Wednesday, June 9, 2010

for those of us without perfect lives...

KANDEE: has not had a perfect life (watch the video below)
yesterday, I cried...
it's funny how one moment things can be fine and just a little while later, something can happen that will make you feel crushed.
I felt like rain clouds moved over my head, and tears were falling instead of rain.
Whether your heart has been broken, your heart feels sad or discouraged, you've lost a loved one, you are just overwhelmed with life...
I love these lyrics from SUPERCHICK' song Stand In The Rain:
So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found
You stand in the rain

Know that I'm with you, my heart goes out to you, each one of you! My life has had moments that make me feel more saddened than I can explain, and I know that in this life it won't be perfect, but I know God knows at night there may be tears, but in the morning He can fill me with the happiness to be dancing!
The message goes out to all the precious hearts that have emailed or posted something on my facebook about hurting...and I want you to know how much I care about each of you!
Let's all stand strong, no matter how life may be crashing down around us, we WILL stand through the pain, we will make it out of each horrible situation, stronger!

May your day be filled with sparkles of happiness and your dreams be filled with sugary sweetness, and the feeling of this BIG HUG I am sending right to your heart!!!!
types with extra love, your friend Kandee

watch a little bit of my story here:


Zdeňka said...

Hey sweet girl! We listen to the same music :)! When I am down, I love to listen to this song: Especially when women sing it :).
Have a great day (or night - depends on time :D)

Unknown said...

Hey sunshine! It makes me sad if i read tath u cryed! I send u a lot of love and a beautiful rainbow after the rain! Big hug from switzerland

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are as beautiful on the outside as you are inside....thank you for sharing your story and showing that through adversity there is triumph. I am about your moms vintage but avidly watch your the info and watching a dynamic giving person. Keep it up Kandee you dream is all around you.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of one of my all time favourite saying. LIFE IS NOT ABOUT SURVIVING THE STORMS, ITS ABOUT LEARNING TO DANCE IN THE RAIN...
So true...

Kimé said...

ahh this is so touching! I'm 21 and still feel lost at times despite being fortunate enough to go to college but I sometimes have days where I question my skills and determination to be a fashion designer/stylist. thank you for the story and encouragement. I've done enough damage at my young age of 18 as well, a lot of times it feels so unreal as if I was watching a movie but I played the main character. Thinking back, how i wish i had listened to the ones who actually love me (my family) and not be so irrational and stubborn. I suppose though that if I hadn't experienced all the bitterness of life then I will not be able to tell when the sweetness comes into my life. You are a great inspiration Kandee! Keep doing what you do best!


- Kimi

Anonymous said...

You are truly an inspiration to me. You are always so positive and happy. You make me want to be a better person and work for my dreams. I recently lost my dad and have been having a terribly hard time with it. Today would have marked him and my mom's 42nd wedding anniversary.... needless to say my day was rough. But your words are so caring and encouraging... you always manage to make me feel better. Thank you for that! God Bless!

ShortStuff♥,'[; said...

youuu always know what to say..
its likee everythings wrong
youuu post something on your blog
that makes sence and that makes
everyone smile and realize so much.
youuu have suchh a great
personality andd amazing talent.
iloveeyouuu, hope to meet you
somee dayyyy!!


Coral Price said...

Kandee you are amazing and strong and thank you for sharing your story with all of us. Hard times or not you are right we all just need to pick ourselves back up and keep going.

Debbee said...

You are the strong role model that girls nowadays need. I am about 10 years older then you and you inspire me. Keep doing what you are doing and I'll keep listening.

Olenka :) said...

you are such an inspiration!!
i am not 100% sure what my dream is...i really love acting and drawing and art too but i always tell myself that becoming an actress is soooo unlikely and i feel i would be putting all the money my parents put into my education to waste but i don't know...i love art so i am thinking interior design which isn't very academic and I am quite an academic person as well as arty so it may seem wasteful of some of my talents but it seems so fun! and i think i've come to the conclusion that i don't want to do what I "should" do or "can" do but what I want to do!
Thankyou so much for sharing your story Kandee,
stay strong!!!
Hugs and Lovexxxx

Unknown said...

Thank you for your bravery, Kandee.

Georgia Writes Here said...

This was amazing... your so inspirational!!!

:D x

Tiffany said...

i love superchick an stand in the rain is my fave song by them! i <3 u kandee

Unknown said...

I love your video and your words of inspiration toward people b/c i know alot of people if they don't succeed once they give up and don't try again.
I have been like that before but i know what i want to do and i want to make it happen. I want to be a high fashion makeup artist so bad and this fall i'm going to college for cosmetology and hopfully i will work my way up. I live in alabama so theres not many places i can really do much with and for. so i'm going to reach my dreams in baby steps. thanks alot. i love you. =]

-Jennnnnnn- said...

Oh my gosh Kandee! I've been watching your videos for quite sometime. This one is my favorite you are so inspirational. The way that you've held your head up high and just kept chasing your dreams makes me believe that i can do it. You have such an amazing personality, i love how happy and cheerful you are! I'm not really into doing my make up or anything but i just watch your videos because i love watching you it brightens up my whole day! I'm glad that god has helped you and led you to where you want to be. I believe he has helped me by leading me to you. Thank you so much for doing what you do.

Unknown said...

hi Kandee,
wow it felt as if you were talking to me, but probly not... i would never get a response from some one , as i am no one special, and your Kandee johnson, .. I am going to hope and pray that by some freak miracle that i get to attend your glaminars and be able to start my life in a forward motion, but as georgia luck goes , i dont have a snowballs chance in hell of getting tickets to the glaminars, ,, take care , georgia from ohio

Alina said...

Kandee, thank you very much for posting articles. u encourage me a lot!
i love the following proverb: Everything will be okay in the end. if its not okay, it`s not the end.
we should believe that after all, we wil be happy. we just have to be happy. and as u said "dont let anyone destroy" good mood, or dreams, etc.
be happy and loved!

Unknown said...

Kandee, I just wanted you to know that it is 3 am where I live and I've been up all night crying because the guy who was my rockstar and my everything just left my bed to go be with another girl. This post made me feel so much better. I know that tomorrow everything will be okay. You are such a beautiful ball of light in this horrible world. thank you so much Kandee.
Love, Kat.

o_fuller12 said...

hey kandee, you rock, just so you know. i found your youtubes one day in the middle of the winter at like -50 and i watched them alllllll lol, you are such and inspiration. thanks so much for the videos they are awesome. i look forward to the next one soon.

It-Will-Be-Okay said...

You are such a wonderful person and what you said is so true
keep smiling Kandee =) <3 xx

love Rehana x

Anonymous said...

Dear Kandee!

I almost cried listening to your story! God bless you dear!

Be happy for the moment you are in now!

We all love you! *hugs*

MexxyMakeUp said...

you are really fanatstaic women :*

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee! You are absolutely right. This is a very good moment for me, something wrong with my health, and also some demotivation and crisis 'cause I feel that nothing I've done in my life is right. When I was child, I thought I could be do everything, but in the last years I was so discouraged... You, your blog, your videos made me reflect in several occasion and, yes, give me the will and the hope to succeed in being what I want to be. Thank you so much for your passion and energy, and also for sharing with us your feelings and emotions... I hope your leg is getting better :)
Huge hugs from Italy


Lia said...

Oh my gosh Kandee!!! That's my favorite Superchick song everrrrr!!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I'm 14 years old, and watching a lot of your videos has helped me with make up and how to get thru life. Thank you for being an inspiration and always staying positive on your videos. <3

Linda said...

Oh my lord.. thank you so much for sharing your story with us Kandee.. My heart melted when I watch you talk about what you have gone through and how you have been treated in your life.. I had to go through the same kind of verbal abuse in a relationship but I was never close to what you had to go through, and also having a baby in the middle of it all... I look up to you Kandee and I love you and all your fabulous work and your happy spirit that you share with all of us fans!

Heaps of love and big huggies right back at ya!

silas_kade said...


Tinkerbell said...

Hy Kandee! I cried watching your video. I'm trapped in my life and I'm sick of this. You made me think about my life. You are right it is inside me, I sure hope that I can fined my way just like you. I work, study and have two girls. I'm afraid to be judged by others or my housebound. I have hard time on my job because my boss is molesting me and I can't do anything about it. Nobody understand me, because everything sounds so unreal. I appalled for some jobs but nobody wants me. I live in small, conservative country where people whit dreams are not welcome. I'm was creative, off limited girl who is always different. I tried so hard to be like others and a long the way I lost myself. I turn in to a women which I don't like, because it is not me. I just wanted to say GO KANDEE, GO!!! because if you succeed so I can to. Love you

paige said...

ohmygod kandee its like you were talking straight to me and talking about my life. i am in that place right now where you wake up sad then go to bed then wake up sad then go to bed, and you have inspired me to stay strong and not give up on my dreams. thank you so much.

Tamara said...

Кенди, ты чудо!!!!! Когда смотрела твою историю, я плакала!!!!
Kendee, you are a incredible!!!!! When looked your story, I cried!!!! you inspired me!!! be happy and favourite!!

Unknown said...

Kandee you are such an amazing person. I would have never thought you've been through all those things in your life. You said that you were afraid to share your story with us because people wouldn't think you were as cool as they thought, well I think you are even cooler! :) To have gone through all those things and still go after your dreams and still be so full of life is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story, it has really made an impact on me wanting to achieve my dreams :)

HeatherMarie said...

This video was so inspirational and encouraging! You are such a beautiful person Kandee, inside and out! Thank you for this video...It means a lot <3

Lana Dias Martins said...

Hii Kandee.
Pleease use a translated to read this! :D like the Google.
Bom, eu vo falar em portugues, sou brasileira, conheci seu youtube channel, a pouco tempo, e eu amoooooo as maquiagens que você faz, você realmente tem talento.
Bom, eu tenho 18 anos, e estou começando agora, também, adooro maquiagem, e meu sonho também é trabalhar com isso.
E gostaria de dizer como eu acho que forte, e admiro muito você como pessoa, e como profissional, acredito que você inspirou muitas pessoas, assim como inspirou a mim.
Continue assim, porque você é linda, por dentro, por fora, adoro seu trabalho, espero um dia ser pelo menos metade do que você é.
Gostaria muito de ver um curso seu, mas moro far far away. Quem sabe, um dia. :D

Stay beautiful!

Unknown said...


You're such a beautiful person, inside and out. Don't ever forget that!

Lana Dias Martins said...

Hii agaaain Kande.
Pleease use the translated again! :D

Eu escrevi meu primeiro comentario antes de ver o video.
Adorei ver esse video, acho que mudou realmente a minha vida. Obrigada.
Eu tenho 18, como eu disse antes, e eu também me casei com 16 anos, tive uma filha com 17, é bem dificil, ter que se virar sozinha tão nova, mas Thank God, eu ainda tenho uma ajuda financeira da minha avó, e tenho um marido que me apoia, e sua historia é mujito linda, sei que é dificil pra você falar dela, mas é muito inspirador, eu tenho corrido atraz desse meu sonho, assim como o seu. Não sei bem por onde começar. Mas te agraço do fundo do coração.
Você mereçe tudo que conquistou e muito mais.

Lana ;D

Unknown said...

Hi! That's the first time I dare to comment on your blog. You are a real inspiration. You make me smile and I'm like a child sometimes when I read your posts, watch your videos. It makes me believe eveything is possible with hard work. Even if I know it, it's reassuring to have the proof from other people. And, even if I know how it is easy to manipulate through internet and videos, I really believe you are a kind person, and not that kind of people who turns into some indifference towards the others. also maintains my hope to be strong, powerful, and yet true. Sorry for my english, I'm French. But I really wanted to say thank you :)

Viva La Fran said...

:) Kandee you have to be one the nicest people i know.. to care so much for people you don't really know.. but we all feel like we know you, and we care about you.. you must feel the same about us :) thank you so much for your kind and uplifting words!! you have made me smile many times when i was feeling down.. i thank you for that! you have inspired me more than i could explain.. thank you for everything, you are a gift to this world :) xoxo

Unknown said...

wow kandee these were the best 20 minutes of my life. you are a great advisor. keep going strong! you are wonderful. thanks for sharing your heartbreaking experiences. you look like a uni girl! i swear not someone who has 3 children! :) God bless you hun :)

Pepette said...

hello kandee, i'm french and i want say you that you are beautiful; i learn english with your videos, i dont understand all but your a are a good motor for me, since a see you, a want to work , because i'm hill , want be better

thank you

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, My name is Amy. I have watched every single one of your videos and now i am convinced that I want to be a make-up artist! I am super excited to start working towards a career doing makeup but I having trouble finding a school in my area. There are several beauty schools around but pretty much all of them are for hair and don't offer much as far as makeup classes. I don't really know where to go from here? Moving is not really an option for me at this point. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am from Grand Rapids, Michigan, btw.

Jess-Me said...

I hope this makes it to you. I know you have thousands of fans.I adore you! I never had an idol or a role model. Everyone always Idol celebrities or Sports Super Stars.
I was a single mom and I am about to get married myself for the second time. I made many wrong decisions. I grew up in a hard household. The only time there was any love , was when my mother gave it to us. I then rebelled . I was told I wasn't going to be anything and and no one will want me as well. single mom 2 children. Worked in a strip club. went to jail, drugs. Parties.
I knew things needed to change and I was strong and commended myself for making my way out. I am a graduate of an associates degree in Graphic arts. Art is my world, along with kids and music.
I never used Make up until I was in the club scene.
There of all places the bottom of the working industry( but like you mentioned its in the box when you can see out of it. I developed a passion for makeup. I was always complimented on my makeup.
I wanted to go to school for makeup. But the beauty school here focused mostly on hair. lol. Im still learning how to do my hair..
I'm thankful for stumbling on your YOUTUBE video . On How To Make Leg Warmers"I do not have a lot of money
. I then followed the links to your makeup . I have been a fan for 2 years now. I watch you weekly. I am happy to be inspired by such a great person. I believed in myself when no one did. I felt like the black-sheep of my family. But now I feel like the black sheep. who gets to wear a too-too now and smile more. I still struggle everyday, but I am trying to reach my goals one step at a time. Thank you for inspiring me. you facebook fan and blog fan. Jessica Burgos

Ashley said...

I love that Superchick song too and have felt crushed in a moment as well. It is always helpful to know we are not alone! I hope you have a wonderful day Kandee. Big Hug for you!

Unknown said...

You are so adorable Kandee. I haven't been commenting for a while, not sure why. I've been reading all of your blogs tho, every day. You are such an inspiration to so many people and it's so nice and refreshing to watch your videos and read your blogs ;) People like you are rare in this world!
I hope your leg is doing well. We need an update!

~Cassidy Z.

Unknown said...

I appreciate your love and support throu the computer everyday. I am having a very very tough time with life and I think you for this blog. I am going to download that song right now. You are a blessing Kandee!

Unknown said...

yes very silly thoughts in your head, I think you're amazing, your story is amazing, inspiring. I work in retail, always have. I'm good at it and I'm a manager, but I'm not happy any more and haven't been for a while. I just recently started looking at massage therapy courses because I've always liked giving family and friends massages and doing facials and beauty stuff, I really enjoy it. I never pursued it because I never had the money and I had a job, in retail since I was 16 and was offered full-time work when I finished school. So I took the easy route because I had bills to pay and it was, well, easier. I turn 26 in a couple of days and by no means do I think I'm getting old, but the idea of just up and changing what I've been doing for the last 10 years well it's still a little scary. I don't have kids to worry about or anything really holding me back except fear I guess. It's midnight right now and I was searching the net for Pin up Hairstyles and then came across this page and your story, I feel maybe I was suppose to see this, suppose to hear your story. You see, you've inspired me, reminded me that I once had a dream and I owe it to myself to at least try and make it happen. So thank you, you're an amazing, beautiful (and I'm not just talking your looks, but the vibe I get) person. Thanks

DezigningDreamz said...

thanks for the inspiration this morning kandee. You are such a wonderfully, inspiring person. I got married young as well ... had a horrible first time @ that. I thank God that I had a wonderful friend who held my hand and helped me through that dark area in my life. Now he is my husband. lol. And I love him more than anything in the world. But ... seriously ... thank you so much for the inspriration. I watched your video and was so disappointed in myself for a few minutes and then I kicked myself in the booty and said ... "WAKE UP GIRL!" For years I have wanted to get myself into the medicial field. I know exactly where I want to be ... in the ER or the OR. I want to be where the excitement is. I've wanted to do it since I was a little girl. It's my passion. My thing that makes me the most happiest in the world. When I am in a hospital setting, I feel like I belong and try to intigrate myself into the setting lol. But this morning, I decided that heck with everything else. I am doing what I want to do. Getting myself into all these mediocore positions that are just making my heart hurt. I am not good at those things because it;s not what my heart wants. And I found a wonderfully, new inspirational band to boot. Thanks Kandee for your love and expertise. When I talk about you to others I always say ... my friend on youtube ... kandee ... and they are like you "know" her. Well ... yea I do. lol. even tho I have never met you I feel like we could be amazing friends. Hope you have a blessed day.

Jaxxx said...

This couldn't have come at a better time for me. Last night I wrote my first blog entry (even though I have been a member of blogger for a while, mainly to watch and read your stuff!) and it has a lot to do what you were talking about in this video. I really really really appreciate you opening up to us like that. It takes a lot of guts and strength to be brought back to places youd hope to never think about again. So thank you. Your messages are always so encouraging and like you said in the video "If I could be there to wake you up every morning ...pep talk" if ONLY I had like a little Kandee alarm clock, haha that would be phenomenal.
Anyway, my blog which I posted just a few minutes ago basically explains the mind set of a post college grad and it touches a lot upon the common question "what do I want to do?!" .
So thank you again for your words of encouragement, after writing my blog last night, I've been feeling pretty down, but like always, you picked me back up.
Another touched fan,

Anonymous said...

I have been unemployed for a while now that get so discouraged with my life. Tired of the lectures of what I should be doing with myself. Your video shined a light on me. Thank you for the encouragement that I was seeking and needing. You have always been so enlightening. Thank you and keep up your awesome work.-----{-@

Laura said...

Sometimes it feels like I have no right to cry over things in my life because some people get it so much worse...but y'know, if somethings bothering me, I don't feel guilty about shedding my tears are evidence that I care!
You are one strong and passionate lady, Kandee!

chibimo0n said...

amazing, kandee! that makes me feel so much better after eveything thats been happening. i love how inspiring you are & how to look at how there could be something better and that there always is =]

GuGhostAB said...

You`r the BEST .... love you =0)

Anonymous said...

ugh I LOVE you SOOOO much Kandee, Because of you I have faith in myself and am getting my life in order.Because of now I think I can make it in.


p.s I Hope your leg is doing well

Anonymous said...

Kandee, thank you for your heart and for putting your love into what you do. You are an inspiration.

Tamara said...

Thanks for sharing your story! the idea of following your dream is exactly what I needed right now. I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I am in a job I don't enjoy. thanks for a reminder that even if it is scary, it's worth it to work for what you love.

cb said...

my cousin turned me on to you and my first look at your blog i fell in love. it was the perfect moment for me to look at your blog because i wasn't feeling good about the direction my career was going and you were talking about your grandmother and her montra "it will be okay". every post has made me feel a lift of encouragement to do what i want and to just go for it and since then i have.
many thanks for being the beautiful person you are inside & out and for sharing your encouraging thoughts, know they have had a major impact on me <3

much love,

Helga Þórey said...

Thank you for sharing your story with us ! You are so inspiring and a amazing my dear Kandee .. My heart
go's to you and your sweet family

You make me feel brave and loved every single day

Love you and I feel so blessed that I can escape bad days by reading your blog (I read it to on good days ha ha ha )

Big love from me to you

one of your many loved members of the Kandee family

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I am so glad I watched this video. Thank you for sharing your story as hard as it may have been, because it truely touched my heart. I found your videos this year, for I have decided to go after my dream to become a makeup artist. I thought about hair school when I realized that makeup is where my heart is. I often doubt myself, because some days I feel like a frompy mom, I am 22 and my daughter is 3 and I don't have time to be cute every single day, and I haven't got back to my old body, in fact I could lose 40 lbs. :( and some days my mind tells me I can't do this. But I know the talent is there and more than anything this is the one thing that makes me feel alive. I have so much to be greatful for my husband is wonderful and soo supportive! Thank You so much for this video! Will you have a NYC Glaminar this year?

Krista said...

Hi Kandee!
Thank you so much for posting this video. I as well have had some really hard relationships that put me in rough situations, all of which I am still dealing with. Those experiences have really made me who I am today. My dream is to write about these situations. Hopefully other women will find them inspiring, just like what you have done! Thanks again, you are beautiful! And please keep doing what you are doing!!

Unknown said...

Im really glad you shared your story. You have come so far, and these experiences have made you such a strong independent person. It really inspired me to go after what I want, to make my dreams come true, and never let anyone or anything stand in my way! THANK YOU for your encourangement! Your AMAZING!

Crimson Vixsyn MUA said...

Kandee you are a hero to me. You are truly an inspiration. I don't know you but I love you for who you are and what an amazing person you are. I truly want to thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

Krisztixx said...

thanks so much for this and for all the encouraging posts you've made, Kandee! I used to feel so sad and even cry when things turned bad or I lost faith in somethin' but after checking out your blog, you totally cheer me up and give me soo much strength to keep on going. you really helped me to deal with all my bad moments only by seeing you always being so positive and hopeful even when sg bad happened to u! I try to be as strong as you are and face the bad stuff, knowing that everything's happening for a reason and I should never give up! thanks for all your encouraging words! you're truly an amazing and a very special person, Kandee! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

I have seen your story already THOUNSANDS times! Each day.. ha ha..

SUPERCHICK - beautiful song.. I wish to see your video, where you sing that song, because you have awesome voice!

Love, hugs!

Lunch Box said...

Thank you! I really needed that! <3

Unknown said...

You are such a good person. I first watched your videos a couple months ago and I thought: wow, she's so beautiful and smart and all.
Now, I think the same things... and more. The fact that you are so strong and you decided to share your story doesn't change anything.


Publisher said...

I watched your video on you tube a few weeks ago and love it. Thanks for sharing and inspiring others. Your life has been such a great journey, love hearing about your life!

Noelle Garnier said...

I have loved that Superchick song for years and years ... it is interesting how sometimes a song or story or character just sticks with you for such a long time and keeps coming back when you need it. It is so important not to be crushed by obstacles, but to keep trusting God and moving forward. Things happen that make you feel scarred, just totally ripped apart, but we can always trust that beauty WILL rise! Thanks for your inspiration, Kandee!
kandee fam lil sis

Melissa Blight said...

Kandee, I watched the video before but watching it again still made me cry all over again. You are such a beautiful human being, you're like pure sunshine even through stories of your darker days. You're such an inspiration to me and you and your videos and your encouragement are what gets through to me so that I can keep believing that my dreams of becoming a makeup artist can come true too.
I'm shy and sometimes I worry so much that I won't be able to make it as a makeup artist and it makes me so sad because it's my passion and there's nothing else that would make me as happy. Listening to your kind words and seeing the energy and love you put out even after everything gives me such inspiration.
I'm hoping one day I'll run into you on the street or something!! I just want to be able to tell you face to face how special you are and how amazing you make others feel through your videos.
HUGE love for you Kandee<333333333

EllaJames said...

I've been living in shadows since me and my boy broke up. He got really sick, and he didn't want me near anymore. Did some real stupid stuff, and i'll bear the scars with me for the rest of my live, in AND outside mof my body. The last weeks I've been bouncing back, and watching ur videos, has brought a smile on my face, ur suck a beautyfull and warm person inside and out girl. Know that you make a diffrence in peoples lives everyday! Love, Kari

jmp said...

Hi Kandee!!! i did nothing by cry after watching this video. you have been through some rough times. I cry cause i have been made fun of my whole life, taken for granted, and left on the floor to wipe away my own tears. Friends in a split second have put me down when i wasn't on the same page as them. i even had a friend say to me that God is telling her not to be friends with me...its like wtf!!! i have a full time job that i hate, i always put everyone else before me, i have always encouraged my friends and family and the only thing i get in return (not that i even want anything) is to be told that i am not good enough for them...i got dreams too, although it seems like everytime i make a successful step forward, i'm made to be put down by the same people who called me their friend. i cry a lot these days, depressed some...i know there are way more people out there who have it way worse than i do, but thank you for sharing your story. i would have never guessed any of that. i hope to follow my dreams some day. thanks kandee for your support, its better than what i get from home

MaddyMadewell said...

Kandee you are amazing! You are so inspiring and loving and really care about people. Don't ever let yourself get sad about things cause your are amazing and so sweet(:

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee,
I can't explane how much you touched my heart with this video. I felt like you truly read what was on my mind, all my fears and insecurities were exposed by you. Since I was a little girl I used to watch movies with my father and that made me dream about my future. I wanted to be the person who made these people look so confident and beautiful, but I was always ashamed of this dream because of my appearance and perhaps because of my parents. They always thought that I was going to medical school, which is perfectly fine, but as you said, it wouldn't feel as if my heart would explode with joy. In my mind, I know what I want to do with my life, but it don't know where to start. I live in Portugal and nothing really happens here. I'm thinking about moving to London because I believe that I will have more opportunities there. But then again, I don't know anything about this business and I'm afraid to leave. It would be really helpful if you could give me an advice. Do I have to go to a makeup school? Is there any good one in London? I have many more questions.
I hope you can help me :)
By the way I'm almost 19 years old and you are the one who made me dream again! I truly love you with all my heart <3, your faithful subscriber Miriam

texasbeautyjunkie said...

You brought SO MANY emotions out of me I am crying like a baby. Man you hit home w/me on this. I am a 33yr old single mom of two boys. I 2 started young, @ 15. Yes!! # 2 @18. I was raised by my mother who was an addict & we lived @ times without running water & electricity. My father was in & out of prison all my life. My brother & sister both did jail time & have their addictions. My bother tried to take his . I never felt more helpless in all my life. I love my brother so much!! It was like a dream where your running and you cant make ground or your screaming and no noise comes out. I have seen the sores that drugs left on my mothers body. Big black craters on her arms & legs. I wasnt the pretty girl in school, half the time my hair was matted & my cloths didnt match. I had very bad acne to boot so I would steel foundation to try and cover up my acne. I wouldnt go outside without foundation on my face. Even my uncle tried to molest me as a little girl & when I went to talk to my mom about the things I felt him doing how they felt wrong she called me a liar. 5 years later he was convicted of molesting 2 of my cousins . I wanted soo badly to get out of there. I didnt want this life nor the memories. My path wasnt drugs or prison but being a baby raising babies. My 1st husband became violent and it took years to leave him. Ive had unhealthy relationships and subjected my boys to them. I meet this guy 11 yrs ago who cried with me & we talked about these things and he 2 loved GOD and saw beauty in what was broken. He was an addict and had a temper. He was jealous & paranoid. But I felt he knew me and loved all of me & my boys. We married, (after he kicked drugs) but it got violent and I left everything. Try explaining that to 2 teenage boys. I didnt know how to raise little boys into well rounded men....I still dont!! My current boyfriend doesnt speak to my son, its been a never ending battle with this and 3 yrs later he has nothing to do with him. Yes he is 16 and reserved, but he is my life. Being with someone who has nothing to do with a part of me is like tearing flesh. Its painful & it scars!! I think why I am still with this person is because I am afraid of being alone. I have had talks with him about how important this is to me but nothings improved. He does nothing with him, doesnt even talk to him when he comes over. Says it does no good, they have nothing in common.
This is SO HARD TO WRITE! I really needed to hear what you taped today. Its comforting to make a connection with another women who can relate. I plan to attend college once Tyler has graduated high school. Holding down a job and staying on top of a lazy 16yr old is full time work. I really dont know what else to say except THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee,
I can't explane how much you touched my heart with this video. I felt like you truly read what was on my mind, all my fears and insecurities were exposed by you. Since I was a little girl I used to watch movies with my father and that made me dream about my future. I wanted to be the person who made these people look so confident and beautiful, but I was always ashamed of this dream because of my appearance and perhaps because of my parents. They always thought that I was going to medical school, which is perfectly fine, but as you said, it wouldn't feel as if my heart would explode with joy. In my mind, I know what I want to do with my life, but it don't know where to start. I live in Portugal and nothing really happens here. I'm thinking about moving to London because I believe that I will have more opportunities there. But then again, I don't know anything about this business and I'm afraid to leave. It would be really helpful if you could give me an advice. Do I have to go to a makeup school? Is there any good one in London? I have many more questions.
I hope you can help me :)
By the way I'm almost 19 years old and you are the one who made me dream again! I truly love you with all my heart <3, your faithful subscriber Miriam

Gemma Lawrence said...

Hey sweet girl.

You always seem to post stuff that matches exactly how im feeling.
Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story with sure it took alot of courage but i kno that we all will have watched it and our hearts will have gone out to you.
You inspire me so much and I read your blogs all the time especially when i need a pick me up and some encouragement to follow my dreams that at times feel far far away.

Love ya loads

Ethan and Anna said...

Kandee!!! I am # 63! haha! You are an international sensation!!! Look at all these people from every end of the world admiring you. I love you Kandee! Thank you for waking up every day and pushing through, thank you for smiling at us, thank you for dreaming big and not giving up! Love you SO very much!!! (And get better)

Blonde Mafia said...

Thank You SOOO much from every ounce of my heart for that sweet sweet inspiring video of encouragement you posted! I am so glad you were able to share with us a lil of your story. Truly amazing and inspiring to say the least. You have no idea how much it helps me to read/hear the words you say. The past few years have been a struggle and I try to just simply make it day to day. Thank You again over and over for taking time to type to us and encourage our little "dream gardens" it means the world to us that dont hear that from anyone else.

Bama Girl

CuriousChristina said...

I think.. No, I know that you're one of the coolest people I have ever met, you're my role model, you're my insipiration, I was going through hell before I came upon your videos, and you changed that. Thank you so much Kandee <3 ! When I get married and have my first child, if it's a girl, I'm naming her after you!

Mandy said...

You are such an inspiring person. I think you are prfect at what you do! I'm so happy I found you on youtube! Thank you!

**"Liza"** said...

Dear Kandee,
You are such a amazing person inside out. Your videos today really inspired me to work hard on the things that I want in my life. You are such a big inspiration and I want to thank you so much for that. I am hoping that your message will be heard by all and inspired them to go for their dreams. To appreciate little things in life. Good Bless you and your family.

Morgan Bo said...

This is so wonderful, Kandee. Thank you for sharing this. You always lift my spirits when I need it, if you ever get bored at times you could definitely take up inspirational speaking. Keep up the good work.


Amber said...

You Inspire me Kandee, Thank You

Amber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.”
silentinblue ~Chuck Palahniuk <<while going through some quotes i saw this one and it reminded me of you :) your a constant inspiration to me..just earlier today i thought it would be impossible to go to the school ive been waiting to go to just because i couldnt get a loan but i realized that would be such an easy out and i would regret it so i found another way to pay through the school :) ive always wanted to be a makeup artist and you inspired me to go ahead with that and its all happening..THANK YOU!!!!

Unknown said...

Your beautiful words always uplift me.


Trishica said...

Ohhhh Man!! I'm sooooo excited, I just bought my ticket for the glaminar! yay!!!!!! I can't wait to meet you, share inspiration, and learn. Hope you are doing ok and having a happy evening!

<3 Trishica

Veehfashionable said...


Ali&T said...

Hey Kandee.. I am so IN LOVE with your blog!! your an amazing individual and you are so inspiring.. I Want to work with you!!! How do i make that happen... seriously.. you have the life i want to lead, i love doing hair and makeup and would love to be your assistant and learm from you and be on set and transform people.. My names Ali Asaro 6023188212 or email! Im seriously not kidding i think your the coolest person ever!!!

Unknown said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR BLOG AND YOUTUBE VIDEO! you helped me feel so much better about life. I'm a college student and I live with the love of my life but i also (unfortunately) live with roommates who are emotionally/verbally abusive. one of my male roommates says mean comments such as "all you good for is doing dishes". of course I try not to tell my boyfriend because it would make him sad. I cry frequently now and I find myself falling back into depression. But you make me feel like their love and hope in the world and you truly touch my heart. I absolutely love your inspirational videos and I hope for nothing but the best for you and your family. May angels watch and take care of you and your family. I love you kandee.

Erin said...

Thank you for being so brave to share your story. I don't think you realize how bright and shining of a star you are. You have an amazing gift and I'm glad that you've found a way to share it.
I am 51 years old and have raised 6 kids. Now I have dreams that I want to pursue, but after spending so many years taking care of others, I don't even know where to begin. I suffer greatly from thinking that people will think that my dreams are stupid and that I am too old to accomplish my dreams. Thanks for your encouraging words. I love what you said about the broken mirror.
Thanks for following your dreams!

mermaiddelsol said...

jeez...i would have never thought you went through so much adversity in your life are so uplifting, positive, and simply an angel...way to go girl! xoxo ~patty~

Raquel Ramírez said...

Thank you very much for all that you do Kandee! I love your make-up videos, but I love too this type of videos that show you like the incredible person that you are.
Thank you very much for make the decision of doing videos in Youtube because thanks to that I can see you from Spain!(Canary Islands) =)

The last week I saw in a craft page how to do a rose ring and I remember you. I don't know if you speak Spanish but I hope that the pictures can help you to make them.

Lupa said...

Tears sting my eyes after watching this one. It takes a lot of courage stripping down your souls for all of us to see and to heal our pain. It is an amazing act of pure love to all of us and a huge personal sacrifice. I am sure that hundends of people will, like me, recogize themselves in some or all of your words. However it may just be that someone up above - a great teacher- wants us to go through all that, all these ordeals all these great lessons and gain wisdom from them. And we will go through. AND WE SHALL OVERCOME

Greetings from Greece Kandee

Yeni said...

Hey Kandee, I seriously know how you feel, I'm the opposite of you, I also feel sometimes that I will not reach my goals because my dream involves a lot of networking. I'm 23 years old and very introverted and I feel like I'm not going to do anything with my life because my mom is overprotective, I want to travel and do things on my own but in hispanic families, more like my family, we are all dependent of eachother...its hard but thank you for your words of encouragement, I HAVE HOPE! Yay!!!!

Platinum Dragon said...

Thanks for the cool video, you're awesome. I hope to be a lot kinder to my wife than your husbands were to you.

brideface said...

Hi Kandee,
I just want to say that you are such a beautiful person inside & out and it's hard to believe that anyone would want to hurt you. I mostly want to say that I'm thankful that you decided to share your life and your struggles it was perfect God timeing:)


You are an amazing young woman.
Such strength.
Your children are very lucky to have
such a sweet and loving mom.
Enjoy the journey.

missria said...

Dear Kandee,
I just want you to know that I am praying for you. I don't know what your situation is but I know that the Lord is faithful and He will (and is doing) great things in your life.

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"
Joshua 1:9

You are such a blessing and have a beautiful heart. You have a confidence and yet a transparency that is hard to find. Use your gifts for the glory of God, you can't go wrong. God has mark on your life, a specific calling. You were called out to do great things. You are deeply loved.

MakeupFunhouse said...

Wow Kandee, your video's and blog posts are so inspirational, you always make people feel special and have only encouraging words to share. You are truly a gift and so is your talents.


NOVA said...

Kandee; wow; I LOVE you, and am so moved by your story. Thank your for openly sharing it with people... and with me. I appreciate you, and wish I bump into you to give you a big hug while I´m still in the States.

Love from NOVA, resurrected rapper and singer.

"and I feel like the true Cinderella is me; From ashes came beauty when Christ came for me"

PS: Your kids are blessed to have you as their mom

sarah m said...

Thank you so much for sharing Kandee, I have never heard anything as inspirational and real as what you write/say. I think you should write a book, 'Kandee's Words of Inspiration' or something? Thanks again you've made such a difference in my life.

keepingfaithx said...


Thank you so so much for this video, you inspire me! Im 18 and I also had a baby at 17 and, just like you did, I feel I'm hopelessly holding on to false dreams that I can't suceed in but, from this video I've never felt so much encouragement and I hope one day I'll be able to have a similar story to tell that I followed my dreams and eventually suceeded!

Your a beautiful person, thank you from the bottom of my heart.. Xxx

Anonymous said...

Watching this video I just felt like I had to thank you for pouring your heart and soul out to a bunch of people you don't even really know. It takes a lot of strength to do what you did, and I want you to know that it's appreciated.

These words could not be more relevant to my life than they are now. It's true that sometimes it's not other people that hold you back from your own dreams, a lot of the times it's yourself (and I realize now that is what I've been doing). You are an inspiration :)

VLP said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I found out a dear, sweet cousin-in-law of mine died today. :( She lost her 9-year battle with breast cancer. She was such an AWESOME lady; everyone loved her. She always brought so much love, light and happiness to whoever she crossed. (Hmmm....kind of reminds me of someone who shall remain nameless!!! :) ) Though my husband and I feel like someone punched us both in our stomachs, we are trying to hold on to the wonderful memories we have of her. I'm grateful to The Creator that she's no longer suffering anymore, and I pray she's forever happy and peaceful right now.

Thanks, Kandee, for all you do!



Anonymous said...

I just want to tell you what an inspiration you are to girls everywhere, Kandee. Seriously, you are one of the most upbeat, genuinely wonderful people I've ever heard of! I love your videos and just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. God bless :)
xo, Tara

Hayley said...

Thank u kandee so much for ur story! Sometime u have to hear the hard times of other people to know that ur not the only one going thru it. And to know that u made ur dreams come true makes me feel like I can achieve whatever my heart desires! Thank u so much for ur postive words whenever I'm having a bad day or I feel down on right now my boyfriend and I got into a fight and he wasn't so nice.....I know I can come here and always have someone say something nice to me. Just by reading ur words and watching ur videos makes me feel so much better! U have no idea how much it means to me. I appreciate u a lot! And I was just wondering where u got ur necklace in the video? I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I am into very abstract jewelry could u please if u find the time email me and let me know. Thank u kandee for being the sunshine on my rainy day!

rachchacko said...

Hey Kandee,
I just want to say that you are such an encouragement! It is so hard to find people that are as positive as you. It's amazing how wonderful of a person you are despite all the horrible things you have had to experience at such a young age. I just want to say thanks on behalf of everyone who visits your blog and watches your video - thanks for teaching us and simply being yourself because you who are is unique and simply beautiful. So don't let anyone else tell you differently :)

Inna said...

kandee,you are amazing!
I thought i am the only one who is passing thorough hard times but i can see,u've passed through much more difficult periods and you still have the power to go on,you achieved everything by yourself and i really admire you!!!
I wish you blessings and love and strength and all that is the best!
Huge love from The Netherlands ;)

Anonymous said...

You shine so brightly with Christ's love. Your story touches me right where I am. Cleaning and cooking. Bathing my babies. Young and in the shadow of my husband's success. You truly have awakened something in my spirit that hasnt been in me for a long time. You were meant to inspire women. The hurt you went through was so hard to listen to. When you had to call your mom and she ordered you food, I just broke down. I know what a toll that takes on your pride. When you are young and walk away, you want to prove to everyone that you didnt make a mistake. Thank you Thank you so much. You truly are a light to this world. God is using you every single day. What a blessing.

Alina Bourian said...

Kandee, you are wonderful and I hope your life is gonna be close to ideal now, when all the nightmares are over, cuz you definetely deserve it!

A Glamour Soldier said...

I needed to hear that, you have reminded me that I am a good person with a good heart and I am good enough. I am in an abusive marriage and have two children but have always been afraid to leave and be alone. I cannot reach my dreams in this marriage, it is not allowed and not supported. I am told each day how stupid I am and then when I cry, and then I am told I have no strength. I am really a happy, giggly, silly girl inside just like you but all I do is cry now. Well, your words have given me the strength and determination to not accept my current situation and to make my life better for myself and my daughters and to not be afraid of being alone. I was kicked out when I was 16 and have been married to my husband since then. I have never been able to picture my life without him, even though I know he is poison for my soul. You have brought happy tears to my eyes and I think you are an angel on Earth.
Jennifer aglamoursoldier(at)yahoo(dot)com

rock star said...

True! I didn't care what people said about my music and I still continued to do it. I gained exposure for my talent in music, it was a dream I had from childhood, and I'm glad I did.

Unknown said...

Hiya, thank u 4 ur video. I can't quite believe I found this 2day. For a while now I've been in a place that is so far from where I always wanted 2 be. When things got bad I always got thru it by telling myself that its ok coz when I'm 'grown-up' my life will be great, I'll lead by example. It hasn't worked out that way yet tho. My mum died 3 months ago from years of alcohol and I split with my sons dad the week after, so I moved 2 my mums house 200 miles from where I have been livin. I'm 30 tomorrow, we're miles from 'home' with little money, surrounded by my mums things that I know I have 2 sort out but can't bring myself 2 do, and I sometimes feel so alone 2 deal with this stuff; my last chapter slammed shut, plan a, b or c no longer an option. But despite the pain I'm in I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed 2 be right now. It's a time 2 refocus and rebuild. I am a mummy 2 the most amazing 2 year old boy, he is why I keep on fighting. His laugh makes my life mean something. And my beautiful mum had made it possible 4 me 2 enrol 2 do a beauty course in Sept, a dream she knew I've had 4 a long time so I can see a light. But still every day I ask the universe 2 help me feel less anxious and more secure about our future, 4 a sign that we'll be ok like I dream 4 us, that my beautiful son will grow up happy. Finding ur video has helped me with that. Ur words echoed with me, u touched my heart and have renewed my hope, and faith in human kindness, thank u kandee x

Anonymous said...

Dear Kandee,
your story really touched me.
i cried through the whole thing.
youve encouraged me so much.
im only 16 years old, and i know how bad things can get. thank you for sharing your story, you have inspired me so much. you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. thanks you so much, for everything.
<3 kurstielyn aka ohhklyn

Ans said...

Hey Kandee,
It's the first time i write a comment here, bur i've been watching your videos about an year or so.
I wanna tell you that, after hear your story, I think you're not just a beautiful and sweet person you're very strong. I'm really impressed for your courage. Congratulations for been such a nice person, that worries about the others happiness.
And I want to tell you too, that I haved watch all your videos, and i think they are very good and i've learn so much with, and you make me feel more in love with make up.
Carry on Kandee, and thank you for been so true.
(P.S. I'm after my dream too, I wanna be a dancer, but my parents don't think it's a good think. And I live in Portugal, and there are not many opportunities of a good career. But I'm trying and i'll continue dancing and dancing until the big day comes.
Thank for all your love :)
I love you Kandee ^^

Pamela Martin said...

wow..its so weird how i found u on youtube just a month ago looking for ways to apply eye makeup and knew just by ONE video that you were special. you have a wonderful personality and a light in you that shines so incredibly bright..i just watched your story and would have had no idea what you went through in your life. i feel so bad that you went through those things but i also am so happy for you because you got through it. you are like the sweetest person inside and out and i can tell God has worked a miracle in your life. i dont know why anyone would ever want to hurt you or say mean things to you or about you but you didnt deserve that and your better than that. i hope that one day u find a christian man who treats you right EVERYDAY and never takes advantage of you. you are a sweetheart and i dont know your age as of right now but believe it or not you still look 17 even without the makeup. :) i love your videos and am learning alot of neat things from you, im excited to watch new ones! good luck with everything you do and im proud of you that you never stopped believing in your dreams. youll be in my prayers kandee! stay sweet! <3 your fan, Pam

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, I think it is very strong of you to tell your story and I think that you're an amazing strong girl ! I like your videos on youtube and they are an inspiration for me to make myself beauty when I think that I look ugly. Keep on the good work , you're amazing !!!

eFe de Letra F said...

you are a beautiful people!
and u have so much love...
i hope u read these coment, and note that i love your videos... u are blessed!
u are so lovely!
and i hope that u still living your dreams!

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