level with her and mouthed SORRY to where she could tell, and she gave me the bird!! like what a rude woman that was...but it was okay i thought about what you, Kandee, would do..and i stayed postivie and thought maybe it was just her bad day or whatever.

but thank you for showing me how to be such a strong person over little things that people do!

isabelschild said...

Well said my favoritest Kandee in the whole world. Wishing you and your sweet ones a Jolly Christmas!!

Sheresa said...

Name the cupcake
Sheresa!! LOL ha,ha,ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Reading this just made my Christmas so much better. Issues with the in-laws will not get me down.....Thank you!

:) said...

I am dealing with some things in my life right now and to read bits of inspiration like this is so comforting. :) I wish you the Best Christmas Ever!!!

P.S. I'm praying for Miss Meany Pants....I hope the good Lord will fix or heal whatever is going on inside her to make act the way she did.

Unknown said...

Nawwww Kandee I love your videos and your blog, I love your positive energy, its so uplifting 'cause I was feeling so alone and not getting invited and stuff and I'm glad I'm not alone with that too! Just thanks so much for your positivity and gorgeousness :) MWAH- Happy holidays as the Americans say :) xxx

Shelby Renae said...

"As long as you keep watering the love and happiness garden in your heart...and trusting that God will give you an amazing Christmas to make up for any bad'll be alright..."

I needed to hear that so badly. Just someone telling me that it will be alright. Thank you so much sweet Kandee. I'm always praying for you! (And now your little cupcake!)

Also, your positive attitude is so infectious! I'm glad you didn't let that rude lady ruin your day. She needs a candy cane and some Christmas cheer. :p

Wishing you a blessed Christmas filled with lots of hot cocoa,

Anonymous said...

yeah,people seemto forget the real Christmas celebration reason)now it's only a new chance to go shopping, eat and drink)) and a bunch of illogical ridiculous customs which we don't quite understand (i mean the mixture of Claus, Tree in the house , Socks and Christ's birth alltogether) hahahahha seems like going crazy, huh) but who cares now if it's the onle of a few reasons to have a break from not less crazy life)

Doni Brown said...

Thank you so much for posting this!!! I really needed to read something encouraging!xoxo said...

I love you! This was an awesome post! Merry Christmas to you and your family :D

Lauren said...

Merry Christmas Kandee!!
Thank you so much for your uplifting words your blog elevated my mood so much the last few months have been tough im in my twentys and I've been going through those hard trials and tribulations everyone tells you that you have in your twentys but atleast I know that with each year it will get better and better I just hope as I get older I have a positive outlook on life as much as you do!! Thank you again!! Have a very merry christmas with your beatiful babies and family!!

Melissa said...

Hey Kandee, I know what you mean about not having a great Christmas. This year is probably the worse Christmas I can imagine, because it's going to be the first Christmas away from my family. I didn't even have money for a Christmas tree. But my mom knew I would be sad without my family and without sense of it being actualy Christmas. So she and my Granny sent me money to buy a small Christmas tree and they both sent me a card teling me how they love me. That really brightened up my spirit!

Anonymous said...

keep watering the love and happiness garden in your heart...that is so beautiful ! i love that so much..i even wrote it down...thanks so much for your words Kandee...thanks for sharing them :) lots of love xxxxx

Anonymous said...

oh and Merry Christmas to you and your family!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I'm speechless.... your such a truly inspiration Kandee!! Your words of kindness makes everyone smile :). We love you so MUCH!! I wish you a Merry Christmas with your lil ones & family :). Que Dios te bendiga siempre.

*starr fish said...

Thank you for the words of awesome! I didn't get to take time off work to go see family for the holidays and I've been a little down about it. Like you say though, I am trying to keep an upbeat attitude...I'm right where I'm supposed to be and have much to be grateful for. Thanks again and I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas!

RubySkeleton said...

I agree with everyone else! This post sure brought a smile to my face. It is good to see that through your struggles, you still find the joys of the holidays! ;-D
You are AWESOME!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Kandee! You brought a smile to my face. I'm trying so hard, and having lots of obstacles. You make me smile, girlie! xoxo

Maggie said...

I'm so depressed right now (hollydays always make me feel sad)! And your words are making me feel better... I'm not gonna lie and tell you changed my life or anything like that, but you really are making me feel understood. i'm not alone in this, I guess...
Thanks a lot for being so sweet... This feeling won't last (I'm leaving this people and this place that are hurting me so much next week), so I think I can be relief because I will feel better soon.
Thank you very much for your sweet words and advices... I would like to have somebody like you to talk with...

In Palace said...

Hi kande!!! I made this for you, hope you like and merry christmas!!!

Cathy xoxo

sneakerdoodle said...

You are always an inspiration.I look forward to reading your blog posts because they are always so upbeat and inspiring. Thanks Kandee and Merry Christmas!

Nanjo said...

You are my hero Kandee!! your statements really cured my heart, its so puffy right now like cotton candy!! thank you so much ..this is what I really want for every christmas day.

Makeup By Kimm :) said...

You are such an inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

Unknown said...

Hey kandee, I have looked everywhere and I don't know how else to reach. I know you are a very possitive person and I remember once seeing a video about breakups but don't remember where. Please send the link...I'm not feeling so chipper...I need a friend and as deppressing as it sounds..I don't really have many.. please send link my way and many strength dust and happy thoughts..I really need them..I tired sending you a facebook message but not possible either.. =(

NYCMisc said...

Kandee, this post brought a tear to my eye - thank you for your eternal positive attitude, I always log on when I've had a hard day and go right to your blog. Thanks for making my day - again ;-) Merry Christmas Kandee!!!

Anemone said...

Happpy Holidays Kandeee...u make my dayyy

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kandee and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Kandee, thanks so much for posting this. This year has been a rough patch for me and this past month has just been awful and words of encouragement like this really make me see the bigger picture. Have a Merry Christmas!

Jennifer of JennySue Makeup said...

I reeealllly enjoy your blog as a mother of 3 myself- and this posting touched me the most, bc my most recent blog post was regarding the true reason for celebrating this wonderful season and how we should all keep Christmas in our hearts no matter what. You are a wonderful and talented soul, and your soon to be daughter (and other beautiful children) will be proud to have you as a mother. Merry Christmas Kandee! Keep up the good work and inspiring us all.

Unknown said...

I can't believe someone did that too you! You can come to my party (if I were having one). You would be the life of the party! love you. Thank you for sharing your message of the birth of jesus!

Unknown said...

I wish there were more ppl like you! Your so amazing, beautiful and you try to stay positive. I love you kandee, merry Christmas !!!!

Lindsey said...

Don't worry about that lady. She was just sent there to make all of these comments feel extra special :) Consider it a present in disguise, because it emphasizes all the people that love you (and remember when it comes to the internet, for every person that posts a comment, there are at least 50 who think the same thing but are too lazy to write, lol). It's easier said than done, I know. There was an individual that deeply wronged me and even though I try to be positive and let it go, I can't stop being angry. Reading your positive words helps make me feel better about the good things and learn to get over the past. Thank you!!!

pinkelefuntz said...

This sounds 100% like me and my christmas!! and i keep saying, next year will be better. but when you take away all the decorations and presents, it is easier to understand that christmas truly is about the glory of Jesus. Thank you, and I love you kandee, youre the best-est thing ever!! have a Merrry christmas! <3

natalie said...

your heart amazes me <3 adore you. Merry Christmas, you deserve the best one, because you are the best

Anonymous said...

hello kandee
i just wana tell you that im an arabic muslim girl and im one of ur biggest fan and u deserve telling u that i love u , i luv the way u think ,the way u look to ur life and ur spirit, u r really pure and kind candy :) ur such articles make up my day => and let me accept any circumstanses that may spoil days =>
and i like ur make up and ur messy room where u wear make up ;p ha ha ha
and if i celebrate christmas (but we dont ;) ) i'd definitly invite u with ur little darlings ;)
i;ll be glad if u let me know that u read my post in a way or another ;*

GemaLuBtz said...

she's physco!!!!! LOL kandee dont worry on sunday we were coming back from my friends house & there was his big accident & there was ONLY 1 lane to use so all this people are trying to cut in front of us, so this guy speed up & tries to cut in front of us, so my husband didnt let him so i turn to see him because he almost literally hit us, & guess what!!!!? HE GAVE ME THE FINGER!!!!! & yell something at me!!! so i was really you old ugly guy!!! so i start it to laugh!!! because of his stupidity!!! WE ALL ARE STOCK HERE!!! LOL anyways once the light turn green he attempt to cut in front of us AGAIN my husband didnt let him, so once we had pass the accident we did cut in front of us that we almost got in an accident with him!!! but he didnt care.... There's a lot of people that dont care about their lifes & they put others at risk =(

Samantha said...

Kandee I linked to your post in my blog because I wrote about the same thing!

<3 you friend!

Barbie Samantha

Unknown said...

I so needed to read this, this afternoon my husband and I got into a HUGE argument over family..... who's house to go to, who's family will we hang out with first aaaaaaaaaaa! Sometimes these holidays could be such a drag! But you are absolutely right Christmas is about our savior, not over who's side of the family is cooler (of course we know mine is over his, hahaha).
Anyhow thanks for this blog it most definitely grounded me!

The Girl With An Idea said...

Kandee, I'm so thankful God put you on this planet, I have no idea how I would live without you and your beautiful personality. (I'm not kidding! Haha.)
You're a miracle yourself, always wanting to give and share the happiness you receive from giving! You're gorgeous, on the inside and out. No matter what stone life throws at you, you catch it and drop it. You're an angel, Kandee, you don't know how you have changed my life, and you don't even know I exist! I think that's something to be VERY proud of.
Keep on shining, Kandee! Cause you're a light that won't burn out.
Love, you're faithful friend. :)

background pictures for free said...

I don't post often, but your post got me right in the heart. This Christmas is a unique one for me and my circumstances. Your post made me tear up a bit. It's going to be an ok Christmas and I know next year will be even better. Hugs

Unknown said...

..Happy Christmas to you and to your family Kandee! God Blessed!

Mitzy said...

I visited your blog via my sisters blog..
and all I can say is WOW!!.. VEry powerful words! I REALLY needed to hear them!
I have a Family situation of a sister in law, and a mother in law on my Husbands side, that have made Holidays VERY stressful for about 8 years!.. I have 3 wonderful Boys, and they never deserved to see their mommy so stressed on a day that was supposed to be so joyful :-(
So this year, I decided to take a stand, and NOT let Christmas day be ruiend!! We are celebrating at home with our 3 boys all day, and going NOWHERE!
We do however, have to go to a family gathering a couple days after Christmas, where the Inlaws will be, and I am Taking your advise.. I WILL NOT allow them or anyone steal my joy in this holiday season!!!!

Lorie said...

Where would I be without my Kandee? Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful, wonderful family. I really needed this post to remind me to be thankful for my wonderful family and to remember to trust that God has a plan for me too! Sending you big hugs from Texas!

stephyrae76 said...

Bless you dear Kandee!! I needed to read this blog so very bad! I just prayed that God would show me something to brighten my sadness and here your blog showed up in my email! I am usually so happy at Christmas but this year has been different. It seems the whole real reason behind the season (Jesus Birthday!) isn't important!Everytime I read one of your b;ogs, it lifts me up and changes my mood around. I know you have no idea who I am but it feels like you can read my heart! Thank you for being you and having the love & peace in your heart to share with others!! Merry Christmas!!

Jamie Marie said...

I learned many years ago, in a Target parking lot, that the "Spirit" only moves people who aren't parking, trying to save money on gifts or dealing with family members. My boyfriend and I have the best time people watching during the Holidays - it's like the TRUE meaning of the season is lost on everyone, and it's a war to see who can show the most "spirit" under the tree, but not in their hearts.

Merry Christmas to you and your fam - hopefully you won't have more encounters like this before Christmas day!!

elciaravi said...

Thanks, I needed that!!!

Millie022 said...

I remember one year we were so poor that my mom wrote us a letter from santa saying that there was a mix up at the factory and we will be recieveing our presents in the mail. Now I know it was after she recieved a donation from the church to get us a few presents each. For a 6 year old that was hard but now I apprciate all my parents did for me as a child because it taught me to be greatful for the few presents that I did get.

Thanks Kandee for being so awesome. And I hope that everyone has a great Holiday season, Whatever they celebrate!

Aninhas said...

Thank you so much Kandee.
Just lost my mom, my best friend ever... my soul mate... Thank you for all good vibrations of your words! Wish you all of best in the world. Lots of Love

PIXIEs Spot said...

Thank you so so so so so much for this post it made my this christmas is not going to be the best for me and my brothers because my parents are low on money, my mom doesnt work and my dad berly makes enough to support 5 of us...we didnt even buy a christmas tree and I'm sure we wont get doesnt feel like xmas at ...ahhh I'm 20 and I should be working but school didnt allow me because I was taking 6 classes and college is hard but now I will take a break from school and only go part time next semester to help my family.... its sad but your right we have to be thankful for what we do have, our family together.... I wish it was so much different but as long as we do a little prayer for baby jesus, I'll be year will be better <3 hopefully =)

BK said...

Thank you kandee you are amazing an a great role model !! i hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that you always allow your heart to be as pure as it is . you inspire me to be better and i love your advice. when people stay honest and true to who they are through troubled times it shows character and the goodness that is in their heart that is you !!

Gabriela said...

aww i love these kind of posts you write. It always comes in such good timing and always brings a smile to my face. Thank god for people like you. I wish you a very merry Christmas with all your love ones. xoxo

Hayley said...

I would love to know how you make ur skin look so clear in this picture. not that your skin isnt clear all the time lol. but in this but in this pic your skin looks amazing! please tell!

mlokrongly09 said...


You have no idea how much this post meas to me. I'm going through he** right now because of something horrible I did. It made me believe that I won't even have a Christmas. The most helpful line was, "you'll be alright". That means so much to me. Thank you for being my guiding spirit through this troubled time in my life.

It means so much to me.

Love, from the bottom of my heart,


Stephanie said...

Thank you for this post. Every Christmas is a hard time for me. I always spend 1st day of Christmas with my dad, his mother and my brother. My dad doesn't care about me, just like my grandmother. It's never nice and cozy the way it should be. They never ask me how things go and they always talk negative about me, everything I do is wrong.. even on the holidays. My mom says my dad doesn't take the efford to do something about the whole situation. Too bad my mom always has to work with Christmas.

jesika143 said...

Thank you, Kandee! I was just complaining about the stresses of coming from a divorced family and having to divide up my time and drive back and forth to celebrate with different families when in reality I should be thankful i have 2 sets of families that want me around :) You're the best...Happy Holidays!!!

Sarah said...

Merry Christmas Kandee!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Kandee!!! (although im nt celebrating it but y not, rite hhahaha)

Love to read your blog, watch ur vids n so much more. Just break up wif my boy, its hard to move on for the past few month.. you know what, im not alone :) i hv frens to chat, ur blog to read n ur vids to watch. ill get very busy hahaha

things hppn its just how u deal with it...

you teach me so much about life and love... ill try my best to live my life... be hepy and make people hepy...

Merry Christmas Kandee.. GOD bless all of us!!! say hi to all ur lil angels :D

Veronica said...

Kandee, thank you for all the great advice! This year has really had me feeling blue and this month wasn't all that great either (an ex friend of my brother painted my dad's car and threw eggs on my brother's window). But laying on my bed at night when I felt like giving the guy a piece of my mind, I got threw it by thinking that God lets things happen for a reason. He knows how to deal with things best and after all he is the only one who will judge a person.

CEO & President of the Twinkle Factory said...

Thank you for your inspiration! My Christmas hasn't turned out like I wanted- my boyfriend and I broke up a week ago, and all of my family lives in a different city than me, and I can't afford to pay for the flight to visit them. Eventhough I am celebrating Christmas alone this year, I am still thankful for all of the wonderful things in my life, and I know things will only get better! Looking forward to a New Year filled with your happy spirit and awesome makeup tips!
Merry Christmas Kandee!

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