Wednesday, October 13, 2010

when we fall...

today walking to the security check inside MIAMI airport...I walked over a huge spot where there was water. (no WET FLOOR signs at all!)..I slipped and fell so hard that it tore my pants and the shirt I had on!

I could not move and a huge crowd and paramedics had to show I up...

Tears were running down my face as I laid on the super hard "polished-rock-marble-looking-floor" lots of pain but mostly worried about the baby.

It's very dangerous if you leak fluids when you are not ready to have a baby...

I won't bore anyone...and I can't type that long right now...but long story short paramedics were called on another accident...i sat in lots of pain..waiting for the paramedics to be called back...

Thank God for Facebook....because Karen, who saw my post on facebook (which I had typed as a distraction while the paramedics were talking things over with each other) and worked in the airport, came to find me...I have never met her but she was such a blessing today...
she drove me to the emergency room...because the airport said they wouldn't pay for me to take the ambulance there...
They got me on a gurney and took me up to Labor & Delivery to make sure my body wasn't going into labor (I'm only 6 months along)...and check me out...
(the picture above is my feet, my stomach was hooked up to 2 monitor devices to make sure baby was ok...they couldn't find the heartbeat for a minute and I was getting to nervous...but they found her lil precious heartbeat- which was the best sound to my ears!)...

After hours of tests, checks, monitors, blood work...God answered everyone's is fine and so am I! My tailbone and lower back are very sore...and I was told I probably won't fully heal until sometime after the baby is born...a few of my ligaments were pulled and strained around my belly and lower it hurts a lot and was told I will feel like a truck hit me tomorrow...great.

The paramedics said I'm one tough lady and they've never seen someone smiling and being in such good spirits when they are hurt...I said, "you should've seen me when a window tried to cop my leg off...I was laughing with the doctor about cupcakes as she sewed my leg back together!"...A good attitude can make any situation bearable....where you mind goes, your body follows. This time my body tried to get us down on the ground, but my mind said, "Nope we're not gonna stay down!"

I can feel baby moving and I just thank God she is ok! I am so very tired...and it's hard to type how I have to lay right now....I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and all the wonderful words on facebook...

I don't even care that we don't have our luggage (it went on the plane as I was still laying on the ground waiting for the mom took a picture for proof of the accident, but it looks like a crime scene so I don't want to post it...ha ha ha)...Karen took my mom to Target to get me some clothes to wear that aren't torn for tomorrow.

I just want to cry knowing that right now as I see and feel baby moving around inside me...she is ok...I thank God for answering prayers.

Thank you all for praying! And no matter how many times we fall, even when we slip on a watery mess that shouldn't have been there, as long as we get back up we are doin' good.

"It's not falling in the water that makes us's staying there that makes us drown!"  Many things in life...including water on the floor in an airport..can try to take us down...but it is the people that keep getting back up saying, "this will not keep me down"...are the ones that accomplish great things, overcome adversity, and look trouble in the eye and say, "you're not gonna stop me! I've got a great life to live!"

huge love and thank you so much...from your very uncomfortable and in pain, hope I sleep ok.....Kandee

I love you all so dearly!

Sorry I know this was not really about make-up, style, or anything I normally blog about, but if you DO want to hear about my "daily kandee adventures" CLICK HERE:


krislally said...

im praying for you and your baby! i hope all is well! lots of love from chile! :)

Wifezilla Hekela said...

GLAD U and the Baby are in good condition!! HUGS!-Hekela

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOO happy that you're okay! I saw your posts on facebook and I got so worried. I know that I've never met you, but I can't help but love you! You're such an incredible person.=]

Anonymous said...

i love you kandee <3

TexasBirdGirl said...

Oh Kandee,PRAISE GOD you are both okay!!
What airport was this??

missria said...

Oh I am so glad you are ok! I have been praying for you all afternoon and will continue to do so :-) Love you!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad everything turned out okay. We all love you and want the best for you because you're such a wonderful person! :D

tiffany said...

I am so happy to hear that you both are ok. Thank goodness for Karen who was there to help. Get some rest (yea right) and get better soon. Take care of yourself.
<3 Tiffany

Anonymous said...

kandee im glad you and your little cupcake are doing well! ill keep you in my prayers and that is ridiculous they wouldnt help you! how rude! well stay safe!!!!

Kaitlin said...

Thank God you and your little cupcake are alright! I was praying for you and I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for those sore spots, Kandee. Thanks for updating us! <3

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Good thing the baby is doing just fine! I would be really nervous myself if I fell down too (I'm almost 8 months along myself) Hope you get better!

Stevista said...

Phewwwwwwwww .... that's all I have to say!

Autumn said...

So glad to hear that the baby is ok. You were on my mind and I was thinking positive thoughts for you two!

Unknown said...

m happy u both are fine... god bless !!

Cristi said...

so happy that you are ok. and yes, God does answer our prayers...hope you're feeling better soon :)oh and thanks to the good samaritan :)

SOaps U Love - SOUL said...

I am so glad to know you and baby are alright. take good care Kandee.

Snarky P said...

I'm glad you and Cupcake are alright- I totally feel you on the back pain end. I haven't had any babies, so I don't know about how uncomfortable you must be... Pretty bad I imagine. Glad and thankful that you're both ok!

I'd be calling my lawyer and filing a lawsuit against those morons.

The Mintuit Mother said...

Thank you Karen for being such a blessing!

I am SO glad you and the baby are ok!!! I just heard of an acquaintance who lost her baby today and it just broke my heart. Hearing that your baby is ok bring joy to my heart. (I'm SOOOO emotional being pregnant myself- 6 weeks prego). I pray the Lord lays His healing hands on your and eases any pain. Get some REST Kandee! Sleep as long as you can. =) You need it. =)

God Bless and good night.


evey said...

i hope your little cubby cubby cupcake is okay :( and u too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Unknown said...

OMG..Kandee!! i'm glad you and baby are doing oKay. I got teary eyed when you said the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat..i'm soooo glad that you finally got to hear it. thank you KAREN for being at work are and angel sent from above!!! said...

whew!! glad you're ok, was sending well wishes and prayers your way all day when i saw your post on fb...was waiting for an update :) glad to know you're ok and the bebe is ok you i'll send good vibes tomorrow eek hope you're not in too too much pain

Betty said...

I am so happy you and your cupcake are ok.
Take care, lots of love and blessings for you both :)

Srita Caramelo said...

i am glad you are ok, but what they did to you with the ambulance.. that was so wrong. you should sue them. how can you do that to a pegnant woman?! these people have some nerve.
i hope that even though it'll take some time to heal you'll feel better soon. we love you and want to send you all the good energy in the world :)

Pamela said...

Many prayers for you and the little one..

SweeTee said...

Prayers for u & baby. Just know we all care about u very much & hope u can feel all our warmth around you. HUGS ~

boogiemama said...


Jermainecg said...

Thank God the baby's okey. :) I'll pray for you both Kandee!

Unknown said...

Glad you are okay Kandee! Try to get some rest girl! xox

Brianna said...

OMG, Kandee! I was so nervous reading this post! I'm so glad you and the baby are okay! It must have been such a terrible, stressful day not knowing how she was doing, but I'm so glad it all worked out :). We're all rooting for both you and your cupcake! <3 <3 <3

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad you and your baby are OK! I hope and pray you heal well!! :)

CMGarcia said...

I'm so so so happy to hear that you and baby are ok!!! I was thinking about this all day today!!!!! :)

Bee said...

Kandee, I am soooo happy that you and your babygirl are fine! My eyes were so watery reading this post, but a relief towards the end! I will keep you little ladies in my prayers. Much love and blessings. GOD is Amazing!!!

Siobhan said...

I'm glad you're ok. I can't believe the airport wouldn't pay for an ambulance. It was their negligence that caused your accident in the first place. I can't even imagine the ligament pain you're experiencing! It's bad enough pain doing routine stuff, never mind FALLING!

Frances said...

OMG I was so shocked when I read this! I'm so sorry about the fall :( the airport definitely has to take the responsibility! But I'm just really really glad that everything is okay :) I'm so glad you and the baby are okay. And I'm so glad that Karen was there to help you! (the proof of good karma!) Take care Kandee, you're in my thoughts :)

Unknown said...


Your such a busy bee!! Maybe try not to please everyone, you need to tend to yourself and your kids firsthand. My advice to you is slow down, your pregnant. lol =)

Cheree Belle

Unknown said...

Kandee I was so freakeed to hear about the accident...about gave me a heart attack! I am so glad you are okay as well as the baby. Please take it easy and know you have many people praying for you and cupcake...including me!

Bronte said...

I'm so happy you both are fine! Karen is definitely an angel sent to you today :) Praying for y'all! <3

Anonymous said...

SO glad you and the baby are ok!! You & the little one are in my thoughts and prayers :o) Much Love! <3

Josi said...

It's so wonderful and amazing that you had a helpful angel in Karen to come find you and get you to the hospital!
I know what ligament strain is like, and it's no fun. I can't imagine not being able to take anything for it! I hope you're able to build back up some core strength before the delivery <3

Feel better!

michelmoore13 said...

I am so happy to hear you and the baby are okay! :D I saw this happen to someone during a baseball game here in Milwaukee at Miller Park, and luckily the women walked away, probably in pain, but it's still terrible it happened. Best of luck to you and your pregnancy

Kate said...

So glad to hear that you and the little cupcake are okay! Will the airport accept any responsibility for your medical bills?? I hope so!

Leanne OCD said...

So glad to hear that you are both ok!

Dani_Louise said...

Glad you are okay,
you should take legal action though if you aren't already. Water shouldn't be left spilt on the floor without AT LEAST a sign, that's negligence and a breach of duty of care.
Considering it could have be worse I'd definitely be seeking some form of compensation for your misery.
Love your work :)

Trim girl said...

Totally the airports fault.No WET FLOOR signs and they wouldn't pay for the ambulance.

Wrath of Hearts aka Melissa said...

I bruised and/or fractured my tailbone two months ago and it still hurts so I feel your pain. I am so glad you and your little human are ok!!!

socialitedreams said...

you need to sue that airport! no wet signs and you fall, they lag on getting you help and you are PREGNANT??? and then won't pay for ambulance?? sue sue sue

jort7510 said...

SO SO glad that your little cupcake is doing well and so are you...I can not believe that the airport could or would do that when it was clearly their fault and than the paramedics not helping right away this being out will scare everyone from going to the Miami airport don't think I will ever be flying into there I will fly into Tampa first or some where never there!!!! God works in the best ways sometimes!!!

Serene said...

Glad to hear you are well, although I don't like the sound of the torn ligaments and such. You may want to consider litigation action.

ROSY* said...

I'm so glad you're okay and that your baby is safe!! I hope you feel much better soon , lots of love hugs and kisses for you and your baby you'll be in my prayers tonight , god bless that girl who helped you, and how rude from the airport you should sue them!

dukecitydarling said...

thank goodness for Karen I'm glad you and your little precious cupcake are alright I hope you feel better soon and if i were you i would definately find a good lawyer thats insane that the paramedics would even leave you and the airport wouldnt pay for an ambulance there is definately a good lawsuit here

Am i the only one that thinks this way? said...

good lord lady! if its going to happen it will happen to you, thats for sure...maybe its a sign you need to slow down!!! x

Anonymous said...

I am soo glad you and your lil cupcake are okay!!! I was so scared when I was reading the first part of the blog. I'm so sorry that happened to you! How scary! It doesn't sound like the airport treated you well!! That is not okay!! I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon!!! I will be praying for you and your little one. Much love, Kimee

Shawna Del Real said...

Oh you're precious baby. God is so good and has blessed you by taking such good care of her. Thank God you were with your mother. I'll pray for a speedy recovery so that you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Thank God you and your precious one are ok. I hope that you feel better soon. Sending you and baby cupcake hugs and kisses. Take care <3

Anonymous said...

i cryed so hard hearing this that you fell my heart broke in 1000 pices i kept checking facebook and here to make sure your okay then on your sisters wall she wrot that you and lil miss cupcake are okay i felt so releaved and blesses that the prayers worked i love you so much kandee and i already love your cupcake God Bless You!

Navibug said...

Huge hug to you and cupcake...I almost cried when I read that you fell! You have some spunk girl!

I couldn't agree more with Shrita about the airport! That is inhuman! It was their fault, and I think there should be consequences for the way that they treated you, after an error on their part!

Rest well, we are all behind you, for when you stand again xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee..i'm so sorry to see u in so much pain :( but am so very glad your cupcake is doing great..hang in there...wish i was there to somehow help make u feel better...

tons of love & hugs..oh ya, plus a gigantic mug of starbuck's salted caramel hotchoc for ya xxooo

Unknown said...

being a miami native, i am so sorry you fell at the airport and i am ashamed that the airport and ambulance would'nt even help you!
how dare them! i feel so ashamed and i am so sorry you fell!

you should really sue the airport. im serious, because there were no signs like u said and ur mom took a picture. sue them for a million bux!


Abbie♥ said...

oh thank God you and your little angel are fine. :D i hope you'll feel better.

NettaConfetta said...

OMG, my nape was shivering when I read your post. I'm so happy to hear you're okay. much love <3

Unknown said...

So glad you and your lil girl are safe. Prayed for the first time in a long time, this morning when I heard about what happened. So happy your both okay
big love and a huge hug for you and your cupcake
love Libby

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry to hear that! I can honestly say I know how it feels! I did something similar with my last pregnancy and it took me a few months to recover...What I found that helped was sleeping kinda up right, with LOTS of pillows and one in between your legs because those joints are going to be VERY painful! Take it real easy as you probably all ready lealized walking is very painful! Im glad you and the baby are ok! You guys will be im my thoughts and please keep us updated. Hugs your way.


Cat said...

this brought tears to me eyes as soon as i read your first facebook update today. i'm so glad to read that your precious angel and you are well considering it could have been worse. i pray your body heals well enough for you to have a healthy delivery. personally i would sue the airport for not placing wet floor signs around and for trauma. Thank God you two are okay :) we (all your fans) adore you so much and you truly inspire so many people to be better and we all know the world needs more Kandee's lol. Goodnight Kandee

Chippy said...

Glad that you and your cupcake are ok!

Anonymous said...

Pheeeeeww!! Thank God you are ok! I was so worried when I saw your status update on FB and I sent a prayer right away! Many thanks to Karen too for having such a kind heart and felt the urge to help you out when others didn't!

Much love and blessings! Take care of yourself now and pleeease slow down some :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you and your baby are ok! Take care of you!! Kisses!

Georgia Elise said...

I'm so glad you're ok Kandee!! And thank goodness baby is doing fine too! Thats's absolutely terrible that there was no sign for the wet floor AND that you were made to wait! It sure was lucky that Karen was able to come to your rescue!
Always know that your fans are everywhere and we all are looking out for you, as payback for making us all feel so wonderful with your exuberance for life!
Get well soon and relax, let us all know if you need anything when the baby arrives, we would all be happy to send some care packages!
Lots of love and hugs-from-afar,
Georgia xo

Katalina said...

That must have been very hard for you. I'm glad that you and the baby are fine. How is it possible that noone cleaned the floor properly?! You should sue them, Kandee for not even having the slippery area marked! I do hope the rest of your pregnancy will pass calmly. Take care, dear!

Unknown said...

Thank God you and your little munchkin are ok...I'm praying for a speedy recovery. You are awesome and that little one rox as well :) take care.

♥ c.angie ♥ said...

Thank God you're okay!! You got me reallllllly worried while reading this post..feel better soon!

Bella HaHay said...

I'm glad you and the baby are ok. *sighs* I get goose bump as I read through the article. And thanks to facebook for bringing in Karen even though you guys never met.

Hope you get well soon dear.

Flora D. said...

OMG! Thank God that you and baby are alright. You guys will be in my prayers. Please take care of yourself well. Love you Kandee!

F xx

TheWolfMummy said...

Hi Kandee. I am so sorry to hear about accident but happy that you and baby are alright. Hope you will get better very soon. I don't know how is there but in my country you could sue them for big money after accident like that. It is illegal to leave spillage without sighn. Please keep us informed when you are out from hospital and back home etc. Love you. X

Neysha Ann said...

oh my god that would have been terrifying! I'm so glad your okay mama kandee. and that your little cupcake safe too!
what a nice lady Karen is! im so glad to hear that people like her are still present in this world.

Kharina said...

The airport wouldn't help a pregant woman that fell in their premises that wasn't signposted? I can't believe they could be so insensitive - all pregnant women beware! I'm so relieved that you and the baby came out unscathed, asnd what luck Karen was there!!! But I would definitely speak to a lawyer about this if I were you.

Rebecca said...

Oh Kandee i'm so glad your okay! I was only talking about you and your little precious one to my Mum earlier.
I hope your feeling better soon (eat some cupcakes)

Lots of love
Becky xxx

FormidableArtistry said...

Oh my gosh im glad your ok! Thats horrible that they wouldnt pay for an ambulance stupid airport! I wish I could send you flowers or something really yummy for you both. Get well soon love ya girl

okruch said...

Oh my gosh, thank God you and your babygirl are allright! Are you gonna sue the airport?

LoolaHoop said...

I am so glad that you and you little cupcake are O.K. I hope you get better soon and are not in too much pain now. ox Laurie
P.S Can't wait to see you in London! You should make a comfortable seat on stage so you can sit and chat instead!!!

Alexxxis said...

aaah Kandee..
its good to know everything is okeey.. just think how happy you will be when ur little one is there.. yu will forget all the worries yu have now..
take care x

Denise said...

OMG I'm glad your okay Kandee. I hope god hears all our prayers hope you are well and the baby this happened to me too I fell in the street though and 2 weeks later I had my baby thank god she came out cute, healthy,mine lol she is 21 yrs old today.

Unknown said...

I'm so happy everything is ok with you and the little cupcake!! Love you Kandee!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy everything is ok with you and the little cupcake!! Love you Kandee!

Bianca Schoen-Phelan said...

How shocking is that!! Those airport officials deserve sued! I hope you are going to do something about this. I cannot believe that they would let a pregnant woman in torn clothes lie there and then not even take care of her when the paramedics need to leave. I have never liked that airport much, but now I am so disgusted with it!

Unknown said...

Thank God you are OKAY. Thank God that woman got to you. Stay safe.

Hopi said...

Even though the name says 'tennell', this is Hopi in Atlanta. I prayed for you and am so glad to hear you and Cupcake are okay! Can't believe the airport wouldn't take you to the hospital. Karen is an angel. Tennell is actually my husband--and he is a very good lawyer. Let me know if you decide you want one, girlfriend. I bet for you I could get him to do it for free... : ) Hearts from Atlanta, Hopi

Selena said...

You know what?! I'm doing a gratitude challenge (list 10 things I'm grateful for, everyday for 40 days) on my blog (my pastor challenged us to do it). I themed today's as OTHER PEOPLE's BLESSINGS. I was SO STUCK on #10, and then I saw your update. You're my #10!
I am SO GRATEFUL that you were blessed by Karen and blessed by your baby's precious precious heartbeat!!

The Beautifier said...

I feel like God is sometimes very unkind towards good ppl!!
Your leg incident being still fresh in my mind, I am not able to get over with this another shocking incident now! Kandee, tears rolled down my eyes as soon as I read this blog post...I hope you and your cupcake are okay...thanks for GOD and KAREN!
Sending my sincere prayers, love and warmth to you and your little cupcake.
ohhh I really feel like slapping those heartless ppl at the airpost who refused to help you! you should sue them, Kandee!

Take care, hugs xoxo

*starr fish said...

Sending you smiles and healing light from Michigan! So happy to hear that you and baby are ok!

Christine said...

Kandee, im soooo happy that your little girl is okay. Sending you lots of love and smiles your way <3

xoxo Christine

Karen said...

Thank God your both ok Kandee. Lots of love and massages from Aussie Karen.

Karen Ussene said...

DAMN! GOD BLESS THAT KAREN ^^ Hope everything is okey with you Kandee plus your baby xoxox

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am so glad you and the baby are ok! I fell down some stairs when I was pregnant so I know how you feel!! It was the most scary time for me and I know for you. Thank God you are alright!

Gail said...

I'm so glad you and your cuppy cake is ok Kandee! I thought about you all lastnight and I even dreamt about you. I saw you at a bakery and I was like "OMG! You're Kandee!!!" and you looked at me weird because I was overly excited. You had a little pink stroller with you and your precious little one. You were carrying a Hello Kitty diaper bag. You were just as sweet in person as on the internet! hahaha

Anyway, I'm so glad God answered all our prayers and watched over you and your cup cake. God bless you, your cup cake and Karen! ilu

Sarah said...

Whoa, I'm so glad you girls are ok! I hope you feel better soon. Lots of love to you and your beebee cupcake.

Jesi said...

Good news Kandee!!!!
Im so glad you and your little girl are ok! I wish I could have been there to help. You have helped so many people in minor and major ways that if any of us could we would have probably all been there helping you up!

Gandhali said...

oh thank goodness you're alright... kandee, take care of yourself and your cupcake (though i know you do already hehe) :)

rest well, and hope you're feeling better!

Christina Marie said...

God that's awful. So, so pleased you and your little one are okay though! That airport sounds so bad :( x

Nina said...

Glad you're ok Kandee. i fell a few times when I was preggo and it scared me too. But everything turned out fine. It stinks that you will be all sore, cause I know with your fourth, you probably already feel like you're 9 months pregnant. Give your little cupcake tummy a pat and a kiss....Nina

Anonymous said...

Kandee I'm sooooo glad to hear your little cupcake is doing well and that you are doing well. I'm praying for healing of any pain you may have!!

Angie S. said...

I am so sorry for the pain you must be enduring inside and out. I do hope that your mom did good some good photographic "documentation", don't let anyone get away with putting you through such a scare. I just started following your blog a couple of days ago because I love all your tips and you seem like such a sweetheart of a girl. I even forwarded your recent Overcomers Anonymous post to my daughter whose going through a difficult time right now, since she's closer to your age than mine and can better relate to you. Her ultimate goal is to be a hair stylist in Austin, TX and I think you are such a positive inspiration for her, so thank you for being you. Get well soon and may God be with you and your precious little blessing.

:) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janner said...

agreed.. a lawsuit would seriously be in order.

Alauna said...

I'm so glad the two of you are ok, my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. ~Much luv

VLP said...

I'm glad you and baby are ok....take care of yourself! Karen is a real lifesaver - I vote she gets a free GLAMINAR pass! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))

Fleur said...

I'm so happy you're both OK!

Necole E. Bluhm_WaMLady said...

Thank GOODNESS you are both okay! I can only imagine your angst when you were waiting to hear word of your baby. Bruised tailbones are the worst. I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on concrete on my tailbone. The worse thing ever!! Get well soon, Kandee.

PeculiarRoyalty said...

oh thank goodness you and baby are okay!!! HOpe you feel better!

funkymacgirl said...

OMG...KANDEE are you ok???
do you know that this is a sign to slow down, your doing waayy to much in you life....ur so wonderful at whAT YOU do but honestly you need some time for ur self and ur lil growing cupcak..CANCEL UR GLAMINARs..who ever doesnt understand there jus selfish!! ur sweet lil baby comes first TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS!!

Chloe Mia said...

I'm soo glad your ok kandee!! x

antithesis said...

im glad you're ok. im relieved that the baby ok b/c that was what i first thought about when i started reading. how scary!

im DISGUSTED with the airport's response. why the hell couldnt they pay for ur ambulance? they should pay for far more.

Alexandra said...

Oh my God..Kandee i hope you get better soon..Thank God that you AND your little cupcake is ok..
I'll pray for you dear:)

Rue said...

Omg Thank Goodness the baby is ok, you frightened me sigh! I'm happy you're both ok. Thank God!

PinkyLoco said...

Thank the Lord that you guys are alright! And thank the Lord for Angels like Karen! I'm sure anyone of us wish that we were there to help you out. I cannot believe the airport! They should have been bending over backwards to help anyone that fell! Let alone a woman 6 months with cupcake! That just makes me sick! I'm so happy that you have fb and fans that pray!

Mia842nyc said...

Thank God you and the cupcake are fine!

evovixen said...

Glad to hear that you and baby are ok. God bless.

ErinElise Accomando said...

oh THANK GOD!!! So happy to hear you're doing alright! Love you girlie!

Maggie said...

I am so happy to hear that you and your little cupcake are doing well! I wish you a speedy recovery, take it easy and get lots of rest. You inspire me to keep on moving no matter what obstacles come my way, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Unknown said...

i'm so glad that you and you 're baby are ok
take care
huge love

Anonymous said...

So happy you are both okay! That was really nice of karen to help out like that. Even in the worst of situations God always sends his little earth angels to help us. :)

lottsafaith said...

Praise God! I'm glad you and your cupcake are safe & sound. God is so awesome!

Catlin said...

So good to hear that you and your baby girl are alright!! Lots of prayers still coming your way! :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee doll! I've been praying for you all night, so happy to hear the good news (ish). Very sad to hear the way the airline handled things, if there was water on their floor and no sign, and they have the nerve to refuse to pay for your ambulance when you're pregnant!! I'd be looking into what options are available to me.

Overall though Im just glad you're on the road to recovery. Take things easy (as easy as you can!), get some rest and take some you time.

Much love & kisses to you and cupcake ♥ Shayna

Unknown said...

i'm sooo happy thet you and your baby are ok!!!!
kisses and hugs from Italy!!!

Brettany said...

Sooo happy that everything is okay!Hope you feel better soon.

Becky said...

There is a massage technique that will help you! Look into it, please!
People do it all over the world now, so you can find someone near you.
It's amazing work, it feels great and it focuses on those ligaments and your hips.
If you're magically in Olympia, WA, I'd do it for you for free, but where ever you are, please look into it. It will make a huge difference.
Becky Combs, Licensed Massage Practioner

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee I was so scared for you and the baby when I was reading this post :( Thankfully you both are alright. The airport should pay you damages for what happened. So reckless! Love and light, xoxo.

cc said...

I'm so happy to hear that you both are ok! I have never encountered someone as positive and kind as you and because of your positivity I strive to bring kindness and enthusiasm to every thing I do. May God bless you and your family :)

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you and your baby are ok god knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen love u kandee

Kyndal said...


Oh Kandee, you and your accidents!!
I love you and cupcake very much and I say sue the airline that wouldn't even get you an ambulance after they mistakenly let water sit on the floor for you to slide on!! They better be thanking GOD that you and cupcake are okay otherwise they'd have many a kandee-fan onto them!!


Serendipity said...

So glad to hear you and the baby are doing ok. You are such an example of grace under pressure. Please take care of yourself and take things easy. Much <3 !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOO happy that you're okay! I saw your posts on facebook and I got so worried.

The Undead Artist said...

So very happy to hear you and your cupcake are okay! :D Much Luv and prayer from TX.

jellaysickle said...

Dear Kandee,

You are truly an inspiration to us all. Thank God for you & your baby's safety. And thank God for sending Karen, an angel to help you get to the hospital. I'll definitely keep praying for your speedy recovery.

Lots of love,
A devoted fan - Angelica <3

Fatima said...

So sorry to hear about your fall. But glad to know you and your baby are ok. Definitely, take it easy! I hope you will recover to some extent before your London Glaminar. Take tons of rest.

Best wishes from London!

Julia said...

Kandee!!! I'm so glad you and the baby are ok!! I was so worried after the fbook posts!!! <3 from bloomington in :]

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie...I am sooooo thrilled that you both are ok. I just returned from my dr's appointment depressed and scared becuase they found a small lump on my breast and told me that I have to have a biopsy next tuesday. I was so down...then i read what happened to you and my heart stopped. I don't have any children but love them dearly. And I was so afraid that something would happen to your cupcake that I totally forgot about me and prayed for you both. Please take it easy and relax.


Ana said...

I am so glad you are both ok. I can't believe the airport wouldn't pay for the ambulance to the hospital after it was there fault you fell shame on them.

Chloe said...

oh kandee, everything happens to you :( so glad you both are good though! xxx

Unknown said...

Thank God you and mini cupcake are doing fine. I'm so glad your mom was with you. Thank you Karen for being the angel to our Kandee's (and our)prayers.

Anonymous said...

My heart dropped when I began reading this. I got so scared. Thank God you and your little cupcake are OK Kandee. God bless. I will continue to pray that you stay healthy and happy!

sarah said...

WOOOOOW!!! they left u?!?! can sumone say lawsuit?! on a better note, im glad that u and the baby r ok... God always watches over us even when we dont know it. He new that that slip and fall wud happen, and He put a "ram in the bush" there becuase He knew what wud happen. so although the dvil meant ot for evil God meant it for good! u r truly blessed and highly favored! BEFORE U GO ON, THIS IS A PRAYER... I AM SORRY IF I OFFEND ANYONE, BUT THIS IS JUST MY BELIEF...

Heavenly Father, thank u sooooo much for watchin over and protecting Kandee as she went through this trial. we know that U r all powerful and that no matter what, U said U wud never leave us or forsake us. U were there in the midst of this chaos just like U have always been, Lord, and we want to thank U for that. we also want to thank U for sending Karen (the "ram in the bush" Gen. 22:13) And now as Kandee flies back home and from this point on, please continue to watch over her and protect her, her baby, her mother, Karen, her sister and everyone who reads this blog. and i will b careful to give U ALL the glory because U are WORTHY OF ALL the praise, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

*★-La kLaU-★* said...


andrea carolina said...

Kandee, I saw your post yesterday and I felt so worried. I immediately prayed for you and the whole day I was so scared. I felt like my friend was in trouble and I couldn't do anything about it. I am so happy to know that when we need God He is there and He was there for you and your precious cupcake.
I'm so happy that everything is ok and your baby is okay as well.

We love you Kandee, and even when there is no accidents my husband and I still pray for you and your family.

Get better soon!! Andrea :)

Krisztixx said...

Thank God, I'm so relived that both of you are alright! It is not fair that such bad things can happen to you! You're the sweetest and the strongest person! I hope you'll recover very soon! *hugs*

Karen said...

Hey guys.. I am Karen. Let me tell you all that Kandee is EVERYTHING you think she is.. an AMAZING human being ! and her mom ! AMAZING !. Under the circumstances I can confirm that her smile never left her face and she was such a trooper. Me helping her was a no brainer ! I am just happy I was able to help. Kandee how you are now home resting ! Take Care. Karen

Bibi & Kyle said...

Kandee... I hope and pray that every thing will be fine... I can only imagine how desperate you were to find out if you baby girl was ok... I'm glad to hear that she is doing well! God bless you and your family!
with much love... by the way it was great meeting you at the Miami Glaminar :) Gabriela

s.o.p said...

i really hope you are fine and will still be fine.
Sofia from Singapore..IM A FAN IN ASIA :))))

Teann said...

I'm SO happy to hear you and baby are ok!! I was really worried all night! It's weird to me how I can be so worried about someone I've never met and have never even talked to!! I think you are an amazing person and you brighten my day with your blogs and videos!! Thank you for being you and sharing your heart with the world!! I'm glad you and your baby are safe! Have a blessed day!!

uthoughtuknwme said...

OMG Kandee!!!! I went through the same thing but at Wal-mart! ugh!! I am sooo happy that you and your lil cupcake is fine!! Take it easy...I hope that this is your last Glaminar for a little while...You need some time for you and yours...I'll keep you and your cupcake in my prayers. Thank you Karen for being such a caring person and for making the right decsion and not just "turn your head"! =)

Erica Rose said...

I am so GLAD you and your baby okay. It's amazing at how much damage a fall like that can do when you're pregnant. It really is a miracle that all is well. And thank God for Karen! What a guardian angel!

Love you! Feel better!

Beth said...


I'm so glad that you are okay and that baby wasn't hurt.

I agree with everyone else. You really should look into taking action against the airport. I just can't believe how they treated you let alone the fact that they have TONS of workers walking around airports and no one bothered to pay attention to water on the floor.

I will pray for a speedy recovery. Get lots of rest!

Beth said...


I'm so glad that you are okay and that baby wasn't hurt.

I agree with everyone else. You really should look into taking action against the airport. I just can't believe how they treated you let alone the fact that they have TONS of workers walking around airports and no one bothered to pay attention to water on the floor.

I will pray for a speedy recovery. Get lots of rest!

Elizabeth said...

Ah! This brought tears to my eyes. I am SO thankful to God that YOU and your little cupcake are just fine! I prayed for you both yesterday and I know God hears and answers our prayers. So thankful!!! Your positive attitude is something that I'm applying to my life -- "where your mind goes, your body follows" SO true! If I had practiced this I know I would have had happier experiences in the 'not so happy' times of my life. Awesome advice! You are such an amazing lady...

butterflylady74 said...

Thanx for keeping up with ur situation, I'm glad that u and ur cupcake are going to be ok.
It's true what u say that when u fall u have to get back up. I have a disability and I can't let this get me down, I always try to get ahead no matter how many times I fall.
I wish u a fast recovery and many blessing to u and ur family.

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you do so much for us! U take your own time to make helpful videos and blogs for us! So the only help we can do now is to pray for you! You have SUCH a beautiful heart! You are a beaaaauuttifful person inside and out! and im sure your lil cupcake will be the same! BE ENCOURAGED! WE <33333 you!!!:D

PinkOrchids said...

Hey Kandee, i'm so relieved to hear you and baby is ok, i was so worried!! Are you going to sue the airport?? At first i thought, kandee is too nice to sue people, but after reading that they wouldn't even pay for the ambulance AND you're pregnant, that just made me so angry, how can people be so cold hearted. I hope they pay you compensation or something because they are in the wrong. I'm so glad you're ok though, and Karen sounds like an angel, it's so great to have people like her in the world! xX

The Mrs. said...

Oh Kandee, I prayed for you and the baby as soon as I read about your fall! Thank God for Karen, what an angel!
I hope you have an easy recovery, you and baby!

sarah said...

OMG!! Karen, God bless u!!

Unknown said...

O.O@Airport.. bunch of idiots.
Anyway! Iam so glad to hear your baby is okay ^-^

Anonymous said...

OMG! Well, i'm glad you and your little cupcake are both OK! :)

Veronicajnunes said...

Um you NEED to complain to the airport- that's a hazard and the fact that they left a pregnant woman sitting there is really unprofessional- and THEY wouldn't pay for an ambulance? That's disgusting. I know it sounds cliche but justice needs to be served here. I'm glad to see that you and the little bb are ok. Thank GOD.

Anonymous said...

I was also really worried when I saw these updates. Crazy how the Internet can connect people and form real attachments. I'm SO GLAD you're both OKAY. Hang in there! Bruises are just proof we're stronger than what tried to take us down, Kandee!

Unknown said...

Awesome news Kandee thank God everything is ok.

hang in there and have some rest. Your body needs that to heal itself.

kitkat741 said...

Thank god you and the baby are okay!!! my heart jumped when i read your post! praying for you and the little one!

Beata said...

Glad you and baby are okay!

Keat ' Cameo said...

That could be very dangerous and the airport should take the responsability for what happened. I'm happy that nothing hurt your baby*
Try to rest the most that you can, and be strong on dealing with the pain -.- we are all praying for you ^^

Hugs with care ^^

Anonymous said...

Kandee I'm really glad that you & your lil one are doing good =). Omg! I been watching videos of you...on youtube & I had no idea that you were pregnant!!! Congratz!! Well hope you get well soon! God blessed you & your baby. Hugz & Kisses!! LOVE LIDIA RAMIREZ. P.S: your such a sweet & amazing person.

Candice said...

I'm so glad that you & cupcake are both ok!!!

I really hope that you're consulting an attorney, and SOON. The airport was negligent. They put you & your baby at risk & wouldn't accept responsibility by taking care of your needs (by sending you off in a car rather than the ambulance you deserved!!!).

Olivia Meszaros said...

oh thank goodness your okay! feel better. :)!

Amy said...

Kandee! I am so glad you and the baby are okay!! I would sue the airport for not posting a wetfloor sign! I'm just happy your both okay! Hugs!!!!!! AMy

Holly said...

Thats ridiculous that the paramedics and airport treated you like that, you need to find a good attorney! Seriously, because they need to pay for any bills you have later on for your injury. Glad everything is ok with you and cupcake!!!

Loreta said...

whoa...what!! so late..out of the loop..I am so happy youre doing ok..i cant believe they wouldnt take you to the hospital...or pay for! so glad nothing really really bad happen. big hug..little kiss!

Christina said...

Kandee, thank goodness you and your cupcake are ok!!! Please sue. Seriously, you need to sue them because this is just ridiculous.

<3 Glad everyone and everything is ok!

Jomo said...

You are so inspirational that you can have such a positive attitude in hard times. I can say one of my worst vices is that I let things get to me. I feel overwhelmed with school and trying to pay the rent that I don't know if I can make it (get through school or make enough money). How can I be more positive? It is so hard...

Anonymous said...

I am SO happy you and the baby are OK!!! It's so heart warming, too, to see that with all the love and beauty and warmth you give to the universe and share will all of us loyal fans, that it comes back to you in the form of a kindhearted stranger! Love begets love! I hope your pain subsides quickly and you feel 100% very soon!! Much love to you Kandee - you're awesome :)

Tiramisu520 said...

Your are such an amazing person and have such a great heart and someone is def' lookin down at ya and takin care of ya. I am glad everything is okay Kandee !!

take it easy!! xoxox

Jessie ♥ said...

OH MY GOSH! THAT IS TERRIBLE! Thank God you and the baby are ok... God makes all things work for good to those who love Him.

I pray that you and your babies health is restored; seven fold superabundantly, far over and above all you'd dare or think ( SO THINK AND DREAM BIG!!)


Manali Z said...

am glad u r ok hun!! God bless u both!! Love u

-gatherina- said...

I KNEW GOD will save you and your darling in your belly.
I also send you Lots of Good Power and Energy.
Thanks for being there!!
Your good spirit is flying all the way over Atlantic Ocean to here in Europe.

babsychick said...

im sooo glad u and cupcake are well and healthy get lots of rest and stay strong sending you and cupcake more love XXXXXXXXXXX

elciaravi said...

Kandee, this brought tears to my eyes, just thinking of how scary it is wondering if baby is OK. SO glad she is, and I pray you'll heal well and soon. Wonderful that there was an 'angel' at the airport to come to your aid! Take care and God bless.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you and baby are doing OK! Too bad you’re not in PA. I would give you a massage :)

Provi said...

I hope that you are doing better. I tore the round ligament in the underside of my belly while pregnant with my son, I was miserable, I could barely walk! I wish you the best for the rest of your pregnancy, and continue taking good care of yourself! Tons of love and blessings!

Nati said...

hope everything is ok with the baby and you! take care!!!
god bless you!

Unknown said...

you and your precious are in my prayers! with all my heart I wish you a quick recovery!

Monoi said...

Oh Kandee :/ I hope everything is okay

Saretta said...

I can't believe they wouldn't pay for the ambulance! Glad you are both ok!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Oh my gosh i can only imagine how you must of felt, thinking about your baby. You should totally sue their butts! I've read your other posts and I am sooo glad you and your baby are ok.

Telili said...

Hi Kandee,

I'm so glad that you and you're baby girl are ok. Such a scary thing to go through for any mom to be. Glad that Karen was able to locate you and be there when you needed help. Prayers are with you and your daughter.

Carly Lynn said...

Kandee, I am so happy that both you and your baby girl are OK! You are such an inspiration and i feel so blessed to have someone as joyful and kind as you to look up too. Everytime I watch one of your videos or read your blog it lights up my day. If all goes well I will hopefully see you at the Reno Glaminar! You and your "little cupcake" will be in my prayers!

Love, Carly Fordham

Sonya said...

Hey Kandee, glad you and the cupcake are ok :) You should sue that airport cos you could have been really, really hurt. Make sure you rest up. Thanks for always being a smiley, happy inspiration. I love your make up videos and you (in a purley platonic way hahah). xxx

Unknown said...

When I read Tiffany's post, I was so scared for you! Thank you to you and her for keeping us updated through it all, thank you to Karen for taking care of our Kandee that day, and NO THANK YOU to the airport who would not transport you for fear of admitting fault by doing so!!!! I am so sorry you will be sore like this, as if preggie was comfortable to begin with :( but I know God will heal you as He has protected you and the baby. I fell on my belly when I was 7 mos. along on some bubbles spilled on our garage floor by my not quite 2 yr old at the time. I was terrified and he was already asking questions about blame (is the baby ok? are you ok mommy? I make you fall? I sorry, etc.) It broke my heart and I did not want to shed a tear for fear he would blame himself. The only thing that made it ok, was that sound of a heartbeat. I am so glad you are both ok. I love you and Cupcake, your momma, sis and all your little hearts! Peace, Meli

crazycattee said...

I love you Kandee and I prayed for you and your baby. I hope you have a speedy recovery. God bless you richly! Know that everyone loves you and is worried for you. Please be extra careful, don't know why these things keep happening to you, I hope they stop. You are an inspiration to many and I really think you deserve the best. Love from Singapore and Canada.


claudia b said...

omg Kandee, I am glad you are both okay. that airport should have taken responsibility for what happened to you - shame on them!

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