Saturday, May 8, 2010

I saw IRON MAN 2!

what better to do on a friday night than go to the movies!!!
my mom snapped a photo of me in the theater...on our way to see IRON MAN 2!
Sometimes there is nothing better than to escape from all your troubles, and let your mind take in a movie! (boy did I need a mind-escape today! ha ha ha)
I really liked this movie! At first when my mom and son, Jordan, said we should see Iron Man 2, I thought, "oh, I don't know....I didn't even see the first one". (and I normally don't really like crazy action movies) But this was a really good movie! IT was funny, super interesting, the cast, (Robert Downey Jr., was awesome, I love Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlet Johansson was super tough, Don Cheadle was great, and Mickey Rourke was a good Russian, bad guy!)
So, go get your Iron on...I give it 2 Iron thumbs up!!!
There was a huge line to go see Iron Man 2, it went all the way down the hallway, just to get in!
Oh great, and I'm gonna get one of my crutches knocked down...ha ha ha
Just as we were starting to worry...and usher came and asked, "are you going in?", to me with my crutches...."YES!", I say...and he stops the line and lets us go in first! OMG! I was so excited! We got to sit in the row with no one in front, so I could put my leg up!

SNACK BAR treats:
2 coca-cola icee's (for Jordan and Bobby)
1 XXX Vitamin Water (for my mom)
1 bottle of water and Junior Mints for me
TOTAL for treats: $20.25 ( in know! crazy!)

It was a fun friday night mom made me laugh, the movie made me laugh, Bobby held my hand and my Jordan filled me in on what happened in the first Iron Man! ha ha ha

and me and my mom saw that they play classic movies on mondays for $2!!! Talk about cinema therapy....Singing in the Rain, makes me so happy!

huge love and I hope you get to cozy up in a theater or on your couch, and you get to escape all your troubles and get taken away in a movie....xoxo your kandee


Sabrina said...

Waaaaaw, I'm the first to comment! (so you might actually read this? :o)

I'm glad you had a wonderful time at the theater Kandee ;)
You're a really amazing person!! It seems like no one is able to get you down, as it should be! Keep doing what you do and I hope you feel better soon!!
Sabrina from Belgium (see you're loved all over the world!)

Spiderpig said...

Great review i must say =) might catch that flick next week. Another funny and tragic movie is defendor. I actually cried alot watching it since its message is so true.
Many blessings from sweden

VaidaG said...

Sounds like you had fun :)
I am not as big fan of those kind of movies, but if someone took me for free i'd go.... lol...
Glad to hear you are feeling better, at least on the inside... :)

You are amazing, dear

Christophe said...

glad to see you had fun there! I liked the movie too but the sound was WAY too high in my stupid theatre gave me an horrible headache! but if you liked the 2nd you should see the first which is even funnier in my opinion!

and really loved Paltrow she looks great! and Downey Jr is at his best lately (check out sherlock holmes it's SO good too!)

Take care and feel better Kandee!

Kätlin said...

I think I have to wait a month until it can be seen in over movies. But if you said it's really good, then I might even go and watch it.

Lea WhiteFeather said...

I have yet to see it myself, but it's great that you had a blast, Kandee!

~Lea (

Anonymous said...

I saw iron man 2 last week, and I LOVED it!!

I love your blog soooo much.

Sending you lots of happy wishes :)


Unknown said...

I saw Iron Man 2 last night too and I loved it! It's not as good as the first one though, you need to see that one. Glad you had a great time:)

Noelle Garnier said...

What fun! I went to the movies last night, too, except I saw "Babies" instead of "Iron Man." (not really the same thing, I know.) : ) I LOVE the poster behind you! I saw that one on opening day. Hmm, maybe you should do a White Queen makeup look!
Have a wonderful weekend!
kandee fam lil sis
p.s. Did Alice in Wonderland make you cry, too?

Unknown said...

Glad that you had fun. wishing you fast recovery..Me wanna see more of your videos on you tube..missing you there. Tc God Bless
Love Xandra

ktalarczyk said...

i'm glad you had such a good night! you totally deserved it :)
it sounds like it was the perfect family outing.
but seriously, snack bar prices are out of control. if you bought that stuff at the store it would have been less than half of what they charged there. :(
have an awesome weekend!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

It is insane how much snacks cost at the movie theatre anymore. Glad you had a nice time! :)

luis said...

I,m very happy for see you are fine. Kandee you have a sensibility special...
Ahahah the picture from Anne Hataway its awersome blonde and soo make up.

sarad4 said...

you should see the first one, it's good and funny too! and I always sneak snacks into theaters with me, they are way too expensive there! hahaha.

and Singin in The Rain makes me happy too! I love the good morning song hahaha!

MsHeeyah said...

I saw Iron Man 2 yesterday as well!!! I saw the first one but even with both movies, I thought the same way. I'm not a comic book reading or much of an action movie type of girl lol so when I went to see the first Iron Man, I thought it would be boring or I wouldn't enjoy it! But it's a great movie!!! All the major actors/actresses were great! Oh wow those treats were expensive!!! I go to a Regals theater so I get points for purchasing movie tickets/treats (which I didn't know I could get until recently!) and I love getting rewards for free stuff! lol. :)

Hope you and your family are doing well and hope you get better soon! :)

Kätlin said...

Hey Kandee.
Here is a video for you ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG I love Junior Mints!! they don't sell them in he theaters out here so I always have to sneak them in. I know bad. But I still support and buy an overpriced soda. lol

Melissa said...

Oh how I wish I could go to the movies!!!But where I live there's only movies in french!!!:S I mean I understand and can speak french, but I rather see the movie in the original language. It's always better I think!

Unknown said...

iron man II was awesome! im glad you saw it! me and my boyfriend alvin saw it too. iron man is the only action movie i actually like.
glad u have fun!!

brittany from seattle

Unknown said...

iron man II was awesome! im glad you saw it! me and my boyfriend alvin saw it too. iron man is the only action movie i actually like.
glad u have fun!!

brittany from seattle

Aberdeen said...

I love movies for the brain vacations...I love Junior Mints, too! I'm glad you found a bright spot in your day!


Felicia said...

Awww Bobby is so sweet!
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie!

Julie P. said...

awww sounds like you had a fun night!!! I need to go watch that movie too! Lucky you got to go FIRST =)

I had a quick question. I was just looking at your "Repairing eyeshadow video" and was wondering if you can do the same for pressed powders too? I have this dual powder foundation compact that's been cracked and I loveeeee it so much and would hate to just see it crumble away. Help me :( you're like a lifesaver =)

bakerbeauty said...

You inspired me to make my own blog!

Allie said...

Yeah i finally figured out how to leave a comment!!! I saw you on youtube awhile ago and i love watching you videos! Just wanted to tell you that i saw your leg video and i so feel for ya!!! Im kinda in the same situation right now... i tore my mcl and had to have knee surgery and im in a leg brace from my groin to my foot! Crutches bite! Ha ha! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! XOXO Allie

Carolyn said...

I'm glad you got to enjoy the movie! I did too, I didn't think that I would though, because it seemed to flashy - more so than the first, but it was pretty good! I love the action. :]

Hey Melissa Mae said...

singing in the rain is the BEST! "Some Like It Hot" is another one that makes me giddy.

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