Friday, December 17, 2010

Did you lose this!?!

Are you having a blue Christmas?
Have you lost your happiness and hope?
"you can't change your problems but you can change your attitudes about them!"

Maybe your Christmas is feeling not as great as everyone thinks or as happy as you wish:
  • maybe your heart is hurting
  • you're in an abusive relationship
  • you are having money struggles
  • no work
  • family problems
  • sadness
  • depression
  • dealing with mean people at school or work
I get thousands of emails from hearts that are hurting..and I care so much about each hurting person...I know what it feels like...and I hope this encourages you!
My life is filled with things that make me feel like I want to cry some days...we never know how what hurts are going on inside people's hearts and lives.
You never know how one extra smile, or a cheery "Have a Merry Christmas!!!" could add a little brightness to someone's day.

No matter what your hurt is, or how hopeless you can change how you feel about it...
Joy isn't just something on Christmas cards, it can be in your heart!
How to brighten the spirit of your heart:
EXPECT great things...stop saying things like:
  • oh, nothing ever great happens to me
  • nothing is going to work out
  • my life is miserable...
STOP will feel what you think
Are you thinking good things? Bad things? Sad things? Anything hopeful at all?
Faith is what you need for things your hoping for. If you never expect anything good, you're never going to receive anything good.
Live everyday with anticipation of it being a great day. Don't let that sad, stinking thinking rule your thoughts...say no matter what is going on around me, who is saying what to me, or trying to hurt me...I won't let them win the battle over the happiness in my heart!

Here's an example from something I just had to change my thinking about:
I was getting very sad and depressed, because I have been so busy with Glaminars that I haven't been looking for a new house to rent and my time was running out to find one...
after spending days driving up and down every street, finding out places had been rented just minutes our hours before I called, I just felt like crying. I had found one house I really liked, that was so cute..I called and they had just rented it! I felt hopeless and told my mom, "what am I going to do, I'm not gonna find a place to live!"...
My mom said, "You need to give all your cares to God, you need to put your hope in him that he is going to find you a place, and have faith that he is going to take care of you. Stop worrying and give it to God, and ask for him to find you a place."
You know what?!?
That night I prayed, and I asked God to find me a place, and that I would stop worrying and rest in the peace that He has and always will guide my life and take care of me...
This was such an answer to my prayer...
I found a house that was soooooo much better than the one I was so sad about being rented!

This is how life is..we try so hard on our own, we get frustrated and sad, we lose hope, and soon we are saying things like:
  • I'll never have a nice house
  • I'll never lose weight
  • I'll never have the life I want
  • I'll never become...this or that
  • no one even knows what's going on in my heart or mind
  • no one cares...I'm all alone
  • nothing is going right for me
  • my life is so far from perfect
  • I should just end my life.....
NO! You should just end the way you've been thinking about things!
Decide today, that no matter what or who feels like it's making your life and heart sad...that you will not be ruined, hurt or destroyed by whatever it is!
You will start with your thoughts...expect change- even if you see none!
Expect hope - even if you have no signs pointing in any direction!
Expect happiness no matter what- even if all your problems seem to big!

Today I am dealing with things that scare me, things that are frustrating, things that are causing my heart to feel so hurt, things that could make me break down and want to cry and not get out of bed...
But I am deciding..these problems WILL NOT BREAK my spirit...I will be happy, I will smile at everyone I see, I will live with the hope for miracles being on their way!

I won't give up, give in, or lose hope...I I REFUSE TO BE DISCOURAGED!

Don't worry you don't have to be religious to hear's just something that encouraged me so much...and I hope it encourages you too!
"Those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him, will renew their strength"
(if you want to read more, that was from Isaiah 40:31)
Lift your hearts and hopes up to heaven...and may blessings and peace fall like snow from heaven down on you today..making everything beautiful and sparkling!

huge love and happiness...from your friend who's choosing hope and happiness no matter what else goes super wrong in my day!...kandee


Ramona Quimby Lives said...

Thank you. :'o)

Chelsea said...

This is hard right now because I'm supposed to transfer to a university in the spring time, and the school I was at for the fall screwed stuff up again and I can't send out my transcripts, so I will probably be stuck here and I can't sign up for classes again because they are all closed so I really have nothing to be happy about.

Kandee Johnson said...

@ Chelsea...don't look at it that way...there is probably a reason this happened, maybe because you are "stuck" there...there is a reason...maybe you will have an amazing oporrtunity, maybe your soulmate is waiting for you, maybe you are avoiding something bad happening if you were to have things go through...change how your heart deals with things too! huge hugs...kandee

Whitnee said...

Thank you SO much for your encouragement. A couple years ago while I was in church, a certain lady gave a talk on JOY. She turned joy into an acronym...
I loved reading your blog today. It reminded me that when we put Jesus first, help others, then good things will always come to YOU!
Merry Christmas, Kandee!

beautylogicblog said...

You are such an inspiration. Thanks so much for this. I know so many people that needed to read this. Hugs and I can't wait till your baby is born.

Anonymous said...

And this is why we love you! :) Thank you for a huge reminder.

Kristy said...

I loved your blog today! It makes me happy. You made my heart smile today ! Thank you Kandee *hugs* and lots of prayers your way.. It will all work out and soon you will be holding that wonerful little one in your arms and what a blessing that will be! Have a wonderful Day!

Whitney said...

This was so inspiring kandee! =)

Hope you have a merry chirstmas!


The Mintuit Mother said...

I know you said people don't have to be "religious" (and I hope they're not because He want a relationship! ;) ) But anyway, yes, we need to put our hope in the Lord. Those who do not know Him and have not been saved however, won't reap the blessings of the love He has for His children (because in order to be His child, you must be saved). The only prayer the Lord hears from the unbeliever is a prayer of repentance. SO I pray and pray that the verse you post does encourage someone.... to accept Jesus as their savior!!! Only then will they experience His true joy!!!

It's Christmas folks! Lets come together and celebrate Jesus as our Savior and be thankful for the blood He shed for us! Accept Him and be His child!

Merry CHRISTmas Kandee and everyone!!! =)

Unknown said...

I don't think you can even understand how much that was needed. It's like God chose you to speak it to me.

Thank you isn't enough.

You are truly incredible.

Know that you CAN and DO change lives with just one post. I am printing it and hanging it on my wall to look at everyday.

"I can't lose the weight" is in the trash- along with the binging and purging, the diet pills and the maniac exercising.

I will lose this weight with God on my side. I will lose it and END this 6 year struggle with food. I will be beautiful.

Thank you.

Robin Moses Nail Art said...

beautiful!!!!! wonderfully said and i could not agree more. i am glad you found the perfect house. it is because you help so many to feel better about themselves :) *huge love*

Unknown said...

Trust me You are an amazing person. I never so you and I never talked to you but I love you and I know you are an amazing human being. The world would be a better place with people like you. Thanks for all you help.

brittanyngibson said...

Can I just say that I so happy that one of my most favorite make up gurus ever is not afraid to tell the world about her faith in God! So many people these days don't believe or are too scared to admit it. I am a christian and it just makes my heart smile to read your blog! I just wish I could really put into words just how much that means to me! You are AMAZING! :)

Unknown said...

hey kandee!!!
your words are so true...
i try every day to think and act like that, but sometimes things happen and i can't help but feel discouraged.... but i know everything will work out in the end :)

Jill said...

AHHH!!! AMEN!! This post definitely cheered me up! I just got married in August, I have gained weight since the wedding, my husband and I can't find jobs, we live in a TEENY TINY basement apartment, and my husband is 6'11 so its EXTRA small for him, and we have both just been so so frustrated because we can barely pay our bills! I have hated gaining weight, its only a few pounds but its freezing outside, and I can't afford a gym so I feel like I can't lose it! But I can choose how I feel about it, and I Choose JOY! Thank you so much for sharing your sweetness and love and I will be praying for you and your little ones as things are hard for you as well :) Much love!

nappyhug said...

What ever the lord takes from you he will return seven fold. It is true! Trust in him is the hope of all glory! Thank you my Kandee friend! So many people "ARE" lifted by "YOUR" love! And your messege brings joy to the lords heart! He will say GOOD JOB KANDEE! I cherish reading your blogs! And being reminded that positivity breeds more positivity. Being kind to people brings out the kindness in them we want to see.

Kelly Goff said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! This is the exact thing I teach to my youth group all the time! Its so easy to get caught up in stinkin thinkin and let life defeat you, but God has BIGGER!
Have a wonderful Christmas Kandee!

Its Vero! said...

this year by far will be the hardest for will be the first xmas i spend without my bf of 4 years. we broke up in september because he had "cold feet". i really thought things were going great with us! we were so happy! 1 week before it ended he was telling me how much he loved me n how he wanted to get married n start our family together. that he didnt want to wait anymore. then *pfft*.
we've always been together. not because we forced eachother, but because we wanted to. because we had fun together, because wehated being apart. i still cry...almost everyday n night. it feels good knowing that there are uplifitng n positive souls like Kandee in the world. i just wish i could have even a DROP of that.
<3 u Kandee!

Vintage Black said...

Thanks! I try and keep my chin up everyday! Life isnt perfect, and who would wnt it that way. Unperfect life's make us stronger. I just started a web business, and its gotton lots of views, but not alot of sales, and I struggle everyday, but it dont mean that Im gonna give up or feel sorry for myself, im just gonna work harder. Kandee your such an ispiration to alot of ladies, and seem to be a truley wonderful person. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. If anyone wants to check my sight out its I make and sale vintage inspired aprons, an accessories

ale said...

Kandee you're the sweetest person i ever saw

Unknown said...

I love these words... They came right on time... thank you Kandee

Unknown said...

@ Kandee, you always manage to say the right thing to help me along when I am feeling down, I look for your videos and find cheer, you're adorable, thank you for being you.

@ Chelsea, you have nothing to be happy about? You are healthy enough to go to college, you have the opportunity to go to college, and obviously whether even through student loans, you have the money to go to college; you should be happy and thankful for those things. There are so many people who don't even have an address or a plan for their next meal. I can appreciate your feelings towards your situation, but yours is not one of hopelessness; you can't look at it like that. Maybe something else is meant to happen, you never know. Good luck.

S said...

It is always amazing that when we finally give our lives over to Christ that things happen the way they are supposed to. I was watching a show about the Iditarod dog race in Alaska the other day and it just reminded me that these racers hand their lives over to their dogs to pull and steer and keep them safe because there is only so much the people can do behind that sled. Dog is God backwards after all. I hope all of your prayers and hopes are answered this Christmas season. God Bless you, your sweet babies and the rest of your family!

Jessica said...

thank you for this blog kandee! i've been having a terrible day today because i am 18 weeks pregnant and i had my ultrasound today and they said i have signs for downs syndrome. i have to get an Amniocentesis test and i am terrified! i just want my baby to be healthy! it is the worst feeling a new mom could ever feel! my blood work came back with a very very low chance, but i am getting the test to ease my mind! no matter what happens i will love my baby!!! but it has still been a bad day for me and this helped a little so thank you!

Tonje said...

Kandee, you encourage so many people! Thank you for your blog posts. You are really a blessing!

FearlessLauryn said...

Thank you so much Kandee! I have been struggling this year a lot. My plans keeps falling through. Every time it starts to look better my world comes out from under me. It's hard to change those "bad thoughts" to good ones, so I am trying to focus on one thing at a time. I still struggle to say "I will enjoy my day" or "today will be a good day no matter what"... So I focus on going to Seattle (my home) after Christmas. I can't wait, and I just hope that once I get there I can start to change more of my "bad thoughts" to good ones... Clear my head and my heart from all the BS here in NC... I love reading your blogs, they really do seem to help... Remembering that I am not the only person hurting...

BlueButterfly said...

Thank so much for your post Kandee. After 10 yrs of an abusive marriage, I finally left my ex-Husband, and there were soo many times that I felt miserable and just so lost.
With the support of my family and friends, I got through this tremendous loss and thank God everyday for giving me the strength to survive. God bless you and your family for all of the hope you inspire to me and women around the world. Keep up the great work, and love to you always and your blessings.

Leslie said...

Hi beautiful.

You are such an inspiration.. You are a strong person with a strong personality.

I'll try my best not to worry so much. Right now I struggle with money problems, no job, depression, anxiety, and my boyfriend will soon be in afghanistan. I already know that I'm gonna miss him so much :/

wishing you a merry christmas.

xo Leslie

JustCallMeSunshine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Kandee you read my mind! I have been so down and out lately... I really needed some positive encouragement. I am 13 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and I recently lost his Dad. Before our loss we were on track to buy a house but due to funeral costs and his 3 younger siblings, we have to begin saving all over again. We're hoping we'll have the money again by February or March but in the mean time I am stuck living mostly out of my car and sleeping on the ground at his Mom's house when she will allow it. Its been so hard on me not having a home and I have been so negative thinking we will never get a house now. But you're words truly lift my spirit and make me want to look at everything in a different light. We have a lot of amazing people who love us and as long as we have patience and I know soon enough we will have everything we could ever need. Kandee, you're such an inspiration for me<3<3

Second Elegance said...

You are so sweet. Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope you have more joy and happiness in 2011 than you could ever imagine. Thank you for being you.

JustCallMeSunshine said...

Kandee, I just wanted to say thank you for this post... I know I've been super stressed out lately too, but I do pretty well keeping positive about things. Until the last few days or so, I'd been keeping my head up under it all. I feel like I was supposed to read this post today, because I was just starting to sink. It helped- a lot. <3

Unknown said...

WOW, did I need this today!!!! I was having feelings of hopelessness today but after reading this I was reminded of who I was (child of God) and that NOTHING absolutely NOTHING is too hard for GOD to get me through! Thank you so much Kandee for being an inspiration and reminding me of the hope that I have in Christ! I'm done with that stinking thinking! Love ya Kandee!

Unknown said...

Thanks for those inspiring, encouraging words, Kandee Kane! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and an even more beautiful new year to come! xo Hopi in Atlanta

Christy said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I felt like you were sitting right next to me, speaking to me. I feel the love and I'm some right back to you. What a blessing you are. You have no idea.

Rica said...

Kandee, Thank you so much for your words. This will be my 1st Christmas alone and it feels so depressing that I feel myself falling into this rut. ='( I see all these happy families and loved ones so excited for the holiday and for the 1st time in my life it doesn't even feel like Christmas. It's hard to walk with my head up whem my heart is still breaking but your words make it sound possible. This is what I needed to read and I thank you! Much love to you and your family and A Merry Christmas ♥

ACurran said...

Kandee, you have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. Thank you :)
I hoped over to your blog for a minute because I needed to smile, and this was here waiting, to speak to my heart.

I cannot put my gratitude into words. :'-)

Much love <3

MaresaWalker10 said...

Tomorrow is my birthday and I felt depressed and not too happy about my birthday because I've been having relationship problems and my family has been acting like I don't exist and whenever I read this I gain hope and you make me feel enlightened Kandee, thank you, you are an amazing inspiration!! :)

Tanya269 said...

Thank you so much Kandee, i have been so stressed lately becuase i wont be able to go to college this semester becuz of financial problems and i i've been trying to find a job and have been unsuccessfully, reading this gave me hope, and like my parents always say everything happen for a reason, so i'm just gonna put my trust in God, and pray for the best

Julie said...

Aww thank you so much Kandee. I had a really bad night and I'm still bummed out, but this post was such a nice reminder to be grateful for what we do have and to have hope and faith. Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in the negatives in our lives that we forget the good things. We all need a reminder, and sometimes they come in the most unexpected ways, like your post. Thank you so much for being so caring and thoughtful.

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.

Alexandra said...

This is why i loved to answer the question about your supreme necklace give away..To tell people why is so great to follow you.

I mean it's a little werd but everytime i'm going through something you right so many things that help me here in your blog!

God truly just spoke to me from your worlds..God bless you Kandee,God bless you...

Viva La Kristin said...

Thank you Kandee. I really needed to hear all of that. It has been so stressful the past few weeks. My boyfriend was hospitalized (he's okay now), I had my final exams at the same time, and alot of unneeded drama and other problems going on. I haven't been able to let go of it all and I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it. So I've been stuck in my own puddle of unnessecary dirt. But this post has really helped me, helped me to see hope. I didn't think much of what I I hope you will enjoy your new house! Thank you so much Kandee, you are an amazing person.

Krisztixx said...

beautiful scripture! thanks for this encouraging post! Merry Christmas!!! <

Suz said...

Oh Kandee,
please, keep being as you are, you are a beautiful person and your words make me feel the life a better way.

Thank you for all the love you're sharing!


Lindsly Love said...

This maybe a little weird. but I totally printed this post of yours, Kandee. My family is moving the day after christmas and we still don't have a place to live. SO many things are happening in my life and I know it was the attitude I had that made it hard living out here in CAli and I don't want that to happen again. I feel like I lost myself and I want me back. I love this and you for being such an amazing person!

Maureen said...

Amen Kandee what a beautiful message of strength and peace. Let's not forget that Christmas is about celebrating the day the Saviour of the World landed amongst us. God never leaves us, never ignores us, he just does things his way because he knows better.

Have a blessed Christmas Kandee to you and your family!

@ La Viro! I hope God fills you with love and with the blessing of acknowledging the Love that is already around you. Things will get better believe it or not. Stay strong. I'll be praying for you.

NatalieLaura said...

What a great thing to say Kandee. I wish more people, especially some very close people to me could read this, and truly think this way. I've tried to inspire happiness, positivity, and hope into their lives like you do everyday to people all around the world. All I can do is try. But you have definitley had a huge impact on the way I think and carry myself ever since I've started reading your blogs and watching your videos. Thank you for bringing me such positivity that I can't even describe into words! I love you Kandee!

Sarah said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I had that same feeling yesterday, of feeling stressed and worried. But then God does things in my life that make me feel just silly for worrying about it! Nothing can be too much to handle, knowing the God who created this whole universe and everything in it has my back! :)
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, Kandee! :)

Anabelle said...

Hi Kandee,

You are sooo right! I have to admit that these past months I have been overwhelmed by negative thoughts. We had massive money problems me and my husband, we were fighting all the time and I got pregant and then I was crying all the time and at work it was awful. But all of a sudden I realized that the happy moments of my pregnancy were passing me by and I would never have a chance to get them back. I have a wonderful man, a wonderful daughter and a beautiful baby on his way. So, even if now I have a diabete and I cannot eat any candy or cookie or anything sweet apart from fruits for two more months and a half, even if the money we make is not great, even if there are still a lot of problems to solve and hard times to go through, I do want to believe strongly in today and tomorrow. I don't want to drive my man away with my depression and bad temper, I want my daughter to be happy at home and my baby to grow big and healthy in me.

And just tonight we were listening to the song "Smile" and my husband was explaining the meaning of it to our daughter.
I remembered that I actually fell in love with him because he always had this big smile on his face that lit up my day each time I saw him. I was in a lonely period of my life and so was he, and his smile got us both out of sorrow.

Thanks for being so positive and caring!!

I really like your spirit.

Take care.


Kristen said...

Darnit Kandee, you totally made me cry again! In a good way though haha. Thank you sooo much for this, it came at just the right time. I'm really struggling this Christmas because of a bad breakup...feeling like Christmas is pointless, lonely, and depressing without him...but you're so right. There is always something to be hopeful about and I am gonna keep on fighting to be happy :)
Have an amazing Christmas, Kandee, you deserve it more than anyone <3

Alexa said...

Kandee God is so good that words can't even describe! I am so glad that He is using you as a light of hope to so many out there that need these words of encouragement, these words of HOPE. That is so what Jesus is! Without HOPE we are in this dark world all alone. Thank you so much!!!! I declare that God continue to bless you in every area of your life.

Monica said...

Thanks Kandee this is just what I needed yesterday I was so depressed and today you posted this message, God has sent this message to me through you.

Thanks Again God Bless you,
Monica D.

Jennivere said...

Thank you Kandee - a timely message throught the holy spirit, perhaps. ♥

Kimbocreations said...

AMEN!!!....and thanks for the gentle reminder :)

Beloved Bee said...

Definitely needed this today.. thank you and God bless you :)

Anonymous said...

This is a very wonderful blog. I love your writing, your creativity, and your thoughts. Lately things have not been going the way I would like. Lately... EVERYTHING hurts. Lately I've felt like nothing is going to ever get better. I recently went through a very painful break up with my fiancee of 6 years. He was my life. Only thing is, I wasn't his. Needless to say I've felt lost. The suckier part is that I have this amazing ability to perfectly play the role that NOTHING is bothering me, so no one even cares and or bothers to really take the time to see how I feel. I try and have a good attitude, but sometimes that is hard to come by. Thank you for your kind words, its nice to know that SOME people aren't scared to show that they really are only human.

Anonymous said...

oh my kandee, you are so amazing.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much. i have been having a day that has been not so great. Feeling like i want to quit my job and just start over. But this was exactly what i needed to hear. I prayed twice today for God to guide me and give me the strength to keep moving on. I am in such a better mood now that i read your post. You are amazing and I can't wait to see what you write next.

Socal Jen

Anonymous said...

Kandee- I just wanted to say that I think it's awesome that someone as famous as you is willing to share a Bible verse with your blog readers, and sometimes mention God in videos. I think that's so hard to find in many famous people now because they're worried about their image! So THANK-YOU Kandee!!!

Blonde Mafia said...

I needed to hear that. I have a current situation I am trying to pray about and ask for God's answer to. I dont know what to do or how to handle the situation but I have let it bring me down and hurt me long enough. I know there is a answer to my problem and a solution in sight and everything will get better. Until then I am hoping and praying for the best.
Thanks for the reminder.

You are loved SO SO SO very much
I look to you for advice and encouragement like your my sister

I hope you and your family have one of the most wonderful Christmas ever. And God bless that little sweet life you are about to bring into the world. She is a lucky girl to have such a wonderful mother...Thats why God has blessed you with so many wonderful little babies.

Huge Love

Anonymous said...

Thiss really helped....
I hace so much pain, but this helped
Tnx kandee :))))

cc said...

thank you so much for your inspiration kandee.

i received terrible news a few hours ago. good friend of mine took his life yesterday. i didn't notice the signs at the time but looking back it was obvious he was suffering and needed someone or something to reach out to. that is why im thanking you for this post. your inspiration and brightness is sure to help thousands of people get through those tough times and get out of their funks. i wish it was not too late for others, like my good friend allen, but im so happy that others will find hope through you and your messages.

god bless you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your blog today, Kandee. Could not have come at a better time :)

Tv Espectáculos said...

Hi kandee!!

Thank you so much for this blog.
Kisses from Argentina!
All the best for you!

Linda said...

Thanks Kandee for your uplifting words of encouragement.This is the first time that I've logged on to read one.My daughter, Nicole, is always talking about you making every day special to her with your comments of the day. One of her sisters and her have been to a seminar of yours and they loved it. Her sister, Danielle, has like a different style of eye every day and it's fun to watch people observe her creation of the day! My mom just recently passed away, my mother-in-law has been given a year to live, and my best friend and faithful companion of over 11 years(my dog, Abbie)is dying of cancer and I have been getting a bit weak in my faith. I needed the reminding that He is in control and that I needed to get back on board.I just read today that we can't control 10% of what happens each day but the other 90% we can just by the way we react to the rest. Thanks for devoting some of your busy life to give your loving words of wisdom.

PoochesForPeace said...

thanks for this Kandee :)

Sheydence said...

Perfect timing as always Kandee.
I was having the worst day yesterday. My best friend moved four hours away, my daughter was sick, I got into a fight with my other friend, and on top of it all, there aren't any presents under my tree because I've recently had to fix up my van.. I'm on welfare and any little expense is huge..
I was crying and close to giving up, when the friend I was fighting with called and offered to buy my two children something in my name.. and he wouldn't take no for an answer.. :)
It just shows that when you are so down things can change for the better!
I love your blogs and your videos Kandee. You're such an inspiration!
P.S. I was just accepted into college for esthetics!!

Kimber said...

Kandee I love your blog.....truly you are definitely a role model for so many young girls!

I am new to blogging, partly due to being inspired by your amazing stories. I don't want to look back and wonder "What if?"

I would be honored if you get a chance to take a look at my blog

I understand you are very busy, I can relate as a mom myself. Can't wait to see the upcoming news on your cupcake!


Unknown said...

you are the greatest .. ever!


thank you for the reminder that I haven't had in such a long time <3

PachecoFam said...

Dear Kandee,
I enjoy your blog! I have never left a comment on here before, but this posting just touched me. I always feel stressed, and worry and your lovely words put me back into perspective!!
BTW I used your youtube video to do the Queen of Hearts makeup for Halloween and it was a hit, and so fun to do too! My sister is an assitant manager at a Mac store and she was very impressed with my work! hehe.
Have a joyus Christmas, and good luck with your baby!!

Unknown said...

Kandee it's like god chose you to sleek to me today you can't even imagine how munch I needed to hear that. Iv been having really bad family problems and I'm so sad all the time lately. I have been praying literally every second I get that it will get better. But I've decided as of today and reading all these comment that I'm not the only one with problems. Maybe if we all just take 30 seconds to prAy for eachothet it will get better. Let's focus on other pol this season. ThNk you so much for this kandee you gave created. Wonderful family here. If anyone ever reads this pleAse please please pray for my brother and parents just a wick prayer I will be forever grateful. All my love And the merriest Christmas to you all!!!! Matthew 6:27-34

iulika_ct said...

thank you for theese nice words, u made me feel much better...we love u kandee, all the best ... many kises

NOVA said...

Kandee, again thank you for your encouraging posts. I love your blog, and God loves it too! My heart jumps everytime I read it. You are touching so many hearts and lives, and I pray for you and your beloved family. Love, Nova

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Kandee for this post because there are so many times when I just want to give up. I lost my only friend to her new relationship and now I feel more lonely everyday and even though I just was offered a new job and Im doing well in college, I cant seem to stop stressing the fact that I am alone and my friend who I thought would be my best friend forever would drop me for a guy. I know there are so many other real problems in the world that people deal with and mine seems so petty, but I still let it get to me and affect my mood and I cry over it all the time. However, when you put up posts like this it gives me hope and happiness because in reality it is not all that bad and I need to be more optimistic about my future rather than live in a negative past. Thank you so much for your wonderful posts that always look to cheer us up.

Karmelitha said...

Thank you so much for those words. I actually connect and agree with your kind of thinking. I am always trying to be positive, even when there's no sign of hope, my hope is always there no matter what. Although, sometimes I get fustrated and get tired of waiting and expecting and getting no answers, I shake it all off, and think that things happen for a reason and that I will just be happy and smile even when things get hard.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Kandee. You can't even imagine how much I need this encouragement. The second half of this year hasn't been nice to me at all. I graduated college this year and still can't find a good job. I have loans and fines I really need to pay off. I've been in two minor accidents, both have cost me a lot of money. And to top it all off, my boy friend dumped me after almost three years together. I'm still hurting and frustrated, but I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude and surround myself with people who care and will always be there for me. People like you are exactly what I need in my life right now. Thank you for putting yourself out there and being so encouraging
<3 Jessica

Anonymous said...

I am writing here first time.It's difficult to believe just some happy and lucky person but it's encourages so much.

Crimson Vixsyn MUA said...


nihar said...

You really inspire me a lot.. hope i get to meet you one day

Janine S said...

thank you so much for posting this. its kind of funny but i've been feeling really down lately and when i saw your article it started making me feel better. i prayed to God after reading your email and i know i am on the way to happier days. thanks kandee :]

Lebasi said...

kandee you couldn't have posted this at a more perfect time! i'm always looking for a sign from god when i'm lost and don't know what to do! i feel like this was my sign! thank you so so so much kandee!

Unknown said...

thank you for your encouragement! that's what i need to hear right now. i feel so hopeless and feel like giving in ;(. i'm not suicidal or anything. just tired of being jobless :(

- fenny

Unknown said...

Kandee!!! Thank you so much for posting that! You have no idea how much I needed encouraging words! Ive been feeling super blah lately and this really helped! (I even watched your sisters latest video on YouTube and that really helped too) thank you again for your wonderful words and your great spirit! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!
Yours in Christ,
Alicia <3

Chelsea said...

@Kandee I really appreciate that comment. I've been dating a guy for almost 3 years and I believe that we are meant to be together so maybe I'm meant to stay here with him, but I've already told everyone that I was going and my stepmom already bought me a WHOLE BUNCH of stuff for me to take up there, so I don't know what to do. I'm trying to fix everything (even though I don't really think I can) so hopefully everything will work itself out.

Bishasu said...

Kandee I love you so much. I wish everyone who hates on you would take the time to read the things you say and watch your videos and especially the ones where you interact with your family. You have such a good heart. Your positive attitude has not only rubbed off on your son (from the essay you posted) but me, as well as so many other people. I just went through a breakup and I've been struggling with depression and weight issues for a long time now. I felt so hopeless. I'm trying to get my life turned around and do things for myself, and you are one of the people I went to when I needed a reminder to stay positive. Not only have you touched me on an inner level, you've also given me great fashion tips that have helped me find great new places to shop from! I will probably only use baghaus from now on. I ordered the crown brushes & their makeup palette. I got a pair of minnetonka boots and I love them! I don't know if the 5 layer fringe will fit on my calves so i got one of the ankle cut styles. I love them. I love you. Please never change and continue to spread your attitude to others, because we really need it. You've done so much for me and I can only repay you by thanking you for your words, your hope, your makeup and fashion advice, and your ability to make someone feeling so sad begin to feel happiness once again. Thank you so much, Kandee. I'll be your fan forever. Love you

Anonymous said...

This Christmas will probably be the most difficult for me. I haven't had a job in months, I'm back living at home with my mom (who also doesn't have a job), my "friends" have abandoned me, and I have no money to buy presents for family. Sometimes I really just want to end it all....

But you always seemed to know when I need your kindness. Thank you for being there when we need you, Kandee. And Merry Christmas!

Ellie said...

This blog post came at just the right time... I felt like it was written for me... :)
Thank you for being so amazing Kandee!

miss Yelpington said...

your such a gem kandee, i dont have alot of money this year so im just gettin pressies for my family and my cheryl :) and a couple of my friends kids, everyone else will just have to understand im struggling. ive stayed positive through everything thats been thrown at me this year, the old me would not have coped. if any of you are feeling low or depressed trust me ive been there too and you may not beleive it right now but one day you will wake up and see life so differently, i hope everyone has a lovely xmas xxxxxxxxxx

Tiffany said...

Thank you I really needed that! :)

Sarah said...

Kandee, Thank you so much for the much need reminder that God is always there for me(us) and all I have to do is relay on him and he will handle all my needs. I sometimes forget this and your post brought tears to my eyes when I realized that I had not been relaying on him! Thank you for being such a testimony for the wonderfully amazing works of the lord! May you be blessed this Christmas season and all throughout the coming year! Much Love Sarah

Catherine said...

You have no idea how it have helped me to read this article! Honestly, I was thinking just the same as the negative thoughts, and I searched tricks to be less depressed but nothing worked better than your advice. I will try harder and harder to except for things and to hope and that's because of you, so I thank you really really much!
Merry Christmas! (:

Yougethepicture said...

This was your best blog post ever Kandee. I wish you could print it out on a Christmas card and mail it to me so I could always have it!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks you Kandee I really needed this today.......Im going to live in hope and believe that a miracle might happen someday to help me deal with some stuff in my life

OliveEyel said...


Blondie said...

Hi Kandee! I'm like seriously one of your biggest fans! I'm so excited for you and your new baby that's coming soon. You're very inspiring and reading this helped me get through my great grandmother and grandmother's death alot better. They both died right before Christmas and my parents are split so any holiday is really tough for me i almsot started to not like Christmas at all because it seemed like every year something really bad happens to ruin it ya know but I feel alot better thanks to you and I've decided this year christmas is gonna be great no matter what. Youre truley a blessing I'll be sure to make the rest of my family read this and we'll all pray together for a totally awsome christmas!!!! I hope your Christmas will be as great as I'm gonna make mine God bless and Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

I have been over looking this post...and i decided to finally click on it....and all i can say is thank you and thank GOd for laying this upon you to share....It really helped

*Stevie* said...

Thanks for posting this! I'm currently in the same situation, looking for a place. I know that God will provide! :) May God continue to bless you and lift your spirits. I love you so much for being such a postive and faithful person! <3

Anonymous said...

this post made me tear up, I'm so depressed today. all my friends, family have gotten engaged in the last 3 months and I'm alone.....

April said...

You're awesome Kandee! Actually yesterday before I read this post, I gave the girl at the pretzel shop a few extra bucks, she looked at my surprised and said, "What's this for?" and I just smiled and said "Merry Christmas!" I loved seeing the look on her face, it made me so happy, and the more people like us doing little things each day to random people will bless everyone, including us!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all your kind are helping out so many people..<3 xxxxxx

Dawn said...

This is an amazing post. I was having the worst heartache today! The guy I like jokingly told me I'm a dork and that I'm too nice, work has been stressful and one of my co-workers has been outright hostile to me for no reason I can fathom. THANK YOU!!! I'm usually positive and try to be upbeat but I've not been able to bounce back this week. You are truly inspirational and I am going to do what ever I can to put these feelings aside!

Kathryn Rachael said...

Kandee, this really touched me in a special place. I am trying to strengthen my relationship with God and you gave me more courage to continue to believe and have faith in HIM. Your words are true and wise.

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I sometimes feel like i hate myself because of this "chemical imbalance" that i have. It has hindered me from keeping jobs, staying in school, and being able to function in everyday life as a "normal" 23 year old.

I've been asking for peace in my heart and mind. I am trying to believe. It is an everyday process.

Your words have helped tremendously. I appreciate you! =) xoxo

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee...

I ended up reading that exact passage in Isaiah last night. I am just so overwhelmed with life. I picked up my Bible and thought I need something...and that was what I felt directed to read. I want to be able to look forward to things in my life instead of dreading them. Your just so wonderful and sweet. God Bless and have a Merry Christmas. : )

Anonymous said...

Wow this is soooo great..i think i needed this because latley my fears have been taking over my life and my negative thoughts and i felt like i wouldnt be able to really live life how i used too.. but i realize that i really need to have more faith in the Lord and trust and believe that hes going to help me through this saddness and depression. Thank you for this Kandee i really appreciate it =)

neko said...

Kandee you are right. We have to think positive. Im helping my boyfriend to be positive even when his work is stressing him out. I always cheer him up & give him positive thought. I realize that about not letting the negativity get to me. Your words made me smile & feel happier. Thanks Kandee.

Unknown said...


I just read this post and you don't know what a blessing and you are too your subscribers. Both you and Tiffany have so much love and positive attitudes that you just can't help not to smile and feel better after reading or watching a video. Whenever I feel not so good I know that God is always there for me when it feels that no one else understands. He knows my heart and I'm so thankful.
Just wanted to say a big Thank you

Margara said...

THANK YOU!!! It is blogs like this that make me think, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU KANDEE JOHNSON!!
<3 <3 <3

xSantyx said...

I really needed to read this right now. Just to remind myself to stay positive.

Going through a break-up, they seem so much worse this time of the year too!

Bit stressed with money/xmas shopping and trying to make xmas plans.

I recently read a book called 'The Secret' you may have probably read before? And this post reminds me of it so much.
It focuses on positive thinking, i really recommend it to anyone. :)

lockpeacekey said...

This post has encouraged me SOO much. Last week on thursday my boyfriend of 5 months who i love and will love for the rest of my life broke up with me. Not only that, he broke up with me by changing his facebook relationship status to "single." I got so upset I cried for days, and the reason he broke up with me? beacuse I did something for myself! I got a monroe piercing that I had wanted for a while and as a gift for not giving up on my first semester of college i got it.

He really hurt me in breaking up with me and told me that I got what i deserved because i "made him miserable." He would fight with me all the time, and EVERYTHING would be my fault no matter what.

I cried for two days and then I woke up yesterday morning and felt a bit better, but today I went back to being somewhat sad. But after I read this post! Man I feel so much better. It gives me hope! to have been able to read this know that there are so many other people in the world hurting too, and that all I have to do, and I've been given the chance, to change from a pessimist to a optimist and make my life so much better! Thank you Kandee so much for helping me through the hardest part of my life ever, and making it so much easier for me to say, hey i know i deserved better than he gave me and this was just a blessing in disguise. Thank you so much, and have a Merry Christmas. :)

Unknown said...

This is my first post ever to a blog...but a much deserved "Thank You" goes out to you Kandee! Your post really touched me and it came at a perfect time. I love your positive messages along with your makeup videos...your an amazing and beautiful woman! Thank you again..this really helped today :)

Heidi said...

Kandee, I thank you for bringing the world happiness in times of sorrow. & I know being strong is hard, but you make it look so incredibly easy. You're a beautiful person inside and out. I hope that every day brings you joy and blessings. You are loved by so many people from all around the world. Words can't even describe how amazing you truly are. <3

Much love & hugs!

ms.michelle said...

I totally absolutly LOVE u Kandee, U always know how I feel && pronanly not only me but thousands more out there, && u always make me feel better, u always bring me hope, && when I feel like the world is crashing down on me I read ur blog or watch your videos && I know that everything is gonna be alright ^_^ THANK YOU KANDEE!!! Millions.. for always understanding us && caring. How we all do for you too!! Much HUGE LOVE!!! your friend..Michelle..^_^

XPrincessAngel said...

Hi I know that you don't know me but I would like to help me out I'm entering a contest hosted by Stantea Mac for her new year giveaway contest the point is to get the most points I would love it if you would comment on her blog saying gaoia or xprincessangel sent you thanks

Discovering Holy said...

I LOOOOVE I Isaiah 40:31!!

harleenkaur said...

WOW! You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Beautiful not just on the outside but radiant in the inside. Thank you so much for sharing your life and your struggles with us. You have truly touched my soul with your loving light. God bless you Kandee! I hope your family remains happy and safe! You deserve all the happiness in the world. Don't ever change ;)

harleenkaur said...
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