Tuesday, April 13, 2010

little blessings....

13 years ago...I welcomed this lil' baby into the world...I was 18 years old.
Many people said that all my dreams were over, I'd never be able to do all the things I wanted to do.
In my heart I wanted to prove them wrong, and part of my heart, felt sad, that maybe they were right.
And while other "kids" my age were out partying, I was home, taking care of my lil baby, who I adored. Many things in my life at that time were not good, I was in a bad relationship (i had gotten married when I was 17, and it wasn't because I was pregnant, it was because I was too young to get married...ha ha ha)...
When Jordan was 2, I went to beauty school...my mom watched Jordan for me. I thought I wanted to be a hair dresser, a platform artist like the ones that worked for Paul Mitchel. I realized in beauty school, that I really loved make-up! I went to a hairshow right before I graduated, met a make-up artist, that asked if I wanted to work on a movie...and what was so inspiring was that he was a single dad, that had full custody of his daughter. He raised her on set, in fact the movie that I worked on with him...she was there on the set, everyday!
I was encouraged! When I lived in LA, Jordan went to some photo shoots with me, that friends I was working with had approved of him being there. He always charmed people with his artistic skills and wit.
Just when I thought that my dreams were slipping away from me even more, little did I know, that all the steps that I thought were going backwards.....God was actually pulling me back, just like a "catapult" or slingshot....(they have to go backwards....but then they launch whatever they're holding...so far ahead of anything else!)....to put me in a place that even I didn't know I could dream of.
I could touch people's hearts, encourage their dreams, and give hope to precious hearts that feel like all hope is gone. I can be a friend, someone, maybe one voice that can keep your dreams alive.
If you are a mama, and feel like you can't accomplish your goals....first, being a mom is the most amazing, honorable thing you'll ever do. It doesn't matter what people say about you or tell you, I've heard some of the most ridiculous things that people have said to me or about me...but the one thing is, God knows the truth, he knows what he has waiting for each one of us!
What people didn't know about that little baby, is that he wasn't the reason why I couldn't make any of my dreams come true, but that he would be the very reason that all my dreams would come true! If I had never had to make all the choices and sacrifices for my Jordan, I never would have been in the "real" place to start all my true dreams!
No matter what your life looks like, no matter what people tell you or say about you, what God has planned for you...and what he says, if far for important than anything, circumstance, or person that says anything otherwise!
typed with love to all my precious kandee family....xoxo kandee


loveaudrey said...

My story is similar to yours. I fell pregnant unexpectedly at 21 and everyone thought that was it for me. I never understand the fact that people assume that the way in which children change our lives is negative. My life changed for the better. I was motivated to finish my studies and go to University. I graduated earlier this year with a first class degree. I gave birth to my 2nd child, my gorgeous son, right before my finals.

Having children didn't stopped me doing anything, it made me more determined to suceed. You're posts are always so inspiring, Kandee, thank you.


noracarolin said...

LOVE YOU KANDEE! God bless you!
huuuuge love and hugs from finland!

Yvonne said...

hey kandee...you have a very beautiful son. :) i just wanna let you know that i'm a big fan of yours and i love your makeup tutorials. i was wondering if you could do a dramatic eye makeup tutorial? i'm turning 21 soon and my friends are throwing me a party. i'm hoping that i can ask you for help on my makeup! thanks! :) xoxo.

Unknown said...

Sweet "kandee for thought." Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your positi outlook on life! it's truly inspiring!

Sylvia said...

AWWWWW your a great person kandee and you give me hope everyday when im feeling down. you make me relise thaet everythin happends for a reason and im greatful for thattt thnak you for encoursging me and giving me hopeee XX your also an amazimg MUM
come to the UK we love you here :)

Sparklz and Shine said...

What a beautiful post. I love the picture of the catapult. x

priyanka said...

Jordan is blessed to have a mom like you.. i just started following your site yesterday and the first post i read here is this.. not in a very great phase of life myself and i feel its Gods way to tell me that difficult times are about to get over.. God bless.. :)

Live/Love/Life said...


Noelle Garnier said...

This is such a wonderful message. It reminded me that in all kinds of situations we can look for what God is doing, not just be sad about how it hurts. I love how you are willing to share your experiences with other people to encourage them!
Have a sparkly day, God bless!
Kandee fam little sister

Noelle Garnier said...

Your baby is so sweet, and you are such an amazing mama!

Morning said...

Thank you for that precious post, Kandee!

Noelle Garnier said...

Another thing, Kandee ... your message reminds me of the song "You're Not Alone" by Meredith Andrews.

Anonymous said...

kandee...i really like the messages you put on your blog...you are very positive and you are inspiring a lot of people everyday esp myself...there's a very good reason why you have been talking abt these things lately and i want to tell you that,anytime you spend praising God and assuring other people that God is good,is gonna be rewarded...your best is yet to come...you are a good woman...and you should continue thanking God just like we are doing for the encouragement you give us everyday...xxx

Anonymous said...

Truly inspirational Kandee. You inspired me on how you pursued your dreams, even with a little one n your hands.

Emily H. said...

this is very beautiful...thank you!! <><

foodislove said...

that's a lovely post, kandee =)
you're right about if u had never make all the choices and sacrifices for your little jordan, you would never be where you are today. you would embark on a totally different path leading to elsewhere ! and oh, i love reading your blog and watching your youtube channel. yep, i'm a fan. keep doing what you're good in, kandee!

much love,

Anonymous said...

Beautifull story, sounds like you've been through a lot.. And look at you know, the strong version of yourself!!

My Compliments, x

Unknown said...

Wow, Thanks for sharing Kandee! From where you were struggling 13 years ago to where God has put you NOW! SO cool! Amazing what God can do in peoples lives when we Follow Him.

Eden Angel said...

Thanks for sharing this Kandee. I don't have a baby but I feel like I'm in a negative place. But like you said, it might be an essential and beneficial step of my journey. I'll try and remember that.



Erin Gutierrez said...

Thanks! This was so inspiring! Love you Kandee!!!! =)


jesssala said...

Thank you sharing this Kandee. I don't have any kids, but next time I complain about not having enough time to reach my dreams I will think of you. I'm going to print out your blog and put it in my inspiration journal.
Abrazos y que Dios la bendiga,
Jessica from Ohio

amyjordanx said...

Hey Kandee! I only descovered your amazing videos a few weeks ago but now im hooked! You always cheer up my day!☺ Your latest blog about your son is so sweet & has given me ALOT of encouragement as i also have a son who is 11 months old(called Taylor) & i am running my own business (A Tanning & Beauty salon). I have to bring Taylor to work with me too! The last year has been the toughest in my life & im still working my backside off to make it work, my shop got hit real bad with the recession & im still trying to keep my head above the water, everyone keeps telling me to give it up & close my shop down but i dont want to, i know i can do this & make it work, i just have to put every part of my heart & soul into it & beleive in it & i know that one day my time will come & all my hard work will pay off & i will be able to give my son a better life, just like you have! I hope that my time in the slingshot will be coming to an end soon & that i will be catapulted into a better place! You are so talented Kandee, not just for your make up but as a person you have a natural gift of lifting peoples spirits & encouraging them to do better for themselves! If there was more people like you in the world it would definately be a better place! Thank you, Amy x

Paiger said...

Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your story and for being such a great example of what a Godly women's heart looks like.

Monica said...

You're amazing, Kandee and I'm so glad I found your videos on YouTube. You are warm, talented, loving and kind and I am so glad to be in your extended family. I hope my support of what you do helps lift you higher to help you reach those goals that you continue to work for. Sending you love, Monica Akemi.

Abbey Eden said...

God bless you! So true! We mom´s need encouragement, cuz so many times we feel like we aren´t doing anything important, but that is such a lie cuz we are taking care of the future.
Keep up the good work! lot´sa love.

Trina Y. said...

what a wonderful story!

You are so blessed!


Anonymous said...

Lovely words x

Miss Dress Up said...

Thanks for the "spurring" to keep reaching for the highest goal which is the goals the Lord has for me. It's hard to keep going sometimes. We have a 9 year old son with severe Autism and mild mental retardation who we adopted as a toddler. Sometimes I feel like I will never do what God has called me to do. I have to stay home a lot because we can't just "hire a sitter" for him etc. So this reminder is always welcome and helps me stay focused and keep reaching. Thanks and God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll post a picture of my Antuan on your facebook for you to see how awesomely cute he is. Love ya, Nicole

Unknown said...

this is so inspiring! I had my first baby when I was 19 and Im thinking of going to school next month..but there always seems to be something in the way..but I won't give up. love reading your blog! it makes my day!

Anonymous said...

You're amazing Kandee. You stood tall though so much criticism and so many put downs and yet, here you are. This is why you are so inspirational to so many people.

You don't give up even when it seems like the whole world is rooting against you. I love you Kandee =]

Kristyn Elise said...

Very Sweet! Happy Birthday Jordan!

A Moment in Time Photography by Debi said...


GuGhostAB said...

God bless you .... Your big love to people make me smile ..... and i hope one day my dream come true too....
My dream is MAKE - UP,but ....


Lerayn said...

You're so inspiring Kandee. You are so lucky to be where you are today, you're truly blessed :)


L.C said...

darling kandee...i too am a mom. i am 27..my children are 5, 3 and 10months and i've been married 8 years. though i may have not walked in your shoes there is still something that rings true. there are times that you feel like this is all i will ever "do" laundry, diapers, cooking...all those mom things. like somehow (I) got lost in the midst of it. thank you for always being encouraging and sharing your experiences...that we can always rise above our circumstances to the next level. and not all is lost.

Morgan Bo said...

this is beautiful. We're proud of you, Kandee!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You are an inspiration - for those with children and without. Your happiness is contagious. It's a wonderful compliment to say you are a ray of sunshine in a world full of clouds - and that is exactly what you are Ms. Kandee.

Anonymous said...

kandee that picture is soo cute of your little boy.

this post is inspiring. thank you for letting us into your personal life like that :)

Andee Layne said...

beautifully put! good for you xooxox

Kitty Mae Packard said...

You are amazing. Your words inspire me and give me hope. It's a blessing just to know that there are still people like you out there in the world!

NicolaCosmeticsmile-x said...

Such an inspiring post thank you, well done on everything youve achieved & That picture of jordan is adorable :)


Margara said...

Happy birthday to jordan! what a beautiful blessing :)

Teresa said...

I know you hear this all the time, but your story is soo inspiring.

Marly said...

Dearest Kandee,
Your story is truly inspiring. You're like wonder woman! Thank you for sharing this(: Keep up the awesome work.

FrAnCeScA *Cesca* said...

You touched me with this post. I had my son when I was 20 and I'm 23 now.....horrible situation with his father so I do it all on my own..but he's the best thing that has ever happened to me and because of him I go to school..i work hard and i keep fighting for everything little thing I want in life...HE is what pushed me to move forward and chase my dreams no matter what..i do everything for him and i make sure it's all with him in mind......you're an amazing artist....a wonderful mother..and seem to to be an awesome human being all around lol...keep up the good work.. :o)

idk said...

Lovely post

Unknown said...

Hey girl, I am pretty much a single mother and I can definitely relate to this post. I'm currently taking steps to get into Law School and my lil one is my motivation. A lot of people are amazed and surprised by my accomplishments thus far, and I owe it all to my baby girl. Yes...we make sacrifices, yes...our lives change, yes...we have people who don't believe in us but we also have our precious lil ones who keep us moving and keep us motivated.

BTW, I love your blog.

Stay strong and keep blogging :)

Sammie said...

Kandee, you inspire me.. You have no idea!
I'm 19 years old, and I just had a baby. And like you, while my friends are out partying, I'm at home caring for my little baby boy. But I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world. Honestly, my son makes me want to do better, for him. He makes me want to successful in anything and everything I do. I know my dreams are going to come true, because I have faith & hope. & You just prove that I can do anything I set my mind to.
You're truly amazing and completely inspirational. <3

Anonymous said...

You're such an inspiring person, Kandee :) Never change!

Cari said...

i am 25 yrs old and mother of two. i got my a.a. and dropped out due to my second pregnancy i had two years left to receive my b.a. and reading this is very inspirational. thank you. i have felt so bad about me dropping out of school just regretting having to take that choice but the circumstances at that time gave me no other option. kandee, thank you once more for caring for your followers. may god bless you!


Av said...

Inspiring x

Blonde Mafia said...


Your SOOOOOO stinking inspiring!
Thats amazing. Most people would give up on their dreams when found in a tough situation and having to raise a young one at a young age themself. Thats what makes you that much more incredible, you KNEW and kept faith that God had a HUGE plan for you. I hope to be A LOT like you one day. No just like you because God all made us individual and unique but I hope to pour out love and inspire and help like you have helped me SOOOOO much.

It was honestly the Lord how I found you. I was just on youtube watching some random video and then you popped up. And boy have you been a TRUE FRIEND and A LOT of help and encuragement through the roughest past 4 months I have ever experienced. I honestly think everyone in the world should have a friend like you.

Its amazing how much you inspire each and every one of us and more than hald of us havent even ever met you.

I feel like a drug addict. I constantly check your blog just to hear something positive. SOOOO I have started my own positive filled blogged that I hope will touch others like you have us.

Bama Girl


Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,

Thank you for sharing your life experience and how you turned it into such a sucess! I will surly keep your words close to me as an inspiration so I can contine to keep my spirit high.

In my case I just feel like damn close to age 30, I finally discovered that I have a passion for makeup/photography and now taking the next steps in my life there is always a door that stands in my way. I just continue to leave it in prayer.

Thanks again.

Freddy and Mandy said...

Hooray for motherhood! I have 3 as well Kandee (all under the age of 4!) I'm so grateful for my talents in makeup and dancing. They help keep me sane in the crazy times! You're awesome!

Anonymous said...

your posts are always so inspiring and heartfelt Kandee. Thank-You. :)

Krista Heiser said...

What a lovely message. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I love this post and Jordan is beautiful. thank you for sharing all your private things with us!! you're such an amazing person I really love you with all my heart!! you encourage me so much to follow my dreams when nobody really believes in me. you have a big heart I wish I could be like you! you're such a loving person!!! love you kandee xoxo

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Thanks for sharing Kandee.

...sometimes I dont know how to reach my dreams... I dont know which way to go... which path should I choose. All paths seem dark and very difficult and hard to go through...

Siegle and Company said...


Writings From the Heart said...

Just wanted to let you know that it is my brothers birthday today too. He is turning 28, but my mom was a young mom too, and I think that her story is amazing. There is too much detail to write it all here. It is amazing how God works in difficult situations.

BRISH said...

I'm 18 years old now, and I don't know what I would do if I found out I was pregnant.
You are an inspiration to all young mothers, and women of all ages.
You seem like an incredibly confident and happy person, but I feel like there is something deeper.
I only encourage you to not only be honest with your fans, but yourself as well. Life is a battlefield, and we all know that. I'm so very glad to see that you make the best out of it. You have touched peoples lives in positive ways and are truly your own person.. For that, you deserve all the respect the world has to offer.
Including mine.

- Adrianna,
New Brunswick, Canada.

sarah said...

Kandee, thank you for this. I needed it. SO much. You continually inspire me.

A also write on a blog, and just after i read here, I went and wrote on my own...I talked about you as well as quoted from this blog post...I hope you don't mind...you can see the post at this link :

Thank you soo much again!!

Momoko Plush Tattooed Mom | Beauty and craft! said...

I hope you're right :(

Anonymous said...

I'm a single Mom. I feel exactly how you've felt. I have dream killers in my life, but they only make me stronger. I'm determined to accomplish my goals. I'm determined to be the best mom and best provider for my son. Times have been tough... real tough. But I don't consider it a breakdown, I consider it a break through. I look forward to attending Glaminars this Saturday. It is a stepping stone for me. I'm on my way...

award said...

i became a mommie at 18 years old too - so many things about my life changed and people still till this day when i'm having a hard time will throw it in my face... i'm going to school full time for my degree after working two jobs for for TWO YEARS and not getting anywhere. Sometimes i think school isn't the answer either but i hope one day it won't be so freaking hard. i admire you even more now - you really are living proof things can happen. i hope they do for me. :)

Hachimitsu said...

Kandee, your post is awesome. Thank you so much for your constant inspiration and motivation that up lifts me. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out.

Dorothy Smith said...

absolutely beautiful.<3

Elizabeth Donskaya said...

amen sister. you stick it to those fools who tell you a child is a mistake, that is a common reaction but you are doing wonderfully!

Chloe Rae said...

What an inspiring post!

Michelle Ortiz said...

What a lovely post Kandee. I am new to your blog and you give me such inspiration. I am a makeup artist and photographer and a mother to 2 beautiful girls aged 2 and 3. I am a bit older than you are now and sometimes people will try and tell me my dreams of working full time in my field are just that "dreams" but i will continue to work at it until i succeed. Thank you for a great start to my day today and for your wonderful self. xx If you want to check out my blog on photography feel free atelierstudios.blogspot.com. I am currently doing my makeup blog so it is a bit raw at the moment it is michelleortizmakeup.blogspot.com. I will understand you are too busy so i dont expect you to look.

Rhia said...

I welcomed my firstborn on this day 12 years ago! Happy birthday, Jordan and Shelby! I also married young, a year younger than you. I have been blessed with an amazing husband and we have been married for almost 15 years. I also, WASN'T pregnant. LOL!
Thank you, Kandee, for inspiring so many women and mothers to follow their dreams!

Aberdeen said...

Awwww...what a cute little boy!

Thanks for sharing, Kandee...you are amazing xo

Barbie said...

Love it! And happy birthday to Jordan!

Glad you found a love for makeup too! :)

Ari said...

Your are such a inspiration to me kandee. Reading your blog posts ever day teach me so much. Love you xo

aprilbone said...

He's is just precious! I just want to squeeze him!

jbfan&cameos'mom said...

He's so adorable! You are so strong Kandee!

Anonymous said...

I agree Kandee, just because you have a big responsibility as of having a kid that does not give any one a reason to give up on life. YOur so inspiring

lexiee said...

love you kandee.
lots of love always.

Chelsea said...

this is very inspiring kandee, i bet there's a lot of girls who are young, and pregnant or already had their baby that are filled with courage because of this. :) that picture of jordan as a baby is soo adorable too! :) kandee has beautiful babies! :D

earth said...

Oh my gosh, how cute is he!!! :) You are so amazing, Kandee!

Unknown said...

OMG!!! I feel like God made me read your blog today...I said just about everything i needed to hear!!! My mom says that sometimes God talk to us through somebodyelse.
It just happened!!

Unknown said...

wow....my story is very similar! except the part where, I am not working on movies or celebrities lol..i wish , i hope its coming soon, but i also got married and pregnant at 17 had my son at 18 and i went to cosmotology school and specialized in makeup, I do hair and makeup but my true passion is makeup, I just dont understand why there is people out there that want to ruin your dreams, and in my situation i though family was supposed to be there for you , your support system? no they are not they are probably the people that doubt i will ever get anywhere in life and sometimes you do wanna give up its so much pressure, being a wife, mom, working-for money, working doing what you love(2 seprate jobs), cleaning cooking, etc. I want to be succesful so bad but it seems like sometimes its just not gonna happen, and I know people that it kinda just fell on there lap. Kandee i know you hear this all the time but you truly are inspirational, everytime i read your blog its like you are guessing what I'm going through, you are my role model...god bless

Anonymous said...


Married at 17 wow, thats how old i am now.. i have e bf that ive been goin out with for two years now but im to young, plus i think you need to know someone a bit longer than two years.
- please show some photos of you at 17/18 i would love to see you at my age!
that would be awesome!

thank you
love Ashleigh lilley
from New Zealand

Crimson Vixsyn MUA said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful words you bless us with. You are the best.... You give me strength to stand up each day!!!

zian said...

that was amazing.. my heart melt when i read your story and i almost cry (haha, i just realized that i was at work).. you're such an inspiration.. i wish i could be like you in some sort of way.. you are very good person that's why God never stop helping you.. thank you for being an inspiration

Tiffany said...

I love that little face! He is so precious, I'm so proud of you for being a momma--toughest job there is!
I'm so blessed to have you as my big.

Madeleine said...


THANK YOU for opening your BIG and LOVING Heart to all of us here in kandeeland and designing such uplifting and exciting tip-filled videos that brighten our days and leave us encouraged. Your passion just sparkles through and is extremely contagious along with the smiles you eternally share. You are a true inspiration to all of us with your creativity. You teach with such ease and grace, I have to pull myself away from watching. You make me want to study make up and pursue it as a career and to try and stand up for what I believe in and not be embarrassed even if people try to tell me to think otherwise. Watching your videos has given me a more positive outlook on life and a daily lift that makes me feel confident to take on the day which can be really hard to handle at times. You are always so positive and influential that you are a true role model to so many. Your expertise is amazing and it is so special to have someone like you, that is out there sharing the love of beauty with everyone. You are a beautiful person inside and out and I am so happy to finally realize that even with life's limitations sometimes, life can be beautiful too if you just do what you love. Thank you for your everlasting words of encouragement, your true beauty and for sharing your valuable talent as an artist. May your heart shine on and internally glow.. Hugs..

Sometimes watching your videos makes me cry because you bring such hope with your art to my heart and many other girls as well. Please don't ever change you bring true happiness to Kandee fans everywhere it just wouldn't be the same without you... Wishing you all the best!!
I have been watching you everyday for a week straight now and I am sooo happy for finding you when I did :) I know you get zillions of emails like this, but here is a small one to show my deepest appreciation of all you have done and the warm impression you have made on my heart, soul and spirit...MANY THANKS...

Some looks that came to me while watching your videos:
-Fairy/Pixi look (glittery)
-Angel/Devilish Look
-Mermaid Look
-Retro Barbie

And maybe a short video on:
-Extra glossy lips ( Looks like candy ... saw in a MAC ad)
-Tiger Eyeliner ( Thicker and on top and bottom of eye)

Thank you for all you do...

P.S Your lil' Jordan is Adorable and very special to have you as a mama :) You are a strong woman!!! You Go GURL!!! SHINE ON!!!


Maria Magcauaus said...

Thank you for the nice sweet post about your son and your inspiring story!

I was like you, got pregnant, got married young and all that shebang, and people thought that was the end of me too, a lot of people made fun of me because I was a wreck! Until I realized that what they say won't have any effect on me if I stop listening to them, and I'm glad that I did. I am currently in college, taking up summers for advance class for Computer Science - I just love working with computers (and blogging!). I work at home teaching English to Koreans, and other virtual admin stuff that I could do. If I'd look back and see what I would have become had I listened to them, yeah I might be just a total wreck of a person. Glad that I had these "a-ha" moments. ^___^

Tinkerbell said...

You seed: What people didn't know about that little baby, is that he wasn't the reason why I couldn't make any of my dreams come true, but that he would be the very reason that all my dreams would come true! I can only add that I hope this will be trout for me to... I'm desperate and without a life, cot in a circle of bad things that happen to me... I sure hope that God dose have a plan with me :((

Rosy Soto said...

Thank you for sharing you're story Kandee, I was 19 when i had my child and I'm in a place where I'm finding who I'm and what I'm going to do. Thank you for letting me feel that everything is possible.

Houa said...

Your words are always amazing. :)

vs said...

God bless you.

Heffi said...

First of all: I LOVE U! hehe!
I love your videos and all your amazing energy.
Second: I've wondered for a long time how old you are. Cause you look really young, but you have a teenager son. Now i know ;) U look GREAT!

Huge hug (from a Norwegian fan)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, I loved this post :)

Lucy said...

You have A LOT of comments to read so I'll keep it short. THANK YOU for posting this. I just had a baby at 24 and I LOVE being a mama. But I also have big dreams for my life, my "career," etc. I do believe that women can have it all..it just takes lots of hard work and lots of dreaming.

Your story is inspiring. I am following your blog and I hope you can check out mine as well!


Colette S said...

Now this is the truth. It's great to see someone writing about this life from the inside and not just hearing someone on the outside saying something they have no heart experience with.

You are very inspiring. I came over from my Sarah's blog.

Nadya Jaafar said...

Dear Kandee,
What a beautiful family you have. Malaysian Malays always believe that the presence of a child is always a blessing no matter what.

I have just stumbled upon you website & truly loving its contents. Keep it up & kisses to handsome boy!

floreal said...

What an inspiring story...it shows that with grit and determination and a positive attitude...one can achieve anything..ANYTHING!

I am your new FAN..not just because your your success..but your good heart!



Jhen said...

Hi Kandee! I didnt s=know you have a baby already! Geez, you look as fresh as new!

Unknown said...

WOW.that's really inspiring!

Unknown said...



honumaker1 said...

I just saw your gash. I've never seen anything so bad. I will be praying for you. Hope you get better soon. I bet you were a sweet patient. Take care Kandee.

Unknown said...

AMEN, Kandee! What a beautiful and affirming testimony!!!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful baby boy....you are truly a wonderful person :) hugs from singapore

elciaravi said...

First of all, what a BEAUTIFUL baby Jordan was....and now he's 13! I loved what you said about what a blessing he's been in your life.

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