Wednesday, April 14, 2010

sister sister

when I was 2....I met this little lady on the left ( I am the kissing-one, on the right)
my mom as I thought, "had her for me"...
she was bringing me home my new, life long best friend...
her name is Tiffany...
 (tiffany on the left listening to my exciting ideas, me on the right captivating her with my older-sister-awesome-ness! ha ha ha)
she is my one and only sister...
(me and sis with Tenderheart bear! and why am I always on the right side in all the pictures!?!)
she has been my constant side-kick through life...
"who am I going to play barbie's with?"...TIffany
"who am I going to go play make- believe pirate's with?"- Tiff
"who is going to be my best friend for the rest of my life"....Tiff
we never really call each other by our "real" names......she started calling me "Lupe" (don't ask me why...she thinks up funny things all the time!), which turned into "Loops"....and I called her Tootie, like "Tootie from the Facts of Life"...I thought it was the funniest name! But pretty much now, we just call each other "SISTER!!!!", as in "Oh my gosh, Sister!!! Wait til you see what I found!"....
I love her so much...she knows me like no one else.....we've helped shpae each others lives pretty much!
Oh, and we were homeschooled together for all of elementary school, so she's been my "eternal" classmate!
Sasster, I love you so stinkin' much! I don't know what I would do without you!!! Thank you for being the best little sister in the world!

Tiffany has had a way with writing since she was little, her stories would crack me up, and later she would encourage me so much with her little things she's email and text me!
I told her she should start encouraging others too....and I said you need to write a blog to share your words for others' hearts....and like a good little sister she said "I did what you said!"..and I am so proud of her...please read her awesome blog...and tell her I said Hiiiii!
i am honored to share my sister with you!


I heart you all...and you are all my little family too!!! love, hugs, and happy surprises....your kandee


Leah said...

That's so sweet!
Haha, my mom and her twin sister call each other "sister," lol.

uc said...

that`s such a precious image the first one KANDEE!!! awww I`m homeschooled now and I`m in High school and Ive been homeschooled ever since elementary school 3rd grade!!! I remember homechool more then regular school weird =) I love your sisters bog it`s just like yours, your both so amazing and loving and have brought me closer to God now then before. Thank You

smak ♥ said...

this post was adorable! i'm so jealous of your sisterly bond....i kinda wish i had a sister to share things with =[

Katie Rose said...

I have two sisters and I cannot imagine my life without them. I can't wait to learn all about your sister!

Yaz said...

This is sweet. I wish i had a sis i felt like that for. I have 5 sisters i use to be close to my older sis, but she gave me bad advise more than one time and i just kind of backed off from her, so now i don't really have someone i can share stories or just talk to. You are lucky to have your sis. <3

Namispaz said...

Aww that's so sweet =) I have four younger brothers so I know how awesome it is to be the older sister ^_^

Marly said...

Aw(: I've always wanted a sister! The pictures are adorable. Can't wait to read her blog as well. Have a good one Kandee!

Melissa said...

aww that pic of you guys and tenderheart bear is awesome! i loved the care bears when i was little!!! im now following your sis too!

MizMarlene1 said...

I am SO jealous of your pic with Tenderheart is freakin' cool. Where was that taken? Also, I am now a follower of Tiffany's blog too. Gifts run in this family. You guys Rock! Love you Kandee!

MizMarlene1 said...

Hey Kandee, because of YOU I became a blogger too! Maybe you can check out my page sometime and follow me too! ;-) That would be AWESOME!! But, I must forewarn you, I am pretty forward but I do write from my heart. Thanks Kandee!

Unknown said...

Awwwww you are sooo soooooo lucky!!! How I wished that I have a sister of my own, especially at this time of my life. Thanks for making wonderful videos .. ;)

Krista Heiser said...

Aww. What a sweet post.

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Very cool :) I will go check her out now :)

Angel said...

You two look like sisters tooo.

Unknown said...

that's awesome. my sister is my best friend too. though we are six years apart we are still really close. i always wanted to ask you what nationality you are. i dont know if you have ever told us or maybe i wasnt paying attention. if you wouldnt mind. love u tons. xoxo ur such an inspiration.

Heather said...

where in the world did you get to meet TENDERHEART!? The best carebear!

I wanna be a care bear, wouldn't it be great if i was a care bear do dooo dooo doo. I loved that show!

Anonymous said...

this is so sweet, kandee! you're so lucky to have a sister!


Noelle Garnier said...

I only have brothers, so can I adopt you as my big sister, Kandee?

Kandee fam lil sis

ib said...

heheh me and my sister call each other "sister" too! people think we're weird :P
but it's just because we're so happy to be each other's sister!

Ari said...

Thats so awesome that you to have a such a good relationship ! i think it so important to be close to your sibling/s. me and my brother are very close he is two years older then me and helps me with everything and i know i can go to him more then any one if im in trouble. Love you kandee xo have a great day <3

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Thanks for sharing.

I love you.

Sommer Wildes said...

So tickled you and your sister have such a great friendship! I think you're both just cute as buttons and am thankful for people like you in the world.

Yvee said...

You're so lucky to have a sister.. To someone who hasn't had the honour of having a sister, its so hard to truly describe what a blessing it really is. I lost my sister Rebecca 3 years ago to melanoma.. skin cancer. (I wrote you an email sort of about that once) She was 19 when she died and had fought the disease for almost 4 years up until that point. I used to say her name like BECK-KAA!(Like a chicken! lol) She was my only sister, and words can't describe what it feels like to lose her.
So hold your sister close to your heart and continue to let her know just how special she is, and how TRULY lucky you both are. God bless you both... and your entire family. Thanks for sharing your sister with us, I'll definitely check out her blogs. MUcH lOve.

Unknown said...

I feel that way about my younger sis! Although she is 6 years younger than me, a bigger age gap compared to you two! We have so much in common - our sense of humour, the way we laugh, and even our voices sound the same. I love her to bits, and we call each other 'Sissy'. ♥

Ezri Bloom said...

Oh my gosh, Kandee, you and your sis are so cute!
It's funny because my sister and I have the same type of relationship and we also call each other "sister," never our real names. Haha

Margara said...

Awwww yay! I love my sasster more than anything too :)

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee!

I first found out about you when I was searching for a makeup tutorial on makeup for my Poison Ivy costume last Halloween. Which yours rocked by the way! Since then I've been watching you're other videos on youtube and reading your blog. I just wanted to say that you are such an inspiring person with a good soul and you've helped me to look at life more positively. Thank you!! Don't ever change!

Tiffani said...

You and your sister are so cute!! You should put a current picture of the two of you together. Jordan's baby picture is also adorable! Thanks for being such an inspiration. You truly bring happiness into everyone's day! I love reading your blog and watching your videos. I look forward to it daily.

Anna said...

Kandee, you and your sister were (still are!) adorable!

Unknown said...

oh god kandee why are u sooo cute wish u were my big sis how awesome qwww well love u muak xxooxo steph-niah the future makeup artist :)ill try to be as good as u ???

Gandhali said...

oh wow you're lucky!! i'm an only child :'(

Barbie said...

I was home schooled most of elementary school too!

Beautiful Adventures said...

Nothing is better than a sisters love!

SidnacGlitz said...

Kandee I read your sister's blog this is the comment I left for her:

Awesomeness sista friend. I have been trying to remember that scripture for the longest someone told me over a year ago and I could not find it in the bible for nothing. I just want to share with you really quick I found your sister Kandee on youtube a year ago and soon after her blog. I was struggling with depression, I had a relative that was living with my family that abused his wife. I cannot tell you what it feels like to see a woman being beaten and a pregnant woman to that. I feel like crying right now, but oh how God is good. Right when I started reading Kandee's blog I know that Jesus knew just what I needed. I started reading her blog everyday, and then soon after I started coming alive again. I started getting into the Word more and listening to word. Anyways I know this your blog and not Kandee's but I wanted you to know how much this blog touched me. Thank you for taking you sister's advice. Let me tell you we are ordinary people living ordinary lives, but you may say something that will make an extraordinary difference to someone. If your ministry is to encourage and bestow wisdom as the Lord has given to you, please don't hold back. I look forward to reading more from you. Oh and Kandee said to say hi!! :-)

Erica Rose said...

I love the top picture! It's the most precious baby picture ever!

:D smile said...

i share xactly the same type of relation with my aubji(sis) ..:) haha..thts da name i cal her with..;)

Tiff said...

Omg...this is soo cute and funny. I too have 2 twin sisters and we r best friends, but the funny part is, my name is Tiffany, and my co-worker calls me "tootie"...thanks for ur inspiring posts. Keep rockin, and keep it funky Kandee!!!

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! I'm def going to follow her blogs. If she's as caring, sweet, honest, beautiful, inspiring and awesome as you are, then I can't wait to see what she writes! I feel honored that you are "sharing" her with me (us-your fans!) and I will definitely be tuning into her wise words! Thanks Kandee! Hugs!
~Cassidy Z.

Cheris said...

How darling is this?! This reminds me of my twin sis and I. We just love each other so damn much, words can't even describe. And we're always so.. complimentary of each other and it's always straight from the heart. I feel blessed that I have my twinnie! And I'm glad you had an amazing sister yourself. Man your mom must be proud of you two!!!

Diane said...

Hy! That's so great! I'm so excited to be reading your sister's blog! :D

have a super fun day, Kandee!


P.S. You 2 were such beautiful children!

Anonymous said...

I just went to your sisters blog. You are right! She does have a beautiful way of speaking from the heart! Tell her to keep it up!!! And you too Kandee...I so enjoy following your inspirational life :). Love and blessings!!

Anonymous said...

Your posts always make me sniffle. My sisters are my best friends too. Don't know what I would do without them.

elciaravi said...

Wow! You were homeschooled through elementary school! That's so cool. I have homeschooled my five children through elementary school as well. My eleven-yr. old homeschools with "last" wonder you and your sis are so close. It certainly helps to have had all that time together. Cool!

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