ha ha ha
I take no pride in bringing you the weirdest things on the internet! ha ha ha But I do hope it brings you an added laugh for the day, and maybe a guaranteed weird gift-giver award to anyone you give these to!
#5 Tattoos for the ELDERLY (what!?!)
for $5.99 you can "tatt up" your granparents with a quick entering of your credit card info at www.stupid.com (I'm not kidding!)
Yes, you can "punk" out your gram or grandpa with these tattoos with sayings like "Arthritis Sucks":
"hey gram, show me your guns!"...ha ha ha
NEXT up at NUMBER 4 is:
yes for $9.99 you can order your own chocolate caca. I'm sure it's a hot seller! This again comes from www.stupid.com, surprise!

#3 for that king in your life, inflate in your boss's office, or use for a santa claus chair:
for the "steal-of-a-deal" price of $119.99 you can order this from www.prankplace.com
#2 and I'm not sure about this, it's kinda cool...but the price is kinda high for an already pricey ipad! However this would make a super cool present for that gadget-guy who loves some old arcade games! I think you just download the iCade App and voila...you're ready to Donkey Kong and Qbert your brains out! You can buy one at www.thinkgeek.com for $149.99
#1 on the list and I hope I never see one of these babies in use is:
people with sensitive stomachs , please skip to next post!
for a mere $18.99 you too can be the proud owner of this neon green sling-shot! this gets 5 yucks and 2 thumbs wayyyyyyyy, down! Bleck...ahh I gotta hurry and move on!
All I can say is....wow! Just goes to show you, no matter what idea you have for a product you can sell it to someone!
Happy saturday and I hope this brought you a laugh or at least a good idea for that next funny gift your going to buy someone! ha ha ha
typed with laughter....your kandee
haha. OMG this made me laugh. Great post Kandee. Nothing like a good laugh to make your day better. xx
Hilarious! Love the throne, LOL!
Sarah / pinchofpretty.blogspot.com
bleeeccchh. but :)
kandee fam lil sis
Hahahaha, i saw a man with this sling-shot last year in Rome. It was so damn crazy :D
Hahaha, that is incredibly funny and incredibly nasty. I do believe I'm going to have to poke my eyes out now. Thanks for the laugh though and for impairing my vision.
OMG those neon green thingies.. YUCK... 10000000 times yuck!!
LOL oh wow, that borat suit is awesome
love this point. you have such a great personality.
hahaha amazing, love this post Kandee :)
Those are some fun finds! I can totally see my grandma sporting one of those tattoos for shock value :)
(The Pretty Pauper)
my brother bought my partner that borat suit last year for xmas! its hilarious! x
Thanks for the laughs, hon! I so needed that. :)
so, here's my big question - how does someone who used to bite her cuticles/nails keep them from continuing to be all ragged while she's trying to stop? that's a big issue i have - no longer bite my nails, but i can't seem to keep my cuticles from looking like crap!
Where are the bacon bandaids??? :oP
did you make a post similar to this in the past!!!! hilarious!
I actually watch part of borat movie and I thought it's too crazy for me to watch the whole thing. That borat sling would be great for a prank gift! .. Lol this is really funny..
That Borat pic made me throw up in my mouth just a lil' bit. I like the tats though. I'm going to have to buy one as a gag gift for my 71 year old mother. She'll never wear it, but she(and we) will get a laugh out of it. =)
that was amazing the king chair made me think about the song "King of Anything" by Sara Barilles
Haha love these :D
Please check my blog
I love stupid.com! I purchased the dog poo and the poo in a diaper chocolate as a gag gift in the past! That website has the coolest and weirdest stuff!
hahaha.. u really made my day. I like the iPad and the poo chocolate one.
I wished i live in the US so that i can attend glaminar.. T_T
come to asia and i will surely come ^^
Definitely saw the Borat swim-thong in use, thanks to my friend. I'm scarred. lol
haha those are awesome! i think the icade thing is actually pretty cool. i love everything on thinkgeek
I love thinkgeek.com. They have awesome stuff. NOt liked that sling shot though. Ol
The other day I was in Key West when I saw a man walking up and down the beach wearing a "mankini" like this! I had to laugh so hard I couldn't even take a photo
Oh boi, those things sure are STUPID!
I am visiting you first time you blog is rubbish no thing informal its just laugh
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I am visiting you first time you blog is rubbish no thing informal its just laugh .
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