Monday, November 1, 2010

The Worst Make-Over EVER!!!!!!

 I love make-overs! Anything with a BEFORE and AFTER...I love could be a home make-over, a clothing make-over...anything! And what could be more fun than making over my mom!?! But when you see a video that says this:
ha ha ha know trouble is a brewin'! ha ha ha ha
 And this weekend while my mom was visiting my sister, they told me they had made a "surprise" video for me!
"YAY!!!! what could it be?????", I thought!
I got a text from one of my friend's this morning say, "I LOVE your sister's make-up video with your mom! She is so funny!".......
(look at my mom's face when my sister tells her she's just sat down to give her a make-over!" ha ha ha
IMMEDIATELY I went to Youtube to see what they had done! ha ha ha ha
.....I haven't laughed that hard in a LONNNNNNG time!

(Can you please all help me SURPRISE my sister....can you go to her youtube channel  ~click here to go to her channel~and SUBSCRIBE to her! I want to see how many people can subscribe to her...and surprise her! hee hee hee)
This was the funniest "make-over" video I've ever seen!  Watch for yourself:
my favorite part is when my mom says: "THIS DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT!"
to which my sister responds, "Sometimes things don't feel right, but they look right!" ha ha ha ha ha


now if that did satisfy your need to see my mom get all dolled a real expert make-over my mom! ha ha ha ha...(TO MY SISTER: I just had to throw that expert part in sister! ha ha ha ha )
Notice the absence of fear on my mom's face! ha ha ha ha
 This is the first video I did putting make-up on my mom! It's old....back when I had my old blurry camera! ha ha ha
We filmed this on Valentine's Day last year...this was our "we're not lonely...we're getting glam" way of spending Valentine's Day! ha ha ha ha

and here's a new one....I like all the different hair styles my mom has in each video! ha ha ha

I have a new video I did of my mom's make-u, that's super fun and sassy coming up too!!!

So here's the "AFTER" look from first my sister's video...and mine! ha ha ha
hope you liked this fun peek into make-up with our mom! Thanks mom for being such a good sport! ha ha ha

Have a beautiful first of the month! Happy November!!!!!! I have all kinds of make-up video's cooked up for November!
huge love....your kandee

WORDS OF THE DAY: "When life feels like a big storm pouring rain on your life...throw out the umbrella of frustration....and dance in the rain!"


_coastie said...

i absolutely love your mom and sister! the three of you are identical!

Katie said...

LOL!! I love when your mom tried touching her face and your sister was like "NO! DON'T TOUCH IT!!!". Your mom was a really good sport! haha

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Thank you for sharing kandee! I love how close you are... and you three are so much alike, from looks, to laughs to smiles :) hahah. :)

Yvette Rowland said...

I absolutely LOVE you & your sister! I'm already subscribed to her. Can't wait to see this. Hahaha, LOVE IT!

Heidi said...

Oh goodness! Haha!

Mandy said...

hahaha i laughed so hard... you guys are hilarious and your mum is so much fun!!!

Valens said...

ahahaha it's so fun!!!!! you're (you, your mom and your sister) so lovely! I'll subscribe to her channel! ;-D

Unknown said...

Your Mom is awesome, such a good sport! and it's obvious that you all are very close! It makes me miss my Mama even more (being so far away is so hard!)
On a last note, your Mom is beautiful! I can see where you and your Sister get their looks!!

Unknown said...

omg, u and ur sister and ur mom have the same laugh. it is so adorable. u have a wonderful family.

chelseyelissa said...

omg this is sooo hilarious! ha ha ha!!!

MsGlitterazzi said...

LOL. This was cute & funny. I loved it when your mom touches the blush and she makes a face cause it's so sticky, lol!!! You all are beautiful!!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

I love it! Ha ha. I love all three of them. Your sisters is sooo funny! All three of you look so much alike! And smile the same and talk the same. You all three are very beautiful and have the same energetic spirit!

Anonymous said...

you look EXACTLY like your mom!

Cindy Yang Lee said...

i love that video of you and your mother! i wish my mother and i were that close :(

you and your sister look just like your mom! so beautiful!

Marisa said...

Hi Kandee, your mom looks a lot better with short hair. Loved Tiffany's video, while watching it I laughed sooooo much that my DH thought I was crazy...

Anonymous said...

So funny ... Not only do I love watching your videos I also love your sisters too ! Just watched her peace video and Amen to that Tiffany .

Shelby Renae said...

I've watched this video about five times since it's been uploaded, hahahaha. Tiff is a riot! And your mom is such a doll. She was definitely a good sport about getting her face painted like that, haha. The last two photos compared from Tiff's makeover and your makeover made me laugh out loud. Literally. Made my day so much better!

Anonymous said...

i watched this video shortly after tiffany put it up and i laughed soo hard...that video was hilarious and i knew you would get a kick out of it to when you watched it!

Lauri The Artist said...

Omg you and your sister look soo much a like! this was very funny lol

jelena said...

Mum: Are you fixing it?
Tiffany: Yeah,sure mum!
Mum (on the phone): Kandeeee, heeeelp!
Sooo, funny!
˝We are taking of years with this make-up look. Decades, may I say!!!˝ ;))))

Unknown said...

LMAO! diZ viDeo mAde my day! uR m0m is 2 funNy =) i luv heR reacTions ♥

Jay said...

fantastic! you're just the perfect trio ;) btw, i can't believe how much you look alike!! three lovely sisters :) best wishes from norway

:) said...

This is super funny!! XD

Hershley's Sweet Kiss said...

I WATCHED THE whole video!! ur sister is sooo funny! i love her! ahaha u mom is so nice

Risa said...

Haha...ur mum and sis are hilarious!

Kasey said...

That is a riot! Love it!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Jen said...

That is hysterical!! I can't believe how much your sister looks and sounds like you!! I can why everyone thinks ya'll are twins!! So funny!


Thank you, your mom and esp your sister for that!! I was having such a bad day and this really gave me a lift!! I was laughing and smiling throughout the whole video. It made me think about my mom and the laughs we had this halloween weekend and how that is what I should focus on and not all these other stupid things on my plate.

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

LOL how funny!!!! You're mom is great...and such a good sport! I'm amazed at the wonderful relation ship you three have, that is such a blessing! I hope I can do that with my daughter, me and my mom are good friends now too but we arent' as playful, I'm sad to say.

By the way, you all three so look alike, but the real resemblance is in your laughter! You guys all laugh exactly the same way. *MUAH*

GemaLuBtz said...

OMG you girls are soooo cute!!!!! you all look like sisters so lovely!!!!!

The Girls said...

LOL! They are so funny! LOVE your mom's haircut by the way! :)

Unknown said...

This was my favorite blog of yours YET! I love doing my friends's makeup, but by far my best model is my MOM!!! I was laughing the the whole time, cuz I was reminded of me and my mom doing morning makeovers! Love you Kandee Thanks for sharing!

Elizabeth said...

lol such a funny video!! I told my husband about it while we were out shopping tonight & then had him watch it! He laughed as much as I did, haha!

Great job :) :)

Stephanie said...

LOL I laughed so hard my face hurts now LOL momma was such a trooper!!

Anonymous said...

you, your sis, and your mom are totally triplets!!! stay cute!!! :-) (so reminds me of myself, my sis, and my mom!!)

mozzikato said...

Actually crying with laughter!!! Hilarious!

Sister Amber said...

This is what happens when I try to do my moms makeup too O.O

Diane said...

:)) super cool, I'm off to see it!


. said...

Oh my gosh. You three are all so beautiful and you look so much alike! :D

katnc24 said...

Oh my god. I love, love, loved this!

Zxenarea said...

That's hilarious!!! I laughed so hard!! that's something I would do on my mom, because I love her!! :)

Great fun girls! You rock!

crazycattee said...

your mom is so beautiful!

Unknown said...

couldn t stop laughing this is so funny !!!

Marcy said...

lol you are too funny!

Elizabeth Donskaya said...

bababahahahahaha oh my goodness your sister cracked me up! all three of you have the same facial features and absolutely the most beautiful white teeth! its amazing!!!

Elle said...

Your mothers laugh is so contagious!

"Where's my phone I gotta call Kandee *looks in camera again* I gotta call Kandee!!"

hahahaha she desprately wanted your help that second (-:

KatySchlake said...

You all laugh the same and I love it! It's so contagious! So glad I watched this, i totally needed a pick me up. :)

Such A Pretty Face said...

Oh my god! That was the funniest video ever! Thanks for the laugh! I needed it!

Stephanie said...

This was so funny. And your mom is so pretty.. you and your sister look a lot like your mom. And you girls should be happy having a great mom like that.. who lets their daughter doing her makeup.

Tracey said...

Is there anyway you could repeat all the products you used on your lovely mother? I to have queen bee skin :))

Karlie said...

before i make my point..
i love the fact that my hands are very very similar to my moms.

i think that the most beautiful thing about you and your sister is that you guys laugh just like your mom.

true beauty doesnt get any better than that!

(but make up is good too!)

Dyanna said...

Could your mom be any cuter?! I love it!!! Great job as always!

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