this was me at the Americana in Glendale, California....sidenote: they have chandeliers hanging over the walkways....i love it!...this was the night before my leg accident!
I went into the Kitson store, right when they were about to close, so I was just whizzing by all the fun jewelry, kids things, and accessories...then when I was checking out the goodies at the counter, my eyes spotted these fun little glass bottles of yummy fragrances....oh, my gosh!
This stuff is amazing!
It's called CLEMENTINE, by Melissa Flagg Perfumes...this smells like divine, deliciousness!
this is the smell of California nights....you smell the sweet smell of orange blossoms and one of my favorite scents in all the world...night blooming jasmine! This fragrance smells so amazing! I was in heaven smelling it all day! Lots of young Hollywood stars love this too! I don't care who likes it, because I LOVE IT!!!!!!
This is my new favorite perfume!
This would make a great mother's day present too!
It's $28, so not crazy expensive, but smells just amazing!
talk about sweet dreams with the scent of night blooming jasmine swirling around your senses...oh my "clementine" heaven...thank you Melissa Flagg for creating this divine scent!huge love and yummy scents...your kandee
Wow, the way that you describe it, makes it sound amazing! I want one! YUMMMMYYYY!!!
Wow! I will have to look for that! It sounds so beautiful! I love clementines ...
kandee fam lil sis
yeah exactly sound yummyy and today is my b-day :D i want this also as my b-day present
Someone needs to tell Melissa Flagg you are her new spokesperson! You're not even trying to sell it and we all want to buy it, LOL
Hi there!
Accidently found one of your videos on youtube and now I'm following you.
I like your style haha and your voice ;P I'm a fashion designer from Sweden,, so if I ever come to the US for a new beginning, I'll know who to look up,
take care!
Hi beautiful Kandee Johnson <3
I’m so sorry for not being there to support you when you needed my help (money, love, hug - you name it) But, if you still need money, just tell me! I'll be there to help you fight this horrible thing - that was there for a few months ago. Did you fight it? is it over? :O
I’m wondering why I can’t see AventuresinKandeeland.blogspot? I really wanna see you and your precious little people :- ) but when I try, it says that I’m not invited? Will you invite me?
Im from Denmark and I’m really enjoying your work, your personality – well all of it :D
I wish I could talk to you in person.
Huge love from Louise 19.
Danish: Du har den dejligste personlighed! Du er unik.
Ohh that sounds awesome. I wanna smell it now :)
Ohh I have so heard of these before they are fabulicious.
Hey Kandee! Just love, love, love your blog and your videos! Thanks for all the help om my eye brows! I do wish I could have you do them! I live in Oklahoma so a bit far! HA!
Do you have to buy this fragrance on-line?
Hugs!! Karen
wooow it sounds amazing!!!
P.S. I LOVE your hello kitty bag!!! :D
Thanx for the Mother's Day gift idea. So are you going through "before" pics???
I looove that place. It is so much fun and there is always stuff to buy! haha That stuff sounds like it smells delish! I'll have to order some!
Hope your leg is feeling a little better every day!
~Cassidy Z.
OMG! Where did you get that cute hello kitty purse??
Thought you would like this Etsy shop. Love your posts and YT videos!
Sounds scrumptious Kandee!! Hope you're feeling better and better as each day passes.. :)
Sounds, or should I say smells...hehe...lovely, Kandee!
I hope you are on the up and up and am sending extra smiles your way! :) :) :)
Liesl :)
I can't wait to try it, Thanks for the suggestion! It sound like it would smell heavenly!
I loooove your adorable Hello Kitty Bag!!! I hope that you feel better very soon!!!!
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing this scent. I love finding a new scent that's unique. Can't wait to try this.
Hey Sweetie!!! AWESOME that you went to the Americana! That's my shopping center. I live right by it :) I love it there, especially Crumbs Cupcakes :)
I hope you're feeling better, you're in my prayers.
Yummy, he he..
Kandee, i think that now when you cant walk normaly, you will have much more time to read a books..
Can i ask about your favorites books or writers please? I'm looking for a good one and your word will be awesome, ha ha..
Thanks, get well, girl!
I want it!
wondering if they have this here in Brazil!
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