Monday, October 25, 2010

Come with Me to the English Countryside!!!

Get ready to come on an adventure-holiday, with me! I told you I would take you with me...and into the pictures we shall go...............get ready!
my sweet, new friend from London, Rachel...offered to take us to Henley-on-Thames, which is where she grew up in the Enlgish  countryside, which I just learned is where Orlando Bloom has a house, too! It was amazing...and her hilarious and charming friend, Richard drove us out there...these two were just delightful and had us laughing all day! Me and my mom couldn't remember when we've laughed so hard! Probably in years!
(this is the Thames River)
just look at the trees in the background!
this was everything just like I had imagined it would be to walk around, like in Pride and Prejudice!
it looked like a painting everywhere you looked!
can you see the hot air balloon in the distance?

it was a "Virgin" balloon!
rachel and me, on the bridge
wouldn't it be fun to eat at this pub on the water?
it was called "The Angel"! I love it!
me and my big baby-belly...
I learned that the old buildings, like this English Tudor style one, were made out of bricks and the stone in it is actually, Flint (like the Flintstone's...ha ha ha ha), just beautiful!
the air smelled so damp soil after the rain, leaves, and a very sweet aroma danced through the air, and was such a delight every time you breathed in, like no other fragrance I've smelled before.
we walked over this bridge at the lock, which is where they let the water height lower or raise so boats can pass through.
DID I MENTION WE DROVE BY TOAD's HALL, like the Toad's Hall in Wind and the Willows!
Me, Hello Kitty (ha ha ha) Rachel and my mum!

this picture doesn't do the color of how the sky looked, justice! It was an incredible shade of pink!
look at this house! It had a thatched roof, and with the pond, and the weeping willow tree, I felt like I had just climbed into the Wind and the Willows!

this was the entrance gate to the house that George Harrison from the Beatles lived in! His wife still lives there. Just the entrance house was amazing!

that is the tiny Pub right down the street from George Harrison's house, where he used to go.
cows in the countryside...doesn't the sky just look gentle and painting-like....? oh how I really felt like I was ready to walk through the grass, like Elizabeth Bennet to meet up with her Mr. Darcy and for him to tell her:
I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love and love and love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. Oh how I love that movie!
this was the most adorable, wonderful, enchanting note I've ever seen posted on a door!
this was the little store where the note was posted!
On the way here we saw the pond where in Chitty-chitty-bang-bang, poor old chitty drives into the pond!
everywhere I looked like something out of a movie...
this was a very old church, that had dates of tombs back to the 1500's...
this one said 1792...Rachel told me that all their churches have tombstones all around them...and that people think it's romantic to get married there...even with all the tombstones around! We laughed at how weird that seemed to us, how she never thought it was strange until we mentioned it! ha ha ha ha

my mom with a little car, just her size, outside the church.
this was the lantern outside the church door...we looked up Psalm 43:3 when we got back to the hotel and this is what it said: "Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell". beautiful!
we then drove on a very narrow road with big hedges on either a real English Pub in the hills of the countryside called, The Five Horseshoes.
look how charming this place is.....
look at all the rainboots "wellies", by the door? my favorite's were the striped ones!
it was toasty warm inside, and we sat right next to the fireplace...and the cute dog who laid, mesmerized with the fire...
the ceilings were low, the benched were covered in cozy was just cozy and warm and delightful! Big beams crossed the ceiling and the smell of the fire burning just an arms reach or two, away, and we sat snuggly among the pillows, was like we had crawled inside the most wonderful storybook!
i loved how low and "snuggly" the ceiling felt, it felt as if you climbed in a playhouse, which we learned in Britain, is called a "Wendy House" like Wendy from Peter Pan. And I loved the glossy ceilings too!
I had a hamburger "a minced beef" or ground beef burger with "chips", which we call French Fries in America....and let me tell you, these were some tasty...and big "chips"! for starters we had Potato and Nettle soup....Stinging Nettle is what grows around there, and is was soooo delicious! Sipping our soup from giant silver spoons and dipping the warm bread that was served on a giant wooden was cozy heaven.
mom had traditional "Bangers (sausage) and Mash (mashed potatoes)
me, Richard, Rachel, and front of the fireplace...after we had dessert and tea.
they took us on a drive through London on our way back home...and we drove by Big Ben!
I even like this blurry one!

this is St. Paul's is so big...can you see how miniature the little people look sitting on the steps? You can even see that little white glowing ball up in the right corner, is the full moon that was shining down on the city.

they still had "my" sign up in the lobby tonight!
And now I'm all cozy on my bed....I can't believe all the my eyes took in today! It was just incredible...a memory that I wish always cherish!
Hope you enjoyed coming with me!
huge love...your kandee


Kim said...

Oh Kandee! You just made me so happy!!! I have never been to England but I know that is where my heart is!!! My ancestors all come from the UK and my current boyfriend lives in London (we are doing the long distance relationshipo thing) I know one day I WILL end up there but in the meantime I just dream about it every day. Thank you so so much for these pictures! I hope you dont mind if I save a couple to my computer to look at sometimes. I will be accompanying my best friend to your Toronto glaminar (I couldnt afford to attend myself) but hopefully I will get a chance to meet you and get a picture with you. I think you are absoloutly wonderful and that we are all blessed to have you in our lives! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

So amazing!!! I hope You have a London glaminar again sometime, I would definietly go!! And the Wind and the willows was my all time favourite childhood book! Really nice trip :)

Kharina said...

Henley-on-Thames! Lovely little town! Dusty Springfields ashes were scattered there according to Wikipedia and Orlando Bloom has a house there! Looked like you bundled up properly - cold crisp autumn air gets to you! Glad you enjoyed your little trip to England! x

Anonymous said...

London was beautiful!!!

Chloe said...

i love it how you find what we say like 'bangers' and 'chips' so funny! aww, so glad you had a nice time :) hope you come back! :D xxx

happyfeetjen7 said...

hi kandee!! wow london looks amazing, im glad ur having a wonderful time. i hope someday i can make the trip! well if youre not already home, have a safe trip! oh and i loved the kandee johnson's glaminar sign!! hehe <3

Unknown said...

thank u sooo much 4 sharing :)
i have always wanted 2 go there! i'm glad u had fun!

Tora said...

Oh Kandee! This was fantastic! Now I want to go there, too!

Seems you had a wonderful time! The food looked super duper delicious :D


Thank you so much for sharing. I feel all happy and fizzly now, like I just went on a trip myself!

Emilia-Grace said...

I live so near Henley and i recognised the photos, i wish i could have come to meet me you are such an inspiration Kandee! :) <3 xx

Anonymous said...

That was amazing and FUN to see your experience there!!! Thanks SO much for posting all of that until the wee hours of the morning. You are awesome and I'm so glad you are having the BEST time there. London through Kandee's eyes: Priceless! Xoxoxoxoxo

JessicaRose said...

This is so cute! All the little things you mentioned like the smell of British country side, the cosy little pubs and the tiny country roads, are just things I've lost touch of how beautiful they are as I've grown up. When I was little I used to love playing in woods with a little stream, playing catch with the dogs. Thank you Kandee for opening my eyes to show me Englands beauty again, I suppose as you grow up the fast past life takes over and you forget how nice it is too take a quiet walk listen to the birds and soak up the atmosphere! Glad you really enjoyed your little adventure and the pictures are stunning :)Xx

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this! Its so strange hearing people get so excited about every day things that you don't think about - like wellies being called wellies :P!

I live right by where you stayed and work right by st pauls! I suppose I'll look at it slightly differently when I go home tonight! :D

I'm glad you liked London/Surrey! :D

laurika said...

Thank you Kandee for the trip i had with you:)is amazing there..i never was there...and you are wonderful Kandee...i like your poncho:D
hope you one day come in Romania with a Glaminar too:) are beautiful panoramics too:D
have a beautiful and shinyy day>:D:D<

Laura Trinder said...

Aw Kandee you are so cute! I LOVE how excited and enchanted you were by things that we obviously take for granted over here. I also loved how you had to explain what bangers and mash were in brackets! Thats just so funny to me!
Your post made me smile the whole way through and feel proud of our countryside and city. I've glad you had a magical time and hope you come back soon! I thought of you when I made a visit into london this weekend, hoping all was going well.

Lots of love and smiles and Britishness! (tally-ho! what-what, apples and pears!)xxx

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for taking us all along ^_^ <3

Yaya said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures! Be safe.

Kristy said...

Thank you so much for sharing your day! i love the pictures. I feel like i was there with you ! Thank you so much for sharing youre life with us!! You are amazing!!!! *hugs*

Unknown said...

thanks for the amazing tour through england

Unknown said...

thank you for the awesome tour thru England

María said...

Such a wonderful trip!.Beautiful photos.I wish I were there.

mozzikato said...

It's so lovely to hear someone loving British culture so much, we take it so much for granted here!

Daisha said...

Kandee, those are such amazing photos! imagining what that charming place is like in person totally made my morning.

Oh, did you know that Nettle, actually stings you if you touch it raw? It's "Stinging Nettle" and there was tons of it growing at a camp I went to when I was younger: they spent a lot of time showing us what it looked like and told us not to go near it, then they went and cooked some and let us eat it lol

Heidi said...

This is so cool, Kandee! Everything was beautiful! Probably my most favorite post, ever.

najwa said...

it was a great journey,pics were so revealing. Really thnx for sharing dis stuff with us.luv to read yur blog n see yur videos.Najwa from Pakistan.

funkymacgirl said...

i love this blog the pictures were amazing, i traveled thru ur eyes..thanx..and i love how u used the words "mum" and "wellies"

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I truly enjoyed going with you & been able to see all around London!!! It was....just great!!! I have no words how explain to explain how I feel.... I love it all!!! Its so nice to know, that everywhere you go, you meet sweet & nice people =). Well Kandee, thank you so much for showing us around :). We appreciated much!!! I'm glad you & your precious one are doing good!! Love Lidia Ramirez

Anonymous said...

wow great pictures have lots of fun! its beautiful in london but kind off scary like in the movies, it has an old vintage scary creepy feel I love it!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh I LOVE le Meridien Picadilly! I stayed there last month! Your photos are breathtaking xxx

Unknown said...

This was an incredible tour!! I love all the pictures!! so thank you for sharing! I would love to go to London one day! I'm glad to hear you had the nicest of time ;) hope you rested well and for a safe trip back home!

Ashley said...

It looks like you had a blast Kandee! So glad you got that experience, I always enjoy reading your blogs.

I love the part where you say you were ready to walk through the field and meet Mr. Darcy, I love that movie and I would have been thinking about that too. lol I hope you have a safe flight home.

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad you have enjoyed England (: it is full of pretty treasures!
Please come and visit lots more and bring all your little people (:
I wish I could have came to your glaminar and met you.
England need people like you.
Lots of Love Becky xx

Ewa said...

KANDEEEEEEE! can i come to see you tomorrow pleaseeee :-( just for 10 minutes Please Please Please... you are going on wednesday.. :-( i needed to run away after the Glaminars.. i just wantd to say goodbye to You..

stylecrasher said...

wow kandee...this is magical!were should i start?the clouds,the sky the houses,everything blends so perfectly together to create this wonderful scenery that makes me want to jump in the screen!so wonderful!and you made me hungryyy!
and you look so beautiful!as always!i wish i was a part of your life!

Kat said...

Ah Kandee, Henley-on-Thames is so close to where I live, and I was actually there on Thursday! It's so pretty.
I wish I could have come to the Glaminar, you are so inspiring and it would have been amazing to hear you speak :)
You're looking beautiful as ever.
xox Kat

Unknown said...

I love how your soo excited about England! Its making me feel lucky to live here! Next time your over you should visit Bath.. Its very small but has BEE-UTIFUL houses and fields and parks and shops and pubs and resturants! Its lurrrvly! Hope you and cupcake are good.. I didnt even know you were coming to England! Weather hasnt been too bad for you either.. Just a little chilly! X

privema said...

lovely snaps! i think i'll go back and look at them again!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks so beautiful and romantic! have fun kandee, wish I was there

Cindy Swanson said...

Thank you SO much for sharing these pictures! Like so many Americans, I dream of going to England one day. Enjoying your pictures gave me just a little taste of it. Blessings!

Unknown said...

It's all so beautiful! I look forward to the day when I can travel and see it for myself! Thankyou for sharing your 'adventure' with us!! :oD

Mayo76 said...

Thanks for sharing !!
I love every single pic and every word.

isabel said...

oh wow, it's a wonderful place, omg! enjoy it and have fun!! we love you kandee, you are a wonderful person and you deserve the best.

Unknown said...

Omg, I came on here and was so shocked to see pictures of you in my home village! So weird, you were literally next to my house by the river! I live opposite the Wind in the Willows house! Love Emily x

Anemone said...

Ok i know this is wierd and it is generally becuase the movie is coming so close but i felt like i stepped in a harry potter book.

Alissa said...

Loved your pics. Those fries ("chips") made me hungry just looking at them and your Hello Kitty purse is freakin adorable!!! :)
Please check out my blog:

Vanessa said...

thanks! to share this beatiful pictures .
I love england maybe the next year I can go :) and you are soo lucky to fine the george harrison house!!
thanks kandee

sorry my english hahaha
love from chile

Nina Babie said...

Omg simply beautiful ! You made even more anxious to go my fav country in the world EUROPE..(my dream destination)

Dancer3114 said...
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Dancer3114 said...

Kandee this was such a wonderful post! The pictures are just gorgeous and it looks like you had the best time!!! So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this blog, it was simply fabuuulous!!! Thank you for sharing this amazing trip with us, Kandee - it really felt like I was actually there with you! Like others have said, the pictures were breathtaking, wow!! getting to see the beautiful sights and scenery in London :D soo glad you and your mum had a wonderful time!! <3

Becah said...

Oh goodness how I love wellies!!! I have the pair in the middle! They are so cute and it made me smile when I saw my "whaley wellies" on there! Hope you're loving every second of it there!!

~*geena*~ said...

Thank you for this wonderful blog!! It is so beautiful there!!! I have been to England once, and its so amazing!! and I took a picture of big ben like the one you took (but during the day time)! straight up hehe those are my favorites! I loved this blog!! It was just so nice and the pictures were amazing! It made me feel so cozy and relaxed hehe Thank you! Im glad that your having such a good time! you deserve it!! love you!!

Soza said...

I'm a Londoner born and bred and used to go for picnics at Henley every summer but I've been living away from the UK for over 3 years. Your pictures just conveyed UK autumn so well I could almost feel the wind on my face. Thanx for bringing back so many memories :-)

Unknown said...

Hope you enjoyed england and didn't find it too cold! I really wanted to come to the glaminar but wasn't able to :( <--- sad face!
You should have gone on the London Eye and maybe even shopping on oxford street!
Looks like you had an amazing day though! You are a true inspiration to me and do not ever give up on what your doing! You deserve every bit of happiness you get! Lots of love! xx

elciaravi said...

What a lovely 'vacation' I just took through your photos and commentary. I love the literary references to two of my favorite books! Thank you so much for sharing.

Sandra G said...

What gorgeous photo's! I am very jealous of you right now. ;)
Thanks for sharing Kandee! xo


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