Tuesday, May 11, 2010


30 years ago, I waited for my parents to come
home with a present for me!
It was my little best friend....Tiffany Johnson.

She has been the best Barbie player, ATC rider, pirate, dress-up player, house player, sidekick, spying-on-me-and-my-boyfriend spy, school mate, and basically, my go-everywhere-with-friend. She dependably sat on the left back seat of the car, me on the right, wherever we went. (it did throw me for a loop when I started driving....I was so used to sitting on the right! ha ha ha)
I've always wanted to be the one to go somewhere first, but only to make sure, it would be okay for my sister. Once when my sister fell down, I made her a huge card, with "stamped" art work ALL over....this is it: ( i think the says how much I 've always loved her)
I love you more than words can say....I wish I could be there to hug you in person, and throw confetti in your hair! You are helped shape my world, my sense of humor...to this day you make me laugh harder than anyone else! You are everything that I'm not! You are like having a back-up mom-support...and no matter what friends have come and gone, I know you will ALWAYS be there for me!
Until my last breath on Earth, I will try to protect your heart and love you....and I will hold your hand and laugh with you forever in Heaven!
I don't know what I would've done without you all my life (well, those first 22 months, I did have mom all to myself, but I still needed you!)
Thanks for being my "twin".....I love you more than all the stars in the sky!
LOVE your biggie-smalls....Kan

Since I couldn't be with you...I wanted to make you a surprise (that took me the last 4  hours to make...ha ha ha) enjoy.....I love you! Happy Birthday!


. said...

No words for it... :')

Eden Angel said...

Happy birthday, Tiffany! I hope you have an awesome day x

Eden Angel said...

By the way, you looked like twins when you were little. I'm having trouble figuring out which is which! x

Connie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Kandee. Tiffany is beautiful and special to all who are blessed to know her <3

Shutterchic said...

Oh Kandee, you made me cry. I just love how much you guys love each other. I wish my sisters and I were as close as you guys are. I have 3 sisters, and because of the way we were raised, we just never became that close. I for sure will try my hardest and bestest to raise my 2 girls so well, so that they love each other as much as you and your sister do. You guys are an inspiration :) I love you Kandee!!

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet! Today is my momma's birthday and tomorrow is mine. My momma and my two sisters are my best friends!

Lolly said...

beautiful! Happy birthday Tiffany xx

Cheris said...

Happy Birthday to your Twin Tiffany and My Twin Tiffany :-)

Unknown said...

Oh...I cried...beautiful love ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww Kandee! You make me wish I had a little sister myself! But I do have 4 younger brothers! LoL anyways, that was so nice of you to do that slideshow for you sister ^_^

imacamix3 said...

love love love this [: and the choice of song! and your shakas in hawaii [: yayyy for home! hehe happy birthday sisterrrr!

blogger said...

aww, you're so sweet Kandee! happy birthday to your sister Tiffany =)

hizles said...

OMG! You made me cry! Beautiful!

PersianCat said...

aww..this video made me cry!...in a good way, that is so sweet...Kandee you have such a beautiful soul...and a beautiful sister...bless you both! Happy bday to your sis and hope you are well!

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest thing ever! The video is so fun to watch! It makes me wanna create such a vid for my sister... I was 3 when my parents brought me "my present". The little sis is now 22! Wow, time flies! :))) Say Happy Birthday to your sis, hope you enjoy the party together!!!

Noelle Garnier said...

*sniff* I think you are certainly the sweetest big sister in the whole world! You both must feel so blessed to have each other ... I don't have a sister, but I have a few that I love like sisters. You and Tiffany are both so gifted in encouragement and inspiration to others. Keep on shining, both of you! It's wonderful!
kandee fam lil sis

MakeupByKaylena said...

AWW! That was so sweet of you to do that for your sasster! Hehe! That post and vid made mi so happy I have a sister! ^_^


sarad4 said...

Holy crap this is makin me cry! You guys are just like my sis and me! She lives in a different state and this is the longest I've ever been away from her, but I'm goin back there soon! Love and Happiness and Happy Birthday to your sis!!!!

Bianca said...

awwwwh kandee thats soo cute =] almost made me cry. Happy birthday tiff.!!! qod has trly blessed you two!

annier20 said...

Beautiful Sister Love!

Unknown said...

This made me cry. What a beautiful tribute to your sister. I always dreamed of having a twin (or near twin) who loves me like no one else and for the person that I am. Always cherish each other.

Sara said...

that was absolutely beautiful!
when i see things like this i wish i had a sister i could be this close with but then i think and thank God for giving me the brother i have. he is 16 months younger then me but acts like he is 5 years old he is always there for me and i love him. Happy Birthday Tiffany!

Cat V. said...

This made me cry! And I'm not much of a crier! So beautiful <333

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Aw Kandee this is so amazing...
It is very cute.

Is good you are so close together.

And happy Birthday Tiffany!!
Each birthday may be the happiest birthday ever!

Oh btw- Kandee, what was her blog's url?

Take care! And heal soon!
Huge love <3
Angel Ramirez

Alessandra said...

Happy Birthday Tiffany!
This is such a beautiful video.. I could really feel the LOVE you have for your sister.. And I have to say that your "sister-blogs" are my favorites, because I also have a lil' sis that I LOVE just like you LOVE yours =] I think that having a little sister is (besides having a baby - which I haven't experienced yet) the most precious gift in the world!
hugs & kisses from one big sister to another ;]

Mary said...

I feel the same way. My one and only sis is 14 years younger than I. I was 14 when my folks brought me my lil' present. lol. Very sweet. ;)

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Awwww tear drop. You have such a biggggg heart and such love towards your sister.


Elizabeth said...

Awww Happy Birthday Tiffany!! This was absolutely the SWEETEST gift to your sister! I love the bond you two share. Priceless. I hope this inspires people to love and appreciate their siblings. Despite any differences we may have, there is NOTHING like family! (:

Marly said...

You two in a word are Precious(: I've always wanted a younger or older sister. Instead I got two older brothers but hey, it's working out just fine haha. Happy birthday to your sister! I hope everything is going well for you Kandee!

BeautyStarz3 said...

So very sweet, I hope my girls share the same kind of love for one another as you and your sister do. I always wanted a sister growing up but all I got was a big brother :) My now I have 2 lil girls and 1 more on the way and I hope and Pray they share this same sweet love for one another as you and your sister do.

Ari said...

You have a way of making me cry happy tears :') love you kandee xo

Unknown said...

How freakin sweet was that! You are so cute Kandee! Happy Birthday Kandee's sister!!!
~Cassidy Z.

Guccietoile☆™ said...

That's the sweetest thing ever,, I love you Kandee xo

ILuvMooz said...

That was awesome Kandee! I wish my sister was as sweet as you. :)

"Chatty Patty" said...

I seriously need a box of Kleenex. This is one of the most touching videos I've seen in many years. A sister sister bond is so strong unlike any others. I should know, my sister and I are 17 months apart, and though we argue frequently, we love each other like not other. Your sister must be so proud of you!

ILuvMooz said...

Loved it!

Araceli said...

this is so sweet, happy birthday to your sister!
i have a younger sister but im 9 1/2 years older than her so i didnt get to play with her when i was in the barbie stage but i do have a bond with her
thanks for sharing
huge love to both of you

Unknown said...

Happy Bday Tiffany!. Awesome slideshow Kandee. I wish I had the same relationship with my sister :-) Keep that love as a treasure forever!

Dylana Suarez said...

Just came across your blog!

It is lovely!


okruch said...

Happy Birthday, Tiffany! I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true! Huge love and massive kisses ;)

By the way, you looked almost like twins, when you were little! I find it really hard to say which is which.

-gatherina- said...

I have a big brother, who´d also do the same for me, he´s always been there for me, for 23 years now.
So lucky to have a sis like Kandee!

Houria said...

Hi Kandee,

You're very lucky to have this relationship with your sister! I have 7 sisters (yes that's a lot) but I don't have this kind of friendship with them... I'm the younger one, and the one with who I can have this "sistership" is not a person appreciable, TRUST ME. She's just like Dr Jeckill and Mister Hide: 2 different persons LOL. So, Enjoy it Kandee!Really. Your text and video are very sweet!
Bisous from France <3

Gena B. said...

I am bawling now. Thanks Kandee ;)

Browneyed2 said...

dat was sooooo sweet!!!! :)
u guys r too cute:)

Char said...

aww, that is so sweet! :) xxx

Erin Gutierrez said...

Kandee!! Your the best! Tiffany looks just like your Momshell! ha ha ha ha! You both so.
I only have one sister so I know how you too feel about one another! Love you both!
and a very Merry Birthday to you Tiffany!!!
I read your blogs everyday (both of you) and they truely inspire me to be the best "me" I can be!!

so much love from my heart to yours!!!!

Erin :D

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful post :)
Happy Birthday to your sister

bellspaze4 said...

omg Kandee this is amazing... brought tears to my eyes... what a great relationship you two have!

Diane said...

That is so amazingly sweet, Kandee! You're such a great sister!

Happy birthday to your sister, I'm a Taurus too! :D

have a fun day!


Sarah1627 said...

This is soooo cute... lovely
happy b-day Tiffany
Kandee i loveeee you and Tiffany is soo lucky to have such a sister...
I wish you and Tiffany the best wishess

Melissa said...

Wow that is probably the most beautiful video I've ever seen in my life!!! It actually made cry of joy and sadness, because I always wished I had a sister! Instead I have a brother who I know loves me in his own way, but I often wish he could see how much I love him!

Happy birthday Tiff!!!! Cherish each other forever!! lots of love xoxox

Tiffany Marie said...

Happy Birthday Tiffany! Such an exciting chapter of your life to enter into. Enjoy the journey.

Tiffany R.

Carolina Ruiz said...

I'm in tears!
so lucky to have a relationship like that! =D!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy you have that kind of love =D
enjoy your sister Kan!

precious video muak

Fatima said...

Ur relationship with ur sister is just like me and my sister!!! She is nearly 2 years older than me too!! We r very close!!!

Happy belated birthday Tiffany!!!

Fatima said...

It was a beautiful slideshow for your sister!!! It really touched my heart!!! Hope u both always stay the same!!!

Lots of love,


Erika said...

You guys look so much alike! Very nice little tribute. My sister and I faught like cats and dogs when we were younger, but we get along fabulously now.

Kate said...

I love this! My sister is my best friend too!

Unknown said...

This brought tears to my eyes.
As I was reading you describe your relationship with your sister, I couldn't help but think of my older brother. It's like you were reading my mind. He and I were inseperable. We went everywhere together, he made me laugh like no one else can, he was best friend, my dance partner, my heart and my strenghth when our father passed away two years ago...until he passed away 10 months ago.

I lost a huge part of my heart that day last July.There isn't a second that goes by that my heart doesn't long to hear his voice and that huge laugh of his. He use to call me, at least, 10 times a day...now everytime my phone rings I pray it's him and that the past 10 months was all just a horrible nightmare. I know deep down in my heart that he's watching over me.

Cherish every precious moment you have with your sister, as I know you will, because every moment with her truely is a gift from God!!!

Anonymous said...

Your sister is completely brainwashing people with her "God" and "Satan" (apparently no middle according to her, just God(Christian God, mind you.. and Satan(the rest of us)) and "believer" and "unbeliever"... knowing where you will go after you die if you worship JC etc... all this crap. She is crazy and a brainwashed born again Christian probably. What if there is a perfectly noble human being that is considered an "unbeliever" by Christians and Muslims? (the only two religions in the world that convert people by any means, brainwash, had holy wars and crusades and are formed by coping older wiser religions that they are still actively destroying now with their money and power and their obsession to convert the whole world to their religions). Will this innocent and good human being will automatically go to "hell" according to your sister because he never believed in JC (probably because he never heard of JC). How rational is this brainwash according to you? Apparently your grandmother is mexican(you said it). Did you ever realize that people in that area(Mexico) are invaded, women raped and killed and the rest were forcifully converted to Christianity/Catholicism? Imagine generations ago, how much your ancestors might have hated about how they were forcefully converted like that (and how their native religions were destroyed for good). When that happens, after a generation passes by and the newer generation don't know any better and just think they are wonderful Christians (when in fact it was forced on their parents). That is how Christianity and Islam spread around the world. It is a joke that after a few generations people like you and your sister don't know the history and just get brainwashed so easily and then brainwash others until they convert. And the disgusting part is why not keep your religion to yourself? NOOOO! It has to be spread by talking about "heaven and hell" and all that crap. I know you will not post my comment. I need to unsubscribe to your yt channel fast. I can't learn anything from stupid people. I will leave that to your stupid fans. Between your sister's brainwash to convert people to Christianity and your brainwash by telling girls that it is OK to have a baby at 17 or 18, the world is going to be wonderful!!!!

MissDarkCherry13 said...

wow Kandee your over 30??? not that thats a bad thing but damn you look so young...in a good way...anyways i am glad you have such a good relationship with your sister...my sister and i used to be tight but we are not so close now and i dont know how to fix that...can you give me some advice

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