When I was little me and my sister would wait for my dad to come home, because he would bring us baseball cards that had a stick of gum in them! I think we liked the gum more than the cards! ha ha ha
We would go on "dates-with-dad", where we'd get to pick what we wanted to do....my favorite was to go roller skating...and ofcourse he'd buy me candy and stuff, that my mom usually didn't allow! ha ha ha
Once when we were with my dad in his work truck, I was about 7 and my sister was about 5, he took us to 7-11 where we got Pepsi flavored Icee's (my mom never let us get Icee's), and then we drove over the railroad tracks, where the truck would kind of get some air, and we felt like we were on a roller coaster! It was so fun, my dad kept driving back over it so we could go again and again! I think I spilled my Icee on my shirt and was afraid my mom would find out! ha ha ha
Sometimes our dad's aren't perfect. Sometimes we don't have a dad. Sometimes our dad has left us. Even if I didn't have my "earthly" dad, I know I've always had God to be my dad in heaven! He'll never leave me, disappoint me, let me down...it doesn't matter how you've wanted the love of your dad. My dad is not perfect, but I know, that no matter what, the greatest thing I can do is forgive and truly not hold on to any moments that haven't been perfect.
you are loved...you are beautiful and you are wonderfully made! Celebrate today...your dad, whether he's in your life or not, without him (perfect or imperfect) you wouldn't be alive without him!
huge love and hugs, kandee
aww thanks Kandee! You're my inspiration because you always find something good in everybody and different situations. Love you!!!
Very sweet, Kandee! Your dad sounds a lot like mine, he always takes me and my sister on "dates-with-dad" for our birthdays!
Kandee! I love you so much! You always make me feel better when I'm down. You're the big sister every girl wants to have. Always sending blessings and prayers your way. Keep on trucking girl! I love what you do and how you make me feel!
Love, Ali
Wonderful memories, wonderful referances to our Father. <3
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY MR KANDEE!!! lol! He seems like an amazing daddy!
Kandee, you have such a beautiful heart. I hope your day overflows with love, hope, and an abundance of joy! Much love and happiness... Dyan
Aww Kandee, you're so lucky to have a fun and cool dad. I had a not so good relationship with my dad from when I met him and moved in with him at 4 years old until I got married and left to live my own life. Our relationship is better now than it has ever been. I'm not saying it's perfect, but at least I can have a normal conversation that doesn't end in him yelling at me lol. You're entire family is great, you are SO blessed. Happy Father's Day to your dad! :oD
u are so lucky to have your dad around.. as for me, my dad is missing for 18 years now and nowhere to be found because of shipwreck. i miss him so much and hoping that he is still alive.. so enjoy ur time with him and God bless you both!
Hi kandee!! Happy father's day to ur dad! You are very lucky that you have your father with you and i bet he feels the same way..as for me, i really miss my dad since it's been 18 years now that he's gone missing from a shipwreck.. =(
so, just have fun with your dad and God bless u both!
loved this beautiful post**
Happy Father's day to your dad!
Well put Kandee.
No one is perfect. We're more interesting people with the imperfections, the scars, and the sadness. We're always learning if we're willing. Everything you've been through has prepared you for this moment, now. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life.
Much love headed your way.
Im glad you have that happy of memory with your dad. My Father, isnt like yours. I never remember any time that I spend with my Father that makes me look up to him. Hes always away, he never by our side to support me and my sibling on anything. Growing up I always felt I never had a father at all. But even I dont have that special relationship with my father,I still do respect him as my Dad. I wish I was as lucky as you. Anyway have a wonderful Fathers Day to your Dad.I hope yu have a wonderful week..;)
this is very touching what you wrote Kandee. Yes you are right. I think that we should honor our parents (normal parents that is) not wackos who abuse their kids.. everything within a reasonable line.
Happy Father's day to all the daddys out there as well as the single mamas doing double duty. :)
I loved this post!
And it's so true. I have tiny, little fights with my dad but they always really get to me. And even if I'm FURIOUS with him, I know at the ed of the day, I still love him and make him proud.
Thank you SO MUCH, Kandee, for giving my day a little more shine.
You're amazing!
Awwww. That's so nice, you and your papa! =D
What a great post! Sounds like your Dad is awesome and you guys have a nice relationship. I like your "Dad Dates", me and my Dad would have those too! Your post inspired me to do one of my own :). Take care!
Amen Very well said
Thank you Kandee.
I still dont speak with my dad :/
I got to admit sometimes I miss him.
btw-Y our dad is amazing! I hope you make more vids with him haha.
Much love.
So true. Http://caricollazo.blogspot.com
I remember my dad doing stuff like that too. He would take me on windy roads and bumpy hills and called them "tickle belly hill" because of that feeling you get in your belly.
We went mini golfing every other weekend (...divorce...ugh)
I miss his goofy laugh, how he always had an LA dodgers hat on, and smelled of big red gum all the time.
My daddy passed away 7 years ago when I was 14 and fathers days have been hard since, even when I do spend them at church.
I can't say that I loved your post anymore. It's always encouraging to see people appreciate their poppa's while they still have them.
Awww how cute I happy fathers day to your dad lots of love from your biggest fan Miranda
Hallo Kandee and a big KISS. Looks young your father.
I happy see you are rigth.
See you.
Luis from near to Barcelona.
Wow, he doesn't look old enough to be your dad! ;) You're very fortunate to have a dad like him. :)
Why are you so convinced "god" is "male"? Don't you think it doesn't have a gender at all? I mean, it is not human or anything, much greater and more powerful than we can possibly grasp with our little anty brains... I mean, of course, this is maybe your interpretation and I respect it. Maybe it is because of that judeo-christian background that people from the West like to think of god as a "Heavenly father" (which is kinda sexist don't you think?). Anyway to me "god" is more like a huge warm, shiny, happy, ever smiling sun :-)
Have a great day, kandee girl :-*
Hi kandee, you always make my day. You are so special to me. I'v changed allot with your videos!!
I really really really thankyou!!
I wished i could go to the glaminars but i live in Japan... And Japanese..
Have a great day kandee!!
Hello kandee!!
I love you sooo much. Your video changed my life and how i think. You inspire me so much.
I wish i could go to your glaminars once but i live in Japan and im Japanese..
I wish i could meet you once in my life!!
I love you sooooooo much.
awww thank you!!! I needed that!!!
Thank you Kandee for sharing your stories and your life! I love reading your blog1 And you are very right! Love your dad no matter what! I love mine with all my heart and sometimes i dont know what i would do if he wasnt in my life!
happy fathers day! pray for our dads! earthly or heavenly. <3
Thank You Kandee
awww this is so true.. i hope u had a nice father's day :) ur dad looks so yound and fun.. kinda like mine! i couldnt spend yesterday with my dad because he went to Peru to help out the poor.. at least i got to talk to him and wish him a special day :) .. ur words always reach my heart Kandee.. u continue to be such an inspiration to me.. big hug :)
He looks as somebody very full of life :)
This was really sweet. Made me re-think a few things about the relationship I have with my dad.
Thanks Kandee
you have a great dad :) you can call yourself a happy one :)
thats cool that you talked about your dad and all the good memories. how come you dont talk about him more often?
~brittany from seattle
Goosebumps and tears... Thank you for another wonderful reminder. Love and blessings Nova
I've been scrolling through the things I missed. I lost my dad June 23, 2010.
Thank you for the second to last paragraph...about forgiveness. My dad and I didn't always have the best relationship....but I loved him and I know he is in a better place.
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