Here I am, a full day of me laying on a couch with my foot way up in the air on pillows. I finally got to leave the room for an hour or so to go get mexican food, I had a raspberry mint cooler (no alcohol), sweet corn tamales, and churros with caramel sauce.

You can see my customized crutches, which area already making my armpits and sides of my ribs sore (but that pain is nothing compared to how much my leg hurts. It feels like my leg is going to explode sometimes when I move it and the blood rushes by the "injured area")...and to think I always thought it would be fun to have crutches. I also slipped on the bathroom floor with my crutches, because there was water on the ground...HOLY SMOKES!!!!
My leg hurts, but am I glad I still have my leg, and hopefully it will heal up quicker than expected...
My heart just goes out to all the little babies that are hurting and don't understand what's going on...
MISSION of the day:
#1. pray for all the little ones hurting to be comforted and filled with peace
#2. Be thankful that you are healthy.... (one minute I was ok, I took 3 steps and blood was everywhere, and it looked like a chunk of my leg was missing...ha ha ha)
Even in the midst of pain you have the strength to think about others. You are truly amazing. I hope you're up and running in no time. My friend Kymmie and I are following you on Facebook, your blog and twitter, and we feel so sorry you have to go through this.
Get better soon Kandee!
You know, you're amazing. =] you're in soo much pain && are seeing the positive side of things. That's awesome. I hope your healing is coming a long smoothly && you're enjoying the being treated like a Queen. hehehe **all you need is a bell** jk && I'm also thankful that you have your leg =] I'll continue to keep your beautiful self in my prayers.
<3 Jessica
Glad to see you are doing a lot better! Get better soon!!! :)
Smiling as always. You will be grand! I'm sure.
Yours Giedre (gianthuuug)
Brave, brave girl! x
happy to see you smiling again, kandee xxxxxxxxx
kandee u are my hero! I can handle pain, and I can be a positive person, but to do both at the same time? I'm still learning from u! be safe and heal quick!
Good to hear you're doing ok!
It's great you have such a supportive boyfriend <3
Your such a sport, Kandee!! Something good will come of this.. If anything it teaches us all to enjoy and appreciate every minute of our day..Nobody has any clue what might be happing next in our lives. Your mission of the day is my mission of the day :D
Oh my god.. what happened to you leg looks soo bad and scary, omg!! D: *hides behind pillow*
I keep all my fingers crossed it will heal quickly now and you'll not have that many side effects and problems with it in the next weeks and get a good treatment!
:* xoxoxo
best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
Get well soon!
Be extra careful please!
Lot's of love sending your way!
<3 xxx
Feel better kandee!! You are such an inspiration and for you to be smiling and blogging after such a horrific accident is amazing! My prayers go out to you, your boyfriend, kids and family. :) fast recovery!!
I wanted to just write a quick note to say that you have one of the biggest hearts of anyone that I have ever seen! I pray that you have a fast recovery. Also, you are an extremely talented make-up artist. I adore your work.
love and prayers,
I hope you get better soon Kandee, I'm sure all your subscribers and followers are sending their best wishes to you. You are dealing with the whole thing so well and your boyfriend seems like such a sweety.We're all thinking of you xxx
Kandee you still look super glamorous even with your leg strapped up. You'll be well again in no time.
aww kandee, im sorry youre in so much pain! But God never gives us anything that we cant handle and time flies, before you know it youll be back on your feet again (without the crutches!) :) sending lots of love and healing prayers your way!! xoxoxo :)
Glad you had something good to eat that made you feel a bit better. Your so are even smiling in your wheelchair...your amazing...huge hugs and love from martine in uk xxxx
Kandee I wish you well. I know that pain is usually overlooked by people because not many know how bad it gets. I believe your a strong woman and I very much look up to that. I wish you well and my prayers go out to you and in your honor to all the small babies in pain too. Much love Gigi
I don't have a very strong stomach so I skipped the blog post before about your injury!
However my thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you get some relief from all the pain.
You are so lovely, to be thinking of others pain whilst you are suffering. Take care and get well soon.
P.s Your sister's blog is brilliant- the best thing I read all day!
i pray that you will get better kandee. you will heal! i know you will. and a big thank you to bobby for taking care of you.
feel better kandee girl!
brittany from seattle
Oh Kandee, you amaze me! I've written ya a few get well msgs, but... KEEP ON GETTING WELLER N WELLER daaaaaln'! Your good spirits will help you so much on your road to healing. Have you tried Arnica, RESCUE REMEDY before? It's amazing, even Dr. Oz had some on his show n was recommending it for bruising and also calms a person down in distress and anxiety. I've taken it before, for my jaw surgery and it's amazing! My surgeon was shocked at how quick I healed!!!
Keeping you in my prayers dear sweetie!... and all the little ones to! kisskiss hughug!
OH are SOOOOO brave. i love your postive are AMAZING. *much love!!*
Kandee, i hope you get better soon. Relax and donbt worry abaut nothing.
Good lukky and kises.
Luis from near Barcelona Spain.
Hey HUn, it's good to know you're okay! And I will pray that you will get better and that your legs heals beautifully!
Take Care!
Ohhh, Kandee ... I know it must hurt, but it's wonderful how you have such a sweet smile even in a wheelchair! I'll keep praying for you!
kandee fam lil sis
I'm sorry that happened to you, looks so nasty. Glad you're okay and being so brave and strong. I know how you feel, i woke up paralysed (out of the blue) in November, was in hospital for a month and was in a wheelchair and then on crutches (with horrendous amounts of morphine), only just off them this past month. Up and walking okay - turns out i developed a spinal disease, type of acute arthritis and i'm only 21. It sometimes takes something like that to make you look at your life, put things into perspective and appreciate your health and to be thankful that things weren't worse and it really does make you think of the people who are in suffering a worse off.
Praying for you. Hope you get better soon. i know what REAL pain is, beleive me and i didn't before November so big hugs.
lots of love,
Helly (from UK!)
I'm so happy that you have someone in your life to help you out right now. what a sweet boy he is :) How did your mama and little ones take the news? that's a scarey phone call. You have such a sweet soul for thinking of others in pain while you're dealing with such pain yourself. Hope your day goes a little better today. Less pain and more mexican food. yumm :)
kandee i am praying for you and i admire that you can think about others pain at a time like this. i hope you get better soon and i know that God will see your kindness and He will help you heal quickly.
much love,
Good to see you're out and recovering.
I love your positive attitude. U'll see that will help u heal faster and u'll be walking and out of pain in no time.
Get well and tons of kisses!
And still sooo smileysh :D Wish the best to you and a quick healing :)
Praying for my beautiful e-friend, Kandee
You've got a great outlook and that's so important during this healing time. I'm sending healing & healthy vibes your way *hug*
Girl I so admire you and your positivitely! It truly is inspirational :) I'm happy you have such a good boyfriend there to help you through this. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I've been in a similar situation and know how scary it is to see your leg like that and then to cope with the pain on top of it as you recover. You are a strong beautiful woman and I have no doubt you can get through this and anything else life tosses your way!
Will pray and give thanks today, I promise <3
And even in a wheelchair, with a sore injury you still look absolutely gorgeous, radiant as ever!
Keep smiling, positivity and laughter (oh and shoes and chocolate) are by far the best medicine!
Steph x
~Writer, Wife, Mumma & Shoe-Queen~
Of course only Kandee can make sitting in a wheelchair look fabulous with a gorgeous bag!! and glad to see a Smile! Thoughts and prayers of fast healing to you!
feel better pretty lady! so glad to know you're doing okay :)
I'll be praying that you get better Kandee! God usually brings trials into our life to bring us closer to him! Keep up the faith. :)
OMG! Wish you a quick recovery!!!
What a wonderful boyfriend? What a wonderful God we have that you still have Faith and pray for others before you pray for yourself. God Bless you Kandee and I love your spirit. I pray that you feel better soon.
In a wheelchair but still rockin' the Hello Kitty purse - that's our Kandee!
Kandee I love you and you have made such a big posiive impact on my life!! Please feel better lots of prayers and support coming from this end- I also wanted crutches really bad so I got them for Christmas I totaly agree they suck!!!! Are you going to sue?
So glad for the update. My thoughts are with you. Feel better!
I'm so glad to hear you're up and about and doing well. you look great for almost losing a leg...just throwing that out there. love you! <3
Hope you feel better soon! xo
You are such a sweetheart Kandee! Feel better soon! ;)
kandeeeeeeeee!!! strong! :) and get better soon !!! love from Spain!
Aw I'm sorry your leg hurts so bad but hey you look great! Look at your cute shoes and Hello Kitty bag! They are too cute! I love the fact that you enjoy life and have fun! It makes u young ;) It will be a while b/f u heal but you'll soon come out of it and it will be as if it never happened :) Have a charming day!
So happy to hear your feeling better. I'll keep you in my prays and feel better!!!!
Oh Kandee :( I'm so so sorry this happened to you. I saw the pictures you posted and I couldn't believe it. Thank GOD you are ok because it could have been so much worse. I really really hope you heal quickly and your leg goes back to normal. I know how much you love running and I hope you can be up and running again in no time.
I absolutely admire your courage and your positive attitude. You are such a trooper! Even at this time you still think about others first :). Anyways, I really hope you get better Kandee I hate seeing you hurt like that, makes me sad.
I know you're staying positive and in good spirits and that's exactly what it takes for a speedy recovery so hang in there champ! We are all behind you sending you lots of love!
xoxo Zulimar
hey kandee, you are so sweet. I cant believe what happened to you. yes, it's always important not to forget that health is the most important thing and we must thank God each day. I really think you should write a book about your life. get well soon, lots of love. muah!
You have an awesome spirit- I hope your recover goes well- God bless
I really don't know how you can think of others while you are in so much pain. You're definitely a special one kandee!
Kandee, you are strong and will get better faster than you can imagine. Oh and I love that you style it out with your silver shoes (so cute!!). Funny about your crutches though.. When I was a kid I use to always want to use crutches---I thought it was so cool, weird!! Stay strong and I'll be thinking about you and praying for all those little babies in the hospital. Love, hugs & happiness, Julie
(P.S. sorry if I submitted this like 5 times, my account was being weird when logging in)
Well it sounds like you are in really good spirits for someone who just went through an incredible trama! Absolutely, prayers for the little ones and prayers for you and a speedy recovery. And that bandage... a WHOLE new accessory potential! LOL!
hope u get better
Kandee! i wish you the best..
and i feel so sorry for you :(
you really dont deserve this..!
have a great day Kandee! (:
and yes.. am so thankful that i am healthy:) and of course ill pray for the ones in pain..
good luck Kandee!!
huge Love
You are super strong, Kandee! I love that you have a smile on your face in the pictures, you're such an inspiration! And how amazing is it that, through all your pain and anguish, you have the heart to realize that others are in a worse place than you. Thanks for the uplift, and I'm praying that the pain goes away soon!
You are strong, and very beautiful person Kandee. You stay up and keep on smiling. Take care
Omg! It really amazes how great of a person u are. U have such a great attitude it's really an inspiration. I hope u heal quickly and i'm glad ur doing well. Even in a wheelchair u look fabulous!
Kandee, I know you will heal quickly because you have a happy heart. Go easy on yourself and rest as much as you can. Peace. ~ matti
Speed recovery, Kandee! You're a very brave girl, and I honestly admire you for that! :)
I can never imagine myself in your shoe right now. I'd be devastated.
I hope you feel better soon and have a quick recovery! We're thinking of you and praying!
Mary :)
oh kandee! i am so glad that you are safe and ok. Im sorry that the pain is so bad and YES crutches hurt and are fun to use at first but when you HAVE to use them they arent any fun anymore. I am praying for a speedy recovery!
I'm glad you're doing better Kandee AND that you have your amazing boyfriend to help take care of you :) You have a good spirit and good, positive outlook.. you'll be better in no time!! :)
~Cassidy Z.
Well your positive attitude and a little grace from God will heal that leg right up! I'm soooo glad God was watching out for you!
Hi Kandee, I hope your leg gets well soon! I can't believe you injured it sooo bad and you still have an amazing smile on your face! You're a real trooper! =)Thank you for always inspiring me and teaching me to think positively about life!
Lots of love xXx
Miss Kandee! You are such a soldier! (: smiling no matter the problem or the pain and most importantly still thinking of others even in such painful situations. My prayers go out to you. Keep on shining, and only Kandee would think of customizing her crutches (: have a great day Miss Johnson
I'm so relieved you are doing better!! are such a positive person Kandee!
It's these moments that lead us back to the Lord, ya know? It's these moments that let us relate to other people that are hurting. And it's these moments that strengthen our hearts and our faith.
You're such a trooper, Miss Kandee. And mad props to Bobby for taking such good care of you.
God bless you both.
I'm so glad you are alright. God was really watching out for you. Take it easy and get some rest. :)
There is nothing a good churro can't fix! I'm way surprised that they didn't provide you with hot pink gauze. The white doesn't look very 'Kandee." :)
OMG I a so sorry your in so my pain. I hope you get better soon. I will be praying for you. Also I have to say that your BF sounds like a winner.
Take it easy and get plenty of rest.
Hang in there Kandee!!! I really hope that your leg heals faster too!! Take care of yourself and your little family and God bless!!!
Melissa xox
hi kandee! looks like your are doing much better i'm glad!! :)
I need help help help with getting make up companies to donate a little for girlies in foster care in the LA area please help let me know what I can do or who I need to speak to .. where I can call.. Prom season is coming up and I'd love to have my mission accomplished by then, please help :)
with many sparkles 0f luvs,
my email is
My prayers are with you...
and wow always smiling!
I admire you for that =]
(Always finding the positive)
Kandee, can you give us more details about your ordeal? Like were you able to make it home and what do your little people think of your injury? Also, is the hotel at fault for your injury? I know you're not the type to sue but you have so much on your plate, plastic surgery can't be added to it! Will your leg muscles be 100% again so you can run? Hope the answer to all these questions is positive for you!
My Lovely Kandee, I am so glad to see that you are in high spirits despite your injury!!! I love you so much!!! You are like an older sister to me!!! Please get well soon!!! Sending you tons n tons of love and get well wishes.
ohhh kandee i hope you feel better soon you are a big inspiration of mine over her in the uk and i think its so sweet that eve after all that happend to you you take time out to think about thouse less fortunate something we should all dooo :D yur ana amazing person and i hope your leg heals well and fastt love
sylvia :D
I have been on crutches several times for ankle injuries. If they are hurting your armpits, they may be set too tall. When you are standing up tall, they should be parallel with your body (not angled down to the floor) and they should not be touching your armpits. They should be a bit below. FEEL BETTER!
So many could learn so much from you, Kandee. You are a living example of how God wants us to be. Focused on others and bearing their burdens. Take care!
u know what kandee u are amazing i havent seen any one smile through soo much pain and agony u really inspire me to live upto my best! can u please pray for me i am having some typical teen problem these days which just feels bigger than life. can u please pray to god that he makes me like u and gave me ur strength.
P.S U r really lucky to have such a sweet boyfrnd i have one but he is always too busy for me. haha!
Hope u get well soon! Big Kiss. Elle
that can't be easy! get better.
Woow I can´t believe how fast and accident can happen... I really hope you get better quicker than normal, and that the scar desapper as well... Lot of kisses! Take care!!!
Kandee, I admire your huge smile and beautiful face in these pictures, and I'm lovin' that Hello Kitty bag too!!! Your positive attitude is commendable. Feel better soon!!!
I am so glad that you are so optimistic about everything! That is what's going to help the healing process go a lot quicker for you! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are a very important person to this world.
My good Kandee!!! You quite literally just made me cry!!! lol. But a good kind of cry, not the sad kind!!! You're in pain, you almost severed your leg off, and yet you think of all the precious infants, and other people who are suffering. You are the kindest, and most beautiful person inside and out!!!
Hope you have a speedy recovery!!!
oooch! i never left comments on your blog, although reading it so often and watching all your videos.. but i just want to send you a huge vibe of love and courage and you do have so much courage already!
and sicne i'm writing a comment: i'd like to tell you that you helped me pursue my of being a makeup artist, gp ahead an dget in a great school in paris, too bad if it's expensive.. i'm starting in october and i can't wait :)
thanks so much for what you are, and please recover soon!
I hope that you feel better Kandee, I really do!! And I definitely will cross my fingers for those who don't know what they are going through, I have a son who has cancer and yesterday he received a bone marrow transplant, and just like other little ones, he is not sure why all these things are happening to him. Hope all goes well for you. :)
BE GRATEFUL. Smile. Many are in wheelchairs every single day and don't ever have a chance of leaving them. Some are KIDS. :*( Count your blessings. :) You are going to be just fine. I know it doesn't make your leg hurt worse, but know that you have much much more than so many others and many would pay a million dollars to have what you have. :)
HiHi!! i have been watching your videos and reading your blog for a couple of months and i love you so much!! and i know a song thats going to get you in a happy mood no matter what. it's called "Drummer Boy" by Debi Nova (don't be fooled by the name it's not a christmas song)Debi is from Costa Rica and i love this song sooo much, i just can't stop listening to it! i hope this helps, i also hope that your leg feels better.
keep up your positive attitude, you are an inspiration
Wow Kandee! I am so sorry this happened to you. I pray for your speedy recovery and also pray for all others who are in pain :(
On a good note, I wanted to tell you that I love your blog and follow it all the time. I started my own blog and received my very first award. I'm sure you've received millions, but I'm passing my award on to you!
Visit my blog at
to claim it!
Keep up the good work and get well!
Well your still stylish and pretty as always! Keep smiling and Hope you have a super fast recovery!!!
You are in so much pain and still find a way to doll yourself up and look gorgeous as always! I hope you heal and get well soon! Much love ~HEATHER~
Good Luck with the recovery :D
I'll pray your fast recovery
Dearest Kandee~ You are so brave and strong and I adore how you can keep smiling even though you are suffering from so much pain! Wishing you a very speedy recovery and much Love..
You are really strong Kandee. The pictures were so scary, but it's amazing how easy you take all this. I'm really impressed. Just keep fighting, and hopefully you get better really soon.
Lots of hugs // your Swedish fan Sylvia.
Speedy recovery, peace and hugs to you!! :)
I wouldnt ever wish for something like that to happen to anyone especially not you! :( I hope your leg is doing ok i'll be praying for a speedy recovery! you still look beautiful in your bandages!! :D
good to know you're ok, Kandee!! =)
your amazing kandee. i cant believe that your still smiling after all you've been through. i know i wouldnt be... thats probably why your so amazing. you keep your head up high and you seem like such a down-to-earth and genuine person, you inspire me kandee, i hope to be like you somedayy :)
Get Better Soon, Your in our prayerss
Kandee you seriously make me want to study medicine even more!! I am 17 years old now, and in something less than three months (hopefully) I will be starting my career...
My (sort of) main reason to do this amazingly complicated trip, is just to help people. If one day I can be able to help someone as amazing as you, I will surely know that all my time studying that hard has been compensated :).
I pray to God for your quick recovery, don't worry about it. I also hope that you may read this message, and if it even makes you a bit happy then my mission is reached :D . Thank you for getting my hopes up in medicine, I will surely be one of the BEST (girl)surgeons ever!! just for people like YOU :D
Thank you for being my inspiration in SO much in my life, and again, I hope you get better :D
Hey kandee, well i'll be praying for you, u always motivate people, here we are giving back to you, i know you will get well soon, eats lots of fruits and water for the wound. Keep up the cheerfulness thhough u in pain people say if u have positivity u'll heal faster
I'm sorry you were hurt and I'm sure you will recover quickly <3
I live everyday in massive amounts of pain from RSD, it's hard, extremely hard. Keep your mind occupied, listen to music, watch favourite movies/TV, read. Distraction seriously does help with stress and pain! As do relaxation techniques.
Keep smiling and focus on all the positive around you, I know from experience what is lost when you focus solely on the pain. Also don't overdo it...there's a balance beam you will be walking for awhile between too much and too little.
You are in my prayers, I pray you make a speedy recovery. You're such a kind and warm hearted person, everything will be okay.
Love from Antigua :)
I wish you well...I recently had a broken arm and it was awful; but now I would not have traded this experience for nothing: you learn who your friends are and it made me more thankful for having my limbs and you learn if people truly value you or what you can do for them. I lost some friends but I gained those who were "real". Take care now and wishing you the best.
Hey Kandee! I'll be praying for you and may you have a quick recovery. You have so much strength, you are such a strong woman! Rejoice in the Lord that he has given you this strength. (:
Oh and btw, I think your scar looks like the Nike, to follow after them "just do it," don't let this "obstacle" bring you down, continue on your path of life and have fun!
With much l<3ve,
God Bless!
Hi Kandee,
I am praying for a quick healing of your leg. There is no distance in prayer, so I am agreeing with you that your leg will heal quickly & will recover far better than expected! You are loved!
You are such a strong individual, thinking about others and their pain and not yourself. You are truly a blessing!!! The world needs more Kandees!
OMG Kandee!!!! I'm so sorry, this happened to you. It's not like you haven't been through enough already lately, geeez! Well, just know you and your family are in my prayers.
Love, Cupcake♥
I must say, it's remarkable that you can still keep a radiant smile on your face even after suffering such an injury. Keep up your inspirational blog postings, your friends and followers adore you.
You are so brave, warm hearted and amazing ! You're in my prayes and
all the little ones in the world
Keep on being you ! and follow your beautiful heart !
You are so brave, warm hearted and amazing ! You're in my prayes and
all the little ones in the world
Keep on being you ! and follow your beautiful heart !
Just wanna let you know that you're motivation keeps me strong when I am down, I have a little boy with cancer, and sometimes I just feel real blue and I log in to watch a video or something of yours to cheer me up.
thank goodness you're alright! I just read the post before about the accident, and the pictures look excruciatingly painful! You're so strong! I hope you heal fast and can get back to your feet as fast as possible!
You are beyond amazing. I have been looking up to you and in lo with you since i found you on youtube, but this only confirms it even more. You are so strong and admirable. Thank you for being you, and making me see it's ok to be me. My prayers for a lightening fast recovery (and painless one) are with you!
Hearts & love,
Well baby, you are amazing!
I love you Kandee sweet heart!
I was thinking though...
I know you were living a crazy life.. going to bed at impossible hours at night.
Please take this time to rest Kandee! You know that not enough sleep is very bad for the nervous system! I'm not saying that you have a nervous system problem!! hihi, but take care of yourself and rest super well (life is even beautifuller when you rest enough - I speak by experience... I used to be 'high on life' and get not enough sleep.. but it gets to you!)
Take care bb!
Hi Kandee,
I live in Amsterdam and am a huge fan ever since I watched you on Youtube. Monday evening during drinks with another make-up artist I was telling her how wonderful a person and artist you are. I was shocked to read and see the pics about your accident the next morning. I am glad you are doing better. Your big heart has more than enough love to share, also with your leg, so it will heal soon ;-)
Kandee!!! I am so sorry about your leg!! Girl you are a fighter and I have full confidence you be fine!! However I wil hope and pray that you have a speedy recovery and hope that your babies are safe and understand that their Mommy's going to be okay!! Love you bunches!! <3linz
dee �how do you feel today? I hope well. I saw the picture and pain me. Im soo sensible.
You're still smiling :)
I wish I could be as perky as you. I'm pretty perky most of the time, but I get sad in an instant and can't smile for days. You're so so so strong Kandee <33
... and you are still smiling! God bless you Kandee!
Oh my goodness Kandee! I'm just now getting around to reading this and all I can say is thank goodness you are ok! What a scary thing. Wow, I just can't get over those pictures...your poor little leg! I hope it heals quickly and with as little pain as possible. **HUGS** to you!!! <3
Wow Kandee, get well real soon!!! so glad to see you all optimistic and smiling after this horrible thing! and again, wish you a real fast recovery!
Poor sweet Kandee <3
Hi PRETTY!! I'm your fan, I live in Brazil, and like you and your work, I am also learning English with you hahahha.
I hope your leg gets better!
Get Manuka honey it is from new Zealand read about it on the internet what ever there has been lots of studies done about it. Its sooo amazing it will help you leg so much!
I love you cause you are into the health alternative stuff so please try this I sell it so i know how good it is.
Buy the highest grade you can find 20-25+ or medical grade which is the best and put it straint onto the wound the honey will do its magic and help you leg heal, it will scar alot less and it will not hurt when you change your bandage!
I think it America you can buy it online from
I Hope It Helps
Get better soon xo
Kandee you are a realLife HERO!God keep blessing you! ;)
Kandee, i hope you make a speedy recovery!God bless you and your injured leg and everyone you love!:)
I cannot believe you have the strength to think of others when you're in such pain! That's just amazing!
Hope you get well in no time!!
have a great Sunday!!
huge blessings for Kandee! (:
i love just the way that u never give up! take care Kandee! <33
I really hope you will get better soon :) i couldnt believe it when i heard
i love all your videos and i think that you're such an inspiration
Have a beautiful day ! xx
Oh Kandee~
I feel for you~
I twisted my ankle once to the point where it almost broke.
And they had me on crutches for a month.
Here's what you should do to make the crutches less painful, my mom did this for me;
since you already have cushions, try to go to a fabric store and get some soft fabric, it won't cost a lot since you don't need a lot.
try to find some cotton too, or some kind of squishy, bearable material and sew it, or attach it somehow to your crutches.
It helps to not move around alot~
Feel better!
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