Saturday, August 7, 2010

What's So Special About A GLAMINAR?
A GLAMINAR is nothing like my yotube videos..well, they sort of are because it's me, but you will learn things I never teach in any youtube video- this is WAYYYYYY more than make-up....this is something that is changing people's lives....why?!?

What most people don't know is what awaits you at the Glaminar... it's not the silver gift bags I designed (that are pretty awesome), it's not the goodies in your gift bags..

it's not the give-aways worth over $300, like ZUCA BAGS, complete Dinair Airbrush kits (that I requested in HOT PINK!), it's not the Z Palettes, or the Vanity Girl Hollywood Pink Starlet mirror like I have and so does Kim Kardashian...
it's not for all the cupcakes....
or make-up tips....
Yes, I have worked on movies, tv shows, red carpet events...and with all kinds of celebrities, from ones in movies at the theaters right old favorites like Janice Dickinson (the only celeb that has ever made me nervous, or afraid really. ha ha ha)...

Yes, I know tricks from make-up masters that have taught me, as I apprenticed them on movies and shoots...yes, they are things that I don't have time to teach people in my youtube videos. Some things you just have to have a person in front of you to teach and explain.

No, this is not like any make-up seminar or class you ever find anywhere.

No you are not gonna leave with just some tips on how to put your eyeshadow on better.

No, this is not like my youtube videos...this is an experience that is NOTHING like watching a youtube video can come close to!
 This is SO much more than make-up....this is:
*You'll learn my tips and tricks for success, happiness, and how to overcome hurt & failure....and so much more.

I also give you:
Certificates for each class, to use on your resume or website

For the Make-Up Artist Pro Class:
You get business forms and papers to set up your business, as well as a legal contract which you will give to clients to make sure you get paid, which can cost over $500 to have written up by an attorney (this is not some generic contract you copy from online), and I give this free because I don't want you to loose money like I have without it!
You leave ready to start your new career...start making money.

I get comments all the time: "why does your glaminar cost so much money?"

This is cheaper than spending your money on make-up or beauty school where you'll spend from $6,000-25,000 and still have no way of making money or knowing the tips that I teach you for success.

Just so you get a small idea of how much they cost to put on:
try needing to come up with over $3,500 for a room to rent to hold it in.
Then another $1,000 for a sound man so everyone can hear me.
The lighting equipment can cost up to $1,000 too!
Hotel room and plane tickets, luggage charges & taxi or shuttles: another $2,500 (at least! NYC, London  & Toronto it's 4 times this much)
I have to pay for the big tv screen so everyone can see the details....even more hundreds and hundreds.
The chairs alone can cost $1,000!
The stage platform so everyone can see can cost up to $2,000!
That doesn't even include the cost of the bags I had made to give you guys, the hundreds of dollars for cupcakes and decoration.
The hundreds of dollars in shipping to get all the things there in time, the gift bag goodies and prizes!
This doesn't cover the cost I have to pay for all the people to set up and tear down the event, that can cost another $1,000.
The printing alone of  the certificates and the pro class hand-outs cost hundreds of dollars.

It is VERY, VERY EXPENSIVE....and sometimes I wonder if we'll even make enough money to cover our costs. But I do this to inspire you all! To change your lives and give you hope for an AMAZING future!

Tears are shed, laughter is felt in the room, lives are know more about make-up and beauty than ever......hearts are sparkly with beauty...success is with you...and confidence is huge when you leave the GLAMINAR!

you can read the testimonials from some of the girls on the glaminar website to see what how it changed them!

this is an investment that for your life, that will really change your future...this is not just some class...if you want just a basic make-up class....this might not be for you...if you want to change your life and learn how to go after your dreams...and love what you do....than this is it!

Hope to hug you and see you there...and get to speak to your heart!


Cari said...

i would love to go to one.

Scott and Melissa said...

Wish you were coming to Phoenix sometime.. maybe even get NieNie to come .. :)

The Pretty Pauper said...

Come to Denver! I've love to come to a Glaminar!

Tubsie said...

Kandee come to London ASAP plzzzzzzz
And hopefully I will meet you next year when you come to Seattle :D

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you to come to NY Kandee,i have been wishing you would do another Glaminar here and yay you are! :):)This will be the best thing ever and im so thankful and happy:)

Katie said...

I hope I can get to a Glaminar, maybe not this year....please keep doing them so I can get to one. :) In Ohio would be great. Maybe I can make it to the one in NYC, but money's a little tight because I'm starting as a freshman in college this fall. Hope I get to see you sometime!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and I am addicted!!!! You give such a great advice and have beautiful energy! I was wondering if you could do a makeup demo on someone with light skin and blonde hair. Maybe recommend some colors and looks! Thank you for all of your hardwork!

Christine said...

i would love to go to one of your glaminars Kandee :)
And i would love to meet you <3

xoxo Christine

Jessica said...

Can't wait for the one in Miami!

Kemberley Valderrama said...

I just bought my NYC all day ticket I'm so excited! <3

Ashley said...

people don't realize that you're spending so much time on the glaminars.... it's your life and profession... and it's taken you all this time to learn what you will teach everyone. So people need to get that the chair people and people who own the building etc. etc. all make a living on this too. It's the creative people that don't necessarily work 9-5 but more like 9-midnight or 2 am haha. It just goes with he profession. I wish I could go to a glaminar!!!!

Kristy said...

Kandee I cant wait to met you and come to your glaminar next sat. I have told my husband for over a yr if ayou ever come to chicago that i am so driving the three hours.. I really think it is an answer to a prayer and by Gods grace i was able to come! Thank you for allyou do for us.. I will pray you have a safe trip and it will be great see you soon. Thank you Kandee you are amazing!!

Michelle said...

You are too fabulous, Kandee, and I admire you for that. You're a perfect role model!

Alice Rose said...

WOW now I see exactly why seats aren't cheap! Well hopefully by the time you get round to coming to SYDNEY (ha ha) I'll be able to afford it. I HAVE to come to one of these ! x

Maritza said...

I hope you come back to LA area next year, I will so totally go!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet you in Houston! =)

Emma said...

Hi Kandee! I really wanted to contact you but had no idea how so im leaving it in a comment ^_^ im really interested in attending your glaminars but I live in riverside, you know when you will be having one in my area?? Ive really been inspired by you i and i want to thank you for sharing your stories with everyone. like you i got married young (age 19) and am now expecting my 1st baby! (its a boy) i went to cosmo school mainly cuz i love doing makeup but didnt know how to get in that industry so i did hair for abt 2 years, i do enjoy it but still prefer makeup. now with the baby coming (in 3 weeks!) i feel like my career is over, but you showed me it doesnt have to be! thanx again kandee! hope to here from you soon :)
xo, Emma
you can write me back on my blog or email. either way!

Melissa Dale said...

Kandee! You don't need to justify the cost to's obvious you pour your heart, soul (and money!) into each Glaminar. I am not able to make it this year but I'm going to start saving up for next year so I will be able to have an entire vacation week around the Glaminar dates (west coast!)

cOoKiElUvR said...

Dearest Kandee, thank you so much for the detailed info. I do appreciate it. I'm new to the internet & the *Kandee Krew*, n I started following you religiously, right after your LA GLAMinar. Please come back to LA, do your show, n definitely write a book. I'm usually not a hugger, but I definitely want to hug You. You made me smile at a time I was so sad, you turned my frown upside down. Thank You so much!

Anonymous said...

Hey kandee,
Do you know when you will be coming to tampa fl? It would be lovely to go to your glaminar if is close to me even orlando will do... hope to hear from you soon! Thanks :) <3

Nicki Jackson said...

I think you have been here before....but come to Vancouver, BC Canada again please!!!! I would for sure go!

TammyLee said...

oh Kandee! The one weekend I can't come to your glaminar, the one weekend...haha. I just recently moved to NYC and when I saw your Glaminar post for NYC I got stoked...and started thinking about it, but then realized it's the one weekend I'll be out of town. Have a blast! Maybe next year.........................?

Christine said...

glaminars looks like so much fun, hope i will be able to go to one :)

xoxo Christine

Alexandra said...

I love everything about you Kandee. There's no words to describe how I feel when I watch your videos.. a little thing makes me sad.. You're promoting your Glaminars by comparing them with your youtube channel.. saying that it's nothing like youtube videos. well.. there are many people that can't get to your glaminars. Maybe because of the money, maybe because of the location.. and you really make those people feel bad :( Im one of them. Love you but please don't become like everybody else. :(

recy grace decolongon said...

how i wish i can get to Glaminar..i desperately wanted to..but sadly im in different side of the in Dubai waaa :( how i wish i could easily get there..but if you happen to decide to take glaminar into another level and take it international..pls include Dubai :)
You inspire me alot :)thank you very much kandee and i hope you wont get tired of inspiring everyone..

Anonymous said...

i would love to go to one ! it must be an amazing experience ! but unfortunataley i don't have enough money ;-( heh maybe in next years i will have a chance to go to one.

Nati said...

i really would love to join the glaminars!!! but i live in germany..will you visit us anytime?? :-D

Zizzi said...

Couldn't you have a "closed" online-glaminar? People could sign up, and pay and get a password. That would give people from all over the world a chance to go to the glaminars. Like me, I live in sweden and would love to go to the glaminar. Perhaps it's to much work? I don't know, it was just a thought. Love cissi


Hi Kandee,

Your coming to London!...I'm screaming and jumping...oooh I don't know what to say, only I hope I can come and see you. I live in Holland (europe), next to Engeland. It will mean the world to meet you. You've done so much for me. I hope I can meet you in real. I want to thank you in person. You don't know how much you've done for me. xxx Loyoya

L.M. said...

Come to Athens- Greece!!!!! I would love to attend one of your glaminars.

Visit my ne BLOG and tell me what you think:

Rejane said...

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melanie said...

Hi Kandee,

I just wanted to say I CAN'T WAIT TILL YOUR MIAMI GLAMINAR!!! You have inspired me so much since the first time I found one of your videos on youtube. I went to school to be a cosmetologist and I have to say its something I'm good at but I HATE IT!!! All I want to do is wake up every day and do makeup and help make people feel more beautiful.. You help to motivate me everyday and help me to want to be a better me..I hope with all the motivation you have given me I can finally pick up and move to LA in the next year and half..

Love you Kandee your the best..

leily said...



The Beauty Vixen said...

Hey Kandee
I hope to see you when you come to New York. I think this is a really beautiful thing that you have going. Keep it up darling.

Bumblee Bee said...

Well I'm missing the only glaminar you're holding In chicago, but if I could go I would in a heart beat. You don't have to convince me! Haha

Elizabeth said...

I Hope I can make it to your Miami Glaminar!

olivejuicemomma said...

Kandee did you shoot your latest glaminar video in downtown Louisville, Kentucky? I swear those buildings look familiar. If so, I live 5 minutes away! You're awesome, either way.

NinaS ChaOtiC cOnfesSiOns said...

when will you be in california?? if i can make a living looking beautiful and enjoying it instead of my 6am-3pm long distance drive to the bay area from the valley tired as heck and sitting at a desk all day, i'd love to take the oppurtunity..God bless you for the great things you do for everyone have so much good coming your way..

Unknown said...

heyy kandee i wantt to go to the new york glaminar seminar but im 16 can i attend to the glaminar ? plz plz plz plz responseeeee

tnksz x3 (:

Queenofthoughts said...

Hopefully you will add San Francisco to the list in the near future.

katnc24 said...

Kandee, your encouraging little messages at the end of your videos break my heart - in a good way. How do you do that?

leeannxox said...

I wish you could come to Newfoundland :'(
Thankyou for your videos! Very inspirational. You make everyone feel beautiful insaide and out :) XOXOX

daily scoop said...

Hey Kandee,

I spotted that cuff that you wear that I LOVE! In the 7th pic of this blog you are wearing it... where can I find it??

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