Friday, October 8, 2010


*Are you having bad day?
*Or did someone say something about you or to you that hurt you?
*Is your relationship making you feel upset, sad or frustrated?
*Are you dealing with money troubles or problems with your job?
*Or maybe you just don't like where you're at in life?

I've felt all these things. I had a day that was pretty overwhelming for me a couple days of those days where in the silence of just hearing the shower running while you try to wash off the worries of the day...the only thing to listen to is the thoughts in your mind...and sometimes they just start getting you down.

Do NOT listen to those thoughts that say:
"yeah, you're life is messed up"
"yes I am a loser"
"I'm doing nothing with my life?"
"what am I going to do for money...I feel like a failure"
"what is my life worth anyway?"....

You are precious, valuable and worth all the treasure in the world!

You, me...we all can be OVERCOMERS! We can overcome any bad day, relationship, heartache, hater, sadness, depression, lack of money...anything!

Remember: Leave your past behind you...your future doesn't need you to bring you "past-port" to get in!

You are not limited by mistakes in your past or what someone says you are only limited by  WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOU! AND let me tell you- YOU ARE MARVELOUS!!!!

Your future is waiting for you....for you to pick yourself up...and say, "NO WAY! I'm not letting anyone's words or any of these circumstances try to stop the sparkle that I have in my heart...and the happiness that is waiting for me in the future.

You are free baby! Free to be wonderful. Free to shine! Free to say, "I'm not a prisoner of my past, or my bad day, or what someone said about me......I am free to be happy, free to shine the love that's in my heart, free to show the world the gifts and talents that are in my heart!"

You are free to walk with colorful-balloons of happiness in your heart where ever you go! Don't let anyone or any circumstance steal your joy!

I've been so broke and penniless, but the joy and hope I had in my heart said, "you may be feeling down....but you sure aren't out! this is just gonna make my success story that much better!"

If today, or yesterday was a bad day for you...or you've been fighting off sadness or depression....the good news is: It may have been in your yesterday....but it doesn't need to be in your "right now"...or your tomorrow!

Send those gloomies packin' right back to where they came've got too much life to live to let a little "junky" downer thoughts try to weigh you down....I want you to walk holding onto the ballooons of hope, joy, excitement and love today!

Expect great things...and you'll settle for no less. Expect the worse...and you're almost guaranteed to get it! ha ha ha....The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves!

DECIDE right this second: I'm leaving my past, my yeterday, and all that's troubling me...right's not coming with me into this next minute....let all those "gloomy balloons" out of your hand to fly far, far away. This is your life to shine...make this day great...shine some love and happiness...and watch it come back to you!

huge love and balloons...your kandee

REMEMBER: we won't ever be overwhelmed....but we WILL overcome anything and anyone that tries to overwhelm us! OVERCOMERS unite!

Release all those balloons of worry and sadness....and let hope and love from my heart to yours sparkle all day long!!! I'm sending a huge hug through the computer to you right now!

And please, feel free to pass this message on, re-tweet it, or post it on someone's wall on facebook....let's make a sparkly change in someone else's day are always free to share anything I write my precious ones! love ya!


B said...

thank you I needed this. I have a few Mental Illenesses and I have been feeling the downward slide of depression. I just needed to hear/read the words don't listen. I will look forward to a better day tomorrow, I have my daughter, Boyfriend, Assistance Dog and 2 other dogs to live for and be happy for. You are one amazing mom, friend, sister, and blogger.

Thanks again, Beverly

voice_of_angels said...

Thank you Kandee for being a huge role model and an inspiration to me. I even learned how to do make up because you. You're an awesome person and You've impacted so many peoples lives. You rock!

Alis said...

I loved it! You're adorable!

Unknown said...

Thanks kandee. I love your kind words/words of wisdom. I recently got out of a wasn't a good one, one bit. It ended horribly and he always emotionally tortured me... Even remembering things you said from past blogs/videos like this have really helped me along. I'm not depressed...I let myself let it out for two/three days.. panic attacks are not fun especially with your worst nightmares/tons of promises being broken become a reality. But now I'm okay..I can't say I'm ecstatic but I'm okay and doing well. You're such an inspiration kandee. Thank you!

Kandee Johnson said...

thanks girls! I heart you all and am sending you huge huge hugs of happiness!!!! xoxo kandee

Kristin (Ricekristytreat) said...

Oh Kandee, this was such a God-sent message I NEEDED to hear (read, rather.. lol) ...I've been having SUCH a tough time with nursing school... relationships.. and myself... and sometimes you just need someone from the outside to help encourage you too..
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.. I'll try to keep positive and look at the brighter side... because this hardship is temporary... we'll get through it! ...

<3 Thanks for the insight!

QuencyDevonn said...

Thank you so much Kandee for all of your words of encouragement :) Your such an amazing woman and you make me smile. I hope you have a great night and hope all is well <3

Sandra said...

Hi Kandee,

I have been following you for some time now and I just wanted to say thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I have recently been through many tough things and your words have brightened my days soo much. I want to thank you for being the best positive influence you could possibly be. Even with you leading such a busy life you still take the time out to fill us in and share some of your happiness with us. You do make a difference in my life and I just want to say thank you. Todays blog brought me to tears. I had a couple of rough days but at the end of the day something always goes right and I lay my head down at night leaving behind my worries and starting each day fresh. So thanks for being such a wonderful person and making our days brighter with your uplifting words. They truly mean more than you could possibly imagine.

mhernandez said...

Hi Kandee,
I've been a lurker of you blog for sometime now and I just have to say thank you. Thank you for all the positivity in a world full of negativity and for all the well wishes when we have none. I'm going through a rough stage of unemployment right now and being a single mom with a little one some days I really feel like a failure. But you're right you can't bring the past into the future and I need to focus on my future. You're very inspiring to me esp being such a great mom to all your little ones and doing it on your own. I was dying to go to your Glaminar in Miami this weekend but couldn't afford it. Are you still doing the happy hearts class afterwards that was a little more affordable. I would love to go! Thank you so much again and keep up the great work =)

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee... I love that you give all your love to us, your readers. But you mentioned that you were not feeling well a couple of days ago. I just want to tell you that you are definitely not worthless! You are a huge inspiration to a lot of people. You give more love than anybody could ask you to. You are extremely talented in your profession and you are a great mum. That's why all these precious souls want to be your child. You never really said whether this time the new cupcake's father stuck around or not. I hope he recognised your value and was not a coward. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I wish I could give you a hug to prove my words.

Take care and I hope you feel wanted and loved by all of us - not only fans but more like sisters (and probably a few brothers :-P )

Much love xoxo

Eva (from Sydney)

Kristina said...

Sometimes that is harder to do than it is to say, thank you for being an encouraging reminder! =)

heather said...

Kandee - thanks for the reminder, I really needed it today. Sometimes when you care so much for others it makes it easier for them to take advantage of you. That's where I was before I read your post. Now, I'm just moving on past all of that! You know I love you and think you are awesomely fantabulous! Have a great Glaminar in Miami!!!

hugs and Bama love - Heather :)

Anonymous said...

OOMMYY geeee kandee this came at the exact time its 1 am and i woke up crying scared and alone and decided to look at your blog and here you are to pick me up agian i cant explain how much i needed to hear everything you wrote I just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU TAHNK YOU ! DANNIE

venessach said...

Thankyou so much kandee . You truly are such a kind hearted genuine person and it makes me happy and reileved that there are people like you still out there . I just got out of a relationship that was emotionally degrating n he took everything n penny i had after i lost my job then couple days almost got raped by a stranger cuz i was so sad n emotional . And ive been having so much other stuff and then reading this made me want to forget everything and try to think about myself to change cuz i have nothing and all i want is to be succesful so i dont need anybody :) you really are inspiring and motivating for doing this . Ty so much <3

clumsy chicken said...

thankyou so much kandee. your such an insipiration to me. i cant say i have any mental ilness other than anxiety which i dont let control me but i was totally having one of those days/weeks and u completely just made me smile. you are amazing :)
love tara xxx

Blondie said...

you're amazing
thanks for this
I needed it today

leslielynn said...

Sometimes I honestly think your following me either that or im on the truman show! (haha) Just yesterday I was filled with anxiety and all of these icky feelings I thought gosh I feel like I need to just get in the shower wash all of this away! So thats what I did (obviously it doesn't completly work but it helps!). I can relate to your blogs, and love reading them because sometimes its nice to know you aren't the only one in the world feeling this way! YOU TRULY ARE AN INSPIRATION!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee,
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words have reached me and touched me. for i have been having a lot of bad days. I can now say that I have let those balloons of hurt that have been with me for a while I can let the fly so high that they can no longer hurt me. I thank you for your inspiration, your bright light that shiness so beautifully.
Take care Kandee.

Unknown said...

Wow always post the right things when I need it! I have been homeless for close to
2 mos which took a mental toll on me....depression & anxiety. I am returning to the city I left hoping to start over. Also, the city in which I became homeless was a guy I felt was the one...well in a nice way told me I wasn't. I found out tonight. I have lost practically everything and feel so alone.
Then I came across your post and it put a smile on my face. I so needed your words!! Thank are a total sweetheart

Mel814 said...

It's just crazy, after crying and going nuts all day, feeling depressed, hopeless, ssoo sad, and I could go on and on. I go onto your usually and you posted this. I was probably mid cry and when I read this everything was lifted off my chest and I smiled and was happy and could leap for joy. I have been having a rough few weeks but today was the worst. You couldn't have posted this at a better time. Wish I could give you a huge hug and thank you for this, I needed it soo bad I have been a grump all day but NO MORE. I am done with that. I am happy now..really. Thank you soo much ! Many hugs and kisses ! <3Mel

Lisa said...

The past does NOT define you.

Kandee Johnson said...

oh I love you all my precious lovebugs!!! I am sending each of of you a huge hug...and so much love! we're in this together....we all have hearts that are a little larger now from more love being crammed in! hee each one of you!

Flora D. said...

Thank you so much. I have been in a bad week. *HUGS*

Giedre said...

I saved one of your phrases into my phones memory so I can read it whenever I want :) xox

Yours Giedre

Anonymous said...

thank you kandee, I truly needed this <3 love you!

victorian chic said...

Hey Kandee,
I'm up at 3:30 in the morning writing a blog post about my terrible day and how terrible I'm feeling (which I didn't post simply because I just needed to rant) and something tells me to go to facebook, and who's there on my homepage? You, with this post that brought a tear to my eye and allowed me to start to show a glimmer of that sparkle you seem to see in all of us. Thank you so much for your magnificent post you absolutely made my night 100% better and I totally feel like I can go to bed now and wake up totally refreshed tomorrow morning and actually have a good day tomorrow, that everything will be better. I was feeling so terrible, so much like my relationship is failing and every part of my life that I love right now is going to be flushed down the toilet, but you helped me realize that what I stress over is the little things, and I should just let them fly by me and keep looking forward, not back. Thank you Kandee.

Sarah♥ said...

I've had an awful 12 years plagued with (numerous) mental health problems, eating disorders, TWO divorces and living as a penniless single parent to an almost teenage boy - struggling day to day.

I have prayed that everyday will be better than the one before and the one before that...It never comes.

I think some people are just not meant to be happy.

HZ said...

Hi Kendee, you are really a very positive person - it's why I really like your blog. Because I have experienced depression (for a long time) I always try to find the solution - I read clever books :)) I try to by inspired by movies, by other people. lately I have been reading a book from Robin Sharma "The monk who sold his ferari" and the important is what you said in your post - it's your thinking - And I found out that's the only thing that's really helpful - becaus you cannot change the circumstances you can only change your thinking about it.

Bisoux from the Czech Republic :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee to be here, at this time, i'm not feeling so good, some people are talking about me and those people belong to my past, but sometimes it's hard to listen what they're saying ! Kandee you're a great personn, i ve read your post and it makes me smile, thank you !! Kiss

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee, been through a couple of rough days myself lately and this put a smile on my face. I sent it to a friend, whom also is a little down right now and she loved it.
Again, thank you :)
With love

metamorphosis&mac said...

I don’t normally comment, but I feel like for once I will. ‘We are all capable of achieving greatness, yet not all of us realize this’. Sometimes I feel like we put others on a pedestal forgetting our own brilliant existence, beauty, and even confidence. We care too much what others think. You radiate and ooze beauty in every way and show us that we too can be fearless. I just want to thank you from my heart to yours. I’ve been though tons of obstacles in my life, but I always felt the need to keep pushing forward with hope. I’m in a good place now, but you are like the ‘cherry on top’ to my day. I pray that other girls will too find hope. We really do stand in the way of our own happiness. Kandee you are an extraordinary person we are all rooting for you! xoxo

Noelle Garnier said...

Thank you.

It's been a long, hard week and your sweet words were very encouraging... like colorful balloons. Sometimes all we need is to remember the big picture and know that there is something so much greater out there than whatever we're weighed down with right now.

Anne Frank once said, "Think of all the beauty left around you and be happy."

kandee fam lil sis

Unknown said...

Kandee... whether you talk about makeup or about life, you are always an inspiration. Whether you teach us how to look and feel pretty, or share your true feelings and uplift our spirits, it always works. Knowing that you do not speak from books, but from your heart, makes it all real and so much more helpful. You are more than an inspiration! Your positive outlook is priceless and you sharing it is even more priceless!We thank you and we love you!

Anonymous said...

My Dearest Kandee

You doll face are the epitome of beauty and grace. Your kind and compassionate. Your charisma radiates. Your brilliant and charming. It's strange the immensity of words and actions that is. How without knowing someone directly you can manage to impact them in the greatest way. I've been using your boomerang method and it is beyond belief how shedding an ounce of love can be slung back to you; more so how you can make someone smile whole heartidly by saying one kind word. As to you having a bad day you know when the weight of the world becomes far to great for you remember this. A friend had shared this with me on a bad day I was having not too long ago" Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10" And as to hater and bad words as your friend had once said to you She who beholds the face of God should not fear the face of man. And as you said in your video stand up for your self; make it happen for you because no one else can. One think that always keeps me tall and going is those who target you and say whatever bad thing it is they say their main purpose is to watch you hurt. To make you feel less than what you are. I've encountered many sick individuals who receive pleasure in the hurt of others. They're not worth it. You are beautiful, and gracious. Humbled and warming; no one has the right to put you down. It strange how God places beauty into our world I found out about you less than a week ago and you have made the greatest impact on me. I'm one to guard my heart and my love and trust is gained with tremendous effort. But you Kandee have won it without meeting me. I've seen a majority of your videos and as uplifting and looney tune as you are you seem hollow. You should fill yourself with what is right and what fills Kandee. The wrong won't keep you up its only satisfying momentarily. Other than being lonely you also speak with a whole heart. I have yet to come across some one who is so keen on spreading love and peace. And its true what they say it takes one to make a difference. And you my precious Kandee are change. And remember when you feel down know that you have a fan base who adores you. I love everything about you from your corky laugh to your facial expressions to what lies in your heart and mind. I wish you a lifetime of bliss and salted caramel hot chocolate. With much love your friend from afar.

. said...

Thank you Kandee...

love you :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee, you are just what I needed. I am 39 (holding) mother of two, dealing with a what I like to term it as "small" brain tumour, long and short i have good and bad days....many of which i spend her watching you to make me feel better. Truley wish I could meet you someday, you are and old soul and have a huge heart. Keep them coming, god bless you and baby. From WAYYYY up in cold CANADA!

Eden Angel said...

I had a bad night last night so I ate some cookies lol x

Kristy said...


Thank you for all your wonderful kindness and words of positivity you always seem to know what i nee to hear.. Ive been dealing with a lot of dark places the last 3 yrs.. divorced 6 and then a lot of bad days.. but you have been the light in my days since i found you on you tube just weeks after you started posting. I thank you for all you do. You keep my hearthappy.. and i pray fo you everyday and that God will be with me and keep me positive like you . I aim to think happy thoughts now because i will not quite and just when i think its darkest i start to see the ight..*hugs * Have a fantastic Glaminar!

V said...

Thankyou so much for this post. Honestly i have been feeling like this all week and everything that i read in this post was so touching and even though i give this advice to so many people, sometimes i think hearing that advice from others make you realise it for yourself. Thankyou again Kandee, you are amazing in every sense!

May you have a beautiful week, month, YEAR! :D
Stay strong no matter any trials that come your way, there are alot of people that love and appreciate all the advice you give us whether it be on make up or general life :D

Mucho amor.

Sarah said...

Hi Kandee! Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us! You are a prime example of love and kindess. Thanks for reminding us all what the human spirit is capable of. You inspire me to reconnect with my creative self and to not be afraid. Keep up the great work.

Kandee Johnson said...

thank you everyone...just reading your posts has brought precious tears of love to my eyes...may my tears water the garden of love in your life...may sunshine from Heaven down onto your day! xoxo your kandee

Jo said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Allie said...

thank you kandee! this week i have had problems with my boyfriend, roommate, my mom and at school! AND! i was flat broke! it was quite horrible but i reached out to a few awesome people that i knew would help pick me up! your a beautiful person inside and out. god bless!

LadyRamos26 said...

Thank you so much Kandee!

Claire said...

oh my gosh thank you soooo much for this! i actually have been battling depression (i'm 16) for about a year now, and i was literally JUST feeling so down and i felt like crying and everything i do is wrong and horrible and i'll never be happy again or overcome these feelings. the link just popped up on twitter and i clicked and read it and i instantly started crying and it made me feel like everything will be okay. thank you so much for this and you've completely turned my mood around in just 5 minutes after reading this. you are truly a role model and so talented and beautiful and again, thank you for passing on your words of wisdom and love.

kerryo said...

This was perfect timing, the guy I've liked for five years and I just broke up because of distance :(

We live 180 miles apart and he works 9-5 everyday, I'm out most evenings, his phone doesn't work and he can't afford a new one, my internet crashes every half an hour so it's hard to talk, neither of us can afford travel... they all feel like excuses that I'm willing to overcome, but he isn't.

But I'm going to at least try and hold my head up high :) Thanks Kandee!

Unknown said...

thanks for this everytime i feel like one in those situations i just have to read what you wrote to feel a little bit better !!!

thanks to share the mind of a beautiful person ( you)

sorry if it s a little weird im french im trying to translate what im trying to say as best as i can !

Léa said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

thank you SO much for posting this. Im a freshman in college and a lot of the girls on my floor have been ignoring me lately. I don't know why and I know I never did anything bad to them. I still say Hi even though they just roll their eyes at me. Its been really lonely here lately but this just perked me right up! There are 20,000 people at my college. Unlimited friends to make and find. Still wearing my NYC glaminar bracelet! Remembering everything you said. I've been rocking red lips and people seem to love it! I feel so gorgeous!

Feeling beautiful, Hope you are too because YOU ARE! Don't ever forget that missy!
lots of love from college!
<33 Stephanie

Karla Ivonne said...

It's crazy to see that so many of us are having a bad day or are having depression issues and to know that you're not alone, helps.

So Thanks a bunch for this post. It will help to get me by today and tomorrow. <3


Anonymous said...

You are amazing :) Such an inspiration to me! <3 God Bless!

Unknown said...

Gosh, I love you!!! Amen sister

Amanda said...

Thank you so much Kandee! You just turned my day around, from now on I am going to be happy and free, NO one will get me down! Your an amazing woman, God bless you!

Unknown said...

Kandee-Little did I know when watching a video on how to do Sophia Lorens makeup turn into getting to know such a wonderful inspiring person. You are beyond fantastic and more than wonderful. I know so many people look up to you and you are doing SO many great things!! I wonder what the world would be like with more people like you!

This blog reminded me of quotes my grandfather would say...

"No one beneath you can offend you, and no one your equal would"

"YOUR glow is a threat to THEIR darkness"

Thank you for you...

hana said...

Look! This made me smile!

Harvie xXx said...

Not many ppl like Kandee in this world....we need more!!!!!!! lol you remind me of me! i give out alot of love but don't always get it in doesn't matter as it makes me feel better. Your words are beautiful Kandee stay beautiful! needed to hear this as am recovering from a bad relationship :-( lol love & hugs!!! xxxxx

Dhina said...

Ohhhh thank you so much Kandee,, I've been exactly in the same situations as you mentioned all above!
Thank you so much for the motivations!
You are really AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks you Kandee, you really are inspirational, I get down a lot I know I shouldnt I have a lot to be thankfull for its just things in the past that get me down but I read this and posted it to my FB status ‎''I'm not a prisoner of my past, or my bad day, or what someone said about me......I am free to be happy, free to shine the love that's in my heart, free to show the world the gifts and talents that are in my heart!"
-Kandee Johnson
Ive decided to make a scrap book or poster with all quotes from you should cheer me uo and help me think positive. MY LIFE AND FAMILY ARE RECIOUS TO ME :D


Myriam said...

Just to say how much I love you Kandee, since I started watching your videos and then reading your blogs... your my daily inspiration, my little sunshine when the sky is cloudy !
Please continue to spread love and hope around you, your strength is really empowering me !!!
Big kisses from Paris.

- Myriam

SaraGibbons said...

I love you! Hope everything is going ok. Your words are so amazing and I just Love you to pieces! You are so precious to me! God bless you! You know you and your family are in my prayers, always. can't wait til December!!!!!

Love Always,

Unknown said...

You ROCK Kandee! Have a Blessed Day Sweetie!

Lupescupe said...

Hey, Kandee, thank you. This was a nice post and it put me in a better mood! :)

Rochelle said...

Oh Kandee,
This was SO perfect timing for me to read. Thank you so much for spreading sunshine, you truly are a gift. I stumbled on your videos as a fluke, and began following your blog there after. I'm a wife, mommy of 3, and considering today's financial situation life has thrown us a curve ball and I was by trade a hairstylist and now am lucky if I am working at all. All of the things in this post have hit all aspects of my life and I am feeling rejuvenated by it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can not tell you how much your encouraging posts mean to me.

Monika said...

Your such an amazing person, you have no idea how much your words make a difference. Your the only person I know of who spends her time to spread kind words, love, hope and encouragement and it means alot. Your one in a million + more. Thank you! <3

Anonymous said...

Hello Kandee

Today my blog is for you :) you are awesome and great, thanks for sharing your funny videos with all of us, they helped me a lot :D
So Thanks Kandee :)

Anonymous said...

LisaMarie said...

You are so inspirational!!! i love reading your blog!! You really know how to pick people up it's so sweet!! I was suppose to do this girls makeup for her wedding on sunday. Last friday I did a trail run and everything went great then she ended up canceling on me! It's really gotten me down and second guessing if I'm good enough!! I love reading your words of wisdom!!! Thank you!! xoxox

Erin said...

Kandeeeee -
I want to say that you're a huge inspiration,
I sent you an email.
I hope you get a chance to read it!
I love your videos!!

JULIE said...

I know you have a million comments to all your blogs but just want to say thank you for your words. you've made my day better.

freedom-rocks said...

There should be more people in this world like you! Thanks for being an inspiration to us all!

Carrohan said...

Thanks so much for posting this
My depression has certainly been catching up with me lately, but I really feel better reading this
I cling to stuff too much. Thanks for the reminder to just let go

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Kandee- I have been watching your make-up videos for a few months now and I just luv you to pieces! I just watched "your story" video & now I luv you even more! We have alot in common! Faith in God, small circle of friends, single parents, suffered thru a mental, verbal & psychologically abusive marriage (in process of divorce). I love to be creative & I do not say cuss words either! I can't tell you how many people tell me I am in the wrong business.(I currently work in the medical field-BORING, but it pays the bills!) You INSPIRE me! I am going to take more risks, be more free and fear-less in my life! First step going to get a piece of canvas & release this built up creative energy! Thanks again for being YOU!

EZ1985 said...

Kandee u are so beautiful&kool, and the fact that you have such a kind/childlike soul is quite refreshing indeed, and takes the koolness to another level. U are the best makeup guru, because u truly represent what makeup is-self expression, self esteem, beauty, imagination, change, fun, etc. As little girls we all have probably at one time or another put on makeup in the mirror and felt soooo beautiful, like a movie star, or really silly and funny, the possibilties were endless...and it is true we all need to not let the stresses of all that surrounds us over shadow all the beauty that surrounds us! Love is the key that unlocks all the potential we have bunched up, and we must start with love for ourselves, and from there, the possibilities are infinite! u rock kandee, u truly are as cute as a button, and still a bad-ass guru and rockin' mommy of four! Ur a great example on the real!

GinaSpelman said...


Zozed said...

Thanks a lot, your beautiful words always make my day, and my life...



Beebor said...

I broke up with my boyfriend after 3 and a half years. And now I fell lost without him. I felt useless, ugly and dumb. But after I read your blog it made me feel much better. Thank you Kandee you are a wonderful person!!! xoxo

aguzman918 said...

Perfect timing for words so uplifting.

FaithHopeLove said...

hi kandee thanks for this you have such a loving way to connect and say just the right thing when we need it you are such a light and love u forit tkae care of your little growing baby

Karita said...

Thanks for those uplifting words. I always feel better after reading your blog! You`re incredible person and you inspire me so much! <3 Thanks again <3

Unknown said...

Things that go through my head sometimes:
"It feels like everybody hates me"
"Is the whole world out to get me?"

"My life feels orchestrated"

"I missed my childhood and it makes me sad"
"Some of the people in my family don't love me and that hurts my heart"
"Are some of the people in my family who have means trying to hinder me and my success in life?"
"What is their motive?"
"Why were they so cruel to a little girl who was so willing to learn and had nothing but love to give?"
"why are they trying to make me feel guilty for something that happened TO ME and not BY ME?"
"Why are they doing this to me?"
"why can't I have a normal school experience like everyone else?"
"Who is benefiting from this?"
"Why is this happening to me?"
"Are my current friends real, or are they there for some deviant reason, to manipulate me like most of the other people in my life?"
"I don't feel like I can trust very many people after what has happened to me"
"Will I ever get a chance to live a normal life with out fear of these people?"


Unknown said...

Amazing words of wisdom which i needed, Your sunshine on a rainy day thank you xxx

Katie said...

Kandee I think you are just absolutely hilarious!!! Love you so much. you are so funny and inspirational!! keep doing your thing girl. If people need to put you down to make themselves feel better they are just sad people. You have inspired me to be myself. I am done trying to please those around me I am dressing and doing things for me. Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this post almost made me cry. I needed this. I've been feeling really low lately especially these past couple of days. I'm a registered nurse and graduated in may and still looking for a job. I feel like all my hardwork is wasted and I'm worth nothing. Thank you Kandee! You made me smile and made me feel like I can "conquer the world"

Health, Beauty and Make up with Ana!! said...

Kandee, this is EXACTLY what I have been feeling these pass couple of months... like my life is going nowhere, like I'm doing nothing... and I just feel so lost right now, I know what I want but I just don't know what to do or how to get to my dreams!! I love how your always have the perfect words for everything and the perfect descriptive image (whether it's balloons, airplanes or disco ball...) you always know the right thing to say and how to put the light at the end of the ever so dark tunnel! I know that I have to think and stay positive, I know that I will overcome everything that just doesn't seem to go in the right way right now, but it's just so nice reading your blogs and having it said to me! Your posts always feel so personal and as if they were directed towards me personaly! Anyways... your just so amazing!! I can't wait to meet you in Toronto... it feels as if that was the light shining and the answer to how I will conquer my dreams! You're such an awesome talented make up artist but you are also a one of a kind, wonderful, sensitive writer!
Huge love and hugs!!!

JC / OR said...

Thanks for those words. I came to your blog at the right time. Yor are wonderful!

Gina said...

Kandee, I believe God has put you through so much so that you could epathize with others and feel for them. "Who comforts us in all our tribulations...that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble(2Cor.1:4). It's hard to understand why we have to go through so much sadness sometimes...but then when you look at the way you've helped and are helping others, it's so very clear why! YOU are being used by him. You are such a bright light in this dark world...turning the rest of us on to shine as well. God Bless you darling girl. I wish the world were full of little Kandee's, ha! Thank you for letting Jesus use and shine through you. Amazing, wonderful YOU! xxx

Jennifer Nielsen said...

This is so sweet! I discovered your Barbie and Tinkerbelle videos when my mom IM'd them to me. Your videos are funny and cute and posts are so inspiring and sweet :) Thank you so much! :D

Unknown said...

Kandee! Thank you from a greatful mom. For being the amazing person that you are. My daughter discovered your You Tube videos recently. She has had a lot of problems with depression and low self esteem. She is a beautiful talented young lady that has felt worthless. With your help she has realized that her feelings aren't helping her, that they are only hurting her. She had started using your makeup suggestions and clothing suggestions and all I hear lately is, "Kandee Johnson. I Love her." She is really blossoming with your help. Thanks again!

siovhan said...

I needed exactly this. Exactly right now. All of it. Thank you for being you, and for being an overcomer.

For letting everyone know you've been sad, lonely, broke, worried, etc. And that WE, all of us, can overcome it.

Anonymous said...

You always help me feel prettier for being me. I suffer constantly feeling ugly worthless and stupid. But I been feeling better lately. Your words are very inspirational and always keep on track to being healthy and happier. I love you, Kandee and wish you the best! :]

Unknown said...

Thank you for this...We could all put the drug companies out of business if we just DECIDED. In college, I was in a really bad relationship, very destructive to my self esteem. They put me on an anti depressant. It made me hot, irritable, dry mouthed. In less than a month I DECIDED that I would just fix it myself with the only side effect being more strength. Some people really need to hear this. We all need to hear this at some time in our journeys. It is best to never get in that cycle if you can help it. Thanks for inspiring so many :)

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I walk around feeling sad because of what I felt like yesterday, because of what I went through yesterday. This day can be remarkable. You keep on inspiring me. I'm going to live out my dreams the way I want to live them out, I won't let anyone else live them out for me. I'm going to uplift myself, encourage myself to work hard, and make sure I stay strong. No need to be so down on myself. Life is hard enough. I love your posts, I love your blog.

Thanks for the encouragement, you probably just turned this normal day into a fantastic one!! :) Love ya


Anonymous said...

Hey Kandee :)

I just wanted to say how much i love your positivity, i wish there was someone in my life like you i could talk to about things. Your truly inspiring and amazing :)

rach <3

Unknown said...

You've always helped put a smile on my face, and I know God has a plan for all of us. So when I saw huge NOW HIRING sign outside a place I'd always wanted to work right after reading this (like less that half an hour ), I decided why not? Sure I've been having trouble finding a job but what's the worst they can do? Not call me?

Well, they called me yesterday to show up this afternoon for an interview, and now after lot's of waiting, and multiple interviews, I sit here writing this to as no longer jobless girl!

It's such a blessing that I got hired doing something I have no experience on paper to do, and I really want to thank you for this blog. If I hadn't read what you wrote I may have just walked by thinking, I've never done that...they wnt hire me. Butinstead I was so pumped up on what I know I can do weather or not I've ever been paid for it, that I said...I'll try. And sometimes, that little bit right there is enough to make dreams come true.

So thank you again, God bless you and I'm so happy your baby is okay. Feel better, and know that you're in my prayers.

TONS of love!

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